Anis al dolah real photos. Photos of the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyakh amazed the network - hardly anyone had seen such “beauty” in the harem

Recently, incredible “beauty” has amazed the Internet. Photos of an Iranian princess named Anis al Dolyah have appeared on the Internet. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with their faces open, and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has reached our days.

IN Lately By social networks Many photographs of Iranian princesses have circulated, accompanied by explanatory text saying that this is a symbol of the beauty of Iran of those years.
And many probably believed in the very specific tastes of the Iranian ruler Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, because these princesses were assigned to his harem.
But really oriental beauties did they look like this?

What is known about the biography of the princess
Anis al-Dolyah was the beloved wife of the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, who reigned from 1848 to 1896. Nasser had a huge harem of wives, whom he, contrary to the laws of Iran at that time, photographed with their faces open. It was thanks to Nasser ad-Din’s passion for photography and his easy attitude towards strict rules modern world I learned about what the ideals of beauty were in Western Asia in the 19th century.

Anis al-Dolyah was considered the most beautiful and sexy woman that era. The corpulent lady with fused eyebrows, a thick mustache and a tired, sullen look had almost 150 admirers. However, Anis belonged only to the Shah. Admirers of the unearthly beauty of al-Dolyakh could only dream about it, learned. Some men, by the way, could not come to terms with their evil fate and committed suicide because of the unrequited love that tormented their hearts.
In 19th-century Iran, a woman was considered beautiful if she had a lot of facial hair and was very fat. The girls from the harem were specially fed a lot and were practically not allowed to move so that they would gain weight. Anis al-Dolyah met all the standards of attractiveness of that time.

Interesting fact. Once Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, during a visit to St. Petersburg, visited the Russian ballet. The Shah was so impressed by the ballerinas that upon his arrival home, he ordered skirts resembling tutus to be sewn for all his many wives. Since then, Nasser’s spouses wore only short fluffy skirts, revealing their husband’s appetizing pleated legs around the clock.

What's the catch?
Why are these women so different from the concept of beauty of that time that we could read about and even see in films?
In fact, these are not Iranian princesses, not the wives of the Shah and... not women at all! These photographs depict the actors of the first state theater created by Shah Nasreddin, who was a great admirer of European culture. This troupe performed satirical plays only for courtiers and nobles. The organizer of this theater was Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, who is considered one of the founders of modern Iranian theater.

The plays of that time were performed only by men, since Iranian women were prohibited from performing on stage until 1917. That’s the whole secret of the “Iranian princesses”: yes, this is the Shah’s harem, but in a theatrical production.

Anis al Dolah - Iranian princess, beloved wife of Shah Nasser Qajar. What she and the other wives and concubines of the Iranian harem were like is shocking. Nobody expected this.

Nasser Qajar was a very extraordinary Shah. He reigned for 47 years from 1848. WITH early youth was interested in photography. He created a real photo studio in the palace and personally photographed his harem and wives. Contrary to the laws, he dared to show the faces of his women in the photo, and this made it possible to find out what the ideas of beauty were in those days.

Anis al Dolyakh: photos of the wives and concubines of the harem of the Iranian Shah

Anis al Dolah is a prime example of the beauty standard of that time. The Iranian princess had to be fat, for this the girls were tightly fed and restricted physical exercise, she spent almost all her time sitting. It was considered fashionable to have fused eyebrows and mustaches.

It is noteworthy that all of Nasser Qajar's women wore rather strange skirts. The fact is that, having visited St. Petersburg at the invitation of the Russian Emperor, the Shah saw ballet for the first time and fell in love with this art form. Upon returning home, he ordered all his women to sew a semblance of a ballerina tutu.

Nowadays, there is a not very correct idea about the harem and the shah of ancient times, notes the online publication The shocking details of the life of the concubines in the harem surprised everyone. It was generally accepted that women in a harem were famous for their beauty and lived in wealth, but all stereotypes were dispelled by the princess from Iran Anis al Dolyah.

Back in 1848 and for 47 years after, Shah Nasser Karjar ruled in Iran. He was famous for his eccentricity and strange preferences. There were more than 100 women in his harem, and his most beloved wife was Anis al Dolyah. The Iranian princess was considered one of the most beautiful women countries.

Recently, incredible “beauty” has amazed the Internet. Photos of an Iranian princess named Anis al Dolyah have appeared on the Internet. It is known that the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, photographed his wives with their faces open, and thanks to this, information about the beauty of that time has reached our days.

Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar ruled for 47 years - from September 17, 1848 and died at the hands of an assassin at the age of 64. He had a huge harem of women, and the best of them was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah.

It must be said that in that century Anis al Dolyah was the ideal of beauty. Back then, men loved fat women with fused eyebrows and mustaches. In order for them to gain weight, they were forced to eat constantly and barely move.

Anis al Dolah had almost 150 ardent fans who lusted after her. It is noteworthy that many of them went crazy and committed suicide from the irresistible beauty of the princess.

By the way, Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar also visited Russia. In St. Petersburg he saw ballet for the first time. He really liked this type of art. The dance impressed the Shah so much that upon returning to his homeland, he ordered skirts similar to tutus to be sewn for his wives. After his visit to Russia, the wives of the shocking Shah began to wear only such skirts.

Still, whatever you say, over the course of a century ideas about beauty, especially oriental beauty, have changed terribly. The same concubines of the Shahs a hundred and a little more years back and now - just heaven and earth, writes However, no one claims that one is beautiful and the other is not. Everyone definitely has their own tastes. Perhaps, before, a lady’s mustache really was not a rudiment, but a highlight...

Unlike Amira al-Tawil, Fatima is the wife of the current king Saudi Arabia Abdullah ibn Abdul-Aziz al-Saud, therefore her appearance is strictly regulated by Muslim norms. There is very little information about Fatima, all that is known is that she is one of the four wives of the head of Saudi Arabia, whom he keeps in custody. own home. To understand how high a privilege this is, one must bear in mind that Abdullah married more than thirty times, but most of the monarch’s wives live away from his chambers.

More recently, photographs from the second half of the 19th century appeared on the Internet community, depicting the wives of the Iranian Shah Nasser Qajar. The star of the harem and the ruler's favorite wife was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah. The extraordinary “beauty” of the concubine amazed her contemporaries. And the question became, was the princess a woman? Appearance princess gives reason to doubt this.

The Iranian ruler of the second half of the 19th centuries, Nasser ad Din Shah Qajar, became famous as a reformer. His liberal attitude towards the traditions of his people and his passion for a hobby that was fashionable at that time (photography) allowed him to become more familiar with the famous oriental beauty.

Shah Nasser Kazhdar ruled the country for more than 47 years. During his reign, he became famous for his unusual hobbies for that period. His passion was photography. Despite Muslim traditions, Nasser Kazhdar took photographs of his harem, and his wives were with open faces. This is what gave rise to the discussion of real oriental beauty.

The standard of beauty at that time in Iraq was considered to be the presence of facial hair in the form of a mustache for women, and eyebrows should meet on the bridge of the nose. Special attention focused on women's weight. Thin and slender were not held in high esteem; it was believed that they would not be able to produce healthy and strong offspring. Therefore, in the Iranian harem, concubines tried to move as little as possible, which gave them “seductive” folds on their bodies.

There is a legend that the unusual outfit of the wives of the Iranian ruler is associated with his trip to Tsarist Russia. Having attended the premiere of the ballet in St. Petersburg, the Shah was unusually amazed by the sight of ballerinas in tutus. After returning home, Shah Nasser Qajar ordered that his wives wear only such outfits.

Like any ruler eastern country, Shah Nasser Qajar had a large harem. However, Anis al Dolyah became his beloved wife. It was she who possessed all the signs of beauty of that historical period.

According to legend, the princess of Iran was extremely beautiful and had more than 150 admirers. But her only love and chosen one was Shah Nasser Qajar. According to rumors, some of the fans committed suicide because of unrequited love.

By today's standards, Anis al Dolah's beauty was strange, and the interest of so many men in her seems unrealistic, the site reports. But we should not forget that at that time, women's charms were assessed by different standards.

Unfortunately, nothing is known in more detail about the fate of the Iranian princess. This is what gave rise to the discussion: whether there really was such a princess, and whether it is really Anis al Dolyah depicted in the photo.

There is an opinion that the photographs taken by the Iranian ruler Nasser Qajar do not depict his wives from the harem. And not even women.

The photographs depict the actors of the first Iranian theater, the founder of which was the Iranian Shah. And since Muslim traditions prohibit women from appearing on stage, men became theater actors.

This explains the masculine beauty of the Iranian princesses in the photo. If we take into account that the performances were a parody of Shah Nasser’s harem, then we can understand the unusual outfits of the ruler’s wives.

Now we can only guess who is actually depicted in the photographs of the Iranian Shah Nasser Qajar: women or men. However, the very fact of the existence of such photographs allows us to look at the history of eastern countries from a different perspective.

Recently, many photographs of Iranian princesses have been circulating on social networks, which are accompanied by explanatory text stating that they are a symbol of the beauty of Iran of past centuries. In particular, society continues to discuss photographs of the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah, the wife of Shah Nasser Qajar.

Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar ruled for 47 years - from September 17, 1848 and died at the hands of an assassin at the age of 64. He had a huge harem of women, and the best of them was the Iranian princess Anis al Dolyah.

Anis al-Dolyah was the beloved wife of the fourth Shah of Iran, Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar, who reigned from 1848 to 1896. Nasser had a huge harem of wives, whom he, contrary to the laws of Iran at that time, photographed with their faces open. It was thanks to Nasser ad-Din’s passion for photography and his easy attitude to strict rules that the modern world learned about what the ideals of beauty were in Western Asia in the 19th century.

Anis al-Dolyah was considered the most beautiful and sexy woman of that era. The corpulent lady with fused eyebrows, a thick mustache and a tired, sullen look had almost 150 admirers. However, Anis belonged only to the Shah. Admirers of the unearthly beauty of al-Dolyakh could only dream about it. Some men, by the way, could not come to terms with their evil fate and committed suicide because of the unrequited love that tormented their hearts.

In 19th-century Iran, a woman was considered beautiful if she had a lot of facial hair and was very fat, the site reports. The girls from the harem were specially fed a lot and were practically not allowed to move so that they would gain weight. Anis al-Dolyah met all the standards of attractiveness of that time.

Love for photography and theater

Ruler of Iran - Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar since early childhood He loved photography very much, and when he came to power, a photo studio appeared in his palace. And Anton Sevryugin, by the way, our compatriot, became the court photographer. All this happened in the 1870s, and although Sevryugin had an honorary title for his contribution to the art of Iran, he did not have the right to photograph the harem, but could only photograph the Shah himself, the courtiers and guests of the head of state. Only the Shah himself had the right to photograph the wives from the harem.

Once Nasser ad-Din Shah Qajar, during a visit to St. Petersburg, visited the Russian ballet. The Shah was so impressed by the ballerinas that upon his arrival home, he ordered skirts resembling tutus to be sewn for all his many wives. Since then, Nasser’s spouses wore only short fluffy skirts, revealing their husband’s appetizing pleated legs around the clock.

The truth about the emergence of shocking photos

Why are the women in the photo so different from the concept of beauty of that time, which we could read about and even see in films?

In fact, these are not Iranian princesses, not the wives of the Shah and... not women at all! These photographs depict the actors of the first state theater created by Shah Nasreddin, who was a great admirer of European culture.

This troupe performed satirical plays only for courtiers and nobles. The organizer of this theater was Mirza Ali Akbar Khan Naggashbashi, who is considered one of the founders of modern Iranian theater. The plays of that time were performed only by men, since Iranian women were prohibited from performing on stage until 1917. That’s the whole secret of the “Iranian princesses”: yes, this is the Shah’s harem, but in a theatrical production.

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