Conspiracies that act instantly are proven methods. Agate: the magical properties of the stone in the luxury of different colors. Conspiracy for emerald

In this article:

Each of us has a wide variety of troubles in our lives. When it seems that everything is bad, a person begins to blame himself for this, blames his fate, the people around him and those who love him. At the same time, we forget that difficulties in life can appear because of our attitude; if we spend ourselves exclusively on negative emotions, on resentment, anger and hatred, then we cannot expect any happiness. It is important to remember that negativity takes up a huge amount of energy, so a person may simply not have the strength left to make his life even a little better.

Anger accumulated in the heart blocks the path to goodness, love and happiness. If we don’t try to change for the better, then nothing good will await us even in the distant future. If you want to change the world, you should start with yourself.

But there are situations when nothing really depends on a person. He is surrounded by constant problems, misfortunes and numerous troubles, regardless of his actions.

In this case, we can safely say that negative magic works on it. This could be the evil eye or damage, and if you do not understand the reasons, it is impossible to remove the impact of such energy.

Luck in magic

A spell for good luck is a great opportunity to improve your own life. If you want your every endeavor to end in success, so that your work brings not only joy, but also financial well-being, so that relationships with loved ones “stick”, so that everything is fine, then you need just such a magical ritual.

Sometimes such ways of working are a necessity that cannot be avoided

At the same time, the ritual does not provide any guarantees, especially if the person himself does not strive to make himself and the world around him better.

For magic to operate in full force, you need to practice yourself every day, set yourself up for success, improve yourself and improve in all directions.

You must remember the simplest truth: everything you do will return to you a thousandfold, therefore, the more good you give to the world in which you live, the more success you will achieve in life, and the more luck you will have.

Strong version of the plot

If you are working on yourself, but cannot achieve the desired results, then you need to use one of the rituals for good luck. Such rituals do not work on their own; if you lie on the couch at home, then you will not receive any luck, no matter how powerful the ritual you use.

Ritual with candles

To perform this ritual you will need 3 church candles and an aromatic lavender stick. Place the candles on a table covered with a white tablecloth and light them.

The aroma of lavender attracts the necessary energy

Now we light the incense stick and, holding it in our right hand, walk around the room in which the ritual is being performed, clockwise. In this case, you need to repeat the words:

“I open doors, call good luck to me, help me live well, live cheerfully, happily.”

Now leave the stick in a glass plate so that it burns to the end. When the stick burns out, you need to extinguish the candles with your fingers.

This simple ritual does not guarantee an instant and strong effect, however, with constant use, it can show very good results.

Conspiracy with agate

To perform this ritual you will need a small agate. When you bring it home, you should rinse it thoroughly in running water, but do not use cleaning products. Now we wait until nightfall, light a candle and take the stone in our palms. At this time, you need to mentally talk to the stone, tune in to its wave, tell it about your desires. We bring the stone to our lips and whisper the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Help me, agate, help, protect me, agate, bring me good luck.”

Now this stone should become a talisman for you that you need to carry with you constantly. You can make a pendant out of it or hang it on a keychain.

Agate can be a very effective assistant in rituals.

If the stone gets lost or cracks, do not be alarmed, it just means that it has already given you all its power and is gone. It can be replaced with another agate, but you will have to perform the ritual again.

Ritual with a coin

To attract good luck, you need to take a coin (preferably made of precious metal or an old one). We bring the palm with the coin to our lips, blow on it three times and say the words:

“I blow away everything bad, I call on everything that is needed. Help me, coin, bring good luck, attract fortune.”

Now you can make an amulet out of a coin, which should always be with you.
This ritual can be used not only to attract good luck, but also to remove the evil eye. In this case, take three simple coins (of any denomination) and recite a spell on each of them. Then the coins must be thrown away the following night at the crossroads of three roads.

Powerful Ritual

Conspiracies to attract good luck may be needed not only when a person wants to improve his affairs, but also if negative magic has been used against him. One of the main signs of such an impact can be sudden failures in business. Most often, along with your problems, the success of one of your ill-wishers is clearly visible. In this case, it is he who is the performer or customer of the negative.

To remove such harmful effects and regain good luck, you need to carry out a complex but effective ritual, consisting of several stages.

First you need to perform a ceremony of forgiveness. Try to concentrate on yourself and remember all the people you unjustly offended. You need to ask them for forgiveness from the bottom of your heart. Now we remember all the evil that others have done to you, now you must forgive, forgive and forget all the negativity and unpleasant emotions that such memories evoke in you. The more sincerely you can forgive and the more positive emotions you receive, the more effective our ritual will be.

When forgiveness is over and there is no negativity left in you, you need to proceed to the next stage. We prepare for next Thursday a glass of spring water (or consecrated) and a small piece of black bread. At dawn, we light a candle and take a glass of water in our right hand. And to the left - bread and, looking at the candle fire, we read the plot three times:

“It is true that the Lord God gave five loaves, it is true that his son is Jesus Christ, it is true that our Lord is merciful. I ask you, O Lord God, turn my luck from west to east, from north to south. Give that luck three roads and let one of them lead to my threshold, and let grief and failure go along the road to the snake’s womb, there it lives, there it exists. I’ll tie a clean bank, I’ll tie it with silver, now I can’t count the money, and I won’t know grief. I close that lock forever with the key, and throw the key into the deep sea. What is said will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you can eat a piece of bread and wash it down with spring water. The candle must be extinguished with your fingers. Never blow out the fire. Before lunch that day, you must definitely visit the church, where you can bring the candle used in the ritual and place it in front of the icon, asking for help. You should not eat any food at home until lunchtime. You can only drink water. At the same time, you should try not to talk to anyone and, of course, keep the fact that you performed the ritual completely secret.

Alms can give additional strength to the ritual. Distribute more of it near the church, saying the words to yourself:

“Let the hand of the giver never fail. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In ancient Rome, agates were the stones of the fertility goddess Pomona, who was the patroness of the harvest and gardening. It was believed that agate balls could protect plants from hail and night frosts. Pliny the Elder wrote that agates help athletes achieve athletic success and pacify anger. In Ancient Egypt it was believed that an agate amulet could protect its owner from a lightning strike, save him during an earthquake, and also quench thirst. Eye agates were often used for inserts into the eyes of statues and for making talismans and amulets against the evil eye, damage, and witchcraft. In ancient times, agate bowls were widely used in magic: the wavy and small lines of agate contributed to this, creating the impression of fabulousness and otherworldliness. It was believed that the agate stone helped to keep lovers faithful to each other, therefore, when they were faced with separation, they exchanged rings with an agate insert. Natural agate stone is considered a mineral that can harmonize the environment, makes its owner pleasant to talk to and eloquent, and also protects him from negative external influences (energy attacks and psychological vampirism), taking on negative energy. It is no coincidence that in the Middle Ages agate was considered a talisman against sorcerers. When you come home, you definitely need such a stone.clean, and thank you for your care and salvation.

White agate- a talisman for children, protects them from the evil eye, improves health. White agate is considered a stone of peace and tranquility, and is used as an amulet against the influence of the forces of evil. It helps a person to show kindness, gentleness, calmness, and self-confidence. Women are recommended to wear it in earrings.

Gray agate- a stone of justice, helps to win lawsuits, however, it is not recommended to be worn by deceitful and insecure people, because the effect of this stone can turn against them. It pacifies anger, smooths out quarrels and conflicts, restores peace and balance in relationships between people. It is not recommended to wear it constantly; it must be removed periodically.

Blue agate- it brings peace and love to the lives of those who have it, promotes various innovations, and enhances creative abilities. This is a stone of active, active, creative people.

Gray-brown agate- associated with career and money. According to ancient traditions, constantly wearing it makes it possible to satisfy one’s own ambition.

Brown or brownish agate- protects from many troubles and troubles, and also promotes survival in emergency situations.

Yellow-brown agate- a stone of scientists and philosophers, it helps to establish favorable contacts with people, and also protects on any roads and travels.

Yellow agate- This stone is associated with trade and should be worn before important purchases. It also improves mood, but is contraindicated for frivolous and loose people. It is not recommended to wear it in the first half of life. This is also a stone of kindness, gentleness, tranquility, contributing to the well-being of the home, strengthening the family, acquiring and accumulating knowledge. Since ancient times, it has been considered the stone of educators; a teacher (guru) always wore a ring with it. Its healing qualities affect the physical condition of a person, the return and preservation of vital energy.

Light yellow agate- a very common stone in the Far East, very beloved by local residents. It is believed that wearing it helps increase strength and energy, and also protects against the evil eye and damage.

Golden agate- a bright stone, it increases creative powers, and is also associated with money and gifts of fate.

Pink agate- among the ancient Greeks and Romans it symbolized a happy occasion and contributed to winning in gambling. It is believed that the longer pink agate is worn, the better it works.

Reddish agate- a stone of happy love and a happy family. If worn constantly, it can attract great wealth to its owner.

Black agate- among the ancient Persians, it symbolized power over evil, protecting a person from disasters and black magic onslaught. This is a very strong amulet, the most potent of all agates. But if worn constantly, it can cause sadness in its owner. Black agate gives people great inner strength, fortitude, strength of morale and financial standing. Helps strengthen a person’s position in life, helps him to be more thoughtful and purposeful, makes relationships with loved ones more stable and strong.

Green agate- helps to adapt to changing life circumstances, protects the home and strengthens family relationships. It is believed that green agate should be placed under the threshold of the house before moving.

Agate with emerald green veins- associated with independence and reforms, and also attracts loyal and reliable friends.

Moss agate- this stone exposes the intrigues and machinations of enemies, drives away bad dreams and helps improve mental state.

Cloud agate- stone of peace, peace and relaxation. It is contraindicated for wearing by weak and passive people, as it increases laziness and the ability to relax.

Rainbow agate- associated with the fulfillment of desires, as well as with wealth. It is not recommended to wear it constantly for people who are too sensitive and suggestible.

Ruin Agate- helps to return property and old debts.

Landscape agate- symbolizes the connection between man and nature, and also promotes entertainment and happy trips.

It is believed that only a pure, highly moral person can find agate by chance. Giving agate creates affection for the giver. Natural agate promotes the development of talents and gives confidence to the owner. It is especially good for artists seeking to improve their creativity. As a talisman, agate helps the owner discover deception, identify ill-wishers, and warns of impending troubles. If you look at an agate stone for a long time and intently, it calms the psyche and distracts you from the bustle of the world. It is good to use natural agate for meditation. It tunes a person to a very subtle wave of perception, helps to manifest the abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance. However, those who want to achieve unconventional abilities should remember that they can achieve them with the help of agate only if they learn to understand the “speech” of the stone. You can study the language of a mineral if you focus all your attention on the stone for 10-15 minutes every day, thus establishing contact with it. When contact is established (when contemplating the stone, clear pictures will appear, for example, a river, a tree, a building, etc.), you can begin to work with agate, developing psychic abilities. The choice of agate as a symbol of the fourteenth anniversary is not accidental. Like this stone, an agate wedding charges spouses with powerful positive energy, making love burn brighter and hotter, understand and respect each other, and protect each other from troubles. Feelings flare up with renewed vigor, the couple again experience their honeymoon. A marital relationship after 14 years of marriage can be called a strong, lasting marriage. Gifts for an agate wedding should be directly related to the talisman stone: for a wife it could be agate earrings, a ring or beads, and for a man it could be agate cufflinks or tie pins. Guests also present celebrants with gifts made of agate or other semi-precious stones. This can be jewelry, figurines and various accessories.

Conspiracy of the Stone

Agate power spell
You, who keep the eye of light,
You, who give protection to Space.
You, who command the train of thought
And stopping time.
You, before whom the forces of evil tremble and run without looking back.
You, before whom the living trembles and blossoms.
Open the bottomless well of your power!
Grant it to this stone for peace, protection, luck in business!
In the name of the Power of the Father, who created everything!
In the name of the Power of the Son, who atoned for our sins!
In the name of the Power of the Holy Spirit, bringing the light of enlightenment!
Amen. Amen. Amen.
The plot is read 4 times.

Agate mantra
Atgar duife roz taol
Read 4 or 44 times.
If you read it to the east, you will be given the power of invincibility against evil forces. To the south - luck in learning, good surroundings, people's disposition towards you. To the west - foresight, protection from higher powers. To the north - for healing.

Conspiracy of protection
You are the conqueror of evil!
You are the persecutor of darkness!
You are the mind cleanser
And the ruler of the body!
Protect from the machinations of the forces of evil,
Save me (name) from harm!
Read 4 times.

Agate Soul Conspiracy
The forces governing this stone respond well to symbols. Therefore, to recharge the agate, it is placed in the center of a rectangle drawn inside a circle. The short side of the rectangle should lie in the southeast and northwest. The rest of the ritual is normal. If you want to add some special air powers to the stone, then the signs are drawn behind the rectangle in the circle. But in principle, we warn you once again that agate prefers to live by its own rules, and not by the rules that we impose on it. Therefore, in this case there will be more hassle than results.
The Power of Fire,
The power of the earth
The power of water and air.
I am addressing you (name) - Unite!
7 celestial spheres, open up!
Powers of heaven, respond.
Incarnate in this stone (name of the stone)!
Submit to me (name) forever!
For good
For protection from evil,
For the vision
For knowledge!
From this hour, from this minute, from this second
Be according to my word!
With the power of Aer, with the power of Water, with the power of Earth, with the power of Fire, I seal!
Let it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen.
Read four times or, if you are very tired of what is happening next to you, 8 times.

Effect on chakras

Agates have a beneficial effect on everythingchakras. But, depending on the color, they can have a special effect on some chakras: blue and yellow agate -manipura; white agate -Vishuddha; red agate -anahata.

Agate energy

Agate hasYIN energy .

Connection with names

Anatoly, Boris, Valery, Victor, Eduard, Alla, Antonina, Irina, Nadezhda, Raisa, Tamara.

Zodiac signs

Agate is best suited for people born under the zodiac sign Taurus. They should wear this stone in a copper setting. Agate set in gold or silver can also be worn by people born under the signs of Cancer, Aquarius, and Libra. Pisces can also wear this stone if they wear jewelry with it no more than once a week. This stone is strictly contraindicated for Sagittarius and Aries - it excites and irritates these people, brings vanity and panic into their lives, makes them pitiful and insignificant in the eyes of others.

“Agate” water – a remedy for spoilage
In order to eliminate the evil eye, it is enough to grind the agate into powder and stir it in water. If damage is caused to the body, then it is better to take a bath with this water, if “on the face,” then wash, etc. This water has healing properties; it quickly heals wounds and burns, relieves inflammation and “erases” tumors.

Conspiracy of the Stone

Agate power spell
You, who keep the eye of light,
You, who give protection to Space.
You, who command the train of thought
And stopping time.
You, before whom the forces of evil tremble and run without looking back.
You, before whom the living trembles and blossoms.
Open the bottomless well of your power!
Grant it to this stone for peace, protection, luck in business!
In the name of the Power of the Father, who created everything!
In the name of the Power of the Son, who atoned for our sins!
In the name of the Power of the Holy Spirit, bringing the light of enlightenment!
Amen. Amen. Amen.
The plot is read 4 times.

Agate mantra
Atgar duife roz taol
Read 4 or 44 times.
If you read it to the east, you will be given the power of invincibility against evil forces. To the south - luck in learning, good surroundings, people's disposition towards you. To the west - foresight, protection from higher powers. To the north - for healing.

Conspiracy of protection
You are the conqueror of evil!
You are the persecutor of darkness!
You are the mind purifier
And the ruler of the body!
Protect from the machinations of the forces of evil,
Save me (name) from harm!
Read 4 times.

Agate Soul Conspiracy
The forces governing this stone respond well to symbols. Therefore, to recharge the agate, it is placed in the center of a rectangle drawn inside a circle. The short side of the rectangle should lie in the southeast and northwest. The rest of the ritual is normal. If you want to add some special air powers to the stone, then the signs are drawn behind the rectangle in the circle. But in principle, we warn you once again that agate prefers to live by its own rules, and not by the rules that we impose on it. Therefore, in this case there will be more hassle than results.
The Power of Fire,
The power of the earth
The power of water and air.
I am addressing you (name) - Unite!
7 celestial spheres, open up!
Powers of heaven, respond.
Incarnate in this stone (name of the stone)!
Submit to me (name) forever!
For good
For protection from evil,
For the vision
For knowledge!
From this hour, from this minute, from this second
Be according to my word!
With the power of Aer, with the power of Water, with the power of Earth, with the power of Fire, I seal!
Let it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen.
Read four times or, if you are very tired of what is happening next to you, 8 times.

If you decide to perform a magical ritual, but do not want to wait a long time for the result, use spells that act instantly. These are the most powerful options for magical effects. We share effective and proven folk methods.

For the conspiracy to work accurately, adhere to the following rules:

  1. . During this period of time, lunar energy reaches its peak and has a very powerful effect on the result of the magical ritual.
  2. Memorize the text of the conspiracy in advance. This is necessary so that at the right moment you can clearly read the words important for the magical ritual without the slightest hesitation.
  3. Read conspiracies only with good intentions. If through a ritual you want to harm someone, evil will return to you many times over.
  4. Believe that the conspiracy will definitely work. Doubts and fears interfere and make it difficult to fulfill the request you send.

Gunpowder plot

This version of the plot helps. Use it if you suffer from severe or. This ritual is a kind of “first aid” that will instantly heal you from physical suffering.

You will need a box of matches. Empty them and use a knife to scrape the black powder off the heads. Place the collected gunpowder on a glass or metal surface in the shape of a cross.

Observing safety precautions, light the gunpowder and quickly pronounce the spell:

Wait until the gunpowder is completely extinguished. After this, the pain will begin to subside and should disappear completely within a few minutes.

Spell to attract good luck

This version of the plot is used if luck runs out. Use it to bring luck back into your life and quickly cope with a series of failures and solve unforeseen problems.

Then roll the piece of paper into a tube and tie or seal it so that it does not unfold. Using the help, fasten the charmed piece of paper to your clothes so that it is invisible.

At the moment when you need to call on luck for help, touch your hand to the place of clothing where the paper is fastened and ask for help. At this moment, the conspiracy should instantly take effect.

Conspiracy against the evil eye

This spell option should be used immediately when you suspect that someone has jinxed you. If you felt that you were envied or someone wished bad in their hearts, also use this plot.

To cleanse yourself of negative energy and remove bad slander, bring holy water from the church and prepare an oak broom. It is advisable that it has been previously used in a bathhouse.

Pour holy water over the broom and start slapping yourself with it, saying the magic words of the spell:

After completing the ritual, sprinkle your face with holy water and wipe yourself with the hem of the clothes you are currently wearing. Drink the remaining water and read the Lord's Prayer three times. At this point, the ritual is considered completed, and the evil eye should go away instantly.

Instant money spell

Use this plot if you need money or want to increase your income or make a quick profit. It acts instantly and helps bring your financial situation back to normal.

Prepare 12 coins. They must be made of yellow metal, so you can use coins in denominations of 10 kopecks, 50 kopecks or 10 rubles. Wait until midnight on the day when the moon is in its waning phase. Then go outside and come to a deserted intersection.

Stand by the road, take the coins in your palm. Extend your arm so that the moonlight hits your arm. Then read the text of the conspiracy:

You need to repeat the sacred words three times. After completing the ritual, immediately go home. Put the charmed coins in your wallet. The conspiracy will take effect instantly - you just need to spend money on the right thing. From this moment on, the magical effect will begin to gain its strength, and within a month you will forget about financial problems.

Conspiracy to quickly accumulate money

This plot option is suitable if you are going to make a large purchase, but cannot save money for it.

Prepare a banknote - the higher the denomination it is, the more effective the spell will be. You also need to buy a piggy bank - it should be new and evoke positive emotions in you.

Wait until Wednesday and at midnight, put the bill into the piggy bank, saying the words of the conspiracy:

The magic words must be said three times. After the ceremony, place the piggy bank in a visible place. You will need to put money there every day, at least one coin at a time.

But, most likely, you will be more generous, begin to put sufficient amounts into the piggy bank and, as a result, quickly save money for the desired item. At the same time, money will begin to appear in your life in larger quantities than usual.

Important: For conspiracies to work, a positive attitude is required. Try to get rid of emotions such as anger, resentment, envy, greed. Concentrate on good, joyful emotions and believe in the best. Then the conspiracy will not take long to take effect.

“Agate” water – a remedy for spoilage

In order to eliminate the evil eye, it is enough to grind the agate into powder and stir it in water. If damage is caused to the body, then it is better to take a bath with this water, if “on the face,” then wash, etc. This water has healing properties; it quickly heals wounds and burns, relieves inflammation and “erases” tumors.

Ritual for good luck

You will need three church wax candles, a stone, and a cotton towel. Rinse the agate under running water and place it on a round table on a towel. Light all three candles one after another. Then light lavender incense from one, walk around the round table clockwise with it, and say: “I opened the doors, I brought good luck, my life is beautiful, luxurious and happy!” Now blow out the candles and let the lavender stick smolder until it goes out on its own. carry out no more than once every 3 months.

Ritual for protection

This ritual is suitable for those who want to protect their business and family from failure. Prepare one wax candle and a stone, previously cleaned by rinsing under running water. Now clasp the stone in the fist of your left hand, lightly bring it to your lips and whisper: “Help me, agate, protect me! Bring good luck quickly!” Then put the agate in a secret pocket and carry it with you all the time. Perhaps your stone will split, then you should bury it in a secret place and cast a new one.
