Install a job search application. Top 8 job search apps

Testing was carried out in ten areas, including functionality, correct operation, performance, usability, reliability, processing speed and data storage. In total, about one hundred indicators of the application’s performance quality were studied.

Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation German Klimenko:“Informing consumers about the quality of goods, including software products sold on the territory Russian Federation- an important and responsible task. Users should know where and how their personal data is stored and be able to fully evaluate a mobile application before installing it. mobile devices. Independent studies of such products are intended to help in choosing the highest quality and safest software products. non-profit organizations, like Roskachestvo.”

Managing partner of Notamedia Sergey Oseledko:“The mobile segment of the Internet is experiencing explosive growth. More and more, our daily tasks are solved using mobile applications, the number of which has already exceeded millions. It is important for both developers, customers, and most importantly, users to understand what quality requirements are imposed on a product such as a mobile application and how to achieve it. The developed methodology will help, among other things, Notamedia to make significant progress in this direction.”

According to Vitaly Dubinin, General Director ID East LLC: “Mobile applications have access to personal data and personal information, so it is important for users that the applications meet quality standards. Standards will help developers and, more importantly, their customers define the requirements that must be met in terms of security, user convenience and other important, but not documented parameters anywhere. The extensive and detailed results of Roskachestvo research, displayed in a visual and easily understandable form, will be especially useful to all market participants.”

For reference:

Note that the number of programs for smartphones in the two largest application stores is App Store And Google Play– in total exceeds the 5 million mark, and the total number of downloads is over 17 billion. However, until now in Russia, unlike other countries, there has been no transparent rating of mobile applications based on independent research. Wherein, mobile applications- This is the same commodity of everyday demand as food and clothing. Considering the colossal number of mobile software products offered on the market, it is sometimes very difficult for an ordinary user to make a choice in favor of one application or another. Descriptions and screenshots often do not reflect the real functionality of the application, only confusing the potential buyer, who pays for such obscurity with his own money and personal time.

The first independent study of applications for Russia allows us to evaluate the capabilities of existing developments on the market and improve the quality of application performance. This practice successfully exists in many countries around the world, for example, when Consumer Reports (a quality monitoring organization in the USA) released a study of laptops, criticizing some well-known devices, manufacturers found and eliminated imperfections.

Each application was downloaded to a smartphone. And in each we tried to find several vacancies: one of the creative professions (journalist, designer, etc.) and one of the technical professions (engineer, mechanic, etc.). The search was also conducted among metropolitan and regional proposals. Conclusions were drawn based on these data.

10 million downloads

When you first launch the application, you are prompted to create an account. But you can start the search without it. Indeed is a “collector” of vacancies from various sources - sites (including ours), services, etc. When viewing, you are first taken to more detailed description vacancies, and then to the site from which it was taken.


The application contains vacancies from more than 50 countries in 28 languages. That is, from Russia you can choose a job option, for example, in Europe or Australia.

If you connect GPS to your phone, the results will show options that are geographically closer to you.

Selected items can be saved in the application memory or immediately sent by email.

You can apply for some vacancies by calling directly from your smartphone.

When you scroll quickly, you can see the job title (often you can get the gist of it from it) future work, for example, “trainee journalist”), organization, city, duration of placement. Sometimes the size of the future salary is immediately shown.


The top lines in the search results are not occupied by the most recent offers.

Outdated options remain in the database for some time.

The application hosts more than 50 million. With so many competitors, it’s hard to hope that you will be found and invited for an interview. So it’s better to use it when searching directly and make appointments yourself.

500 thousand downloads

The application promises to help “get a job without a resume or registration.” The database contains more than 400 thousand vacancies. For those whose financial priority comes first (that is, almost everyone), the developers made the font that highlights future salary more noticeable than the job title.


Ability to set the most accurate location. Relevant for large cities. For example, in Moscow, when specifying a metro station, advertisements of companies whose offices are nearby will be shown.

Communication speed with potential employer. The announcement is accompanied by a handset icon; when you click on it, a choice of communication appears (Skype or mobile phone). The number automatically appears on the screen. All that remains is to press call.

Issue options can be ranked: by salary, experience, schedule, industry, region, employment.

A map has been inserted into the job description for the convenience of users.

To the right of the advertisements are the usual Yandex mailboxes. With one click you can highlight them in red, and the vacancy will appear in “Saved”.


In some professions, vacancies are shown only for the past month. It’s difficult to check whether this is a mistake or whether the options that used to be several a day are really gone this month.

If you accidentally select an extra vacancy and immediately remove the “marker”, it will still end up in “Saved”. So don't be impulsive.


10 million downloads

The application is “general” for all ad options, so the path to it will be a couple of clicks longer.


The location is determined automatically.

In the settings, in addition to the city and job title, you can set the minimum and maximum size salaries, type of employment and experience.

Under each vacancy there are several similar options that you can immediately switch to.

There is a “star” in the top panel of each page - by clicking on it, you send the position to “Favorites”.

Some vacancies are accompanied by photographs or company logos. When viewing, you can focus on them.

Advertisements are sorted by publication date.

You can respond to a vacancy through messages (in this case you need to register and log in Personal Area) or by phone. When you click on the number, a choice will appear on the screen - Skype or mobile communication, and then the number will automatically appear in the dialing line.


If nothing is found, the application suggests searching in another city or changing the conditions. Previous parameters are not saved and must be entered again. This also applies to the location - it also becomes the “home”.

When scrolling the page, you can accidentally click on an ad unit, but when you return, the parameters are not lost.

Work in Russia (all-Russian vacancy database)

10 thousand downloads

Application federal service on labor and employment of the Russian Federation.


Many parameters for classifying vacancies, including the item “with housing provided.” The given list can be sorted by date or viewed “for all time”.


The app helps you find a job Here and now. The description says that anyone can take delivery orders, but a person with experience in courier services, delivery departments of online stores, Uber and the like has a better chance of getting it.

To receive an order and start earning money, you just need to register in the application, contact the dispatcher through it and go through a telephone interview.

For beginners there is detailed instructions for work.

The feed with orders is updated often enough that in half an hour or an hour you can choose a part-time job option for yourself.

Through the application you can contact support operators for any question.


Since the courier works on his own behalf, and not on behalf of some company, he pays personal money for the transfer of goods. That is Sometimes(not in all orders) you have to buy the package from the sender and receive money for it from the recipient. Scammers take advantage of this, so you need to be on your guard. The service rules contain tips on how to avoid such situations.

The application will help find work or part-time work only for residents of the capital and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk and regions. We can only hope that the creators will develop this service in other cities.

50 thousand downloads


The application contains vacancies for those who are ready for long business trips, long trips, etc.

Registration is not required to view the vacancy.

New offers appear once a week.

Speed ​​dialing is enabled.

In the application itself there are essentially three key pages, which divide all vacancies into groups: by profession, enterprise and region.

The only application that did not request access to files and other personal data during installation.


Each vacancy is accompanied by a large gray star, the purpose of which is to highlight the selected items. However, she notes not a specific vacancy, but a company and at the same time all the offers that are on this moment are presented in it. Consequently, a list of organizations appears in “Favorites”, and in each you can open your own list of vacancies.

There is not a lot of information in the advertisements; for example, the salary is not indicated everywhere. Apparently, the applicant is expected to immediately start making phone calls and clarify all the key points during the conversation.


We were not mistaken - the application really only has 100 downloads. Perhaps the developer is testing or, indeed, there are not enough fans. We, the one hundred and first, downloaded it to see from the inside how such applications are created.


Not detected.


You will not see the name Apphunter among the application icons, because during installation it is transformed into

Only two vacancies found.

The offers do not open, but lead to a page that is not found or does not work.

    Look for work through large applications that have at least 50 thousand downloads. After testing with so many users, the main errors have probably already been discovered and corrected.

    Don’t be surprised if you download one application and see a completely different icon on the screen - the name may change during the installation process.

    Pay attention to the date last update applications (visible on the description page). The older it is, the greater the chances of downloading the “thrown”.

    Look for a job on the site! We have a convenient mobile version.

When using materials from the site, an indication of the author and an active link to the site are required!

HeadHunter is a tool designed to simplify the search for a decent job. The application provides access to the functionality of one of the largest portals in Russia for employers and job seekers.

How to start searching for vacancies?

  • Download the application and install.
  • Fill out the information that will be available to employers (full name, place of residence, specialization, experience, etc.).
  • Using a well-developed search algorithm, the program will display available vacancies that match a specific request, taking into account geographical position user.
  • Choose the offer you like and send your resume.
  • Accurate display of offers from employers that correspond to the applicant’s requests - there is no longer a need to look through a large mass of unnecessary information.
  • Add vacancies to your favorites so as not to lose them. It’s useful when you need to fill out the information completely before responding to proposals, but you don’t want to lose an interesting proposal.
  • Send proposals to several employers at once, viewing them in a special tab and tracking the presence of an invitation or responses.
  • To simplify your search, you can view your search query history.
  • The program is easy to use, allowing you to look for work anywhere: sitting in a cafe, on a minibus, at lectures.
  • Registration through the application on or login under the created profile on this site.
  • Add a resume and edit it directly using the application. There is no longer any need to visit a web resource for this.
  • The presence of a huge number of available vacancies, which increases daily. Each user will find a good job offer, and the likelihood of employment depends only on his resume.
  • The program’s simple and intuitive interface will make it easier for people with different skills to use smartphones.

Job search on HeadHunter is an excellent application that can really help people who are looking for work. Having available features makes it easier to view qualified candidates and communicate with employers. Find your dream job using your own smartphone.

I posted a vacancy on a specialized website, received 100 responses, scheduled an interview... How much time and effort will it take for an HR specialist to find one employee. Fortunately, many mobile applications have appeared, with the help of which the time to fill a vacancy is reduced to several hours.

In the photo: Maria Dobrikova, head of the Euroset recruitment group

In retail, where staff turnover is traditionally high (the entire staff can be renewed twice in a year), speed in recruiting employees is very important.

There are special mobile applications to quickly fill vacancies. All you need to do is install them on your phone, and new applicants will always be at your fingertips.

Applications differ in functionality and cost. I will tell you about those that have proven themselves with the best side and helped me and my colleagues in their work.


Main distinctive features Staffim applications - analytics and capabilities for planning the work of the HR service.

There is a calendar here that reflects the history of interaction with the candidate (dates of calls, interviews, date of entry to work). This information is available to partners, which allows for more effective negotiations. There is also a discussion between applicants and colleagues.

You can import resumes of suitable candidates from other “job” sites into the desired vacancy on Staffim. The application allows you to do mass mailings and schedule group interviews.

You can “order” analytics for each vacancy. The application will create different graphs(time spent working on a vacancy, number of responses, candidate funnel, completion of the probationary period) and will make a report on vacancies (how many of them are archived and open).

Registration is simple and fast. The free trial period lasts 15 days. Then - only for money.


Worki allows you to quickly find employees who live close to where the job opening is. When an applicant registers, his location is immediately determined, and the person first of all sees new advertisements from those companies that are located nearby.

This is how catering companies mainly look for employees, retail chains, communication salons. Their positions are not very high salaries, so for many candidates the ability to work close to home may be a deciding factor. The presence of a geolocation function in the service is very convenient when HR needs to recruit staff for a specific retail outlet; the vacancy announcement is primarily seen by applicants in the district.

The registration form for employers is simple. You need to enter a code that will be sent to the specified phone number, add a description of the vacancy, and then wait for responses or look through the candidates’ feed yourself on the way to work. You can communicate with promising applicants directly in the chat that is in the application.

As practice has shown, you can find an employee in 1 day or even faster. After all, the Worki application has already been downloaded by 3 million users.

The service is free, however, there are also paid options (for example, publishing vacancies beyond the package, connecting a certain number of users, highlighting an advertisement, etc.). In the future, Worki will have the ability to target the most suitable applicants.


Experium is configured to automatically analyze resumes. The program creates candidate cards by dividing information from the resume into several semantic fields. Documents related to the applicant and information about interviews conducted are attached to it.

Employee selection is based on 40 criteria. Experium automatically places advertisements on job search sites. The application can send mass mailings, book meeting rooms, create user groups with at different levels access to information.

Before installing the program, you can go through free education. A license costs from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles. Additional options (for example, booking meeting rooms or a multilingual interface) are paid separately.

E-Staff Recruiter

E-Staff Recruiter works well with other career sites. A vacancy posted on E-Staff is automatically published there. The user sets search criteria, and according to them the program makes requests to each of the selected sites. If there are identical resumes, then E-Staff will remove duplicates from the search results. All responses are displayed in the application.

Subsequently, you can track the entire chain of actions for each candidate (interview, rejection of a resume or return to work, etc.).

The Russian quality system (Roskachestvo) published the results of testing Android applications in the “work” category. During the study, experts responded to thousands of vacancies and assessed each service based on hundreds of indicators. The assessment standards were developed jointly with domestic and global organizations in the field of testing and standardization software. In the process of their development, six international standards ISO, methods and guidelines for the development of information products from organizations such as AQaA, Apple, Google, OWASP and others.

The largest number of functions are implemented in the applications “Avito Announcements”, “Rosrabota: Jobs and Vacancies”, Freelancer - Hire & Find Jobs, Fiverr - Freelance Services. The most convenient search for vacancies is noted in “Job Search on Monster”, “Job, Vacancies on Superjob”, “Work in Russia”, Job Search, Salaries & Reviews, “Indeed Job”. By searching in these applications, you will definitely get what you requested, and not what your smartphone itself “wanted.”

The highest scores in terms of searching, posting and editing vacancies were received by “Avito Announcements”, “Rosrabota: Jobs and Vacancies”, Fiverr - Freelance Services, Freelancer - Hire & Find Jobs, JOB TODAY - jobs in 24hrs, YouDo. The Yandex.Work application does not allow you to create a resume or post vacancies, but this is successfully compensated by the ability to immediately call the employer by choosing a suitable offer.

Almost all applications fully met the declared functions, with the exception of “ - Job Search” and “Work and Vacancies - Jobrapido”, due to the incorrect operation of which it was not possible to fully verify the declared functionality.

The most productive applications turned out to be “ - Job Search”, “Ads - From Hand to Hand”, as well as the English-language applications Totaljobs Job Search and JOB TODAY - jobs in 24hrs. “Job and Vacancies - Jobrapido” received the lowest rating among the tested programs due to a very long startup time and a larger amount of memory occupied by the application compared to its competitors. The most convenient were the Russian-language “Work, vacancies on Superjob” and “Job Offers” from Trovit, as well as the English-language Job Search and Job Search, Salaries & Reviews. The “Jobs and Vacancies - Jobrapido” and “FarPost Advertisements” applications received the lowest scores for ease of use.

- Avito announcements ( - 4.8672
- Yandex.Work (Yandex) - 4.7921
- Work, vacancies on Superjob (SuperJob) - 4.7100
- Freelancer - Hire & Find Jobs ( - 4.6624
- Job Search, Salaries & Reviews (Glassdoor) - 4.5988
- Job search on HeadHunter (HeadHunter) - 4.5557
- FarPost advertisements (FarPost) 4.5553
- Rosrabota: Jobs and vacancies (Rosrabota) - 4.5315
- Job offers (Trovit) - 4.5103
- Fiverr - Freelance Services (Fiverr) - 4.4435
- (neuvoo) - 4.4137
- All vacancies (Careerjet) - 4.4119
- Job search on Monster (Monster Worldwide) - 4.4103
