Paleo diet for a week. Paleo diet - living food of ancestors for health and weight loss

Short nails were once in fashion. However, over time, fashion has changed and now every girl dreams of growing long but well-groomed nails. However, due to the modern lifestyle, not every girl can afford long nails. This is due to negative environmental influences and poor nutrition.

You should decide whether you want to end up with natural long nails or extended nails. To get the first result, you need to be patient and regularly take strengthening baths for your nails. However, there is a method that allows you to become the happy owner of long nails in a few hours - extensions. Extensions can be gel or acrylic. How to perform gel extensions?


Before you extend your nails, you should weigh all the pros and cons, because any artificial material significantly damages the nail.

Today, gel extensions are considered a safe procedure for modeling the nail plate, which cannot be said about acrylic technology. This method of creating nails has many fans due to its obvious advantages:

  • Gel nails are almost no different from natural nails. This factor is a definite plus for girls;
  • This technology is suitable even for women who have very sensitive skin;
  • The gel has no unpleasant odor;
  • The gel does not spread, so working with it becomes surprisingly easy and simple;
  • The gel can be used not only for extensions, but also for creating voluminous designs on nails.

The disadvantages of such extensions include the fragility of the nails, which can be broken very easily. At the same time, it seems possible to repair a broken nail only by completely replacing it. When building up, you must follow all the necessary rules.


Today, many masters distinguish 2 methods for the safest application of gel:

  • Tips. This method consists of gluing the finished donor nail to the natural one using special glue. This method becomes the only correct solution if the client has an irregular shape or too short nails;
  • Forms. This method of extension is a procedure on forms, without using tips.

In addition to the main extension methods, there are also less popular ones, but they are also worth considering:

  • Resin. Resin is a type of gel, however, it is a more durable material. The cost of such a procedure is much higher than for the usual type of gel;
  • Silk. This material is rather an auxiliary method for nail extensions. For maximum nail strength, a small piece of fabric is placed between the polymer and natural nails.

It's necessary

In order to grow beautiful nails, you need to prepare the necessary materials. An equally important step is to strictly follow all the steps of such an art as gel extensions. For gel extensions you need:

  • Liquid (disinfectant);
  • Bond;
  • Base coat, sealer;
  • Gel (modeling);
  • Paper form for extensions;
  • Klinser;
  • Files;
  • Degreaser (primer);
  • Oil intended for treating cuticles;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

If the extension does not take place on forms, then you will also need:

  • Special glue that will help attach the tips to the nail plate;
  • Scissors with which you can shape the required length of your nails.

If you need to do a manicure before extensions, you also need to prepare:

  • A brush designed to remove dust from the nail plate;
  • A spatula designed to push back the cuticle.

Preparatory stage

Never apply nail extensions to a damaged nail plate.

  1. Get a manicure by filing your nails. It is better not to cut the cuticle;
  2. Treat hands and nails with a special solution;
  3. Using a special spatula, push the cuticle away from the base of the nail plate;
  4. File the nail plate. Do not press too hard on the nail file. The edge of the nail must be oval;
  5. Remove dust from the nail plate using a special brush. After this, the nails should be degreased. This step will ensure better adhesion of the natural nail to the gel.

First, you should treat 1 hand and grow nails, and then move on to the second hand. The point is that after preparing your nails, you should not touch any objects with your nails.


  1. To fix the shape on the nail plate, the sections must be placed under the nail. Cut off the excess edge and file the nail itself. This must be done to ensure that the edges are smooth and there are no rough edges. Apply the first layer of gel to the nail shape. Remaining gel should be removed immediately, because Dried gel is much more difficult to remove. Long nails can be broken very easily, so you should start with medium-length nails.
  2. Send the nail to the UV lamp for 30 seconds. First you should build up the first 4 fingers, and then work on the thumb, it will be much more convenient. It is recommended to cut the first layer along the entire length of the nail. Dust must be removed with a special brush. After this, it is recommended to apply a second layer (it should be thicker). Dry it for 2 minutes. Some masters apply up to 3 layers - this makes the nail much stronger. The form is removed.
  3. The gel may spread, so after application, you should hold your hand with your palm up so that the gel does not run off;
  4. The second layer is also processed with a nail file. This way you can shape the edges and even out the surface of the nail. In order to remove the sticky layer from the nail plate, it should be wiped with a special liquid (without acetone).
  5. Next we make a decorative drawing. For beginners, it is recommended to simply apply two colors of varnish. The layer must be dried.
  6. Dry the nail and lubricate the cuticle with special oil. After performing the procedure, it is not advisable to wet your nails for 30 minutes. Perform all actions with the second hand.

The extension process itself is a simple procedure, however, it is painstaking, because it requires increased care and accuracy.

Practice shows that nail extensions are usually done by diligent people. However, even they do not like to carry out this procedure on themselves. If another person can build it up in 1-1.5 hours, then to create your own nails you will have to spend about 4 hours.

Gel nails can serve their owner for a long time if corrected regularly (the service life is about 4 months).

To avoid problems with gel extensions, you should follow some simple rules:

  • On the day of extensions, do not use hand cream. There is a risk of bubbles appearing between the gel and the nail;
  • Before adding nail extensions, clean the cuticles well;
  • This procedure should not be performed while taking any antibiotics;
  • Extensions should not be carried out during these days, as well as several days before their appearance;
  • There is no need to carry out the extension procedure on nails that are affected by any disease.

French extensions are the most popular type of procedure today. In order to perform French nails, a tip is attached to the base of the nail. Glue is used to attach it. A gel is applied to the artificial material. It is recommended to dry the gel nail in a UV lamp. The smile can be drawn either on top of the gel or between layers. It all depends on personal wishes.


In order for extended nails to please the owner for a long period of time, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • At first, you should avoid saunas and steam baths (2 days). The action of high temperatures will negatively affect the nail plate;
  • Under no circumstances should you knock your nails on the table, because... especially in the first 12 hours they are very easy to break.

In a few days, you will not only be able to completely get used to your new nails, but also learn the basic rules for caring for your nails the rest of the time:

  • First of all, you need to learn how to wash dishes, floors, furniture, windows only with gloves. Any detergents have a negative effect on the material;
  • Due to the fact that extended nails do not really like baths, they should be replaced with cream.

Under the gel, your own nail can become very weak. Therefore, if you have grown your nails, you should take a vitamin complex to strengthen and grow the natural nail plate.

Watch a video about gel extensions

The use of single-phase gel in the process of training novice nail aesthetics masters has long justified itself both in terms of the ease of understanding the technology and in terms of comparative savings. At first it is rare to...

Application single-phase gel in the process of training novice masters of nail aesthetics, it has long justified itself both in terms of ease of perception of the technology and in comparative savings. At first, it is rare for any beginner to easily cope with a rather intense three-phase gel extension system, and with the implementation of capricious jackets.

Therefore, “single-phase units” have proven themselves to be excellent training material for beginning craftsmen; and if by this moment you have already mastered and tested the extension technology single-phase gel on tips, then it’s time to move on to more complex technology - gel extensions on forms.

Let’s say right away that the complexity of extensions on forms, as such, does not exist: simply, if in the case of extensions on tips the most crucial moment is to maintain the correct position of the tips at the time of gluing, then the forms - disposable paper or reusable Teflon templates - need to be trained to insert correctly under the free edge of the nail and fix them in this position.
So, for single-phase gel extensions on forms you will need:

  • 3 in 1 product - this product is simultaneously an antiseptic, a dehydrator and a means for removing the sticky dispersion layer; it can also be used to clean the brush after work;
  • orange stack sticks and (or) metal pusher;
  • a file for removing gloss and shaping the free edge for natural nails with an abrasiveness of 180 grit and above;
  • a file for giving the final shape to modeled nails with an abrasiveness of 100 grit;
  • lint-free wipes for removing the sticky layer;
  • disposable paper or reusable Teflon template forms;

Step 1. Treat your hands and the client's hands with a 3 in 1 product, push back the cuticle using an orange stack stick or pusher, moving from the cuticle to the free edge with a natural nail file, carefully making movements in one direction, remove the gloss from the natural nail and remove pterygium - special attention should be paid to the periungual sinuses.

Step 2. Remove the filing from the nail, degrease the nails using a lint-free cloth and 3-in-1 product. Remove the disposable form from the paper tape and place it under the free edge of the nail, connect the sides of the form and the “ears” of the form on the finger itself under your finger.

Step 3. Check that the form is installed correctly - if you look at the finger from the side, the form should serve as a clear continuation of the length of the nail, without lifting up or “pecking” down; check that the form is installed correctly relative to the center - the dotted lines marked on the form will serve as guides - they must be strictly parallel; The shape should fit snugly on your finger.

Step 4. Apply gel primer to the prepared nail, wait for it to dry completely (the nail plate should acquire a matte whitish color).

Step 5. Apply the first layer of single-phase gel onto the nail plate itself using rubbing movements and cover the form with it for the future expected length of the nail. Place your hand in the UV lamp for 1 minute (30 seconds in LED), then carefully remove the form - you should get a so-called base - an artificially modeled free edge of the nail.

Step 6. Without removing the sticky layer, begin modeling the nail architecture using a single-phase gel - form an apex, seal the ends of the nail - and place it again in the UV lamp for approximately 3 minutes (1 minute in LED); if there is such a need, apply another layer of material, observing the apex; remove the sticky layer with a lint-free cloth using the 3 in 1 product, file the nail with an artificial nail file with an abrasiveness of 100 grit or more, giving it the final shape and length; carefully remove the sawdust with a brush and use the 3 in 1 product again, apply to the skin around the nails

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


More and more girls are looking for an alternative to salon extensions. This desire arises due to the fact that there are no particular difficulties in the procedure; even a girl just starting to learn the art of manicure can cope with it. Benefits of nail extensions at home:

  • saving time on visiting the salon;
  • financial savings (only a single investment is required to purchase special tools and materials).

Nail extension methods at home

There are several options for the procedure.


The acrylic technique uses a substance that contains powder and liquid components, which improves the quality of adhesion of the artificial nail to the natural one. It has been used for more than 20 years, since women borrowed acrylic from dentists and began using it for cosmetology. The acrylic method is considered more reliable than the gel method due to its effective, long-lasting results.


The gel nail extension method uses biogel based on the resin of coniferous trees. Semi-synthetic or natural components are also used. The use of the gel gives the manicure a natural look, the nail plates become smooth and shiny. A significant disadvantage of the gel technique is low strength. If a crack or breakage occurs, the procedure will be repeated.

Nail extension technology using tips

Tips are plastic false nails, templates. Depending on their quantity in the package, these goods will cost from 10 to 400 rubles or more. Popular shapes are rectangular or pointed, although there are others that are more original and quirky.

The extension technology using tips is simple. You need to select the required size of the artificial template depending on the original size of the natural nail. The plastic plate is glued, it is given the desired shape, after which the technology is selected: gel or acrylic. Using tips is an easy way to quickly create beautiful nails.

On forms

When applying extensions with tips, forms of standard sizes are used, and when applying extensions, patterns are used, thanks to which an individual size is created for each nail. With this technology, a bendable template is secured under the nail plate and is securely fixed due to the adhesive edge. The gel material is spread over the mold, dried, and then removed.

Thanks to the use of forms, it is possible to make the nails more refined and natural; to do this, it is necessary to squeeze the slightly frozen material on the sides with metal tweezers. This is impossible to do with tips. But, according to reviews from professionals, it will not be possible to make high-quality forms right away; this will require skill.

Materials and tools for home extensions

A complete nail extension kit will cost at least $100, but it will last a long time. A UV lamp will be an expensive purchase, but without it it is impossible to do proper extensions. Initially, purchase high-quality materials so that the result of the manicure does not suffer later.

For extensions with tips you will need:

    UV lamp with timer;

  • A set of files of different abrasiveness (180/240 and 100/100 grit);
  • Buff 120/120/120 grit;
  • Cuticle sticks;
  • Nail scissors;
  • Cutter for cutting artificial plates;
  • Tips, as well as glue for them;
  • Brush for removing dust from nail plates;
  • Metal tweezers;
  • Nail Prep – adhesive;
  • Acid-free primer;
  • Modeling gel;
  • Finish gel;
  • Sticky layer remover;

Step-by-step photo and description of the procedure

Before you start doing your own manicure, it is recommended to go to a professional manicure at least once to take a closer look and become familiar with the nuances and intricacies of its implementation. After that, feel free to do a manicure at home using step-by-step instructions.

    Prepare all necessary materials and tools.

  1. Using a file, carefully remove the top glossy layer of the nail. This is a prerequisite in order to improve the degree of grip.
  2. Glue the tip of the selected size to the nail plate, clamp it and wait a while.
  3. Cut the tip with scissors to the desired length, then use a nail file to give it the desired shape.
  4. It is recommended to stir the gel before use. After which it must be carefully applied to the surface of a natural nail that is not covered with a tip.
  5. Dry your manicure with a UV lamp for about two minutes.
  6. Apply a layer of gel again. After each step of applying the gel there is a drying step with a lamp. Apply the required number of layers of gel to achieve the desired thickness.
  7. Use a degreaser to remove the sticky layer.
  8. Make a coating with colored varnish, French manicure or other original design.

Tip: To ensure that the finished manicure is strong and lasts a long time, it is recommended to designate a so-called stress zone. This is the approximate middle, the center of the natural nail plate. The gel layer in this area should be as thick as possible, and towards the edges it should be minimal. This way the shape will be rounded, natural and held securely.

Hi all!


All my life I have had thin, weak nails that do not grow more than 2 mm even with the most careful care. Even when I lived at sea for a month and, accordingly, did nothing around the house that could harm my nails, they still grew extremely slowly and were very thin, although the diet was balanced and very fortified. But, to be honest, this doesn’t upset me very much, because such a procedure as nail extensions has long been invented.

Several years ago I worked as a nail extension and design specialist, but a terrible skin allergy forced me to change my occupation, which I, in principle, do not regret. During that profession, I always wore long stilettos, hand-made from acrylic, for example, these

but after changing professions, and later starting my own family and having a child, extended nails “sank into oblivion” for several years.

Quite recently, a few months ago, I decided to “kick back the old days” and get my nails done again. Of course, I prefer acrylic to gel, but, alas, because of its smell, I cannot afford to poison my family members, or myself, especially considering the fact that I am in the situation at the moment.

In this review I will lay out detailed photo instructions , how I extend my nails with gel myself (more precisely, 1 nail))), it is possible that this information will be useful to someone. And we’ll talk about the pros and cons of extensions from a former master after this photo instruction.


So let's get started!


Let's start by listing what we still need for full-fledged gel extensions on forms. We will do the extensions with transparent gel from RuNail, because I don’t have anything else. But later I’ll buy camouflage and white, and then I’ll post another photo instruction.

List of necessary and desirable accessories for gel nail extensions on forms:

  1. Gel (in our case, single-phase);
  2. Forms for extensions. I prefer disposable ones so I can trim them to fit any natural nail shape;
  3. Brush for working with gel;
  4. Degreaser (even ethyl alcohol or salicylic acid will do if you don’t have a professional one; as a last resort, nail polish remover with acetone);
  5. Lint-free cloth;
  6. Rough file and soft file. I have one with different imagery on each side. And it’s even better to have a buff, it’s even more gentle on natural nails;
  7. Of course, a UV lamp;
  8. Brush to shake off dust from filing;
  9. Orange stick to push back cuticles;
  10. Finish gel to add smoothness and shine to the finished extended nail;
  11. Cuticle oil;

I apologize for the shabby appearance of some things, relics of the acrylic past

We start by filing the free edge of our nail, pushing back the cuticle and preparing the form for extensions. We also remove shine from the surface of the natural nail with a soft file or buff. We make sure that the nail becomes completely matte and rough; under no circumstances should you file your nail down to the meat!!! We just make it rough and that’s it!

Next, we place the shape under your nail. The free edge of your nail for extension onto forms should also not be filed down, otherwise the form will be inconvenient or painful to place. As you can see, the “smile line” of my nail and the shape don’t match...

If you do not trim it, the gel will flow under the nail, and the reverse side will not look aesthetically pleasing, and the gel on the sides may break off, and the nails will not be very strong due to the incorrect shape, so this moment is quite important.

So, let’s “adjust” the smile of the form to the smile of our own nail (you can’t do this with reusable forms, which is why I don’t like them):

Look how the shape is now set. View from all angles. Also, the form must be firmly fixed so that it does not “walk” during work.

Afterwards, we degrease the nail (I do this with salicylic acid), preferably using a lint-free cloth:

Be sure to wipe the brush we will be working with with a degreaser and let it dry. And we begin to work with the gel. Since in our case the gel is single-phase, we will work with one jar, and this is very convenient

We take a little gel onto the brush and apply a thin first layer from the cuticle and further along the entire nail and shape, to the desired length of the extended nail, as if outlining its future shape with a transparent gel.

Then we dry it in a lamp. Drying time depends on both the gel and the lamp power. For the first layer it only takes me a minute. It does not burn and there are no unpleasant sensations.

Then we proceed to the second layer. When we apply extensions on forms, we usually apply 3 layers of gel, but on tips, only 2 are enough. But we have forms. Therefore, we put a thicker second layer and start from the middle to the end of the free edge. We start from the middle of ours precisely because at the junction of “your nail / free gel edge” there is a stress zone in which there is a greater likelihood of breaking the nail, so we thicken it with this second intermediate layer. We do not take too much gel, but not too little, just enough so that the brush does not touch the first layer. Then we also dry it in a lamp for about 2 minutes. Now the “oven” can begin, I will write more about this later:

Then we proceed to the most important and “difficult” third layer.

We take a large drop of gel and spread it all over the nail, extending it from the cuticle, but make sure that the cuticle has the least and thinnest gel, otherwise detachments will occur. Some people also start working from the middle, pulling the gel in both directions; there are many techniques, but I prefer mine. I hold the nail at an angle with my finger downwards so that the gel flows from the cuticle to the free edge. Next, distribute it evenly on the sides. We turn it over and sculpt it on the reverse side with a brush, so that the stress zone still has a thickening, and so that the nail has the correct geometry, more or less even without any bumps or depressions. Afterwards we dry it thoroughly in the lamp - about 3 minutes.

Then we remove the form and wipe the nail from the sticky layer, or vice versa - that’s not the point.

Any nail polish remover or any other alcohol-containing liquid is suitable as a liquid for removing the sticky layer. As you can see, the nail turns out uneven, since the gel is on the forms. In addition, in the process of photographing it leaked even more. But this is not scary, since you can file it and thereby give the artificial nail the desired shape. You can file it with a rough file. We start filing from the sides, removing the “potbellies” and the gel that has flowed down the sides, then the free edge and then adjusting the shape of the nail from above. Usually it takes literally a minute, if there were no serious “jambs”.

If you notice somewhere that there is not enough gel, you can add an additional layer until the stickiness is removed, or after filing, first apply a thin layer and dry it in a lamp, then a thicker one. It can be spot on. Usually it didn’t give me any detachments or any other side effects.

Afterwards, a finishing gel is desirable as a top glossy coating, but if you don’t have it, then there is another way out of the situation using a regular clear varnish. In this case:

  • You will need files of different shapes. Thus, we polish the nail with them until a relatively smooth surface is obtained;
  • When the nail becomes smooth, simply cover it with transparent varnish to hide the smallest scratches and pores in the material.

I have a finish - gel from Irisk, so there is no need for polishing. We just shake off the dust, you can degrease it again, and cover the nail with gloss, then dry it in the lamp for a minute or two. The finishing gel does not provide a sticky layer, so we get a finished transparent gel nail. Lubricate the cuticle with oil.

After the oil is absorbed into the cuticle, remove it with a cotton swab dipped in degreaser from the surface of the extended nail. Now we can coat our creation with varnish and invent some simple (or not so simple) design. The varnish coating on extended nails usually lasts from correction to correction. But I get tired of walking with one design for a long time, so I change it periodically.

I used these paint polishes!

I decided to grow a very short nail so that it would be easier to type, write and generally do everything. You choose the length and shape of the extension yourself.

For comparison, there is no photo of the extended nail yet (by the way, the extension was removed before, or rather barbarously torn off, just a couple of days ago - it seems that the nails were still well preserved after such a brutal procedure):

About arches

Also, many people know that extensions on forms are famous for their ability to create beautiful arches. Acrylic is best suited for creating those same arches, but this can also be done on gel. You just need to “catch” the moment when to clamp them. This is usually done during the process of applying the second layer, after 20-30 seconds, when the material is still flexible. This is usually done with special tweezers. I did not do. because the length of the nail is quite short, and I don’t really like fiddling with gel. But if you want, then try it

If it starts to burn strongly when drying in a UV lamp:

Also, in most cases, when drying the second and third layers in a lamp, the nail plate may begin to burn severely. This happens because the layers “stick” together, the molecules begin to move faster and the temperature of the material rises. As soon as you notice a burning sensation, immediately remove the nail from the lamp, and then the pain will very quickly stop before it even starts. If you try to endure it, the burning sensation can be very strong. It's not worth it...

Now let's talk about the pros and cons of the procedure:


  • Neat manicure
  • The ability to adjust the shape of your nails
  • The varnish coating lasts a long time, and you can even make an aquarium
  • Stronger than your own
  • There are inexpensive gels that are also inexpensive
  • Possibility to do extensions yourself


  • The first time after removal, your nails are a little weakened, but after a couple of months they become as good as new again.
  • If you hit it hard, it can be very painful and even cause your nail to burst and bleed.
  • It takes time
  • If it's done by a professional, it's expensive.
  • Corrections required

How to remove gel nail extensions:

The gel cannot be dissolved by anything, so the only way to remove it is to cut it off. You can use a file, or you can use a special machine. In general, I savagely rip it off for myself, because I don’t like to deal with dust when filing, which causes me to have an allergy. But the gel comes off quite easily from my nails, so the nail plate does not suffer much. Don't do that, just follow the rules


PS. To prevent the material from peeling and to keep your nails better, do not wash your hands for at least 2 hours before applying extensions... Water is absorbed into your natural nails and then evaporates. This may be the reason for poor durability.


I'm attaching a photo of my previous gel extension on forms "in a hurry", so don't judge too harshly


I ADD. French tips extensions. This is the simplest, but not always the most sophisticated extension. Suitable (ideal) for beginners and those who have a more or less long nail plate. Otherwise, it may look very poor, since French tips shorten it even more.

So, here is the sequence of work briefly:

  • prepare the nail plate, make it matte;
  • we select tips (it is better to choose a larger size than a smaller one, since it can be cut down, and with a small size there is a risk that the nails will crack);
  • degrease;
  • We glue the tips using a special glue for tips. Here, take into account the shape of your fingers, as they often “look at each other.” Tips can both visually align the fingers and vice versa. Make sure that the glued tips end up parallel to each other;
  • cut to the required length;
  • give the required shape, remove the shine with a file or buff;
  • degrease;
  • apply the first layer of gel (thin), dry in a lamp;
  • the second layer (thick) - the same as the third when extending onto molds and dried in a lamp longer;
  • remove the sticky layer, if necessary, file and apply gloss;
  • if desired, varnish and paint.

Well, let’s compare what happened BEFORE and what happened after:

To be honest, I forgot how to draw for myself, and there were too many distractions, so this is what came out “in a hurry.” Most likely, one of these days I’ll repaint it, because my nail plate is too short for such tips. And I love you more French tips with a deep smile , but these were not available, so for now I’ll go with these

In any case, it’s better to go with such a jacket than with “BEFORE” stumps

By the way, I thought about covering the nail plate with camouflage gel from RuNeil, but it turned out to be completely transparent, with a yellow tint (((


Time has passed...

This is what nails extended with French tips look like a month and a half after the extension, immediately before removal:

No detachments, the appearance is quite acceptable, they just grew a lot...




When the baby is 1 month old, it is possible to wear only these tiny little ones:

And who will say that they are extensions???



Of course, if you have good, strong nails, an elongated nail plate, then you don’t need nail extensions with gel, acrylic, tips, or forms, but shellac or even a regular coating is quite suitable. It's a matter of taste and what nature gave you

I hope that I was useful to you! See you again!

To make your nails beautiful, you don't have to go to a salon. If you really want, you can do a manicure yourself. This is a very exciting activity that any girl can do. Main - be patient and be careful, because gel nail extensions involve working with liquid textures that do not immediately lie flat on the plate. If you want to do a manicure at home, listen to a few tips.

The specifics of this type of nail extension

Before you get started, choose the place where you will get your manicure done. This there must be a flat surface, clean and well lit. If this is your first time doing gel nail extensions, be sure to inspect your tools. Do not start work without checking the functionality of the ultraviolet lamp and other devices.

Hygiene must come first. Thoroughly disinfect all files, scissors and other tools. Even the smallest cut can introduce bacteria under the skin.

What is needed for this procedure

The tool kit should include the essentials. Don’t try to buy all kinds of products; most likely, you won’t need them. If you don't know what you need to buy for gel nail extensions, take a look at this list:

  • . With its help, the gel hardens and takes shape. The device must be in good condition.
  • . If you don't have a router, you can get by with a regular nail file and scissors. You just need to process them in a sterilizer.
  • Nail forms. If you have short nails, you don't need such devices. But if you want to lengthen your nail plate, you need to master gel nail extensions on forms.
  • Base gel. This is what you will apply to your nails as the first layer. If you don’t know what gels are needed for nail extensions, then choose the most durable and dense one, because it is with the gel that you create the base of the nail.
  • Gel paints. You can find a variety of shades in any store. You select this material to your taste.
  • Setting gel. Many masters do not use such products, covering their nails with a regular base. But using a special gel will give better results.
  • Other details. Brushes, cotton pads, gloves, strengthening oil - with their help you will perform a manicure.

A tool case or a spacious cosmetic bag will help to significantly save space and organize the necessary materials.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

Preparatory stage

First stage starts with cleaning the nail plate:

  • make a few movements with a file, remove the cuticle. Everything must be done as carefully as possible so as not to get hurt;
  • apply a special strengthening lotion or oil to the nail;
  • As for hygiene, gel nail extensions at home in this regard should not be inferior to salon procedures;
  • if you are doing a manicure for yourself, be sure to wear gloves on your other hand;
  • After cleaning, you need to degrease your nails so that they can come into contact with the gel.

Gel extension process

1. Use special molds to lengthen the plate. Using a cut in the middle, you slide it under the nail. Step-by-step instructions with photos will show you how to properly do this gel nail extension.

2. After you have fixed the shape, apply nail extension gel to the brush, but how do you know which material is better?

  • Choose one that fits well on the plate and does not contain pimples. You can test the materials in any store.
  • There are also execution techniques that do not involve the use of forms. For example, nail extensions using tips. This technique is suitable for working with short nails. Unlike a shaped stencil, the tip is completely covered with gel.

3. You can remove the form after drying your nails in the lamp. Once you have done this, remove any remaining gel with a tissue and apply another layer. Afterwards, treat it well with a file and decorate the edges of each nail. You can make any shape, the quality of the manicure does not depend on it.

The technology for gel nail extensions is simple, but you must follow each step in the instructions. If you apply layers in the wrong order or forget to degrease the plate, your nails will soon lose their beautiful appearance.

4. The fun begins when you open a jar of colored gel paint.. With its help you can make plain nails, French nails or draw a design. In any case, the finished result must be fixed by drying in a lamp.

5. After the color layer, you need to use a protective coating. This can be a finishing gel or a regular colorless analogue. If you want to enjoy your manicure for a long time, it is better to use a special fixing agent.

7. The last steps are to dry the nail and remove any remaining gel with a tissue.. If you want, you can add decorations in the form of stones or rhinestones. You also cover them with gel and fix them with light in a lamp.

If you are interested in gel or acrylic nail extensions, but you don’t know which is better, opt for gel. Acrylic has a very unpleasant odor and requires a long time to complete the procedure. Nail aesthetics specialists very rarely perform manicures using acrylic; gel extensions have long taken a leading position.

Fashionable ideas for gel nail extensions at home with photos

Unleash your imagination

Before getting your nails done, look through photos of a possible manicure and choose a design. If you did not choose a specific picture, you m you can come up with it as you work. But you definitely need to think about the color in advance so that you don’t have to repeat the procedure later. Your imagination itself will tell you what to draw.

Let's start with something simple: French

It's very easy to do. You need to cover the end of the nail plate with one color and the middle with another. Forget about it having to be white, it can be any other color. If this is your first time doing gel nail extensions, Frenchwon't take you much time. You can also buy special stencils to make the line as smooth as possible.

Plain nails

Simple and beautiful - you can achieve such a result, covering your nails with one color. Shade can be obtained by mixing several textures.

Natural shades

To create a picture of well-groomed hands, use clear and beige gels. This way you can deceive others, because the nail plate will look very natural.

Red is always in fashion

If you are looking for the perfect color, choose red gel color. This is a universal shade that Can be combined with almost any look.

Video on how to do gel nail extensions at home

If you want to clearly see how to do gel nail extensions correctly, pay attention to the following video. On it step by step you can see the deft movements of the master. After a few workouts, you'll be able to build up just as well as this.

You yourself were able to see that there is nothing difficult in bringing beauty to your nails yourself. The technology of implementation is simple; several procedures are enough to hone the technique. As for the chosen material, nail extensions with gel polish or gel are practically no different. The only caveat is that you cannot lengthen the plate using gel polish. Have you already done your first manicure?
