Does Yulia Vysotskaya have a third child? Julia Vysotskaya published new family photos with her grown-up son

After the ceremony of presenting the national cinema award "Nika-2013" Russian light started talking about the fact that Yulia Vysotskaya is going to give birth to her husband, director Andrei Konchalovsky, an eighth child.

On past ceremony Yulia came to the Nika film awards in a shapeless cardigan - apparently intentionally to hide her baby bump. However, she failed to do this - the very next day socialites they started talking about Vysotskaya being pregnant.

Let us remind you that the pregnant woman is 39 years old. By the way, Andrei Konchalovsky is 75. They are already raising seven children. True, only some of them were born in marriage. The eighth child in the family will become the third common child Yulia and Andrey.

Yulia Vysotskaya at 40 years old. Photo without makeup | My child

The charming actress, TV presenter, cook Yulia Vysotskaya should know the secret of eternal youth! How else can you explain that in her photo without makeup at 40 years old there is a glow natural beauty and youth despite these dozens of years of living and all the delicacies that she prepares for the whole family. Of course, we should not forget that Yulia Vysokaya is also a mother of two children. For some women's appearance, pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period become a turning point. But not for Julia.

In order not to be afraid to appear in your natural beauty at 40 years old, you should follow the advice of Yulia Vysotskaya:

1. Use decorative cosmetics only in extreme cases (public events, holidays). The actress believes that her skin ages noticeably. And that’s why in everyday life he chooses naturalness.

2. Healthy sleep daily, which would last at least 7 hours.

3. Watch your diet. For example, fast food should only be homemade and only healthy.

4. Don't force your body with food. For example, Julia starts eating no earlier than noon.

5. Learn to live in harmony and ease.

Recently, Yulia Vysotskaya was also the heroine of the news - everyone was discussing Yulia Vysotskaya’s pregnancy. To which the actress was indignant and called the penetration into her personal life incorrect. By the way, according to Internet sources, she would prefer it if they wrote “Vysotskaya has recovered.” Pregnancy for Russian celebrity– this is too intimate for public discussion.

Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child

Beautiful Yulia Vysotskaya, it looks like she is really pregnant. Today Andrei Konchalovsky already has 7 children from different women V different marriages– two of them are from Yulia Vysotskaya. The most popular question is “Did Yulia Vysotskaya give birth to a third child?” 2014. Information constantly appears in the media proving that the actress was still in a “situation.” At the Kinotavr festival, the director met a young actress from Minsk, Yulia Vysotskaya.

Even at the Nika ceremony, which took place in the previous year in 2013, Yulia appeared with a rounded, clearly noticeable belly, but she tried to hide it from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. Julia's figure has always been enviably slim, and the girl always tried to emphasize her impeccable forms, however, recent months she began to wear complexly cut outfits that hid volumes. For a star, the birth of a child is the greatest happiness one can experience.

I would like to note that Julia was born in 1973, on August 16th. Andrey began to often invite Yulia to his theatrical performances and television projects. So it is not surprising that after spending many years away from this home in America and Europe, Andrei Sergeevich and his wife Yulia returned to the “family nest”.

Vysotskaya, Yulia Alexandrovna

My husband loves old furniture, but it’s just important for me that it’s cozy and nice,” explains Vysotskaya. Yulia Vysotskaya jokes that when they bought all this, they realized: there would be nowhere to put it.

Family of film actress Yulia Vysotskaya:

Dear Andron and Yulia! We offer you our help in improving Maria’s health. If you are interested in our offer, please contact us. Mobile phone: 0984493949. I follow with interest the activities of Yulia and Andrei Sergeevich! Julia’s programs are undoubtedly very interesting for people interested in cooking, but as for everything else... She was just very lucky with her marriage.

Julia Vysotskaya: “I don’t know a better method than love”

Julia, you are simply gorgeous, modern woman, a good housewife and cook. Here some people write that Yulia got married for convenience, that Andrei is an old man... How disgusting and disgusting it is to write like that. I’ve been watching Yulia’s program for many years, now with my daughter, and we really like it. A beautiful woman, a cook, but her husband is old and I doubt her such cloudless happiness... without him, she would never have achieved what she has now, where she goes, she showed her children the whole world.

The life path and family of popular TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya.

After the uproar on the Internet, Julia gave her comment. By his own admission, his meeting with Yulia Vysotskaya changed his attitude towards many things - marriage, family, and taught him to value the happiness of marriage. Each of the children has their own hobby: Masha plays tennis and music, Petya practices judo and drawing.

Children and dogs (photos, videos)

When walking, the actress was not always in complete control of the situation; in addition, on the evening of the Nika film awards, Konchalovsky and his wife looked very happy and smiled openly all the time. In 1992, when Vysotskaya was still studying at Belarusian Academy, her debut in big cinema took place, she performed main role in the film “To Go and Never Return” (psychological drama).

But among hundreds of others, one place is especially dear to the director - a house on Nikolina Gora, half an hour’s drive from Moscow, where the Mikhalkov family has lived since 1951. It’s important to me that I live on Nikolina Gora, on this land,” says Andrei Konchalovsky. After all, our family settled here more than 50 years ago, my brother and I had our own house, and our parents had theirs next door. My youth passed here and so many vivid memories are associated with this place.

When the director returned to Russia in the early 90s, he built a third floor over the two floors, where his office is now located. But Andrei Sergeevich convinced me, saying that it was unreasonable. Andrei Konchalovsky was entirely responsible for the filling of the house - what the exterior and interior decoration would be like. Much was brought here from the former places where the Konchalovsky couple lived. However, there is still a lot of stuff from this country in the Konchalovskys’ house: vases, screens, figurines.

I liked the house, all the best! Health to you all and long life. Famous good example should be for the people. Thousands of you cannot do even 10% of what this pretty, smart and lovely woman can do!!! Hello everyone, I’ve read a lot here, both good and not so good, but I’ll still add something from myself. Women do not judge and will not be judged.

Stars and celebrities who died in 2015

I think so, some themselves broke into your house out of curiosity, and still have the audacity to condemn anything, and even more so to interfere in family life. Envy is an evil feeling. Hello. I looked at the photo of Yulia and Andrey’s house - it’s just gorgeous. For many years I have been living with the dream of settling somewhere in good location in such a fabulous way, unusual house. But unfortunately, this is impossible to do with a husband like mine. So, dear, evil people, be angry with Yulia and Andrey in silence, because you write all sorts of nonsense out of malicious envy and because you yourself cannot do anything good in this life.

After this, Vysotskaya played in many famous films, and in 2003, the culinary program “Eating at Home!” was released on NTV, in which Yulia became a permanent presenter. He returned here with Yulia from Los Angeles in 2000, where the children grew up and went to school at the French embassy in Moscow.

Yulia Vysotskaya is pregnant with her third child, photo

Who said that age is a hindrance to happiness? Here is 75-year-old director Andron Konchalovsky and his talented wife, 39-year-old Yulia Vysotskaya, TV presenter of a culinary show and wonderful actress, he doesn't touch it at all. The couple is expecting another addition to their already large family.

They learned that Vysotskaya was pregnant with her third child at the Nika 2013 awards ceremony, where Julia, accompanied by her husband, appeared in loose clothes with a rounded belly. Since the TV star was never overweight and her figure was considered by many to be the standard of harmony, it was not difficult to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Moreover, both spouses in the photo looked, although somewhat tired of excessive attention, but very happy.

In the family of Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya, two children have already grown up: daughter Masha, who is already 14, and ten-year-old son Peter. And for the filmmaker this will be the eighth baby.

When will this event happen if no official confirmation has been received? Probably at the end of this year, 2013, but it’s impossible to say for sure. Indeed, despite her popularity, the famous “cooking lady” is very reluctant to talk about her personal life...

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Will Yulia Vysotskaya, Katie Topuria and Anfisa Chekhova become mothers?

January 30 "14 13:25 Comments: 1Russian show business was covered by another wave of baby boom. Following the twins of Diva and Galkin, the world saw the firstborn of actress Kristina Asmus and showman Garik Kharlamov. The information space is already boiling with news about additions to other star families. Incredible the truth about the stars (STB) found out where the truth is and where another fiction of journalists. Anfisa Chekhova with her

The press began actively writing about the pregnancy of A-Studio lead singer Katie Topuria at the end of last summer. At that time, the 27-year-old singer was just getting ready to marry Lev Geykhman, who was 12 years older than her. It was then that photographs appeared online in which Katie posing with a noticeably rounded tummy.

However, the intrigue did not last long: a few days later the singer assured the press that she had become the victim of an unsuccessfully tailored dress. “The fact that I’m pregnant is not true. Unfortunately. Well, we’re not in a hurry yet, but why not,” said Katie.

Read also: Anfisa Chekhova went to a clinic in Karelia to lose weight

Already a second pregnancy is attributed and Russian TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova. The press's interest in the star's figure was fueled by a fresh series of photographs of Anfisa in outerwear.

I just put on weight, apparently I ate well New Year", - she exclusively commented on the Incredible Truth about Stars (STB) program about rumors about her interesting position as Chekhov.

Meanwhile, journalists do not stop talking about the pregnancy of actress Yulia Vysotskaya. The press began actively writing about the fact that the famous TV presenter was going to give her 76-year-old husband Andrei Konchalovsky an eighth child back in the spring of last year. Then star couple came to the award ceremony Nika-2013.

Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrey

It was that evening that the paparazzi noticed the slightly rounded belly of the always slender actress. If you believe the media, then now Vysotskaya is almost in her last month before giving birth. For the last four months, Julia and her husband have been constantly with their daughter in a hospital in France, where the girl was injured during an accident. Therefore, no one in Russia saw the actress.

A well-known producer and friend of the Konchalovsky family, who wished to remain anonymous, confirmed Yulia’s pregnancy.

Let us remind you that Yulia Vysotskaya released cookbook and returned to her normal lifestyle after an accident involving her daughter Maria.

Watch online video programs about Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya:

When will Vysotskaya go public for the first time after tragic events in the family, watch in today's episode of the program The incredible truth about the stars at 18:20 on TV channel STB.

Maria Konchalovskaya, who was killed in an accident, will soon have a brother

Director Andrei Konchalovsky for the first time publicly commented on the tragedy that hit his family - he was 14 year old daughter, who crashed in a terrible accident in France, is in hospital in serious condition. Based on Konchalovsky’s post on the social network, we can conclude that things are not going too well for Masha. Meanwhile, the director’s wife, actress Yulia Vysotskaya, is pregnant again...

Famous Russian and Hollywood director Andrei Konchalovsky for the first time commented in public on the tragedy that occurred with his 14-year-old daughter, Maria Konchalovskaya, who received terrible injuries as a result of an accident.

Let us recall that on October 12, 2013, the director and his family were involved in a terrible accident in France. The one who suffered the most in the accident was Masha Konchalovskaya, the eldest child of Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife, actress and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya. The girl, who was not wearing a seat belt, suffered serious head injuries. Since then, Maria Konchalovskaya has not come out of her coma; her condition remains stable and serious, despite all the efforts of French doctors who are doing everything possible to put the girl on her feet.

Since the day terrible accident thousands of fans write sympathetic comments on social networks addressed to the Konchalovsky family, and the director responded on his own official page on Facebook.

Konchalovsky responded with a quote from his book “Exalting Deception,” written back in 1999.

"Human optimism is very often associated with the belief that everything is fine and will only get better in the future. It seems to me that optimism should be associated with the fact that things will never be good, but we must live in this and with this. Carry your cross. In This is optimism. You always need to find the strength to live, understanding how far the world and we in it are from perfection..." Konchalovsky wrote.

Judging by the quote, it can be assumed that things are not going too well yet...

Andrei Konchalovsky and his creative team sincerely thanked everyone who showed them support and sympathy during these difficult two months.

“Friends, on behalf of the team of the Andrei Konchalovsky Production Center, we would like to thank you for the words of sympathy that you send to the family at this difficult moment. Your support is very important,” says Andrei Konchalovsky on the official page.

Earlier it was reported that both Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife Yulia Vysotskaya suspended all their creative projects and moved to France for this time to be closer to the hospital where Masha is located.

They spend all their time at the victim’s bedside, while, according to media reports, Yulia Vysotskaya, who besides Maria has a 10-year-old son Peter, is now expecting her third child.

The family of Andrei Konchalovsky had an accident on October 12, exactly 25 years after the death of the director’s mother, writer and artist Natalya Konchalovskaya.

A rented Mercedes, driven by the 76-year-old director himself, unexpectedly flew into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a car in which an elderly French couple was traveling. Two 80-year-old Frenchmen and Maria Konchalovskaya, who was sitting next to her father and was not wearing a seat belt, were injured in the accident.

The girl, who fell into a coma at the scene of the accident, was taken by helicopter to the hospital; since then, alas, there has been no significant improvement in her condition.

Yulia Alexandrovna Vysotskaya – Russian actress theater and cinema, famous TV presenter, writer and talented chef. She tries to do everything with a smile, because she understands that this is important not only for her. She is watched by millions of television viewers, and she simply has no right to let anyone down. Everything must be at the highest level. Her cooking programs about healthy eating are especially popular.

Yulia Vysotskaya has incredible charisma and a trusting appearance. She has a lot of fans. Her smile is attractive. Many TV viewers are charged with energy and positivity when watching her programs.

Famous TV presenter versatile personality. Her biography and creative path interesting and full of vivid facts.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Vysotskaya

Yulia Vysotskaya is quite a beautiful woman, has good figure. Many women try to follow her healthy eating rules. She has a huge army of fans who want to know literally everything about their idol, including the physical parameters of the popular TV presenter, namely height, weight, age. How old is Yulia Vysotskaya is not a difficult question. It is enough to know her date of birth. So, through easy calculations, we find out that Yulia Vysotskaya was born 44 years ago. Photos from his youth are still very popular on the Internet.

At 44 years old, Yulia Vysotskaya looks simply gorgeous. She has slim figure and looks younger than his age. At one time, the popular TV presenter tried many diets and has now decided to give them up completely. Now he treats himself to all his favorite dishes, just being careful in proportions. Yulia Vysotskaya weighs 56 kilograms and is 176 centimeters tall.

According to her zodiac sign, the artist belongs to the charismatic and positive Leo, according to eastern calendar– hardworking and persistent Ox.

Biography of Yulia Vysotskaya

The biography of Yulia Vysotskaya began in the small town of Novocherkassk. The artist was born on August 16, 1973. The family life of her parents did not work out. Her father left the family very early, so Yulia Vysotskaya practically doesn’t remember him. Mother - Svetlana Vysotskaya, later married a serviceman. Eight years later, Yulia Vysotskaya had younger sister- Inna.

Because of his stepfather's profession, the family moved often. Yulia Vysotskaya changed seven schools. As a result, in 1990 she received a certificate of secondary education from one of the schools in Baku. She also attended a music school for two years in Tbilisi.

Since childhood, Yulia Vysotskaya dreamed of the theater stage. But after graduating from school, I was afraid to enter universities in the capital. First I decided to try my hand at Minsk. So, in 1995 she graduated from the acting department of the Belarusian State Academy arts

Soon Yulia Vysotskaya began playing in the Belarusian National academic theater named after Yanka Kupala. Her career in the theater was quite successful, she won the respect of many colleagues.

Filmography: films starring Yulia Vysotskaya

The filmography of Yulia Vysotskaya began in her student years. So, for the first time she starred in a psychological drama called “Pass and Never Return.” It should be noted that the first films did not bring her much popularity. Fame came to her in 2002, when the actress starred in Andrei Konchalovsky’s film “House of Fools.” Yulia Vysotskaya then prepared carefully for her role at the festival “Vivat, Cinema of Russia!” she received an award in the category “Best Actress”.

The actress also starred in such films as “Three Sisters”, “The Seagull”, “Max”, “A Soldier’s Decameron”, “Paradise” and others.

Yulia Vysotskaya tried herself as a TV presenter for the first time in 1992. Until 1995, she hosted the program on Belarusian television “Bezdelnik”.

In 2003, the culinary television show “Eating at Home” was launched on the NTV channel. The presenter was Yulia Vysotskaya. She taught TV viewers how to cook proper and healthy food. In 2009, a program called “Breakfast with Yulia Vysotskaya” was added.

In parallel with her acting work and cooking shows, Yulia Vysotskaya published several books about food and healthy eating, one of them “Cooking for Children.” The popular TV presenter also has her own Moscow restaurant “Ernik” and a culinary studio called “Julia Vysotskaya”.

Now Yulia Vysotskaya continues her active public life. The actress, TV presenter and book author loves her work. She tries to bring a charge of positive energy to all her fans.

Personal life of Yulia Vysotskaya

The personal life of Yulia Vysokaya is quite successful. She was married twice.

Note that the first marriage of the famous TV presenter was fictitious. IN student years In order to complete her studies, she married a native Minsk resident, Anatoly Kot (Yulia Vysotskaya did not have citizenship of the Republic of Belarus). After the divorce, Yulia Vysotskaya and Anatoly Kot remained in friendly relations. The TV presenter still remembers her first, albeit fictitious, husband with gratitude and warmth.

Later she married Andrei Konchalovsky and joined the “Mikhalkov clan”. The couple created a strong and friendly family.

Family of Yulia Vysotskaya

The family of Yulia Vysotskaya is main part her life. She will always come first.

Today, the family of the famous and popular TV presenter consists of herself, her husband Andrei Konchalovsky and two children. Despite her busy schedule, Yulia Vysotskaya tries to devote as much time as possible to her family. They often have family gatherings around the table, talking about their day. As she herself states, success in a career is very important, but sharing this success with your family is more important.

Children of Yulia Vysotskaya

The children of Yulia Vysotskaya are her asset. She has two children - eldest daughter Mary and son Peter. Both were born in the marriage of the TV presenter with Andrei Konchalovsky.

Yulia Vysotskaya considers herself a happy mother. After work she rushes home. All yours free time The TV presenter tries to devote time to her family. They will pay a lot of attention to raising their daughter Mary and son Peter so that they grow up good people, were purposeful and hardworking. Yulia Vysotskaya considers these qualities most suitable for modern adult life.

Son of Yulia Vysotskaya - Peter

The son of Yulia Vysotskaya - Peter, youngest child in the family of a famous TV presenter. The boy was born in 2003. By this time, the family had already returned to Moscow from Los Angeles, where they lived for some time. Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky realized that they could no longer be in a foreign country and returned to their homeland.

Now Peter is already a fifteen-year-old teenager. He does quite well at school. It is too early to talk about the boy's future. And Peter himself doesn’t think about it yet. Perhaps he will follow in the footsteps of his star parents.

Daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya - Maria

The daughter of Yulia Vysotskaya is Maria, the first child in the TV presenter’s family. The girl was born in 1999. Now she is already an adult and, most importantly, a healthy girl.

In October 2013, an accident occurred on a French highway involving Andrei Konchalovsky. In this accident, Julia Vysotskaya’s daughter Maria was seriously injured. The girl forgot to buckle up.

Maria for a long time was in an induced coma, into which doctors put her after brain surgery. Maria's parents always believed and hoped for the best. And in 2016, a long-awaited improvement occurred.

Former husband of Yulia Vysotskaya - Anatoly Kot

The ex-husband of Yulia Vysotskaya, Anatoly Kot, an honored theater and film actor, became the first husband of the famous TV presenter. The marriage was fictitious and the young people did not hide it.

They met back in their student years. It was then that Yulia Vysotskaya studied in Minsk, but since she did not have Belarusian citizenship, she could lose her job and not complete her studies. Anatoly Kot decided to help her. The young people did not pretend to anything. Everyone had their own path in the future. After the divorce, Yulia Vysotskaya and Anatoly Kot maintained friendly relations.

Yulia Vysotskaya's husband - Andrei Konchalovsky

Yulia Vysotskaya’s husband, Andrei Konchalovsky, a famous director, became the second husband of the TV presenter. The young people met in 1996 in Sochi at the Kinotavr festival. They began a whirlwind romance. A little later, Andrei Konchalovsky invited the TV presenter to London, where he was busy filming a film, and Yulia Vysotskaya studied at the London School of Music and Art. Upon returning home in 1998, they got married.

The family of Andrei Konchalovsky received Yulia Vysotskaya with warmth. The age difference of 36 years did not bother anyone. The couple loves each other dearly. The family had two children - daughter Maria and son Peter.

Andrei Konchalovsky also makes films with the participation of Yulia Vysotskaya, helping her to reveal her creative potential.

Recently, information appeared on the Internet that film and theater actress, TV presenter and excellent cook Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to another baby. They call her the child's father legal spouse Andrei Konchalovsky, for whom this baby will be the eighth.

At the same time, Yulia will become a mother for the third time, by the way, having received the status of having many children. However, all this will become real only if Vysotskaya was really pregnant and gave birth to a baby.

The fact is that no one has yet been able to show photographs or videos of little Konchalovsky, although Vysotskaya too rarely posts such materials for the viewing of millions of fans.

So, photographs of the children of Yulia Vysotskaya and Andrei Konchalovsky are found on the Internet quite rarely, since the spouses believe that their personal lives and the development of their children should not be widely available.

We hasten to remind you that screenwriter, director, public and political activist Andrei Konchalovsky was married five times, and to completely different women.

From these marriages he had seven children, and daughter Dasha was born in 1980 from Irina Brazgovka, she was illegitimate child. But in two years of marriage with his first wife, Irina Kandat, there were no children.

At the same time, Konchalovsky became the father of Yegor, who was born from the ballerina Natalya Arinbasarova, Alexandra - from the orientalist from France Vivian Godet, Natasha and Lena - from the Russian television announcer Irina Martynova.

TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya was much younger than her husband; she managed to give her Andrey two children. Yulia's first-born daughter Maria, who was born in 1999, and four years later the family was replenished with a son, Petya. Photographs of the children of Vysotskaya and Konchalovsky, although not too often, ended up on the Internet and magazines.

It will be possible to see both children in episodes of the home cooking program “Eating at Home!”, where the children grow with each new episode. Even then it was clear that the son was incredibly similar to his mother, and the daughter resembled her father both in appearance and in character.

Last news

Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child, latest news photos and videos - this news spread throughout the Internet, but it was considered an ordinary myth. The fact is that in 2013 her daughter Masha ended up in car accident, she fell into a coma, from which she still cannot get out.

At the same moment, fans and colleagues of the couple began to notice that the TV presenter began to see a rounded tummy, which even spacious clothes could not save. This was proven by photographs taken by journalists and photographers when presenting the Nika Prize.

After some time, Vysotskaya returned to her previous shape, she again began to wear tight-fitting outfits, and not a trace remained of her fullness. The fact is that fans connected this with the fact that she gave birth to a child secretly, but carefully hides her third offspring from journalists. Yes, so skillfully that no one could find out the weight, age, gender and name of the desired son or daughter.

Evidence that the baby was born between 2013 and 2015 was never presented, although Vysotskaya said that when the health of her daughter Mashenka improves, the couple may think about a third child, but it’s not time yet.

Although many notorious cynics managed to start a rumor that Yulia Vysotskaya decided to get pregnant only because her daughter was in critical condition and she didn't have long to live anyway. This message caused a storm of indignation from her true fans.

Director Andrei Konchalovsky for the first time publicly commented on the tragedy that his family had experienced - his 14-year-old daughter, who was killed in a terrible accident in France, is in hospital in serious condition. Based on Konchalovsky’s post on the social network, we can conclude that things are not going too well for Masha. Meanwhile, the director’s wife, actress Yulia Vysotskaya, is pregnant again...

Famous Russian and Hollywood director Andrei Konchalovsky for the first time commented in public on the tragedy that occurred with his 14-year-old daughter, Maria Konchalovskaya, who received terrible injuries as a result of an accident.

Let us remind you that on October 12, 2013, the director and his family were involved in a terrible accident in France. Masha Konchalovskaya, the eldest child of Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife, actress and TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya, suffered the most in the accident. The girl, who was not wearing a seat belt, suffered serious head injuries. Since then, Maria Konchalovskaya has not come out of her coma; her condition remains stable and serious, despite all the efforts of French doctors who are doing everything possible to put the girl on her feet.

Since the very day of the terrible accident, thousands of fans have been writing sympathetic comments on social networks addressed to the Konchalovsky family, and the director responded on his official Facebook page.

Konchalovsky responded with a quote from his book “The Sublime Deception,” written back in 1999.

"Human optimism is very often associated with the belief that everything is fine and will only get better in the future. It seems to me that optimism should be associated with the fact that things will never be good, but we must live in this and with this. Carry your cross. In This is optimism. You always need to find the strength to live, understanding how far the world and we in it are from perfection..." Konchalovsky wrote.

Judging by the quote, it can be assumed that things are not going too well yet...

Andrei Konchalovsky and his creative team sincerely thanked everyone who showed them support and sympathy during these difficult two months.

“Friends, on behalf of the team of the Andrei Konchalovsky Production Center, we would like to thank you for the words of sympathy that you send to the family at this difficult moment. Your support is very important,” says Andrei Konchalovsky on the official page.

Earlier it was reported that both Andrei Konchalovsky and his wife Yulia Vysotskaya suspended all their creative projects and moved to France for this time to be closer to the hospital where Masha is located.

They spend all their time at the victim’s bedside, while, according to media reports, Yulia Vysotskaya, who besides Maria has a 10-year-old son Peter, is now expecting her third child.

The family of Andrei Konchalovsky had an accident on October 12, exactly 25 years after the death of the director’s mother, writer and artist Natalya Konchalovskaya.

A rented Mercedes, driven by the 76-year-old director himself, unexpectedly flew into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with a car in which an elderly French couple was traveling. Two 80-year-old Frenchmen and Maria Konchalovskaya, who was sitting next to her father and was not wearing a seat belt, were injured in the accident.

The girl, who fell into a coma at the scene of the accident, was taken by helicopter to the hospital; since then, alas, there has been no significant improvement in her condition.

Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child. Last news about the life of this popular TV presenter and actress, indicate that a seventh child was born in the family of Konchalovsky and Vysotskaya in March of this year. Even at the Nika ceremony, which took place in the previous year in 2013, Yulia appeared with a rounded, clearly noticeable belly, but she tried to hide it from the prying eyes of the paparazzi. It was from that moment that rumors began to circulate about another pregnancy of the TV presenter.

Most popular question “Did Yulia Vysotskaya give birth to a third child?” 2014. Information constantly appears in the media proving that the actress was still in a “situation.” Julia's figure has always been enviably slim, and the girl has always tried to emphasize her impeccable shape, however, in recent months she has begun to wear complexly cut outfits that hide her volume. Therefore, the all-seeing paparazzi noticed the star’s belly showing, as well as some others external changes, which are typical for women during pregnancy. When walking, the actress was not always in complete control of the situation; in addition, on the evening of the Nika film awards, Konchalovsky and his wife looked very happy and smiled openly all the time.

Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child in 2014. When did the seventh child appear in the family?

Today there are no more questions about did Yulia Vysotskaya give birth?. The next addition to the Konchalovsky family occurred in the spring of this year. However, it still remains a mystery Who did Yulia Vysotskaya give birth to in 2014?. Happy parents prefer to keep all their secrets secret. family life, and do not place them on public display. It is only known that this child became the seventh in the family. Julia and Andrey have two children together - Peter and Maria. The couple have been married for fifteen years. In infrequent interviews, Vysotskaya notes that she changes a lot with the birth of each child; her former adventurism gradually fades away, as responsibility appears not only for herself, but also for the babies.

The TV actress admitted that throughout her pregnancy she was euphoric and felt absolutely happy, which is probably why in 2014, Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to 3 children. As the star herself says, she is not at all susceptible to such a phenomenon as depression after childbirth. For the first two children that Yulia had, Andrei Konchalovsky himself cut the umbilical cord, after which he gave the newborn into loving maternal hands. And every time Vysotskaya knew that she would give birth to her wife another baby. For a star, the birth of a child is the greatest happiness one can experience. This cannot even be compared with the moment when the strict director Konchalovsky praises you for your performance on stage.

The life path and family of popular TV presenter Yulia Vysotskaya.

There is no longer any doubt that Yulia Vysotskaya gave birth to her third child. We can only hope that soon the happy couple will report this event to the public, and information will appear in the media about who exactly has joined the loving Konchalovsky family. I would like to note that Julia was born in 1973, on August 16th. The girl's parents separated when she was still very young. With her mother and stepfather, who was a military man, the future TV star often changed her place of residence, and throughout her time she changed seven schools. High school Yulia graduated from Baku. After receiving secondary education, the girl entered the Belarusian Academy of Arts at acting department, which she graduated in 1995. Then, three years later, in 1998, Julia graduated from the academy in London.

In 1992, when Vysotskaya was still studying at the Belarusian Academy, her debut in big cinema took place, she played the main role in the film “To Go and Never Return” (a psychological drama). The year 1996 can be considered decisive in the girl’s life; it was then that she met director A. Konchalovsky. It happened at the Kinotavr film festival. Andrey began to often invite Yulia to his theatrical productions and television projects. After this, Vysotskaya played in many famous films, and in 2003, the culinary program “Eating at Home!” was released on NTV, in which Yulia became a permanent presenter.

Family of film actress Yulia Vysotskaya:

  1. The TV star’s first husband is Anatoly Leonidovich Kot;
  2. 1998 - the actress marries the famous film director Konchalovsky;
  3. Julia's first daughter, Maria, was born in 1999;
  4. 2003 - the second child was born - son Peter.

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