Decoding blood sugar. Complete blood count: does it show blood sugar and diabetes? How to donate blood for a sugar level test

A blood sugar test is a laboratory test that is prescribed to any person during a diagnostic examination. This test is prescribed not only for a routine examination of a patient who comes to the clinic, but also for examination of organs in the field of endocrinology, surgery, and general therapy. The analysis is carried out in order to:

  • find out the state of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • find out general indicators;
  • confirm or deny the presence of diabetes;
  • find out a person's glucose levels.

If the sugar level has some deviation from the norm, then they may additionally prescribe analysis for glycated hemoglobin and glucose sensitivity(two-hour sample test with sugar loading).

What level of reference values ​​is considered normal?

You can find out the result of the analysis after 24 hours from the moment of blood sampling. If an urgent test is prescribed in a clinic (marked “cito!”, which means “quickly”), then the test result will be ready in a few minutes.

Normal blood sugar levels in an adult range from: from 3.88 to 6.38 mmol per liter. If the value exceeds the upper limit of normal, this usually indicates the development of hyperglycemia or type 2 diabetes.

The condition when the body does not have enough glucose is called hypoglycemia. Low indicators, like overestimated ones, may indicate not only a disease, but also some physiological indicators. Elevated blood sugar levels will be observed immediately after eating a meal, while low levels indicate prolonged fasting. Also, short-term hypoglycemia can occur in diabetics who have recently injected themselves with insulin.

In newborn babies, the norm varies within from 2.8 to 4.4 mmol per liter, and in older children from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol per liter.

Table of values:

All of the above values ​​are often the same in laboratory diagnostic centers, but still some reference indicators may differ in different clinics, since diagnostic markers are different. Therefore, the norm of values ​​will, first of all, depend on the laboratory.

In pregnant women, a reading of 3.3-6.6 mmol/l is considered normal. An increase in value may indicate the development of a latent diabetic condition. The amount of sugar changes in a person throughout the day, after eating. In a state of prediabetes, the glucose level is in the range of 5.5-7 mmol/l; in people with the disease and at the initial stage of its development, the level varies from 7 to 11 mmol/l.

All people over 40 years of age, those suffering from excess body weight, liver disease, and pregnant women should undergo a blood glucose test.

In what cases is decoding considered incorrect?

False reference values ​​and incorrect interpretation are the result of poor human preparation for laboratory analysis.

  • Be sure to donate blood only in the morning on an empty stomach. Elevated levels may occur after severe nervous stress or exhausting physical activity.
  • In extreme conditions, the adrenal glands begin to work hard and secrete counter-insular hormones, as a result of which a large amount of glucose is released from the liver, which enters the blood. Regular use of certain types of medications can cause high blood sugar.
  • Sugar levels are increased by some diuretics (diuretics), thyroid hormones, estrogens, glucocorticosteroids, and some types of non-steroidal analgesics. Therefore, if a person regularly takes such drugs or has recently taken them before the test, then the attending physician should definitely inform them about this. If there were no disturbing factors in testing and preparation for it, then deviations from the norm in deciphering the values ​​require additional testing.

What should be the proper preparation for donating blood?

To obtain the most accurate result, you must carefully prepare for the tests. For this:

  • the day before the test, you need to stop drinking alcohol;
  • in the morning before the test, you are allowed to drink only clean water, and eight or twelve hours before measuring the indicator you need to completely limit your food intake;
  • It is forbidden to brush your teeth in the morning, because the toothpaste contains a monosaccharide (glucose), which, penetrating through the oral mucosa into the body, can change the level of the value obtained (few people know about this rule);
  • You should not chew chewing gum in the morning.

Blood is drawn from a finger. You can find out your readings at home, but this requires a glucometer. The result is often inaccurate because test strips with reagents, when exposed to air, oxidize slightly, and this distorts the result.

Reasons for increased monosaccharide content

Causes of high blood sugar include:

  1. eating food before donation;
  2. emotional, nervous, physical stress;
  3. diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, pineal gland, thyroid gland;
  4. epilepsy;
  5. diseases of the pancreas and digestive tract;
  6. taking certain medications (insulin, adrenaline, estrogen, thyroxine, diuretics, corticosteroids, glucocorticosteroids, nicotinic acid, indomethacin);
  7. carbon monoxide poisoning;
  8. development of diabetes.

Reasons for low monosaccharide content

  1. strong feeling of hunger;
  2. severe alcohol poisoning;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (acute or chronic pancreatitis, enteritis, side effects that sometimes develop after surgery on the stomach);
  4. severe disruption of metabolic processes in the human body;
  5. liver diseases (obesity, cirrhosis);
  6. obvious form of obesity;
  7. tumor-like neoplasms in the pancreas;
  8. disturbances in vascular activity;
  9. diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, stroke;
  10. sarcoidosis;
  11. acute poisoning with rat poison or chloroform;
  12. in the presence of hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia develops after an overdose of exogenous insulin or hypoglycemic drugs. Also, a diabetic will experience hypoglycemia when vomiting after eating or due to skipping meals.

Subjective signs of increased glucose in the body

An increased content of monosaccharide in the body often leads to the development of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Signs of developing type 1 diabetes include:

  1. strong and chronic feeling of thirst, the patient can drink about five liters of water per day;
  2. such a person’s breath smells strongly of acetone;
  3. a person feels a constant feeling of hunger, eats a lot, but at the same time loses a lot of weight;
  4. due to the large amount of liquid drunk, polyuria develops, a constant desire to expel the contents of the bladder, especially at night;
  5. any damage to the skin does not heal well;
  6. the skin on the body often itches, chronic fungus or furunculosis appears.

Very often, type 1 diabetes begins to develop a few weeks after a recent viral illness (measles, rubella, influenza) or severe nervous shock. According to statistics, a quarter of people with type 1 diabetes do not notice any symptoms of the development of this terrible pathology. Often It happens that the sick person falls into a hyperglycemic coma, and only after that in the hospital he is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Symptoms of the development of type 2 hyperglycemia

This disease develops in stages over a couple of years. Usually affects people closer to old age. The sick person constantly experiences deterioration in health, a state of weakness, wounds on the body do not heal well, vision deteriorates, and memory suffers. Few people think that this is a development of hyperglycemia, so doctors usually diagnose it in patients by accident. The symptoms are as follows:

  1. Memory problems, blurred vision, increased fatigue.
  2. Skin problems: itching, fungus, wounds do not heal well.
  3. Intense thirst + polyuria.
  4. Women have chronic thrush, which is difficult to treat.
  5. In the terminal stages of the disease, a person begins to lose weight.
  6. Ulcers appear on the legs and feet, it hurts to walk, the legs go numb, and a tingling sensation is felt.
  7. In half of the patients, the pathology is asymptomatic.
  8. Often hyperglycemia can be accompanied by kidney disease, sudden strokes or heart attacks, and loss of vision.

Diabetes in its initial stages does not show symptoms. Following this, doctors advise taking a blood sugar test at least once every three years, even if the person is not bothered by obvious symptoms.

This helps to detect the disease in advance and begin treatment in the initial stages. Diabetes, missed at an early stage, will follow the rapid development of more aggravating forms, as a result of which the body performs processes that can no longer be corrected.

When referring for a blood sugar test, it means confirming the level of glucose in the blood, since it is this that nourishes all our cells in the body and supplies it with energy.

What is the role of glucose in the body?

Glucose is a supplier of “fuel” for the body.

A good indicator for sugar levels is from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l. When indicators shift from normal values, endocrinological diseases progress in a person.

A blood sugar test is simple, but provides detailed information on glucose levels.

Glucose levels should be maintained within normal limits, because with pathologies and certain characteristics of the body, its level can fluctuate in one direction or another, which threatens health and even life.

Glucose levels should be maintained within normal limits, because with pathologies and certain characteristics of the body, its level can fluctuate in one direction or another, which threatens health and even life.

Why take a blood sugar test for people of any age?

Diabetes mellitus affects people all over the globe. Detecting it in the early stages is essential for applying therapy for recovery. A doctor can detect diabetes through a clinical blood test or other examinations of the patient.

Blood is donated for sugar levels in the following cases:

  • Suspicion of possible diabetes mellitus;
  • Before operations that take place under anesthesia;
  • In patients suffering from atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease;
  • Simply as part of a laboratory analysis;
  • To control therapy for diabetes;
  • People at risk (pancreatic diseases, people with obesity and heredity);

What symptoms are alarming?

If you notice obvious symptoms, you should go to the hospital:

  • Rapid weight loss;
  • Stable fatigue;
  • Decreased vision;
  • An inexhaustible feeling of thirst;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Wounds do not heal well;
  • The presence of dryness in the oral cavity (and all mucous membranes).

If you notice at least one of the signs, you need to contact a competent endocrinologist and take a blood test for sugar.

The risk zone also includes healthy people who are at risk of diabetes progression. They should carefully observe nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, remove themselves from heavy loads and frequent stress. It is also worth regularly taking a blood test for sugar.

People at risk include:

In childhood, there is a variant of type 1 diabetes; it is important for parents to monitor for the slightest signs of diabetes. The diagnosis must be made by a doctor after sending the child for a blood sugar test. Children have slightly changed normal sugar levels, ranging from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l.

Type 1 diabetes is characterized by:

  • Increased craving for sweets;
  • Fatigue several hours after meals.

Increased attention to fluctuations in blood sugar levels should be observed during pregnancy. The body of the expectant mother, in connection with the appearance of the fetus, works at an accelerated pace, which sometimes causes deviations that provoke diabetes. In order to detect pancreatic disorders in time, pregnant women are sent for a blood sugar test.

It is especially important for women who have diabetes before conception to monitor their blood glucose levels.

What are the causes of blood sugar instability?

Diabetes mellitus is not necessarily the cause of increased blood glucose levels.

Some body conditions also cause an increase in sugar:

  • Epilepsy;
  • Use of certain medications;
  • Eating food before tests;
  • The influence of toxic substances (optionally, carbon monoxide);
  • Physical overexertion;
  • Emotional stress.

Low blood sugar levels are observed as often as high blood sugar levels.

Low sugar occurs when:

  • Obesity;
  • Prolonged fasting;
  • Tumors in the pancreas;
  • Nervous system disorders;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Alcohol poisoning;
  • Taking insulin in excess of the prescribed dose for patients with diabetes;
  • Vascular diseases;
  • Poisoning with poisons.

How to prepare for a blood sugar test?

By following simple rules, you can ensure accurate test results:

  • 10-12 hours before the test, limit yourself to food intake;
  • Try not to get into stressful situations and do not perform complex physical activities the day before;
  • Avoid cigarettes before getting tested;
  • 24 hours before the test, do not drink alcohol;
  • If you are taking any medications, you should inform your doctor;
  • Before taking the test, do not brush your teeth or chew gum.

Preparing for analysis is not difficult, but it is important, take it seriously.

Where is blood taken from?

Blood is drawn from a finger (less often from a vein).

Types of blood sugar tests:

To fully determine your blood sugar level, the endocrinologist will refer you to a clinical blood test. Based on the results of this examination, he will prescribe insulin and treatment.

In medicine, there are 4 types of blood glucose tests (2 basic and 2 clarifying) (Table 1):

Table 1

Standard laboratory method

Such an analysis will most likely correctly show whether there is diabetes in the blood or whether it is absent. Blood donation occurs most often from a finger (possibly from a vein).
Blood is taken from a finger if the analysis is biochemical, and the blood test will be carried out by an automatic analyzer.

Express test

This test helps you measure your blood glucose levels without leaving your home. However, the error of such a test can be up to 20%, due to the fact that the test strips deteriorate over time when exposed to air.

The procedure for measuring with the express test:

  1. Treat the skin puncture site with alcohol or antiseptics;
  2. We make a puncture in the area of ​​the finger pad;
  3. Remove the first drop with sterilized cotton wool or a bandage;
  4. Place the second drop on the test strip, installed in advance in the device;
  5. Let's look at the results.

Glucose tolerance test (load)

If the laboratory method reveals that sugar levels are normal, then, to make sure that the body is not prone to diabetes, doctors recommend taking a stress test. This study is carried out if the endocrinologist suspects the early stages of diabetes mellitus or problems with carbon metabolism. How does this test work?

Over the course of two hours, blood is drawn from the subject 4 times. The first approach is done in the morning, on an empty stomach. Then the person being studied must take water with glucose (70-110 grams, stirred in 150-200 ml of water). Blood samples are taken after 1 hour, 1.5 and 2 hours. You cannot eat or drink during the entire analysis.

Doctors observe how blood sugar behaves: after taking glucose, it rises and then gradually decreases.

As a result of such a test, there are normal indicators:

  1. 7.8 mmol/l is normal;
  2. from 7.8 to 11.1 mmol/l - means that the patient is in a state of prediabetes;
  3. more than 11.1 mmol/l – diagnosis of diabetes.

What does a glycated hemoglobin test give?

Such an analysis, of a biochemical nature, shows the average blood sugar level for up to three months. It is prescribed for the effectiveness of insulin treatment or to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes.

Glycated hemoglobin combines with glucose molecules forever. If the sugar level is elevated (diabetes mellitus), the reaction occurs much faster than normal and leads to an increase in the level of such hemoglobin in the blood.

Blood sampling for this test is carried out from a finger, regardless of food intake.

This analysis shows the effectiveness of insulin treatment in recent months.

The normal level of glycated hemoglobin is from 4 to 9%.

Exceeding the norm leads to the likelihood of complications. And if the indicator is more than 8%, this indicates that the therapy should be changed, since it is not effective.

What is the connection between sugar and cholesterol?

Doctors and researchers have long discovered the relationship between glucose and cholesterol in the blood.

This happens because the norms of these indicators are influenced by the same factors, such as:

  • Poor nutrition;
  • Obesity;
  • Passive lifestyle.

The values ​​of cholesterol and blood glucose in the adult population are similar. Normal blood sugar levels range from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/L, and normal blood cholesterol levels range from 3.6 to 7.8 mmol/L.

Decoding of the analysis and norm

After you have taken a blood sugar test and the laboratory has conducted research, you will be given the test results. In order not to fall into despair from incomprehensible numbers, let's decipher them together.

To do this, we use a table in which the results of blood tests for sugar are deciphered (Table 2):

Table 2

Name of analysisLaboratory analysisTest with sugar “load”Analysis for glycated hemoglobin
Normal values ​​mmol\L3,5 – 5,5 First sample – 3.5 – 5.5;Less than 5.7%
After taking glucose, less than 7.8
Indicators for diabetes, mmol/l6.1 or moreThe first sample is more than 6.1;More than 6.5%
After taking glucose more than 11.1
Value for prediabetes, mmol/l5,6 – 6,1 First sample 5.6 – 6.1;5,7 – 6,4%
After taking glucose 7.8 – 11.1
Values ​​for hypoglycemia, mmol/lLess than 3.5Less than 3.5-

It is worth remembering that the norm is almost the same for children and adults, but for older people it is higher.

How to lower your blood sugar the night before your test?

You can lower your blood sugar level on the eve of the test by following a diet: low-fat yoghurts and kefir, non-sweet fruits, cheeses, fresh vegetables, as well as non-fatty meats - fish, chicken, chicken. You should stop eating at least 12 hours before the test.

During these 12 hours, our liver burns sugar. Active and vigorous exercise can also lower blood sugar levels.

To lower it, insulin is also injected under the skin, but only on the recommendation of a doctor, otherwise it can lead to coma and death.

Methods to increase blood sugar levels

Quickly increase blood glucose levels with sweets: 1 candy, a third of a chocolate bar, a few slices of chocolate. Dried fruits, tea with 2 tablespoons of sugar, a banana, or sweet juice also increase blood sugar. For such purposes, adrenaline is also administered, but only on the recommendation of doctors.

How long does it take to test for sugar?

After you donate blood, it must be tested within two hours, and results may be released the next day. It all depends on the organization you work for.

Can the analysis be wrong?

Laboratory analysis provides greater accuracy than a rapid test, which can have an error of up to 20% and be erroneous.

Blood sugar test price

The pricing policy for a blood sugar test primarily depends on the organization where you do the test. Naturally, in public clinics the price will not be significant, but less than in private clinics.

  • A standard laboratory test for sugar costs about 250-250 rubles;
  • Tests for glycated hemoglobin cost about 360-1000 rubles;
  • A test with a “load” will cost approximately 650-850 rubles.
  • To carry out express tests, you need to buy a glucometer (approximate price from 800 to 1600 rubles), and a package of strips (50 pcs.) at a price from 100 to 600 rubles, depending on the quality.

Check the final prices directly at the place of testing, in pharmacies, or places specializing in the sale of glucometers.

If you are registered with insulin, you can get it from government agencies for free; to do this, familiarize yourself with government programs.

Diabetes is a common disease. Its occurrence can only be monitored by regularly taking a blood sugar test. And if it is detected in the early stages, it can be treated with less expensive and painful treatment. To ensure the accuracy of the analysis, you must take into account all the recommendations for preparing for the test. Provide the results to the doctor, who will give an opinion on further treatment or prevention of diabetes.


Sugar analysis is a necessary procedure for people who have diabetes, as well as for those who are predisposed to it. For the second group, it is equally important to regularly conduct blood tests in adults and children in order to prevent the development of the disease. If the content of glucose compounds in a person’s blood is exceeded, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. But in order to do this, you need to know what kind of sugar a person should have.

Conducting research

With age, the efficiency of insulin receptors decreases. Therefore, people after 34 - 35 years old need to regularly monitor daily fluctuations in sugar or at least take one measurement during the day. The same applies to children who have a predisposition to type 1 diabetes (over time, the child may “outgrow” it, but without sufficient control of blood glucose levels and prevention, it can become chronic). Representatives of this group also need to take at least one measurement during the day (preferably on an empty stomach).

The easiest way to make the change is on an empty stomach using a home glucometer. Glucose in capillary blood has the greatest information content. If you need to take measurements using a blood glucose meter, proceed as follows:

  1. Turn on the device;
  2. Using the needle that almost always comes with them now, pierce the skin on your finger;
  3. Apply sample to test strip;
  4. Insert the test strip into the machine and wait for the result to appear.

The numbers that appear are the amount of sugar in the blood. Monitoring using this method is quite informative and sufficient to not miss a situation when glucose readings change and the norm in the blood of a healthy person may be exceeded.

The most informative indicators can be obtained in a child or adult if measured on an empty stomach. There is no difference in how to donate blood for glucose compounds on an empty stomach. But in order to get more detailed information, you may need to donate blood for sugar after meals and/or several times a day (morning, evening, after dinner). Moreover, if the indicator increases slightly after eating, this is considered normal.

Decoding the result

The readings obtained when measured with a home glucometer are quite easy to decipher on your own. The indicator reflects the concentration of glucose compounds in the sample. Unit of measurement is mmol/liter. However, the normal level may vary slightly depending on which glucometer is used. In the USA and Europe, the units of measurement are different, which is due to a different calculation system. Such equipment is often supplemented by a table that helps convert the patient’s blood sugar level into Russian units of measurement.

Fasting levels are always lower than postprandial levels. At the same time, on an empty stomach, a sample from a vein shows slightly lower sugar than on an empty stomach from a finger (let’s say a spread of 0.1 - 0.4 mmol per liter, but sometimes blood glucose can differ and be more significant).

Deciphering by a doctor should be carried out when more complex tests are taken - for example, a glucose tolerance test on an empty stomach and after taking a “glucose load”. Not all patients know what it is. It helps you track how your sugar levels change dynamically over time after taking glucose. To carry it out, a fence is made before receiving the load. After this, the patient drinks 75 ml of the load. After this, the content of glucose compounds in the blood should be increased. The first time glucose is measured is half an hour later. Then - an hour after eating, an hour and a half and two hours after eating. Based on these data, a conclusion is made about how blood sugar is absorbed after a meal, what content is acceptable, what are the maximum glucose levels and how long after a meal do they appear.

Indications for diabetics

If a person has diabetes, the level changes quite dramatically. The permissible limit in this case is higher than in healthy people. The maximum permissible readings before and after meals are set individually for each patient, depending on his state of health and the degree of compensation for diabetes. For some, the maximum sugar level in the sample should not exceed 6–9, while for others, 7–8 mmol per liter is normal or even a good sugar level after a meal or on an empty stomach.

The glucose level after eating in diabetics increases faster, that is, sugar rises more intensely than in a healthy person. Therefore, blood glucose readings after meals are also higher for them. The doctor will make a conclusion about what indicator is considered normal. But to monitor the patient’s condition, the patient is often asked to measure sugar after each meal and on an empty stomach, and record the results in a special diary.

Indications in healthy people

Trying to control their levels in women and men, patients often do not know what the norm for a healthy person should be before and after meals, in the evening or in the morning. In addition, there is a correlation between normal fasting sugar and the dynamics of its change 1 hour after eating according to the patient’s age. In general, the older the person, the higher the acceptable rate. The numbers in the table clearly illustrate this correlation.

Permissible glucose content in a sample by age

Age, years Fasting, mmol per liter (maximum normal level and minimum)
Babies Measuring with a glucometer is almost never carried out, because the baby’s blood sugar is unstable and has no diagnostic value
From 3 to 6 Sugar level should be within the range of 3.3 – 5.4
From 6 to 10-11 Content standards 3.3 – 5.5
Teenagers under 14 years old Normal sugar levels range from 3.3 to 5.6
Adults 14 – 60 Ideally, an adult’s body contains 4.1 – 5.9
Elderly from 60 to 90 years old Ideally at this age 4.6 – 6.4
Old people over 90 years old Normal value is from 4.2 to 6.7

If the level deviates from these figures at the slightest level in adults and children, you should immediately consult a doctor who will tell you how to normalize your sugar in the morning on an empty stomach and prescribe treatment. Additional tests may also be prescribed (health workers will also notify you about how to take the test to obtain an extended result and give you a referral for it). In addition, it is important to consider that the presence of chronic diseases also affects what sugar is considered normal. The conclusion about what the indicator should be is also determined by the doctor.


It is also worth remembering that the blood sugar of 40-year-olds and older, as well as pregnant women, may fluctuate slightly due to hormonal imbalance. However, with at least three out of four measurements, sugar should be within acceptable limits.

Increased levels after meals

Normal sugar levels after meals vary between diabetics and healthy people. At the same time, it is not only how much it increases after eating that differs, but also the dynamics of changes in content; the norm in this case is also different. The table below shows data on what the norm is for some time after eating in a healthy person and a diabetic according to WHO (data for adults). This figure is equally universal for women and men.

Norm after meals (for healthy people and diabetics)

Sugar limit on an empty stomach Contents 0.8 – 1.1 hours after eating, mmol per liter Blood counts 2 hours after eating, mmol per liter Patient's condition
5.5 – 5.7 mmol per liter (normal fasting sugar) 8,9 7,8 healthy
7.8 mmol per liter (increased in adults) 9,0 – 12 7,9 – 11 Impaired/lack of tolerance to glucose compounds, possible prediabetes (you must consult a doctor to perform a glucose tolerance test and take a general blood test)
7.8 mmol per liter or higher (a healthy person should not have such readings) 12.1 or more 11.1 and above Diabetic

In children, the dynamics of carbohydrate digestibility are often similar, adjusted for the initially lower rate. Since the readings were initially lower, this means that the sugar level will not rise as much as in an adult. If the sugar level on an empty stomach is 3, then checking the readings 1 hour after eating will show 6.0 - 6.1, etc.

Sugar levels after meals in children

The most difficult thing is to talk about what level of blood glucose is considered acceptable in children. The doctor will determine what is normal in each specific case. This is due to the fact that fluctuations are observed more often than in adults; sugar rises and falls more sharply during the day. The normal level at different times after breakfast or after sweets can also vary significantly depending on age. Indications during the first months of life are completely unstable. At this age, you need to measure sugar (including after eating after 2 hours or sugar after 1 hour) only according to a doctor’s indications.

Delivery on an empty stomach

As can be seen from the tables above, the amount of sugar during the day varies depending on food consumption. Also during the day, muscle tension and psycho-emotional state have an impact (sports convert carbohydrates into energy, so sugar does not have time to rise immediately, and emotional shocks can lead to its surges). For this reason, the sugar level after a certain period of time after consuming carbohydrates is not always objective. It is not suitable for tracking whether a healthy person's sugar level is maintained.

When measuring at night or in the morning, before breakfast, the norm is the most objective. After eating it increases. For this reason, almost all tests of this type are administered on an empty stomach. Not all patients know how much glucose a person should ideally have on an empty stomach and how to measure it correctly.

The sample is taken immediately after the patient gets out of bed. Don't brush your teeth or chew gum. Also avoid physical activity, as it can cause a decrease in blood levels in a person (why this happens is described above). Take a fasting finger prick test and compare the results with the table below.

Indications for a healthy diabetic person

The norm for women after eating is the same as for men. Therefore, regardless of gender, if the indicators are exceeded, you must consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. It must be remembered that this condition can threaten health.

Correct measurements

Even knowing what the indicator should be, you can make an erroneous conclusion about your condition if you incorrectly measure sugar on a glucometer (immediately after a meal, physical activity, at night, etc.). Many patients are interested in how long after eating they can measure their sugar? Blood glucose readings always increase after a meal (how much depends on the person’s health status). Therefore, after eating, sugar is not informative. To control, it is better to measure sugar before meals, in the morning.

But this is only true for healthy people. Diabetics often need to monitor, for example, whether women’s blood sugar levels are maintained after meals while taking glucose-lowering medications or insulin. Then you need to take measurements 1 hour and 2 hours after glucose (carbohydrate consumption).

You also need to consider where the sample is taken from, for example, an indicator of 5 9 in a sample from a vein can be considered excessive for prediabetes, while in a finger test this indicator can be considered normal.


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In some cases, diabetes goes away with almost no pronounced symptoms, so WHO recommends that children have a blood test for sugar at least once every six months; the breakdown of the norm for children is in the table in every medical institution, and it can also be easily found on the Internet.

A blood glucose test is a mandatory method in case of hyper- or hypoglycemia. When a patient has a deficiency of sugar in the blood, his body begins to draw the necessary energy from fat cells, releasing toxic breakdown products - ketone bodies.

Excess sugar is a harbinger of diabetes, which has been recognized as the “plague” of the 21st century.

What are the signs of hyperglycemia?

First, parents need to understand when they should contact a specialist. To do this, you need to know what body signals exist that indicate an increase or decrease in blood glucose levels.

The two main signs of hyperglycemia, both in children and adults, are unquenchable thirst and increased urination.

These symptoms are due to increased stress on the kidneys. Because the paired organ filters the blood, it removes excess glucose from the body. As a result, the kidneys need more fluid, they begin to draw it from muscle tissue and remove excess sugar. Such a vicious circle leads to the fact that the child constantly wants to drink, and then to go to the toilet “in a small way.”

Symptoms of high glucose levels are usually hidden. It is not surprising that deciphering the results comes as a big surprise to many patients.

Moms need to pay attention to the following signs in children:

  • dry mouth;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • dizziness, headaches (sometimes);
  • rashes on the skin;
  • itching, especially in the intimate area.

A neglected process causes a lot of complications over time. Long-term hyperglycemia leads to deterioration of vision as a result of inflammation of the retina, which can subsequently cause its complete loss.

Also, increased glucose concentration leads to kidney failure, cardiovascular pathologies, diabetic foot and other problems.

What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia?

Sugar level

A decrease in blood sugar leads to increased adrenal secretion and increased activity of nerve endings. The released adrenaline, in turn, begins to release glucose reserves in the body.

Some signs of hypoglycemia are no different from signs of hyperglycemia.

The child may complain of headache, dizziness, fatigue and general malaise.

There are specific symptoms of low blood glucose:

  1. Anxiety and irritability;
  2. Chills and trembling throughout the body.
  3. Deterioration of the visual apparatus.
  4. Tachycardia (increased heart rate).
  5. Unreasonable feeling of hunger.

Prolonged hypoglycemia can lead to serious consequences - confusion, seizures and coma. In addition, sugar deficiency leads to irreversible damage to the cerebral cortex. Therefore, studies need to be carried out twice a year in order to timely identify pathological processes in the body.

A common myth is that hyper- and hypoglycemia are completely different conditions that exist separately.

Reduced glucose levels can also be observed in diabetics as a result of taking hypoglycemic drugs.

Main types of blood tests

When a mother notices suspicious signs in her child that may indicate an increase or decrease in sugar concentration, she should urgently take him by the hand to an endocrinologist. In turn, after examining the little patient, the doctor sends him for testing.

At the present time, the most popular is the express method, biochemical, with a load and on glycated hemoglobin. Let's look at each in more detail.

Express method. Just based on the name, you can understand that this is the fastest way to measure glucose concentration. The test is carried out using a glucometer, both independently and in a medical institution.

To correctly determine the result, you should:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before collecting blood;
  • stretch the finger in which the puncture will be made;
  • treat it with alcohol and puncture it with a scarifier;
  • The first drop should be wiped off with a napkin;
  • the second - squeeze it onto the test strip and insert it into the device;
  • wait for the result on the glucometer display.

However, due to violation of the rules for using the device, the error in obtaining unreliable results sometimes reaches 20%.

Biochemical research. This analysis requires capillary or venous blood. As a rule, it is performed on an empty stomach in the morning, so the patient cannot eat for at least 10 hours before the biomaterial is collected. To get a reliable result, the child needs it. The day before the test, there is no need to overload the child with physical activity; let him rest more. You are also not allowed to eat a lot of sugar-containing foods. The examination results are influenced by factors such as stress, chronic or infectious diseases, and fatigue.

Exercise test (glucose tolerance test). If a standard blood test does not detect abnormalities, this type of study is performed to ensure that there is no predisposition to diabetes. It consists of two stages. At the first stage, blood is drawn from a vein from the patient on an empty stomach. At the second stage, he drinks sweet water (100 g of glucose per 300 ml of liquid). Then capillary blood is taken every half hour for two hours. Drinking and eating are prohibited during the test.

Test for glycated hemoglobin. Using this analysis, the required doses of insulin therapy are determined. It is considered a long-term method of determining sugar levels, since it is carried out over three months.

The result of the study is an average indicator that accurately reflects the glucose concentration.

Decoding the research results

After taking the required volume of biomaterial, the blood sugar test is deciphered. It should be noted that the indicators are not affected in any way by the gender of the patient.

But age plays a big role, and a special table has been developed for children, which distributes sugar content standards according to different age categories.

The unit of measurement for sugar content is often mole/liter. Less common are mg/100ml, mg/dl, and mg%. When biochemical test results are provided, values ​​are reported as “Glu” (glucose).

The following table provides a breakdown of the results of a laboratory blood test for sugar in children.

When conducting a glucose tolerance test, the result that indicates a normal sugar level is a range of values ​​from 3.5 to 5.5 mmol (on an empty stomach) and less than 7.8 mmol/l (after sweet water).

Normal values ​​when tested for glycated hemoglobin should be less than 5.7%. Diabetes mellitus is indicated by a value of 6.5% or more.

Which analysis is better?

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of which analysis is better. It all depends on the degree of hypo- or hyperglycemia, the patient’s symptoms, the doctor’s preferences and the equipment in the medical institution.

Many patients are interested in which is more accurate - express or laboratory? Although glucose levels are often determined using the express method, its results are considered preliminary. If they confirm an increase or decrease in sugar, a number of other examinations are prescribed.

The tests listed above do not determine the type of diabetes. To identify insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent forms of the disease, a C-peptide test is performed. As a rule, type 1 diabetes mellitus often develops in childhood. One of the factors that can affect the increase in glycemia is considered to be hormonal imbalance in adolescence and emotional turmoil.

There is an opinion that sometimes a single test cannot show the presence of deviations. In fact, with pronounced signs of diabetes, one study is enough to obtain results indicating a decrease or increase in sugar.

However, diabetes is not the only disease in which hypo- or hyperglycemia occurs. The following pathologies can affect glucose levels:

  1. Kidney failure.
  2. Liver dysfunction.
  3. Pancreatic tumor.
  4. Endocrine system disorder.

If the results show that the child’s sugar levels are too high or low, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Diabetes is not a death sentence, so you need to strive for normal blood glucose levels. In this way, parents will be able to provide a full life for their child.

In the video in this article, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you everything about diabetes in children.

Blood sugar analysis is the most reliable and objective indicator of the health status of people with diabetes. Deciphering a blood sugar test is necessary in order to understand how serious the situation is with such an insidious disease as diabetes, because often there are no symptoms at all.

What does a blood sugar test show?

Patients with diabetes undergo a blood test, regardless of the type of diabetes. A blood test allows you to assess the state of the body's metabolic systems and make a decision on treatment tactics for diabetics. The analysis evaluates indicators such as glucose in the blood plasma, as well as the percentage of glycated hemoglobin.

Glucose is the main and most necessary source of energy for all tissues of the human body, especially the brain. Normally, the analysis determines glucose in the range from 3 mmol/l to 6 mmol/l, which is the physiological values ​​of glycemia. Glucose can be measured both in capillary blood, using a mini-glucometer, and in venous blood, using a stationary analyzer. The concentration of glucose in the plasma of capillary blood and venous blood may differ slightly; on average, fluctuations in the sugar level of 1 mmol/l are allowed.

Glucose levels are determined in a clinical laboratory using an automatic analyzer

Why is glucose determination needed?

Blood sugar is the main indicator reflecting the functioning of carbohydrate metabolism in the human body. A whole cascade of organs and systems is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism in the body, so that the level of glucose in plasma and hemoglobin can be used to judge the functional activity of organs and systems such as the pancreas, liver, and neurohumoral system.

Monitoring plasma glucose levels is especially important in people suffering from various forms of diabetes mellitus.. In diabetes, there is a disruption in the production of basal insulin, the hormone responsible for the utilization of glucose, which leads to the accumulation of the latter in the blood, while the body's cells literally begin to starve and experience an energy deficit. For patients with insulin-dependent type of diabetes, constant monitoring of blood glycemia is vital, since an overdose of insulin or its deficiency significantly affects the progression of diabetes mellitus. Only with the help of constant determination of sugar is it possible to keep glucose in optimal values.

Rules for conducting analysis

To increase the accuracy of the analysis results and obtain the most objective data on the chemical composition of the blood before taking the test, you must adhere to some rules:

  • It is necessary to stop consuming alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing products at least one day before the test. Alcohol significantly affects the composition of the blood.
  • It is recommended to take your last meal 10 hours before taking a sugar test, i.e. on an empty stomach. However, drinking plain water without additives is not prohibited.
  • On the day of the actual sugar test, you should skip morning brushing of your teeth, since many toothpastes contain sugar, which can enter the gastrointestinal tract. The situation is similar with chewing gum.

By adhering to the simple rules described above, you can achieve the most adequate and accurate result of sugar concentration. The described rules are general and do not depend on the location of blood collection, be it from a finger or a vein.

Blood from a finger

Allows for rapid diagnosis of glucose levels in plasma of peripheral capillary blood, which is not the most accurate, but valuable indicator. This method can be easily implemented at home. A wide range of portable glucose meters are available for such home testing. However, for such control at home, it is necessary to comply with technical control measures for the glucometer, because storing test strips in an open state leads to their unusability. Be sure to strictly follow the technical specifications and instructions included with the meter!

Blood from a vein

Venous blood collection is carried out in an outpatient or inpatient setting, i.e. in the hospital. Blood from a vein is taken in a volume of 3-5 ml. A larger amount of blood taken is necessary to determine the chemical composition of blood in an automatic analyzer. The automatic analyzer allows you to obtain the most accurate data on your glycemic level.

The procedure for collecting venous blood to determine glucose concentration is no different

Results standards

To correctly interpret the analysis, you need to know the norms of glucose concentration and in what quantities they are measured. Most results sheets have normal concentration ranges next to the values ​​to make it easier to understand the numbers and results.

How is glucose indicated on the form? If with glucometers everything is very clear - they display only data related to glucose, then with automatic analyzers things are more complicated, since biochemical analysis often determines a large number of other substances. On domestic forms, glucose is designated as such, but on foreign analyzers, sugar is designated as GLU, which is translated from Latin as glucose (sugar). The normal level of glycemia is from 3.33 to 6.5 mmol/l - these norms are typical for adults. For children, the norms are slightly different. They are lower than those of adults. From 3.33 to 5.55 – in children of primary school age, and in newborns – from 2.7 to 4.5 mmol/l.

It is important to note that analyzers from different companies interpret the results slightly differently, but all standards remain within a range of less than 1 mmol/l.

Although most blood tests measure sugar in mol/L, some analyzers may use units such as mg/dL or mg%. To convert these values ​​to mol/L, simply divide the result by 18.

Results below normal

When the concentration of glucose in the blood falls below physiological values, this condition is called hypoglycemia. It is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. A person is worried about a feeling of weakness, drowsiness and hunger. Reasons for low glucose levels may include:

  • fasting or lack of carbohydrate foods;
  • incorrect dose of insulin;
  • hypersecretion of own insulin;
  • strong physical activity;
  • neurohumoral diseases;
  • liver damage.

All these conditions can lead to either a sharp decrease in sugar or a gradual decrease, which can be easily missed due to the absence of pronounced symptoms.

Results above normal

When plasma glucose concentrations are higher than normal values, a condition called hyperglycemia occurs. Hyperglycemia may be associated with the following conditions:

  • violation of blood donation rules;
  • mental or physical stress during the test;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas);
  • poisoning

Specialized Glucose Tests

For endocrinologists, when forming patient management tactics, data on the concentration of glucose in peripheral blood is not enough; for this, patients with diabetes mellitus undergo special laboratory blood tests for sugar, which determine parameters such as glycosylated or glycated hemoglobin, a glucose tolerance test.

Glycated hemoglobin is the concentration of sugar as a percentage in the blood protein - hemoglobin. The norm is considered to be 4.8 - 6% of the total protein volume. Glycated hemoglobin is an indicator of carbohydrate metabolism in the body over the past 3 months.

A tolerance test is carried out for all patients with suspected diabetes mellitus, and is based on a glucose load test with determination of sugar levels at certain time intervals of 60, 90 and 120 minutes after consuming 75 g of glucose solution.

Last updated: October 7, 2019
