Questions of the game lucky chance. Material on the topic: Intellectual game "Lucky Chance"

Extracurricular activity for grades 5-9 game " Lucky case»

Technology– gaming.
Target:- development of cognitive abilities, erudition, speed of thinking
memory, attention.
- fostering self-confidence, a sense of responsibility, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
- expanding the horizons and intellectual abilities of students.
- development of communication skills, extraordinary thinking, ability to justify and
argue your point of view.

Two teams of 4 - 5 people each take part in the game. The participating teams have their own name. The game is played in 5 games. Before the game starts, it is decided which team will respond first. For each correct answer, the team receives the number of tokens equal to the number of points they earned. At the end of each game, the final result of each team is announced.
Each team is given a piece of paper with a labyrinth - whoever finds the exit faster, that team starts first.
"Further, further, further..."
Each team takes turns rolling the game dice. Ones are written on four faces of the cube, a zero is drawn on one face of the cube, and a horseshoe is drawn on another. If a one appears on the top face of the cube, then the team receives 1 point for the correct answer to the question asked by the leader. If a horseshoe falls out, this means that the team is lucky, it has a “lucky chance” and for the correct answer to the same question it can receive 3 points. But if a zero appears, this means a changeover. During the first game, each team rolls the dice 11 times.
First game questions:
1.Which elephant does not have a trunk? (at the chess one).
2. What happened on February 31? (there is no such day).
3. Who saved the hares during the flood? (grandfather Mazai).
4. What notes can be used to measure distance? (mi-la-mi).
5. How do day and night end? (soft sign).
6. In which fairy tale does a girl go to buy flowers in winter? ("Twelve months").
7. The table has four corners. One corner was sawed off. How many angles are there? (five).
8. What happens if you hurry? (you'll make people laugh).
9. What two notes grow in the vegetable garden? (beans).
10. Name the author: “God sent a piece of cheese to a crow somewhere”? (Krylov).
11. What does not burn in fire and does not sink in water? (ice).
12. Is it motley itself, eats green, gives white? (cow).
13. What clock does it show? right time only twice a day? (which are worth it).
14. Name a children's humorous film magazine. (“Yeralash”).
15. Which scary beast Craving for raspberries? (bear).
16. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May).
17. What birds cannot fly? (penguins and ostriches).
18. A product obtained from beets and cane? (sugar).
19. Underground Railway? (metro).
20. Which state can you wear on your head? (Panama).
21. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (peat).
22. Viut Lee migratory birds nests in the south? (No)
"Troubles from a barrel."
The presenter brings out 7 multi-colored numbered barrels on a tray (you can use capsules from “Kinder Surprises” and put question numbers inside them). The team that has the this moment less points. The presenter reads the question to the team, the number of which is indicated on the keg. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 2 points. If the team does not answer, then the team that knows the answer can answer and receives an additional 2 points.
Since our game is called “Lucky Chance,” there is no question in one of the barrels, but the team gets 2 points.

Second game questions:
1. In 1850, a bird was first brought to America, which soon took root there. It so happened that in the suburbs of Boston insects multiplied greatly. The caterpillars caused serious damage to crops. A bird came to the rescue - it destroyed the pests. As a token of gratitude, residents erected a monument to her in the central park of Boston. Name the bird.
Answer: Sparrow
2. In order for it to serve faithfully, it must be lubricated regularly. The hinge and bearing units - bushings, chain tensioner rollers, steering columns - need lubrication. Shifter and brake cables. It should be remembered that excess oil is bad for it; sticking dirt can get inside the components. What are we talking about?
Answer: Bicycle
3. Despite its small size: 2.54 centimeters thick and 7.62 centimeters in diameter, it weighs less than two hundred grams, and has a speed of about 160 km/h great danger for spectators, if you don’t fence them off protective glass. What subject are we talking about?
Answer: Hockey puck
4. The first one can be made from snow,
A piece of dirt could also be one.
Well, and the second - ball passing,
This is an important task in football.
Whole people take them on hikes,
After all, without him they will not find the way. (compass-compass)
5."Lucky case"
6. When welcoming guests with bread and salt, our ancestors put the concept of health into bread. What did salt mean?
7. The ancient Incas could only sacrifice a parrot instead of a person. Why this particular bird?
(He can talk)
"A dark horse".
The facilitator distributes to the teams pieces of paper on which the task is printed.
Using the clues, guess the words and names of those animals that “ran away” from them.
Hy _ _ _ _ _ (rules for maintaining health) hyena
Bala _ _ _ _ _ (folk musical instrument) balalaika
_ _ _ fir tree (camping pan) cat
Pa _ _ _ _ garden (fenced garden in front of the house) fox
Two hundred _ _ _ _ a (hunting rifle) wolf
P _ _ _ _ ok (small locality) donkey
_ _ _ _ _ ka (tasty nickname for a car steering wheel) ram
"Race for the Leader"
Each team is asked 20 questions in a row. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If within 3 seconds after reading the question the team does not give any answer, the presenter reads out the correct answer and asks the next question. The presenter begins to ask questions to the team that has fewer points.
Questions for the first team:
1. A cow as a child? - Calf.
2. Home car? - Garage.
3. “Measure seven times, once...” - Cut.
4. Astronaut suit? - Space suit.
5. northern capital Russia? - Saint Petersburg.
6. Which city flies? - Eagle.
7. Which snow melts faster: clean or dirty? - Filthy.
8. Hidden treasure? - Treasure.
9. Does he show the way to ships at night? - Lighthouse.
10. A magic tablecloth where food appears on its own? - Self-assembly.
11. Father of the wooden boy? - Papa Carlo.
12. A plot of land for growing vegetables? - Vegetable garden.
13. Water in gaseous state? - Steam.
14. What size boots did Uncle Styopa wear? - 45th.
15. The seventh letter in the word “electrification”? – The letter “i”.
16. Boxing ground? - Boxing ring.
17. What does a hedgehog do in winter? - Asleep.
18. Is there an Orange Sea in the world? - No.
19. A day of fun, joy, celebration? - Holiday.
20. Chocolate covered ice cream? - Popsicle.
Questions for the second team:
1. Gingerbread man overgrown with needles? - Hedgehog.
2. Dog's house? - Kennel.
3. The student's very first book? - Primer.
4. Baba Yaga's personal transport? – Stupa / Pomelo.
5. Baby goat? - Little goat.
6. Who spoke magic words: “Sim, Sim, open up!”? - Ali Baba..
7. City animal facility? - Zoo.
8. What goes on without moving? - Time.
9. What can you see from eyes closed? - Dream.
10. What key did Buratino receive from Tortila the turtle? - Gold.
11. Rectangle with equal sides called... - Square.
12. What holiday is celebrated on January 7? - Christmas.
13. Which note is not needed for compote? - Salt.
14. Who speaks all languages? - Echo.
15. Place for a circus performance? - Arena.
16. Horse symbol of good luck? – Horseshoe
17. Who can lie on a board with nails? - Yogi.
18. Appears on the iron due to dampness? - Rust.
19. State emblem? - Coat of arms.
20. The fastest-footed bird? - Ostrich.

Summing up the game.

And we still have the last lot left unraveled - this is the auction lot.
Let's start the draw.
"Auction of lots."
The lot is read out - the player who gave the correct answer receives a prize.
LOT No. 1- The symbol of the Garden of Eden, which became the cause of discord. (apple)
LOT No. 2- Prevents a person from drying out; vitamins necessary for life are added there.
(juice box)
LOT No. 3- Thought fixer. (pen)
LOT No. 4“If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t have said anything.” (language)
Always in your mouth, never swallowed.
LOT No. 5– A source of “winter freshness”, a super-modern dental instrument.
(chewing gum)
LOT No. 6– Silence is not only gold, but also a lot of sweet pleasure, and also a remedy for
talkativeness (lollipop)
LOT No. 7aircraft(balloon)
LOT No. 8– simply necessary for those who sometimes have to “cover their tracks.” (eraser)
LOT No. 9– energy drink for the mind. (chocolate)
LOT No. 10– a cosmetic product that adds shine to the surface and protects it from damage and destruction.
LOT No. 11– a talisman of pedantic people who adore precision in everything (ruler)
LOT No. 12– tear absorber (handkerchief)
LOT No. 13- a stress reliever. (coffee bag)
LOT No. 14– an ominous place in Bermuda (school triangle)
LOT No. 15- I feed everyone willingly, but I myself am mouthless. (spoon)
LOT No. 16- what the riddle is about here,
good to eat with some tea,
looks like a small loaf,
with sweet filling. (roll)
LOT No. 17fermented milk product from cow's milk, cream, etc., prepared with the addition of special starter cultures and fruit additives. (yogurt)
Thank you everyone for your active participation.

Corrective developmental activity for middle school children.

Intellectual game "Lucky chance"


  • generalize children's knowledge and ideas about the world around them.


  • promote the development of curiosity in children;
  • create conditions for speech development;
  • develop a positive attitude towards knowledge and books;
  • develop children's ability to work in a team;
  • encourage the search for new knowledge, to expand your horizons;

Progress of the intellectual game

Hello, dear guests and dear guys! Today we have gathered to play a game...

Do you like to play? What games do you like to play?

Sociologists argue that man is a playing creature. The game accompanies us throughout our lives. Today we will play an intellectual game...

OK. - Oh, you know, Egor, I was invited to be the host of an intellectual game!

Eg. - Can you imagine! Me too!

OK. - Yes! So, we will play an intellectual game together! But I know sports games, but what games are called intellectual games?

Eg. - Sports games train the body, and there are intellectual games to train the mind. By solving riddles, puzzles, puzzles, we not only have fun, but also learn to compare, analyze, and think. We learn patience, perseverance and wisdom.

Together: So, let's start the intellectual game “Lucky Chance”. And we, Oksana and Egor, are the hosts of this game.

OK. — We have two teams of 5 participants. Teams, please introduce yourself!

Team presentation.

1 team:

“Pathfinders” - Pathfinders follow the trail, we also follow the trail of facts in search of knowledge.

Team 2:

“Knowledge is power” - we named the team that way because we strive to learn more and become stronger.

Eg. — The game consists of five games. A lot decides which team starts first. At the end of each game the jury announces the result.

OK. - Egor, you just said so many incomprehensible words: game, lot, jury. Are you sure the guys know the meaning of these words?

Eg. -Well, let's ask them! Although, I'm sure they know this.

Game— Part of the party in some sports games(usually in tennis), established by the number of points. Efremova T.F. Dictionary Russian language.

Lot- A conditional object (coin, ticket, etc.), taken at random from many others during some dispute, competition, division and establishing rights to something, some order. queues, etc. Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

Jury- uncl., cf. A group of experts that determines prizes, awards prizes and awards at exhibitions, competitions, and competitions. AND. music competition. Judicial railway (on sports competitions). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary.

OK. -It's time to find out which team is starting the game! I have chips with numbers in my bag. Team captains come up and determine who starts the game first.

1st game “Next... Next... Next...”

The teams take turns rolling the game dice. There are units on four sides, a zero on one side, and a horseshoe on one side. If there are ones on the top side of the cube, then the team gets 1 point for the correct answer to the question; if it is a horseshoe, this means that the team is lucky and gets 2 points for the correct answer. If a zero appears, the turn is transferred.

You are given 5 seconds to think.

  1. Inventor of the alphabet consisting of dots and dashes. (Samuel Morse).
  2. The country of all marsupials. (Australia).
  3. Crybaby with long sleeves. (Pierrot).
  4. Russian wooden doll with friends inside. (Matryoshka). 5. Patch in the tooth. (Seal).
  5. Vessel of patience. (Bowl).
  6. An indispensable device for those wandering in the forest. (Compass).
  7. Antonym of the word "darkness". ("Light").
  8. Where can't you find a dry stone? (In water).
  9. Who is “karakula”? (Shark).
  10. Collection geographical maps and tables. (Atlas). 12. Highest sports indicator. (Record).
  11. Recently received news. (News).
  12. A means of transportation on ice. (Skates).
  13. It is placed edge-on at a meeting. (Question).
  14. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (Peat).
  15. Homemade "Santa Claus". (Fridge).
  16. Great Russian fabulist. (Krylov).
  17. Underground Railroad. (Metro).
  18. A short horse. (Pony).

Eg. — The jury sums up the results.

OK. - Egor, can I ask you a question?

Eg. - Of course you can!

Ok. - Why is there a horseshoe drawn on the cube? And what did they say about a happy accident?

Eg. - Come on, let's ask the guys! Can any of you answer Oksana's question?

It has long been believed that horseshoe is a symbol that brings happiness. It's kind of protective amulet. This is largely due to the fact that her birth took place in a forge in combination with the fiery force of hot metal and the reasonable strength of the blacksmith. Under the thunder of heavy hammer blows and the ringing of an anvil, under the ringing song of creation, when something clear and fresh is born from something formless. For “to forge” signifies “to create.”

Everyone knows that a horseshoe is an ancient and most famous talisman that brings good luck, success, and wealth to the house. Moreover, this belief is widespread in different countries peace. Why did people begin to attribute magical properties such an ordinary object? A little history... When horses first began to be shoed is not known exactly. One thing is certain, that already in ancient Rome the owners took care of the horses and mules. They put special shoes made of wood or metal on the animals' feet. The shoes were secured to their feet with leather straps. Ancient chronicles describe how Emperor Nero, planning to visit Olympic Games, ordered several thousand mules to be “shod” in silver plates, attached to their legs with belts.

The jury reports the results of 1 game.

OK. — I wonder what the word “troubles” means?

Eg. — Guys, tell Oksana what the word “troubles” means!


  1. Any strangeness or peculiarity in human behavior; any activity in which a person is intensely immersed
  2. Difficult task, difficulty. For example: Everyone has their own problems.

Fuck off, I'm confused about my topic.
It involves such a cerebral confusion that you won’t be able to figure it out the first time.
I don’t know a reliable solution to this problem.
Do you have any problems that always arise with a new partner?
Such troubles will not earn my respect.
When we annoyed our friends with our troubles.

Eg. - Oksana, you also look like a “trouble” now. You get confused by every incomprehensible word.

OK. -Well, okay!

Eg. - Let's continue the game.

There are 10 barrels in front of you. The team that has fewer points at the end of 1 game begins to pull the barrels. If the question is answered correctly, the team receives 3 points.

  1. Who is called sea ​​fox? (shark)
  2. The biggest and beautiful butterfly Russia, fishing for which is prohibited by law (Swallowtail)
  3. Book in which rare endangered species of animals are listed (Red)
  4. The cleanest lake. (Baikal)
  5. Karakurt is a bird gem or a spider? (Spider)
  6. Marsupial bear. (Koala)
  7. Gigantic evergreen tree. (Eucalyptus)
  8. Lined horses. (Zebra)
  9. Man's true friend. (Dog)
  10. Desert ship. (Camel).

The jury sums up the results.

Game 3 “Dark Horse”

Each team is asked questions in turn. You must answer: “true” or “false.” For each correct answer the team receives 4 points.

  1. The thermometer has a thin tube containing liquid metal-mercury. From heat, mercury, like any metal, expands, and the thermometer column creeps up - above zero, and from cold, mercury contracts, and the thermometer column creeps down, showing a temperature below zero. (Right).
  2. The very first and eternal mirror is an ordinary surface of water, which appeared long before the first man. (Right).
  3. In the old days, buttons were needed for fastening. (False. In the old days, buttons were decorations and testified to a person’s nobility and wealth).
  4. A shark's teeth change every 8 days. (Correct. Sharks wear out their teeth quickly because they tear food into small pieces to make them easier to swallow.)
  5. Hungry eaglets devour their parents. (False. The forces are not equal. But the elders can do it).
  6. The cobra is able to dance to the sounds of the fakir's pipe. (False. In fact, the snake does not hear the music. When the cover is removed, the cobra rises - this is a sign of readiness for defense. Then it follows the movement of the pipe, preparing to attack).

OK. — The jury sums up the results. Communication of results.

4th game “Gong for the leader”

OK. -Egor, even though you called me a “problem,” I’ll still ask. Who is a leader?

Eg. - Well, I think the guys will answer this question for you.

Leader (from the English leader - leader, first, going ahead):

Leader- a person in any group, organization, team, division, enjoying great, recognized authority, having influence, which manifests itself as control actions.

Eg. — Teams are asked 20 questions. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded. If the team does not answer within 5 seconds after the question, the answer is read out and the next question is asked. The game starts with the team with the fewest points.

Questions for the 1st team:

  1. In the fairy tale it was not simple, but golden. (Egg).
  2. Who visited Swedish family Svanteson from the roof - through the window? (Carlson).
  3. Clothes for a book. (Cover).
  4. What do a rifle and a tree have in common? (Trunk).
  5. An irreplaceable thing that fixes the page. (Bookmark).
  6. A place in the desert where there is vegetation and water. (Oasis).
  7. Name the state with the largest population. (China).
  8. What goes on without moving? (Time).
  9. What elephant doesn't have a trunk? (At the chess room).
  10. At what time did events occur when “there was nothing to do”? (In the evening).
  11. Century. (Century).
  12. Boxing area (Ring).
  13. Animal Science. (Zoology).
  14. He kept his death at the end of a needle. (Koschei).
  15. Where does the Volga flow? (To the Caspian Sea).
  16. Where is the Field of Miracles located? (In the Land of Fools).
  17. Bird on the coat of arms of Russia. (Eagle).
  18. Which state can you wear on your head? (Panama).
  19. Equilateral rectangle. (Square).
  20. Dog's house. (Kennel. Booth).

Questions for the 2nd team:

  1. In what country did Papa Carlo live? (In Italy).
  2. Even though he didn’t know anything, he became the hero of Nikolai Nosov’s book (Dunno).
  3. Which continent has the most countries? (In Africa).
  4. Which sea is the saltiest? (Dead).
  5. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Sleeping).
  6. How many days in leap year? (366).
  7. Author of poems “Nanny”, “Prisoner”. (Pushkin).
  8. The fastest-footed bird. (Ostrich).
  9. Popular sport in Brazil. (Football).
  10. Where were the 22 Olympics held? winter Games? (In Sochi).
  11. At night it shows the way for ships. (Lighthouse).
  12. Postage sign. (Mark).
  13. Papa Carlo's home. (Camorka).
  14. House for a car. (Garage).
  15. State emblem. (Coat of arms).
  16. A household item that keeps you awake in the morning. (Alarm).
  17. A day of fun, joy, celebration. (Holiday).
  18. How many wings does a flea have? (There is none of them).
  19. Who did Duremar catch in the swamp? (Leech).
  20. Name the most big ocean. (Quiet).

The jury sums up the results.

Game 5 “Captains Competition”

Eg. -I have two envelopes: one contains 5 questions on the topic “Space”, and the other contains 5 questions on the topic “ Animal world" The captain whose team has fewer points has the right to choose the envelope. If the question is answered correctly, the captain receives 1 point.

OK. — Egor, which topic do you like best?

Eg. -"Space". And you?

OK. -And I’m closer to “Animal World”!

Eg. -Let's see what team 1 gets.

Questions for the captain. Theme "Space".

  • The most big planet our solar system. (Jupiter).
  • Who was the first person to experience the feeling of weightlessness? (Yuri Gagarin).
  • Which planet is best visible in the sky? (Venus).
  • The name of the first female astronaut. (Valentina Tereshkova).
  • What was the name of the rocket on which Yuri Gagarin flew? (VOSTOK-1 launch vehicle)

Questions for the captain. Theme "Animal World"

  • Which mammal has the most full fat milk? (In a female blue whale).
  • What birds can fly backwards? (Hummingbird).
  • Who is the most dangerous enemy of sharks? (Dolphin)
  • What songbird gets its food by diving into the water under the ice? (dipper)
  • Who sleeps with their head down? (the bats)

Eg. - All questions have been asked. The jury sums up the results.

OK. — Egor, now answer the question on the topic “Space”: Besides Valentina Tereshkova, were there other female cosmonauts?

Eg. — (Of course there were: Svetlana Savitskaya, Elena Kondakova)

55 women cosmonauts and astronauts participated in space flights.

Ok. - Well done! The answer is correct.

Eg. -Then, Oksana, a question for you on the topic “Animal World”

Who is heaviest: the most big shark or an elephant? ( whale shark weighs 30 tons, elephant 6 tons)

Ok.- I think, no, I'm sure it's a shark!

Eg. -You're great too! The answer is correct. Now let's see how great our teams are!

(1 liked, GPA: 5,00 out of 5)

Municipal budget educational institution municipal formation Plavsky district "Molochno-Dvorskaya secondary comprehensive school»

A game

"Lucky case"

Senior counselor

Kuzovkova Nadezhda Alekseevna

April 2015

Educational tasks:

1) Contribute to broadening the horizons of students;

2) Develop cognitive interest;

3) Contribute to the creation active rest children;

Progress of the game: Children are divided into 2 teams, choose a captain, name the team and choose a motto. To the music from the program “Happy Occasion”

Slide No. 1 the teams take their places. Questions are asked to each team in turn. The jury marks the number of points on the scoreboard.

Slide No. 2 1 game. "Further, further."

This game is played at speed. You must answer within 2 minutes maximum amount questions.

Slides 3-5 Questions for team 1:

  1. A flower balding in the wind? ( Dandelion )
  2. Harvest mower. (Hay)
  3. Long-necked waterfowl. ( Swan )
  4. Clothes for potatoes. ( Uniform)
  5. Cabbage head. ( Kochan)
  6. Old Russian name for December (Jelly, frown)
  7. Time Machine. (Watch)
  8. Ink blot ( Blot)
  9. A very cool weapon for a yard game. ( Snowball)

10) An ear decoration that men also love. ( Earrings )

11) Toothpaste for the whole family. ( Aquafresh)

12) A sea animal that tries to talk to a person ( Dolphin )

13) What goes on without moving. ( Time)

14) Immortal hero in Russian fairy tales. ( Koschey)

15) What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale “Turnip” ( Bug)

16) The very first month of the year. ( January)

Slides 6-8 Questions for team 2.

  1. A drink that is passed around the table. ( Tea)
  2. Everyone's least favorite butterfly. ( Mol)
  3. The animal that never sleeps. ( Dolphin )
  4. Chocolate that will make you groan. ( Milky Way )
  5. Malvina's friend. (Pierrot)
  6. Does a sunflower turn its head to the north? ( No )

7) Fabulous bearded dwarf. ( Dwarf )

8) Queen in a flower bed. ( Rose)

9) Sign on the naval cap. ( Anchor )

10) A joke before a fairy tale. ( Saying)

11) Long-lived bird. ( parrot, crow)

12) Jam is made from the petals of this flower. ( Rose)

13) Which bird has a number in its name? ( Swift)

14) There are a lot of threads, but you can’t wind a ball? ( Web)

15) Illiterate, but has been writing all his life. ( Pencil )

16) They love the fellow very much, but they beat him and beat him endlessly. ( Ball )

Slide 9 Musical pause. (While points are being counted for 1 game, children listen to the song and sing along)

Slide number 10 2 game. "Troubles from a barrel."

The leader has a barrel (casket). It contains barrels with lotto numbers. The facilitator's assistant approaches each team and the participants take turns pulling out a barrel with a number corresponding to the question.


1) What were the names of the 3 bears from Leo Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”?(Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

2) Name 3 Russian epic heroes.(Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich)

3) Add a preposition to two notes and you will immediately hear a beep. What it is?(siren)

4) Why does the cat wash itself so often?(The cat licks off the smell, not the dirt.)

5) Name a cartoon in which the big hero catches up with the little one and always fails.("Wait for it!"

6) 2 fathers, 2 sons, 2 mothers and 2 daughters. How many people are in the family?( 6)

7) Why do cats need whiskers? (With the help of its whiskers, it recognizes objects at a distance. Whiskers are very sensitive: they hit or touch something, and the animal immediately feels it with the help of its whiskers.)

8) A flock of birds was flying, 2 birds in front, 2 birds behind, 2 birds on the sides. How many birds were flying in the flock?( 4)

9) 5 people played chess. Everyone played with everyone once. How many games were played in total?( 10 )

10) What do we say in the middle of the lesson? ( letter "o")

11) A word of 6 letters, 3 of them are “w” ( buzzes)

12) Name a word consisting of 7 letters, in which there is only one vowel, all the rest are consonants. ( Splash)

13) Lucky chance: the team receives a prize of 5 points.

14) Which bird is both white and black. ( Swan )

Slide number 11 Musical pause.

Slide No. 12 3 game “You - to me, I - to you”

Team members ask each other questions that they have prepared in advance. The audience also participates.

Slide No. 13 -16 "Commander's Duel"

(Questions to commanders. Who will answer faster and correctly.)

1) A hillock in a swamp. ( hummock)

2) Fish with red fins. ( Rudd)

3) Speech alone with yourself. ( Monologue)

4) Sailor boy. ( Cabin boy )

5) Granddaughter's daughter. (Great-granddaughter)

6) The slot machine and the piano have them. ( Keys)

7) Defender of the Fatherland. ( Soldier)

8) Soldier's shoes without laces. ( Boots )

9) Private in chess. ( Pawn)

10) Triangular scarf. ( Kerchief)

11) Datura grass. (Belena)

12) Evening meal. ( Dinner)

13) Love for the Motherland. ( Patriotism)

14) Solemn promise of a warrior. ( Oath)

15) A person who has a common name with someone. ( Namesake)

Slide number 17 Musical pause.

Slide number 18 4 game "Race for the Leader"

Both teams respond at once. Who will answer faster.

Slide 19-22

1) School of fish. (jamb)

2) Cereals purified from millet. ( Millet)

3) Does a bee sleep in winter? ( No)

4) A striped relative of the squirrel. ( Chipmunk)

5) Do birds turn over eggs in the nest? ( No)

6) Bag of a schoolboy and a soldier. ( Satchel)

7) The name of which vegetable reminds you of music. ( Beans)

8) What was in the puss in boots bag when he was catching rabbits? ( Bran)

9)Who ruled the country where Cippolino lived. ( Lemon)

10) Long and flexible hunts for fish. (Fishing rod)

11) Eyes of the house. (Window)

12) Competition of knights. ( Tournament)

13) What note is put in the soup. ( Salt)

14) Lots of teeth, but doesn’t eat anything. ( Comb )

15) Girl with blue hair. (Malvina)

16) Harvesting grain.(Harvest)

17) The bird is a symbol of gloominess. ( Owl)

18) Blue wildflower. ( Cornflower)

19) Fabulous feast. ( Feast)

The jury sums up the results of the game. The winning team receives prizes.


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Slide captions:

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation Plavsky district "Molochno-Dvorskaya secondary school" Happy accident

Questions for team 1: 1) A flower balding in the wind. dandelion 2)Mower's harvest. 3) Long-necked waterfowl. hay swan

Questions for team 1 4) Cabbage head. 5) Time machine. 6) An ear decoration that men also love. head watch earrings

Questions for team 1 7) Ink stain. 8) Melee weapons for yard games. 9) The name of the dog in the fairy tale “Turnip”. blot snowball Bug

Questions for 1 team 10) Toothpaste for the whole family. 11) A sea animal that tries to talk to a person. 12) Immortal hero in Russian fairy tales. aquafresh Koschei the dolphin

Questions for 1 team 13) The very first month of the year. 14) A drink that is passed around the table. 15)An animal that never sleeps. January tea dolphin

Questions for team 2 Pierrot milky moth 1) Malvina’s friend. 2) Everyone’s least favorite butterfly. 3) Chocolate, which will make you groan.

Questions for team 2 gnome anchor rose 4) Fairytale bearded dwarf. 5)The queen in the flower bed. 6) Sign on the naval cap.

Questions for team 2 parrot, crow saying rose 7) Long-lived birds. 8) A joke before a fairy tale. 9) Jam is made from the petals of this flower.

Questions for team 2 swift pencil web 10) Which bird has a number in its name? 11) There are a lot of threads, but you can’t wind a ball. 12) Illiterate, but he’s been writing all his life.

Questions for team 2 ball bat swan 13) They love the fellow very much, but they beat him endlessly. 14) This animal sleeps upside down all winter. 15) This bird can be both white and black.

Musical pause.

Game 2 "Troubles from a barrel."

Musical pause

Game 3 “You - for me, I - for you”

"Commander's Duel"

Who is faster? hummock rudd kitten 1) Tubercle in a swamp. 2) Fish with red fins. 3) What baby is born with a mustache?

Who is faster? 4) Sailor boy. 5) Granddaughter's daughter. 6) The slot machine and the piano have them. cabin boy great-granddaughter keys

Who is faster? 7) Defender of the Fatherland. 8) Soldier's shoes without laces. 9) Private in chess. soldier pawn boots

Who is faster? 10) Triangular scarf. 11) Datura grass. 12) Evening meal. henbane dinner

Who is faster? 13) Who doesn’t get their hair wet in the pouring rain? 14) Solemn promise of a warrior. 15)Who plunges headlong into work? bald oath diver

Musical pause.

Game 4 “Race for the leader”

Whose team will answer faster 1) School of fish. 2) Cereals purified from millet. 3) A fabulous feast. jamb millet feast

Whose team will answer faster 4) A striped relative of the squirrel. 5) Do birds turn over eggs in the nest? 6) Bag of a schoolboy and a soldier. chipmunk no backpack

Whose team will answer faster 7) Which vegetable’s name reminds you of music? 8) What was in the puss in boots bag when he was catching rabbits? 9)Who ruled the country where Cippolino lived? beans bran lemon

Whose team will answer faster 10) Long and flexible hunts for fish. 11) Eyes of the house. 12) Competition of knights. fishing rod window tournament

Whose team will answer faster 13) What note is put in the soup? 14) Lots of teeth, but doesn’t eat anything. 15) Girl with blue hair. salt comb Malvina

Whose team will answer faster 17) Grain harvesting. 18) The bird is a symbol of gloominess. 19) Blue wildflower. harvest owl cornflower


Thank you for your attention!

Lucky case

Tasks: 1) Teach students to independently acquire knowledge;

2) Develop speech, enrich and complicate it lexicon students; develop

thinking, teach to analyze, define and explain concepts;

3) Form and develop moral qualities of the individual, instill love for

nature, interest in reading.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, posters with proverbs, words Y. Altynsarina,

exhibition of books “Encyclopedia of our students”; attributes: "barrel"

for lotto, lotto with numbers.

Progress of the event:

(Sounds of the forest)

Teacher. One day in the forest such an incident happened...

The animals gathered and began to argue: which of them is beautiful, and someone is smart. They divided into two teams: one was those who considered themselves beautiful, and the other was those who considered themselves smart. Only the monkey ran from one team to another.

The animals were surprised: “Monkey, what are you running?”

And the monkey answers: “I am both smart and beautiful. What should I do now – break up?” So the animals decided to play a game and find out what is more important in life: to be beautiful or smart?

Meet our friends! (Teams of players enter the class accompanied by music). So here we go. The game consists of five games. There will be explanations for each game as the game progresses.

Questions for the first team:

    An animal called the ship of the desert. (Camel.)

    The bird is a forest orderly. (Woodpecker.)

    Is a whale a fish? (No, a mammal.)

    Which bird has beauty in its tail? (Peacock.)

    Little horse. (Pony.)

    What bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo.)

    Armed fish. (Swordfish.)

    What animals carry food on their backs? (Hedgehog.)

    The most voracious insect? (Dragonfly.)

    Mushroom having common name with an animal. (Fox.)

    How many ears do three babies have in total? (Six.)

    A car has a motor, but a person has a motor? (Heart.)

Questions for the second team:

    What animal gives us kumys? (Horse.)

    The beast is a forest orderly. (Wolf.)

    The tree that gives healthy juice. (Birch.)

    Vereshunya is white-sided, and her name is...? (Magpie.)

    What birds cannot fly but swim well? (Penguins.)

    Fish is a tool. (Fish is a saw.)

    Is a dolphin a fish? (No, a mammal.)

    The most hardworking insect. (Ants.)

    Little deer. (Musk deer.)

    What's in the middle of a cabbage? (Stalk.)

    What is the name of the striped African horse? (Zebra.)

    Who carries a house on their back? (Snail.)

Game two “Troubles from a Barrel”. In turn, each team draws a lotto from the “barrel” with a question number and answers it. 1 minute to think about your answer. The discussion is held as a team and one of the players answers at the discretion of the team captain.

    What do pandas eat? (Bamboo.)

    What does a squirrel need a tail for? (Serves as a “rudder” during flight.)

    Do the stars shine during the day? (Yes.)

    What unites these different animals: crocodile, chicken, penguin? (Laying eggs for breeding.)

    The most large mammal animal? (Whale.)

    The smallest bird in the world? (Hummingbird.)

    One egg is boiled for 4 minutes. How long does it take to boil 4 eggs? (4 minutes.)

    There are 5 knots on the rope. How many equal parts did these knots divide the rope into? (6.)

    What bird sleeps under the snow? (Grouse grouse.)

    If a turkey weighs 5 kg standing on one leg, how much will it weigh standing on two legs? (5 kg.)

Musical break (children prepare a musical number - a song.)

Game three “You give me, I give you.” The guys prepare questions in advance regarding the number of players.

Game four – “Dark Horse”. Music is playing. A guest enters with a black box in his hands. You need to guess what is in the black box based on the clue. If the players guessed right from the first clue, then the team gets 5 points, from the second clue - 4 points, etc.

Guest. In the black box there is an object about which they say:

    He teaches you to use words correctly.

    He teaches how to write words correctly.

    It broadens the student's horizons.

    He explains the concept of new words.

    It can be English, Kazakh, Russian. (Dictionary.)

Game five “Let's test your knowledge.” For each correct answer 1 point.

Questions for the first team:

    The President of our Republic...

    Symbols of the Republic.

    Republic Day.

    The book where the basic laws of our Republic are written.

    How many days are there in one week?

    Minuend, subtrahend,...?

    How many vowels are there in the alphabet?

    Which letters do not represent sounds?

    Always soft sounds.

    The part of a word that comes after the root.

    How are proper names written?

    What are the names of nouns that answer the question Who?

    Name the intermediate sides of the horizon.

    Aboveground plant organs.

    Who are the predators?

    What kind of hunting is allowed at any time of the year. (Photo hunt.)

Questions for the second team:

    The Republic in which we live.

    Capital of the Republic.

    Independence Day.

    New Year according to the Muslim calendar.

    Kazakh national dish.

    How many hours are there in one day?

    Term, term,...?

    How many letters are in the alphabet?

    How many vowel sounds?

    Always hard sounds.

    How are words transferred?

    The part of a word that comes before the root.

    Part of speech that answers the questions Who? What?

    Name the sides of the horizon.

    Top view of the object.

    Underground organ of plants. (Root.)

Result of the event.

Teacher. Thanks for playing! Did you like it? What new have you learned? What would you advise a monkey, which team should it join - the “smart” or the “beautiful”?

One wise man said: “It is foolish to respect people only for their beautiful appearance, if there is no intelligence or kindness behind her. Learning, good manners, beautiful spiritual qualities“That’s what we should honor and respect for.” How do you understand these words?

Posters on the board with proverbs: Greeted by your clothes, seen off by your mind. Better a scientist than a gilded one. Mind and health are more valuable than anything else.

What do these proverbs teach us? There are many questions that we still have to answer. And ours will help us with this best friends– books. (Display of all kinds of encyclopedias.)

I want to end our game with the words Y. Altynsarina: “When you see the light of knowledge, children, hurry to school. Keep what you read firmly in your memory, forever. Things will go well and you will be doubly happy. Know that the illiterate wanders like a blind man in the dark.”

Karasu Basic School

Intellectual game

Teacher primary classes: Nurusheva A.K.

2014-2015 academic year

Tatyana Efimova
Scenario of the game “Lucky Chance”

Final lesson on cognitive development in preparatory school group: « Lucky case» .

Kindergarten No. 12 "Planet of Childhood" Pokhvistnevo, Samara region. Educator: Efimova T. A.

Final lesson on cognitive development in preparatory group.

The topic of joint activities between the teacher and children: a game « Lucky case» .

Age: preparatory.

Development direction: Cognitive development.

Integration of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", « Speech development» , "Communication", « Physical development» , "Artistic and aesthetic".

Tasks. Cognitive development. Nurture elements in children ecological culture, love of nature, humane attitude towards living things. Teach children to use a basic search engine activity: accept and set independent cognitive tasks, use different ways testing proposals, experiments and reasoning. To develop in children curiosity, the desire to deeply understand natural phenomena, interest in mastering methods of cognition. Speech development: Learn to clearly formulate thoughts and answer questions correctly. To promote the development of flexibility and logical thinking, the ability to prove the correctness of generalizations. Activate in speech words: experience, dropper, protalnik, bokogray, also use generalizing words. Physical development: learn to coordinate your movements with hand clapping. Artistic and aesthetic development: learn to coordinate movements with music.

Progress of the game.

Dear guests! Dear players! Today we are playing a game « Lucky case» . Let me introduce two teams of players. To my right is the team "Sun", left "Ants". Rules games: for the correct answer you get 1 point, if one team does not give the correct answer, then the question goes to the other team. You can add to your teammates' answers. For successful implementation games, it is necessary to select a jury. (Can be parents or other adults).

First game “Whose poems are these?”.

Q. I will read a quatrain from one of the famous Russian poets to each team. Name the poet and the poem from which these lines are from. 1. Here the north, driving up the clouds, breathed, howled, and here comes the sorceress winter! "Winter" A. S. Pushkin.

2. Light fluffy white Snowflake, How pure, How brave! "Snowflake" K. Balmont.

3. The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, the swallow is in the spring, flying to us in the canopy! "Rural Song" A. Pleshcheev. 4. It’s not for nothing that winter is angry, its time has passed - Spring is knocking on the window and driving it out of the yard. "Spring" F. Tyutchev.

Second game "Question answer".

Questions for the team "Ants".

1. What birds fly south in a beautiful wedge? (Cranes). 2. Where do butterflies disappear in the fall? (Many die, others hide in the bark and cracks). 3. What does elk lose every winter? (Horns). 4. What do people call February? (Bokogray). 5. What is the largest animal on earth? (Blue whale). 6. What is it called? winter phenomenon nature "snow dust with wind"? (Blizzard). 7. As in Orenburg region called "salt town"? (Sol-Iletsk). 8. Why was salt used to be very expensive? (Salt used to be difficult to obtain, so it was very expensive). 9. How is snow like a fur coat? (Warms the earth, plants). 10. Which animal lives for six months without lunch? (Bear).

Questions for the team "Sun".

1. What do people call March? (With a dropper, a thimble). 2. Why is salt placed on livestock farms and forests? (Animals need salt for metabolism). 3. Which animal changes its fur coat twice a year? (Hare). 4. Name the very first flower of spring? (Snowdrop). 5. Which trees have black berries? (Bird cherry, chokeberry) . 6. Which is the most dangerous? poisonous mushroom? (Death cap) . 7. Why was the bullfinch given his snowy name? (Only winters). 8. Name the smallest animal on earth? (Hummingbird bird). 9. What animal sleeps upside down all winter? (Bat) . 10. Which tree's foliage turns yellow first? (At the birch).

Fun moment. Dance “You, I have ringing palms...”. (Boys from both teams invite girls from the opposing teams).

Third game "Troubles from a Barrel"

Each team takes two small barrels from a small barrel, and answers 2 questions in turn.

1. Why doesn’t the hare fall through the snow? Answer. U hare's paws the sole is overgrown with thick and soft hair in winter. The toes of the paws, covered with such a felt pad, move apart greatly. So the hare gets his own skis. 2. Team "Sun" takes out a barrel with a horseshoe « Lucky case» and receives a prize. 3. Guess what animal it’s about They say: “We run uphill and somersault downhill”, and why is that so? Answer. The hare has short front legs and long hind legs. It is convenient for a hare to run uphill, but from a mountain the hare will roll somersault over its head. 4. Team "Ants" takes out a barrel with a horseshoe « Lucky case» and receives a prize. 5. Prove with the help of experiment whether air takes up space? Target. Show in laboratory conditions that air takes up space. Materials. Two-liter bowl, natural stopper, transparent glass. Conducting an experiment with a child. . Process. The child pours half a bowl of water. Throws a cork into the water. Covers the floating cork with a glass. Immerses the glass in water. Bottom line. The area of ​​the water surface on which the cork floats sinks along with the glass. Conclusion. The air in the glass prevents the water from filling the glass, and therefore the water covered with the glass, together with the floating stopper, sinks below the water level in the bowl. 6. During a hiking trip, all the salt accidentally crumbled and mixed with sand. What is the way out of this situation? Target. Demonstrate the evaporation of salt in laboratory conditions. Materials: salt, sand, water, alcohol lamp, containers, flask, funnel, filter. Conducting an experiment with a child. (The child verbalizes the whole process). Process. The child mixes sand with salt, pours water and stirs. Salt dissolves well in water. Carefully strain the solution through a filter into the flask. Then he pours the solution into an iron container, and the teacher places it on a lit alcohol lamp. Bottom line. The solution is heated to boiling and evaporated.

Conclusion. The water evaporated, and salt remained at the bottom of the container.

Fourth game "A dark horse". Now a fairy-tale hero will come to visit you, sticking his nose everywhere. Who is he? (Pinocchio). Pinocchio welcomes the guys and plays an outdoor game with them "Living and Nonliving". (Fairy-tale hero and outdoor game can be any at the discretion of the teacher).

Fifth game "Race for the Leader". Pinocchio after games takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. He tells the children that when he was walking through the park, he saw a leaflet with advertisements hanging on a tree. Asks for help to solve them.

Mysterious announcements.

1. Come visit me! I don't have an address. I always carry my house on me. (Turtle). 2. Friends! Anyone who needs needles, contact me. (Hedgehog). 3. Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend the wings? (Snake). 4. I will help everyone whose alarm clock is broken. (Rooster). 5. Please wake me up in the spring. Better come with honey. (Bear). 6. Something has become very boring howling at the moon alone. (Wolf).

1. To the one who finds my tail! Keep it as a keepsake. I'm successfully growing a new one! (Lizard). 2. I’ve been waiting for a friend for 150 years! The character is positive. There is only one drawback - slowness. (Turtle). 3. Everyone, everyone, everyone! If you have a need for horns, contact me once a year. (Elk). 4. I teach all sciences! Of the chicks for a short time I make birds. Please note that I conduct classes at night. (Owl). 5. I am the most charming and attractive! I'll fool anyone you want to deceive. Considering all this, I urge you to call me by my first name and patronymic. (Lisa Patrikeevna). 6. I can help kind and lonely birds find a family happiness! Hatch my chicks! I have never experienced maternal feelings and never will. Wish happiness in personal life. Cuckoo! The jury sums up. Friendship won. Presentation of prizes. Children singing songs "House with a blue roof".
