Every day before the new year. Cut out paper snowflakes. Knock down a row of icicles with your hand

New Year and Christmas will be knocking on our doors very soon. Do you want to meet these miracles prepared, but completely stress-free, and get only pleasure from this process? This anti-stress holiday calendar, or rather, a plan for preparing for the New Year, is what you need.

Preparing for the holidays doesn't always bring joy. After all, in addition to preparing gifts for family and friends, as well as creating New Year's interior, it includes a lot of other household chores, including preparation festive dinner. But we will act without haste and fuss.

New Year's preparation plan for each week of December

First week of December

Let's enter this river smoothly, without haste. Think now about how, where and with whom you want to celebrate the holidays. This will immediately draw a line for you in many organizational issues. Talk to your friends, dream, treat yourself to a pleasant movie, perhaps everyone’s favorite “Groundhog Day” will suit you.

Second week of December

It's time to structure your dreams. This week you already know where and with whom you will celebrate the Year of the Dog. If it’s not at home, book a table in a cafe or a whole room for big company. Believe me, it may take a couple of days to agree on the menu, program and budget. Make a sketch of those relatives, friends and relatives whom you would like to please with a New Year and Christmas gift. Yes, yes, write this list. He will help you understand the full scale of the “catastrophe” and, with pleasure and joy, begin an enjoyable activity for all women - shopping.

Third week of December

She expects the most decisive actions from you:

  • Do your basic shopping. If you want to order something from an online store, do it now. Allow yourself to walk around shopping centers not in the pre-holiday crowd, but with anticipation of a wonderful start to the “New Year”. Buy cards, and if you decide to celebrate at home, buy everything you need. Don't forget to buy everything you need for your child's costume, let him be happy at his holiday party. Think about what you will pack yours in, what ribbons you will tie them with and what bags you will put them in. If you have an idea, then feel free to start shopping.
  • Make an appointment now with a hairdresser, cosmetologist, manicure and all other procedures that are in New Year's Eve will highlight your beauty.
  • Do not deny yourself the pleasure of thinking about your own. Go to a couple of stores, try them on, and better buy yourself a new dress now.
  • If you decide to go on a trip to New Year holidays, think over your wardrobe. If you are going skiing, check all your equipment. Don't put anything off for a long time.
  • Think over the menu for your holiday dinner. How will you delight your guests?

Fourth week of December

The time has come to start implementing everything planned:

  • Shop for the groceries you'll need for festive table. Why do you need to stand in long lines 31?
  • Be sure to check your gift list. Have you forgotten anyone? Have all the gifts been purchased? If not, finish what you started. There is another reason why it is best to finish buying gifts in November. This reason is budget. In December, you will certainly have a variety of expenses, some unexpected. To continue to be in anti-stress mode, think about your expenses one step ahead, because this is the main key to your success.
  • Sign postcards, prepare congratulatory e-mails, sms. This will make the pre-holiday days of December much easier for you. It is best to make a list for such congratulations and mark how you want to send congratulations. If you decide to please those who live far away with a postcard, don’t be lazy to sign the envelope and plan a trip to the post office back in November.

New Year advent calendar

A good idea for loving mothers is to make a New Year’s advent calendar for your son or daughter (a wonderful December pre-holiday calendar that came to us from Europe). You can do this in the last week of November, so that your child begins to look forward to the holiday from the very first day of December. This way your child will have the opportunity to joyfully bring a miracle closer every day.

It can look whatever your imagination desires. The point is that every sock, every envelope, every cup or teddy bear contains some kind of cute and pleasant task and reward for the little performer. 1 day – one task, one gift. For example, make a New Year symbol from plasticine; cut out snowflakes and decorate the room with them; draw Greeting Cards relatives; play snowballs with parents; bake sweets, etc. with the whole family.

Gifts and incentives can be small things or things that will help the child complete his task (paints, a new cartoon, cookie spices, colored paper, markers, etc.).

It is better to put tasks and a gift on the calendar every new day, because children are so curious. Don't forget that many tasks can help you prepare for the holiday. You can make decorations at home with your child. This will save your energy and bring joy from time spent with benefit and interest.

If you don’t have children yet, you can make such a calendar for a loved one. The list of pleasant desires for you can be so huge that it’s hard to even imagine. Remember all the pleasures that you were waiting for, but your hints were not read. Let yourself be a princess and accept all your unfulfilled dreams of the past year. If this calendar is for your beloved husband, the implementation of Advent may become your second honeymoon. It all depends on your desires.

IN last days December, all that will fall on your fragile shoulders is a trip to the salons you signed up for (see plan for the third week), buying and decorating a Christmas tree, as well as meeting with friends and exchanging gifts. And, of course, a trip to corporate party and on New Year's party your child. And New Year's Eve general cleaning can be shared with your loved one. And don’t forget to put joy and happiness for your loved ones under the most beautiful Christmas tree.

The last month of the year simply obliges us to accomplish a feat: to create and maintain a pre-holiday mood, while being up to our ears in a huge number of extremely important matters.

In fact, everything is not so difficult if it goes according to a clear plan. We have compiled this for you, and now the routine of each day of December can be diluted with one item from our list - there are exactly 31 of them.

She came! Whatever the weather, you need to celebrate this time of year joyfully and cheerfully, tuning in to pleasant chores and future holidays. Why not go with friends to a new cafe, for example?

Some people prefer to dress up at will Chinese calendar, trying to “appease” the animal whose year is coming into effect, but someone just wants to wear something new and stunning. And it doesn’t matter what color it is... a fiery red dress.

Don't you believe it? He actually comes and brings gifts! You'll see.

It’s better to do it today, because there will definitely be a queue there, and the risk of being left without a manicure and new haircut on New Year's Eve is very big.

It’s very nice to receive sincere congratulations not in in electronic format, but in a real postal envelope.

But first... Has everyone written a letter to Santa Claus? Check each other for grammatical errors and learn a few things at the same time.

Any little thing that will lift your spirits. That fiery red dress is just right.

8. Think over carnival costumes.

Even if you are not a regular at children's parties, masks, ponytails and crowns will be relevant in the New Year.

You don’t have to save someone’s life, you can just buy a jar of green peas and sweets for your grandmother, who is wandering around the supermarket in confusion, wondering if there is enough money for the necessary products.

The choice is huge - from “Irony of Fate” and “Home Alone” to “Christmas Tree” and “New Year’s Corporate Party”.

11. Decide how, where and with whom you would like to spend New Year’s Eve.

If you didn’t book a cabin in the mountains a month ago, it’s time to book a table in a restaurant now.

Long weekend is coming. Is it necessary to watch the entire New Year's TV program? After all, there is also a skating rink, fairs, New Year's concerts and balls. You should take care of tickets in advance.

Something like “every year on December 31st, we and...” With friends or family, create a special ritual on the eve of the holiday to repeat over and over again every year.

The end of the year is the most difficult period at work. But in order to meet the coming year with dignity and without remorse, this year must be completed without “tails”.

15. Clean the house, throw away everything unnecessary.

It’s better not to adhere to the Italian New Year’s tradition of lowering sofas from the balcony - the furniture will still come in handy. But you need to get rid of unnecessary things - clothes that have been hanging in the closet idle for 2 years, parts and spare parts for something that “will be needed someday”, and other similar garbage - urgently, right today.

We'll have to remember our school labor lessons. Tits, sparrows and bullfinches will be grateful.

Since we went out into the yard to attach the feeder, why not play in the snow and make a snowman? It's fun!

You shouldn’t put receipts in a drawer and simply forget about them in a couple of days.

It is better to enter the New Year without them. Well, you know...

20. Create beautiful New Year’s crafts with the whole family.

Those cute master classes that you came across on your Facebook feed will finally come in handy. And joint creativity in the New Year style will be remembered for a long time.

21. Plan the most important things for the coming year, without which the coming 365 days may not work out.

Live fragrant or artificial fluffy - the main thing is that it is there. What is New Year without the queen of the holiday?

She lay in a box all year, you never know. Electrical appliances must be used in full working order.

Even if the past holidays passed without broken glass and cracked plastic, a few new ornaments should be hung on the new Christmas tree.

A pleasant, exciting activity that takes you back to childhood. Do this together with your loved ones.

One Christmas tree is not enough. A beautiful wreath on the door, a few pine branches - when will a home look so elegant and smell so festive than these days! Don’t forget to decorate the windows - let others see your mood.

Packaging is not the last thing. Spare no time and effort in preparing your gifts.

If you manage to book a table at a restaurant, forget about this matter. Well, if you are unlucky or have a choice to meet coming year at home - conscious, you need to carefully think through all the goodies.

The most important thing is that something that does not spoil quickly should be put in the refrigerator today, so as not to stand in a hundred-meter line tomorrow.

This is symbolic - just as a form of relaxation (just don’t say you’re not tired!). The bathhouse can be replaced with a sauna, swimming pool or massage session. It really helps relieve the stress of the difficult past month.

31. Celebrate the New Year without forgetting to make your deepest wish.

It’s worth thinking about what you really want, and doing it not at the moment when the cork flies out of the champagne bottle and hits you right in the forehead, but a little earlier. With coming! Merry and Happy New Year!

As a continuation of the previous posts, I am sending you the lists that we used to prepare for the New Year and have fun in winter! Once again I write that the lists are not mine!!! This is the work of creative mothers that I found on the Internet and from Instagram.

1 to-do list

1. Make a New Year's card

2. Write a letter to Santa Claus

4. To make a snowman

5. Make a winter sensory box

6. Bake cookies/gingerbread/ Gingerbread house

7. Freeze figures in ice

8. Play in the snow

9. Make a New Year's wreath

10. Draw on snow/ice

11. Do Christmas tree toy

12. Ride down the hill

13. Go to the skating rink

14. Decorate the windows

15. Learn a New Year's poem

16. Watch New Year's cartoon

17. Make a New Year's home performance/theater

18. Draw a winter picture

19. Make ice boats

20. Assemble the New Year's puzzle

21. Hang light garlands

22. Make ice garlands for the street

23. Make an ice lamp

24. Do a New Year's photo shoot

25. Draw snowfall

26. Make New Year's characters from plasticine

27. Make a Christmas tree from dough

28. Look for footprints in the snow

29. Wrap gifts

30. Send New Year's paper cards by mail

31. Cut out snowflakes

32. Make a “snow angel”/roll in the snowdrifts

33. Decorate the Christmas tree

34. Make a developer

35. Draw on salt

36. Make homemade snow

37. Prepare ice cream

38. Catching snowflakes and looking at them

39. Draw a Christmas tree using handprints

40. Go to the New Year's show/Christmas tree.

2 List for December

December 1 - read winter's tale(gift - a letter from Zimushka-Zima and a book)
December 2 - paint a winter picture with salt
December 3 - make a Christmas tree from any material
December 4 - write a letter to Santa Claus
December 5 - come up with a game with ice
December 6 - walk around winter forest or the park, feed the birds
December 7 - make a winter sensory box
December 8 - play snowballs (if there is no snow, then make them from cotton wool and play at home)
December 9 - collect fir branches, cones/ make a craft from them
December 10 - make a snow globe
December 11 - build a house from pillows and blankets, drink tea in it
December 12 - draw patterns on the window
December 13 - visit the museum/exhibition
December 14 - make New Year cards for relatives
December 15 - paint on the snow
December 16 - spend an evening by candlelight
December 17 - read New Year's story and draw a picture based on what you read
December 18 - blow soap bubbles on the street and watch them freeze and burst in the cold (bubbles as a gift)
December 19 - cut out snowflakes
December 20 - have a tea party with your family
December 21 - build a snowman (carrot and hat as a gift)
December 22 - learn a New Year's rhyme
December 23 - make a Christmas tree toy (blank as a gift)
December 24 - decorate the Christmas tree
December 25 - bake cookies
December 26 - listen to New Year's music
December 27 - walk around the evening city, look at its lights
December 28 - skiing, sledding or skating
December 29 - do a good deed
December 30 - write a letter to yourself in 2015 (open in a year)
December 31 - arrange a real holiday(gift from Santa Claus)

Winter marathon “Our cozy winter”

1. Write a letter to Santa Claus.

December is the time to write a letter to Santa Claus. You can do it with the whole family, or you can do it for yourself. Dream from your heart about what Santa Claus could please you with in the coming year.

2. Build a snowman. And even if you don’t see snow all winter, you can make it out of anything.

3. Send postcards. Paper cards in mailbox on New Year's Eve. This is already a holiday and a good mood!

4. Prepare some Christmas baked goods: cupcake, stollen, gingerbread, gingerbread house. Call your children to help you and create family traditions.

5. Decorate the Christmas tree and/or decorate your home.

6. Go skating/downhill/skiing or take a walk with the whole family in the winter park. How long have you been skating? Maybe it's worth a try? Well, if you don’t decide, then be sure to take part in some winter fun or take a walk in the winter park.

7. Make a postcard. Together with our kids we are preparing for the holiday.

8. Buy or make a Christmas tree toy. Let it be a reminder of the passing year.

9. Draw winter. Together with the kids, of course.

10. Make a wish. On New Year's Eve, your wish simply must come true :)

11. Have a “mom’s” day or at least an hour. Let's take time for ourselves. Let's arrange a bubble bath with candles. Or maybe a walk alone. Or something else that you’ve wanted for a long time, but never got around to it.

12. Watch a New Year's cartoon or movie as a family. Or go to the New Year's performance.

13. Become Santa Claus or do a good deed. Pack gifts beautifully, or send a package to those who need help. Please someone with your attention.

14. Do a New Year/winter photo shoot. In memory of a wonderful winter.

15. Arrange spring on your windowsill. When there is very little left until spring, you really want to speed up time. Bring spring into your home.

Have a cozy winter!
