How to teach children transcription in English. Disadvantages highlighted by old-school teachers

And it’s easy, quite often it takes several months, and all family members are involved in the learning process. If parents set out to instill foreign reading skills in their child and they have some basic knowledge of the language, then they themselves are quite capable. Reading is a very important component of knowing a foreign language. Ability to read English language will undoubtedly be useful to your child:

  • to effectively master a variety of information and expand your horizons;
  • will facilitate active immersion in the language space, mastery of speaking, writing and listening skills;
  • will expand lexicon, as well as the scope of their use, will help consolidate the words covered.

It is known that acquired English reading skills are retained for several years - even in the absence of practice.

Learning to read English needs to be given special attention, not just the time left over from practicing colloquial speech. Some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Once a child is already familiar with reading skills in general, it will be easier for him to learn to read in English. If he knows how to add letters, and also reads in his native language at least syllable by syllable, he can start reading foreign languages. Learning will proceed naturally, and the results will last for a long time.
  2. Before starting to learn to read, it is necessary for the child to learn a certain number of words in English by ear and understand their meaning.
  3. First you need to spend some time developing oral speech, especially if you have not yet started mastering reading in your native language. If your child began to learn to read in kindergarten or school, or if he will soon start learning to read, you can start learning to speak and read English at the same time.

Experts advise first learning how to pronounce a word, and then learning how to spell it. This will be useful for pronunciation and reading.

Where to begin

First you need to learn the English alphabet - we study English letters, and not necessarily in alphabetical order. We start with letters that are found in English words already familiar to the child. Letters and sounds can be taught using cards, cubes, finding them in a book, or drawing them on paper.

To learn the alphabet:

  1. We study several letters at a time - remember how the letters are read and written, use them in words.
  2. We note that individual letters in the alphabet and in the word used may sound differently - we master the sounds that they convey. You should not demand from your child that he remember all the sounds within a short time, it is enough to first learn the basic vowels, as well as consonants. During the training process, he will gradually become familiar with different options sound. Some difficulties may arise with letters that are spelled the same as Russian letters and are read differently in English (P, H, C and some others), as well as with some combinations of consonants (sh, th). There is no need to rush - an understanding of the patterns can come to the child over time.

Since the pronunciation of individual letters in the English language differs in different words, in order for the child to naturally learn to pronounce them, you need to start with simple and one difficult words, acting on the principle “from simple to complex.” The learned letters need to be reinforced in a playful way - putting sounds into short words.

Next, you will need to smoothly move on to reading more complex words so that the child reads the whole word and remembers it completely. It is necessary to ensure correct pronunciation. You can also use audio recordings for the exercises. The child can read and pronounce words along with you or the speaker. Very important are regular workouts under the supervision of parents (or a tutor), as well as a sufficient amount of exercise.

For effective learning The child needs to understand what he is reading about. Try to control your understanding of the meanings of words and text. Let the child tell you what he read about. If he does not understand the meaning of the sentence, let him translate the words with you.

Before you start reading, remind your child to try to understand the meaning of the text read. Over time, after such exercises, children begin to at least partially understand the meaning of the material covered, and then the nuances. At the same time, do not try to speed up the pace of reading; first you need to practice correct reading and good English pronunciation of words. Reading speed in itself is not important, but matters only in conjunction with reading comprehension.

Auxiliary materials

There is enough a large number of various methodological manuals, materials, exercises with which you can teach your child to read in English.

You may need:

  • English alphabet in pictures;
  • flashcards for study English letters and words;
  • magnetic alphabet, cubes;
  • paper english cards(flash cards) – they can be purchased or downloaded on the Internet;
  • educational coloring pages with letters and syllables;
  • workbooks for learning to read - with exciting tasks that develop thinking and memory;
  • children's books in English - preferably with many pictures, printed in large font, with easy-to-understand texts.

In addition, there are many computer and board games for learning the English alphabet and learning to read, video lessons, whole series of educational cartoons for learning the language, as well as teaching reading in a fun way. Many children with great pleasure watch the adventures of funny characters, memorize letters and spelling of English words in a playful way, and learn to read syllables and entire words together with cartoon characters. This is quite a significant help for always busy parents. You can hang cards with English words written in large letters, around the apartment, and periodically change the theme.

Songs, rhymes, and riddles in English will definitely come in handy in learning the language. They will not only help the child and expand his vocabulary, but also contribute to the understanding of grammatical structures. While your child has not yet learned to read in English, you can do this for him by choosing simple and entertaining texts.

How to get your child interested in learning

The driving force of any learning is interest. Try with early age instill in your child a love of learning. The adult is required to unobtrusively and imperceptibly push his child in the right direction. You shouldn't ask for much in the first few months. The child needs to be allowed to get used to the direction that is new to him. The communicative game approach is very effective. Learning to read occurs in the form exciting game, through observation and association. Very important positive emotions and no reproaches for mistakes. If it doesn’t work out, it’s okay, we’ll figure it out together, correct the mistake and move on.

  • unobtrusively guide him in learning, as well as support him in every possible way;
  • don’t focus on mistakes, don’t pull them back, but guide and help figure things out;
  • do not force to study, but adapt to the child’s mood;
  • him even for small achievements;
  • motivate the child by engaging in game process learning - this way they will master any rules and patterns of reading unnoticed;
  • organize the learning process in natural conditions, comfortable and entertaining.

Many people who are just starting to learn this in-demand language often have difficulty learning how to read English. Similar problems are associated with difficult rules: multivariate pronunciation of some letters, the need to memorize associated language norms, the presence of a considerable number of exceptions. But you also have to combine them into words, and pronounce them quickly enough so that the meaning of the text does not slip away. Sometimes people who undertake such an endeavor feel almost despair, believing that they missed the right moment for learning in childhood. This is just a misconception - if you listen to some advice, they will cope with the task.

Learn to read English from scratch: starting from the basics

Those who have zero knowledge of this language will have to start getting acquainted with it from the alphabet. It is required to correlate the graphic design of each letter with its name. You can see the entire English alphabet and listen to the pronunciation of the names of the letters at this link. Understanding how to learn to read English correctly will not come without understanding the peculiarities of reading transcription. Knowing it, a person will be able to read any word or expression found independently in the dictionary. Sound transcription table.

How to learn to read English correctly: difficulties with vowels

The main difficulties in finding the correct pronunciation arise in connection with vowels. Consonants are usually pronounced approximately the same in all words, except for those cases when they occur in letter combinations, but even for those the transcription is not difficult to remember. With vowels it is much more difficult, since the methods of pronouncing them vary greatly depending on their proximity to other letters and the openness and closedness of the syllables. Key variations, with corresponding transcriptions, are provided on this website.

How to learn to read in English: regularly replenishing your vocabulary

Difficulties in learning to read English well will invariably beset those who prefer to make do with what they have. small reserve standard words and expressions, without trying to expand them. Last thing - required condition improving knowledge of a foreign language, increasing reading speed and understanding what is hidden behind a specific set of characters. Replenishment of the vocabulary occurs in the process of watching foreign films, listening to foreign musical compositions, and communicating with English-speaking foreigners. Exercise machines from Lingualeo will also help you learn new words.

How to quickly learn to read in English: improving grammar

Without mastering grammatical rules, it is difficult to fully understand what you read. Grammatical constructions create the basis, the skeleton of any text, onto which semantics is already strung. This circumstance certainly affects your reading speed. Written speech, unlike oral, does not do without complex grammatical structures. You need to know when and which one is appropriate. You need to consolidate what you have learned in practice - by regularly reading texts.

How to quickly learn to read English: a special electronic service

Those who want to learn to read English on their own usually face one common problem: reading books involves constantly looking into dictionaries, which turns the process into torture instead of pleasure. To avoid this, you should switch to electronic English-language books, the text of which must first be run through this service. After an express analysis of the content, it will help you understand which verbal constructions are most common and will provide translations of unclear words/phrases.

How to learn to read and understand English: the ability to analyze

One of the keys to improving reading skills is understanding what the text says. We must learn to feel the logic of the language, the peculiarities of the construction of its phrases, and semantic nuances. If an understanding of the meaning is achieved, it is not necessary to translate the sentences for yourself. It is worth picking up phrases characteristic of a foreign language in the books you read, striving to remember them and using them in oral speech on occasion. Helps to consolidate them in memory

English is an international language. It can be useful for an adult in various areas of life. English became especially relevant with the advent of computers, so in many in general educational institutions Language learning begins in first grade. Schools often teach large volumes of information that are difficult to digest. Many parents, when preparing their child for school, think about the need to teach him to read English. How quickly your son (daughter) will master this language depends on the quality and completeness of the parents’ knowledge.

English being international language, 100% will be useful in life, and it is better to teach it from childhood, when the child’s consciousness is most receptive to new things, and this can be done at home

Parents should be confident in their own knowledge, so as not to mislead the child with erroneous pronunciations, when independently teaching the child the basics of English at home.

Learning languages ​​trains a child’s memory, improves speech skills, and increases vocabulary. English is basic language. After mastering it, other foreign languages ​​are easier to learn.

How to teach reading in English?

According to scientists, children preschool age capable of almost instantly “absorbing” information, copying sounds and intonation. But how to teach a child to read English? Teaching a little fidget a foreign language from scratch is not easy, but if the parents succeed, the child can easily enter any educational institution that requires high requirements to potential students.

It will be easier for your child to study in a class with in-depth study of foreign languages.

The optimal age to start learning English is 5 years. Classes should not be too long (an hour a day) so that the child does not become overtired. The result of the training will be visible only after 1-2 months.

  • If among your friends there are native speakers of the dialect and the baby can communicate with them often, then he will master foreign language faster.

Learning to read even in your native language is not easy and takes a lot of time. But what better baby reads in his native language, the easier it will be for him to learn to read in a foreign language. If the child has not mastered reading his native speech well, parents should not rush to teach him to read texts in a foreign language.

In Russian, children learn to read syllables. This method is not suitable for reading English. In some general educational institutions, they learn to read whole words at once without learning the alphabet. This approach can teach gifted children with well-developed visual memory to read, but for the average child this method is ineffective.

Stage one

Teaching English in the form of an entertaining game allows children to quickly grasp the basics of the language

First you need to introduce your child to the English alphabet, teach him to recognize and pronounce the letters of the English language. The baby must learn to associate the images of letters with sounds.

Transcription- This is an image of the sound denoting a letter on paper. Previously in many educational institutions the study of transcription was given increased attention. Today it is not taught in schools.

English, like any other language, has its own characteristics, so in the process of learning the alphabet you will have to face some difficulties:

  1. Individual letters in English can be read differently depending on their location in a word: G (as “j” and as “g”), S (“s” or “k”), S (“s” or “z”) "), Y (“ay”, “and” or “th”) and others.
  2. Some letters of the English alphabet are completely identical in appearance to letters in the Russian language (P, A, H, X B and others). A child may confuse them due to different pronunciations.
  3. Combinations of two specific letters give a completely different sound (sh, th, etc.).

If your child has recently learned the Russian alphabet, it will be difficult for him to readjust, and remembering letters that are similar in both languages ​​will be especially problematic. Only repeated repetition will help the child cope.

You can learn the English alphabet in the same way as the Russian alphabet. For this, bright colored cards with letters are used, special musical rugs with the alphabet are designed to interest the baby, you can draw letters on paper yourself, and show them in English books.

After your child has completed all the letters of the English alphabet, you need to spend several lessons consolidating the acquired knowledge. The mother can show the child cards with letters so that he can name them out loud.

Stage two

Pictures with captions in English help to better understand and remember the meaning of the word

You need to start educating your child from the very beginning. simple words: dog, cat, box, fox, love, man, etc. You need to move on to learning long, complex words gradually so that the child is less confused about letters and combinations that are written one way and pronounced differently.

Having mastery of the English alphabet and knowledge of the simplest words, a child can put individual letters into words, as in the Russian language.

You can study words in the same way as you studied words in Russian. The child needs to point to surrounding objects, animals, plants and voice their names in English. This can be done at home, on a walk, at the zoo. The child will quickly remember everything and will soon begin to point his finger at the wolf, fox, tiger in the cage and say “wolf”, “tiger”, “fox”.

Read also: What should your baby be able to do at 3 months: tips and tricks

Stage three

At this stage, you need to go through long words with complex combinations of letters. At this time, it is important to control the child’s correct pronunciation of words.

The child must read short texts in English, but the main thing is not speed, but understanding of the material read. Ask your child to translate the words he read into Russian to make the reading meaningful. It is understanding that underlies the learning process. You cannot force a child to simply cram; he must understand the meaning of the phrases being spoken. At this stage, various audio recordings will be useful, from which the child can learn. correct pronunciation, repeating the words after the announcer.

To help your child learn English as effectively as possible, you should listen to these helpful tips:

  1. You need to purchase books in English for the little ones with many colorful pictures that can interest the baby, and in simple texts so that the child does not have difficulties reading and understanding them.
  2. To develop diction, it is worth inviting the child to read simple poems, tongue twisters, and listen to children's songs in the target language.
  3. To better assimilate the material, you need to actively use the game form of learning.

How to organize classes in a playful way? There are many options, such as playing with cards. Cards with bright drawings are laid out on the table. Each card depicts one object (table, book, cup) or animal (dog, cat, pig). Child reading English text and points to cards with words that he found in the material he read. For example, the sentence contained the word “orange” and the child should point to a card with a picture of an orange. This game allows you to combine the spelling of a word, its sound and visualization.

You can lay out toy animals on the floor, English names which the baby already knows. The mother names these animals in English, and the child looks for them and brings them. This game is fun to play with several children as they race to find the right animals.

Hello my dear.

Very often, parents want their children to learn English as soon as possible. And reading skill is far from the last place in this matter. But if in the Russian language it is clear on some intuitive level what needs to be done, then the English language is already a problem. So mothers turn to me for advice on how to teach their child to read in English.

And today I decided to answer all your questions: how to do it at home, how to do it quickly and correctly, and what exercises you should pay attention to first.

The most important thing before you start

To teach your child to read from scratch, you need to learn at least a few words in another language. Believe me, if you immediately sit down to learn to read, you will only get screams, hysterics and a wild aversion to learning the language in the future.

While you are still very young and have not entered 1st grade, simply learn new words together, memorize them by ear, and teach your child the sound of English words. It is important that he understands what the word he pronounces means.

Most educational institutions include a foreign language in their curriculum only when students enter 3rd grade. But it won’t be difficult for your child to start learning the basics immediately after entering 2nd grade.

By this point, he will have already been taught how to read correctly in his native language, he will understand that letters form certain sounds and form words. Believe me, in this case the learning will go much faster. By the way, if your child is already a schoolboy, I advise you.

Where to start!

If we talk about how to properly teach a child to read in English, then the most correct answer will be -. This should be done in the most interesting ways for the child: teach him with the help of songs, toy blocks or magnets, cards and coloring books - in general, everything that your imagination can reach.

But remember that letters and sounds are different things, especially in English. Therefore, when studying, pay attention to this Special attention. By the way, your child will quickly learn this point if it passes here is a course from LinguaLeo - Milana and I really liked it, so I recommend it - and you can also taste it!))

A method of teaching a child to read, which is called Phonics(Phonix). The gist of it is that your children do not learn letters separately from words. They learn the SOUND, which in most cases is formed by this letter. That is, they remember the letter “s” not as “es”, but as “s”. It’s like in Russian: we call the letter “em”, but pronounce it “Mashina”.

Remember, my dears, that all children are different and sometimes remember information for a very long time, so you should not rush your baby, much less move on to learning something new until you have mastered the previous material 100 percent!

If you want your child to develop their thinking at a super fast pace, you need to practice motor skills. It has long been known that any activity related to handmade, will have great importance for the mental victories of your children!

Nowadays new toys are constantly appearing on the market, many of which are clean water trinkets!!! Personally, I’m only for useful games! Therefore, I strongly advise you this is the thing for his future prodigy. Not only your child, but also you will absolutely love it. Enjoy your time!

The next stage after the alphabet is reading syllables. Tell your child how vowels connect with consonants, how much they are friends. And only then move on to the last stage - words.

Transcription is the basis

One of the most important points when learning a language both at school and at home, this is the correct transcription.

Transcription is graphic display of pronunciation(I dedicated it to her, where I sorted out all the icons, gave exercises with answers and shared the secrets of memorizing the signs of English transcription ) .

At first, it seems that it is simply unrealistic to read the transcription, because there are some incomprehensible “hooks and icons”. But I assure you, everything is much simpler. Below I will show you in the most detailed form how all the sounds of the English language are read. If you already know what the English alphabet sounds like, then you will be interested to see how the letters you already know are spelled out in transcription.

But in addition to the sounds that we know thanks to the alphabet, the English language also has sounds that are not shown in alphabetic letters, but are created by certain combinations of them. Let's look at their transcription and voicing in Russian speech ().

Unconventional way

There is another way to teach children to read. It is practiced both when teaching the native language and a foreign one. This method is to begin learning not from parts to the whole, but, on the contrary, from the whole to the parts, that is, from whole words to letters. I would recommend using this method with early childhood- from 3 years old. On you will find running English words for children (voiced), which, if desired, can be printed and used in the form of cards - this way the child will quickly remember not only their translation, but also the correct way to read.

This method is based on the child’s ability to associate a written word and an audible combination of sounds. And given the fact that children’s memory is usually many times better than our adult memory (if there is a moment of interest, of course!), this method can bring much faster results than the traditional one. I will definitely tell you more about it, but in a separate article. Subscribe to my blog so you don't miss out.

I can also recommend the book to you « Learn to read English» (wonderful author Evgeniya Karlova) - it perfectly combines usefulness and interest. Every parent will be able to teach their child to read English words, since the material is presented in a very accessible form.

Another one decent bookHow to learn to read English (M. Kaufman) . What is very remarkable is that in parallel with learning to read, acquaintance with the English-speaking culture occurs. This awakens the child’s interest and curiosity in the language... And interest, as you know, is already 50% of success! If not more...

Practice, practice and more practice.

Oh, how I love the practical parts. So today I have prepared for you some exercises with words that will help your child quickly master this difficult task - reading in English. The essence of the exercise is to group words by sounds. A child, reading a certain group of words, will remember the combinations of letters that he sees. Thus, a clear concept will be formed in his head of how this or that word is read. Of course, exceptions in English... are a dime a dozen, and it’s impossible to keep up with them all. Therefore, the more your child reads, the faster he will master correct reading.

say, may, lay, stay, way, pay, play

mate, fate, rate, late, gate

game, came, make, Kate

sun, fun, run, gun, cut, but, nut

twice, ice, rice, mice, ice

sit, pit, fit

fine, nine, mine, shine, line

not, spot, lot

gone, done

fork, cork

cope, smoke, rose, nose

here, mere, fear, tear

pure, cure, lure

mare, bare, dare, care

shy, sky, my, by, buy

And if you still have questions - and I’m sure that if you don’t have any, this moment, then they will definitely appear again - then welcome to the comments. I will be glad to explain to you everything that is unclear, dispel all doubts and help you understand even better how quickly.

Don't forget to subscribe for delicious portions of English!

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That's all for today.

Dear Guest! You have decided to start learning English and, of course, the first thing you want to know is how to learn to read English from scratch. It is believed that the most difficult thing in the English language is learning to read correctly. And it is true! The English language has a historical principle for the formation of words, so many words in it are read differently than they are written. Have you heard the phrase Why is it written Liverpool, and is pronounced Manchester??

And this article is for those who want to find out general outline, how to learn to read English from scratch on your own.

How to learn to read English from scratch?

1. Where to start? - English alphabet!

let's start from the English alphabet. First just listen to it:

ABC Song (classic British version)

* * *

So, you have heard all 26 English letters. Here english alphabet in tables. To enlarge, click on the picture.

TABLE 1: English alphabet(in block letters)

TABLE 2: English alphabet (capital letters)

The alphabet is given for informational purposes only; there is no need to learn it yet. Remember that only There are 26 letters in the English language, of which 20 are consonants and 6 are vowels. So let's get started!

2. How to learn to read English from scratch? Reading English consonants and their letter combinations

Those starting to learn English from scratch should understand that the sounds in the English language are radically different from the sounds in the Russian language, so it is especially difficult to “get started.” After all, first we need to accustom our mouth (articulatory apparatus) to English pronunciation, as phoneticians say, “set the pronunciation.” It's not easy, but it's worth it.

And for the rest, I’ll tell you that out of 20 English consonant sounds, there are those whose pronunciation almost coincides with similar consonant sounds in the Russian language (group I).

Group I. English consonant sounds similar to Russian:

Letters l, m, n.— Sounds

English letter L l- sound [l] - read as “l” (only hard, as in the word varnish and at the same time press your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth).

English letter M m- sound [m] - read as “m” (only clench your lips more tightly than when pronouncing the Russian “m”).

English letter N n- sound [n] - read as “n” (only press the tongue not against the teeth, as in Russian, but against the tubercles above the teeth, higher than the teeth and stronger!)

Imagine! Of the 20 English consonant sounds, there are only 3 sounds whose pronunciation you don’t need to worry about. But the remaining 17... may cause a Russian accent! However, you can learn to read them correctly YOURSELF!

Group II. English consonant sounds, incorrect pronunciation causes Russian accent:

The English language lacks letters that convey some sounds, for example, Russian “sh”, “ch”, as well as the interdental sound “s”. These sounds are expressed using letter combinations. There are 4 such letter combinations in total.

Reading English letter combinations:

1. Letter combination sh -

Letter combination sh read as the sound "sh". In transcription this sound is designated [∫].

Letter combination ch reads as a hard "ch" sound. In transcription this sound is designated.

Letter combination ck read as the sound "k". In transcription this sound is designated [k].

4. Letter combination th -

Letter combination th read [Ɵ] or [ð]. There is NO such sound in the Russian language. Learn pronounce the letter combination TH correctly.

4. Letter combination qu -

TOTAL you studied 4 English letter combinations: sh, ch, th, qu.

Table 3 “English consonants” (in parentheses it is indicated how they are read)

ARROWS indicate that letters Ss, Gg, Ss, Xx are read in two ways, depending on which letter they appear in front of. This phenomenon is called

3. Reading English consonants and their letter combinations

Vowel letters in English are read in a special way. As you, I hope, remember in the English language there are 6 vowel letters: Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Yy, and when reading they convey 20 vowel sounds, since each is read in 4 ways. Of course, I won’t be able to explain all this in one article! You can learn more about reading English vowels from lesson on teaching reading in English No. 21

So, in this article I tried to explain, how to learn to read English from scratch, introduced you to the English alphabet and told you how to read English consonants, letter combinations and vowels. What is unclear, write in the comments! Good luck!

In conclusion, a task for those who are learning to read English from scratch:

1) listen to the song “English alphabet” - 5 times

3) watch a video from the wonderful film “My Fair Lady”, which is dedicated teaching correct English pronunciation))) You will see how Eliza Doolittle studies pronounce the sound [h] correctly.

She repeats the phrase " ln Hertford, Hereford and Hampshire hurricanes hardly ever happen"(translation of this phrase: Hurricanes are rare in Hartford, Hereford and Hampshire). When pronouncing this phrase in English, she does not pronounce the [h] sound at all (this is a strong exhalation). It sounds like this: ln Ertford, Ereford and Ampshire Urricanes Ardly ever Appen", and Mr. Higgins teaches her, how to pronounce the sound [h] correctly.
