How to correctly assign an inventory number to an assembly drawing. How to correctly assign an inventory number

The organization of accounting for any company requires strict accounting of fixed assets: the means of labor with which products, work or services are produced. One of the main mechanisms for monitoring the safety and movement of OSes is the assignment of inventory numbers to them: unique digital and symbol combinations that do not change throughout the entire operational life of the OS. When assigning an inventory number, certain techniques are used that allow you to encode in numbers and symbols all the basic information about each OS. In addition to the operating system, inventory numbers are assigned to some other objects important for the functioning of the company.

Inventory number and features of its use

An inventory number is assigned to a property at the time it is accepted for registration. After this, it acquires the status of an inventory object - a control unit. The number is applied to the object using durable paint, a barcode, engraving, using a token that cannot be quickly and discreetly removed, or in another similar way. The number must be applied so that during an inventory it can be easily and without errors identified with the BU data.

The main objects in relation to which management is organized in this way and control is exercised are:

  • OS - fixed assets, objects of property of the organization that have been in operation for more than a year, are intended for production needs, and the cost of which is a legally defined amount;
  • intangible objects, assets (IMA) - these include products of intellectual labor, for example, technological developments, software development, trademarks, brand names and other objects that do not have a material form, but which can in the future bring material benefits (see. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 1225-1, PBU 14/07);
  • non-produced objects, assets - these are natural objects, subsoil, lands, water bodies, etc.

Objects costing less than 3 thousand rubles. no inventory number needed.

The following mandatory requirements apply to inventory numbers:

  • they should not be duplicated;
  • they must be assigned in order.

In addition, when using inventory numbers in accounting records, it is important to be guided by the following important information:

  1. The inventory number is applied in the presence of a commission specially created for this purpose and recorded in the inventory number journal.
  2. If the inventory object is a whole consisting of separate functional parts, a number is applied to each part.
  3. Moving an inventory item within the organization or its divisions is not a reason to change the number or adjust it. The inventory number does not change during the entire operation of the object to which it is assigned.
  4. If fixed assets are leased by a company, they are usually accounted for by numbers assigned by the lessor. At the same time, from Resolution 11 of the Arbitration Court of Appeal No. A55-24142/2013 dated 04/28/14, it follows that when the rights to an inventory object are transferred, for example, when signing a leasing agreement, it may be assigned a new inventory number of the organization that acquired such rights. It is argued that the assignment of inv. numbers are an internal matter of the organization.
  5. The inventory number of an object deregistered (sold, written off, etc.) cannot be assigned to another object in the same organization.

Normative base

The legislation does not contain a clear regulatory framework regulating step by step how to assign inventory numbers. There is Instruction of the Ministry of Finance No. 174n (Appendix 2), containing general instructions on the assignment of inventory numbers. In addition, Instruction No. 157n (clause 46) applies to municipal unitary enterprises, where the procedure for such appointment is discussed in somewhat more detail. Guided by these documents and current legislation, the organization independently develops the structure of inventory numbers and the procedure for assigning them, enshrining it in local regulations (accounting policies, etc.). The procedure for assigning numbers can also be regulated at the departmental level, established by a higher organization.

Inventory number structure

This characteristic largely depends on the internal needs of the company:

  • its size;
  • structure and presence of divisions;
  • opportunities and resources in the process of organizing accounting.

Thus, a small organization that has a minimum number of divisions and a limited number of accounting objects can use simple numbering of the form: 01, 02, 03, etc. If objects are located on different accounting accounts, in different departments, it is advisable to include this information in the inventory number, for example:

  • 04 — intangible assets accounting account;
  • 03 - code of the department in which the object is located;
  • 02 is the sequential number of this object in the division.

We receive inventory number 040302.

It is also acceptable to use alphabetic characters and abbreviations for the names of departments:

  • "AXO" - for accounting and financial services of the economic service;
  • "SKL" - warehouse, etc.

Attention! When determining the structure of an object’s inventory number, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of its movement across company divisions. Information must be generated in such a way as to ensure error-free identification of an object with BU data.

The procedure must be recorded in the company's accounting policies.

Typical mistakes when assigning inventory numbers

Inaccuracies and errors made can not only bring chaos to the process of accounting for inventory items, but also lead to negative consequences when conducting external control. This is especially true for municipal unitary enterprises, other government organizations, and subordinate organizations. The most common ones are listed below:

  1. Discrepancies with the accepted accounting policy: arbitrary change in the length of the number, inclusion of letter designations in it, or, conversely, ignoring them in practice.
  2. Applying the number in a way that does not ensure its safety during the entire operation of the object: with weak dye, by gluing labels, etc.
  3. Failure to affix an inventory number due to the alleged impossibility of affixing it. Indeed, instruction 157n allows you not to physically affix this number, but only to enter it into the control unit registers under appropriate conditions. However, if the control commission discovers that the application was in fact possible, the organization may have problems.
  4. Applying an inventory number to objects arbitrarily, unnecessarily. Example: numbering an object worth less than 3,000 rubles.


  1. Inventory number is a mandatory feature of an inventory item.
  2. Determining the structure, length and other features of an inventory number is an internal matter of the company. In this case, the procedure must be reflected in local regulations and take into account current legislative acts, including, if necessary, those of an intradepartmental nature.
  3. Objects costing less than 3 thousand rubles. are not subject to numbering.
  4. The basic and mandatory requirements for an inventory number are uniqueness and consistency.

Approved in February 2006 (IUS 9-2006)

An amendment was made, published in IUS No. 4, 2009

Amendment made by database manufacturer

This standard establishes general requirements for accounting and storage of design and technological documents (hereinafter referred to as documents), executed in paper and electronic forms, products of all industries.

Based on this standard, standards can be developed that take into account the features of accounting and storage of design and technological documents, depending on the volume of documentation and the conditions of document flow.



1.1. Folding copies of documents in paper form is carried out in accordance with Appendix 1.

1.2. All originals, duplicates and copies of documents available at the enterprise (hereinafter referred to as originals, duplicates and copies) are subject to recording and storage in accordance with Section 2 and Appendix 2*.
An enterprise should be understood as an enterprise or organization.
The “*” sign marks points of the standard for which comments are given in Appendix 5.

1.1, 1.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.3. In cases where an organization simultaneously uses documents in paper and electronic forms, their mutual transformation into each other is allowed. In this case, the following rules are observed:

- design documents in paper form can be converted into files;

- provided with the appropriate details and signed in the prescribed manner with electronic digital signatures, these files become electronic documents (originals, duplicates, copies);

- for use in the processes of production, operation, repair and disposal of products, electronic documents can be converted into paper documents using computer technology. Such documents must be signed with authentic, established signatures of authorized persons, after which they acquire the same status as the electronic documents from which they were received;

- the transformation should not reduce the serial number of the document according to Table 2 of GOST 2.102;

Documents obtained as a result of mutual transformation must have appropriate references to each other;

- mutual correspondence between these documents is ensured by the developer.


2.1. Originals made in paper form accepted for storage must be suitable for repeated making copies (no breaks, pasting, worn out places, unclear text, lines), reprographic processing and meet the requirements of GOST 2.102 and GOST 13.1.002.

Original electronic documents accepted for storage must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.051.

Note. For a specific product, only one set of original design documents is produced, which must be stored at the development enterprise or at the manufacturing enterprise by their agreement*.

2.2. When accepting originals for accounting and storage, the following is checked:

1) completeness of design documents in accordance with specifications, statements of electronic documents or other documents that list the originals being handed over;

2) completeness of technological documents in accordance with the route map or other documents that list the submitted originals;

3) the presence of established signatures (including electronic digital signatures) and dates. It is not allowed to accept documents for storage that do not have the signature of the person exercising regulatory control*.

2.3. All originals accepted for storage are registered (taken into account). When registering, fill out the following details:

- document inventory number;

- date of registration;

- document designation;

- Name;

- number of sheets in the document;

- document format according to GOST 2.301;

- who issued the document;

- signature on acceptance of the document for storage;

- note (if necessary).

Registration can be carried out in an automated way or in a non-automated way (manually). During manual registration, the listed details are drawn up in the inventory book of originals in Form 1 in accordance with Appendix 3. With automated registration, the inventory book is performed in electronic form.

2.4. Each original document is assigned one accession number*.

2.1-2.4 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. Inventory books for registering originals and duplicates coming from other enterprises should be kept separately for documents for products of the main and auxiliary production.

It is allowed to keep one inventory book for originals and duplicates of design and technological documents and separate inventory books for types of products (diesels, cars, tractors, turbines, etc.), while inventory numbers should not be repeated.

2.6. Simultaneously with the registration of the originals, the corresponding accounting columns located on the field for filing the original sheet in paper form must be filled out or the corresponding details must be entered into an electronic document.

2.7. For each document to which an inventory number is assigned, its movement is recorded (making and recording copies, changes, applicability). The movement of originals is recorded manually or automatically in accordance with accounting cards in forms 2, 2a, 2b and 2c of Appendix 3.

For design documentation, documentation of auxiliary production and unit production, it is allowed not to draw up accounting cards.

2.8. Original design documents in paper form should be stored according to classification characteristics (groupings) by format in ascending order of document designations within each format and code of the developer enterprise.

It is allowed to store originals without regard to formats.

Originals of electronic documents are stored in databases of automated systems and/or on separate electronic media. The storage of originals on separate media is carried out in ascending order of document designations within the product. Storage conditions on individual media must ensure their safety, quick retrieval and suitability for use*.

2.9. Originals of technological documents should be stored according to the methods of processing and assembling the product, without taking into account the formats in ascending order of their designations according to GOST 3.1201 within each method of processing and assembling the product.

It is allowed to store originals in sets in ascending order of design document designations specified in the main inscription of technological documents.

The applicability of technological documents is recorded manually or automatically in applicability cards according to forms 2 and 2a GOST 3.1201.

2.6-2.9. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.10. Originals made on sheets smaller than A1 format should be stored unfolded.

It is recommended to store originals made on sheets of A1 or larger format rolled up on rolling pins or unfolded.

2.11. The originals of canceled and replaced documents should be stored separately from the valid originals and may be folded into A4 and A3 formats in accordance with Appendix 1.


3.1. Originals that have become unusable or lost must be restored.

A restored original can be produced only after drawing up an act on the write-off of a deteriorated or lost original.

3.2. Restored originals act as replaced originals.

The restored original must be amended in accordance with all notices issued prior to its restoration.

3.3. The restored original must be an exact copy of the restored original, taking into account the latest changes made.

3.4. The restored original must not reproduce dimensions, inscriptions, graphic images, etc., excluded by notifications of changes in the original (or copy) from which the original is restored.

In the restored original, the serial numbers of changes and extension lines to them, which were previously applied in connection with the changes made, should not be reproduced.

3.5. Only the last change record should be transferred to the changes table of the restored original.

When restoring the original from documents on two or more sheets, the serial numbers of changes, designations of change notices and other data on the last change of each sheet of the restored original must be entered based on the existing entries in the table of changes on this sheet of the document being restored.

The registration sheet for changes to the restored original must reproduce data relating to all changes previously made to this document (starting from the first change).

3.6. In place of the original signatures, visas and dates found on the original (including the filing margin and the change sheet), the restored original must read “(Signature)” and “(Date)” in parentheses.

When making a restored original from a previously restored original (or a registered copy taken from it), the inscription on the latter about the restoration of the original may not be reproduced.

3.7. Restored originals must be signed by a responsible person as directed by the head of the department that issued the originals or monitored the manufacture of the product.

An inscription confirming the correctness of the restored original should be made in ink or by machine on the field for filing the document, for example:

"Restored from the original.

"Restored from a copy.

Correct: (signature, last name and date)."

The correctness of the restored original electronic document must be confirmed by the electronic digital signature of the responsible person.

3.3-3.7. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.8. In the upper right corner of the field of each sheet of the restored original there must be an inscription in ink or a stamp must be affixed: “Restored original N...” indicating the serial number of restoration of this sheet of the original.

3.9. The restored original must have the inventory number of the original being restored. A note must be made in the inventory book regarding the restoration of the document.

3.10. The original or copy from which the restoration was made is stamped: “REPLACED BY RESTORED ORIGINAL N...” indicating the serial number of restoration and the date of acceptance of the restored original for storage.

Section 4. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

1. Sheets of drawings of all formats should be folded first along lines perpendicular (longitudinal), and then along lines parallel (transverse) to the main inscription.

2. Sheets of drawings after folding must have the main inscription on the front side of the folded sheet.

3. Sheets of drawings are folded in the sequence indicated in Tables 1 and 2 by the numbers on the fold lines.

4. The following types of folding are installed:

1) into folders in accordance with Table 1;

2) for direct stitching in accordance with Table 2.

Table 1


Dimensions, mm

Folding pattern




table 2

Folding for direct binding

Dimensions, mm

Folding pattern





1.1. Copies of documents in paper form accepted for storage must be printed in contrast and have a smooth background without multi-colors that make the document difficult to read. Copies must reproduce (without omissions) all lines, letters, numbers, etc. found on the original, duplicate or original.

When accepting copies in paper form, check the presence of all sheets and completeness of the documentation in accordance with the accompanying documents.

1.2. The enterprise can store the following copies of design and technological documents: archival, control, working.

1.3. Archival copies reflect the state of the design or manufacturing technology of a product during periods of approval by the customer, transfer of originals to manufacturing enterprises, termination of production of a given design, etc. The presence of archival copies is reflected in the registration cards (Form 2, Appendix 3).

No changes are made to archived copies and they are not issued to subscribers; they are stored separately from other copies in folders (albums) or on electronic media.

For documents in paper form, the “ARCHIVED COPY” stamp is placed in a visible place in the folder (album) and on the front side of each archival copy. Below the stamp indicate the reason and date of acceptance of the archival copy for storage. Archival copies may be stored in the form of microfilms.

Archival copies of electronic documents in the requisite part must have the appropriate attribute (letter, number, etc.).

1.4. Control copies are used to restore the original, make duplicates, working copies, certificates or verify documentation; they are stored separately from other copies and are not issued to subscribers.

The control copy of the electronic document must have the corresponding attribute (letter, number, etc.) in the requisite part.

On the front side of each sheet of control copies, the stamp “CONTROL COPY” is placed in a visible place (with the exception of control copies of printed publications and bound text documents, on which the stamp is placed only on the cover and on the title or first page).

1.1-1.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4a. Working copies are intended for production maintenance. The number of working copies in circulation and the place of their storage (issuance and acceptance) are established by the organization.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

1.6. Accounting for the issuance (sending) and return of copies to internal and external subscribers can be carried out manually or automatically. Accounting is carried out using document registration cards of Form 2, 2a in accordance with Appendix 3*.

Accounting for the issuance and return of copies to internal subscribers can be carried out manually or automatically using subscriber cards of form 3, 3a in accordance with Appendix 3*.

1.7. Copies of documents in paper form are stored both loosely (sheet by page), and nested in folders or, if necessary, bound in albums.

When storing in bulk (sheet by sheet), copies are folded onto A4 format.

Copies placed in albums and folders are folded into A4 or A3 formats in accordance with Appendix 1.

1.6., 1.7. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.8. Copies of design documents for the product are placed in folders (albums) within the product or within rationally selected components of the product.

1.9. Copies of design documents for products are placed in folders (albums) in the following sequence:

1) product specification;

2) documents of the main set of the product (in the order they are written in the specification);

3) specifications of the component parts of the product and documents of the main set of component parts of the product (in ascending order of designations). Documents of the main set of components of the product are placed after the specification in the order in which they are recorded in the specification;

4) drawings of parts recorded in the specification, the main product and all its components (in ascending order of designations).

If other documents have been issued for the part (except for the drawing), then they are placed after the drawing of the parts (in the order in which they are recorded in the specification).

1.10. A set of copies of technological documents is placed in folders or bound into albums, while all technological documents developed for one product or several products, or a rationally selected component part of the product, are placed in one folder (album).

If necessary, it is allowed to place technological documents on individual methods of processing and assembling a product in one folder (album).

1.11. No more than 200 sheets of documents reduced to A4 format are placed in one folder (album).

1.12. If there are a large number of documents, they are divided into parts and placed in several folders (albums). The labels of folders (albums) or their covers indicate the number of this part, the total number of parts and the copy number of the folder (album).

1.13. It is allowed in each folder (album) to provide an inventory that lists, in the sequence of their location, all the documents contained in it.

1.14. For ongoing work, the department that issued the original documents or monitors the manufacture of the product in production is allocated a copy of the relevant documents. On the front side of each sheet of copies (when storing them in bulk) or in a visible place in the folder (album), the stamp “DESIGNER’S COPY” or “TECHNOLOGIST’S COPY” given in Appendix 4* is placed.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.15. Copies of documents for which subscribers are not notified of changes after deportation are stamped “NO CHANGE NOTIFIED.”

1.16. In requests for the sending of documentation from other enterprises, it is indicated whether it is necessary to register the requested documentation for sending further notices of changes or not.

1.17. Copies of documents withdrawn from circulation due to the cessation of production of products, as well as copies of documents canceled or replaced due to changes, are destroyed after drawing up an act of destruction or an inventory of copies.


2.1. Copies of documents received from other enterprises are stored in folders or bound in albums separately for each enterprise that issued them, or separately for each product.

It is allowed to store copies in bulk (sheet by sheet) folded in A4 or A3 format.

2.2. Each folder (album) must have an inventory that lists, in the sequence of their location, all the documents contained in it.

2.3. Registration (accounting) of copies of documents of other enterprises is carried out in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4 of this standard. Each registered copy (or set of copies) is stamped in paper form indicating the inventory number, copy number (if there are several copies) and registration date.

The specified stamp in folders (albums) is placed in a visible place in the inventory, as well as on the label or in the upper left corner of the cover.

On copies in paper form stored in bulk (sheet by sheet), a stamp is placed in the upper left corner of each sheet of an A4 document or sheet of a document folded into A4 format.

2.4. Copies are recorded manually or automatically in accounting cards in forms 2, 2a, 2b, 2c in accordance with Appendix 3.

2.3, 2.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. Copies of other enterprises are stored in ascending order of designations for each enterprise code.

2.6. If the use of registered copies at a given enterprise ceases, the holder of the originals is notified to remove them from the register.



Form 3a

Subscription card (reverse side)

Note. The document registration card indicates:

1) in the “Type of document” column of Form 2 - the type of document (original, duplicate or copy) that is registered;

2) in the column “One-time issues” of Form 2a - subscribers who are given (sent) a copy of the document with the stamp “NO CHANGE NOTIFIED”.


1. Stamps are intended to simplify the application and achieve uniformity in the image of inscriptions and instructions made in documents during their circulation, as well as in notices and accounting documents.

2. Stamp "REPLACED BY RESTORED ORIGINAL N ... , ... g." indicating the serial number of restoration of the original and the date of its restoration are placed on the originals from which the restored originals were made.

3. Stamp "CANCELED, REPLACED..., notification N... dated... g." put (indicating the number, date of issue of the notice and signature) on originals, duplicates and copies canceled according to notices, as well as on accounting cards. If there is no replacement, put a dash.

4. The stamp “DO NOT APPLY IN NEW DESIGN, INSTEAD USE...” is placed on the basis of the relevant notices on originals, duplicates and copies that cannot be used in newly developed products, as well as on accounting cards.

5. The stamp “IN REPLACEMENT OF THE ORIGINAL” is placed on documents in the absence of the originals of these documents.

6. The stamp “EX. N...” is placed (indicating the copy number) on folders (albums) of copies and on individual copies.

7. The stamp “INV. N..., EKZ. N..., ... year” is placed (indicating the inventory number, copy number and registration date) on folders (albums) and separate copies of documents from other enterprises.

It is also permissible to use this stamp (without indicating the copy number) when registering samples for printed publications and other documents stored as originals.

8. The “CONTROL COPY” and “ARCHIVED COPY” stamps are placed on control and archival copies of copies and on folders (albums) of copies, respectively. The “CONTROL COPY” stamp is also placed on control copies of notices and appendices to them.

9. The stamps “DESIGNER’S COPY” and “TECHNOLOGIST’S COPY” are placed respectively on copies of design and technological documents issued for current work to the department that issued the originals or monitored the manufacture of products in production.

10. The stamp “NO CHANGE NOTIFIED” is placed on copies of documents issued on a one-time basis without sending further notices about changes to these documents.

11. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

12. It is also possible to use other types of stamps that simplify the application of inscriptions on documents.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



To paragraph 1.2. Accounting and storage of paper and electronic documents is part of the document circulation system at the enterprise.

A registered document means a document accepted for subscription services (accounted document).

The list of functions, organizational structure and distribution of functions of the document management system are established by the enterprise.

To paragraph 2.1. When registering (accounting for) electronic documents, in the “Note” column (Form 1, Appendix 3) indicate the document file format.

To paragraph 2.2. Other documents include the “List of Specifications” in accordance with GOST 2.102, which is used to check the completeness of the originals accepted for storage for complexes, assembly units and kits that have two or more stages of inclusion of components.

For electronic documents accepted for storage for individual assembly units, the completeness check is carried out according to the specification. For documents for the entire product as a whole, the completeness of the documents is checked using the “Statement of Electronic Documents”.

To paragraph 2.4. An inventory number is assigned to an original regardless of the number of sheets in the document or the number of files it consists of.

On a document consisting of several sheets, the inventory number is applied to each sheet.

The inventory number of the original electronic document is indicated in its details part.

To paragraph 2.8. To ensure the recovery of electronic databases of automated systems when storing originals, backup copies should be carried out.

The rules for performing backups (frequency, registration, etc.) are established by the organization.

To Appendix 2 (clauses 1.6, 1.14). When recording the movement of documents, an automated system must ensure timely distribution to subscribers (internal and external) of notices of changes and (or) copies of changed documents.

APPENDIX 5. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

Electronic document text

prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of design documentation:
Sat. GOST. - M.: Standartinform, 2008

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On June 1, 2014, GOST 2.501-2013 “Unified system of design documentation” came into force. Rules for accounting and storage." The standard establishes general requirements for accounting and storage of design and technological documents on paper and electronic media, applied in all industries.

Standards in the technical regulation system

Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ “On Technical Regulation” classifies standards as voluntarily applied documents, unless the mandatory use of them is established by technical regulations and other regulatory legal acts. At the same time, their use promotes mutual understanding between stakeholders and ensures technical and information compatibility at all stages of the product life cycle. In a word, standardization solves the problem of wider use of manufactured products.

On June 1, 2014, instead of GOST 2.501-88, it came into force. The main objective of this standard is to establish requirements for accounting and storage of design and technological documents for products from all industries.

Other interrelated procedures for ensuring and maintaining the quality of design and technological documentation for a product from the stage of its development to decommissioning are established by a whole set of standards, united in the thematic collections “Unified System of Design Documentation” (USD) and “Unified System of Technological Documentation” (USTD).

The main set of state standards ESKD and ESTD was developed and put into effect in 1968. Currently, active work is underway to update and harmonize them with international standards, including adaptation to computer technologies.

Design documentation

Design documentation includes drawings, diagrams, specifications, statements, explanatory notes, technical conditions, programs and test methods, tables, calculations, operational documents, repair documents, instructions, sketches. A detailed definition of each type of design documentation can be found

Due to the fact that design documentation has independent commercial value and is also a carrier of confidential information, it is recommended to observe all necessary security measures in relation to it, including those carried out as part of office work.

Based on GOST 2.501-2013, standards and other local regulations of the organization can be developed, taking into account the features of accounting and storage of design and technological documents, depending on the existing realities.

General provisions

Speaking about the methodological regulation of work with design documentation at the office work stage, it is stipulated that the procedures and operations preceding accounting and storage ensure:

  • visual compliance of completed and executed design documents with the requirements established by the set of ESKD and ESTD standards;
  • the possibility of repeated copying on photosensitive or other receptive material due to the degree of preservation and graphic characteristics of paper documents (drawings and texts);
  • the necessary completeness of documents received for storage and the presence of certifying signatures, including electronic digital ones, of the relevant officials.

The standard determines that documents made on paper and electronic documents (converted from paper or made using software) are interchangeable and equivalent.

Organization of accounting of design and technological documentation

Organization of accounting for design and technological documentation is a targeted system of measures, including the direct registration of documents, accounting for their applicability in products, as well as accounting for external and internal subscribers using this documentation.

When registering, you are asked to provide the following information:

  • organization;
  • the department that issued the document;
  • designation of the document (if its code is defined by the standards);
  • name of the document (if its code is defined by the standards);
  • name of the document depending on the nature of use (original, duplicate or copy);
  • format;
  • the organization in which the original is located;
  • registration number (document inventory number);
  • date of receipt (acceptance for storage);
  • number of sheets and signature of the person who accepted the document;
  • file name of the electronic design (technological) document.

The data is entered into inventory book :

The accounting of originals and duplicates of design and technological documents is carried out jointly. Separate inventory books are kept for products of different types or types of production.

Document registration card is designed to record the availability of archival copies and copies of documents from other organizations, record the issuance and return, and applicability of documents.

front side:

reverse side:

The front side of the subsequent sheets of the document registration card:

The reverse side of the subsequent sheets of the document registration card:

GOST contains other accounting forms, as well as links to accounting forms in complementary standards.

Storage of design and technological documentation

The storage process involves placing design and technological documents and maintaining them in conditions conducive to:

  • safety of the media and information contained in it;
  • quickly find the necessary documents for their use.

The requirements for storing originals are stricter than for storing copies of documents. Design documents should be systematized according to classification characteristics in ascending order of document designations within the product or code of the developer organization. Technological documents are systematized according to methods of processing and assembling products in ascending order of document designations within each type of technological process according to the method of execution.

Copies of paper documents may be stored in bulk, placed in folders or bound into albums. The placement of documents and the sequence of their stacking are always rational and fit within the limits of the product (its component) or the method of processing and assembling the product. The covers of folders and albums are provided with labels that allow documents to be identified. Also, for ease of work, you can provide an internal inventory.

When organizing the storage of large-format documents, it is allowed to fold them in a way that allows you to read the main inscriptions on the front side of the folded sheet. The standard contains an application that suggests ways to fold documents for storing them in folders and albums.

Originals of design and technological documents that are lost or have become unusable must be restored. If there are legitimate changes made to the design documents from which the document replacing the original is restored, these changes are taken into account.

Stamps for recording paper documents

Stamps formally replace handwritten inscriptions and instructions in repeating situations of the same type in paperwork.

They are stamped on original documents from which duplicates are made, with the latter being assigned the status of a restored original. The serial number and date of restoration are indicated.

Labeled on folders (albums) of copies and on individual copies. The copy number is indicated.

It is affixed on originals, duplicates and copies canceled by notifications, as well as on accounting cards. The number, date of issue of the notice and signature are indicated. If there is no replacement, put a dash.

Placed on folders (albums) and separate copies of documents from other organizations. The inventory number, copy number and registration date are indicated.

It is affixed on the basis of notices on originals, duplicates and copies that cannot be used in newly developed products, as well as on accounting cards.

It is affixed on control copies of copies and on folders (albums) of copies, as well as on control copies of notices and attachments to them.

It is affixed on archival copies of copies and on folders (albums) of copies, as well as on control copies of notices and attachments to them.

Placed on documents in the absence of originals of these documents.

It is affixed to copies of documents issued one-time without subsequent sending of notices about changes to these documents.

It is affixed to copies of design documents that are issued for current activities to the department that produces originals or supervises the manufacture of products in production.

It is affixed to copies of technological documents that are issued for current activities to the department that produces originals or monitors the manufacture of products in production.

In addition to those indicated above, it is allowed to use stamps with other imprints that simplify the application of inscriptions on documents.

GOST 2.104 – 68

The title block, forming part of a graphic document called " drawing" The title block contains the necessary information such as: designation of the drawing, name of the drawing, information about the company that developed the drawing, weight of the product, scale of the displayed part, stage of development, sheet number, date of issue of the drawing, as well as information about the persons responsible for this document. Drawing without a title block is not considered a standard element of documentation and cannot be transferred to production. The content of the main inscription, its location and dimensions are regulated by the standard. The graphic elements of the main inscription are made with lines intended to draw a visible outline; all other lines are thin.

Main inscriptions, title and subsequent sheets

1 – the name of the product must correspond to technical terminology and be stated as briefly as possible. The name of the product is written in the nominative singular case. In cases where the name is made up of several words, the noun occupies the first ordinal place, for example: “ Gear wheel" The purpose of the product and its location are not indicated in the name.

2 – designation of a document using conventional written symbols. The designation of a document consists of numbers and letters written in a certain order. Each document is assigned a designation consisting of characters separated by dots. The product index can be written in letters or in a digital equivalent, for example:


  • 202 – index set by the developer
  • 10 – serial number of the assembly unit included in the product
  • 06 – assembly unit number
  • 01 – part numbering

Title block for subsequent sheets of drawings,
diagrams and text documents

3 – column to indicate the material from which the part is made. Filling is carried out only on drawings of parts, for example:

Steel 08kp GOST 1050 – 88

4 – letters are written here, which are called “ Litera"from the Latin word " littera"What does a letter mean? The letter indicates at what stage of development the document is:

  • P- Technical Proposal
  • E– indicates a preliminary design
  • T– means that this is a technical project
  • ABOUT– production of a pilot batch
  • A– adjusted document based on the results of the pilot batch
  • B– this letter is assigned to a document based on the results of manufacturing a product made according to a drawing with the letter – A

Main inscription of the title page
for processing text documents

5 – Product weight – indicated only in numbers without measurement designation. It is allowed to indicate units of measurement in the case of, for example: 0.25 t, 15 t. The calculated mass is indicated on the drawings up to the technical design. The actual mass is indicated on the documents, starting with the pilot batch. The actual mass should be understood as the value determined by weighing the product. On drawings of single large-sized products, the mass of which is difficult to determine by mechanical weighing, it is allowed to indicate the calculated value. It is allowed to indicate maximum mass deviations in the technical requirements. The weight may not be indicated on the drawings of prototypes, dimensional and installation drawings.

Position of title block
on A4 sheet format

Position of the title block along the long side
for formats larger than A4

Position of the title block along the short side for formats larger than A4

6 – scale of the graphic image of the object in the drawing. The scale is selected depending on the dimensional parameters of the depicted part and must be drawn in full size or to scale.

7 – column for indicating the sheet number.
A single copy of a document is not numbered.

8 – number of sheets in total.
The number of documents is indicated only on the first sheet.

9 – name of the company that issued the document

10 – additional line.
An additional line is filled in by the developer depending on the situation, for example: “ Head of department», « Head Office».

11 – surnames of persons signing the document.

12 – places for signatures in accordance with job responsibilities. The document must be signed by at least the developer and the person responsible for standard control without fail.

13 – indication of the date of signing the document.

Columns 14 – 18 are intended for making changes.

19 – inventory number of the original.
For accounting and storage, each original document is assigned one inventory number, regardless of the number of sheets. This accounting identifier is applied to each sheet if the document consists of several sheets.

20 – column for the signature of the person who accepted the document in the technical department, indicating the date.

21 – an additional accession number of the original is set to replace the previous document number when changes are made to it. The original document number is retained.

22 – inventory number of the duplicate.
Regardless of the number of sheets, duplicates are assigned one accession number and set on all sheets.

23 – column for the signature of the person who accepted the duplicate to the technical department, indicating the date.

24 – the designation of the document is written here, instead of the sheet on which it was issued.

25 – this column indicates the document where it was first recorded.

26 – cell in which the document designation code is indicated, rotated relative to the working field of the drawing by 180°.

27 – in this cell a sign is installed according to the regulatory and technical documentation provided by the customer.

28 – number and date of approval of the documentation of the corresponding letter.

29 – number and date of approval of documentation.

31 – document copier

32 – sheet format indication

33 – determination of the area where the modified part of the product is located
