Trinity Gledensky monastery iconostasis. Trinity-Gledensky Monastery

Trinity - Gledensky Monastery is located at a distance from Veliky Ustyug, near the village of Morozovitsa, on a high hill at the confluence of the Sukhona and Yuga rivers. The monastery ensemble is available for external inspection all year round, Trinity Cathedral is open to visitors only in the summer.

In time immemorial, the city of Gleden stood here, founded by Prince Vsevolod Big Nest V last quarter XII century. Around the same time, a monastery in the name of St. Life-Giving Trinity, which is rightfully considered one of the oldest in the Russian North.

Very little information has been preserved about the city itself. Its history is covered in legends and traditions, in which Gleden appears to be a rich and glorious city. He was killed by the supposedly evil Tatars, who were flattered by the gold of the Ustyug people. It is known for certain that it was destroyed in the middle of the 15th century as a result of brutal internecine wars of the Russian princes. The city was not restored, but Trinity - Gledensky monastery Ustyug residents rebuilt it.

It existed for several more centuries, witnessing many events that took place in these places. It survived both the reforms of Peter I and the secularization of church properties during the reign of Catherine II, was abolished in 1841, reopened in 1912 as a convent and was finally closed in 1925. After this, the monastery buildings were used as a colony for street children, an orphanage-isolator, a transit point for the dispossessed, and a home for the elderly. Since the beginning of the 1980s, the architectural complex of the Trinity-Gleden Monastery has been a branch of the museum.

The ensemble of the monastery was formed in late XVII- the first half of the 18th century, when, at the expense of wealthy Ustyug merchants, first the Trinity Cathedral was dressed in stone, then the warm Tikhvin Church with a refectory, the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God and a hospital ward. A little later, the Tikhvin Church was connected to the Trinity Cathedral by a covered gallery and the construction of a stone fence began, which remained unfinished due to lack of money. It is noteworthy that almost all the stone buildings of the Trinity-Gleden Monastery were not subject to later alterations and retained their original forms unchanged, which gives the complex a special charm. Art historians classify it as one of the most advanced monastic ensembles in the Russian North.

The main attraction of the monastery is the magnificent carved gilded iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral, one of the most beautiful in Ustyug. Its construction lasted eight years (from 1776 to 1784) with donations from Ustyug residents.

Totem masters, brothers Nikolai and Timofey Bogdanov, were invited to carry out the carving work. Using traditional 18th-century motifs (garlands, volutes, rocailles, curls, etc.), they decorated the iconostasis with carvings that were striking in their richness and rare variety of shapes.

The icons, distinguished by their grace, precision of design, and rich color palette, were painted by Ustyug icon painters and merchants A.V. Kolmogorov, E.A. Shergin and Archpriest of the Ustyug Assumption Cathedral V.A. Alenev. The compositions of the icons depart from traditional canons, since they were painted with printed sheets(Western European engravings), and are more reminiscent of secular painting.

The general impression of the richness of the iconostasis is enhanced by the gilding done by the artel of P.A. Labzina in complex technology double with continuous digits (figured impressions on wet gesso).

What gives the iconostasis a special charm is a large number of wooden sculpture. The figures of the four evangelists are located on the royal doors, with hosts hovering above them in the clouds. The sculptures of angels and cherub heads standing at the Crucifixion, organically combined with carvings and iconography, form a single whole with them. Unfortunately, the names of the carvers of the figures remained unknown, but they, without a doubt, were unusually talented people with extraordinary skill and subtle taste.

The iconostasis, of rare beauty, revived in the 70s of the twentieth century by Moscow restorers, evokes the admiration of everyone who comes to the Trinity - Gledensky Monastery.

Trinity - Gledensky Monastery..Monuments of Veliky Ustyug.

Trinity - Gledensky Monastery is an inactive Orthodox monastery 4 km from Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region, at the confluence of the Sukhona and Yuga rivers. Currently it is part of the Veliky Ustyug State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve. It is located on the site where the Russian city of Gleden stood in the Middle Ages, founded by Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. At the same time, at the end of the 12th century, a monastery appeared, consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity.

Trinity Cathedral

The current ensemble of the monastery was formed at the end of the 17th - first half of the 18th century: the stone Trinity Cathedral was built at the expense of wealthy Ustyug merchants, then the warm Tikhvin Church with a refectory, the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God and a hospital ward. In the 18th century, the Tikhvin Church was connected to the Trinity Cathedral by a covered gallery. The construction of the stone fence was not completed due to lack of money. In 1784, work on creating a new iconostasis was completed, which lasted 8 years. The iconostasis has been preserved and is famous for its amazing wood carvings.

The main attraction of the monastery is the magnificent carved gilded iconostasis of the Trinity Cathedral, one of the most beautiful in Ustyug.

Royal Doors


Evangelists John and Matthew

Evangelists Mark and Luke

Hosts. Detail of the Royal Doors


Iconostasis of the Trinity - Gleden Monastery.
Totem masters, brothers Nikolai and Timofey Bogdanov, were invited to carry out the carving work.

The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles

The icons, distinguished by their grace, precision of design, and rich color palette, were painted by Ustyug icon painters and merchants A.V. Kolmogorov, E.A. Shergin and Archpriest of the Ustyug Assumption Cathedral V.A. Alenev. The compositions of the icons deviate from traditional canons, since they were painted from printed sheets (Western European engravings), and are more reminiscent of secular painting.

The general impression of the richness of the iconostasis is enhanced by the gilding done by the artel of P.A. Labzin in complex technology.

A large number of wooden sculptures give the iconostasis a special charm. The figures of the four evangelists are located on the royal doors, with hosts hovering above them in the clouds. The sculptures of angels and cherub heads standing at the Crucifixion, organically combined with carvings and iconography, form a single whole with them. Unfortunately, the names of the carvers of the figures remained unknown, but they, without a doubt, were unusually talented people with extraordinary skill and subtle taste.

St. Peter

Trinity - Gledensky Monastery 17-18 century

The iconostasis, of rare beauty, revived in the 70s of the twentieth century by Moscow restorers, evokes the admiration of everyone who comes to the Trinity-Gledensky Monastery.

Evangelist Matthew

Evangelist John

John the Baptist

Wooden carved detail of the iconostasis

Trinity Cathedral Monastery

The monastery was abolished in 1841 and assigned to the St. Michael the Archangel Monastery. Reopened in 1912 as a convent. Abolished in 1925. The Trinity Cathedral with the iconostasis is assigned to the museum as an architectural monument; the rest of the monastery buildings were used as a colony for street children, an orphanage-isolator, a transit point for the dispossessed, a home for the disabled, and a home for the elderly.

Two-pillar Trinity Cathedral (2nd half of the 17th century). It was erected at the expense of prominent merchant families of Veliky Ustyug - the Grudtsyns and the Bosykhs.

Archdeacon Stefan

Since the beginning of the 1980s, the architectural complex of the Trinity-Gleden Monastery has been operating in museum mode. At the moment, the following buildings have been preserved: Cathedral of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity (1659-1701), Church of the Tikhvin Icon Mother of God with a refectory (1729-1740), Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God with a hospital ward (1729-1740), a Watchtower (1759-1763), the Holy Gate of the monastery and the Northern utility gate.

Monastery watchtower

Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God with a refectory

Holy gates of the monastery

Veliky Ustyug > Trinity-Gledensky Monastery. D. Morozovitsa. 08/02/2009 (23 Photos)

Trinity-Gledensky Monastery. D. Morozovitsa. 08/02/2009

Trinity-Gledensky Monastery is an inactive Orthodox monastery 4 km from Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region, at the confluence of the Sukhona and Yuga rivers. Currently it is part of the Veliky Ustyug State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve.
It is located on the spot where the Russian city of Gleden stood in the Middle Ages, founded by Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest. At the same time, at the end of the 12th century, a monastery appeared, consecrated in honor of the Life-Giving Trinity. In 1697, an archimandrite board was established in the Trinity-Gledensky Monastery.
The current ensemble of the monastery was formed at the end of the 17th - first half of the 18th century: the stone Trinity Cathedral was built at the expense of wealthy Ustyug merchants, then the warm Tikhvin Church with a refectory, the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God and a hospital ward. In the 18th century, the Tikhvin Church was connected to the Trinity Cathedral by a covered gallery. The construction of the stone fence was not completed due to lack of money. In 1784, work on creating a new iconostasis was completed, which lasted 8 years. The iconostasis has been preserved and is famous for its amazing wood carvings.
Trinity Cathedral Monastery
The monastery was abolished in 1841 and assigned to the St. Michael the Archangel Monastery. Reopened in 1912 as a convent. Abolished in 1925. The Trinity Cathedral with the iconostasis is assigned to the museum as an architectural monument; the rest of the monastery buildings were used as a colony for street children, an orphanage-isolator, a transit point for the dispossessed, a home for the disabled, and a home for the elderly.
Since the beginning of the 1980s, the architectural complex of the Trinity-Gleden Monastery has been operating in museum mode. At the moment, the following buildings have been preserved: Cathedral of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity (1659-1701), Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God with a refectory (1729-1740), Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a hospital ward (1729-1740), Watchtower tower (1759-1763), the Holy Gate of the monastery and the Northern economic gate.

Trinity Cathedral is considered the most beautiful temple in Ustyug. The cathedral is five-domed, built on the site of a dilapidated wooden church in 1659. The temple was built at the expense of the merchant S. Grudtsyn. A year earlier, the Barefoot merchant family donated 1,500 rubles to the monastery for the construction of the church. The construction that began was subsequently financed by I. Grudtsyn. However, when the brothers died, work had to be suspended. Then Elder Filaret bequeathed to the third brother, V. Grudtsyn, to complete the construction of the temple. He even gave him money for construction. However, Vasily resumed construction only after the abbot of the monastery wrote a complaint to Patriarch Joachim. Construction was completed in the 1690s.

The architects who had previously built the St. Michael the Archangel Monastery worked on the construction of the cathedral and the entire monastery. Trinity Cathedral is almost similar to St. Michael the Archangel. The compositions of nearby churches and refectories are almost identical. It should be noted that the Trinity Cathedral, after all, has more balanced proportions. Its architectural composition is symmetrical. Special attention individual parts of the cathedral, such as the apse, deserve. They have smooth, soft outlines with a central window gracefully decorated with platbands. The tiles used in decorative processing are typical of Vologda-Ustyug architecture.

The main volume of the temple has a cubic shape, with a two-story gallery attached to it on three sides. The temple is decorated with colored tiles, a stepped cornice with zakomaras and ordinary pilasters. The altar aisle is built on the right side of the main volume and consists of undulating three-lobed apses, smoothly adjacent to the main volume.

The structure is slender, directed upward, successfully emphasizing the five-domed structure assembled on faceted drums. At the base of the drums there is a row of kokoshniks. The windows of the temple are framed with green tiles. Along the upper perimeter of the gallery there is a wide belt. The quadrangle of the bell tower is also decorated with identical motifs.

The bell tower was built separately from the temple, which ensures optical balance of the volumes. It is placed on a quadrangle, consisting of arches connected by powerful tetrahedral pillars. The bell has the shape of an octagon and is topped with a low tent with two rows of dormers. The lower windows are larger than the upper ones, creating an optical effect of perspective reduction, so that the structure appears taller and grander. The bell tower of the Trinity Cathedral is located in the middle of the western facade of the temple, with an entrance built at the base and a staircase leading to the porch. In general, the bell tower building has a slender, finished appearance.

The five-tier iconostasis in the Baroque style has significant artistic value. It amazes with its extraordinary fine carving. Its creation was made possible thanks to donations from the people of Ustyug, and lasted for eight long years - between 1776 and 1784. The construction of the iconostasis was conceived by Abbot Gennady, who obtained the blessing of Bishop John. The archives of the monastery preserved contracts with carvers and icon painters, which greatly helped to restore the history of the creation of the iconostasis and the names of the craftsmen working on it. It was the Totem carvers Bogdanovs who gave the iconostasis a baroque style, while in Ustyug during these years they were already carried away by a new style borrowed from the St. Petersburgers - classicism. The gilding on the royal doors and the iconostasis was done under the direction of the skilled craftsman P. Labzin. Most of the icons were painted by the famous icon painter A. Kolmagorov. Impressive in its richness and beauty, the iconostasis represents the evangelists standing in the royal doors, with seraphim hovering above them, and angels next to them. All these images are made in the form of sculptures, the author of which, unfortunately, is unknown. Artistically, the iconostasis is an example of the Italian school.

In the 70s of the 20th century, the ancient iconostasis, as the main asset of the Trinity Cathedral, was restored, and now it can be contemplated in its original glory.

Trinity-Gledensky Monastery (Russia) - description, history, location. The exact address and website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The Trinity-Gledensky Monastery is now not active and is part of the Veliky Ustyug Museum-Reserve. The complex of buildings is not located in the city itself, but 4 km from it, at the confluence of the Yuga and Sukhona rivers near the village of Morozovitsa. It was here that the Russian city of Gleden used to be, its monastery, which existed since pre-Mongol times, was called Gledenskaya - this explains modern name monastery

In chronicles, mentions of the Trinity-Gleden Monastery appear only from the mid-16th century. Stone buildings began to be erected here in the 17th century, and in the 18th the architectural ensemble was completely formed. This is how it remained 300 years later - the churches were never rebuilt.

The stone fence around the monastery has not been destroyed - it was not completed due to lack of funds.

In 1841, the monastery was abolished, since there were very few novices in it. Shortly before the revolution, it again began to operate as a women's monastery, but in 1925 the Soviet government closed it completely, and the premises were used as a home for the elderly and disabled, a colony for street children, a transit point for the dispossessed and other enemies of the people.

What to see

Now on the territory of the monastery the Trinity Cathedral, the Tikhvin Church with a refectory and the hospital Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God with cells have been preserved. The ensemble is complemented by the Watchtower and two gates: the Northern and the Holy.

Trinity Cathedral is the main building; it is located in the center of the entire complex opposite the Holy Gate. Previously, it was connected to the warm Tikhvin Church by a gallery. The stone fence stands at an angle, but does not completely surround the monastery. At the junction of the walls there is the Church of the Assumption of Our Lady with a hospital ward.

In the Trinity Cathedral there is a famous baroque iconostasis with exquisite wood carvings and gilding. Its production took 8 years and was completed in 1784.

Practical information

Address: Vologda Region, Veliky Ustyug district, Morozovitsa, st. Central, 122.
