Project on the topic my favorite number 7. Project my favorite number my favorite


Primary school teachers


"My favorite number."

Class: 1-B.


Project topic: My favorite number.

Educational field: mathematics.

Type of project: educational.

Project type: search and creative.

Student age: 7-8 years.

Class: 1-B.

Form of work organization: individual-group.

Project objective:

collect and analyze information about numbers and figures, study entertaining material, get acquainted with historical information about numbering, numbers and their writing; gain first knowledge and first experience of working on a project.

Project goals:

1.Creating conditions for systematizing and generalizing children’s knowledge about numbers and figures, consolidating counting skills within ten; development of creative abilities.

2. Develop the ability to work with information, choose the main thing.

3.Develop students’ cognitive activity and creative abilities.

4. Instill responsibility for the chosen business.


Recognizing numbers, knowing their origin and importance in our lives.

Methods and techniques: observations, conversations, interactive activities, games.

Time spent working on the project.

Project start: October

Project completion: February.

Working hours: after-hours.

Tools and materials:

2. Drawings, illustrations.

Form of control:

Analysis of the work by the participants themselves.

Project product: presentation.

Presentation of the project: presentation of your figure.

Distribution of duties.

Each participant chooses their favorite number.

Presentation plan.

1.Opening speech by the teacher. Presentation.

a) Teacher: - This is the city of Digital City. Unusual inhabitants live here. Who are they?

Living in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They will count everything in the world. (numbers)

Name any number of objects in the class using numbers.

What book can you see them in?

Guess the number.

Look at the objects and think about what numbers they resemble.

Today we will move each number into our own house.

Teacher: Tell me, what were the names of the mistress’s daughters in the Russian folk tale “Kroshechka - Khavroshechka?” (One-Eyed, Two-Eyed, Three-Eyed).

Guess what your favorite numbers and numbers will be discussed now?

(About number 1, about number 2, about number 3).

Presentation of your figure. Numbers(0 to 3)

b) Teacher: Guys, the ancients considered the number “4” a symbol of stability and strength. They drew a square, the four sides of which mean the four cardinal directions, four seasons, four elements - Fire, Earth, Water and Air.

Presentation of your figure. (Number 4)

c) Teacher: Solve an entertaining problem:

Three daisies - yellow-eyes,

Two cheerful cornflowers

The children gave it to their mother.

How many flowers are in the bouquet? (5)

Number 5 is many people's favorite number.

And which of the guys chose it and will tell us about it?

Presentation of your figure. (number 5).

d) Teacher: Guys, think about what number can say to itself: “Turn me upside down and I will become another number?” (6)

Presentation of your figure. (number 6).

e) Teacher: How many dwarves sheltered Snow White? (Seven)

There are exactly seven of these brothers.

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk after each other.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears. (Days of the week)

Game "Week, line up."

The teacher prepares tablets with the names of the days of the week in advance, calls seven students to the board, handing each a tablet, and then gives the command: “Week, line up!” Children must quickly line up in order starting on Monday.

Presentation of your number (number 7).

e) Teacher:

I've been to the zoo

I counted monkeys

Two sat on the board,

Two played on the sand,

And four warmed the backs

How many are there?

Say it without hesitation. (8)

Who will tell us about the number 8?

Presentation of your figure. (number 8).

g) Teacher:

Good neighbor

The number 8 has it.

Got the number nine

A special honor.

We love it very much in May

Ninth number

Victory over fascism

It brought it to us. (9).

Presentation of your number (number 9).

Look how big the city is. How many numbers live in it?

Call them a choir.

3. Summing up.

Teacher: Let’s summarize your creative work! Why do you think we tell each other about numbers? (Children’s answers).

Which presentation did you like best? How?


What was the most difficult part of your job?

What's the most interesting?

If you were interested in working on the project, then choose the sign:


Teacher: I would like the science of mathematics to become a fascinating, interesting, living science for you. Your projects will be on display for some time. You can see them from each other. Well done, I wish you success in your new projects.

The number of lessons allocated for the project.

Topic: Are there any numbers you like? Why?

What would you like to know about them?

Goal: Identifying cognitive interests.

Topic: Introduction to the project.

Goal: To introduce children to the topic and purpose of the project.

Determining the timing of the project, ways to evaluate preparation for the presentation. Selecting a task for each participant.

Topic: Planning work in a project.

Purpose: Familiarization with methods and sources of collecting information, discussion of the form of the presentation, location of the presentation.

Lesson 4 Consultation No. 1

Topic:Analysis of collected information. Identifying problems in information retrieval. Help in choosing information.

Teacher observations: Children share primary material on the project with the teacher, ask questions, and ask for advice.

Children are already quite confident that they can cope.

Lesson 5 Practical lesson.

a) Drawing on the topic: “Living numbers.”

Children have the opportunity to creatively express their attitude towards numbers through the creation of a fairy-tale image.

Lesson 6 Conversation-game “Know-It-All”.

Goal: To draw children's attention to the importance of this number, to the historical roots of the number, to the features of its use in life, and also to help children demonstrate their mathematical knowledge and abilities.

Teacher's observations: The children were surprised to learn that

Many numbers have changed in appearance from the time they appeared to the present day, so that they were depicted differently in different countries. The children were quite attentive and active in the mathematical game.

Lesson 7 Presentation of your figure.






1. Conversation.





















Children analyze each other.

The experts are the parents.

Conversation game "Know-It-All" (IN GROUP)

Progress of the lesson.

Math, friends,

It's impossible not to love.

Very strict science

A very exact science

It's math!

Today is the holiday of the number.

Mathematics - a magical land - awaits us.

Did you guys know that mathematics became a science only with the advent of numbers? After all, at first people did not know anything about numbers and did without counting. In those distant times, when a person wanted to say, for example, that he had 5 objects, he said this: “The same number as the fingers on his hand.” (Slide No. 1).

And only after a very long time did people come to understand that different groups of objects - “5 fingers”, “5 apples”, “5 houses” - have a common property - the same number, which can be expressed using the concept “5”. This is how the numbers appeared.

Teacher: But a lot of time passed before people learned to write down numbers on paper.

At first, numbers were designated by notches on a stone, on a tree, or knots on a rope, and only then they came up with the designation of numbers - icons - numbers. Moreover, for many peoples these signs were different.

Teacher: These “numbers” were very different and sometimes even funny among different peoples.

In Ancient Egypt, the numbers of the first ten were written with the corresponding number of sticks. And “ten” was designated in the form of a horseshoe. To write 15, you had to use 5 sticks and 1 horseshoe. And so on up to a hundred. For hundreds, a hook was invented, for thousands, an icon like a flower.

It was not very convenient to write large numbers in this way, and it was completely inconvenient to add, subtract, multiply, and divide them.

Much later, the numbers began to be depicted differently.

Teacher: Look at the Roman numbering. There are 5 fingers on the human hand. In order not to write 5 sticks, they began to depict a hand. However, the drawing was made very simple - instead of a hand, they began to depict the sign V, which began to denote the number 5. Then they added one to five - they got six (VI), etc. What number is written here: VII, VIII? How to write 10? You know that 10 consists of two fives, so in Roman numbering 10 was represented by two fives: one stands as usual, and the other is turned down - X.

Roman numerals are used quite often today. For example, they can be found on a watch dial; in books they often indicate a volume or chapter number.

Roman numbering was a great invention for its time. Still, it was not very convenient for writing and performing arithmetic operations.

The method of writing numbers, which is now accepted throughout the world, was created in Ancient India.

Teacher: The numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are called Arabic, although the Arabs only transferred to Europe the method of writing numbers developed by the Indians. But, of course, the numbers did not immediately become like that. In 200 in India they looked completely different. Over time, writing numbers improved, and in different ways in different areas. The Arabs chose the most successful of these various types. From them the numbers continued their journey across the Earth. And these days we write numbers like this: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.

A game. (Conducted in groups)

1.Replace the Roman numerals on the watch dial with Arabic ones.

2. Match the Roman numeral with the Arabic numeral.

3. Solve the problem.

From under the gate you can see 8 cat paws. How many cats are there in the yard?

4. The question is a riddle.

What's the only thing in the world?

5. Hen and chicks.

A girl comes to the table and blindfolds her eyes. Children are chickens.

Children must choose the correct number, which indicates the number of words the chicken has.

Teacher: The chicken went out for a walk

Pinch some fresh grass.


Don't go far.

6.Select the desired number.

Children choose a card that shows a pair of numbers (1-2, 3-4,7-8). The teacher reads the problem in verse, and the children choose the correct number, which is the answer to the problem.

1-2. An old elephant is walking in the jungle,

He is both lonely and sad.

But his son came up to him,

And the elephant is no longer alone.

3-4. How many boots did Olya buy?

So that the cat doesn't get its paws wet?

7-8. Alla and I have ten counting sticks,

Two of them broke.

How much is left?

7. Puzzles. (Each team has 1 puzzle)

R 1 a (Motherland) smo3t (looks)

2 liters each (basement) 7 me (family)

8. Practical work.

Connect the numbers in order and color the picture. (Everyone has their own picture with numbers).

Exhibition of received works.

Teacher's observations of children's work in the project.

During the project, the teacher observed the preparation of the project.

The children became interested in the topic of the project.

The ability to plan your actions plays an important role when preparing for a project. A big role in this work is played by the help of parents and teachers, who guide the child’s actions, support him, and help him in creative work. To help, each child was given a project sheet, which briefly described the plan for working on the project. Many guys showed themselves to be responsible for their chosen business. Parents also showed interest in preparing the project. They consulted with the teacher. I consider the interaction between the children and their parents to be a significant aspect of the project. The teacher, if necessary, also got involved and guided the children. It is also important that the children themselves took part in analyzing the preparation for the project and presenting their work. They expressed their opinions, highlighted the most interesting moments and difficulties that they encountered.

I consider the topic of the project to be very significant, since in teaching such creative projects contribute to the development of interest in the subject, cognitive activity, and creative abilities of students.

The following methods were used in the project: conversations, observations, interactive methods, games.

The project turned out to be interesting.

Project materials.

“My favorite number is 7” The number 7 is an amazing number! It occurs very often in our lives.

What is the number 7 for me? 1. At the age of 7 I graduated from kindergarten. 2. At the age of 7 I became a first-grader. 3. At 7 o'clock in the morning every day my mother wakes me up for school. 4. In another 7 years I will receive a passport. My birth is associated with the number 7. 1+6=7 2+0+0+5=7 The word “family” comes from the word “seven”. In order for me to appear, the 6 most important people in my life must be born: 1 - mom, 2 - dad, 3 - mom's mom, 4 - mom's dad, 5 - dad's mom, 6 - dad's dad. And I am the seventh! This is my family.

Sevenfold human life 7 years - infancy 14 years - adolescence 21 years - adolescence 28 years - youth 35 - maturity The singer sings to us from the stage, He knows - There are seven notes in an octave. I myself am ready to confirm: The rainbow has seven colors. There are also seven days in a week. Well, this is clear to everyone! How many days are there in a week? Seven. Well known to everyone. They follow each other, each one differently. The number seven came to the notes, Seven brought them the sound. The notes began to play in fairy tales, the number seven lives, to be sung, to visit all the children, to the sounds of the seven gnomes and seven little goats to dress up. They want to play with them.

Seven wonders of the world. Mausoleum in Halicarnassus City of Halicarnassus (country Turkey) Colossus of Rhodes City of Rhodes (country Greece) Temple of Artemis in Ephesus City of Ephesus (country Greece) Lighthouse of Alexandria City of Alexandria (country Egypt)

Statue of Zeus in Olympia City of Olympia (country Greece) Pyramid of Cheops (tomb of Pharaoh Cheops) (country Egypt) Hanging Gardens of Babylon city of Babylon (country Iraq)

The number 7 is found in the titles of fairy tales: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm) “The Seven-Flower Flower” (V. Kataev) “Seven Underground Kings” (A. Volkov) “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, etc. One day the seven were walking in the forest: Basket in hands and glasses on nose. Beauty blossomed in the magical forest, Emptiness slept in a huge basket. Seven hares galloped to the meeting in a crowd: - Are you picking mushrooms? We are with you too! The hares wandered through the green forest and together with the seven they found mushrooms! We found seven thick voles in the swamp, Seven yellow chanterelles growing under the tree, Here are seven russula, seven slippery butterflies, Seven porcini mushrooms standing in a clearing, Seven glorious saffron milk caps playing pranks in the shade. And next to the family - seven cheerful mushrooms! The mushroom hunt was successful: Seven barely lifted the basket!

There are many riddles, signs, and proverbs associated with the number 7. 1. Measure seven times, cut once. 2. Seven troubles, one answer. 3. Seven spans in the forehead. 4. Walk by leaps and bounds. 5. Be in seventh heaven. 6. Seventh water on jelly. 7. See the seventh dream. 8. On the seven winds. 9. Seven do not wait for one thing. 10. Know your ancestors up to the seventh generation. 11. A secret sealed with seven seals. 12. Three women are a bazaar, and seven are a fair. 13. Rather than sending seven people, it’s better to visit it yourself. 14. Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided. 15. When I am angry, I kill seven.

Three books from Pavlushka, four from Andryushka. How many books do children have? Come on, count quickly. (3+4=7) I have a purchase in my hands: Six knives and chopping meat. How many items did I bring? Tell me about it. (6+1=7) Seven nights and days in a week. You have seven things in your briefcase: A blotter and a notebook, And a pen to write, And an eraser to clean up stains neatly, And a pencil case, and a pencil, And an ABC book - your friend. Five tits sat on a branch, two jackdaws flew to them. Count quickly, kids, how many birds are sitting on the branch? (5+2=7) The number seven is known to everyone, What can we say about the number seven!? There are seven huts in the village, Seven porches, seven old women, Seven puppies, seven smokes, Seven pugnacious roosters sitting on seven fences, They don’t look at each other. They spread seven tails, each tail has seven colors. In the crowded sky on a starry night I found seven bright points. I found seven burning eyes, called a ladle.

Nomination "Children's project in primary school"

Subject: 7 - magic and enchantment.

Problem: In ancient times, the number 7 was held in high esteem. Even now, in many proverbs, sayings, and sayings, the “seven” is used: “Measure seven times, cut once,” “Seven do not wait for one,” etc. So why was the number 7 of such great interest to people? What is its meaning and sacred power?

C spruce: study the magical properties of the number 7.

Task: Find as many facts as possible that reflect the magical properties of the number 7.

Hypothesis: The number 7 has magical properties.

Stages our project:

  1. Collection of information.
  2. Study.
  3. Results.

Main part

Stage one. Collection of information.

Once upon a time, 7 was the limiting number, as confirmed by the proverbs “The bow of seven ailments”, “Seven do not wait for one”, where “7” is used to mean “everything”.

7 has become a sacred number. It was considered magical. Perhaps this was also explained by the fact that a person perceives the world around him
(light, sounds, smells, taste) through 7 “holes” in the head (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, mouth).

Stage two. Study .

While collecting information, I came to the conclusion that ancient people revered the number 7, for them it was mysterious and not fully understood, but they still believed in its power.

I wonder how people now feel about this number, whether it occurs in our lives, speeches seven.

I'll try to research this. To begin with, I decided to conduct a survey among my acquaintances, friends, relatives, where they encounter the number7 . The survey results showed that the number 7 is most often encountered when uttering catchphrases, proverbs, sayings to characterize any type of activity.

For example:

1. Measure 7 times, cut 1 time

2. 7 nannies have a child without an eye

3. On 7th heaven

4. For 7 miles to slurp jelly

5. 7 spans in the forehead

Also, the number 7 are used to indicate the number of wonders of the world, namely 7 Wonders of the World.

With number 7 people associate the birth of the New World, namely, January 7 according to the Christian calendar is the Birthday of Jesus Christ.

The most basic ideas about number 7 are: 7 days of the week, 7 notes in music, 7 colors of the rainbow.

My friends and I really love watching and reading fairy tales. The titles of the fairy tales also contain 7: “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “The Flower of the Seven Flowers”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “Seven-league Boots”.

Also, my friends and I found out that the number 7 also appears in poems.

I cited one of G. Kaytukov’s poems that we liked:

In the crowded sky on a starry night
I found seven bright dots.
Sevenfound burning eyes
They're called a ladle...

The number 7 has 2 more meanings:

7 - the number of stars that make up the Ursa Major bucket.

7 is the age at which almost all children begin school.

How does the number 7 affect a person himself?

From additional literature I learned that the figure 7 is considered a number of luck. People whose date of birth includes this number are considered diligent and have well-developed intuition. Children who were born with 7 in date they become great composers, writers, musicians and poets.

In addition, I learned that 7 has a magical effect on the human brain, namely, the meaning where 7 appears is simpler and easier to remember.

Together with teacher Grazhdantseva S.V. conducted an experiment in a group. We asked the children in our group to write down any 10 words on a piece of paper, and then reconstruct this list from memory. The study showed that about 90% of the group (17 people) were able to remember 7 words from their list.

Based on this, the number 7 can be roughly called the maximum capacity of our memory.

The writing of the number 7 by a certain person.

We, together with teacher Grazhdantseva S.V. We revealed what kind of character the children of our group have.

I will give several examples confirming this fact.

1) The line does not cross the number, but stops on an inclined line. Such a person has a habit of postponing everything until later.

2) A long stroke in the underlining tells us that the person is putting himself in the foreground.

3) A seven with funny curls characterizes a romantic person who loves to have fun.

4) An even stroke crossing the number in the middle characterizes a reserved person who is confident in himself and stubbornly strives to achieve his goal.

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to note the closer unity of the number 7 with man. This - family.

Stage three. Results.

As a result of the research, the magical properties of the number 7 were confirmed. I was interested in the magic of the number 7. I think that other numbers also carry a certain meaning, so I will not stop there and will continue my research.

The magic of number 7

My favorite

number - 7

Primary school teacher

MAOU secondary school No. 3


Kunz L.A.

We are surrounded by many numbers

And there is a reason for interest in them...!

Everyone in the world counts in numbers

To an infinite number...!

On 7 the choice was not made by chance,

It contains Faith, Happiness, and secrets.

Since ancient times people have revered

Her for many years!

Here I want to follow her,

How it changes the essence,

Interprets different subjects -

One 7... Well, let's go...!

In Egypt, the Miracle Pyramids,

The mystery still lingers!

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

In Ephesus – Temple for Artemis

Glorified ancient Babylon!

Lighthouse of Alexandria

Among our seven wonders

Even though Iraq is a country there now,

It was built a long time ago!

The Greeks have a Colossus of Rodon -

And he was the “first Megapolis”!

And the statue of Olympian Zeus!

Sun God "Helios" then!

I have announced everything to you now!

And the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus

In Bodrum - Türkiye is a country!

I'll start with worldwide recognition

From ancient years that came to us -

7 Wonders of the World... They have a secret,

Not all of us can handle it!

And Peterhof has extraordinary beauty!

St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow!

And the Statue with the name is not accidental,

“The Motherland is calling” the people to come!

The Valley of Geysers is beautiful,

Creation of the Kamchatka Mountains!

And in Komi there are Mansi objects,

Manpupuner – Pillars of Weathering!

Here in Russia there is an immense

There are also different 7 Wonders!

Here is Lake Baikal in Buryatia,

Caucasian Elbrus is beautiful!

Seven is boldly present

In ordinary life, every day!

We are from Monday to Sunday,

We are growing up a whole step!

Seven Crystal Rainbow

She left her mark on nature!

Our firmament with seven colors

After the rain I glorified it!

And the seven succeeded in music -

“Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si...”

Now I sang to you

All notes from seven!

And the “favorite” is famous for her wisdom!

There are sayings with her like this,

Where the meaning is always correct

He speaks with golden words!

For example: Don’t build 7 churches, add 7 children;

Measure 7 times, cut once;

Every trouble gives birth to 7 troubles;

7 times according to you, and at least once according to mine;

7 nannies have a child without eyes;

7 they don’t wait for one thing;

7 troubles – 1 answer;

Onion from 7 ailment;

7 miles to heaven...

Seven is popular in fairy tales,

Where is the happiness associated with her?

In the end he defeats all the enemies

And reign on Earth!

For example: “Seven Semyons”,

"The wolf and the seven Young goats",

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs",

“About the dead princess and the seven heroes.”

Among the different religions

She comes across more than once!

As a reward or punishment

It was presented in an hour!

Where can I meet 7 more,

I'll tell you the secret right away!

She is so close to all of us -

IN FAMILY…! And it is written as 7I!

“My favorite number is 7” The number 7 is an amazing number! She
very common in our

What is the number 7 for me?

1. At the age of 7 I became a graduate
2. At the age of 7 I became a first-grader.
3. At 7 o'clock in the morning every day I
Mom wakes me up for school.
4. In another 7 years I will receive a passport.
My birth is related to
number 7.
The word "family" comes from the word
In order for I to appear, it is necessary
The 6 most important people in the world should be born
of my life:
1 - mom, 2 - dad, 3 - mom's mom, 4 - mom's dad, 5 - dad's mom, 6 - dad's dad.
And I am the seventh!
This is my family.

Sevenfold human life

7 years -
14 years - adolescence
21 years old - youth
28 years old - youth
35- maturity
The singer sings to us from the stage,
He knows - There are seven notes in an octave.
I myself am ready to confirm:
There are seven colors in the rainbow.
There are also seven days in a week.
Well, this is clear to everyone!
How many days are there in a week?
Seven. Well known to everyone.
They go after each other,
Everyone is different.
To the notes number seven
Seven sound brought them.
Steel notes
The number seven lives in fairy tales,
Waiting for all the kids to visit,
Into the sounds of steel
Seven dwarfs and seven kids
dress up.
They want to play with them.

In the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor
each has 7 main stars.

Seven wonders of the world.

mausoleum in Halicarnassus
Halicarnassus city (country Türkiye)
The Colossus of Rhodes
Rhodes city (country Greece)
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Ephesus city (country Greece)
Alexandrian lighthouse
Alexandria city(country

Zeus statue in Olympia
Olympia city (country Greece)
Pyramid of Cheops (tomb
Pharaoh Cheops)
(country Egypt)
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
city ​​of Babylon
(country Iraq)

The number 7 appears in the titles of fairy tales:
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm)
“Seven-flowered flower” (V. Kataev)
“Seven Underground Kings” (A. Volkov)
"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats" and others.
One day the seven were walking in the forest:
Basket in hand and glasses on nose.
Beauty blossomed in the magical forest,
An emptiness slept in a huge basket
Seven hares galloped to the meeting in a crowd:
-Are you picking mushrooms? We are with you too!
Hares wandered through the green forest
And together with the seven, they found mushrooms!
Seven thick waves were found in the swamp,
Seven yellow chanterelles grew under the tree, Here are seven russula, seven slippery butterflies,
Seven porcini mushrooms stand in a clearing,
Seven glorious saffron milk caps are playing pranks in the shade.
And next to the family - seven cheerful mushrooms!
The mushroom hunt was successful:
Seven barely lifted the basket!

There are many mysteries associated with the number 7.
will accept, proverb.
1.Measure seven times, cut once.
2. Seven troubles, one answer.
3. Seven spans in the forehead.
4.Walk by leaps and bounds.
5.Be in seventh heaven.
6. Seventh water on jelly.
7. See the seventh dream.
8.On the seven winds.
9.Seven do not wait for one thing.
10.Know your ancestors up to the seventh generation.
11. A secret sealed with seven seals.
12. Three women are a bazaar, and seven are a fair.
13. Rather than sending seven people, it’s better to visit it yourself.
14. Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
15. When I’m angry, I kill seven.

Pavlushka has three books,
Andryushka has four.
How many books do children have?
Come on, count quickly.
I have a purchase in my hands:
Six knives and chopping meat.
How many items did I bring?
Tell me about it.
Seven nights and days in a week.
Seven things in your briefcase:
Blotter and notebook,
And a pen to write with
And an elastic band to make stains
Cleaned it up carefully
And a pencil case and a pencil,
And the primer is your friend.
Five tits sat on a branch,
Two jackdaws flew towards them.
Count quickly, kids.
How many birds are sitting on the branch?
The number seven is known to everyone
What can we say about the number seven!?
There are seven huts in the village,
Seven porches, seven old ladies,
Seven puppies, seven smokes,
Seven pugnacious roosters
They sit on seven fences,
They don't look at each other.
Seven tails spread,
Each tail is seven colors.
In the crowded sky on a starry night
I found seven bright spots.
I found seven burning eyes,
They are called a ladle.
