Our projects: “Riches given to people. Project on the surrounding world: "Wealth given to people, Yu

The names of many world-famous scientific and cultural figures are associated with the Ryazan region. In medicine PAVLOV Ivan Petrovich () A native of Ryazan. The great Russian scientist-physiologist, academician, creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, the first Nobel Prize laureate in Russia in the field of physiology and medicine. Riches of the Ryazan region

TSIOLKOVSKY Konstantin Eduardovich () Native of the village. Izhevskoe, Ryazan province. An outstanding Russian scientist and inventor, the founder of Russian cosmonautics. Theoretically studied the problems of aviation and astronautics In astronautics

GOLOVNIN Vasily Mikhailovich () A native of the Ryazan province. Russian navigator. It occupies an honorable place in the history of the Russian navy and Russian geographical science. He repeatedly circumnavigated the world. In seafaring

SEMENOV-TIAN-SHANSKY Petr Petrovich () A native of the Ryazan province. Russian geographer, traveler, statistician, collector, animal expert, outstanding public figure. Before the age of 14, the future scientist re-read his father’s entire rich library. Studied foreign languages. He studied at St. Petersburg University, in Germany, in Italy. In 1856, he traveled into the depths of the Tien Shan, where no European traveler had ever penetrated before. Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky was the leader of many dozens of scientific expeditions. In geography

The great Russian breeder, talented experimenter - MICHURIN Ivan Vladimirovich () is also a native of the Ryazan province. Michurin found his calling in life early. He wrote: “...as far as I can remember, I have always been completely absorbed in the pursuit of growing one or another plant...” Contribution to science He developed methods for the selection of fruit and berry plants using the method of distant hybridization, and developed new and improved varieties. In biology and selection

ESENIN Sergey Alexandrovich () Native of the village. Konstantinovo, Ryazan province. A great Russian poet who glorified the beauty of Russian nature and the spiritual greatness of the Russian people. One of the main themes in his work is the theme of the Motherland. “No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, it is no better than the expanses of Ryazan,” Yesenin argued, being far from his native land. And of course in poetry And many, many others...

One ancient sage said: “Earthly beauties are the crown of nature, and the gems on it are people.” Ryazan residents can rightfully be proud that the Ryazan land is not deprived of either marvelous, peaceful and soul-warming nature, or its best decoration - wonderful people.

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 32, Podolsk

Project on the topic:

“Riches given to people. Yu.A. Gagarin"


student of grade 3 "B"

Melnikova Ksenia


Objective of the project: get acquainted with the biographyan outstanding person who became famous for his deeds and human qualities.

Form of work: individual.

Stages of work:

1.Choosing a topic.

2.Activity planning. Setting goals and objectives.

3. Carrying out activities according to plan.

4.Results presentation.

5.Presentation of results.

6. Evaluation of the results and process of project activities.

Working hours: 27.09.2013-04.10.2013

Method for presenting results: story-biography.

Presentation plan:

1. Justification for choosing the topic.

2. Brief biography of Yu.A. Gagarin.

3. Great feat.

4. Wealth given to people.

Materials for the project.

We do not know the person who first caught onto a tree that had fallen into the water and swam on it. We also don’t know the person who invented the wheel. But we know for sure who was the first in space - Yuri Gagarin, April 12, 1961.

Perhaps the most famous person on the planet is looking at us from the photographs. People are especially excited about everything connected with the life of the first cosmonaut. Yuri Gagarin visited many countries, met a variety of people, but everyone took with them a piece of his spiritual warmth, everyone remembered his charming, Gagarin-like smile.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the village of Klushino, Smolensk region. In September 1941, Yura went to school, but in October the village was occupied by the Germans, and he was able to continue his studies only when the village was liberated by the Red Army. In 1945, the Gagarin family moved to Gzhatsk (now Gagarin). In 1949, Gagarin graduated from the sixth grade of school and entered the Lyubertsy vocational school. At the same time, he entered an evening school for working youth. He graduated from college with a degree in molding and casting with honors.
In 1951, Gagarin entered the Saratov Industrial College and joined the flying club. In 1955, Yuri Gagarin completed his studies with honors and made the first independent flight on a Yak-18 aircraft.
In 1955, Gagarin was drafted into the army and sent to the military aviation school for pilots. He graduated from college with honors. In 1957 he married Valentina Ivanovna Goryacheva.

On March 3, 1960, Yuri was enrolled in the group of cosmonaut candidates. On March 25, regular classes began under the cosmonaut training program.
On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome for the first time in the world, with pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on board. For this feat he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Starting from April 12, 1962, the day of Gagarin's flight into space was declared a holiday - Cosmonautics Day.
On March 27, 1968, Yu. A. Gagarin died under unclear circumstances near the Vladimir region during one of his training flights on an airplane. He was buried near the Kremlin wall on Red Square.

Man by nature has a desire for everything new and unknown. This is the key to human progress. Expeditions are going to all corners of the Earth. Scientists search, find and re-explore the unknown in order to give it to people. Wide horizons, the immensity of which is difficult to even imagine, open up space flights for the development of many branches of science.

Years have passed, life has confirmed the correctness of Yuri Gagarin’s conclusions about the new profession of earthlings and its main purpose: into space - for the sake of the Earth, “... expanding our knowledge of the universe, studying new patterns and using them for the benefit of man.”

Such was his desire, such remained his legacy to humanity.

How do I evaluate my work on the project?

Stetsyuk Vladimir

3 "B" class


Wealth given to people.

There were and are many people in Russia who, without sparing themselves, gave their entire lives for the benefit of other people. They did good to people. For example, the doctor Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, who saved thousands of lives, was the first to invent anesthesia and plaster, became famous, but never refused help to poor people and did not even go to the tsar when he learned that a simple peasant woman’s son was dying. He went to help the patient. Tretyakov Pavel Mikhailovich, who helped Russian artists all his life. I bought their paintings, giving them the opportunity to earn a living. After his death, he gave half of his wealth to charity and bequeathed his entire rich collection of paintings to the people. Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky, a famous teacher, or Anton Semenovich Makarenko, who were loved throughout the country. Are there people like them among my loved ones, fellow countrymen? Yes, I have. There are a lot of such people. We just don’t think about what they do for us and think that this is how it should be. These are, for example, my grandmothers. Or, for example, you are Valentina Ivanovna. Although not famous throughout the world, their kindness and care warmed and helped many, many people.

My grandmother Larisa Alekseevna worked on the railway most of her life. She was engaged in the construction and repair of roads. The work is very hard and responsible. Any mistake can lead to an accident in the future. I had to work in the rain and cold. And if there was an urgent need for repairs, then we had to work on weekends. Because they knew that other people depended on their fast work. Will they be on time for meetings, work, home, but you never know who is in a hurry when traveling by train or train. She did not spare herself for the sake of others.

My second grandmother, Ioanna Vasilievna, has been working as a medical worker all her life. I worked in a maternity hospital as a midwife for a very long time. It’s hard to imagine how many sleepless nights she spent next to expectant mothers and how many babies she helped to be born. Now she works in a kindergarten. Looks after the health of the children.

Valentina Ivanovna You, too, taught children all your life and gave them not only knowledge, but also made them into people, leaving a piece of your soul in each.

Your modest work knows no price,

It cannot be compared to anything!

And everyone calls you with love

Your name is simple -

Teacher. Who doesn't know him?

This is a simple name

What illuminates with the light of knowledge

I live the whole planet!

We originate in you,

You are the color of our life, -

And let the years, like candles, melt away, -

We won't forget you, no!

Project “Riches given to people”. The world. 3rd grade Prepared by 3rd grade student Taran Bogdan Project goal:

  • Tell about the wonderful deeds of my fellow countrymen for the benefit of other people.

Project objectives:

  • Prepare a presentation story.
  • Collect information in the form of photographs, facts from the biography.
  • Introduce your project to your classmates.
Koltsov Alexey Vasilievich

(1809-1842) - a famous Russian poet, whose whole life and work are inextricably linked with Voronezh. Born on October 3, 1809, into a wealthy middle-class family in the city of Voronezh.

  • From the age of 9, Koltsov learned to read and write at home, demonstrating such abilities that in 1820 he was able to enter a two-year district school, bypassing the parish school. Vissarion Belinsky wrote the following about the level of his education:
  • We don’t know how he was transferred to the second grade, and in general what he learned at this school, because no matter how briefly we knew Koltsov personally, we did not notice any signs of elementary education in him.
  • After a year and four months (second grade) at the school, Alexey was taken away by his father. Vasily Petrovich believed that this education would be enough for his son to become his assistant. Alexey's job was to drive and sell livestock.
  • At school, Alexey fell in love with reading, the first books he read were fairy tales, for example about Bova, about Eruslan Lazarevich. He bought these books with the money he received from his parents for treats and toys. Later, Alexey began to read various novels, which he borrowed from his friend Vargin, who was also the son of a merchant. The future poet especially liked the works “A Thousand and One Nights” and “Cadmus and Harmony” by Kheraskov. After Vargin's death in 1824, Alexey Koltsov inherited his library - about 70 volumes. In 1825, he became interested in the poems of I. I. Dmitriev, especially “Ermak”.
  • In 1825, at the age of 16, he wrote his first poem, “Three Visions,” which he later destroyed. The poem was written in imitation of Koltsov's favorite poet, Ivan Dmitriev.
  • Koltsov’s first mentor in poetry was the Voronezh bookseller Dmitry Kashkin, who gave the young man the opportunity to use books from his library for free. Kashkin was direct, smart and honest, for which the youth of the city loved him. Kashkin's bookstore was a kind of club for them. Kashkin was interested in Russian literature, read a lot and wrote poetry himself. Apparently Koltsov showed him his first experiments. For 5 years, Koltsov used his library free of charge.
  • Somewhere in his youth, the future poet experienced a deep drama - he was separated from the serf girl whom he wanted to marry. This was reflected, in particular, in his poems “Song” (1827), “Don’t Sing, Nightingale” (1832) and a number of others.
  • In 1827, he met seminarian Andrei Srebryansky, who later became his close friend and mentor. It was Srebryansky who instilled in Koltsov an interest in philosophy.
  • The young poet's first publications were anonymous - 4 poems in 1830. Under his own name, Alexey Koltsov published poems in 1831, when N.V. Stankevich, a famous poet, publicist and thinker, whom Koltsov met in 1830, published his poems with a short preface in the Literary Gazette. In 1835, the first and only collection during the poet’s lifetime, “Poems of Alexei Koltsov,” was published. On his father’s business, he traveled to St. Petersburg and Moscow, where, thanks to Stankevich, he met V. G. Belinsky, who had a great influence on him, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Vladimir Odoevsky and Pushkin, who published Koltsov’s poem in his magazine “Sovremennik” Harvest".
  • After the release of the poems “The Young Reaper,” “It’s Time for Love,” and “The Last Kiss,” Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin became interested in Koltsov. He called the main feature of these poems “a burning sense of personality.”
  • While traveling on his father’s trade business, Koltsov met various people and collected folklore. His lyrics glorified ordinary peasants, their work and their lives. Many poems became words to the music of M. A. Balakirev, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, M. P. Mussorgsky, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov and many others.
As a result of depression and prolonged consumption, Koltsov died at the age of thirty-three in 1842.
  • As a result of depression and prolonged consumption, Koltsov died at the age of thirty-three in 1842.
  • The poet was buried at the Mitrofanevskoye cemetery in Voronezh
Monument to A.V. Koltsov
  • A bust of the poet was erected in Koltsovsky Square in 1868. A monument to the poet was also erected on Soviet Square in Voronezh.

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Project “Riches given to people” Prepared by Anastasia Evdokimova, 3B grade student of secondary school No. 46

Project goal: To tell about the wonderful deeds, actions and achievements of our fellow countrymen. Project objectives: Collect information in the form of photographs and facts from the biography; Prepare a presentation story; Introduce your project to your classmates

The names of many world-famous scientific and cultural figures are associated with the Ryazan region. In medicine PAVLOV Ivan Petrovich (1849-1936) Native of Ryazan. The great Russian scientist-physiologist, academician, creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, the first Nobel Prize laureate in Russia in the field of physiology and medicine. Riches of the Ryazan region

TSIOLKOVSKY Konstantin Eduardovich (1857 - 1935) Native of the village. Izhevskoe, Ryazan province. An outstanding Russian scientist and inventor, the founder of Russian cosmonautics. Theoretically studied the problems of aviation and astronautics In astronautics

GOLOVNIN Vasily Mikhailovich (1776 - 1831) A native of the Ryazan province. Russian navigator. It occupies an honorable place in the history of the Russian navy and Russian geographical science. He repeatedly circumnavigated the world. In seafaring

SEMENOV-TIAN-SHANSKY Petr Petrovich (1827 - 1914) A native of the Ryazan province. Russian geographer, traveler, statistician, collector, animal expert, outstanding public figure. Before the age of 14, the future scientist re-read his father’s entire rich library. Studied foreign languages. He studied at St. Petersburg University, in Germany, in Italy. In 1856, he traveled into the depths of the Tien Shan, where no European traveler had ever penetrated before. Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky was the leader of many dozens of scientific expeditions. In geography

The great Russian breeder, talented experimenter - Ivan Vladimirovich MICHURIN (1855 - 1935) is also a native of the Ryazan province. Michurin found his calling in life early. He wrote: “...as far as I can remember, I have always been completely absorbed in the pursuit of growing one or another plant...” Contribution to science He developed methods for the selection of fruit and berry plants using the method of distant hybridization, and developed new and improved varieties. In biology and selection

ESENIN Sergey Alexandrovich (1895 - 1925) Native of the village. Konstantinovo, Ryazan province. A great Russian poet who glorified the beauty of Russian nature and the spiritual greatness of the Russian people. One of the main themes in his work is the theme of the Motherland. “No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, it is no better than the expanses of Ryazan,” Yesenin argued, being far from his native land. And of course in poetry And many, many others...

One ancient sage said: “Earthly beauties are the crown of nature, and the gems on it are people.” Ryazan residents can rightfully be proud that the Ryazan land is not deprived of either marvelous, peaceful and soul-warming nature, or its best decoration - wonderful people.
