Lap book for speech therapy group for 5 years. Using a lapbook in the work of a speech therapist teacher in an individual speech therapy lesson


In connection with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education and the increase in the number of children with speech pathologies, the speech therapist teacher has to look for new approaches, ideas, forms and methods in his teaching activities that would be interesting to preschoolers and would be appropriate for their age, and would most effectively solve educational, educational and correctional tasks.

Modern requirements for a teacher-speech therapist in kindergarten imply that I need to constantly engage in self-education, improve my level of professional competence and master the latest educational technologies.

A laptop is a game, creativity, learning and exploring new things, repeating and consolidating what has been learned, systematizing knowledge and simply an interesting type of joint activity between a teacher, a speech therapist and a child.

Lapbook Literally translated from English, lapbook means “book on your lap.” It consists of a folder or other durable cardboard base on which small envelopes are glued, in which the material being studied is organized and recorded. It would be even more correct to define a laptop not as a learning tool, but asa special form of organizing educational material.

In children with speech pathologies, speech does not develop independently. The process of accumulating words and using them in speech activity suffers. The path to correcting sound pronunciation is difficult and lengthy. And in order for a child to automate sound faster, it is necessary to use games and tasks that are interesting to the child. Using a laptop in speech therapy work will allow the speech therapist to automate sound in a playful way.

The purpose of the manual: to create conditions for the successful automation of sounds in a child’s speech.
Objectives of the manual:
1. Contribute to the formation of children's interest in learning.
2. Develop children’s speech activity, teach them to reason, and enrich their vocabulary.
3. Develop in children emotional responsiveness, attention, curiosity, communication;
4. Increase the competence of teachers in matters of automation of sound in children.

The methodological guide “LEPBOOK-automating sounds” is intended for teachers, speech therapists, educators for automating the sounds given to children.

The manual will allow teachers:

    replenish children’s vocabulary and expand the “semantic fields” of word meanings;

    speed up and make the process of automation and differentiation of sounds more attractive;

    form grammatical categories in children;

    develop children's coherent speech;

    to form the psychological basis of children’s speech.

Theoretical part. You can use a lapbook in individual and subgroup classes on correcting sound pronunciation, forming lexical and grammatical categories and developing coherent speech; you can use cards and games from lapbooks in free activities to automate the sounds.

A laptop is a modern, effective teaching technology and an excellent assistant in the work of a teacher or speech therapist.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, working with a laptop is based on the following principles:
the principle of individualization, taking into account the capabilities, developmental characteristics and needs of each child;
the principle of supporting children's initiative and shaping the cognitive interests of each child;
the principle of specificity and accessibility of educational material, compliance of requirements, methods, techniques and conditions of education with the individual and age characteristics of children;
the principle of systematicity and interconnection of educational material;
the principle of gradual presentation of educational material.

This manual (lapbook) was made for working with children of senior preschool age on the automation of sounds (S, Z), (L). The manual contains games and exercises, visual material aimed at developing all components of the speech system (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech, the development of visual perception, fine motor skills). All materials in the manual have educational and developmental functions.

Each laptop contains many pockets and windows for placing didactic material And consists of 4 blocks, which meets the software requirements for sound automation.

1) Sound production (articulation profiles, articulation gymnastics,

breathing exercises, pictures for making sounds)

2) automation of sound in syllables (pictures for automating sound in syllables);

3) automation of sound in words, phrases (subject pictures, games for the development of phonemic hearing and sound-letter analysis of words: “Speech therapy domino”, “Sound chain”, “Sound tracks”, “Read the word by the first sounds”, “Squirrel reserves”, “Greedy Hedgehog”, “ Soap bubbles”, etc.); gamesfor the development of lexical and grammatical categories:

“1 – many” (formation of plural nouns in gender, number)
“On the contrary” (formation of antonyms)
“Which one, which one, which one?” (formation of relative adjectives)
“Whose, whose, whose” (formation of possessive adjectives)

and etc.

4) automation of sounds in connected speech (pure twisters, tongue twisters, stories for sound automation, pictures for compiling stories from a picture, from a series of pictures).

Games for the development of fine motor skills (“Ropes”, “Games with sticks”).

All correctional and developmental individual and subgroup classes using a lapbook in accordance with the Program are of a playful nature, filled with a variety of games and developmental play exercises.
As children master this material, didactic games change and become more complex.

A laptop helps children develop thinking, develops cognitive interest, and promotes sound automation. The child learns to independently collect and organize information. A laptop helps a child organize information on the topic being studied at will and better understand and remember the material (especially if the child is visual). The child will return to the thematic folder more than once to leaf through it, play the games located in it, and unnoticed to repeat the material covered.

The manual also helps solve correctional and developmental problems:
Developing word formation skills:
words with magnifying connotations (wolf, bear, knives, boots, hands, etc.);
verbs with shades of meaning (to pour, pour out, hem, cut, reshape, cut out, etc.).
Introduction into speech of words denoting the moral qualities of people, assessment of their actions, shades of meaning (brave, courageous, cowardly, fearful, kind, smart, greedy, capricious, cunning, savvy);
Formation of nouns from verbs: teach (teacher, student), educate (educator), clean (cleaner), regulate (regulator), build (builder), etc.
Reinforcing the correct use of grammatical categories:
The use of verbs in speech in different tense forms that answer the questions: what to do? what is he doing? What did you do? what will it do? (dig potatoes, bake pies, fry pancakes);
Coordination in speech of adjectives denoting color (shades), shape, size, taste (sour apple, long dress, blue saucer, triangular roof).
Selection of homogeneous adjectives for a noun, practical use of possessive adjectives (bear's den, fox's hole, squirrel's hollow);
Independent use of prepositions to indicate the compatibility of actions and the spatial arrangement of objects. The use of complex prepositions because of, from under. Practical assimilation in speech of prepositions above, between, because of, from under, expressing the spatial arrangement of objects.
Development of independent coherent speech:
Drawing up proposals for questions, demonstrations of actions, a picture.
Dissemination of proposals by peer members. Compiling stories based on the picture (5 - 7 sentences).
Retelling by changing the time of actions, the ability to tell on behalf of another character.
Compiling stories and descriptions of animals, birds, describing their habits;
The use in speech of simple and complex sentences with the meaning of opposition (a, but), separation (or). For example, trees are bare in winter, but leaves appear in spring; our family is big, and Tanina’s is small; athletes will go out into the square or onto the street.

Deducational part of the manual: it presents didactic materials (diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.) illustrating practical material.

Development prospects: accumulation and replenishment of the laptop with didactic material for the second year of study for more successful preparation of children for school.

Thus, in addition to information and communication technologies, which are actively being introduced into the educational process and replacing the live emotional communication of children with adults, with parents, and children with each other, there is a wonderful modern accessible learning tool that facilitates the interaction of all participants in the educational process - the lapbook. It promotes the creative development of all participants in the pedagogical process.


    E.A. Borisova “Individual speech therapy classes with preschoolers” - M., Sfera, 2009

    S.E. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina “Developing attention”

    O.E. Gromova “Innovations in speech therapy practice” - M., Linka-Press, 2008

    T.A. Kulikovskaya “Speech therapy tongue twisters and counting rhymes” - M., 2008

    A.I. Maksakov “Is your child speaking correctly” - M., Mozaika-Sintez, 2006

    T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina, “Program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic and phonemic underdevelopment in children”M., Education, 2009

    Speech therapy coloring pages. “Sounds Zh, Shch, R, S, Ts, Ch, Z”



Games for automation of sounds, development of grammatical structure of speech, enrichment of vocabulary

Speech therapy game

"Greedy Hedgehog"

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [zh] (different positions), [l] at the beginning of a word in straight syllables. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word. Expand children's vocabulary to words with sounds [zh], [l]. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate generosity.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist invites the children to remember what the hedgehog collects in the garden. Then planar images of a hedgehog with an apple are placed on the typesetting canvas, he explains to the children that the hedgehog turned out to be very greedy, he grabbed the nibbled apple and does not let it go. The speech therapist invites the children to treat the hedgehog with whole apples and tell him that being greedy is ugly. Then he lays out cards with pictures of apples on the table. Children take turns taking apples, carefully examining the picture on the back, and naming it, clearly pronouncing the sound they are studying in the word.

Speech therapy game


Goal: to teach children to distinguish sounds [s]-[s"] in words (different positions), [l]-[l"] in words with a combination of consonants. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist places images of children with sticks on a typesetting canvas, and in front of the children lays out cards with images of bubbles on the table. The speech therapist explains to the children that Ilona and Lenya really like to blow soap bubbles, but there was a strong wind and they scattered in different directions. The teacher offers to return them back.

Children take turns taking cards, carefully examining the object picture on the back, and naming it, clearly pronouncing the sound being studied in the word. Ilona (Sonya) is given only those bubbles whose names contain the sound [l] ([s]), and Lena (Seryozha) – with the sound [l"] ([s"]). After this, the children make sentences.

Speech therapy game

"Feed the monkey"

Goal: to consolidate the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds [s ch] in words (different positions), [r] in the middle of a word. Improve children's ability to form word combinations. Practice the skills of agreeing an adjective with a noun in gender. Expand the vocabulary of words with sounds that are being studied. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist places a planar image of a monkey on the typesetting canvas. After this, she invites the children to remember what she likes to eat. The teacher lays out cards with pictures of bananas (pineapples) on the table. The teacher offers to feed the monkey. Children take turns taking cards, carefully examining the object picture on the back, and naming it, clearly pronouncing the sound being studied in the word.

Then the teacher suggests adding a word to each word that describes the given subject and forming a phrase (sentences).

Speech therapy game

"Tidbit of Cheese"

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [r] in words (different positions) and sentences. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word. Expand students' vocabulary to words with sounds [s], [r]. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence at work

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist invites children to remember what the mouse likes to eat. Then a flat image of a mouse with a piece of cheese is placed on the typesetting canvas. The teacher explains to the children that the mouse ran away from the cat and did not have time to stock up on food for its little mice. The speech therapist invites the children to help the mouse and place pieces of cheese near its hole. Then he lays out cards with a picture of cheese on the table. Children take turns taking cards, carefully looking at the subject picture and naming it. For example, an owl is drawn on a piece of cheese.

Speech therapy game


Target: consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [s] in words and phrases; develop the ability to coordinate nouns with verbs and pronouns; determine the place of a sound in a word; guide students in selecting words for generalized concepts; expand your vocabulary with words with the sound [s]; develop logical thinking and self-control; cultivate perseverance at work.

Progress of the game:

Each participant receives chips. The speech therapist invites the children to take turns putting their cards in the cells of the maze and saying the name of the picture. The student whose turn falls on the “?” has no right to put the card in the box. He must independently remember the word with the sound [s] and say it. The game lasts until all the chips fill the cells of the maze. Then the speech therapist asks one of the students to name only those pictures whose names contain the sound [s] at the beginning of the word (in the middle, at the end).

Speech therapy game

"Breakfast in the clearing"

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [s] in words with consonants, the sound [l"] in straight syllables at the beginning of a word. Continue to learn how to compose sentences with a given word. Expand the vocabulary of students to words with sounds [s], [l"] . Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist places a flat image of a bear with raspberries in its paws on the typesetting canvas. The teacher explains to the children that the bear came to the clearing to eat raspberries. But the bear is big, his paws are big, and the berries are very small, and he can’t pick up as many as he wants to eat. The speech therapist invites the children to help the bear and lays out cards with raspberries on the table. Children take turns taking cards with pictures of berries, carefully look at the object picture on the back and name it, clearly pronouncing the sound they are studying in the word.

Speech therapy game

"Thrifty Hare"

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [z] in words and sentences. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word. Expand students' vocabulary to words with sounds [s], [z]. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist invites children to remember what the hare likes to eat. Then he lays out cards with pictures of carrots and cabbage on the table and offers to help the hare move supplies to the barn. To do this, children must take turns taking the cards, carefully look at the picture on the back and name it, clearly pronouncing the sound being studied in the word.

Speech therapy game

"With a hare under an umbrella"

Goal: to teach children to distinguish the sounds [s]-[s"], [s]-[z], [z]-[z"] in words and sentences. Improve children's ability to compose sentences with a given word. Expand students' vocabulary to words with sounds [s], [z"], [z]. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate perseverance in work.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist lays out object pictures in front of the children, invites the children to look at and name them. Then a flat image of a hare with an umbrella is placed on the typesetting canvas.

The teacher explains that it started to rain in the middle of a sunny day. Only one hare took an umbrella with him and now boldly walks through the meadow. But walking alone in the rain is not interesting. The speech therapist suggests finding company for the hare among the cards. The teacher warns that the hare is very stubborn and wants to take only those cards with the sound [z] in their names.

Children take turns taking cards, carefully examining the subject picture, naming it, clearly pronouncing the sound being studied in the word, and determine whether the hare can hide it under his umbrella.

After all the pictures are named, the speech therapist asks the students to make sentences with these words.

Speech therapy game

"Jam for Carlson"

Goal: to form and develop the skill of forming relative adjectives from nouns. Expand your vocabulary on the topic “Fruits. Berries". Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist invites the children to remember what kind of treat Carlson likes. After this, the teacher says that the magpie spent the whole summer picking different berries and preparing a treat for her friend Carlson. The speech therapist invites the children to put out all the jars and tell Carlson what kind of jam the magpie made for him.

Children independently take the jars, carefully examine them, first name the pictured fruit or berry, and then pronounce the name of the jam made from the pictured berry (fruit).

Speech therapy caterpillar

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [s"], [z], [z"] in words and sentences; learn to differentiate sounds [s]-[s"] at the beginning of a word, [z]-[z"], [s]-[z], [s"]-[z"] in different positions; activate and enrich children's vocabulary with words with sounds that are being studied. Develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game

The speech therapist tells the children that a caterpillar has come to visit them. She cannot speak words that contain the [s] sound. The teacher invites the children to carefully look at the pictures and name the words.

Speech therapy game

“Who lives in the house?”

Target: develop skills in sound-letter analysis and synthesis; enrich children's vocabulary with the names of animals, birds and fish; consolidate the pronunciation of sounds [s], [s"], [z], [sh], [zh], [l], [l"], [r] in words.

Progress of the game

The speech therapist places a card with a “code” on the house and asks the child to determine who lives in the house. To do this, the child must name each picture on the card, highlight the sound indicated by the number and create a new word using the resulting sounds. After this, the student puts a card with a picture of the resident in the window.

Speech therapy game

"Bears go to school"

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [l], [r] in words and sentences; teach children to distinguish sounds [l]-[r] in words and sentences. Practice the skills of determining the place of sound in a word. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word. Clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “School supplies.” Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist places planar images of two bears on a typesetting canvas. The teacher explains to the children that Roma and Ilona are getting ready to go to school. We need to help them remember the names of those objects that they will often encounter at school. Children name the pictures, and those cards whose names contain the sound [l] are given to Ilona, ​​and the cards whose names contain the sound [r] are given to Roma.

Speech therapy game

"The Heron and the Little Frogs"

Progress of the game:

Speech therapy game

"The Heron and the Little Frogs"

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound [l"] ([zh]) in words and sentences. To develop skills in determining the place of a sound in a word. Continue to learn how to compose sentences with a given word. To expand the vocabulary of students to words with the sound [l"] ([zh] ]). Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence in work.

Progress of the game:

Each student receives a frog. The speech therapist tells the children that the heron is out hunting and the frogs need to be saved from it. To do this, the student must clearly pronounce the name of the picture (which is on the back of the frog), name the place of the sound [l"] ([zh]) in the word and help him hide from the heron in the swamp. The child completes the tasks and “immerses” the frog in the corresponding hole on the playing field (or removes the card from the playing field) Then the speech therapist suggests remembering what pictures the students named and putting together sentences with these words.

Speech therapy game

"Sweet Tooth Bear"

Goal: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [w] in words with consonant clusters, [p] in straight syllables at the beginning of words. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word. Expand students' vocabulary to words with sounds [w], [r]. Develop logical thinking, auditory and visual attention, memory. Cultivate persistence at work

Progress of the game:

The speech therapist places a flat image of a bear with ice cream on a typesetting canvas. The teacher explains to the children that in the summer the bear likes to eat ice cream. The speech therapist invites children to treat their sweet tooth with their favorite treat. Then he lays out cards with pictures of ice cream on the table. Children take turns taking cards, carefully looking at the subject picture on the back and clearly pronouncing the sound that is being studied.

Flashcards for automating sounds (using pictures)

1 Sound C

    Syllables: sa-sa, sa-sa-sa (slow and long).

    Words: himself, lard, boots, salad, soot, sugar, kindergarten, fireworks, barn, owl, scoop, cod, dog, sugar, nightingale, magpie, gardener, plane, union, samovar, scooter, soldier, salt, litter, straw, sandals, salty, saber, weed, treasure, salted lard.

    Games “A lot - no”, “1-2-5” with the words: garden, sleigh, gardener, plane, magpie, sandals.

    Remember and repeat: garden-sleigh-scooter-boots.

    Pronouncing sentences: Sanya has a garden. Sanya goes to the garden. Sanya is watering the garden. Sanya in the garden. Dog in the barn. Lard and sugar in the buffet. There is an owl in the garden. Sanya saw the fireworks. Sanya put on his boots himself. Sanya, don't litter.

2 Sound C

    Syllables: so-so, so-so-so, so-so-so-so.

    Words: catfish, sleep, juice, salt, litter, honeycomb, weaving, solo, falcon, owls, sable, sun, weed.

    Game “1-2-5-9” (coordination of numbers with nouns) with the words: catfish, sable, falcon.

    Pronouncing sentences: Collect the rubbish in a dustpan. Sonya drinks juice. There is honey in the honeycombs. Sleepy catfish at the bottom. Sugar in the sugar bowl, salt in the salt shaker. Forty forty sits.

    Words: crackers, cloth, bag, Saturday, soup, dry, dry, day, soufflé, be able to, Sultan, vanity, wife, judge.

    Remember and repeat: som-suk-bag-chest.

    Suggestions: Owl on a bitch. There is a dry branch on the tree. They poured soup for Sonya. There is salt and sugar in the bag. Sanya fell off the sled into a snowdrift.

3 Sound C

    Syllables: sy-sy, sy-su-so, sa-so-sy-su.

    Words: cheese, hearty, raw, cheese, owl, son, sprinkle, well-fed, whey, cheesecake, fell asleep.

    Suggestions: My son ate cheese. My son is full. It's wet, put on your boots. Pour sugar into kefir.

    “C” in the middle of words: fox, wasp, mass, meat, scales, mustache, hair, facade, striped, dishes, writer, tail, whistle, bridge, embankment, parcel, scarf, wheels, sausage.

    Suggestions: The plane is landing. Sonya has a brown braid. The package contains beads for Sonya. The plane is high above the forest. Roe deer graze on the moon. The icicle fell into a snowdrift. Sonya washes the dishes. Dogs don't bite their own.

4 Sound C

    Syllables: as-os-uo-ys, us-os-as-ys, ys-us-os-as.

    Words: kvass, class, pineapple, sailor, hair, tray, space, mustache, taste, mousse, halibut, vinegar, focus, coward, watermelon, cactus, bus, cape, kumiss, oats.

    Remember and name: cactus-bus-pineapple-kvass.

    Pronouncing and memorizing sentences, highlighting words with the sound “C”:

As-as-as - we have gas at home. Us-us-us - Sonya has a cactus.

As-as-as - we have pineapple at home. Us-us-us - Sanya has a bus.

Wasp-os-os - there are a lot of wasps in the garden. Ys-ys-ys - Denis drinks kumiss.

5. Indicate the place of the sound “C” in the word: boots, place, gumboil, ear, bag, cracker, high, satin, salty, striped.

5 Sound C

    Syllables: ska-sko-sku-sky, ask-osk-usk-ysk, usk-ysk-ask.

    Words (pronunciation, determination of the place of the sound “C”): helmet, pussy, bowl, mask, jump, bench, boredom, claim, squeak, obelisk, kiosk, wax, start, splash, how much, tablecloth, frying pan, caress, pass, socks, board.

    Nominative plural case: pussy - pussy, bowl - ..., weasel - ..., mask - ..., bench - ..., obelisk - ..., kiosk - ..., jump rope - ..., warehouse - ....

    Game “1-2-5” with words: bowl, jump rope, board.

    Pure saying “Pussy” (learning, highlighting words with the sound “C”):

Pussy, pussy, where's your bowl?

Pussy eats soup from a bowl. Full pussy - empty bowl.

6 Sound C

    Syllables: spa-spo-spy-spu, spa-spo-spo-spa, asp-osp-usp-isp.

    Words: sleep, sing, confuse, satellite, Spartak, dispute, argue, oversleep, calm, thank you, test.

    Pure sayings about owls and owlets:

It’s dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time.

One owl does not sleep - it sits on a branch.

Look at the little owlets, the owlets are sitting here together.

When they are not sleeping, they eat. They don't sleep when they eat.

    Isolating words with the sound “S” from pure phrases.

    Game “1-2-5-9” with the words: owl, owlets.

    Words with a combination of consonants: oil, spring, brushed away, resin, haystack, again, sweet, weak, firmament, station, glass, pier, steps, chair, cold, station, sour, empty, glorious, brave, trunk, foamy, stand up .

1 Sound Z

    Words: bunny, sunset, smell, factory, castle, care, riddle, vases, basins, vase, tongue, goats, music, Zoya, umbrella, call, umbrella, lawn, cart, teeth, tooth, tooth.

    Remember and name: language, castle, music, riddle.

    Game "1-2-5-9" - pheasant, forget-me-nots, mimosa, banner, star, umbrella.

    For-for-for - Zoya has a goat. Zo-zo-zo - Zoya has an umbrella. Zu-zu-zu - Zoya is grazing a goat under an umbrella. Zy-zy-zy - Zoya has neither an umbrella nor a goat.

    Game “Name it kindly” / mind - caress. suffixes - ok, - yok, - ik/: basin - basin, cart - ..., convoy - ..., pump - ..., mowing - ..., kvass - ..., tray - ...

2 Sound Z

    Words: know, knowledge, banner, acquaintance, sign, abyss, whiteness, treasury, heat, sultry, splinter, star, spaceship, starfall, oil depot.

    Conjugation: (I, you, he, she, they) Meet Zoya at the entrance. Recognize familiar stars in the abyss of the sky. (in past tense)

    The use of prepositions FOR, FROM BEHIND, FROM UNDER – exercises with a deformed phrase: The bunny bush sits behind/under/ - ... The bunny bush looks out from behind/from under - ... The bunny bush crawls out from behind - ... Forget-me-nots Lisa for planting hut - ... Zoya pine look out from behind - ... Umbrella from Lisa's back behind - ... Umbrella from Lisa's back from behind - ...

3 Sound Z

    Word combinations: winter fun, Zoya's worries, golden star, sultry summer, forbidden zone, notice of departure, green umbrella, chilly in winter, green winter, elderberry greens, the smell of gasoline, swampy lowland.

    Related words: winter - winter, winter crops, wintering, wintering, wintering.

    Agreement of adjectives winter / -yaya, -ie/ with creatures. suit - winter, coat - winter, clothes - ..., day - ..., air - ..., weather - ..., sky - ..., blizzard - ..., sun - ..., blizzard - ...

    Compiling a story using key words and memorizing:

Winter, snow, garden, sled, Zoya, Zina, Lisa, Sima, carry, Tuzik, snowman, make, name, take, winter.

1 Sound L

    Syllables and words (pronounce 3-5 times):

al bal val mal pal hall

ol bol ox mol pol angry

st bul wul mule pul zul

was howling washed ardor angry

il bil mil mil pil zil

ate white led chalk sang green

ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya

    Practicing the pronunciation of words in front of a mirror: chair, Pavel, forgot, pencil case, fell, floor.

    Pure sayings:

Al-al-al - the pencil case fell to the floor, ol-ol-ol - the pencil case fell to the floor.

Ul-ul-ul - the pencil case fell on the chair, ul-ul-ul Pavel forgot the pencil case.

    Game “1-2-5-6-7-10” with the words: pencil case, chair, hall.

2 Sound L

    Words: prick, glass, woodpecker, station, goat, football, pencil case, stick, jackdaw, squirrel, shelf, bun, fork, balcony, bottle, violet, mower, jump rope, lightning, seeder, soldier.

    Games “Echo” (nominal case plural) with the words listed above: stick - sticks, bun - ....

    Count 1-10 with words (see above).

    Tongue Twisters:

Al-al-al - Pavel did not sleep during the day, ul-ul-ul - Pavel sat down on a chair.

Ol-ol-ol - Pavel saw football, il-il-il - Pavel scored a goal.

    Isolating words with the sound “L” from tongue twisters.

    Poem "Jump Rope"

Jackdaw loves a cheerful jump rope very much,

Jump and jump! Jackdaw doesn't mind his legs.

And sometimes I feel sorry for a cheerful jump rope.

- Rest, jump rope! - Galka barely whispers.

3 Sound L

1. Syllables and words (pronounce 3-5 times)

la laz varnish paw lamp shop

lo forehead crowbar moose boat spoon

lu onion ray puddle lusha onion

ly lyko ski skier

2. Practicing the pronunciation of words in front of a mirror: swallow, lily of the valley, horse,

ma – bald, u – smile.

3. Pure sayings:

la-la-la-la - our girl is small

ly-ly-ly - sweep the floors

4 Sound L

    Words: paws, lamp, llama, noodles, spinning top, saw, shark, school, robe, rock, crowbar, elk, boat, spoon, horse, lotto, soap, blanket, galoshes, bast, floors, tables, pitchforks, oxen, small, baby, rocks, bow, moon, magnifying glass, cleaver, basket, naughty.

    Remember and name: robe, elk, blanket, horse, boat.

    Count 1-10 – blanket, shark, horse, baby.

Everything is white, white, white.

There was a lot of snow.

These are fun days!

Everyone - on skis and skates!

    Highlighting words with the sound “L”.

    Selection of related words: skis - skier, skier, ski track, ski.

Games to develop speech breathing

The proposed manual is intended for the development of smooth, targeted oral exhalation in children. It can be used in individual and subgroup speech therapy classes on the formation of sound pronunciation at the stage of preparing the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds.

Mastering an exhalation that is precise in strength and direction is the most difficult task for a child. The following tasks are aimed at solving it: “Blow on the picture so that it does not fly out of the boundaries of the playing field.

The child should blow for a long time and smoothly on the widely spread front edge of the tongue lying on the lower lip, without puffing out the cheeks or raising the shoulders. If the exercises are carried out with the goal of cultivating a smooth, long exhalation, it is enough to blow with your lips slightly stretched forward. In this case, the tongue lies quietly in the oral cavity. Children are taught to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The speech therapist draws the child's attention to the fact that the exhalation should be through the mouth, not the nose, and that the air stream should be cold. You need to inhale “softly” and briefly, but at the same time deeply enough; exhale long and smoothly. The fulfillment of this condition is first monitored by a speech therapist, and then the children control themselves independently.

Exercises to develop speech exhalation are carried out daily. The duration of breathing exercises is gradually increased from one to two minutes to five to seven.

Game 1. “Sailboats”

Thread detail: three sailboats.

Speech therapist instructions: Blow on the sailboat so that it floats faster.

Game 2. “Heron in the swamp”

Thread detail: frogs.

Speech therapist instructions: A heron swam to the swamp. Help the frogs hide from her. Blow on the frogs.

Game 3. “Puppy on a raft”

Detail on a thread: puppy, duck.

Speech therapist instructions: The puppy swam along the river for a long time, but suddenly the raft stopped. The puppy does not know how to get to the shore. Help the puppy. Blow on him so that he can jump to the river bank. Blow on the duck so that it quickly floats down the river.

Game 4. “Save the bear from the bees”

Details on the thread: bees.

Speech therapist instructions: The bear sat down to enjoy the honey. Suddenly the bees arrived. The bear was scared. Blow on the bees and drive them away.

Game 5. “Playful dolphins”

Details on the thread: dolphins.

Speech therapist instructions: A ship was sailing on a calm sea. Suddenly dolphins appeared. Blow on them and help them jump higher.

Material for the development of coherent speech (composing stories based on pictures, retelling)

How Vanya drank juice (sheet 1)

Vanya took a packet of juice and decided to drink it. He put the glass down, closed his eyes and poured. He opens his eyes, and all the juice is on the table. Vanya was surprised. Why an empty glass?

Walking the dog (sheet 2)

Roman went out to walk the dog. Suddenly a cloud came and it began to rain. The boy hurried home. The rain stopped and the sun came out. But Roma and the dog were already completely wet.

Gift to Masha (sheet 3)

Masha had a holiday. The girl played with cubes and balls. The mother entered the room and gave her daughter a large beautiful doll. Masha was very happy. She dreamed of such a doll for so long!

How Olya went to the forest to pick mushrooms (sheet 4)

It was a warm autumn day. Olya went into the forest to pick mushrooms. The girl collected a full basket of mushrooms. Olya happily rushed home. The girl tripped near a stump and fell. All the mushrooms scattered to the sides. Ole was very upset. The girl sat down and cried.

How Nadya ate snow (sheet 5)

One snowy day, Nadya was sledding. The girl really wanted water. She sat on the sled and decided to eat a snowball. The girl did not know that she would get sick.

How Vitya made the dog angry (sheet 6)

Vitya met a dog in the park. He took the stick and started teasing her. The dog got angry and chased the boy. Vanya got scared and ran.

Autumn (sheet 7)

Autumn came. Yellow leaves were falling from the trees. People wore warm hats and coats. Only Misha went out for a walk in a light jacket and cap. The boy is frozen. The next day I went out for a walk in a hat and jacket. Now he was warm.

Inattentive Ilya (sheet 8)

Ilya decided to ride a bike. He is driving along the path when he suddenly hears some screaming. The boy turned around and saw a crow near the wheel. Ilya looked at it and did not see the stone ahead. The boy tripped and fell off his bike.

Mouse and juice (sheet 9)

The mouse wanted to drink juice. I went up to the package, but couldn’t get it out. The package is tall, but the mouse is short. He looks, and there is a straw lying next to him. The mouse took it, put it against the bag and climbed up it. Then she dragged the straw up and inserted it into the hole. She climbed onto the straw and started drinking juice through it.

Balloon (sheet 10)

Kolya and Tolya met. Kolya has a balloon in his hand, and Tolya has a twig. Tolya decided to touch the ball with the sharp end of the branch. Bang! The ball burst. Kolya was upset, but Tolya didn’t even ask for an apology.

Grandma's pies (sheet 11)

Grandma wanted to bake pies. I kneaded the dough. I made some pies and placed them on a baking sheet. Then grandma put the baking sheet in the oven. As soon as the pies were baked, she took them out and treated them to her grandson.

Shestak Elena Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher speech therapist
Educational institution: MDOU "CRR-kindergarten No. 6 "Rodnichok"
Locality: Mezhozerny town, Verkhneuralsky district, Chelyabinsk region
Name of material: Toolkit
Subject:"Speech therapy lapbook"
Publication date: 18.02.2018
Chapter: preschool education

Brief summary of the methodological manual

« Speech therapy lapbook"

Teacher-speech therapist, MDOU "CRR-kindergarten No. 6 "Rodnichok"

Mezhozerny town, Verkhneuralsky district, Chelyabinsk region

Didactic manual "Speech therapy lapbook" represents

folder in 3 spreads. There are various pockets on the pages of the folder,

which are filled with practical material. Arrangement order

pockets allows the speech therapist to maintain the structure of the speech therapy lesson,

which ensures the implementation of all correctional tasks. IN

benefits games and exercises, visual material are presented,

aimed at the development of all components of the speech system (phonetics,

vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech, and the development of visual perception,

fine motor skills. All materials in the manual contain educational and

developing functions.

Lapbook classes can be conducted with one child or a subgroup

The manual is addressed to speech therapists of preschool educational institutions for the organization of correctional

work on automation and differentiation of delivered sounds,

consolidating knowledge on lexical topics with older children.

Explanatory note.


Speech development, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish

them, master the articulatory apparatus, construct sentences correctly and

expressing one's thoughts correctly are the most pressing problems facing

in front of the preschool. Correct speech is one of the indicators

a child’s readiness for school, the key to successful literacy development

and reading.

Analysis of the current situation in the education system and

teaching preschool children showed that the number

with deviations in speech development is steadily increasing.


number of pupils with mental problems -

hyperexcitability, lack of performance, rapid

fatigue, passivity, immaturity or underdevelopment of higher

mental functions.

Often speech therapists, and not only beginners, experience difficulties in

organizing and conducting individual lessons. Really,

repeated repetitions of the same material tire not only

a child, but also an adult. And there is no escape from repetition when necessary.

practice the correct articulation pattern, teach the child to hear,

recognize the sound and then pronounce it correctly.

When preparing and conducting an individual lesson, it is very important

remember that throughout the lesson the child must have

persistent positive emotional attitude, which is expressed in

desire to study. This is achieved using surprise

moments, game fragments, exciting tasks and exercises, with

the implementation of which the process of teaching and learning turns into

interesting game.

“To make a serious activity entertaining for a child is the task

initial training."

K.D. Ushinsky

Thus, to achieve maximum efficiency in

correctional process, the speech therapist teacher is required to solve complex

tasks of finding effective forms and methods of work to correct speech


In order to implementation of this problem in the 2016-2017 academic year was

developed and implemented into the correctional work system

multifunctional manual "Speech therapy lapbook."

"Lapbook"(lapbook) - literally translated from English means

“knee book” (lap - knees, book - book).

Lapbook – is a folder or other durable cardboard

base on which small books are glued (mini - books - simple

and curly, in the form of pockets, accordions, drawings, small texts and

etc.), in which the material being studied is organized and recorded.

Lapbook - is a modern, accessible learning tool that promotes

interaction of all participants in the educational process, meets

requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education for spatial

subject-development environment:

transformability- lapbook allows you to change the space in

depending on the educational situation, including changing

interests and capabilities of children;

multifunctionality- using folders in different views

children's activity. A laptop can be used to work with children

both individually and with a subgroup;

variability. There are several options in a lapbook

use of each part of it;

availability lapbook provides all types of children's activities,

ensures accessibility for both children with disabilities and disabled children,

Can be used in any room where

educational activities, including on the walking area

saturation- periodic change of game material,

ensuring the free choice of children, the emergence of new

materials that stimulate children's activity.

IN benefits the following are reflected sections:

Breathing exercises (“Blow away the butterfly”, “Rain”, “Breeze”,

“Snowflake”, etc.);

Articulation gymnastics (articulation exercises, symbols

vowel sounds, characteristics of consonant sounds);

Finger gymnastics, “Su-jok”;

Sensory development (“Magic bag”).

Automation of sounds (“syllable tracks”, “Repeaters”, pure tongues,

tongue twisters, etc.);

Development of phonemic hearing and sound-letter analysis of words

(“Speech therapy lotto”, “Sound chain”, “Sound tracks”,

“Read the word by the first sounds”, “The Magic Train”, “What not

became”, “Fun fishing”, etc.);

Development of coherent speech on lexical topics (“Make a story based on a series

pictures”, “Repeat the poem”, etc.);

Grammatical structure (“Prepositions”);

Fine motor skills (“Tactile paths”, “Games with sticks”,

“Lace”, “Collect beads”, “Draw a letter”, “Magic wire” and

Visual perception (“Collect a picture”, “Fascinating labyrinths”);

Thus, the use of this data in the work of a speech therapist teacher benefits

allows you to solve several simultaneously tasks:

1.Develop general, fine, articulatory motor skills and tactile


2. Automate and differentiate the sounds provided, train

sound analysis with elements of literacy teaching.

3.Develop lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech.

Develop mental processes: perception, attention, memory.

5.Develop visual coordination and the ability to navigate on a plane.

Algorithm use of this benefits can be seen with an example

lessons on automating the sound “r”. (Appendix No. 1) Similarly, you can

conduct classes on automation and differentiation of other sounds.

Didactic material filled out by a speech therapist based on his specific

tasks. The material is constantly updated, which contributes to constant

professional growth of the teacher and increase in his creative activity.

In order to increase the efficiency of correction work for manufacturing

didactic material are involved in conducting games and exercises

parents of pupils, which allows them to be “included” in educational

process, increase their competence and interest.

Benefit It has practical value, since in the game,

in a relaxed manner, the child covers the entire range of software

tasks. With the traditional approach, the main load falls on the most

powerful auditory canal, while vision, which in natural

conditions account for 80% of incoming information, chronically remains

underloaded, and this is the most important type of memory, which carries an important

responsibility for memorizing and mastering the material. Preschooler knowledge

become stronger and fuller.

Efficiency given benefits is, which is in the process of development

Playing games increases a child’s cognitive activity. Activity principle

child in the learning process was and remains one of the main ones in didactics

this kind of activity in itself does not occur often, it is

a consequence of targeted pedagogical influences and organization

pedagogical environment, i.e. the pedagogical technology used. K.D.

Ushinsky once said that knowledge will be stronger the more it is

they are perceived by the number of sense organs.

Gradual completion of tasks and exercises allows you to develop

children's prerequisites for educational activities, develops attention, educates

perseverance, determination in achieving the final result, and

this is the highest figure for this benefits.

Given allowance provides the teacher with savings in preparation time and

conducting individual and subgroup lessons with children on topics

proposed blocks.

All-Russian competition of pedagogical excellence

"Lapbook for children of preschool and primary school age"

Project "Introduction of Lapbook technology as an effective means in speech therapy work on differentiating sounds." Lapbook “Zvukoznaika”.

Project abstract

At the present stage of development of education, in the light of the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard for Special Education, teachers are looking for new approaches, ideas, and methods of teaching in order to meet the requirements of the time.The teacher must show mobility, variability and creativity in the choice of educational technologies.One of the means of developing the cognitive abilities of children of primary school age is a lapbook. Its importance in the work of a speech therapist can hardly be overestimated.A lapbook (lapbook-book on the lap), or, as it is also called, a thematic interactive folder, is a homemade paper book with pockets, doors, windows, and movable parts that the student can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion. It collects material on a specific topic. At the same time, a lapbook is not just a craft. This is the final stage of independent research work that the student has done while studying this topic. To fill out this folder, the student will need to complete certain tasks, make observations, and study the material presented. Creating a lapbook will help consolidate and systematize the material studied, and looking at the folder in the future will allow you to quickly refresh your memory of the topics covered.A laptop is a large field of joint activity between a speech therapist and a student. The advantages of its use are obvious:

Relevance of the project.

Speech formation is one of the main tasks of a student’s speech education, because plays a big role in the formation of personality. To develop a child’s speech, it is necessary to use various games, activities, manuals, and innovative technologies. Problem: In recent years, there has been a sharp decline in the level of speech development of schoolchildren. Speech disorders are diverse; they manifest themselves in impaired pronunciation, grammatical structure of speech, poor vocabulary, as well as impaired tempo and fluency of speech. An important area of ​​correctional work is the correction of speech disorders and the prevention of speech disorders. The success of correctional education is largely determined by the extent to which the teacher applies new pedagogical technologies. Effective use of a modern teaching aid - a lapbook. A laptop helps a child organize information on the topic being studied at will and better understand and remember the material. This is a great way to review what you've learned. In this regard, the development of this project is relevant.

Project passport

Project name

Introduction of Lapbook technology as an effective tool in

speech therapy work on differentiation of sounds.” Lapbook “Zvukoznaika” for differentiating sounds s-z

Project type

Educational, practice-oriented, long-term, collective

Project Manager

Zimaeva M.V. - teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category

Project participants

3rd grade students of MKOU Varnavinskaya S(K)SHI

Myacheva Ksenia

Cheplyauskas Alexey

Turkin Vladislav

Place of sale

MCOU Varnavinskaya S(K)SHI


1.Primary school students

2.Primary school teachers
3. School specialists - teachers, speech therapists, educational psychologists.
4. School teachers

5. Parents

Objective of the project

Formation of correct sound pronunciation and improvement of speech development in generalthrough the joint creative activity of the teacher and students to create and implement the “Zvukoznaika” laptop and work with it.

Project objectives

Promote children's speech development:

Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds (C) and (Z) in syllables, words, phrases;

Develop gross and fine motor skills.
- develop speech breathing.

Expand, enrich and activate children's vocabulary;

Develop grammatically correct speech skills;

Develop phonemic hearing, sound analysis skills;

Develop the creative abilities of schoolchildren.

- increase the level of socialization and communication skills in children.

- develop partnerships in working on the project between all participants in the process.

Expected results

1.​ Increasing the level of speech development.

2.​ Increasing the level of cognitive activity of children, forming an idea of ​​​​how to search for new information and present it in the form of a laptop;

3.​ Increasing the level of socialization of the child in society, i.e. life competencies.

4.​ Development of creativity, positive emotions, cooperation, empathy.

Practical result of the project

exhibition design "Lapbook “Zvukoznaika”at the end of training.

Implementation deadlines

6 to 9 months

Innovation of the project

The use of a variety of gaming technologies, creative design and creative imagination, aimed at the ability to consolidate and generalize acquired knowledge;

Development of speech skills using elements of visual modeling in the form of diagrams, models, symbols.

Project implementation stages




Stage 1


1Studying the literature on the production of lapbooks.
2. Drawing up a plan - project diagram.
3. Planning classes for making laptop pages.

4 Selection of necessary materials for making a laptop

2-4 weeks

Stage 2


1Diagnostics of the sound-pronunciation side of speech of primary school students.

2. Study and generalization of topics on the production of whistling sounds, automation and differentiation of sounds in syllables, words, sentences and speech.

3Teacher and children working together to make laptop pages

4 The use of thematic lapbooks in speech development classes

12 weeks

Stage 3 Reflection

Summarizing lapbook materials, improving skills in working with it

Using created lapbooks in children’s independent activities

Final diagnostics

2-3 weeks

Stage 4 Implementation - generalization of experience

Exhibition design, teaching peers how to make laptops, summarizing experience, master classes

8-12 weeks

Description of tasks of the Lapbook “Zvukoznaika”



First sheet

Second sheet

Third sheet

Sheet four

Sheet five

Sheet six

Sheet seven

Breathing exercises

Goal: formation of a short inhalation and a long speech exhalation.

Page 1

Exercises “Snowflakes on the window”, “Butterflies on flowers”.

You need to blow so that the snowflakes fly away from the window of the house. (snowflakes made of hard material on threads), butterflies flew away from flowers (butterflies on threads made of hard material)

Page 2

Exercises “Cheerful Snowman”, “Planes on Takeoff” You need to take a long exhale on the balls of cotton wool to make a snowman out of them and collect them in one place. You need to blow on paper airplanes to make them take off.

Articulation gymnastics

Goal: development of mobility and differentiation of articulatory movements, formation of clear articulatory positions for production and automation of sounds.

Page 1

Read and repeat game

The pocket contains cards depicting articulation exercises and poems. They need to be placed on TV, shown the exercise and read the poem.

Game “Fun exercise for the tongue”

On the page there is a snail, a mirror and a fan with exercises that must be performed while looking in the mirror.

Warm up for fingers

Goal: development of general and fine motor skills of the fingers

Page 1

Exercise “Cloud and Rain”

It is necessary to attach rain boots made of thick fabric to the laces

Exercise “Collect beads”

You need to collect beads of different sizes on a strong thread.

Page 2.

Exercise “Letters with a surprise”

There are buttons on the colorful letters c and z. They need to be unfastened and fastened again.

Exercise “Dress the teddy bear” Using lacing, put a T-shirt and shorts made of thick fabric on the teddy bear.

Page 1 Repeat Exercises

Goal: Automation of sounds s and s in syllables, words, speech.

On the page there are accordion booklets with Velcro, little books with buttons. Repeat syllables, words, phrases and tongue twisters using the sounds s and z.

Page 2. Exercise “Who lives where?”

Goal: Development of phonemic hearing, differentiation of sounds s and s in words.

On the page there is a clock with pictures, on the hands there are the letters c and z. Direct the arrow to the corresponding picture.

Page 1 Exercise “Determine the place of the sound in the word”

Goal: Formation of the skill of sound-letter analysis of words

There are pictures in the pocket, they need to be placed according to the diagrams, determining the place of the sounds s and z in the words.

Page 2. Exercise “Guess the riddles”

Goal: Improving the skill of differentiating sounds s-z

On the page there is a train with two carriages, they contain the letters c and z.

Guess the riddles in the little book and find the answers in your pocket. Then place the pictures in the locomotive cars.

Page 1. Game "Adventure"

Goal: Development of phonemic hearing, differentiation of sounds s-z

The game is played using chips and dice. There are pictures on the playing field. The winner is the one who stops at objects with sounds s and z

Page 2 Game “Live Picture”

Goal: Development of phonemic hearing, the skill of sound-letter analysis of words.

On the page there is a picture of a forest, below there are animals on Velcro. It is necessary to place in the forest such animals and birds whose names contain the sound s or z.

Page 1. Exercise “Make sentences”

Goal: Differentiation of sounds s-z in sentences

On the page of a book with a series of pictures. You need to make sentences using diagrams.

Page 2 Game “Teremok Theater”

Goal: Differentiation of sounds s-z in speech.

On the page there is a picture of a mansion and animals, the heroes of this fairy tale. You need to tell or dramatize a fairy tale.


Lapbook “Zvukoznaika”

Sheet 1 Breathing exercises

Exercise “Snowflakes on the Window” Exercise “Cheerful Snowman”

“Blow on snowflakes” “Blow balls of cotton wool on a snowman”

Exercise “Butterflies on Flowers” ​​Exercise “Planes on Takeoff”

Sheet 2. Articulation gymnastics.

Sheet 4. Warm-up for fingers

Exercise “Letters with a surprise” Exercise “Dress up the bear”

Sheet 5 Automation of sounds (s) (h) in syllables, words, speech.

Exercise “Repeat”

Exercise “Who Lives Where?” Exercise “Guess the riddles”

Sheet 6. Sound-letter analysis of words with sounds (s), (z).

Exercise “Locate the sound” Exercise “Guess the riddles”

Sheet 7. Sound-letter analysis of words. Differentiation (c)-(h).

Exercise “Live Picture”

Sheet 8. Differentiation (c)-(h) in speech.


1. Batyaeva S.V. Speech therapy puzzles /S. V. Batyaeva. - M.: JSC "ROSMAN-PRESS". 2012. - 12 p.

2. Breslavtseva E. V. Lapbook as a means of teaching children with speech impairments // Education: past, present and future: materials of the I International. scientific conf. (Krasnodar, August 2016). - Krasnodar: Novation, 2016. - pp. 26-30.

3. Gatovskaya D. A. Lapbook as a learning tool in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard // Problems and prospects for the development of education: materials of the VI International. scientific conf. (Perm, April 2015). - Perm: Mercury, 2015. - pp. 162-164.

4. Komarova L. A. Automation of sound C in game exercises. Preschooler's album / L. A. Komarova. - M.: Publishing house Gnome and D, 2012-32 p.

5. Komarova L. A. Automation of sound in game exercises. Preschooler's album/L. A. Komarova. - M.: Gnome Publishing House, 2011, - 32 p.

Svetlana Kostina

The purpose of this benefits:

Automation sound(L) in words, phrases, sentences;

Improving phonemic awareness.

1. On the first spread there are letters and “tracks” from materials that feel different to the touch for reading forwards and backwards syllables.

3. Next games "Labyrinths". The child “moves” in the direction indicated by the arrows, naming the pictures. For this game, I specially selected pictures with verbs, because it is in past tense verbs sound(l) better to automate.

4. "Cut picture". I cut up the plot picture "Blue Scarf" ( allowance T. A. Tkachenko "Phonetic stories with pictures"). The child draws a picture and then listens, answers questions and retells the text.

5. "Come up with a proposal." The pocket contains pictures, mainly with verbs. The child composes sentences, in some cases, a story will turn out.

Publications on the topic:

Didactic game for preschoolers 3-6 years old on the topic: “Transport” The purpose of the game: to consolidate and generalize children’s knowledge on the topic “Transport”. Educational.

I would like to present to your attention the teaching aid “Street of Sounds”. The purpose of its use in the classroom is to reinforce correct sound pronunciation.

This didactic manual is a developmental teaching tool and contains material for organization as a collective creative one.

While working on the project: “Krasnodar Region”, I decided to tell the children about tea, because the northernmost tea grows in Kuban. And for the children.

The didactic manual “Lapbook “Walk in the Park”” is intended for children 4-5 years old. If the content of the laptop is expanded and complicated, it can be used.

I bring to your attention a lapbook for the sound R. The size of the lapbook is A3, the base is illustrated from the “Image Designer-2” website of Mersibo and laminated.

…. “To learn to speak, you must speak.” -M. R. Lvov. Older children, already almost big in themselves, everything seems interesting to them.

Speech development project "Use of a laptop in the work of a speech therapist in the formation and improvement of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech"


Today everything old takes on new forms. With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard
teachers are looking for new approaches, ideas, forms and methods in their correctional activities that would be interesting to preschoolers and would be appropriate for their age, and would most effectively solve educational, educational and correctional problems. The main principle of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education: the child’s activities should be as diverse as possible. And it is possible to involve a child in activities only when he is interested, when he is passionate and plays.
Play is the main activity of preschoolers. Nowadays, children and adults have a wide variety of games at their disposal. Didactic games, especially verbal ones, occupy a special place among them.
In didactic games with grammatical content, the tasks of activating and clarifying one or another grammatical form or grammatical phenomenon are solved. Such games have been developed to help children master difficult forms of inflection (plural genitive case, imperative mood of the verb, gender agreement of words, etc.), methods of forming words (names of baby animals, people of different professions, cognate words) . It should be emphasized (A.G. Arushanova) that a child will not have enough life to “play” all the grammatical forms of the language through didactic games and exercises. They have a different meaning: to stimulate children’s search activity in the field of grammar, to cultivate in children a linguistic sense, a linguistic attitude to the word and elementary forms of awareness of linguistic reality.
The use of special didactic games and exercises makes it possible to most successfully solve the issues of developing the grammatical structure of speech.
In addition, the perception of material in children is of a different nature, but it is known that the majority remembers 5% of what they hear and 20% of what they see.
All this prompted me to create a laptop: “Fun Grammar” (Games and exercises for the formation and improvement of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech).
Target: development of children's speech with the help of a laptop, creating conditions for its active use in speech activity.
Project objectives:
1. Contribute to the formation of interest in learning.
2. To form and improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech in children of senior preschool age.
3. Develop emotional responsiveness, attention, and curiosity in children.
4. Replenishment of the developing subject-spatial environment of the teacher-speech therapist.
Lapbook– literally translated from English means “book on lap.” It is a folder or folding book with thematic content, with different pockets and moving parts.

Project implementation timeline: September 2017 – April 2018
Project participants: teacher-speech therapist, pupils of the speech therapy center (children of senior and preparatory groups).
Project type: medium term

Project implementation stages

1. Preparatory stage.
Studying literature on the topic.
Familiarization with best practices.
Clarification of the formulation of the problem, topic, goals and objectives.
Selection of visual teaching aids, purchase of waste materials.

Search and selection of subject pictures, which were carefully selected based on the lexical topics provided for by the program at the preschool educational institution.
Printing and laminating pictures.
Making a laptop.

2. Main stage.

Introducing children to lapbooks;
Individual work to consolidate basic lexical and grammatical categories using a laptop;

3. Final stage.

Preparation of reporting documentation, photo report.
Report at the regional medical training of speech therapists of the Zavyalovsky district.
Speech at a parent meeting on the use of individual lapbooks for correcting sound pronunciation. Enrich parental experience with techniques of interaction and cooperation with the child in the family.
The purpose of pedagogical influence Using a laptop, it is aimed at aligning the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensuring their all-round harmonious development.

Expected results for the project:
Attracting parents and children of our preschool educational institution into the fascinating world of lapbooks.
In the process of working with a lapbook, the level of development of the lexical and grammatical structure of the speech of children of senior preschool age successfully increased.

Games and tasks contained in the laptop

“What is it made of?”
(Formation of relative adjectives)

“Whose, whose, whose?”
(Formation of possessive adjectives)

Formation of relative adjectives

“Which one happens?”
(Selection of characteristics for a subject, object, enrichment of the dictionary with adjectives)

Game "One - Many"
(Differentiation of nouns in the nominative case, conversion from singular to plural)

Game “Tell Dunno”
(Reinforcing forms of the instrumental case)

Game "Count"
(practice in agreeing nouns with numerals one, two, five)

Game “Name it kindly”
(To consolidate the ability to correctly use words with a diminutive suffix)

"Selecting rhymes"
(Form nouns in the genitive case)

"Correct use of prepositions"

“Thinking about who, what?”
(Reinforcement of prepositional case forms)


Lapbook- this is not just a method that helps to consolidate and practice acquired knowledge, it is a flight of fantasy and research that, once started, will continue. The teacher’s task is only to give children confidence in their abilities and properly motivate them to open new horizons.
In the future, it is planned to work on the production of individual lapbooks, based on the interests of the children, when each child makes his own book for a certain time, and then presents it to the children of the group or, for example, at a parent-teacher meeting. The result will be a whole exhibition of lapbooks. A laptop can become a creative product of children's research or design activities. This approach will contribute to the implementation of the principle of individualization, which is what the standard of preschool education guides us towards. Lapbook –
allows you to consolidate and systematize the studied material, and also helps to quickly refresh your memory of covered topics.

A laptop can also be used as a material for examining the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.
