Annunciation: celebration traditions, signs and rituals for the gardener. Annunciation folk traditions, beliefs and signs

Church traditions are closely related to the rules of celebration historical events. Annunciation is no exception. People take the holiday seriously, believing that the Annunciation Holy Mother of God- the day that marked the beginning of the Evangelical story, which means it must be spent in thoughts of God.

A lot of proverbs are associated with this day, work that is considered sinful and brings failure, misfortune and illness. But if sewing, knitting, embroidery and cleaning are clear, then the question of whether it is possible to get a haircut on the Annunciation remains to be sorted out.

Is it a sin to get a haircut for the Annunciation?

There are many signs associated with hair; they speak of health and beauty. It is not surprising that manipulations related to hair on the Annunciation are important for the Orthodox.

Surprisingly, believers are divided on the ban on haircuts. Elderly people say that cutting your hair at the Annunciation will bring not only beauty and health, but also happiness. The action was considered a sin that had to be atoned for.

Hair on the Annunciation, according to ancient folk wisdom, is not cut or washed. Many people are familiar with the phrase: “A girl braids her hair at the Annunciation - she shortens her life,” there is another version: “A girl combs her hair - she confuses her fate.” You can continue endlessly.

During times Ancient Rus' We tried to take care of our hair in advance, taking into account the holiday. The hair was trimmed and various strong and reliable types of weaving were used to look attractive on the Annunciation. To this day, ladies follow these rules, trying not to anger God and not cause trouble.

Church opinion

Turning to clergy who are well acquainted with the Holy Scriptures, they conclude that the church has no known prohibitions on haircuts at the Annunciation.

Anyone can turn to a spiritual mentor with this question, the answer will be negative. You may receive a recommendation to reschedule business, including a visit to the hairdresser, to another day so that you can celebrate the Annunciation in church while attending the service.

A church holiday is a time when the heavens open for sinners to appeal to the Almighty, repentance, and pleas for help. Instead of focusing on appearance, pray for loved ones and the salvation of their souls. Thus, the question of the sinfulness of cutting a haircut on a bright Christian holiday is closed thanks to the clear answer and interpretation of the Church.

Let us remind you that on April 7, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate the holiday. The history of the date suggests that on this day Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary the good news that she would become the mother of the son of God - Jesus Christ.

The holiday of April 7 is an event when adults and children try to spend the day without committing sins and adhering to traditions. Main question on this day for many - is it possible to work for. Read further about all the prohibitions for the holiday.

Annunciation: what not to do

So, answering the question about whether it is possible to work on the Annunciation, we answer: as on any other major church holiday, you should not work hard work or perform homework. It is better to dedicate your day to self-education and spiritual development as much as possible.

As for what you should not do on the Annunciation, it is worth remembering that it is not advisable to leave home (it is better to postpone the trip), you cannot work on the land or trim trees. It is believed that it is on this day that the Lord blesses everything that grows, and the plants grow and begin to turn green.

Under no circumstances should girls braid their hair on April 7th. It was believed that because of this, you could confuse your threads of fate and your whole life would go awry.

What not to do on the Annunciation: what everyone needs to know

What you can’t do for sure is that you can’t give anything away from home, and especially don’t borrow money from someone. Otherwise, you may be giving away your health and well-being.

What day of the week does April 7th fall on, on that day you cannot start new things throughout the year.

You don’t wear new clothes on Annunciation Day—or you’ll tear them and get them so dirty you can’t wash them. Previously, girls who wanted to show off their new clothes on this day wore them secretly on themselves for several days so that no one would see.

You cannot sew, weave or knit anything. This ancient prohibition is due to the fact that human life is a thread that can only be controlled by guardian angels and the Lord himself. On this day, the probability of confusing the threads of life is extremely high. This can lead to the destruction of a family or the emergence of strife with relatives and friends, transfer of fate from one person to another, etc.

What not to do on the Annunciation - prohibitions that have been passed down from mouth to mouth for centuries, so it’s worth listening to them. Let us remind you that his dietary restrictions are still ongoing. Therefore, there are points that you need to know about what you can eat on the Annunciation.

What can you eat on Annunciation?

Since the Annunciation falls on , it is worth adhering to the requirements of Lent (we published earlier about delicious ones for this period). But as an exception and in honor of the holiday, you can relax and eat fish. Meat, eggs, and milk are still excluded from the meal.

But there are important exceptions: if the Annunciation falls on Holy Week, fish is not allowed.

Now you know what you cannot do on the Annunciation, and also what you can eat on the Annunciation. Happy holiday!

Photo: cover - Treti Pivni Workshop, open sources on the Internet

We present to your attention a selection of answers to the most common questions about the Annunciation.

Is it possible to eat fish on Annunciation?
The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on the most strict fast in the church year - Great. But in honor of this holiday, there is a relaxation in the gastronomic fast - you can eat fish.

(Except for those cases when the Annunciation falls during Holy Week (as was the case in 2015). In this case, the charter allows food with vegetable oil).

What can you eat on Annunciation?
In honor of the Feast of the Annunciation, the gastronomic rules of Lent are relaxed - you can eat fish. Meat, eggs, and milk are still excluded from the meal.

(However, there are exceptions: if the Annunciation falls on Holy Week (as was the case in 2015), fish is not allowed.)

Is it true that you can’t do anything on the Annunciation?
This is a folk tradition the main objective which, rather, is to find a reason to justify one’s inaction and failure to fulfill certain obligations.

In fact, there is no prohibition and there cannot be. The Church says that on the day of the Annunciation, like other great church holidays, every Christian believer should try to put aside their affairs for the sake of being present in church and praying. Further, a person is endowed with freedom and the right to choose. As an independent mature person, each of us has the right to reason for ourselves and choose how best to act, based on our own capabilities and resources.

We should also think about our personal attitude towards the holiday.

When one of our loved ones has a special event coming up, don’t we try to put off everything we do as much as possible and spend the day with them?

Do we feel the same way about the Annunciation? Do we perceive the Annunciation as a holiday? For many, unfortunately, this is just another event in the life of the Church and nothing more. We don’t associate this holiday with ourselves in any way...

But still, you always have to look at the situation. After all, no one knows what circumstances you are in. What obligations do you have to your family or to your employer?
In any case, the main thing is not to get bogged down in vanity, worries, anger, irritation, etc. If possible, put aside anything that might prevent you from celebrating this Holiday with joy and gratitude.

Is it possible to marry on the Annunciation?
This year, the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on the 4th week (week) of Lent, and as we know, this is a special period of repentance and abstinence. Therefore, the church does not bless marriages on this day.

In rare cases, it happens that the Annunciation falls on Bright Week (the week after Easter), but even during this period weddings are not performed in churches.

We can say that Bright Week and Holy Week are a single period in the center of which is Easter.

During Holy Week we remember last days earthly life of Christ, and on Light the Church glorifies and sings His Resurrection!

Therefore, all the attention of the Church is focused on this Great event.

In any case, if you just want to sign at the registry office, then state registration has nothing to do with the Church, here you have the right to make your own decision.

But if it is important for you to follow church traditions, then you can get married starting from the first resurrection after Easter - this is Antipascha (Anti means opposite), popularly called Red Hill. Then you can safely get married and celebrate the event in a proper way, without conflicting with Orthodox traditions.

Is it possible to have a wake for the Annunciation?
On the Annunciation, as well as on other important and revered holidays by the Church, funeral services and prayers are not performed.

A holiday is a time of joy, so one should not be sad or sad on such a day. Especially if it falls during the period of fasting, when a person already does some work on himself.

In the life of the Church there is a place and time for everything. There are days special commemoration the deceased, when special prayers are performed for the deceased. And in common days During the service, certain prayers are read for the repose of the soul.

But you can also pray for your loved ones who have died on your own any day.

Is it possible to wash on the Annunciation?

The answer is clear - you can.

Similar questions: “Is it possible to wash on the Annunciation?” usually give rise to different folk wisdom, which are more related to paganism than to Orthodoxy.

What is meant here is that on a holiday, as on any other day significant for the Church, it is necessary, if possible, to leave all worries, all vanity and pay attention to the main event, in in this case- Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Annunciation (that is, good news) - the day when the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced to her the birth of a son into the world God's Jesus Christ. This is a more than worthy reason to put aside our less significant affairs for the sake of visiting the temple and praying.

But if you walk around unwashed, this, of course, will cause you a lot of inconvenience, irritation and all those unpleasant emotions that simply will not allow you to concentrate, much less share the joy of this holiday with your loved ones.

Is it possible to work for the Annunciation?

In Rus' there was a tradition not to work on the day of the Annunciation. The peasants did not go to the field, but devoted their entire time to the Orthodox celebration. But even then, in past centuries, and now, there is no prohibition to work as such. Another thing is that it is better to spend the hours of this day on works of prayer and mercy. Go with the whole family to the temple, pray to the Lord and the Mother of God, and share the joy of the holiday with other parishioners of the temple.

The Church also blesses on the Annunciation (as, indeed, on other Orthodox celebrations) to help those who need it most. Visit your elderly relatives, go with volunteers to Orphanage, transfer a donation for an operation for a sick child.

Is it possible to embroider for the Annunciation?

In Rus', girls did not embroider for the Annunciation, because there was a tradition of putting off all household chores for the sake of prayer and happy meeting holiday. In our time, this custom has only partially been preserved, but most often believers try to devote the entire day of April 7 to God. Go to church, gather the whole family at the festive table.

Is it possible to get a haircut for the Annunciation?

Doubts about whether it is possible to get a haircut on the Annunciation arose due to old saying: “A bird doesn’t build a nest, a maiden doesn’t braid her hair.” This saying, of course, is not a strict ban on cutting and combing your hair; it rather says that on this important day for every Christian it is worth putting aside everything vain and everyday and focusing on the meaning of the holiday. Read the Gospel, attend a church service, do something good for your neighbor, get together as a family and share joy with each other.

Is it possible to clean the house for the Annunciation?

In Rus', it was customary to do all the housework before the Feast of the Annunciation, so that on April 7 (new style) you would wake up in a clean hut and not be distracted by the bustle. Believers, both then and now, try to devote this day to prayer and joyful communication with brothers and sisters in Christ.

Is it possible to receive communion at the Annunciation?

Of course, you can receive communion at the Annunciation.

Is it possible to knit for the Annunciation?

On the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, needlewomen in Rus' put off their sewing and knitting until the evening. It was believed that on this day one should not do anything around the house.

In our time, the Church also recommends that Christians put aside worldly, vain affairs in order to devote this day to the Lord and the Mother of God. Pray at home and in church, do some good deed for your neighbor, gather family and friends for a solemn meal.

What should you not do on Annunciation?

The Church does not give any specific instructions or prohibitions.

We need to stop paying attention to signs and beliefs that have nothing to do with the life and world of the Church.

Following far-fetched rules limits your own freedom.

And in such a state, what kind of joy and gratitude can we talk about?

Orthodoxy is the religion of adults, mature people. Nobody forces or forces us. We make our own choices. And only in this way can we consciously come to something, become deeply acquainted with traditions and meanings.

When I understand the meaning of why I am doing something, then my attitude towards what is happening will be completely different.

Is it possible to baptize on the Annunciation?

You can baptize on the Annunciation, just like on any other day. church year. The sacrament of Baptism is performed on Lenten, ordinary, and holidays. But on the twelve and great holidays, the priests of many churches are very busy, so they may offer to postpone the baptism to another day. The date and time of christening must be agreed upon in advance in a specific church or with a specific priest.

Is it possible to dig the earth before the Annunciation?

You can dig the ground before the Annunciation, if weather conditions and soil conditions permit. Connect your household chores with church calendar no need. The Annunciation is an immutable holiday, and, apparently, that’s why it’s convenient for many to navigate by its date. But we should not forget that the Day of the Annunciation is not the basis for constructing a schedule of agricultural work, but a reminder of the great event that marked the beginning of our Salvation.

Is it possible to plant before the Annunciation?

You can plant before the Annunciation. There is no need to link the start of gardening work to the church calendar. In these matters you need to focus on climatic conditions, planting calendars, experience, etc. The Church gives people more important guidelines than the date of sowing the beds. The Church leads people to follow Christ. And even during the planting season, you should not forget about this.

Is it possible to put up a fence before the Annunciation?

You can put up a fence before the Annunciation. This and similar prohibitions (borrowing or lending, cutting or even combing hair, wearing new clothes and starting new things on the Annunciation) are just superstitions. Moreover, among such absurd beliefs, there is even this: on the Annunciation, you must steal something - and this will supposedly bring happiness. Sin cannot bring happiness. Belief in omens and superstitions is a sin that saints have been calling to be wary of since ancient times. Relying on such “rules”, a person completely forgets about God, His providence, His help and his own prayer.

Is it possible to cook on Annunciation?

Of course, you can cook on Annunciation Day. Otherwise, you risk being left on your own and leaving your loved ones hungry.

The idea that you cannot cook on the Annunciation apparently originates in folk wisdom: “on the Annunciation, a bird does not build a nest, a maiden does not braid her hair.” That is, it is assumed that nothing can be done on such a big holiday. In fact, our ancestors’ tradition of not working on holidays had a practical justification: holidays and Sundays should be dedicated to God, and not to the daily bustle.

On the Annunciation, you can cook and do all the usual things, but at the same time you need to find time to go to church, pray and feel the meaning of this great and joyful event, which marked the beginning of the entire gospel history.

Is it possible to sign on the Annunciation?

You can sign for the Annunciation, but following church rules, it is better to choose another day for painting.

The Annunciation always falls on either Lent, or (very rarely) on Bright Week. These are special periods of the year when the sacrament of weddings is not performed in the Church. The time of Great Lent is a time of repentance and prayer, Bright Week- the time of Easter joy, the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Moreover, although weddings on the twelve (i.e., the main holidays after Easter) are not prohibited, they are usually still not performed, since believers try to live this day together with the Church, rejoicing in the common joy.

If for one reason or another the newlyweds need to formalize their relationship in the registry office on Annunciation, then they can do this. But to celebrate a wedding, have a feast and start your married life It is from this day that the Church does not bless.

Is it possible to clean up graves before the Annunciation?

You can clean up the graves before the Annunciation.

The Church does not have any strict instructions on which days it is necessary to restore order at the graves of deceased loved ones. But believers do not go to the cemetery (except for funerals) on major holidays, as well as on Holy Week and from Easter to Radonitsa, because during this period all the Christian’s attention is focused on the gospel events - the Death on the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ.

During Lent, which usually coincides with the Annunciation, there are three Saturday days ( parents' Saturdays), dedicated to the remembrance of the dead. On such days you need to go and pray for them in the temple. But it is not forbidden to go to the cemetery after the funeral service. You can clean the graves on any other day of fasting, but after Palm Sunday People go to the cemetery only on Radonitsa - the day of special all-church remembrance of the dead, which falls on the second Tuesday after Easter.

Annunciation of the Lord

The Annunciation is usually celebrated on April 7. On this day, the Virgin Mary of Nazareth learned from the Archangel Gabriel that she had the honor of becoming the parent of the son of God - Jesus Christ. Therefore, the holiday is considered the brightest and is especially revered by Orthodox Christians. The name of the holiday comes from the words Good News.

What to do for gardeners on Annunciation

The Most Holy Theotokos is the intercessor of all life on earth. On the Annunciation, it is not recommended to do any serious work, but to rest your soul and go to the temple of God. You can ask the Saint in prayer for good shoots and a magnificent harvest, to bless seeds prepared for sowing, or to stock up on holy water for watering seedlings.

On Annunciation, you cannot work or start new businesses - it is believed that they will not be successful anyway, or may even attract misfortune. Therefore, gardeners prepare in advance:

  • sow seeds and bless them in seedling boxes;
  • prepare for sowing, but do not soak them in order to pre-bless them in the church, or soak them in holy water;
  • they took soil from the garden or from containers for seedlings with them to the temple and read a prayer, asking for productivity and fertility.

Rituals and traditions of the Annunciation and their impact on the harvest

There are many traditions, superstitions and rituals regarding this day: from religious to purely pagan.

Blessed cabbage seeds for seedlings

Another interesting tradition was the following. Without prying eyes noticing, the peasants took out a head of cabbage from the cellar - always the first from last year's harvest - and left it in the garden. It was believed that the next day it would contain seeds, the seedlings grown from which would not be afraid of even the most very coldy, as well as pests and diseases.

News with pigeons to improve weather conditions

One of the oldest customs is the release of pigeons, which, according to ancient legends, are able to convey information to the guardian angels about everything that has been done. When releasing them, they asked forgiveness for their sins, and they asked the Mother of God for improvement. weather conditions so that the harvest would be better, there would be no drought or hail.

Prayer for productivity

If you can’t go to church, you can use the ancient tradition. Previously, people believed that on the Annunciation, which represents the beginning of the sowing season and spring, God himself blesses the earth and everyone who works on it. On this day, a special ritual was performed - the custom of consecration seed material when peasants placed seeds and grain in tubs, along with an icon Mother of God, saying the prayer: “Mother of God and Gabriel the Archangel, bless us with a generous harvest.”

You can't weave fences from vines

On the Annunciation, it is strictly forbidden to engage in sewing, knitting and weaving, since it is believed that human life is like a thread, which only the Lord God can control. If this prohibition is not given importance, one can “confuse” the threads of life between relatives and cause quarrels and troubles. For this reason, flower growers and gardeners on this day should refuse to weave decorative fences from vines to decorate flower beds and beds.

Special salt for winter preparations

On Annunciation, housewives made miraculous salt: all family members had to pour a pinch into a linen bag. It was heated in an oven and stored in a secluded place.

This salt is considered special - capable of healing the sick, as well as driving away all kinds of strife, misfortunes and infections. It can be used to prepare preserves. It is also scattered over beds and fields to protect the crop from pests and diseases (in small quantities). The Annunciation salt, which was not useful during the year, was burned, and they believed that all troubles and problems would burn with it.

Annunciation signs: predicting the harvest and weather

In Rus', the people made up many sayings about this bright Christian holiday. Here are the most popular of them, which will be useful for summer residents and gardeners:

Having become familiar with beliefs, traditions and signs, remember that they arose for a reason, but according to the observations of our ancestors, who observed nature for many centuries. Bless the seedlings and seeds before planting and observe the customs of the Annunciation celebration, and you will reap a wonderful harvest.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary annually on April 7. In 2018, the Annunciation coincided with Holy or Great Saturday - the day of the end of Lent. This imposes special requirements on what can be done on this day, and what kind of housework it is better to refuse.

On this day, Archangel Gabriel condescended to the Virgin Mary with good news that she will soon give birth to the Infant of God - Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Annunciation is a very important Christian holiday. There is a saying: “Even a bird doesn’t build a nest on Annunciation,” so various kinds Work in the garden, vegetable garden and on the farm on this day should be approached very carefully. It will be especially difficult for gardeners.

You can't work on the ground

Any work on earth on this day is a great sin. Therefore, it is better to postpone all work on digging, loosening, and fertilizing the soil until later in order to eliminate negative consequences.

You cannot sow seeds or plant seedlings

You cannot sow or plant anything on the Annunciation. It is believed that plants planted on this day will develop poorly and it will not be possible to achieve good harvest. So if you do go to the dacha on Holy Saturday, it’s better to devote yourself to relaxation: spend time with your family, admire nature or bask in the sun. By the way, the weather on this day is expected to be calm and sunny.

Trees and shrubs cannot be trimmed

Do not trim bushes and trees on the Annunciation Day. According to ancient signs, it is on this day that the Lord blesses everything growing in the garden. The plants grow well, develop well and begin to turn green. If you still want to spend Holy Saturday on fresh air, inspect growing bushes and trees for diseases.

Can't do hard work

Any hard work in the garden and around the house. Any work on the Feast of the Annunciation is considered a great sin. This is a day of complete peace and freedom.

But what can you do on the Annunciation - not sit with your hands folded all day? IN Holy Saturday You are only allowed to cook Easter table, coloring eggs, in general, cooking, and then carefully! As for housework, there are also certain prohibitions on them on this day.

You cannot clean the house, do laundry, or iron

Cleaning the house must be done in advance, and done thoroughly general cleaning premises - our ancestors followed this rule.

Handicrafts are not allowed

Put aside any tasks related to sewing and working with scissors. According to legend, if you work with a needle and thread on the Saturday before Easter, you can confuse your fate. Whether you believe in omens or not, it’s better not to take risks, wouldn’t you agree?

Folk signs on Holy Saturday and the Annunciation

  • If Holy Saturday sunny, then the summer will be warm and the year will be fruitful.
  • It is believed that if a girl does not go to bed on the night of Holy Saturday, she will have a quick and happy marriage.
  • If on Holy Saturday you immerse the blessed painted egg, then the water becomes healing, and if you drink it, it promises health and good luck.
  • Frosts on Annunciation Day - expect a good harvest of cucumbers
  • If the snow has not melted, it will remain there until May 6, Yegoriev's Day
  • Rain on Annunciation - for a dry summer.
  • And finally, the one who laughs on this day will cry a lot throughout the year.

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