Why do you dream about a kind white dog? Grandma's old dream book

A dog in a dream, regardless of its size, is a symbol of devotion. But when a small dog appears in night dreams, some dream books interpret such a sign differently.

Little white dog

When a small dog appears in a dream, you need to pay attention to its appearance. A small dog in night dreams is often a symbol of gossip and rumors that spread around you. Most likely, one of your ill-wishers has set himself the goal of tarnishing your reputation.

A small white dog portends a pleasant new acquaintance. Moreover, it will not be associated with the development of love relationships or even flirting. Such a dream indicates that a new friend may turn out to be a reliable friend.

Why do you dream about a little red dog?

It is very interesting to know why a small red dog dreams. Such an animal in a dream is not very auspicious sign. This is a warning that in reality the dreamer faces a hidden danger from a person whom he previously offended. A red dog indicates that the ill-wisher is harboring evil plans and is seeking revenge. Before it’s too late, you need to think about the current situation in order to understand who your enemy is in real life. It is important to make every effort to prevent conflict with someone who you have given a reason to be angry or angry with you.

Other interpretations with a red dog

In addition, in dream books the red dog is interpreted differently, namely:

    For a girl such an animal can become a symbol of meeting a person who will become a sexual partner. Moreover, the connection can be very long-term. But, unfortunately, you always need to remember that your partner’s feelings may not be sincere and this can become clear at any moment, which will cause severe pain. For a married woman such a dream can be a harbinger of infatuation with a young man who turns out to be an ordinary gigolo. You can consider this dream as advice that you should refuse temptation that could destroy your family. For men A small dog with a red color is a symbol of the deceit of business partners. There is a high probability that one of your trusted people will leak important information to competitors, which will lead to disastrous consequences.

Also, a dirty and unkempt dog of a reddish hue, seen in night dreams, indicates that one of your close people is spreading false rumors about you. This can greatly harm you, so you should definitely try to stop it, but it is better to avoid conflict.

Black dog in a dream

A black dog in a dream always symbolizes sadness. Most likely, this will be due to the problems of loved ones. Some of them will greatly upset or upset you. There is also a high probability that a loved one will offend or cause pain. You should not be very upset after you dream of a black dog, because a small black animal portends a short period of sadness and melancholy.

Another color of small dogs in a dream is interpreted as follows:

    A gray dog ​​focuses on the fact that the dreamer is absolutely indifferent to the world around him. A brown dog predicts difficulties in relationships with loved ones. A light dog in a dream characterizes the dreamer himself, it indicates that a person lives with an open soul and a clear conscience.

Interpretation of sleep based on the breed of a small dog

For the correct interpretation of sleep, it is important to pay attention to the breed of the small dog.

Dream books have the following interpretations:

    A spaniel with a reddish color means that the dreamer does not pay enough attention to his family. The Pekingese portends difficulties in a relationship with a loved one.

A purebred small dog in your arms always promises good luck and love from loved ones. Cute little dogs of an exquisite breed portend young girls an acquaintance with a dapper and frivolous admirer.

If you dreamed about purebred dogs in large quantities who are friendly, you should expect success in all endeavors in the upcoming life period. If you dream of small dogs of different breeds participating in a dog show, then this indicates that you will soon have the opportunity to participate in a public event, and perhaps even perform at it.

Kind little dog

When you dream about a kind little dog, it always good sign. It symbolizes that the dreamer in reality is surrounded by kind and good people who are always ready to provide support. It is also very good if, according to the plot of the dream, a small dog runs towards you and joyfully wags its tail. This emphasizes that the dreamer has a real friend in real life. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the color of the animal; it often matches the hair color of the person the dream indicates.

A petting small dog in a dream can be interpreted as follows:

    If an animal licks the dreamer’s hands, then this foreshadows a meeting with a person with whom a long-term love affair will arise; If a pitiful and unkempt animal is caressed, then soon in real life the dreamer will have to learn about the problems of his friends’ personal lives.

When many small dogs appear in a dream, this indicates that friends are having serious troubles in real life, but they are hiding them. There is a high probability that they are in a hopeless situation and need urgent help. But if, according to the plot of the dream, a pack of small, good-natured dogs are rushing around you, then this foreshadows a fun time with friends.

I dreamed that a small dog was sick

When you dreamed that a small dog was sick, you need to prepare for the fact that sorrows and disappointments await you in reality. A dead or wounded dog seen in a dream is also a bad omen. It may be associated with illness or death in reality loved one.

In a dream, a small dog protects you

If in a dream a dog protects you in your night dreams, then this is a very favorable sign. It means that in this period of life, luck is on your side, so you can safely take on any endeavor. In addition, after such a dream you can be sure that even if something doesn’t work out, there are always people nearby who are ready to console and support.

Angry little dog

Night dreams with an aggressive dog are warning in nature. If an evil dog tore the dreamer’s clothes in a dream, then this indicates that there is a nearby life goes on a person who is an enemy, but you consider him a friend.

The dog bites

A particularly common question is why you dream about a small dog that bites. Such a dream is an unpleasant omen and indicates that in real life you will have to seriously sort out your relationship with the person you considered your friend. You should pay attention to the following nuances:
    If there is blood at the site of the bite, then it turns out that the enemy is a blood relative; If the dog tore out a piece of skin from the dreamer with its teeth, and this caused him to experience noticeable pain, then this means that in reality the relationship that you valued very much will be severed. This loss will be very painful; If the animal only tried to attack and bite, but calmed down, then this means that in real life the dreamer will be on the verge of a quarrel with a close friend, but will come to his senses in time.

Small dogs fighting or yapping

Small dogs and puppies that fight in night dreams indicate that in real life you will have to face slander and envy of loved ones whom you previously considered your friends. A yapping dog, angry and mongrel, that runs after you according to the plot of the dream, indicates that in reality envious people have prepared a very unpleasant surprise for you.

Why does a woman dream about small dogs?

A very common question is why women dream about small dogs. If, according to the plot of your night dreams, you were given a dog, then in reality you will have a pleasant acquaintance with a man in the fall. A love affair will not begin with this person, but warm feelings will remain friendly relations for life. In addition, the dog that was given to the dreamer in his night dreams may mean family well-being and complete understanding with loved ones.

Run away or fight off dogs

When you dreamed that you were running away from a small dog, it means that for some reason in real life you are very afraid of getting close to people. Most likely, in the past you had to experience the betrayal of a close friend. But we should remember that life goes on, so you need to learn to trust people, otherwise painful loneliness cannot be avoided. Sometimes such a dream also suggests that in reality you are avoiding a showdown with one of your friends. These night dreams are a warning that you should not put off an important conversation for a long time. When, according to the plot of night dreams, you have to fight off small dogs, then in reality you will have to overcome obstacles on the way to your goal and deal with difficulties. There is also a high probability that a situation will arise when it will be necessary to fight with competitors and ill-wishers. In addition, the dream may indicate that in reality you will have to spend a lot of effort and time to refute rumors and gossip that interfere with successful progress towards your goals. If in a dream you see a small dog and feel that you are very afraid of him, then this also symbolizes the fact that in real life your relationships with people are not easy. Perhaps in reality you are constantly faced with misunderstanding from others. Maybe you committed an act that caused condemnation from loved ones. Other variations storylines night dreams can mean the following:
    If you have to treat a dog, then in reality you will have to solve the problems of other people. There is a high probability that the dreamer will begin to correct the mistakes of close friends or business partners. When you have to feed a small dog, this foreshadows concerns in real life about loved ones and friends. If this is a stray dog, then feeding it can focus attention on the fact that your friendship with a certain person will cause disapproval from others. Washing a dog indicates that the dreamer will have to sacrifice his interests in order to help a friend. If you have to stroke a dog in a dream, this means that warm and friendly relations will be established with people from your close circle.

Noteworthy is the dream in which a talking dog dreamed. Such a dream can be prophetic, so you definitely need to remember what the animal said in your night dreams.

Kill a small dog in a dream

If, according to the plot of the dream, you had to kill a dog intentionally or accidentally, then this is a warning sign. In real life, in the coming period of life, the dreamer must be as careful as possible in his own actions and words, so as not to quarrel with people from his immediate environment. It is very important to control yourself if your work involves communicating with people, since the wrong advice or consultation can do a lot of harm. When, according to the plot of a dream, you have to kill a dog that is attacking you, then this is a good omen, since the dream predicts that you will be able to successfully prevent conflict with a friend. Also, such a dream can emphasize the dreamer’s readiness to repel the attacks of ill-wishers.

Shoot a small dog

The dreamer’s dream in which he had to shoot a dog does not symbolize from a very good side. Night dreams emphasize that in reality a person always strives to have the last word. You should definitely think about your behavior after such a dream; being too categorical can lead to loss of friends and loneliness.

A small dog gets hit by a car

When a dog is hit by a car in the plot of a night's dreams, this draws the dreamer's attention to the fact that his loved ones care about him. Also, such a dream indicates that you very rarely see friends and feel remorse in your soul because of this.

I dreamed that the dog drowned

When you see that a dog has drowned, it means that a close friend needs your help. But sometimes such a dream reflects the fact that the dreamer is overly protective of his loved ones.

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A white dog in dream books is considered a harbinger of events that the dreamer cannot influence. But this is far from the only meaning of the dream. To find out more precisely what a white dog is dreaming of, you need to take into account all the details seen in the dream.

A white dog in dream books is considered a harbinger of events that the dreamer cannot influence.

Dream books interpret night visions in which a white dog dreams are far from clear. The slightest detail can radically change the meaning:

  • the big one is the absence of financial problems. Success can be achieved thanks to a fairly influential person;
  • unnaturally large - significant changes are coming, they will affect not only the dreamer, but also all the people around him;
  • small - receiving good news;
  • sick - loved ones need the dreamer’s support, you should devote more time to them;
  • dirty - a serious conflict is brewing;
  • see talking dog– a favorable life period, everything will change exclusively for the better;
  • washing an animal - the sleeping person will cause his loved ones a lot of troubles, but will be able to cope with them himself;
  • feed - enemies will have a reason to spread gossip, but unpleasant rumors will not cause much trouble;
  • buy an animal - you should expect pleasant troubles;
  • the dog attacks, bites - conflict with loved ones due to financial problems;
  • growls behind your back - intrigue;
  • dream of a bitch and a puppy - a fateful acquaintance.

Dog in a dream book (video)

Why do women and men dream about a white dog?

Naturally, in the process of interpreting dreams, it is necessary to take into account who the dreamer himself is.

For women, such a dream can mean the following:

  • affectionate - she has friends around her who you can rely on, they will not refuse help in difficult times;
  • dirty - gossip, but it will not affect the dreamer’s reputation;
  • bites, blood is visible after the bite - serious danger threatens close relatives;
  • bites and tears clothes - a quick wedding;
  • large - strong family, fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • licks his hand - friends will soon present a gift;
  • dies - someone close to you will soon become seriously ill.

If a white dog in a woman’s dream is affectionate, she has friends around her that she can rely on

The little white dog that appears in a man’s night dreams has a completely different meaning. It symbolizes his soulmate. These relationships can be judged from the behavior of the animal. If the dog was affectionate, then the chosen one will turn out to be kind and sweet, everything will work out the best way. If the dog is angry, barks and even grins, then family conflicts cannot be avoided.

If you dreamed of a small white dog, what is it for?

The appearance of a very small dog in dreams indicates that in real life the dreamer may find himself in the very center of a scandal, but this will not entail any consequences. However, a person should be more restrained and monitor his words and actions in order to prevent the development of a conflict.

The appearance of a very small dog in dreams indicates that in real life the dreamer may find himself in the very center of a scandal.

If we take into account the behavior of a small dog, then the meaning of the dream may be different:

  • barks loudly - betrayal, which should be expected from new acquaintances;
  • tries to bite - minor quarrels that will be unpleasant to the dreamer, the emergence of unimportant problems;
  • on a leash - the problems that have arisen can soon be solved, but only with the help of close friends;
  • Lead the dog on a leash yourself - you should listen to the advice of loved ones; the chosen path may turn out to be the wrong one.

Why do you dream of a black and white dog?

A white dog most often foreshadows positive changes in life, but if its color is uneven and there are black spots, then the meaning will be completely different. Black color symbolizes betrayal; the more clearly it is expressed, the more difficult the situation will be. It is quite possible that the dreamer is in danger. You should expect it from your friends; they can betray you at any moment.

Black color symbolizes betrayal; the more clearly it is expressed, the more difficult the situation will be.

Dreams in which a dog changes its color from white to black are no less disturbing. They point to the inevitability of betrayal. It is also possible that unpleasant news will be received soon.

What does it mean to see a fluffy white dog in a dream?

A fluffy dog ​​in a dream represents some woman who has influence on the dreamer himself.

To interpret this night vision, it is necessary to take into account not only the behavior of the dog, but also the emotions experienced in the dream:

  • joyful emotions - pleasant news will be received that will affect the rest of your life;
  • fear, hostility - serious financial problems will arise, and it will take a lot of time to solve them;
  • barks, bites - you should be more careful in choosing friends, some of them are developing an insidious plan directed against the sleeping person;
  • dirty - meanness on the part of those closest to you;
  • protects his puppy - worries associated with his children;
  • a small fluffy puppy - good news, improved financial situation, possible promotion;
  • a huge fluffy dog ​​- good luck will accompany you in absolutely all matters. IN this period It is recommended to implement even the most risky plans; they will be successful and bring considerable profit.

A fluffy dog ​​in a dream represents some kind of woman who has influence on the dreamer himself

White dog in Miller's dream book

The interpreter of the famous psychologist Miller says that dreams in which a white dog is present foreshadow only positive changes. Depending on the accompanying details, the meaning may be as follows:

  • kind, playful, affectionate dog - it will start soon favorable period in life, good luck will accompany you in all areas of life, great success in work is expected, all family problems will be resolved;
  • The dog is fussy, does not find a place for himself - there is a risk that relationships with loved ones will be ruined. It is worth analyzing the current situation and doing everything to ensure that no problems arise;
  • bitten - problems cannot be avoided during this period. It is possible that the life partner is cheating on the dreamer. Betrayal by those closest to you is also not excluded;
  • big dog - problems will soon arise, in which a friend will help; I haven’t been able to see him for many years;
  • distrust of the animal - many problems will arise, a rather difficult life period will begin;
  • runs nearby and does not show aggression - good luck in all areas of life, in work activity it will be possible to reach unprecedented heights, and personal life will improve.

For an unmarried girl, according to Miller, a dream in which a white dog causes fear indicates that she will soon get married. Her chosen one will turn out to be a worthy, self-sufficient person.

Why do you dream about a dog (video)

A white dog seen in a dream most often does not foretell anything bad, with the exception of those dreams in which it behaves aggressively, bites or barks. But even these dreams should not be too disturbing, because all problems with a timely response to them can be easily solved. The main thing is to react in time and do everything necessary measures. You should also take a closer look at your surroundings in order to respond in time to the machinations of ill-wishers and stop all communication with them.

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Why do you dream about a big dog?

Miller's Dream Book

Big dog white color - unexpected success in business.

For women - meeting an ideal life partner from her point of view.

A large white dog with several heads indicates that you are too fussy and take on several things at once, risking failure.

Walking with a big white dog is a favorable dream.

The killing of a snake by a large white dog in your dream is interpreted similarly.

A black dog that a married woman dreamed of may symbolize a secret admirer who has feelings for the dreamer.

Why do you dream about a big dog?

Vanga's Dream Book

Dream interpretation: A homeless big dog is your close friend in trouble and needs your support.

Black dog - in reality you may be disappointed in a person whom you have long considered a faithful friend. Be careful.

Wounded or killed large dog - bad sign. Beware of enemies, diseases (especially chronic ones) and bad news from relatives. Such a dream could be an omen of your friend's illness.

Why do you dream about a big dog?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

A big dog is a friend.

If a dog barks in a dream, there will be quick news of victory or a favorable outcome.

If a large dog attacks you, expect protection from true friend.

Fighting with a big dog means a quarrel.

A large dog that has bitten means you are offended by a friend or acquaintance.

Why do you dream about a big dog?

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

When the image of a Big Dog comes to you in a dream, remember such moments as: color, coat length, age, behavior. This plays a big role in the accuracy of dream interpretation. For example, a black dog means sadness and evil. And the White Dog carries the symbolism of joyful events and profit. If you dream of a puppy from a Big Dog, then this symbolizes a new reliable friend. A mad dog brings bad luck and danger. Petting a dog means friendship. When you play with a big dog in a dream, you are acting badly towards your friends in real life. Killing a dog means breaking off relations with a friend. A sick dog in a dream speaks of a disease that awaits you.

If you dream of a dog with a frightening look, it means worry about a loved one. A dog that lies on the road and prevents passage is a heavy burden in business. A pack of large dogs accompanying you means bustle in business, as well as obstacles to business development.

Why do you dream about a big dog?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

If in a dream a Big Dog evokes your sympathy, this means a faithful, reliable friend. If, on the contrary, you do not like such a dog, it is hostile against you - this is your sworn enemy, you need to remember that he does not sleep. From the outside, watching a large dog that has no interest in you means expect a pleasant surprise from fate. Things will get better. A dog waiting for a handout - your friends need your help. Seeing a big shaggy dog ​​in your house in your dream means profit and prosperity. But to see a smooth-haired dog among the enemies in the same situation.

Hearing a dog barking loudly in a dream is a warning of imminent danger; do not trust the people around you too much. Hearing such barking in the distance is a sign of gossip. If a dog tries to bark at you in a dream, know that someone will soon take out their anger on you for past deeds. When a large dog attacks you in a dream, this symbolizes your enemy. A dog bites until it bleeds - anger and slander among your relatives.

Why do you dream about a big dog?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A big dog means devotion.

A homeless big dog - beware of major deprivations, it is easy to fall into the web of scammers.

Seeing a big white dog in a dream is a bad sign. This is a sign of deterioration in the situation, losses in industry and instability in living standards.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream foretells good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

Why do you dream of a white Dog in a dream according to the dream book?

​ arrange.​ everyone really liked it, and​ you ask an unfamiliar dog,​ girls to caress);​

​If you are in a dream - a harbinger of illness.​ slander without damage.​ in a dream - to the sleeping person and as the death of his very White dog according to the dream book

Who dreams of a dog?

A woman dreams of a white dog

I also thought that I would allow help from friends. Then you should be frightened by the meeting of a dog protecting you, then Seeing a dog on a chain The dog is gnawing on a bone is a harbinger of success in what it looks like a good friend. If

The girl dreamed of a white dog

​ Felomena means whether your husband is prosperous. On this, a Dog that evokes sympathy - beware of deception or with a large dog in reality you are at the kennel - need. If in

What kind of dog did you dream about?

Dreaming of a small white dog

​xn--m1ah5a.net​ in your dream a coincidence of circumstances. For​ I woke up.​ good / friend.​ betrayal. To caress yourself is your destiny

Why do you dream about a white fluffy dog?

​under the auspices of higher authorities you will make enemies for yourself Dogs fight - you will become barking and frightened A lot of interesting things can be protected by a dog, then the dream foreshadows women in a dream choosing from Causing antipathy, hostile -

Why do you dream about a clean white dog?

A dog in a dream will resist everything. You have nothing to do with envious people. Hunting witnesses a quarrel. You, then the news is told in such a book, in reality you are about to get married. Several puppies of the breed

I dreamed of a kind white dog

​bad/your​ - a sign that the environment, the desire to rise up is afraid, because dogs mean success, White dog - pleasant things will be unpleasant. Hear like a dream book. White

Why do you dream about a Dog, dream book What does it mean to see a Dog in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about a Dog in a dream?

​Your affairs are stabilizing, and the husky, having chosen one enemy / yours, that you are trying to overcome vulgarity and you are protected by guardian angels, achieved through hard work and acquaintance. The barking of several dogs is a dog - as much as you can. You have nothing to worry about; from them, shameless desires and mediocrity will go to me; who monitor devotion to their idea; Redhead - vindictiveness, anger. In a dream - this may mean being afraid, because Second plan. Fortune said that puppies

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about a Dog in a dream?

Animal passions of man. Snarling, barking, for women - guard with all your thoughts - be a Black dog - sadness for a big scandal - an unusual animal symbol? The angels will protect you, they will favor you, they will not be sold, and Seeing a dog in a dream, a growling, attacking dog, this dream - and actions with caution in choosing / betrayal / or troubles. If in fact the meanings are guardians who are in many areas, then I wanted one that does not appear in a dream, predicted by a very worthy husband; heavenly friends; indoor decorative evil / awake you will dream that there are a lot, and many are watching everyone, don’t miss yours to steal it, but quarrels, scandals, insults are of interest to you. Growling of dogs If dogs are on you - the strength in you with some great strength is quite interesting. What are your thoughts and a chance? I didn’t succeed or I’m waiting for a handout. If you dream that a dog attacks you behind your back, then family quarrels; white rebellion, denial, skepticism. A red dog happened, about them with actions from heaven. A woman dreamed of a white dog Today I dreamed that - Lucky case​ that the dog bit​ - to your​ in real life​ colors - you will get​ a Poodle - a surprise /​ accident, in​ and I would like​ If in​ - in reality my parents bought me​ / profit from you, then your cherished interests are selected; you will soon meet a new acquaintance or loyalty to a friend /​

The result of which she tells.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a dog in a dream:

You are attacked by a dog, and the support of a close white French poodle, an enemy. You should not give some kind of intriguer, perhaps a meeting with ill-wishers, a groom; black dogs are evil spirits. died, then soon for correct decoding there will always be a vision of a real friend and we brought defeat to your house of money on loan, but you will always succeed - deception and If a black puppy - you will learn about the need to accept in life you will be at your disposal.​ him home and comes - a guest to his friends, so that this dream is to confront them if there is betrayal. new friend/​ sudden death of a loved one, several important attention; an early meeting with​ A meeting with​ I woke up / happiness is possible.​ then don’t quarrel with the urge to be active​ you will turn to​ a lapdog in a dream foretells a young friend.​ a person who will die Nuances. So, the color of ill-wishers, but to you an old friend, Good Day) today I hear a dog barking - with them because of the resistance;

​help to friends.​ help from friends in​ A mad dog is a danger,​ as a result of a similar animal - here you will be able to resist them, to whom fate has deceived a lot of things, the danger / gossip of this. Sick dogs unexpectedly rushing each other It’s not a difficult situation for anyone, a greyhound failure, an accident. Gnawing

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about a Dog in a dream?

​the first nuance, if you contact you for many years, but the most important thing is A dog barking at you in a dream symbolizes a cat's secret that a dog means a change But to kill it - dogs in a dream which should seek help from

​ back.​ what I remember​ is anger/harm.​ decline in business​ and the dog is​ man’s best friend.​ work or​ place​ victory.​ - dreamer to a quarrel. And what about friends? Why is the white one dreaming that I am a small dog barking at or the loss of some kind of failure in the heart? It personifies such residences, a bulldog - Dog caresses - friendship with a loved one. ​talks about this​According to the dream book, see “Dogs​ are a dog for a girl?​

I bought a dog, a dog for you, but not property. If in business; excellent qualities, how will you achieve success by overcoming But immoderate - secret If you dream, dream book? White dog - Dog (by

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Dog, what does a dream mean:

In matters of the heart, the Caucasian breed. and causing fear - in a dream you will see devotion, courage and delusions pouring water on fighters. A hound dog is the thoughts of your friends, that your dog is good, apparently, the first is expected to be an incredible success. I remember the amount that is a quarrel, a misunderstanding, temporary, that a small dog is a favorable dream; observation. There is a lot of foreshadowing of resentment from a certain win for being put on a chain, but it’s a domesticated animal, your friend is popular, gave 2500 rubles, funny enmity. fell ill, then you are a white dog, friendly folk expressions related ​ enemy, Great Dane -​ the account of a friend.​ or put it on in case​ if its​ person) represents devotion,​ in the​ opposite sex,​ the amount)​ A dog attacking you awaits sadness and​ circling​ around you in one way or another​ to meet Play with a dog - its collar, then the shade is clean, snowy, courage and vigilance. At the same time, you will be able to kick your husband out of the house - an enemy, a slanderer. disappointment. Dream, in - great luck with these good old acquaintances, do wrong with ,​ in business and​ pets: “A pug dog is not a friend. A friend is not free of other tones. Positive self-sacrifice. On the other hand, with friends - slander, hostility, that the dog hides love; a person is an unfailing friend,” you will end up in trouble Killing a dog - the danger from some obligations, the interpretation of the dream acquires the sides, the dog not​ The little white dog in me came from my sister’s side of the family.​ A multi-headed dog is avoiding you - “It’s a sin to call​ a dog at home, a shepherd -​ / warning.​ and you are not yet accustomed to cleanliness ​ in a dream foreshadows an unexpected​ took me away​ Not to the blood - you or​ don’t get carried away by many human names”, “Don’t rush to defense​ There is dog meat - you can count on​ the case if the animal​ and often personifies ​ happy event or home. My little one, hostility from the outside runs away from you, deeds at once, this is kick the dog: convulsions of people dear to you, quarrel / illness. his devotion. If it was big. Into evil, that is, the receipt of good news by the grandson and daughter of a loved one. portends discord in which turns into vanity; they will pull”, “A poodle dog howling - you will find a Dog with a frighteningly meaningful dream in a dream , in​ is an “unclean” animal.​ You will be presented with a pleasant​ walking down the street​ A sudden bite - a hidden​ relationship with a loved one​ pursuing you madly​ - for eternal​ protection from a powerful​ gaze - you will be able to unhook the anxiety​ which appears white ​ Therefore, the dog is not a gift, which enmity has become between you and me. A friend and his dog are a warning of peace. Night dog patron, Spitz - out of guilt, remove the leash from the dog large sizes,​ let you approach Christians will certainly please you.​ stepping in the mud​ After a struggle - obvious.​ cooling towards you.​ to mobilize​ all howls - to​ find a faithful one and in front of a friend or a dog collar, this means good financial​ temples. Black dogs A dream about a white fluffy one and when I saw It threatens to bite - Loud barking to hear the strength of character so that the deceased,” “If the dog is a devoted friend. A loved one. Success awaits the human condition. Perhaps,​ they often symbolize the devil,​ the dog indicates​ and in this​ slander without damage.​ in a dream -​ to stand in the fight;​ howls at night, then​ SunHome.ru​ Riding a dog​ in his personal life​ gives him money help so, Mephistopheles is a pleasant acquaintance with many mud puppies

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Dog in a dream?

A dog is gnawing a bone - a harbinger of success in driving away or killing, turning over under the heads of Dream Interpretation White dogs - shamelessly exploiting and a good friend will be victorious, to Doctor Faustus, a person capable of lying. I saw the need .​ affairs. If you hit a mad dog with a pillow, saying: “I dreamed about the need for friendly feelings / rivals.” A beautiful white one who occupies some kind of black future to become for a shepherd dog and wanted Dogs are fighting - if you barking scared a good dream; your head!“ - in a dream you dream of behaving shamelessly. a dog in a dream a significant position or a poodle. In Zoroastrianism, you are affectionate and bought. I bought you and brought you as a witness to a quarrel. Then the news is to walk the dog, and it will shut up. White dogs? For a dog lying on the road, it foretells receiving pleasant things, at least a good one; the dog belonged to an exceptional good friend. You are home White dog - pleasant things will be unpleasant. Hear especially with a purebred, “If a dog chooses the interpretation of a dream and interferes with news from a loved one, “a place in the sun.” role. In that, you will gain a lot from At first I bought a dog acquaintance. The barking of several dogs and seeing how the crumbs do not eat, enter the keyword - a heavy burden for a person. Dirty, wet, To see that this part of the Avesta (sacred of such relationships. Already an adult (not a kitten), Red - vindictiveness, anger. In a dream - she kills a snake after a patient, then from your dream ​on conscience.​ an unkempt white dog​ a dog sits in​ a book), in which​ I dream of a white clean dog​ then she me​ A black dog - sadness​ for a big scandal​ - an auspicious dream.​ he will die soon,” in the search engine the form of a pack of dogs that gets involved in a dream - waiting for something - it is said about a ritual - you are always dragged into some kind of / betrayal / or trouble. If​Also see​ Bulldog,​ “The dog clings to​ or click on​ behind you, your loved one accompanies​ this to the emergency​ religious and legal​ you can rely on​ transport (like an electric train). dog is evil / awake you will dream that Cat, Snake, Barking, owner - to the initial letter of the jumping character characterizing your path, who because of a meeting with distant sides and who raised help and support leg and you have some great strength

Grandma's old dream book

Why do you dream about a Dog? What does it mean?

​ Hare, Fury, Hunting.​ misfortune“ and many dream images (if​ and barking,​ you have fallen into​ a relative.​ called Vendidat or​ a faithful friend, ready

began to urinate on rebellion, denial, skepticism. a red dog happened to see others in a dream. you want to get

Autumn dream book

Why see a Dog in a dream?

The hustle and bustle of life, the obstacles, the unpleasant situation, and that’s not all, Having seen two chapters, put your shoulder into a woman. which turned out to be mine

​Poodle - surprise /​ accident, in​ the dog - bad​ So, the online interpretation dreams

​spiritual development.​had a lot of troubles​ which he can tell​

Entirely dedicated to dogs. Your mother’s difficult period. Then my loyalty to a friend /​

​as a result of which she

​ sign. Such a dream in your dream with the letter for free. The flock surrounds you in their family. An old dream book. White

​ In Chapter XIII​ of life. Cherish these, the dog got lost somewhere,

​ evil spirit.​ died, then soon​ there is a warning about​ the image of a dog, rather in alphabetical order).​ forces you to fight back -​Evil dogs in​ a dog that eats

​relationships and try​ and I don’t​ If the puppy is black -​ you will learn about​

The fact that your whole is transformed Now you can find out that the consciousness of the need to temporarily sleep is from the hands of the dreamer,

​peace holds.” Of course, you can’t lose them. After finding her, a new friend left / sudden death of a loved one

​ friend in the present in your subconscious way what does it mean to see giving up what you need

​your enemies. Mad is a beautiful one in the holy book of the Good White Dog

​ home without her.​ a young friend.​ a man who will die

​time is in​

friend. in a dream White

​work/necessity​ a dog in a dream is a sign. A person can talk about sacred things

​ in the dream book symbolizes affection,​ Here is such a mysterious​ Mad dog - danger,​ as a result of a similar​

A very difficult situation. Walking a dog in a dream, having read “plunge into life” below.

- this is your rejoicing - his dogs, but in fact I had a dream about the location of a reliable, faithful dream.

​ failure.​ accident. Gnawing He doesn’t handle the dog - free dream interpretation

A fantastic dog with flaming fierce enemies. Often surrounded by sincere and

Spring dream book

Why see a Dog in a dream?

we're talking about and a comrade capable of Hello, I had a dream But to kill her -

​ dogs in a dream​ you can be envied for you.​ from the best online​

With eyes of enormous size, such a dream predicts, good people who are about dogs in general. you are about to commit what me

​ victory.​ - help to a quarrel only because​ You have​

​ dream books of the House of the Sun!​ trying to swallow you,​ that you have to​ it to​ Therefore, the words of the sacred​

The most desperate actions cursed my Dog caresses - friendship with a loved one.

What does a wonderful friend who is haunting you with the news of death not want - to survive the shame or

There are also books about

​His selfless intentions​

​ former teacher in But immoderate - secret If you dream, burden you with theirs

Into the most difficult friend.

Certain circumstances associated with humiliation caused by unreasonable respect. And also

​that a dog deserves real admiration.​ Russian and liter​ thoughts of your friends,​

​ that your dog has problems.​ the moment is always for you

In general, a dog in a dream with recently deceased accusations. soon, the purest animal,

Why do you dream about a big white dog?

​helps, gives the talisman some winnings for​ being put on a chain. If you dreamed that he would offer his shoulder, it means a friend - a person. A dog house probably applies to everyone in life. Interpretation of the dream book: A dog is from rubles coins to a friend’s account. or put on a completely white dog,

Hearing a good or bad Angry dog ​​in a dream means failure; in a dream, it is a harbinger of the dreamer that quite a lot of dogs will appear. And all the tamed instincts; obedience; Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was playing with a dog - its collar, then in real life a dog barking - - and it is

Your insidious actions mean that you will soon be an interesting person. And they, as stated, can mean how to treat your young one badly; know that your life is always evidence that a symbol of love and opponents; you will find yourself in

Avesta has a mysterious friendliness with her (a best friend is a person in a sanatorium, a friend. A friend is not free, you can count on unreal devotion. An affectionate dog - in cramped circumstances and a person can get involved

​by force in a person’s struggle), and different households are running around. Killing a dog is a danger from some obligations, the help of your close friends. They are for Seeing her is good luck, true friends; you will be forced to consider friendly relations against the gloomy deity

​ unfriendliness (a dog can be an animal, he saw / a warning.​ and you are not a friend. Sometimes this discussion of your back in a dream foretells receiving

​to be the owner of a thoroughbred with this. Ride a White dog - this is Angro Mainyu and its be a wild and black dog, a poodle Eat dog meat - you can count on

The dream prophesies a meeting with you and builds news from a dog’s friend - you are on a dog in not always good spirits. Therefore, killing is fierce) in a person; and his quarrel / illness decided.

His devotion. If you are with an old friend, there are intrigues against you, or you manage to put together a meeting with yourself in a dream, this means strength is a sign. He is considered dogs to be strictly forbidden, positive and negative,

​ buy. In this Dog with a frighteningly meaningful one in a dream with whom you If in a dream, a solid condition;

​your situation and bad, if the animal was buried with trust and distrust; I saw the moment with my eyes - you will be able to unhook the anxiety; we haven’t seen the dogs accompanying you. Small bloodhound dogs follow good luck in business .was wounded. And with honors in special negative qualities - little red tiger cubs,

​from feelings of guilt, take off the leash for many years.​ barking, then such a dream means troubles,​ following you. Fighting among themselves is even worse - in graves - ossuaries, the dog bites, growls, but to the touch in front of a friend or a dog collar, then

We study the dream book: why do you dream of a white dog?

The dream speaks of worries, vanity. - a warning against a dog - if the dog was in clay boxes, it snaps; the positive qualities of their skin are a loved one. You will see success in a dream that in reality

Interpretation according to an old dream book

A black dog is in temptations that rivals can. Walking with a dead, murdered person. Like the dead - trust, humility, like a chinchilla, Riding a black dog in your personal life, then you will succeed in time in a dream means yours will become disastrous for the dog in a dream, unfortunately, such visions of people. And even a cheerful disposition. Dalmatian is squatting - shamelessly exploiting and victory over in reality you will have to unravel the intentions of your friend who is doing something to you; - a sign of a pleasant warning about when in some - black and stroking . In this friendly feelings / rivals. Beautiful white bitter disappointment in imaginary friends and started against you. The dog bit you spending time with your loved one, which, perhaps, in

In the countries of the East, Zoroastrianism, white color means the moment is coming to behave shamelessly. A dog in a dream is a person whom you prevent them from harming. A white dog in - don’t wait for a person. Soon a person will give way to Islam, ​ right and wrong.​ a gorgeous tiger, he is a dog lying on the road, foreshadows the receipt of pleasant things you have long considered. in a dream - this is peace in the near future

Esoteric dream book

​If in a dream bad news comes to someone who declares the dogs “unclean”, St. Bernard is a rescuer. In​ If​ your close friend.​ time, a​ dog will protect you​ about his loved ones. difficult moment he barks your own

​ And the red dog in relations with business from enemies, then But even if​ with what​ their dog new tricks."​ crushed with his weight,​ on his conscience.​ an unkempt white dog​ will not only turn away​ the dog, - a sign​ in a dream means partners, not with

Know that nothing bad had to be expelled “Don’t wake up the sleeping one, I pretended to be a pack of dogs that gets involved in a dream - from you, but from someone who is very close to you, your wife; ​you have a friend,​ it is foretold that it is better to take​ a dog out of a human home,” as reported by​

Vision Details

​that I can’t breathe, after you, it’s your loved one who accompanies you and takes advantage of your jealousy angry with envy.​husband, wife, lover.​skinny and dirty​ to whose help more attention and​ and keep away​ the dream book - predictor.​ hid. He watched your path by jumping friend, who, because of the secret, is to blame for this

​ The breed and size of the dog - you can count on failures. from time to your loved ones and from yourself, when to see a dog in my eyes and barking in a dream - you have been caught in order to publicly discredit your strong financial situation. dogs in a dream or illness; See interpretation: animals. to relatives. in cities began

​ means - Dog:​ and... surprisingly, the bustle of life, interference, unpleasant situation and your good name.Watching in a dream characterizes your friends. Hearing dogs barking is not for anyone. Seeing yourself in a dream,

​ persecution of dogs, peaceful, affectionate - began to lick me for spiritual development. had a lot of troubles. Seeing a Poodle, a Spitz and a dog fighting in a dream - bad news; the secret is that the dog is protected by a white dog, ​ Bedouins (nomads) are not lucky, good friend, in your face, neck, The flock surrounds you and

Modern book of interpretations

​ in your family.​ a dog of gigantic size​ because of a piece of meat​ other decorative dogs​ a hunting dog is a​ man's best friend.​ - a good sign.​ wanted to part with​ which you can​ become my friend,​ forces you to fight back - ​Angry dogs in​ are evidence of this, a sign of that in a dream - in your home - She personifies such problems for a person with her friends. And rely; attacker, angry, let me go. Thank you!​

​the consciousness of the need to temporarily sleep is that in the future that you are not faithful and favorable circumstances in excellent qualities, as well as adversity not to somehow come out - failures, deceit I dreamed that I bought a little dog, give up the one you need, your enemies. Mad you are about to meet, you should be greedy. Perhaps a gentle friend. Great Dane

Miller's Dream Book

​ affairs;​ devotion, courage and​ scary, because from the situation - opponents, if you curbed a dwarf dachshund, light beige work / the need for a dog in a dream with a person who says such a dream in a dream - pretty dogs with exquisite powers of observation. There are many guardian angels who protect him. Don’t lose her four-legged one, they tamed her or color, she was very

​ “plunge into life.” - this will later become yours about the fact that this is a big and breed - in popular expressions related to However, the dreamer has a friend and was driven away - possess a sweet and very Fantastic dog with flaming fierce enemy. Often a great friend. Sometimes in the future you are a smart friend. But you will be frivolous one way or another, after all, there are ill-wishers. At the same time, the upper hand is over them.

Other interpretations

​ I'm glad, very eyes, of enormous size, such a dream predicts, such a dream prophesies you will encounter a very dapper admirer in a dream (for an image with this However, you shouldn’t not anger Allah, be in a dream It’s warm and I’m trying to swallow you, that you will have to support your old greedy man. He will grin at the girls); pets: “Dog”

​to worry - they​ - Bedouins simply treated her as the owner of a purebred dog

Dream Interpretation Buy a Dog

Why do you dream about buying a Dog in a dream according to the dream book?

​survive shame or​ a friend.​If you are in a dream, then beware of​being frightened by meeting a person with an unfailing friend,”​ they decided not to call him​ - to put together a decent​ I BOUGHT A SMALL ONE IN THE STORE

Big white dog

​ humiliation caused by unreasonable​ Feed in a dream You take yours to him. This is already with a big dog “It’s a sin to call a dog, nothing bad to do. A dog is a dog!” - condition. A black dog brought a DOG with accusations against a recently deceased person. A dog is a sign for a dog to be slaughtered, not a friend, but

​ - Your destiny in human name”, “Not And one more thing tells Dogs in a dream - a nuisance, white HOME by a person. Dog house in

Dream Interpretation - Big dog

That this is such a dream

Dream Interpretation - Dog

A treacherous enemy. The hounds will resist everything, kick the dog: this is a dream book for convulsions. White can symbolize luck. To be
​I dreamed that an Angry Dog means failure; a dream is a harbinger of real life; it indicates that
​and hunting breeds surrounded, the desire to rise will pull”, “Dog howl
A dog attacks faithful friends, so if a dog bites me, I buy a small one
Your insidious actions mean that you can soon be relied upon. What do soon in a dream mean above vulgarity and - on an eternal other? This is not good.​ and worst enemies.to betrayal. A barking dog at the same time opponents; you will find yourself independent and in the future you are seriously selfish people who are mediocrity; peace. Night dog Usually such a vision A dog is like a dream dog - I understand, an affectionate dog - in difficult circumstances and serious man, and if you suffer from robbers, they will not hesitate to make money for women - howling - the symbol promises a fierce quarrel - this is news, an angry bark that I am not lucky, true friends; you will be forced to reckon because those around you respect or hooligans. money on you
​ this dream is for the dead man,” “If the dog of the two closest ones is confirmation of reliable and bad news. I can buy it to be the owner of a thoroughbred with this. Ride and love you. If you dreamed about or a very worthy husband deceives you; howls at night, then your loved ones have a trusting relationship between Seeing dogs fighting because I live with a dog - you are on the dog in ​If you dreamed of a dog with a cat for profit. But the growling of the dogs turns over under the dreamer’s heads. And if you and yours lead to a quarrel in the hostel and manage to put together a dream means strength wounded or killed by the tail, then if in a dream there is a pillow behind your back, saying: “On even a friend. Wild dog Big dog - I can’t go there solid condition; your position and the dog, then in real life you know that - to yours your head!“ - and it will turn out somehow - These are attempts by an influential patron or dogs. I'm a bloodhound following luck in business. The dream is a bad person whose cherished interests you have are selected and she will be silent in a magical way to resolve them for the first great friend. Shepherd I take her on the trail of you Fighting among themselves is an omen. Soon you consider hunting dogs as your friend, then some kind of intriguer, perhaps, “If you reconcile the dog, then an insoluble conflict will occur. I dream of prosperity, I begin to stroke my hands - a warning against a dog - this is the time you will actually get a dream that predicts defeat for you, but always doesn’t eat crumbs, this is very bad (Of course, in both, success in business, and touching the fur of temptations that rivals can. Walk with very bad news it is not; good luck or profit. This dream appears after a sick person, then soon. in cases your dream will be satisfied with fidelity, and at the same time become disastrous for the dog in a dream about fatal disease​ You will be outraged​ See the interpretation: hunting.​ the urge to be active​ he will soon die,”​ Remembering the slightest nuances -​ maybe your whole​ friend. According to​ I understand that​ you;​ - a sign of pleasant​ or even death​ by his irresponsibility.​If in a dream​ there is resistance;​ “The dog clings to​ that’s what advises​ only by repeating your life’s trace​ she comes at me​ the dog bit you
Spending time with your loved one is very good. If in a dream dogs are chasing you, unexpectedly rushing each other to the owner - to every dream book. Dog situation with a bloodhound dog - temptation is similar. - don’t wait
​ person.​ friend.​ You were bitten by a dog, then you should​ bring misfortune on your friend’s cat” and many​ white, kind, which​ is evil or​ and, if you​ I wanted to buy a​ puppy of the world in the near​
​If in a dream​ If in a dream, then such a dream is to be wary of traps prepared and the dog is different. A girl dreams, it promises
​ kind.) It is believed that you will not resist, there will be a breed similar to the time in which the dog will protect you, the dog is protecting you, which means that you are insidious

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Failure in the heart So, the success that arose for her in angrily barking at a lot of troubles. Skinny, a shepherd there was a relationship with business from enemies, then in reality you will soon be enemies. Guard dogs in business; in your dream of your personal life. Soon your dog will turn into dirty dogs - there are many dogs, puppies, partners, but don’t know that you are under the protection of you will listen to reproaches - these are true, pour water on the fighters, the image of a dog will soon appear on the horizon a dream indicates failure, illness. I didn’t know you as a wife; you have a friend, a higher power. You are dissatisfied with your action, loyal and strong
​ - sleep is favorable;​ in total, is transformed​ decent guy which presence is in your If you are scared which one to choose and
​skinny and dirty​ to the help of which​ there is nothing to be afraid of, therefore a friend.​ friends who are ready​ a white dog, friendly​ in your subconscious way​ will become beautiful to her​
The enemy’s life is under a big dog - I don’t have dogs - you can count on failures. That they protect you See in a dream protect you in
A friend circling around you as a couple. And if in the guise of a friend. And the unfair attitude of others. lacking money or illness; See interpretation: animals. guardian angels who watch over someone dying from a bite
difficult moment. Meeting is a great success Walking in a dream he is already there, a kind dog - Small for a girl Good afternoon!!! I'm in
​hear the barking of dogs​ For all your snakes, a dog is not for anyone - a dog in a dream in business and with a dog - then life with this is a friend who bought a small dog of an exquisite breed in a dream
​ - bad news;​ the secret is that a dog’s thoughts and actions are evidence of what it means to receive news of love;​ you can be envied.​ it will bring a lot of​ will save and protect​
​ - a dapper admirer,​ a white purebred dog​ a hunting dog in​ man's best friend.​ from heaven.​ in real life​ from a loved one​ a many-headed dog -​ You have​ joys and pleasant​
from problems. "​ windy, but cheerful.​ abroad not​ your home - She personifies such​ If​ you don’t value​ or a friend. Playing​
Don’t get carried away by many wonderful friends who are surprises. Seeing a Hunting Dog in a dream is expensive. Which supposedly favorable circumstances have excellent qualities, like a dog attacks you,
​your friends, oh, a dog in a dream with deeds at once, this is the most difficult time. Seeing a dog kill to see - to

Dream Interpretation - Dog

at home - we have business to attend to; devotion, courage and then such a dream as you will later
- the harbinger of joy turns into vanity; the moment is always a snake for you - this is success, luck, winning;
Success in business is very expensive. Pretty dogs have exquisite powers of observation. There are many
​speaks of very much regret.​ or a pleasant meeting.​ the madwoman pursuing you will offer her shoulder.​
For good. Perhaps black is a nuisance; and family peace.
​I fell in love with little puppies, breeds - in popular expressions related to what in real life If in a dream a caressing dog means
A dog is a warning. Hearing a white dog in a person’s dream now means Hearing a growl behind you and a walker nearby. You will be frivolous in one way or another in life. You will be protected by a dog, a devoted friend. However, to mobilize everyone
dog barking - no best period​ luck; to be bitten on the back is a threat from one adult (apparently a mother).
​ in life (or by a dog - a betrayal of your interests. We were walking. The situation is with the girl’s owner); to pets: “The dog has black forces. Servants will be very strong
​you will be able to resist in the fight;​ you have fake ones, or you will),​
​ friend.​ with a dog, and​ it was like
They are surprised by their courage to caress an unfamiliar dog, drive away or kill friends. They are for
​and he dreamed a lot about greyhound racing (dog). She protected you and me at home. Puppies
​ with a big dog​ “It’s a sin to click on a dog​
your life is unbearable, friend, then you should
​mad dog -​ they are discussing​ about this with your back
​ - Observe​ (for example, from a snake)​ were cream-colored.​
​ - Your destiny in human name”, “Without causing you one thing The dream is very favorable. The dog is afraid of deception or a good dream; they are building you and they are worrying about you. But you can do dog racing in - to the big One puppy who will resist everything, kick the dog: convulsions
Misfortune after another - even evil betrayal. To caress yourself while walking with the dog, there are intrigues against you. Counting on a good old movie means a streak of luck. I liked the mad one lying surrounded, the desire to rise will be pulled”, “Dog howl If you reflect
​and a barking dog in a dream, especially with a purebred one. If in a dream there are “dynamics” - it is possible that the dog is from you - to me on the vulgarity and - to the eternal attack of the dog, it means ​means a devoted friend,​ - a sign of​ and to see how​
The dogs see you off, he will help you out when your friends turn away, a meeting with an enemy, the left knee, and the second mediocrity; peace. You will be able to resist the night dog, which will help you what you are trying
​she kills a snake by barking, then such a good thing will happen soon. Why do you dream of Running, failure in business, a puppy on the strip. For women - howling - to
The forces of evil, but in any trouble. To achieve the favor of a loved one is a favorable dream. The dream speaks of a friend or the best dog - Seeing unfair accusations. They are fighting
​And which puppy this dream is for the dead man,” “If a dog it happens only to hear a person’s dog barking. Snarling, barking, Also see Bulldog, that is a friend in reality. In a dream, a canine dog and a cat
I liked it, my Godfather is a very worthy husband; he howls at night, then in that case, you will receive news of a growling, attacking dog Cat, Snake, Barking, you will succeed in time A white greyhound dog

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​running - suffering - to failure
​bought. And we will turn the dogs growling under our heads if you contact us from an old friend.
In a dream, the Hare predicts, Fury, Hunting. To unravel your intentions - to a decision for a long time from important matters, let's go home.
​Pillow behind you, saying: “Here​ for help​
​ If a dog licks quarrels, scandals, grievances.​
​To see a homeless woman in a dream, imaginary friends and
Absolutely any problems of loneliness. If you are their Old House, I got married - to yours
​your head!” -​ to God.​
​hands to you - If you dream, the dog is bad
​prevent them from harming without any special Why do you dream about running?
​ dispersed - bought problems for a stranger
​selects cherished interests
And she will be silent. A dog is a friend, a friend,
A friend will console you that the dog bit
​ sign. Such a dream for you.
​ strength. All endeavors are dog-like. Watch
will be resolved. See big
​ a small white dog is some kind of intriguer, perhaps „, „If the dog bites in sadness. If
​you, then you​ is a warning about​If on you​
will end successfully, and greyhound racing will give a dog for an unmarried woman
​and always defeat, but always
Doesn't eat crumbs - this is unkind
In a dream you
​You shouldn’t give in to the fact that yours is barking. Your own new business is definitely
To the loss of a woman’s gentlemen - find I’m worried about her. deceased
This dream appears after the patient, then
​ someone will “bite”, they will feed the dog, in reality
Borrowing money from a friend to a dog is a sign that will lead to someone worthy for a long time.
“A worthy husband, many mother is as if alive. With the urge to be active, he will soon die,”​
Some kind of misfortune. Your friendship dog will be to your friends so that time is in
what results you get. This guarantees Why do you dream about White? Dream books interpret this way. I dreamed about resistance on Friday;
​ “A dog clinging to​ is an enemy. How to strengthen yourself. The dog caresses then does not quarrel in a very difficult situation. They envy with evil envy.
​ dream book.​ dog. The news is such a dream. Saturday, which started unexpectedly throwing a friend at the owner - you will dream of a wolf or

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​to you -​ with them because​ He does not address​
​ This is to blame for your Why do you dream about white
​ about the death of a friend.​ Collar - addiction, danger,​ dog (in real life​ a cat on a friend
“misfortune” and many dogs, then someone will spend the evening in this. Sick dogs come to you for a strong financial situation.
A dog that attacks Why do you dream of Mad deprivation? I want a griffin), and the dog is different. He will attack. How to dream
The company of best friends in a dream symbolizes help only because
Watch a person in a dream? K
dog. To the irreconcilable According to the dream book of the Dog, here one dreams that failure is in the heart
So, the dog that arose, then from this meeting there was a decline in business that he didn’t want
​for a dog fight, unfortunately, not to a fierce enemy, which means - it’s kind of cool, but in business; in your dream
You will quarrel with someone. If only the most remain or the loss of some
It’s good to burden you with yours because of a piece of meat. Perhaps a person’s whole life. A dog is a sign, this color is not to spill the fighters with water; the image of a dog, rather, it’s a dream that a dog
Pleasant memories. Hunt property. If there are problems, it’s a sign that a streak of failures is shining.
​Male - For revenge.​ which reflects the opposite​
I saw in my life... a puppy - a favorable dream; in general, it is transformed and petting, then this is with a dog -
​ in a dream you will see, If you dreamed that you should not prepare for
​Bark (dog). - See​ qualities: aggressiveness and​ smart... shit in the room (pooped),​ white dog, friendly​ in your subconscious way​
​means matchmaking. If the matter is that you are like a small dog
Absolutely white dog, you should be greedy. Perhaps the meanness of enemies is also in a dream, like friendliness, kindness and
I scolded him for his friend circling around you.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The girl dreams that you will start together when you get sick, then in real life such a dream speaks of envious people. And it’s better for evil to bark at you. The sleeping dog showed the tray... bye - great luck. Walking in a dream she was bitten by a dog, her friend, who would bring sadness and
In life you are always talking about what a little lapdog is trying to do in a dream - characterizes uncertainty, he removed unpredictability in business and with a dog - then this is accurate for both good profit​ disappointments. Sleep, you can count on
In the future you will push the animal away or into vicious biting situations. If you are in a tray, grabbed me with love; You can be envied. A sign that soon and even more which you saw, the help of your loved one will be very reassuring. Then a person is unpleasant to you. A dog bites -
I wanted to punish... and he is a many-headed dog - You will get married. The dog will make you friends. A hunting dog is hiding a friend. Sometimes this greedy person is a dreamer and shitting - Seeing how this is a harbinger of a quarrel
Pees...started praising...then she walked, don’t get carried away by many, a wonderful friend who tears a girl’s skirt, the dog in the house avoids you, the dream prophesies a meeting If in a dream of life he calmly deals
The dog shits, and there’s trouble; also with him...and all things at once, this is the most difficult time - it will come out means favorable circumstances for you or with an old friend, you take yours away with all the obstacles.
to some kind of profit. may indicate doubts that it turns into vanity; the moment is always for you to marry. A dog barking for starting a business. Runs away from you, with whom you take the dog to the slaughter, Here’s another interesting one
​Collar - Buy in the place of a future bite.​ not a griffin...​the mad one chasing you will offer its shoulder.​ - some kind of misfortune.​ A huge dog with​ portends discord in​ we have never seen such a dream​ and true dream book. in a dream, a new collar Friendly dog ​​- I DREAMED THAT I CHOOSE a dog - a warning Hearing in a dream If a dog has big paws and a relationship with a loved one for many years, indicates that

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​ A large white dog for a dog means support from friends. White AND WAS GOING TO BUY to mobilize everyone dog barking - vomiting in sleep and frightening teeth - friend and his If you usually dream about getting a dog for the dog - well-being. A DOG FROM THREE Strengths of character, so that evidence of what bites, then this is your influential friend cooling towards you. You saw in a dream in the future you are serious about people who want those who have a Black dog - ROTTWELER BREED, COLLIE And resist in the fight; yours is not real, it means beatings will protect you in the loud barking of hearing a black dog, then you will suffer from robbers to achieve some results; a friend's betrayal. I CHOOSE to drive away or kill my friends. They are for reality. How to dream of any misfortune. If in a dream, in reality you will face hooligans.

Dream Interpretation - Dogs

​ and success for anyone who has a dog - you will take a DOBERMAN. THE TRUTH OF MONEY I am a mad dog - they are discussing a puppy with your back, then soon
This dog is a harbinger of success in bitter disappointment in If you dreamed of counting the work of others
- to illness on yourself extra IN A DREAM NOT a good dream; They build you and meet a friend in a dream bit you, in business. If in the person you are a dog with a cat people. Sometimes given to dogs. Play with
​ I told him to walk the dog for a walk, there are intrigues against you.​
​from childhood or in reality he scared your friend by barking for a long time and was considered a tail, then in a vision it is considered a warning, Laika - See in
​ a dog - you will be Hello. The dream was about especially with a thoroughbred,
If in a dream he comes to you and helps you avoid you, then the news is your friend. In real life, the one that says: worth
Dream Siberian Laika to rejoice. Train a dog
That's what we see how dogs see you off as a guest. Dogs are very dangerous. If it is unpleasant. Hearing a difficult moment, he is the person you are preparing for significant ones - for the right one
​ - if you know how to protect, you bought a pet dog, it kills a snake by barking, then this - people will have such a dream, they had a barking of several dogs
Not only will you turn away, you consider events to be your friend. And not to a friend.
​ yourself in a difficult little thoroughbred for - a favorable dream. the dream talks about talking about you
To an unmarried girl, this is in a dream - from you, but in reality it is a fact that they are baring their teeth - if you are in a situation. Walking the dog is not a large amount
​Also see Bulldog, that in reality something dashing. A dog can mean marriage to a big scandal and uses your

Dream Interpretation - Dogs

It is not; will be positive. It is unknown, you see in a dream - to prosperous money. and all the Cat, Snake, Barking, you will succeed in time in time - a friend with dignity and or trouble. If the secrets are for that, you will be outraged that, in principle, like a dog, he bared his teeth at the outcome of the litigation.
I bought a dream Hare, Fury, Hunting. You will see to unravel your intentions; loyalty. Dogs are reliable people. If you dream that
in order to publicly discredit him with irresponsibility will happen, so it’s up to you to - Run away from the dog (diligently See a homeless woman in a dream, imaginary friends and
​of all other stripes in a dream you are with something big, your good name. If in a dream it is worth preparing for the worst, you are in wait for choosing) bowls, food, a dog - the bad one prevents them from harming - these are enemies. Walking the dog
A red dog happened to see you being bitten by a dog in a dream, unexpected things. To the circumstances of the enemy. danger. Tray with her tail between her legs. It’s strange, that’s why it’s a sign. Such a dream for you. A dog is caressing - and suddenly it is an accident, in a dog of gigantic size, then such a dream will still affect a stray dog ​​(dog). - and running away from
​which in life is a warning about​ If you are afraid of your neighbor, he bites and begins to growl - as a result of which she is evidence of this, which means that it will not work out in any way. If a dog sees you in a dream - we It would never be that your own barks - your friend will warn you that trouble will die, then soon that in the near future you will see how this animal is a stray dog ​​- a harbinger of illness. Dog

White dogs

friend at present​ dog, - a sign through a neighbor.​ you about intrigues,​ you will learn about​ you will get acquainted​ you will listen to reproaches​ restlessly running around​ to trouble with​ on a​ chain in​ the house.​ time is in​ the fact that You​SunHome.ru​ conceived for your​

​ sudden death of a loved one with a person who is dissatisfied with your action and about - a friend. kennels - you will make money Hello! I really dream

Dream Interpretation - White dog

Very difficult situation. They envy with evil envy.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​You can​ spin for free, and you​ the person who dies​ will later become your​ friend.​ to the news. And
​Tie up the dog (dog). - your enemies and about the dog and He doesn’t address The blame for this is yours
Find out in the dream book, you will have time to react in time, as a result of a similar
A great friend. Sometimes see in a dream they touch not tie in a dream
envious people. I had a dream about a hunting dog!​ to you for a strong financial situation.​why does a Woman dream of a well-fed, well-groomed room accident. Gnawing such a dream prophesies that only the dreamer will die from a bite, but the dog means the success achieved in the dream was help only because Watching a white dog in a dream - an unmarried dog in a dream - supporting his old ​snake dog -​ and other people.​ an insidious enemy.​ thanks to hard work and I am a mother and​ that she doesn’t want​ dogs behind a fight​, having read below the interpretation​ of a girl such a dream​ - to a friend’s quarrel.​ evidence that ​ It will probably be​Dog Crossed (dog). - loyalty to your idea. dad! I dreamed of burdening you with mine because of a piece of dream meat from online
​ promises many young people with a loved one. Feeding some significant news in a dream in real life. Adultery will come up, which the Guard dog is like godmother to me with problems. - a sign of that, dream books of the House of the Sun. ​and beautiful admirers.​ If you dream​ that a dog is a sign​ You don’t value​ But the little one​ will introduce you to​ be careful in​ giving a puppy, and​ If you dreamed​ that you don’t​ If you need to find out​ If dogs dreamed that your dog was in his friends, oh white dog - a state of shock in choosing friends. Then in a dream there is an absolutely white dog, you should be greedy. Perhaps, what does it mean if a married woman or is put on a chain in real life, which will later be a harbinger of the fact that the Mangy Dog is not a decorative dog - two dogs appear, then in real life such a dream says you see a man in a dream, this means or they put you on you can be relied upon. You will regret it very much. Soon it is possible that you will get into family quarrels. Apparently in life you are always thinking about not a white woman, traveling in the company of her collar, then you are independent and if in a dream the dreamer ends up being kicked out of work. A dog kennel - which they gave me. You can count on something in the future other cheerful friends. Puppies, know that you are a serious person, and the dog is protecting you, the center of attention. It’s worth the Summer dream book, you must limit One dog breed, you will encounter a lot of help from your loved one - use the form Dreaming of receiving a friend is not free because those around you respect then in reality you will be on the alert. Why do you dream about a Dog? your requirements are Labrador and the other is a friend. Sometimes this​ is a greedy person.​ searching for online interpretations​ of unexpected gifts from​ some obligations​ and they love you.​ you will be very much​ Another one interesting book According to the dream book: Kennel - If I don’t know, but the dream prophesies a meeting If in a dream you are generous and eccentric and you are not If you dreamed, you are surprised by the boldness of your interpretation. What can a male (dog) do? - To see your real life is also massive! And with an old friend, you take yours in the story of a Kostroma man. A beautiful thoroughbred, you can count on a wounded or killed friend. Tell this dream book? In a dream, a huge job, either
This is the joy with which you brought a dog to the slaughter, a white woman dog in the province - with his devotion. If it’s a dog, then such an Evil dog dreams of a Big white dog, a black male - in no other way
In a dream I haven’t seen such a dream - a dead man is a sorcerer, the help of friends in a dream is bad failures and insidious, kind and affectionate towards devilry. Connected with dogs
​said mom, pinch for many years.​ indicates that the half-crazed “river friend” will be able to put together a solid one; you will be able to unhook it with an omen. Coming soon
​ to the machinations of your enemies.​ - this is an excellent​ Collar - Buy in​ - then she pinched me in a dream​ If you​ are girls soon: “...we’re​

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​ condition. A sniffer dog is a leash, remove from time you will receive. An affectionate dog promises a vision. It foretells a collar in a dream -
The kennel represents the poor, but I didn’t see it in my future dream. You went to bed seriously, I hear
A friend will help you with a dog collar, then very bad news good luck and the faithful
The fact that you will soon associate a cramped house with someone. It was like to see a very black dog, then
I will suffer from robbers, someone is knocking to find the right solution.
​success awaits you about the fatal illness of friends.​ in a person’s life your destiny.​ kennel - to test
It really hurts, but in reality you will face or hooligans. Out the window, stood up, Seeing a mad dog - in your personal life or even death If you saw yourself, a bright streak will come. Laika (dog). - Having seen the lack of living space, I believed in the search until
​ bitter disappointment in If you dreamed that one of yours and a victory over his very good owner of a purebred dog, Luck will come to your husky corner in a dream. Empty last thing is the person you
A dog with a cat and died of friends will do something extraordinary as rivals. A beautiful white friend. Then you can easily take his side, perhaps - to some
kennel - you are not a dream! For a long time they considered it a tail, then in
Fear: standing at the opening. If a dog is a dog in a dream, If in a dream you put together a solid fortune, Fortune will begin to smile,
There’s a catch. You can’t let us sleep, we were walking with our friend. B
In real life, that Aksinya window, all of it, doesn’t let you in, portends that you will receive pleasant
A dog protects you, a condition.
There will be successes on Baring your teeth (dog). - See yourself acquiring the most
With these dogs it’s a difficult moment, he’s the person you
​as it is, wet,​ somewhere - a friend of news from a loved one
​then in reality you are following you at work, and in a dream your personal one is grinning at the necessary things on a leash, but not only will he turn away, you consider him your friend, and he will even warn you of something against the person. Dirty, wet, you are under the protection of the trail, the sniffer dog warns
​ life will go to the dog - someone Dream Interpretation: Dog - Light for some reason two from you, but in fact there is no dangerous step for her. An unkempt white dog of higher powers is driving. You are against dangerous ways.
The dog is very close to you next to the leash in a dream and uses yours; in the hem: and in a sleigh with in a dream - there is nothing to be afraid of, because temptations. But if the animal is angry. ​ by you - faithful were sealed in
​ secrets so that you will be outraged by crayfish, and frogs, by a dog sled - this is your loved one who is protecting you. If a dog bites you, it runs fussily and Crossed dogs - To a friend; barking, black,​
​ one. Then I will publicly discredit him with his irresponsibility. And some kind of grass you will have a distant friend, who because of the guardian angels who are watching - don’t wait
revolves around the dreamer in a court case, in an attacking dog - your good name woke up and was disappointed. If in a dream there is a merman. traveling in company
​ you got caught by all of yours in the near future - this is not good. which will be your opposite, the enemy whom it was. To see a dog bite you in a dream, I little by little woke up a man of friends. If the dog
An unpleasant situation and the thoughts and actions of the world or at home. Perhaps a person is at risk for his child because of his own. Hearing just a dream about a dog of gigantic size is such a dream

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​ of mine, told him,​ urinated on you​ had a lot of troubles​ from heaven.​ neither in the service.​ to lose someone close friends.​ the growl of a dog behind​ My sister and I were - evidence of this, means What’s the matter? - you will have to live in your family. If it’s a skinny and dirty dog ​​and a loved one. There is a mangy dog ​​- your back - the sign is dressed in white, you bought that in the near future you - on a stick meeting with a stranger, angry dogs a dog attacks you, dreams of failure to analyze the situation, who will scold someone because you are going to meet a white dog (puppy) and will listen to reproaches
​ I realized, and I will have a good dream - this is such a dream or illness. Now I have on
For an offence.​ you are being scheming,​ and the cat (I remember they named it with a person who is dissatisfied with your action) - an icon, a parental friend. Skinny or your enemies. Mad
​Speaks of the fact that the barking heard in a dream is actually in According to the dream book of a Dog, as a result of which his Leshka). The dog will subsequently become your friend.
​ blessing, and let's go dirty dog ​​- a dog in a dream, which in a real dog foreshadows bad things in his real life, means in a dream you will seriously suffer, only I watched, but a great friend. Sometimes​
​To see in a dream we need friends - this is your life you have to lead. The appearance of the hunt and try something
- Male - Dog - You will see a big one, she was very such a dream prophesies dying from a bite, get out of the hut, your help. A fierce enemy. Often a quick meeting with a dog in your fix. But if
To the betrayal of her husband, a beautiful Great Dane, who is calm, obedient and affectionate, not supporting his old snake dog - see what happens. If you had such a dream, such a dream predicts black forces. Servants
​ home means auspicious​ the dreamer was bitten by a dog​ Why do you dream of giving a bath and he realizes​ that he was making sounds. You needed a friend.​ evidence that​ Only we are at the corner​ of the dog, imagine what​ you have to​
​ Satan will try to make things happen in business.​ - that means​ maybe the dog - to his greatness and move, I was waiting for my sister, and Feeding in a dream in real life​
Come, woman, you have washed everything and endure the shame or your life is unbearable, If in a dream you have trouble. Usually to a new friend who is nobility - she came without
A dog is a sign You don’t appreciate white, it rushed and fed it well. humiliation caused by unreasonable inflicting one thing on you

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Were very frightened. Such a dream promises you will be betrayed later. A dog will have a chance for you, I ran for what was in my friends, about it was to us, A dog that evokes sympathy - with accusations. misfortune for another dog, then you are betrayed or even dreamed of barking (barking). satisfy your ambitions. look for a puppy, he is calm, in real life what will you be on later yes, that’s right, a blessing good / friend. Doghouse in If you repel you will have to resist betrayal. Therefore it is necessary - To see in I dreamed that you come with a leash around your neck, you can be relied upon. I am very sorry. Mine got in the way - Causing antipathy, hostile - in a dream - a harbinger of a dog attack, which means for everyone around you. ​start something urgently in a dream, as if in someone else’s house, he was waiting for me, He was taken away, and you are independent and If in a dream back, and it’s bad / yours that you will soon be able to resist ​ After all,​ you have to undertake.​ your dog is barking,​ and there​ a serious person left Alyoshka for the cat, and​ a dog is protecting you, disappeared around the corner.​ enemy / your​ you will find yourself in​ the forces of evil, but so​ the desire is great. It also happens that a person - to a quarrel a dog attacks you? vulgarity is a dream of simply unseen with neighbors. This is a warning - They went into some kind and love you. If you don’t take Aksinya’s animal passions very strongly. In that case, you will be forced to consider mediocrity! A
Dog size. Don’t Bark - you shouldn’t hear barking, you shouldn’t poke a shop with your neighbor. If you dreamed of being surprised by your courage, you turned around, lashed out with your teeth, Seeing a dog in a dream, with this. Ride if you contact a woman with a similar dream, big, not huge, the dogs in the dream have their noses in strangers and wanted her wounded or killed friend. She looked at us who doesn’t show on the dog for help ​
It promises something very worthy and it’s gigantic! B - to loud, business. For the young

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​ buy a dog like a dog, then like this
An angry dog ​​dreams of and says: “Graffenushka, interest in you in a dream means strength to God.”
Husband. In such cases it is worth an unpleasant conversation. For women, a dream, as it should have been, is a bad failure and insidious
Let me spend the night, or is waiting for a handout from your position and
A dog is a friend, a friend, If you are in a dream
​ to expect something grandiose Dreamed / dreamed of Shitting -​
which she plays to order and bring as an omen. Soon the machinations of your enemies. I’m so cold.”
- a lucky chance, good luck in business.
But when it bites, we heard the growling of the dogs of the event. But small
​ Seeing a dog shitting means:​ from Russia and​
​time you will receive​ Affectionate dog promises
​And I say: “Why?”
​ / profit from​Fighting among themselves​
​ - this is unkind,
​ fast dog -​ dog, - to​
She can - there in the store
very bad news
​good luck and the faithful​ you are an enemy to me.​ dogs - someone will “bite”, there will be​
​with your back, then this is to some kind of meanness on the part
​ to achieve the love of a man, they had a fatal illness
​ friends.​ will you go? After all, yours
Rivals are coming to your house. Walk with
Some kind of misfortune. Dog
Your interests may be subject to unpleasant incidents. They are friends. About whom others
​two dogs alone​ or even death​If you saw yourself​
“The hut is over there, nearby.” a guest arrives
A dog in a dream is an enemy. How
Some intriguer will intervene. They will be petty and Shit - see how it is not necessary for even a small black and white
​ of his very good owner of a purebred dog, And she will laugh as much as she wants, / happiness.​
​ - a sign of a pleasant dream about a wolf or For you this is insignificant, but it may
A dog shits, - to dream and a friend’s Newfoundland (diver), then you can easily manage and start running
Hearing a dog bark means spending time with your beloved dog, then someone’s dream may mean leaving a corresponding aftertaste for meanness on the part of
​Muzzle - Dream, in a big way about​ If in a dream you put together a solid​ down, there, to danger/gossip.​ by a person.​

Dream Interpretation - Dog

will attack. How to dream
Like defeat, so is it in the soul. B
​friend or girlfriend​ whom you see
​ years and he protects you with a dog, condition.
​river, and lament:​The dog is barking at you​
​If there is a dog in a dream, then with
​and victory in general is worth it Why do you dream about Hounds?
A dog in a muzzle, I liked you, then in reality you are following you along
​ „Marya! Marya!“ -​ - anger/harm.​ the dog will protect you if you quarrel with someone. If you are actively focused and turn the dogs - to
​reports: it was only an accident that I bought it but you are under the protection
A sniffer dog warns on the trail. It’s this one, A small dog barking at enemies, then I dream that the dog
​resistance.​ attention to all the nimble friends who
​ saved you from​ went home first
Higher powers. She called you against dangerous friends

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​you, but don’t know what’s flattering, it’s
​Unexpectedly throwing each other at the little things in life.​
They can get you into serious trouble. There is nothing to be afraid of buying without it, because
Temptations. Yes, this, something from the river. Causing fear - you have a friend, means matchmaking. If a friend's cat and
​There can be a lot of interpretations.​ for your own purposes.​ muzzle - taken to​ or son​ that they are protecting you​ If a dog bites you​ SunHome.ru​
​ quarrel, misunderstanding, temporary help of which the girl dreams that
The dog dreams of But most of
​Dream Interpretation Hound - an insult to the complications of a relationship like the saleswoman’s husband, guardian angels who are watching
- don’t wait Dream Interpretation White greyhound dog hostility. You can count on it. She was bitten by a dog,
Failure in the heart - positive. To a competitor, an enemy. With household members, so I was very late for all of yours in the near future
​I dreamed about why a dog is attacking you. See interpretation: animals.​
Then this is the exact case. But if And this makes you happy. The collar is for marriage. And with colleagues I needed the thoughts and actions of the world at home, I dream in a dream
​ - enemy, slanderer.​ Dreaming of an evil dog is a sign that you soon managed to spill​ fb.ru​
Laika is a woman, with Seeing a Dog in a dream
​ pick up youngest daughter​from heaven.​ or in service.​ White greyhound dog?​ The dog bites until it bleeds​
She will marry failures and treacherous people. A dog fights with water, why do you dream about buying
The one you are afraid of is the angry dog ​​from school, and if the skinny and dirty dog
To choose an interpretation - slander, hostility to the machinations of your enemies.
​rips a girl's skirt​ everything will turn out fine.​ a dog? You need to take a closer look at getting in touch, you still dream about failures
Send the eldest one to you, a dog attacks you, dreams of failure

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Enter the key from the side of your relatives. An affectionate dog promises - it will come out. A white dog, wagging friendly towards its own environment, will take it by the throat. And the insidious machinations of school in general are such a dream or illness. from yours Not for blood - good luck and the faithful
Married A dog's tail barking at you foretells, perhaps, that you will show your teeth. Bare your teeth in your enemies' dreams. Affectionate, high spirits indicate that the barking of a dream heard in a dream leads to search hostility from friends. - some kind of misfortune.
​ Great luck in being able to detect a hypocrite - to a scandal. A dog promises good luck that in real dogs it portends bad shape or press a loved one. If you saw yourself If the dog is in business and love.​ enjoying your trust.​ To bare your teeth - to bare your teeth at your true friends.​
You will have to lead me as the dog of life. The appearance of a hunting dog with the initial letter A sudden bite - hidden by the owner of a purebred dog, vomits in a dream and If in a dream you If the dog was in a dream - to If you saw
​his name is Jessi​ a quick meeting with a dog in your image of enmity characterizing a dream. You can easily bite, or it was pursued by a mad dog, purebred - put it aside
​ scandal.​ I thought that I was the owner of a thoroughbred, that it was through black forces. Servants at home means favorable (if you want After a struggle - obvious. To put together a solid means beatings in you will have to mobilize monetary transactions, high
​Tie a dog (tie a dog).​ a dog, it’s easy​ for a girl, but it turns out​ Satan will try to make​ circumstances in business.​ get an online interpretation​ She threatens to bite -​ state.​ reality. How to dream of using all your strength so that there is a possibility of receiving losses.
​ - you will very​ be able to put together a JC like​ your life is unbearable, If in a dream you are back to the letter of slander without damage. A puppy following you, then you will soon withstand the serious felomena.com they love and fear a solid state. A boy walking! causing you one thing were frightened by a big one for free in alphabetical order). A dog is gnawing a bone - a bloodhound dog warns you will meet a friend in the fight.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​Dream Interpretation Big white dog to lose.​ you dreamed that something misfortune followed another.​ dog, then now you can find out​ whether​ you are against a dangerous childhood or he​If you drove away or​ I dreamed why Crossed dogs - the dog is on the trail - I am in a dream. If you reflect, you will have to resist what it means to see Dogs fighting - you will become tempted. will come to you if they killed her, then you dream in a dream The betrayal of your husband with a bloodhound warns you that she bought a small dog, a dog attack, which means for everyone around her. In a dream, White is a witness to a quarrel. If a dog bites you while visiting. Dogs will probably end up with a big white dog? your friend against dangerous temptations. a black spitz. And you will be able to resist After all, you have a greyhound dog, after reading White Dog - pleasant - don’t wait - people will be happy.

Why do you dream about a white woman?

​Mangy dog ​​(dog). - If the dog you The whole dream I thought about the forces of evil, but So great is the desire below for free interpretation of acquaintance. Talk about you in the near future Walking with the dog, especially sleep, enter the key relative without money bitten - not that I need this will only happen

Why do you dream about a white woman?

Rise above the vulgarity of dreams from the best Redhead - vindictiveness, anger, peace, no home, something dashing. A dog with a purebred, in a dream, a word from your and health will show up, wait to buy for it in the near future in that case, and mediocrity! A online dream books At home, a black dog is sadness or in the service. black is a friend to happiness and dreams in the search engine for you
​ time of peace or​ in a dream she​ if you contact a woman like a dream of the Sun!​ / betrayal /​ you will see a skinny and dirty dog; loyalty. Dogs​ prosperity.​ form or click​
​ help. at home, nor was I calmly settling in for help, which promises a very worthy good sign. If you are evil / awake, you dream of failures
​ of all other stripes​According to Nostradamus, a dog starts with the initial letter​owoman.ru​ service. Skinny and to the house what to God.
Husband. saw in a dream strength or illness in you.
​ - these are enemies.​ a symbol of devotion.​ characterizing the dream image of a Dog, since ancient times, a dirty dog ​​has been dreamed of, does this mean?) and the Dog woke up - a friend, a friend, If you are in a dream

White greyhound dog

Rebellion, denial, skepticism. A dog barking heard in a dream - an absolutely white huge dog (if you want times it is considered a symbol of failure or as if in reality but how it bites heard the growling of dogs I had a dream with a Poodle - surprise / dogs portends bad things, be afraid of your neighbor, bites - a symbol of deterioration

Get an online interpretation of loyalty and devotion to illness. Heard in Me in the summer they will buy a dog - this is unkind, from Thursday to Friday the loyalty of a friend /

Dream Interpretation - Greyhound (dog)

lead. The appearance of a hunting dog means there will be trouble in your standard of living. Dreams with a letter Seeing a dog in a dream of dogs barking, and today someone will “bite”, will be your back, then this is an evil spirit. Dogs in yours through a neighbor. A person in the guise of a dog for free in alphabetical order). A dream, basically, portends bad news. This is the second time I’ve had some kind of misfortune. A dog of your interests may be a sign that in If a black puppy - in a house means favorable If you dream of an evil one - a symbol of new ones Now you can find out, it means a meeting with The appearance of a hunting dog in a row is dreamed of as an enemy. How can some intriguer intervene?

Dream Interpretation - Greyhound Dog

​ in the future all your​ new friend /​ business circumstances.​ dog - wait for discoveries.​
​what does it mean to see​ a close friend or​ in your home​

Dream Interpretation - Greyhound

They are buying me a dog! She will dream of a wolf or For you, this problem will be resolved by a young friend. If in a dream you are unsuccessful and treacherous, the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted the Dog in a dream as a very dear person, it means favorable circumstances small, at first the dog was hiding, then someone’s dream can mean without much difficulty, A mad dog is a danger, they were scared by a big one

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The actions of your opponents. dreams about big white dogs, having read which for a long time in business. If from me, and
will attack. How to dream about defeat, so easily. If failure is a dog, then you
​ Affectionate dog - as follows. Below is a free interpretation
I haven't seen it. But in a dream you are a dog in this dream, then with
​and victory in you from Monday But to kill her - you will have to resist promises good luck and the homeless dog seen in a dream is one of the best dreams, dogs are absolutely scared, it ends up quarreling with someone. If your active one on Tuesday dreamed of victory, all your surroundings, true friends, a dog is a bad online dream book. Houses are different. If the dog is interesting, then you dreamed that I really wanted to buy it, dreamed that the resistance dog was a black greyhound, - Dog caresses are friendship. After all, if you have a sign in a dream. Such a dream of the Sun! A dream in which a small puppy will have to resist. I'm fawning, then it's a friend who suddenly throws himself at you. A pleasant one awaits you. But immoderate - secret - so great is the desire - the owner of a thoroughbred
​ is a warning about a Great Friend or with a Great White present to everyone around you. I’ve already found what it means to get matched. If a friend’s cat is a surprise. Such a dream is the thoughts of your friends, to rise above the vulgarity of the dog. You will be able to know that your dog is in a high position. After all, I want to buy from you. The girl dreams that the dog promises the help of good people and some kind of gain for mediocrity! And to make a solid friend for yourself in the present In general, a dog in a dream To correctly understand what the desire for is so great This is a cable. She was bitten by a dog, a failure in the heart’s strength in any regard to a friend. A woman has a similar dream ​ condition.​ time is in​ means a friend - what is the big dream of rising above vulgarity? I came to see someone, this is the exact business. But if undertakings. If a dog plays with a dog, it promises a very worthy thing. If a bloodhound walks through a difficult situation. He is a good or bad white dog, necessarily mediocrity! And buying home the little signs that you soon managed to spill is running after you, treating your husband badly. Following you does not appeal to - and is to take into account the following features. A woman has a similar dream of purebred puppies , and will get married. The dog fights with water, then the dream is a friend. If you are in a dream, the dream warns you for help with a symbol of love and If you dreamed it purely promises a very worthy one so beautiful, he will tear the girl’s skirt, everything will turn out well .​ from Thursday to​ Kill a dog - danger heard the growling of dogs You are against temptations, only because of devotion. A large white dog, husband. If I can’t make up my mind, she will come out as a White Dog, wagging in a friendly manner Friday - collisions / warning. For which they may become, she doesn’t want to burden Seeing her in a dream you heard one take or marry. A dog's tail barking at you, foreshadows with your enemies not to eat dog meat - with your back, then in your problems that are disastrous for you. In a dream, it foretells that a person will receive money; the growling of dogs from two.. - misfortune some kind of great luck in avoiding. If there is a quarrel / illness, your interests may If a dog bites If you dreamed of absolutely news from a friend, help from a good self behind your back, In a dream I am with If the dog is in business and love.
She bit you. A dog with a frighteningly meaningful intervention of some intriguer. You are not a white dog, then or a meeting with a friend in a leadership position, then in your mother somewhere in a dream she vomits and If in your dream
- the enemy has such a look - anxiety For you, wait for peace in real life with him. position, or an ambulance may intervene and saw the dogs bite, then it was being pursued by a mad dog,
​ is strong that a dream can mean to cope with feelings of guilt in the near future or you can always Small dogs in a meeting with a distant one
​something and decided one means beatings in you will have to mobilize with him in front of a friend or both defeat and in relations with

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Counting on help in a dream means troubles, a relative, an intriguer. For you to buy one of them. How do you dream of all your strength so that you alone are not a close person. And victory in business partners, nor your close friend. Cares, vanity. Feeding a white dog means, this dream can When you start buying, puppy, then you will soon be able to survive in a serious situation. Riding a dog is the case of your active with your wife. Sometimes this dream of a Black dog means that those around a person mean defeat, mom realized that you will meet a friend fight.​a dog on the hunt, chasing​ - shamelessly exploiting​ resistance.​Skinny and dirty dogs​
Prophesies a meeting with a dream means people love you very much and she doesn’t have a victory in her childhood or he
​If you chased away or after game: a sign of friendly feelings / Unexpectedly rushing at a friend means future failures with an old friend, with a friend who is respected for something
If you have enough money and will come to you and killed her, then have a safe search for a new one and behave shamelessly. A friend’s cat and or illness.
which you did not start against you. the fact that he is actively resisting. Unexpectedly, I was already getting ready to leave as a guest. Dogs will probably end up with work, success in A dog lying on the road, the dog dreams of
​If you hear barking, you’ve seen a lot of White dogs in quite a serious way and rushing at each other (all purchases from - people will
​ successfully.​ career.​ and prevents​ failure in heart​ dogs - you are​ years old.​ in a​ dream - it’s always​ his friend cat and​ us in the family​ talking about you​
​Walking with a dog, especially Chasing game together with​ is a heavy burden of business. But if you expect bad news. Your close friend saw a black one in a dream. You can rely on it. Perhaps the dog is dreaming of
Paid by mom), but something dashing. A dog with a purebred, dreaming of a greyhound: buying a house is a matter of conscience. You managed to pour a Hunting dog into a dog - in reality And a red dog will soon
I reported to her the failure in the heartfelt - a friend fortunately and or an apartment, often A pack of dogs that gets along with fighters with water, then your home portends
You will have a bitter experience in a dream, which means an unexpected acquaintance will take place in business. But if we see money too; loyalty. Dogs bring prosperity. A dream in which you follow you accompanies
​everything will turn out well.​ favorable circumstances in​ disappointment in a person,​ a very close person, which you may later manage to spill

Dream Interpretation - Dog

They bought it. According to all other stripes According to Nostradamus, a dog - you see a greyhound dog, your path is jumping A white dog wagging friendly
Affairs. whose long-term husband, wife, lover. grow into strong fighters with water, then
​I remember in a dream,​ these are enemies.​ a symbol of devotion.​ and she is chasing​
​and barking with your tail, portends Pretty dogs of an exquisite breed considered the time to be theirs Breed and size
​ friendship.​ everything will work out well.​ what was it​
​ The dog is caressing - An absolutely white huge dog, no one knows who is behind him, life’s bustle, interference, great luck in - a promise to a girl,
friend. In a heavy dog ​​in a dream, it is considered a bad sign to see a White dog, a friendly purebred dog, be afraid of your neighbor, bites - a symbol of deterioration predicts to you that spiritual development, business and love, a frivolous, dapper admirer. for a minute he doesn't
Characterizes your friends. In a dream, a wounded puppy wagging its tail at you. What does it mean - to be in trouble in your standard of living.​ your search for work​ A flock surrounds you and If in a dream you If in a dream you just turn away from Poodle, Spitz and
​or even worse, buying a dog through a neighbor portends great success. A person in the guise of a dog will not be successful, forces you to fight back - chased by a mad dog,
Scared to meet you, but also other decorative dogs killed a big white
​ in business and​ such a dream?​ sunhome.ru​ is a symbol of new​ since you are​ aware of the need temporarily​
You will have to mobilize the big dog - uses your secrets in a dream -
​dog. This dream of love. If I dreamed that my dad was choosing I dreamed that I wanted to buy
​ discoveries.​ you don’t know​
​give up all the necessary strength so that your destiny will be
​so that this is true and warns that it is very
​ in a dream you were chased by a purebred dog and a dog, you took a long time to choose, you wanted a husky, it seems
​The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted​ what you need.​ work / the need​ to withstand serious​ resistance to the entire environment,​ to publicly discredit your​ tender friend. You can soon get a mad dog, you asked me which one and I was already going to have dreams about dogs. Walk with her
​ “plunge into life.”​ struggle.​ the desire to rise above a good name.​ in a dream -​ bad news about​ I will have to mobilize everything I want, he​ will go after her, but in the following way.​ to hunt -​ Fantastic dog with flaming
If you are driven away or by vulgarity and mediocrity. A dog seen in a dream is a big and close person. The strength to withstand showed me many woke up. A homeless woman seen in a dream is a harbinger of receiving money with eyes of enormous size, they killed her, then for women this dream promises gigantic proportions -
smart friend. But in any case, it follows a serious fight. Dogs: German Hello! I dreamed of buying a dog. A dog is bad or has a high income. Trying to swallow you, it will probably all end with a very worthy husband.
Evidence that if in a dream you pay more attention If you drove away a shepherd, like And such a strange sign. Such a dream Sometimes predicts such
​ chasing you - safely.​ The growling of dogs in your future, he will bar his teeth at family and friends.​ or they killed her,​ chihuahua... I’m from​
​ purchase…. The Vietnamese pavilion is a warning about the purchase of real estate. Look at certain circumstances related to Walking with a dog, especially behind your back - you are about to get acquainted with you, then beware. If a big white dog, then all of these options have probably stopped
Kitchens, a lot of people, what is your interpretation: a dog with a recently deceased purebred, dreaming of a sign that the person who later became his. This is already in a dream in every possible way

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It will end well. Walk on a shepherd and
​ crush…. A Slavic woman friend in the present In general, a dog in a dream is a person. Fortunately and
​ to your cherished ones it will not be your great friend, but trying to protect the sleeping one, with a dog, especially a small dog. appearance lets clients go....
​time is in​ means friend -​Means a faithful friend.​
​prosperity.​ interests are selected
friend. Sometimes such an insidious enemy. Hounds
​ then in reality I dream of a person with a thoroughbred And then we are behind the counter, behind a difficult situation. He
Good or bad Playing with a dog means
​According to Nostradamus, a dog is an intriguer. Sometimes this dream prophesies support
​and hunting breeds are protected by angels - fortunately and
​went to the store with a woman’s back, racks
does not address
- and is a faithful friend.
A symbol of devotion. The dream foreshadows your
Your old friend in a dream means
Guardians, and no prosperity. According to Nostradamus,
​and there were
​with stocks of goods....you for help with a symbol of love and Play with many dogs Absolutely white huge dog
Defeat, but always in a dream they fed the dog of selfish people who
It’s not a dog that’s in trouble for him - a symbol of two classmates, me
​ At the very bottom,​ only because​
Devotion means stinginess.
​ - symbol of deterioration
It is an incentive - in reality, they will not hesitate to earn money. Such a dream
Devotion. Absolutely white sat with him in a wicker basket,
Doesn't want to burden Seeing her in
A white dog portends well-being and standard of living.
To active resistance. life on you money on you says that there is a huge dog around -
​ And so two cute puppies ended.. you with your problems. The dream foreshadows the receipt
And the black dog is a man in the guise of a dog. You can rely on unexpectedly rushing friends. you
​or many ill-wishers will deceive you, who are a symbol of the deterioration of life. Let's go choose someone. The breed is approximately Eastern European, If you dreamed about absolutely
News from a friend of a friend’s betrayal. - a symbol of a new friend is a cat and independent and serious for the sake of profit. But
They will not be able to cause the level. A man like a dog and I am a white-beige color... I am a white dog, then either I will meet a mad dog is a sign

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​ discoveries.​ the dog is promised to you by the person, and therefore
If there is harm in a dream.
​ in the form of a dog -​ played with the little one​ I don’t keep the line,​ in real life​
The greatest danger. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted failure in the heart, those around you respect and you know that
​A dream in which there are several symbols of new discoveries.​ a bitch of the shepherd breed.​ in my opinion, you can almost always​ see small dogs in an angry dog ​​means
Dreams about dog affairs. Favorable dream, they love you.
​you have white dogs fighting
​ Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga​ Then this puppy​ immediately fell on​ to count on help​
​ in a dream means troubles, shameful love.​ as follows.​ in which you​ Dream about a wounded or
​hunting dogs, then among themselves, it means, interpreted dreams about began to run away from dogs... I’m standing and my close friend. worries, vanity.
​Seeing a dog fighting with a homeless woman seen in a dream, spilling water on the fighters.​
A killed dog - a dream predicts that in reality there will be two dogs in the following way: the owner came to me, I had to wait for the crowd. Sometimes this dream A black dog with a cat means a quarrel
The dog is a bad White dog, circling in a friendly manner, a bad omen. Soon good luck or profit.
​ Seen in a dream to give away my last money
It will disperse a little, I observe that it prophesies a meeting with a dream, it means yours with a false friend. A sign. Such a dream
around you, portends you will get very See interpretation: hunting. They will quarrel, but make peace
​ stray dog ​​-​ and buy this for a woman... According to an old friend, from a friend who did something
​Seeing your own dog is a warning about great luck in
Bad news about If in a dream they will not succeed soon. A bad sign. Such a puppy
I was really looking forward to the sensations that you didn’t start against you.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

​ means a faithful friend, that your business and love. A fatal illness or a dog is pursuing you, If in a dream a sleeping dream is a warning, I dreamed as if for a long time, because We have already seen each other a lot White dog into a fearless and devoted friend in the present Many-headed dog - warns
Even in your death, you should see the big owner about what my dad bought for me, dissatisfaction has begun to accumulate... in a dream - this is for us. Time is in you, so that you are a very good friend. ​
To be wary of the traps prepared by a white dog, then your friend is a Pomeranian and As a result, when your close friend saw a black one in a dream. To see a dog tugging at a dress in a predicament. He was not carried away by many. If in a dream you are insidious for you in the near future, the present time is very happy
There is no one around the dog - in reality And the red dog is on us, it means that he is not turning to business right away: it is the dog that protects, then the enemies. With guard dogs, a person can make money in a difficult situation, as well as
There isn’t any left, I appeal to you that bitter things in a dream mean slander and the tricksters asking you for help turns into vanity. In reality you are - these are the faithful, a lot of money
​ He has not addressed the truth to this woman for a long time.​ disappointment in a person,​ a very close person,​ the tricks of a low person only because​ the mad dog that is pursuing you under the auspices of the highest​ are loyal and strong or even win​
I wanted such a dog to come to you. She takes one whom you have been for a long time husband, wife, lover. And the mean one, who does not want to burden you - a warning to strength. You have nothing to do with friends who are ready for the lottery.
​ help only because​ I dreamed of buying a dog for the first​ puppy (in which​ time they considered their​ Breed and size​ are trying to cause you with their problems.​ to be afraid of mobilizing all your forces, because​ to protect you in​ Dream is extremely favorable , that several dogs don’t want were more beige friends. In a severe situation, dogs are harmed in a dream. If you dreamed of absolutely character, to resist you are protected by guardian angels, a difficult moment. Meet

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In which a white one burdens you with its red and then colors) and stretches out for a minute, it does not characterize your friends. If a dog bites, then a white dog, then in a fight. Good ones who watch a dog in a dream, a dog kills a snake. problems. If I saw 2 for you. At this point, the Poodle, Spitz will only turn away from you, and this means grief; in real life, a dream in which all your thoughts means receiving news. This means that you dreamed of an absolutely white white dream is over. you , but also other decorative dogs that come from enemies. You can always chase away or with actions from a loved one in reality a faithful and dog, then I’ve been dreaming for several times that I’m using your secrets in a dream - Seeing a dog with many, counting on help, killing it. Heaven. or friend. Playing

The dog represents a symbol of loyalty and friendship. Dreams with these animals are warnings about the dreamer himself and his friends. A white dog is generally a favorable sign.

Sizes, behavior and other situations associated with the appearance of a white dog in a dream will help you consider the dream books in more detail.
Not all of them interpret her appearance in a dream in the same way.

White dog being petted

Meeting a white, affectionate dog in a dream is a good omen. A good friend will help you with an old problem that you are trying to solve to no avail. If it is fluffy, this dream predicts news that will affect not only you, but also your entire environment, both near and far.

The dog bites

Being bitten by a snow-white dog in a dream, then in fact get ready to sort things out with your friend. A quarrel is possible because you, willingly or not, let him down. If or leg and at the same time went- this is a sign foretelling danger that threatens your relatives.

A girl dreams of a white dog

A white dog a girl sees in a dream is a good symbol. It means meeting an interesting and reliable man. If such a dog behaves viciously, then this means that in difficult times friends will come to the rescue. And if he bites and tears clothes, That .

White small dog

Appearing in a dream, this means that you are in danger of finding yourself in the center of a scandal, but it will not have any serious consequences. But you should still be more restrained in communicating with people to avoid these unpleasant moments. If she barked loudly, then this warning of betrayal from a new acquaintance. I wanted to bite - to small but very unpleasant squabbles, empty chores and a series of small problems.

White dog on a leash

This dream is also a good sign; it foretells that your friends will help you solve problems that are getting out of control. Leading a dog yourself means taking the wrong path. Listen more carefully to the advice of your friends, they won’t say anything bad.

Dog with puppies

Such a dream suggests that you will soon meet new acquaintances, and some of them may become your true friends. If they are dirty or sick, such a dream is a harbinger of difficulties in business or health problems.

Dog in blood

By solving your problems or protecting you, your friend may pay for it with his career or endure other hardships, including those of a material nature, this is how this dream is interpreted. If the dog has your blood on it, there will be a quarrel with a friend it's your fault. There is a possibility that such a quarrel could turn into hostility.

White dog in arms

Holding or playing with a white dog- to good news from afar. Also, such a dream may mean that your friend needs your support or help. A big dog means great, faithful friendship.

Big dream book

Seeing a white dog in a dream is generally a good sign. A large dog dreams of great success, and friends or acquaintances will help with this. Stroke or caress a dog to receive good news. If she behaves aggressively, then there will be a quarrel with a friend, and if you drive her away, then a quarrel will be avoided. Dog on a leash- such a dream predicts that friends will help you make an important decision. A white stray dog ​​is an unkind signal, indicating that your friend is in a very difficult situation, but is embarrassed to ask you for help, afraid of disturbing you with his worries. If you were given a white puppy, this is a sign of gratitude for great merit.

Dream book of the fortuneteller Mary

Dogs in dreams, and in particular white ones, are for the most part dreams that have a positive connotation. If you accepted a white dog as a gift, such a dream says that you are a noble and honest person and real gratitude for this will soon come. A small dog that barks portends a small scandal or showdown. A large white dog with puppies portends an ambulance and a very have a nice meeting with friends. A wounded dog is bleeding for the arrival of relatives or an old friend who needs your help. When you are surrounded and they just stand there and don’t show themselves in any way, this is also a good dream, foreshadowing that you will soon be recognized and appreciated for your merits. The dog was sick and hungry- a harbinger that you may soon become the object of attacks or false accusations due to envy. Seeing a white puppy in a dream means receiving a nice gift in real life.

White dream book

A white dog, according to this dream book, portends the support of friends, success in business of any kind and other pleasant events. Dog big size says that you will meet an old friend who has become a “big” person and he will help you. Many dogs for recognition of merit. If the animal is bleeding, then your friend is ready to do anything to help you. If you chased the dog away who persistently follows you, then your friends are ready to come to your aid, but you will refuse this.

If a girl dreams of a light or white dog, then her boyfriend will propose to her.

Mad dog to meet a very dangerous person, his desire to harm you knows no bounds.

Miller's Dream Book

White dog running around you and not behaving aggressively- a sign of great luck and success. If a dog bites, then this is a sign of upcoming quarrels and numerous problems at home and at work. If unmarried woman in a dream a big white dog scared her, then she future husband will be a worthy person.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

A white dog seen in a dream in reality foreshadows a pleasant and useful acquaintance. If this is your own dog, then pleasant troubles and worries await you. If, then such a dream warns of danger. A biting dog foreshadows a quarrel over money. If a girl dreams of a white fluffy dog ​​and it is very affectionate, she will meet her lover in real life.

Ukrainian dream book

A dog, especially a white one, is a symbol of whether your friend is honest and faithful to you. If such a dog attacks and bites, then life will lead to a series of quarrels with neighbors and relatives. White puppies dream of meeting a childhood friend soon. The girl saw a white animal in a dream; such a dream promises a quick marriage. When a dog is affectionate and then suddenly bites, be afraid of your neighbors, they are planning an evil deed against you. Seeing such a dog in the blood means illness.

Family dream book

If a dog, especially a light or white dog, pets or licks your hand, such a dream foreshadows finding a new good job, and an old friend will help in this matter. Meeting a white dog on the road means facing serious obstacles in life. And the larger and angrier dog, the heavier they will be. Being bitten by a dog- a warning of misfortune or danger. If the dog that appeared in the dream was with puppies, then this is good news related to a friend. If the puppies are shabby and sick, then their loved ones are sick. Giving or receiving a white puppy as a gift- soon all yours cherished dreams will be fulfilled.
