Permyakova's ex-husband and perhaps she herself are sick with HIV! Svetlana Permyakova about her difficult fate, the death of her relatives and the birth of her daughter by Evgeniy Bodrov, a former art director.

45-year-old Svetlana Permyakova became the heroine of Lera Kudryavtseva’s program “Secret for a Million.” On the show, the actress made a confession about her personal life. Svetlana said that she had been married for a month to Evgeniy Bodrov, a former art director of one of the Moscow institutions. According to the artist, her marriage quickly fell apart due to her husband’s addiction to illegal substances. Permyakov will also be assured that the man almost stabbed her with a knife. Besides, ex-spouse Svetlana turned out to be HIV-infected.

“Heaven sent me an alcoholic, a schizophrenic, a drug addict, HIV-positive,” said the artist. Permyakova admitted that for a long time She didn’t know about her husband’s illness, she dreamed of having a baby and didn’t use contraception in order to get pregnant faster.

After her divorce from Evgeniy, the actress began a relationship with director Maxim Scriabin. Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Varvara, from him, but things never came to a wedding - the couple broke up. Now Permyakova has a beloved man with whom she is happy.

“He is an adult, three years older than me. Responsible. What can I explain - he is a military man. Sasha was not afraid to come up, express admiration and invite him to dinner. I agreed. Perhaps it was thoughtless. But I felt some kind of sympathy for him. I’m glad that this person appeared in my life,” Svetlana said in an interview with StarHit.

There is probably not a single person today who does not know Svetlana Permyakova. A brilliant comedienne who has created colorful characters in film and on stage, and a successful TV presenter. 45-year-old Svetlana Permyakova is the true embodiment of love of life and optimism. And despite the fact that fate was not always favorable to her, Permyakova thanks her.

Looking at Lyubochka from “Interns”, the audience is dying of laughter. But real life actresses are full of drama. She lost her entire family - her parents and three brothers - and looked for love on the Internet. She married a man who suffered from alcoholism and was also HIV-infected, with the desire to have a child with him, but for the first time she became a mother only at the age of forty.

The first tragedy in the family of Svetlana Permyakova occurred even before her birth. Her parents' third son, two-year-old Andrei, died from electric shock. Some time after the funeral, Svetlana’s mother, Valentina Iosifovna, became pregnant, but was unable to give birth more woman did not want.

“Mom went for an abortion, but dad caught her at the bus stop and said: give birth,” says Svetlana Permyakova.

On February 17, 1972, a girl was born into the family, who would be destined to outlive all her loved ones. When Svetlana was 15 years old, her brother Vasily, who was only 25 at that time, died. The third brother, Sergei, died in 2010, just short of his 50th birthday. “It was a very hot summer in Perm, Sergei drank some bad alcohol and died. It was my mother’s first-born, and after he left, she began to fade before our eyes,” recalls the actress. In November 2011, Valentina Iosifovna passed away. Svetlana's dad, Yuri Vasilyevich, survived his wife by only four years.

“I once talked to my mother in the kitchen, asked her if she was afraid of death, she answered: no, I know who will meet me there. She really missed her boys, her sons,” says Svetlana Permyakova.

As the actress admits, she learned to be philosophical about being left completely alone, without family support.

“I often told my parents that I loved them. I wanted to saturate them with my love. I told my mother in her grave that I was pregnant. I hope she heard me,” the actress continues.

Svetlana Permyakova never hid the fact that the pregnancy, which resulted in the birth of her daughter Varya in 2012, was not her first. When I was young, I had two abortions with an interval of two years. Like many of her colleagues, the actress abandoned the joy of motherhood for the sake of her career.

As she approached 30, she began to desire to have a child. But by that time the man he loved was not nearby. Svetlana Permyakova tried to find the only one using the Internet. After some time, she married Evgeniy Bodrov, who turned out to be HIV-positive, a big drinker and also a man gay. After a month of living in constant scandals and lies, Svetlana Permyakova, who sincerely wanted to have a child with Evgeniy, divorced him. The actress explains her marriage with this man by the fear of loneliness. Svetlana Premyakova's HIV-positive husband tried to kill her

“At that time, I really wanted to change something in my life. The desire to find a loved one, to become needed by someone was so strong that heaven sent me such a person,” says Permyakova.

In 2014, former and only husband Svetlana Permyakova Evgeniy Bodrov died of AIDS.

The actress still has a lot to thank this man for. It was Bodrov who introduced Svetlana Permyakova to the future father of her daughter, Maxim Scriabin. The young people were friends. Permyakova does not hide the fact that she fell in love with a young man who was 17 years younger than her.

“This year we have known each other for 10 years, thanks to Maxim I divorced my husband with happy eyes. I'm still happy. Stop feeling sorry for me,” says Svetlana Permyakova.

And today she thanks Maxim for the most valuable gift he gave her - for her daughter Varya.

Already this Saturday, July 1, TV viewers will learn in detail scary story Permyakova's marriage. Several years ago, she threw in her lot with the art director of one of the Moscow clubs, Evgeniy Bodrov.


The wedding of Svetlana and her chosen one took place on September 4, 2008. However, the next month the newlyweds divorced. In Kudryavtseva’s program, according to the announcement, Permyakova revealed the secret of her short marriage.

“Heaven sent me an alcoholic, a schizophrenic, a drug addict, HIV-positive,” Svetlana said with bitterness in her voice, and Lera, hearing these words, grabbed her head.

Permyakova confirmed the presenter’s worst fears, saying that she did not use protection because she wanted to get pregnant. The actress filed for divorce a month after the wedding. "It was a mistake!" – the “Interns” star sprinkles ashes on his head.

Posted by KUDRYAVTSEVA LERA (@leratv) Jun 28 2017 at 7:39 PDT

The ex-husband tried to take revenge on the actress, for example, he threatened her with a knife. Whether Svetlana has forgiven her husband will become known when the show airs. In the meantime, in the announcement she only said: “They don’t speak badly about the dead.”

Shocked Internet users did not remain indifferent after such an incriminating announcement. “I have a legal question: does Svetlana Permyakova know that she cannot disclose other people’s information about health? Especially about HIV!” – asked one of Lera’s subscribers. “So he died”, “So he seems to have died...” - other commentators answered her. “It was possible to cut up the questions and answers in this way for the sake of sensation... but she gave birth a long time ago from someone else,” another speaker warned against premature conclusions.

Many people were interested in information about terrible disease. “So she has HIV?”, “I’m also thinking, isn’t there a 100% chance she now has HIV?” – people became worried about Permyakova’s health and began to wonder what the chances were of not getting infected in such situations. “The million-dollar secret will probably be about her HIV status,” one commentator suggested.

There were also words of sympathy: “Such a good woman, well, why is she so unlucky with men... damn, that’s life!”, “Cool woman, but somehow her personal life is not smooth, she attracts non-men😔😔😔” .

Let us remind you that after bad marriage Permyakova found happiness with Maxim Scriabin. She initially hired him as an assistant and later he became the actress's director. Business relationship gradually grew into family ones. On July 21, 2012, their daughter Varvara was born.

Famous Russian actress Svetlana Permyakova admitted in the Ukrainian program “Battle of Psychics” that she ex-husband Not only was the gigolo deceiving her, but he was also HIV-positive. At first, this diagnosis did not stop Permyakova, since she really wanted children, but it soon turned out that her ex-husband was “not capable of childbearing,” as she herself admitted. This was the last straw for the divorce, writes “Observer”

The actress, known for her wonderful sense of humor, has a tragic fate - for many years she has been unlucky in her personal life. The actress specially flew to Kyiv to star in a Ukrainian television program and check out psychics, and perhaps look into the future. Being a skeptic, Svetlana was sure that they would not be able to find out anything from her past and all the skeletons would still remain in the closet.

She brought her eight-month-old daughter Varvara and her father, Maxim, to the shooting, who also took part in the program and talked about their relationship with the actress.

It seems to me that it will not be easy for psychics because they came across a person with a very great energy the person is very strong and if Sveta wants to hide something, she will hide it and they won’t feel it,” commented the father of Permyakova’s daughter, Maxim Scriabin.

Psychics had to guess in what images Svetlana Permyakova entertained visitors shopping center, before the project participants appeared in the hall, but the most important thing is to talk about the facts of her biography.

Probably, at that moment it seemed to me that I loved him and even such a diagnosis did not stop me. The reason for the divorce was also that he deceived me in terms of children - he is not capable of child production,” the comedienne admitted on camera, never ceasing to be amazed at the details told. “I’m just interested, I’m trying to analyze how the psychic came up with some of these.. .my secrets of the depths that I didn’t tell anyone... I don’t raise this topic, this topic of the personal life of my marriage and the like. I just don't talk about it.

Another psychic, not knowing who the star of the program was, accurately determined that everyone ex-lovers actresses cheated on her, and men did not perceive her as a woman, they saw her only as a friend. And someone even managed to say with accuracy that Svetlana is the only child of her parents who survived; her three brothers died.

The project participants also reported that the comedian’s long-awaited child is exact copy her friend Maxim, with whom she is connected by friendship and work, and now also common child. As it turned out, the young guy did not understand until recently that he would become a father.

When I went to the maternity hospital, I cried. I have such a spiritual connection with my grandmother, but my grandmother has already passed on to the next world, but inside myself and in my thoughts, when I was driving, I turned on her favorite song by Igor Krutoy and cried so heartily. I say, grandma, and now your great-granddaughter, my daughter, will appear, this is so cool, this is so cool,” recalls Maxim, the father of Permyakova’s daughter.

Also in the program, the star of the series “Interns” admitted why their popular duet with Zhanna Kadnika, with whom they performed together for seven years and with whom they became known throughout the CIS, broke up. The star confirmed what clairvoyants said that her partner harbored a grudge against Permyakova and did not communicate with her for more than three years.
