Yulia Smolnaya age. Recovery after childbirth with Yulia Smolnaya

Yulia Smolnaya, the wife of Vasily Smolny, the famous organizer of the world’s first healthy lifestyle game “Mad Sushka”, celebrated the first days of the new year at Frau Klinik.

* For several years, the Smolny couple has been using their example to motivate people to switch to a healthy lifestyle and include sports in their lives.

Operation history

Today Yulia Smolnaya is a wonderful wife and mother of two sons, a role model for many, but, like all people, she is, first of all, a woman with her own advantages and disadvantages. Julia admits that from a young age she dreams of getting rid of drooping upper eyelids, which always made her look sad and tired.

“The hard century effect is precisely the problem we had to solve in this case,”– plastic surgeon, Professor S.N. comments on the situation. Blokhin. “In consultation with Yulia, it was decided to perform classical upper blepharoplasty, which made it possible to make the look open and more expressive by removing excess overhanging tissue, as well as forming a fold of the upper eyelid.”

Just a few hours after the operation, performed under general anesthesia, Yulia posted a post about her positive condition on her Instagram. Yulia also noted the high speed of the surgeon’s work and the absence of swelling and hematomas. Now the wife of Vasily Smolny willingly shares all the details with her followers on her Instagram page, answering all questions about the operation, its cost and features. She also does not hide the fact that in 2015 she underwent another operation - mammoplasty (breast surgery) after the end of the breastfeeding period.

Bottom line: “before” and “after” photos

Due to the increasing number of questions about blepharoplasty, I’ll tell you an upcoming bedtime story about sad eyes and drooping eyelids with a happy ending.
In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a girl. The girl was cheerful, funny, and playful in disposition. However, it's a strange thing. Day after day, year after year, the same question haunted the girl. Either friends and acquaintances will ask casually, or Instagram subscribers: “Why are you sad, beautiful maiden? Why are your eyes filled with melancholy and death? And then one day the girl looked at her sad eyes in the mirror, stamped her foot, raised her eyebrow, and decided that it was time to hit the road. To the Far Far Away Kingdom to the sorcerer. The magician-sorcerer waved his light hand and turned the tired girl’s eyes into wide eyes. The girl thanked the kind wizard, hugged him goodbye and set off on her way back. A day passed, another... a fifth... On the 7th day the girl looked in the mirror, and was amazed - not a bruise, not a scratch, just wide-open eyes, and a smile from ear to ear. This is where the fairy tales end, and whoever listened - well done!
Well, now seriously - almost 2 years have passed since my blepharoplasty - the flight is normal. More precisely perfect! The gaze is still open, the eyes are closed, they do not go to the forehead. And most importantly, you know what? - There is not a trace left of the seams! The operation was performed by

Vasily Smolny, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, a famous blogger, a promoter of a healthy lifestyle, the author of the “#Mad Drying” project, in which people who paid to participate must improve their physical fitness every day through exercise and proper nutrition. Vasily Smolny is a prime example of how you can successfully monetize your popularity on social networks.

Vasily Smolny was not always a charismatic “jock” and a popularizer of a healthy lifestyle. He was born in Tajikistan, where his father served at that time. He spent his youth in Orenburg. Then there was a period of formation in Samara. “I don’t have a single higher education - I’m a completely unsocialized dude. I don’t care about crusts or stable work. Maybe that’s why I think more freely than many,” he says about his education.

He was brought to St. Petersburg by a love named Yulia, who soon became Yulia Smolny and gave birth to two Smolny brothers, who are now four and two years old.

Vasily became a “jock” only a couple of years ago. Before that, he was a thin, long-haired DJ. “From the age of 16, I worked in nightclubs: I was a bartender, an administrator, a DJ, and something else. In the end, I settled on DJing. In St. Petersburg, music was released under my name. I had tours, radio broadcasts, my own music program on Europe Plus.

Catharsis occurred in 2011: “I suddenly realized that the drunk, smoking, schmuck leading an unhealthy lifestyle was me, and that this matter needed to be changed.” And he changed it.

Quit smoking and drinking, started a blog, became a vegan: “I stopped smoking, drinking alcohol and all sorts of substances, and started eating a certain way. I followed total veganism for several years, but gave it up because it was a real religion. People who become vegans have problems in their heads.”

Vasily described his successes in healthy lifestyle on his blog and on Instagram, and quite quickly acquired thousands of subscribers. The first set of participants was made in April 2015 - this was a test. Vasily Smolny offered participants “entrance” for 500 rubles and a percentage of the total amount of contributions to the winners.

Vasily Smolny is the main enemy of lazy people and those with a sweet tooth, the ruler of dumbbells and a preacher of a healthy lifestyle. I got the whole beautiful half of the RuNet hooked on healthy eating, horizhops and sysetryas. His debut book was published by Eksmo Publishing House.

Yulia Smolnaya did it build a beautiful, slender, toned figure after two pregnancies. She is the mother of two children, Zakhara and Seraphima, as well as a candidate master of sports in sports aerobics and a big fan of fitness, actively developing and promoting the direction of fitness for young mothers with their baby(ies). The fact is that with the birth of a baby, any mother has very little or no time for the gym and sports, which is why fitness mothers do not despair of working out at home, involving their children.

Children can become your free weights for you; by working out with them, you can work not only on your figure, but also on their development in terms of sports!

Most young mothers, unfortunately, are afraid to exercise after giving birth and switch to proper balanced nutrition. Some, or rather many, think that sports are contraindicated during breastfeeding, this is not so. Sport has no effect on the quantity or quality of milk. Breastfeeding is influenced by the amount of time the baby is latched to the breast, as well as the hormonal background of the young mother. Also, many naively believe that in order for the baby to have more milk, he needs to eat a lot. This is an absolute myth.

The amount eaten does not affect the amount of milk, it is influenced by hormones and the number of latch. If you need to lose weight, then you need to reduce your calorie intake, monitor the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in your diet, eliminate simple carbohydrates, but leave complex ones, because they are a source of energy. In general, follow the basic rules of proper balanced nutrition. Also, mothers try to make their milk fat by leaning on high-calorie fatty foods, this is also fundamentally wrong.

The fat in your diet has no effect on the fat content of your milk, this is a scientifically proven fact. Very often it is difficult for a young mother to start playing sports and start the recovery process. Firstly, this is due to a new status with new impressions and changes in hormonal levels. We all know that there is such a thing as postpartum depression and, unfortunately, most people experience it. If you want to change, you must set a goal for yourself. The real goal is

“In a couple of months I want to look beautiful and attractive and weigh this much.”

Of course, the goal must be reasonable and the movement towards the goal must be stubborn and unshakable. Hang a piece of paper on the refrigerator on which you will draw your goal; every time you approach it for some tasty treat, remember the main thing. In order to start moving towards your goal, remember two things - only balanced nutrition and physical activity will help you. In this video, Yulia Smolnaya will show you a number of exercises that you can do at home with your baby.

Vasily Smolny, the creator of the “Mad Drying” project, an example of a correct lifestyle, was born in 1986 on February 13 in Tajikistan.

Vasily was not always a handsome, fit and pumped-up man. Before the creation of the “Mad Drying” project, he was a thin guy with long hair, who devoted his time to being a DJ. But the healthy lifestyle specialist does not talk about his physical parameters. But he regularly goes to the gym, has given up bad habits and keeps himself in good shape.

The family fully supports Vasily. Household members lead a healthy lifestyle and go to the gym.

How he lived before he became famous

The boy's father was a military man, and therefore the Smolny family constantly traveled following the military career of the elder Smolny. He spent his youth in Orenburg, followed by a period of residence in Samara. From the education he received, Vasily only has information about graduating from high school.

The young man came to St. Petersburg after his beloved Julia.

Since 2002, Vasily has worked on the stage of DJ clubs. He did not disdain to stand behind the bar or perform the functions of an administrator. As a result, I decided and finally became a DJ. He even released his own music. He often toured, performed on the radio and led his own project on Europe-plus.

One day, looking at himself in the mirror, Vasily saw a terrible picture: a drinking, smoking schmuck was looking at him. Then the insight came that all this needed to change radically. I took care of myself, gave up bad habits, went to the gym, and started eating right. There was even a moment of complete vegetarianism, but this culture did not take root in the body of Smolny.

Simultaneously with the formation of the new Vasily, a blog is being maintained on Instagram, where the guy’s achievements are posted. The first subscribers appear.

The “Mad Drying” project appears in 2016. This is Smolny’s direct income. Since it was the introduction of the project that increased the number of subscribers from 5,000 to 117,000.

Paid and free marathons are constantly held as part of the weight loss program and learning a healthy life.

What he does/what he is known for

Today, the 21st season of the “Mad Drying” project is already underway. Vasily Smolny is not going to stop. Releases new videos, helps people find a beautiful body and teaches a healthy lifestyle.


Vasily is married. His wife is Yulia Smolnaya. There are two children Zakhar and Seraphim. The family supports dad and also goes to the gym and eats right.

  • vk.com/vasiliysmolniy — VKontakte
  • instagram.com/vasiliysmolniy

What does the average girl do when she sees her sides, loose tummy and other cellulite in the mirror? At first he gets upset, then, in order to console himself (stress!), he eats up his sadness with tons of sweets, cookies, buns... Well, then he goes to the other extreme and begins to starve himself, hiding behind the word “diet”. Our plump heroine experiences all possible perversions “Zero and a half kcal per day”, “Zero fat or goodbye to the menstrual cycle”, “I don’t eat after 13:00”, “Only arugula, only hardcore!” and other techniques. That is, with the goal of losing her “ballast” as quickly as possible, our friend, like most other owners of extra pounds, draws the conclusion “If you want to lose weight, stop eating!”

Now pay attention. Never follow this advice! Don't starve yourself! By starving, you will certainly lose weight, but the joy will be short-lived. Because first of all, your muscles will leave you, and only then fat will begin to burn. And do you know what this will lead to? To a thin body with a flat, loose butt, a flabby belly and skin dangling like a sail in the wind in the place where the triceps used to be... This type even has a name - skinny fat (or “fat skinny”). Just for fun, you can look at pictures on this topic on the Internet - it’s not a pleasant sight... The clothes seem to be slim, but the swimsuit looks sad and sad. And the reason for this is the extremely low caloric content of the diet.

By cutting calories to 1000-1100 kcal per day (not to mention extreme 500-800 kcal), you slow down your metabolism! Your body turns on the “energy-saving mode” and in the future, when you try to return to a more or less sane caloric intake, you will begin to gain weight again, and in addition to your “pre-diet” weight you will gain a couple of extra pounds. Why? Because your caring body will begin to put aside fat reserves in case you feel the urge to starve it again.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is train yourself to eat small portions every 2-3 hours. If the body receives constant nutrition in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and understands that no one is going to starve it, it begins to get rid of fat reserves and speeds up your metabolism. BUT! It’s not enough to eat every 2-3 hours. Your nutrition should be correct and healthy.

Accept this as a fact. The food you eat is not a way to get pleasure, it is a collection of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Nothing more! Food is your fuel. And the higher quality the fuel, the healthier, more beautiful, and slimmer your body.

How to switch to proper nutrition, you ask? Where to begin?
To make your task easier, I am sharing the basic principles of proper nutrition:

1) Monitor the calorie content of your diet and the amount of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates per day.
Usually this amount is individual and varies depending on the goals (weight loss, muscle gain, keeping fit). Here are the average numbers for weight loss:
fats - 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day
proteins - 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day
carbohydrates - 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day

2) Keep a food diary where you will record every bite you eat. The easiest way is to use applications that will calculate the BZHU for you, for example, everyone’s favorite FatSecret.

3) Eat every 2-3 hours and forever forget about the principle of “don’t eat after 18:00”! You can not eat after six, only if you go to bed at 20:00... If you are not such an advanced morning person, then plan your last meal 2-2.5 hours before bedtime.

4) Weigh everything you plan to eat during the day on a kitchen scale and prepare your own food for the whole day. This will save you from constantly being in the kitchen and free up a lot of time. And don't hesitate to take containers with you if you realize you might miss future meals.

5) During the period of active weight loss, forget about simple carbohydrates - sugar, honey, fructose, sweets, dried fruits. What's bad about dried fruits or honey, you ask? Not bad at all! But at the stage of weight loss, that is, a calorie deficit, it is better to eat a serving of brown rice than one spoon of honey or 5 prunes. Slow (or complex) carbohydrates saturate your body, while simple carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly and after half an hour you want to eat again.

6) Eat complex carbohydrates in the first half of the day (that is, until about 15:00).

7) If without sweets your life is as gray and sad as the St. Petersburg sky, then use a sweetener with 0% carbohydrates instead of sugar. Stevia and any other sweeteners based on the same stevia (for example FitParad) are perfect. And I immediately want to reassure nursing mothers! Stevia is a harmless plant that is not contraindicated during breastfeeding.

8) In the afternoon, your menu should consist exclusively of protein (low fat!) and fiber (non-starchy vegetables).

9) The more developed your muscles are, the faster the fat burns. Therefore, do not forget about regular training and protein foods. Your muscles' best friends are chicken or turkey breasts, lean fish, seafood, egg whites, and low-fat cottage cheese.

10) Don't forget about fats! Add vegetable oils (12 tablespoons) to your daily diet. I recommend flaxseed oil to my clients because, among other things, it is rich in Omega3 - unsaturated fatty acids, which have a positive effect on skin quality, metabolism, joint health and even mood.

11) Drink at least 2 liters of water a day!

Well, regular training and motivation will help you speed up the process of transforming a caterpillar into a butterfly. The best motivation is your own result. Even if you are embarrassed by your own reflection and have sworn off photographing yourself even in a closed swimsuit, gather your courage, put on the most revealing swimsuit and take a full-length photo. At the end of each week, take a photo of yourself from the same angles and in the same “outfit.” I assure you that in just a couple of weeks you will be able to proudly make a collage of “before” and “after” photos and share your joy with the online community or friends on Instagram! And in a month you won’t recognize yourself!

Well? Ready? Then don’t put it off for a long time and start your journey to
beautiful, slender body!

Your Good Fitness Fairy Julia Smolnaya (@juliasmolnaya)
