Ani Lorak personal life and family: latest news. Where does Ani Lorak live now? Ani Lorak biography and personal life


People's Artist of Ukraine, Ani Lorak, was born in the city of Kitsman, September 27, 1978. She was the second child in the family. For a long time, Ani Lorak’s parents could not come up with a name for their daughter; they eventually settled on the name Olga, but at the request of her grandmother, who was Polish, they named her Caroline. Real name Ani Lorak - Kuek. Karolina Kuek's father works as a local journalist, despite the fact that he graduated from a music school with a degree in conducting. Mom was a radio announcer.

Thanks to the fact that dad had a musical education, he was able to develop his daughter’s interest in music. Since childhood, Carolina Kuek began to take part in all sorts of concerts, first at school and then at a more serious level. It must be said that Carolina developed and progressed very quickly - at the age of 14 she became the winner of the Chernivtsi festival “Primrose”. Thanks to this victory, Karolina was noticed - producer Yuri Falesoy signed a contract with Karolina Kuek. This was the first professional contract in Caroline's life. Just three years later, Carolina Kuek became famous thanks to the Morning Star-95 program. It was because of this program that Carolina came up with her pseudonym “Ani Lorak”. It happened like this: while submitting an application for the competition, Carolina Kuek encountered a problem - one of the participants had already submitted an application under the name Carolina. Therefore, I had to come up with a pseudonym for myself. For a long time, Caroline could not come up with something worthwhile; in a fit of despair, she simply wrote her name backwards, “Ani Lorak,” and it turned out to be just what she needed. Already under a new pseudonym, Ani Lorak took second place at the Chervona Ruta festival, which was held in Crimea. And at the end of this year (1995), Ani Lorak completed recording her album “I Want to Fly,” which, unfortunately, was released in a circulation of 6,000, but not a single copy was released in the CIS. In 1996, Ani Lorak took part and won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition, which was held in New York. In December 1997, Ani Lorak released the album “I'll Be Back.”

In 1999, Ani Lorak was awarded the title People's Artist Ukraine. She became the youngest person to be awarded this title, and it is not surprising, because she was barely 19 years old.

In 2000, Ani Lorak began collaborating with Igor Krutoy, as a result of which the song “Mirrors” appeared. In 2001, Ani Lorak released the disc “Where You Are...”. A year later, Carolina is recognized as the best singer in Ukraine. 2004 was no less successful for Ani Lorak than previous years - her album “Ani Lorak” received the status of “golden album”, the song “Three Loud Words” was recognized as the best song of the year, and Ani Lorak as the best singer of the year. In 2005, Carolina Kuek released the album “Smile”, the song of the same name from which she wanted to perform at Eurovision, but the group “Grinjoly” with its political song “Since we are rich...” prevented Ani Lorak from entering the competition. Thank God fate gave Caroline another chance. In 2008, Ani Lorak took second place at Eurovision, after Dima Bilan.

Ani Lorak is one of the most sexy stars show business. Unlike her colleagues in the industry, her image is not filled with vulgarity or excessive vulgarity.

The singer’s gentle and sophisticated nature has become a kind of role model for many aspiring singers. Her appearance was appreciated by such famous companies as Schwarzkopf & Henkel and Oriflame.

And musical projects received huge success in the CIS countries and provided the singer with the love of millions of fans. But the beginning of this story turned out to be quite gloomy...

Hard childhood

The future star, Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek, was born in the village of Kitsman, Chernigov region. The parents developed, and all the hardships of raising a daughter and two brothers fell to the mother.

Working as an announcer on a local radio did not bring the desired income, so I had to look for additional earnings to feed the family.

In this regard, the children were sent to study at a boarding school. There Caroline showed her artistic inclinations, taking an active part in school concerts.

At one of the competitions, the girl was noticed by producer Yuri Thales and offered her her first serious contract. Thus began the “ascension to the stars” of a talented performer from the Ukrainian hinterland.

After her performance at Morning Star, the girl began to be recognized and invited to various festivals. But bad luck, she found a competitor in Russia with the same name.

To avoid confusion, the Ukrainian decided to make herself a pseudonym, twisting her name backwards. This is how Ani Lorak was born.

First confession

In the mid-90s, the girl took part in the annual competition “Tavria Games”, winning a landslide victory there. The young talent of Ani Lorak was immediately noted by the jury, who deservedly recognized the artist as a real discovery of the year.

The singer’s first solo project was called “I Want to Fly.” It was positively noted by the public and became a kind of bridge to the big stage for the performer.

In 1999, in her homeland, Ani Lorak received the title of “Honored Artist,” becoming the youngest holder of this title in Ukraine.

I liked the image of a gentle and romantic girl famous producer Igor Krutoy. Together they release the “Mirrors” video and sign a lucrative contract. In 2001, a new collection by Ani Lorak was published.

It received gold status based on the number of copies sold. In addition, the singer is included in the rating of the most attractive girls in the world. She also becomes the face of global cosmetics brands.

Eurovision success and solo career

Ani Lorak was nominated as a contender for the Eurovision Song Contest back in 2005. But then she was not allowed into the finals due to the participation of the Grinjola group.

The guys from Ivano-Frankivsk were simply “squeezed” into the selection due to their popularity on the Maidan during the “Orange Revolution”.

But besides the Ukrainians themselves, practically no one supported the group and therefore they took only 19th place at the competition.

But in 2008, Ani Lorak finally received her pass to the prestigious European music festival.

In the final, she performed the song “Shady Lady”, taking an honorable second place. This was a significant success for the performer, which was consolidated by the release of the new album “Sun”.

2011 became one of the busiest years in the artist’s stage life. She receives the title of “person of the year”, and the composition “For You” is included in the top 20 best songs.

Her albums are extremely successful in the CIS countries, and her singles do not leave the top of the charts on domestic radio stations.

The last years of the singer’s work were overshadowed by political events in Ukraine. Due to her participation in Russian concerts, Ukrainian nationalists begin to accuse the singer of treason.

At an Odessa concert in 2014, a serious brawl broke out between radical youth and the police, during which several dozen people were injured.

Representatives of the authorities also join the accusations, calling the singer’s statements about the conflict in Donbass anti-Ukrainian.

The singer's personal life

Yuri Thales was not only the girl’s first producer. They lived together in a civil marriage for about 8 years.

A year after the breakup, the singer met businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu at the Antalya resort.

For the sake of the girl, he moved to live in Ukraine and after 3 years of courtship he proposed. Their wedding took place in 2009.

In 2011, their daughter Sofia was born, whose godfather he himself became.

Read more about Ukrainian pop stars

Ani Lorak is wonderful famous singer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Ukraine and model of popular brands. She is charming, sweet, pretty, and managed to conquer not only Ukraine, but also Russia. Her path to success was quite difficult, but the star managed, and we can enjoy her work constantly.

Ani Lorak is the singer’s pseudonym, but the girl’s real name is Carolina Kuek. At the very beginning of her journey, the singer performed on stage under her own name. The name change happened suddenly; Carolina Kuek and another Carolina, but only from Russia, came out to win the competition. To avoid confusion, the producer said that it was urgent to look for a pseudonym, without thinking twice he offered the girl the option of Ani Lorak, which meant her name, but was only read backwards. Thanks to small changes, and naturally, the singer’s talent, in 1995 the public learned about her.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ani Lorak

Of course, fans are always interested in the singer, like any other star; they are curious about her height, weight, age. How old is Ani Lorak?

The girl has a rather petite height of only 162 centimeters. Weight is only 46 kilograms. The girl turned 40 years old. Despite her short stature and weight, the star has very attractive shapes. Not only men, but also women admire the beauty of Ani Lorak.

According to many fans and the press, Anni Lorak always looks amazing, as if she knows the secret of eternal youth. But of course this is not so, it’s just that the girl takes good care of herself, leads healthy image life, goes in for sports.

The singer's zodiac sign is Libra, and eastern calendar- Horse. This combination characterizes the sensitivity, activity and cheerfulness of a person. Quite purposeful, they always achieve the desired result. They are very romantic. It is these qualities that help our heroine through life.

Carolina Kuek (Ani Lorak) was born on September 27, 1978 in the ordinary city of Kitsman, Ukraine. Before the girl was born, her parents separated. The mother raised the girl and her two brothers alone; there was a catastrophic lack of money; the mother could not fully provide for her children and she had to send them to a boarding school to be provided for by the state.

As a very little girl, she wanted to become a singer, but due to her difficult life situation, her dream was impossible to realize. While at the boarding school, Caroline tried in every possible way to participate in various music competitions, and one of them allowed us to take the first steps towards big stage. This competition was called “Primrose,” where the young girl met her future producer Yuri Thales, who immediately recognized the unusual talent of 14 year old girl. Yuri took the girl under his wing and taught her the basics of show business.

In 1995, the girl appeared on the program “Morning Star”, where she had to take the pseudonym Ani Lorak. On this program, the singer experienced her first popularity and received the Golden Firebird award.

In the same 1995, the singer recorded her first album, “I Want to Fly.”

Ani Lorak, under the guidance of her producer, began to take part in most music competitions, where she won victories and became increasingly popular. One of the most famous competitions in which a star from Ukraine participated was Eurovision 2008, in which she took an honorable second place. The singer simply conquered Europe with her talent and charisma.

After great success at the competition, all the doors of show business opened for the singer. And her career quickly began to gain momentum.

On this moment the singer is the owner of a large number of awards, as well as gold and platinum discs. The star does not stop there and constantly pleases us with her creativity. She periodically surprises us with a duet with a pretty famous singers. Her songs are heard both on radio and television and occupy one of the first places in the music charts. The star is admired by millions of fans; her beauty and talent simply cannot go unnoticed.

Ani Lorak is not only an excellent singer, but also a model famous brands, appears in commercials, and since 2006 she has owned a fashionable restaurant in Kyiv. But Ani Lorak’s biography is famous not only for her career, but also for her personal life. She loving wife and a wonderful mother of her daughter Sophia.

Despite the fact that the singer is very attractive, Ani Lorak’s personal life is not colorful big amount novels. There were only two men in her life. The star has never tried to hide her personal life from the public, as she believes that there is nothing wrong with it.

Her first great love was her own producer Yuri Falyosa, with whom she lived a happy 8 years of civil marriage. But their relationship ended, they lost their former passion and the couple ran away.

And after a couple of years of loneliness, the girl found her true love. She turned out to be an attractive foreigner Murat Nalchadzhiaglu big businessman and owner of the travel agency Turtess Travel. In 2009, Ani marries Murat, and already in 2011, daughter Sofia is born. The singer is happily married and doesn’t need anyone else.

The very meaning of family for the singer is at one time a rather tragic and sad moment in her life. Growing up in a dysfunctional family and poverty, she was sent by her own mother to a boarding school with her brothers. Disillusioned with the very essence of the family, the singer decided to become the best mother and wife on the planet.

Ani Lorak's family consists of her beloved husband Murat and the little princess, their daughter Sofia. Despite her busy schedule, the star always finds time for her family. Envelops his daughter with love and care, instilling in her the most best qualities. The family often goes on vacation together, enjoying every moment of life.

the actress currently has only daughter Sofia, who is very similar to her parents. The singer claims that she is madly in love with her little girl, and she would like to spend more time with her. But touring, filming, and, in general, her career distracts Lorak a little. Being the daughter of a star is not so easy, but seven-year-old Sophia understands everything and is proud of her mother.

Ani Lorak’s children bring great happiness, but the couple has no time to think about adding to the family. The singer claims that children are God’s gift, and if fate brings a baby into the world in their family, she will definitely not resist, and her daughter really wants a brother or sister as her friend.

Ani Lorak's daughter - Sofia

The star's first child was born in 2011, it was little Princess Sofia. At the moment, the girl is seven years old. Ani Lorak's daughter Sofia is growing up like her mother, she is talented in her own way young age she already has exquisite taste and a sense of beauty. She considers herself a little princess, and it’s not surprising because her parents constantly pamper their beauty; for example, on Sofia’s fifth birthday, her parents took her to Disney Land. The birthday celebration was simply gorgeous, and the child had only the best memories. Ani Lorak also often arranges joint photo sessions in beautiful outfits and posts them on Instagram.

It’s too early to talk about Sofia’s future, but the girl is open great prospects, so she grows in prosperity and well-being.

Ani Lorak's ex-husband - Yuri Thales

The singer’s first chosen one was Yuri Thales, who appeared to the girl common-law husband. The couple did not see the need to formalize the relationship. The man was not only the singer’s common-law husband, but also her personal producer. It was thanks to Yuri that the star was able to grow to such a high level. Their relationship lasted eight years from 1997 to 2005.

The actress is in friendly relations with her former partner, Ani Lorak is still grateful for her career and massive success. After the relationship ex-husband Ani Lorak – Yuri Thalesa, for a long time was single, but already in 2016 he got married and had a son.

Ani Lorak's husband - Murat Nalchadzhiagl

In 2005, Murat and Ani met while on vacation in Antalya. The courtship of the Turkish businessman was simply gorgeous, and the singer could not resist such a handsome man. A year later, Murat moved to his beloved’s homeland, and in 2009 the couple got married.

Their wedding was grandiose, with more than 200 guests alone. There were magnificent decorations, fiery dancing, and of course a stunning looking bride. And already in 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia.

Photo of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery

For fans of the singer, perhaps the most interesting question is whether the star had plastic surgery or not. Headlines constantly flash on the Internet on the topic “photos of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery.” After all, everyone on the Internet was interested in the changed volume of the star’s lips. But there is no specific data there, and the girl herself claims that everything she has was given by nature itself and of course proper care, gym and balanced diet.

It also remains a mystery that Ani Lorak is already 39 years old, and her appearance remains unchanged for a long time, does her beauty remain thanks to plastic surgery. Whether this is true or not remains a mystery.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak

Anyone who is interested in the idol’s personality can find information on the Internet. The singer does not hide her identity and has her own page on social networks, such as Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak, as well as VKontakte where she periodically communicates with her fans.

On Instagram you can find all the details of her personal life, see photos with her husband and their daughter, the singer also posts her new songs and videos. And if you are interested general information about the star, you can find them on Wikipedia, where the career rise of Ani Lorak is described in detail. The article was found on

Ani Lorak now

In February 2018, Ani Lorak presented a world-class show DIVA, directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk. The show premiered on February 16 in Minsk, on February 25 in St. Petersburg, and on March 3, the show was sold out at Moscow's Olimpiysky Sports Complex, where it created a sensation.

Ani Lorak was called a diva by her friend and mentor Philip Kirkorov even at Eurovision. The singer's concert program corresponds to the status of a stage star in terms of vocals, staging, and stage effects. Ani Lorak dedicated this show to all women, each of whom, in her opinion, is worthy of such a high title. Among the images used by the singer on stage are the Virgin Mary, Mata Hari, Coco Chanel, Mother Teresa and others.

For Ani Lorak herself, this show became a real test. The singer is present every minute on stage for three hours, performing complex balancing act during her vocal numbers. The performance was directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk, the author of the artist’s previous concert program “Carolina”. For the "Diva" show, a moving robotic platform was used, 500 kinetic suspensions to create tricks in the air, 19 elevators creating the illusion of a moving floor, 240 stage costumes. The premiere in Moscow took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex to a full house; there was no free space in the hall for 15 thousand people.

Among the singer's latest works are hits performed in duets with popular singers. These are the songs “I Can’t Say”, “Forgive”, recorded together with Emin, and the hit “Soprano”, which Ani Lorak performed together with Mot. At the end of spring, the premiere of Ani Lorak’s video “Crazy” took place, the video of which collected 7 million views on YouTube hosting in two months.

Today the singer has 2 grandiose shows: “Carolina” (2013) and “DIVA” (2018), 16 albums, a biographical video film, more than 50 video clips, as well as a large number of“gold” and “platinum” discs. During my creative activity Ani Lorak has won many awards and prizes: “Best Singer”, “Person of the Year”, “The Most beautiful woman", "Fashion singer", "Song of the Year", "Best Concert Show", "Golden Gramophone", MUZTV, RU.TV, ZHARA, Major League, BraVo, EMA and others.

The singer performed at the world's most famous concert venues. Today, show business diva Ani Lorak successfully performs on stages in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, America, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, UAE, Spain, Malta, Italy, and the Baltic states. Article found on

As for her personal life, for a long time Lorak did not tell reporters why she did not wear wedding ring, does not appear in public with her husband Murat and the main thing is whether she is ready to forgive her husband. And just recently she gave only a short comment: “I cannot forgive betrayal. After all, the one who loves will not betray. And if you fall out of love, then you can’t return anything,” said the Ukrainian star.

At the same time, journalists noticed that there was no wedding ring on the singer’s finger. In addition, the singer immediately turned the conversation to another topic: she asked women all over the world to be patient and merciful. be able to give in. “After all, you are real divas of love,” said Lorak.

Let us remember that, according to eyewitnesses, Murat and a girl named Yana behaved just like a couple in one of the Kiev nightclubs: the whole evening the Turkish businessman did not take his eyes and hands off his companion: he gently hugged the girl, stroked her legs and whispered something to her in the ear. The couple also left karaoke together long after midnight. After the scandal broke out, Ani Lorak completely disappeared from social networks. Article found on

Everyone has probably heard about the famous Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak, but little is known about the men in her life. Currently, the Eurovision 2008 star is officially married. Ani Lorak's husband is a Turkish businessman and co-owner of one of the travel agencies. Little is known about him, since the man is always in the shadow of his glory star wife, but this state of affairs suits him very much.

Difficult childhood

The unknown Carolina Kuek, as the star is called according to her passport, was born in the first month of autumn, and her birthday fell on September 27, 1978. It’s difficult to call the childhood of a girl from a large family rosy. Caroline’s mom and dad separated even before she was born, and having been born in the small town of Kitsman, in the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine, she was doomed to a hungry existence in a large family.

The parents of the future star were creative people: father is a well-known journalist in Ukraine, and mother is a radio announcer. Despite this, the girl practically did not see her mother, since she constantly worked in order to somehow feed her growing offspring. Having married again and given birth to another child, Caroline’s mother sent her older children to boarding school No. 4 in Chernivtsi.

Until the 7th grade, the girl studied in a closed educational institution together with his two brothers, and then, dreaming of quickly escaping from behind the harsh walls, Carolina took the first decisive action in her life: She took her documents and deliberately transferred to a regular school, but even there it turned out to be difficult for her. Her classmates constantly made fun of the thin, poorly dressed girl, calling her different names.

No one ever doubted that Carolina would be a star. At any free and appropriate moment the girl sang. From the age of 4, the young talent took part in all possible music competitions and festivals. The family of Ani Lorak, as she would be called later, did not support her, and she made her own way everywhere.

The fateful meeting with the future producer of Anna Lorak, whose biography and personal life was just beginning to gain momentum, took place when the singer was 14 years old. They met at the Primrose festival, where the girl took first place. Yuri Falyosa, that was the name of the music tycoon of the Ukrainian show business, who drew attention to the performer, immediately decided to take up the young talent and make her a real star.

He personally took charge appearance Caroline himself worked out her image down to the details. It was during the period of cooperation with his adult mentor and Carolina's creative pseudonym was born - Ani Lorak, under which she first performed on the television show “Morning Star” with its permanent presenter Yuri Nikolaev.

A fighter by nature, Ani worked tirelessly, and the results of this work can be seen now. During her collaboration with Yuri Falyosa, the following compositions appeared in Lorak’s repertoire:

  • "I want to fly";
  • "My God";
  • "I'll come back";
  • "I don't care";
  • "Oh my love";
  • "Half-day spec";
  • “There, where you are”;
  • "I told you".

Thalesa’s ward participates in all conceivable and unimaginable music festivals. Over 10 years of cooperation between Carolina and Ani took part in more than 10 famous stellar events Ukrainian and Russian show business.

First feelings

But what about the personal and family life of a dark-haired beauty with a gorgeous voice of almost 5 octaves? IN official biography There are not so many male singers. The first on this list is producer Julius Thalesa, who lived with Caroline in a civil marriage for eight years.

The difference between a young mentee and a producer is 17 years. During their existence, their unofficial the family has experienced many personal difficulties.

It is known that it was for Caroline’s sake that the man, who at that time had reached the age of 35, even divorced his first wife Olga. Yuri has three children from her.

It is known that after several years of living with her producer, the young ward fell in love and openly confessed to Yuri her feelings for another man. The couple broke up, but the experienced Thales was in no hurry to break ties with the young performer and turned out to be right. After some time, Caroline returned to the man, but the old relationship could no longer be returned.

After an unpleasant and painful break in both personal and working relationships with an adult mentor, Ani Lorak signed a contract with the master of Russian show business, composer Igor Krutoy, and actively immersed herself in work. There was no talk about her personal life; the artist worked day and night, recording new songs and releasing albums. During the time after Thalesa, her repertoire was replenished with new songs in duets with famous Russian performers.

Meeting with Murat

Another unexpected turn in the personal life of the young performer occurred in 2005.

Going on vacation to Turkish resort to one of the hotels in Antalya, the Ukrainian beauty had no idea that fate had prepared another gift for her - a meeting with her future husband.

The manager of the hotel where the singer was staying, Murat Nalchadzhioglu, noticed the spectacular Ukrainian woman on the day of her arrival, but the man did not know who she was. Approaching the vacationing Ani Lorak, the handsome Turk invited her to a restaurant with karaoke. Responding to the invitation, the artist told her fan with a smile that “her vocals will cost him dearly.”

Only the next day did the man in love find out who he had met, when Karolina-Ani came to a dinner prepared in her honor. After the evening, Murat accompanied the Ukrainian star to the door of his room. A few days later, Caroline's vacation came to an end, and she flew back to Ukraine.

But, as the singer later told fans, she never stopped thinking about the dark-haired handsome man with a piercing gaze. The girl even repeatedly talked herself out of it and “tried to use her head.” Ani convinced herself that nothing would come of this relationship, since they were different and there was a whole sea between them.

At one of these moments, Murat sent his beloved a message in English and every day continued to delight the lady of his heart with passionate confessions in SMS.

Ani recalls that she even turned off her phone back then in order to stop this madness and live as before. But fate wanted these two young hearts to unite in a legal union.

A year later, Carolina and her creative team went to Antalya to shoot a video for one of her songs, and it turned out that the manager chose the very hotel where Murat worked to stay. And this time eastern prince He didn’t lose face; he prepared a white car for his star and allocated an entire floor at her disposal. A beautiful romance began between the young people with flowers, gifts and passionate confessions.

Wedding and family

The persistent Turk sought Karolina-Ani’s hand for several years, and in 2009, the star of Ukrainian show business gave up and said “yes.” A modest marriage ceremony took place in Kyiv, but gorgeous wedding I was amazed by the scale in Turkey in the groom’s homeland. The artist’s husband supports his chosen one in every possible way and even moved to Ukraine for the sake of a real family and received citizenship.

At the age of 33, Carolina gave birth to a daughter, Sofia, who inherited all the best from her father and mother. Photos on Instagram today married couple with the growing heiress delight fans with pleasant frequency. Currently, you can find out how many children Ani Lorak has by reading one of the autobiographical articles about her.

Today, the singer and happy mother calls her husband “god” and notes that she did not even hope that the fairy tale could become a reality. Everyone already knows the name of Ani Lorak’s husband. He supports his star wife in all her endeavors. The artist now has more than twenty hits, and her track record includes such albums as:

  • "I want to fly";
  • "I'll come back";
  • "15";
  • "Sun";
  • “Light up your heart”;
  • "Did you love..."

Ardent Turk

Little is known about Murat Nalchadzhioglu himself. According to the horoscope, Lorak's husband is Gemini, and was born on June 12, 1977. The boy grew up in large family and already at the age of 14 he was forced to go to work, since there was no one to support his mother and three sisters. He has a godfather, whom the man considers his adoptive father, his name is Talkh. It was he who brought the boy into the public eye and helped him acquire a profession.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the relationship between his ward and the Ukrainian star, Talkh was against it. He did not see a future in the romance of young people and considered it a hobby, but in the end he blessed the couple. It was he who gave part of the shares of the famous travel company “Turtess Travel” to Murat. Now Carolina’s husband is engaged in the restaurant and club business in the capitals of Ukraine and Turkey.

Having been married for 9 years, the artist notes that in their family life everything happened. Murat could not get used to her busy tour schedule and constant camera flashes. There was jealousy and even mistrust, but now this is all in the past.

She captivates with her beauty, charm and talent, becoming popular not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, and her many fans follow not only her work, but also her personal life, and they would be interested to know if she is married and who Ani Lorak's husband? Yes, the singer has been happy with her husband, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu, for more than nine years, and seven of them have been legally married.

Personal life of Ani Lorak

The personal life of Ani Lorak developed differently, and it was not always only cloudless days. The parents of Carolina Kuek, this is the singer’s real name, separated even before her birth, so her mother, who had two more sons in her arms, and then a third was born in a new marriage, sent her older children to a boarding school.

In the photo - Ani Lorak and Yuri Thalesa

Mom, father and grandmothers did not indulge the girl with their attention, and Ani constantly felt lonely and unwanted, and her main dream was to quickly get out of the boarding school. In the seventh grade, she took her documents and transferred to a regular school, but this did not make her life better - Caroline constantly heard ridicule and endured bullying - her peers openly laughed at the poorly dressed “fatherless girl”.

Anya’s parents devoted themselves to creative professions - her mother was a radio announcer, and her father was a journalist; a penchant for creativity also manifested itself in her - she loved and knew how to sing and with early childhood took part in various competitions, and at fourteen her professional career began.

The talented young singer was noticed by producer Yuri Thales and did everything possible to turn Ani into a real star. As often happens, a mutual feeling arose between the producer and the young singer, despite the significant age difference of seventeen years, Yuri divorced his wife, and soon they began to live together.

It was Thales who suggested Caroline’s stage name, inverting her real name - this is how Ani Lorak turned out. However this civil marriage did not last long, but the reason for the separation from her first husband was new love Ani Lorak. She openly admitted to Yuri that she had fallen in love, but Thales decided not to immediately put an end to their relationship, they continued to work together, and Ani suffered from new love.

Her lover was a wealthy, famous and wealthy man, but married, and, assuring Lorak that he would soon divorce his wife and everything would be fine with them, he was in fact in no hurry to change anything in his biography and leave the family. Tired of enduring this uncertainty, Ani broke up with him and returned to Thales, but it was no longer possible to restore what was between them before, and they broke up completely. And after several years of loneliness, the singer met her true love.

Who is Ani Lorak's husband?

Ani met Murat while on vacation in Turkey. He was an employee of the hotel, one of the owners of the tour operator “Turtess Travel”, where the singer stayed, and fell in love with her at first sight, and soon Lorak reciprocated his feelings. After several days spent together, they had to separate, but they continued to communicate on the phone until Ani realized that this romance would lead nowhere - after all, she and Murat were from different countries, spoken in different languages and you shouldn't continue the relationship. So they would have parted forever if a year later the singer had not flown to the same hotel to shoot a video, and from this meeting their beautiful romance began.

In the photo - Ani Lorak with her husband

Murat Nalchadzhioglu arranged romantic weekends for Ani, gave flowers and gifts, and in 2006 he moved to Ukraine. This fairy tale lasted all three years until Ani finally agreed to become his wife - she delayed this moment because she was afraid that the stamp in the passport would ruin their relationship, but this did not happen, and after Murat proposed to her, she decided to marry him. They played two weddings - one in Kyiv, the other in Turkey.

In the photo - the wedding of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Murat Nalchadzhioglu: biography

Many people are interested in the question - how old is Murat Nalchadzhioglu? The singer’s husband is almost her age - he was born on June 12, 1977 and is a year older than his wife. His biography is somewhat similar to the biography of Anya herself - Murat also started early independent life, at the age of fourteen he began to earn money so that after the death of his father he could help his mother raise three sisters. After moving to Ukraine and marrying Ani Lorak, Murat from entrepreneur mediocre turned into successful businessman and continues to develop his business - he owns several restaurants in Kyiv, manages entertainment clubs and is not going to stop there.

Children of the singer and her husband

Children of Ani Lorak - this has always been the ultimate dream of the singer and her husband, because for complete happiness their family only needed a happy child’s laughter. On June 9, 2011, the daughter of Ani Lorak and Murat Nalchadzhioglu, Sofia, was born. Having decided to have a child, the couple were worried about how the birth would go, because by that time Anya was thirty-three years old, and she was afraid that various complications might arise.

Fortunately, everything went well, and soon photos of the singer’s daughter appeared online. A year after Sofia was born, they baptized her in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov became her godfather.

Ani Lorak successfully combines career and motherhood, and her husband helps her with this. The singer says that her husband is a wonderful dad - he always walks with his daughter, plays with her, sings songs to Sofia, and her daughter adores him. Ani calls her family an island of happiness, and considers it a real gift of fate.

Rumors about Ani Lorak's divorce from her husband

Ani knows that star marriages are not distinguished by strength and constancy, but she knows well how to avoid this, and tries to do everything so that their family exists forever. However, she and Murat also had to go through certain difficulties in their relationship, and rumors often appeared in the media that Ani Lorak’s husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu was divorcing her. They talked about this especially often when Murat moved from Turkey to Kyiv, and then everyone disapproved of the singer marrying a Turk.

In the photo - Ani and Murat with their daughter Sofia

Some tension in the relationship at the beginning married life The singer’s lifestyle also caused problems - Ani often toured and therefore was very rarely at home, which is why one day Murat doubted whether she needed him at all. Fortunately, they managed to survive society's disapproval and some problems in their relationship, and now the couple are still happy together.

Murat Nalchadzhioglu learned Russian for the sake of his wife, although it was not easy for him, and now they communicate in Russian in the family. Ani tries not to lose her attractiveness in the eyes of her husband and does not allow herself to look unkempt at home. Lorak is sure that a woman should be a source of tenderness, love and warmth, and then her man will never stop liking her. They often have to be far from each other, but even in such moments, Ani and Murat try to always be in touch and remind each other of their love.
