Other parcel tracking. Free tracking of postal items

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to home page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If there are any difficulties with the statuses on English language, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... parcels go on different routes, different ways, they can wait 1 day for shipment by plane, or maybe a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for it to appear new status, the package must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)


When making purchases in foreign online stores, we are all one way or another faced with the issue of tracking the postal item by which the purchased product is delivered to us.

This article will discuss general issues regarding tracking of international postal items (IPO). Will be considered general principles according to which MPOs are divided into tracked and untracked, the main stages of delivery that items go through. The issue of the structure of international tracking numbers assigned to IGOs ​​is separately considered.

We will also talk about average delivery times and factors that greatly influence these terms. A separate section will provide information on the possibilities of tracking IPOs on the websites of state postal services of the countries of the sender and recipient, as well as the use of universal independent services for tracking.

Another Additional information You can always find information on these issues, as well as on customs clearance of international mail and the work of individual postal services in the wiki section of this site.

Basic principles

Tracked and non-tracked IGOs

IPOs (international postal items) are divided into two main categories:

  • Parcels(over 2 kg)
  • Small packages(up to 2 kg)

MPOs are also divided into:

  • Registered(with tracking capability)
  • Unregistered(not trackable)

Parcels, as well as any shipments via EMS, are always a registered shipment, but small packages can be either registered or unregistered.

A registered IPO in the country of departure is assigned a unique 13-digit tracking number, by which you can control the movement of the IPO from sender to recipient, using the tracking services of the national postal operators of these countries or independent tracking services.

The tracking number for registered small packages always starts with a letter R(Registered).

Accordingly, tracking the movement of MPO using tracking services is only possible for EMS shipments, parcels and registered small packages, provided you know the tracking number.

Examples of tracking numbers:

  • CQ123456785US – postal item from the USA (parcel)
  • RN123456785US – postal item from the USA (small package)
  • EE123456785US – EMS shipping from the USA
  • RA123456785CN – postal item from China
  • RJ123456785GB – postal item from Great Britain

The last 2 letters in the tracking number indicate the country in which the item is accepted for shipment. You can read more about the structure of the track number in the next section.

When an unregistered MPO arrives in Russia, Russian Post assigns it an internal tracking number of type RA*********RU. This number is internal information of the postal operator and is used for internal accounting of incoming international mail and subsequent settlements with the postal operator of the country of departure.

The recipient can find out this number only upon receipt of the IPO.

Track number structure

According to the rules of the UPU (Universal Postal Union) (standard S10), the IPO track number consists of 9 numbers and 4 letters. Track number structure: XX*********XX, where X are letters and * are numbers.

Example: RA123456785GB

The first two capital Latin letters indicate the type of postal item. Here are the main ones:

  • LA-LZ- unregistered MPO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Not tracked.
  • RA-RZ- registered MPO weighing less than 2 kg (small package). Tracked.
  • CA-CZ- registered MPO weighing more than 2 kg (parcel). Tracked.
  • EA-EZ- registered IGO, issued as express shipment (EMS). Tracked.

Next, the track number indicates an eight-digit digital unique IPO number. According to UPU rules, it cannot be repeated for at least one year. The last (ninth) digit is a verification code calculated using a certain mathematical function of the item number.

At the end of the track number, two capital Latin letters are also indicated, which abbreviated the country of the sender according to the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code standard. For example CN- China, S.G.- Singapore, G.B.- Great Britain, DE- Germany, US- USA, etc.

2. greatly simplifies the procedure for tracking registered mail items using the track number provided by the user and combines tracking systems of postal services from 27 countries around the world. Allows you to create lists of verified track numbers, keeps statistics of average delivery times for items from different countries. Allows you to predict the time it takes for a shipment to pass through one or another stage of delivery.

3. - can be installed on both PCs and personal mobile devices. The list of supported services includes more than 250 email services. Allows you to create lists of verified track numbers. In addition, it is possible to add user data to the tracking number, which allows you to have accurate information about all the events that occur with a specific order from the moment it is paid for in the store until the moment it is delivered to the recipient.

In addition to the above, there are many other mail tracking services with different capabilities and different composition of supported mail services, so there is no particular point in listing them. The only thing that stands out a little apart is that it does a good job of tracking China Post parcels, but has a rather inconvenient interface and does not support many of the recently emerged local Chinese logistics companies.

Why does the average buyer need tracking?

In this final section I would like to say a little not only about the technical side of the issue, which the article was devoted to, but also about the psychological side of the tracking issue. And also talk about common goals tracking.

It is quite understandable that all buyers want to receive their goods as quickly as possible and secretly hope that the goods sent, say, from China or the USA will reach the recipient in Russia in a week. But, alas, miracles do not happen, and when choosing delivery of goods by the regular state postal service, you need to be mentally prepared for a wait of 3-4 weeks.

During this time, someone will check their track number only a few times to make sure that the shipment is moving, and someone will check their track number several dozen or hundreds of times... Of course, the latter is more typical for newcomers to online shopping and their excitement even somewhere justified. But the truth lies in the fact that no matter how many times we check our track number, the package will not move faster! Therefore, you still shouldn’t be so paranoid about tracking issues.

In essence, tracking is a tool for monitoring the physical movement of a shipment, in principle, a tool for monitoring compliance with delivery deadlines. And the shipment tracking data, for example, will be very useful to you if you decide to make any claims to the postal services regarding the delivery of the item or the speed of delivery.

Therefore, three main tracking purposes can be defined:

  • Informational - when the recipient simply tracks the movement process and delivery time of his shipment, receiving information from tracking systems.
  • Control - when the recipient, using information from tracking systems, can control the timing of the shipment at certain stages of its processing and delivery in order to correlate these timing with the control delivery dates and receive any compensation from the postal services in case of non-compliance with these deadlines.
  • Evidentiary - when information from tracking systems serves as evidence in possible disputes between the sender and recipient, in case of failure to receive the shipment or its loss (alas, this also happens sometimes)

To reduce the time spent on the tracking process itself, it is of course recommended to use independent tracking services that allow you to create lists of tracked track numbers. The track number is added there once and only then you can easily view the tracking results once every 1-2 days. This significantly reduces the time it takes to track all your parcels and saves you stress.

Good luck with your shopping and fast shipping!

The majority of postal items from China are delivered by national postal operators: in China this is China Post.

China Post has existed since 1949 and joined the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 1914. China Post is a national postal operator and receives, delivers and issues domestic and international mail. The largest international mail sorting centers in China are located in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou.

China Post Tracking Numbers

All postal items from China are divided into tracked parcels and without the ability to track the parcel. These are the so-called registered and unregistered international shipments.

China Post track numbers are of the following types:

  • R---CN (RA123456785CN) - small package. Track China Post Registered Air Mail is possible right up to the delivery of the parcel to the addressee;
  • C---CN (CD123456785CN) – regular package. China Post Air Parcel tracking also works until delivery;
  • 01234567890 - digital postal identifiers of 11 numbers without letters. You can track China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus only in China, and it often shows only two or three statuses or only Reception and Export.

How to track China Post Air Mail and China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus

China Post official website http://www.chinapost.com.cn/ at Chinese, but the tracking page http://yjcx.chinapost.com.cn/qps/yjcx is intuitive.

Enter your tracking number in the most large field, and in the lower field there are four captcha numbers and you will see where the parcel from China is now, as well as all the stages of its movement. True, this information will also be in Chinese.

The second significant disadvantage of tracking parcels from China on the official website is that it is difficult to recognize captcha numbers. And the most important thing is that now, in addition to the captcha, you need to enter an additional code 大宗用户号 (No. bulk users) in a separate field, but what it is and where to get it is unknown.

That is why it is much more convenient to use clear and simple:

How to track your parcel from China without a postal tracking number

IN Lately Tracking numbers from China are very common when delivery by the state postal service is carried out in conjunction with a private logistics operator. Aliexpress sellers deliver parcels to Chinese commercial carriers: Yanwen, FlytExpress, SF Express, J-NET, etc., and they themselves ensure delivery to the buyer either by state postal services or by the same transport companies, but from the recipient’s country (SDEK , SPSR Express, DPD, Nova Poshta, Mist Express, etc.)

The fact is that when delivered by air due to the loading of planes on direct flights or due to bans on the delivery of lithium batteries by China Post, parcels often go through transit countries, for example, Swedish Post, Finnish Post, Swiss Post, Latvian Post, Estonian Post etc.

The second important reason for sending through third countries is prosaic - this is how sellers reduce the cost of delivery. Inexpensive or free shipping with Aliexpress (actually included in the price of the product, especially a cheap one) determines the buyer’s choice of a specific seller or store.

Let's look at some examples of tracking shipments from China.

Tracking shipments from China to Belarus

A0000123456789PC - tracking number of a parcel from China to Belarus, order from Aliexpress.

16.09. The seller handed over the parcel to a Chinese logistician, and he sent it on September 19. in turn, transferred it to the Swedish Post division and.

Thus, three postal operators participated in the delivery of this parcel from China to Belarus.

Tracking this parcel on the website, the site shows the movement very well, with all the changes of postal services involved in the delivery of the item.

Tracking postal items from China to Kazakhstan

Departure JNTCU1234567890YQ. Tracking of this track from China is as follows: 12.10. the parcel was transferred by the seller to sorting center in Shenzhen, the next day 13.10. transferred to China Post. Therefore, the track number RO123456789CN associated with this shipment will already be tracked by China Post.

China Post will deliver it in due course.

Tracking parcels from China to Ukraine

Sometimes, in order to track a package from China, you need to go through a real quest along postal routes.

Here is a parcel from China that has passed its difficult path from China via Hong Kong, Azerbaijan to Ukraine and delivered to the recipient by Nova Poshta.

Accordingly, in China the track number was assigned to it by the Chinese-Ukrainian UTECP1234567890YQ, and in Kyiv after customs clearance Parcel tracking by track has become available by number

And there in Russia - the associated tracking number for a parcel from China by Russian Post is now RX123456789DE

Read below for instructions on how to get the tracking number of postal items from the seller on AliExpress, as well as what to do if the package does not arrive for a long time.
When buying any goods on Aliexpress for the first time, most people wonder how to find out about the movement of the goods, as well as when it will arrive in the designated city at the desired address. To answer these questions, you can use a special function, namely, tracking parcels from Aliexpress by track number. In this section of the site you can track any purchase from the Aliexpress website, spending only 2-3 minutes on it.
All about the parcel tracking service

How to track parcels from AliExpress?

Tracking , Gearbest and any Chinese stores using the tracking number is quite simple. First you need to determine the track number of your parcel. To do this, you need to go to the Aliexpress website, in the “my orders” section. By clicking on the desired product, you need to find the “View data” mark. After clicking on the specified link, all information about the product will appear, including the tracking number, by which you can determine the location of the product. If the track number is not yet indicated in the description of the product, it means that the seller has not yet sent the parcel. Many buyers start to panic when they don't find a tracking number. In fact, sellers do not always send parcels immediately. From the moment of placing the order until the parcel is sent, it takes about a week. After sending the goods, most sellers duplicate the number in the message to the buyer. From this moment you can start tracking your parcel from Aliexpress. Using our service, tracking your purchases from Aliexpress is very easy. You just need to enter the order track number in the search bar and press “Enter”. After this, the page will display all the results about the movement of the parcel from the starting point of departure to the final destination, indicating all intermediate points. Thanks to this information, you can determine where the parcel from Aliexpress is located. this moment, accordingly, the approximate time of its arrival can be calculated.

Advantages of our service

Our service works with all postal services used by sellers. It's no secret that the parcel is first sent by Chinese postal services, and only then transferred to Russian Post. The main difficulty in trying to track mail from Aliexpress is the stage of finding the parcel in China. If everything is more or less clear with the Russian post, then it is quite difficult to understand the Chinese postal services. All information on their websites is presented in Chinese, that is, it is simply impossible to understand where exactly to look for a product by tracking number. We cooperate with Chinese postal services, so we can provide up-to-date information about the movement of parcels online around the clock. All information on this page is presented in Russian. In a separate section you can find answers to all the most pressing and frequently asked questions that arise when sending and receiving parcels. Service specialists provide detailed information, which will make it easy and simple to track your parcels.
Find out where your package is from AliExpress in one click. How it works
  1. For tracking, data from all the most popular carriers is collected,
  2. You receive data in Russian
  3. All you need to know is the tracking number of your parcel and that’s it.
  4. You will know where the package is, even when it has already arrived in Russia.
  5. Data accuracy. About 15 million parcels are tracked monthly. This allows us to improve the service and improve the accuracy of the collected data.

Parcel departure statuses

By entering the tracking number of your parcel from AliExpress in the search field, you will receive information about the status of the shipment:
  • Not found,
  • On my way,
  • Receipt,
  • Not delivered,
  • Delivered,
  • Problem,
  • The deadline has expired.


I ordered the product a month ago, there is still no parcel!

All parcels are processed within certain time frames of the International Registered Air Mail Service:
  • 1-2 days – receipt of goods
  • Day 2-3 – departure from an intermediate point
  • 2-4 days – clearance at customs
It is important to note that after the goods depart from one point, information about it will be stored until the parcel arrives at another point.
  • 4-10 days – arrival at another intermediate point
  • 10-15 days – clearance at customs
  • 15-30 days – internal transportation
  • Day 60 – the parcel must be successfully delivered. If this does not happen, it may have been returned to the seller for some reason. If the parcel has arrived in the destination country but has not arrived exact address, the postal operator can explain this to you. Contact him.

Where exactly is my parcel now?

We provide information from carriers who deliver goods (shipping). Unfortunately, we do not have additional information. Sometimes delays in sending parcels occur due to the long procedure for clearing goods at customs, as well as due to the location of the airline that transports goods. Sending goods between states is significantly different from domestic mail.
My parcel status is “Not Found”, what should I do?
The “Not Found” status means that we do not have any information about the specified tracking number. In such a situation, we recommend that you carefully check the tracking number provided. If there is no error in entering the number, then you should contact the seller to clarify the parcel number. If after checking it turns out that the number is correct, we recommend waiting 1-2 days. Perhaps the number is simply not included in the database. This happens when the seller has just sent the parcel. Transport companies do not have time to transfer information to tracking services.
I haven't received my order, how can I get my money back?
We are an online parcel tracking platform but are not responsible for the seller's performance. Therefore, in this situation, we recommend contacting the seller. Only he can resolve the issue regarding a refund or sending a new product.
How can I report a change of address?
If the package has already been sent, you cannot change the delivery address. You need to wait for the goods to arrive in your country, and then contact your local postal service to change the address.
My package is stuck somewhere, how can I get new information?
Our website only tracks the movement of parcels, but we cannot have any influence on the delivery time. We simply collect information from various sources, from various carriers. Information is loaded into our service immediately after it is received from sources.
Can you check and confirm my address by tracking number?
Our service is a third-party company that only tracks the movement of parcels. We do not take any part in the sale or transportation of goods, therefore we do not have information about buyers and delivery addresses. Moreover, the address is classified information, and therefore carrier companies do not provide it to us. To check, you can contact the sender of the parcel.
What is the difference between registered and regular mail services?
Each seller shipper can choose registered fast mail, such as send the goods by registered mail, or arrange regular delivery. The deciding factor is the cost of the product. If the package is of low value, then sellers mostly choose unregistered shipping methods. Registered mail is tracked much better. Information about the movements of unregistered mail is not provided in full. In fact, unregistered mail is collected in one large package, the departure of which will be reported. Carriers rarely provide any additional information.
When will I receive my parcel?
Information on calculations of the time of transportation of goods by logistics companies is not available for third-party services. Delivery takes from 15 to 35 days from the date of dispatch.
Can you confirm the validity of my tracking number?
We can confirm the validity of the tracking number provided it is in the correct numeric format. However, we cannot confirm that this package belongs to you. You should carefully choose a seller so as not to be deceived.
My item is marked as expired, what should I do?
If there is an "Expired" note, this means that the item has certain shipping conditions, but the status has not been updated for a long time. It is necessary to contact the carrier and establish what happened to the goods and how they were transported.
Why is my parcel being delivered to a different address?
There may have been an error with the carrier. To find out, you can visit the carrier's website.
What does the Notification status mean?
The Notification status means that the product is in a special situation. The reason may be that the parcel is sent to the sender due to an incorrectly specified address, or the lack of customs clearance, provided that the goods are counterfeit, narrowed or damaged. In this case, you need to contact the carrier for details.
What to do if required customs clearance?
Customs clearance is a mandatory process when sending any goods from one country to another. If customs clearance is required, you can contact the carrier or sender. Large, expensive items require payment of tax. It is important to take this fact into account when arranging delivery.
Parcel status “Not delivered”, what to do?
If the package has the status "Undelivered", this means that the package was not transferred to the final recipient. It may have been sent back to the buyer if no one showed up to receive the purchase. Postal services store parcels for up to two weeks and then send them back if no one comes for them.
If the address is incomplete, will the parcel be delivered?
The parcel will be delivered, but it will take longer to travel than usual. This is due to the fact that during the delivery process the goods pass through several sorting points. Due to inaccurate or incomplete information, the package will be sent to the wrong centers and then returned back. This will take additional time.
The parcel has the status “Issue”, where can I pick it up?
The “Issue” status means that the parcel has arrived at its destination and is in the local postal service. You can contact the postal operator directly to find out when and where to pick up your parcel.
My package is “On the way” for a very long time. How can I find out his location?
International shipping takes a long time, especially if the package was sent unregistered. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to clear things at customs. Therefore, do not worry, the status will change over time.
The status of the shipment is “Notification sheet left”, but I did not receive it, what should I do?
The notice sheet is left by the postman in the box or under the door. If you haven't received it, you can simply call your local post office and find out when and where to pick up the package.
My package is listed as "Delivered", what should I do?
The “Delivered” status means that the package was successfully delivered. If you did not receive it, it is possible that someone else received it instead of you, or it is in your mailbox. If necessary, you can contact us by email for information.
I ordered a parcel from China, why is it indicated that it is coming from Singapore?
Many online sellers operate in multiple countries. When placing an order, sellers simply select a more convenient departure point.
What does universal postal parcel mean?
A universal parcel is considered to be mail up to 10 kilograms. To track them, a single track number is used, both in foreign postal services and in the country of destination.
My package was delivered to the wrong address. Can you resend it?
First, you need to confirm that the delivery address is indicated correctly by the sender. If the delivery was made to a different address, you need to contact your local postal service and explain the problem.
