Key of King Solomon - Book I. Sacred Pentacles

Book one

Sacred Pentacles

Order of Pentacles

♦ The seven pentacles dedicated to Saturn are black.

♦ The seven of pentacles, dedicated to Jupiter, are blue.

♦ The seven of pentacles, dedicated to Mars, are red.

♦ The seven pentacles, dedicated to the Sun, are yellow.

♦ The five pentacles dedicated to Venus are green.

♦ Five pentacles dedicated to Mercury - mixed colors.

♦ The six pentacles dedicated to the Moon are silver.

This is the main pentacle, called the greater (or great) pentacle

It should be inscribed on sheepskin paper or on virgin parchment, which paper should be colored in green color. The circle containing the 72 divine letters must be red, but the letters can also be gold. All the letters within the pentacle should be of the same red or sky blue color, but the great name of God should be inscribed in gold. This pentacle serves to convene all spirits; if you show it to them, they will bow and obey you.


First pentacle of Saturn. This pentacle is very useful and effective in instilling terror in spirits. One has only to show him to them, how they humble themselves and, kneeling before him, obey [the spellcaster].

Second Pentacle of Saturn. This pentacle is very useful as a means against enemies and is especially effective in pacifying the pride of spirits.

Third Pentacle of Saturn. It should be made inside the magic circle; it is useful for the nightly evocation of spirits of the nature of Saturn.

Fourth Pentacle of Saturn. This pentacle serves primarily for all experiments and operations that cause ruin, destruction and death. Being made in all perfection, it also serves to [summon] those spirits who bring news when you call them from the south side.

Fifth Pentacle of Saturn. This pentacle protects those who call on the spirits of Saturn at night, and drives away the spirits guarding treasures.

Sixth Pentacle of Saturn. Around the circle on this pentacle, each name is indicated by its proper symbol. The person you use it against will become possessed by demons.

Seventh and final pentacle of Saturn. With the help of this pentacle one can cause earthquakes, for the forces of each angelic ranks those called upon in it will be enough to shake the whole universe.


First pentacle of Jupiter. It serves to evoke the spirits of Jupiter, especially those whose names are written along the outer circle of the pentacle. Among them is Parasiel, the lord and master of treasures who teaches how to recognize the places where they are located.

Second Pentacle of Jupiter. It serves to gain fame, honors, high ranks, wealth and all kinds of benefits, coupled with great peace of mind, as well as to find treasures and drive out the spirits that guard them. It should be inscribed on virgin paper or parchment with the feather of a swallow and the blood of a long-eared owl.

Third Pentacle of Jupiter. He provides protection and patronage to those who call on spirits. When they appear, show them this pentacle and they will immediately obey.

Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter. It serves to acquire wealth, honors and great abundance. His angel is Bariel. This pentacle should be engraved on silver on the day and hour of Jupiter when he is in the sign of Cancer.

Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter. He is endowed with great power. It helps to achieve truthful visions. Jacob, with the help of this pentacle, saw a ladder going from earth to heaven.

Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter. It serves to protect against all earthly dangers if one reverently contemplates it every day and repeats the verse written in a circle. “And you will never perish.”

Seventh and final pentacle of Jupiter. It has great power against poverty if one contemplates it piously while repeating the verse. In addition, it serves to expel spirits guarding treasures and helps to find them [i.e. e. treasures].


First pentacle of Mars. Designed to invoke spirits of the nature of Mars, especially those whose names are inscribed in the pentacle.

Second pentacle of Mars. This pentacle serves with great success against all kinds of ailments if applied to a sore spot.

Third pentacle of Mars. It is extremely effective in fomenting war, anger, strife and enmity, as well as in resisting enemies and instilling terror in unruly spirits. The names of God Almighty are clearly inscribed on it.

[CORRECTION: THIS PENTACLE WAS Drawn WRONGLY! OTHER HEBREW WORDS SHOULD BE ENTERED INTO THE OUTER RING: ON THE LEFT - אין , AT THE BOTTOM - צור , ON RIGHT - כאלהנו . The letters should be placed “bottom” towards the center of the circle.]

Fourth Pentacle of Mars. He is very strong and mighty in matters of war and therefore, without a doubt, will grant you victory.

Fifth Pentacle of Mars. Draw this pentacle on virgin parchment or paper, for it frightens the demons, and at the sight of it they will obey you, for they cannot resist in its presence.

Sixth Pentacle of Mars. Its power is so great that, armed with it, you will remain safe and sound in any attack, and if you enter into battle with someone, then his own weapon will turn against him.

Seventh and final pentacle of Mars. Draw it on virgin parchment or paper in blood bat on the day and hour of Mars; open it within the circle, calling upon the demons whose names are written on it, and immediately hail and storm will break out.


First Pentacle of the Sun. The face of Shaddai the Almighty, at the sight of whom all creatures obey and the angelic spirits kneel in reverence.

Second Pentacle of the Sun. This pentacle, like the previous and subsequent ones, corresponds to the nature of the Sun. All of them help to pacify the pride and arrogance of solar spirits, who by nature are proud and arrogant beyond all measure.

Third Pentacle of the Sun. Having the properties of the two previous pentacles, it also serves to gain kingdom and dominion, to cause harm to [someone] and to achieve fame and glory, which is especially facilitated by God's name Tetragrammaton, which is written on it twelve times.

Fourth Pentacle of the Sun. He will give you the opportunity to see the spirits that come to the caster invisible: as soon as you open this pentacle, they will immediately take on a visible form.

Fifth Pentacle of the Sun. It serves to summon those spirits who can transport you from one place to another, over a long distance and beyond. short time.

Sixth Pentacle of the Sun. When properly manufactured, it serves excellently for stealth operations.

Seventh and final pentacle of the Sun. If it so happens that anyone has been imprisoned or imprisoned in shackles of iron, then in the presence of this pentacle, engraved in gold on the day and hour of the Sun, he will immediately be released and set free.


First pentacle of Venus. It, like those that follow, serves to control the spirits of Venus, especially those whose names are inscribed in it.

Second Pentacle of Venus. These pentacles also serve to gain favor, honor and everything else that relates to Venus, as well as to fulfill all your desires related to this.

Third Pentacle of Venus. It serves to attract love, for which purpose it is enough just to show it to any person. His angel Monachiel should be invoked on the day and hour of Venus, in the first or eighth hour.

Fourth Pentacle of Venus. It is very powerful, because it leads to the obedience of the spirits of Venus and can force any person at your request to immediately come to you.

Fifth and final pentacle of Venus. One has only to show it to someone, and it will miraculously ignite and motivate that person to love.


First pentacle of Mercury. It serves to summon spirits living under the Firmament of Heaven.

Second Pentacle of Mercury. The spirits whose names are inscribed here fulfill and fulfill desires that are contrary to the natural order and do not belong to any of the other sections. They give an answer easily, but it is difficult to see them.

Third Pentacle of Mercury. He and the one who follows him serve to call upon the spirits subordinate to Mercury, especially those whose names are inscribed in this pentacle.

Fourth Pentacle of Mercury. He is intended to gain understanding and knowledge of all created things, and to discover and comprehend the hidden, and to command those spirits who are called allators (? Allatori) and serve as messengers. They obey with all readiness.

Fifth and final pentacle of Mercury. He commands the spirits of Mercury and serves to open doors, no matter how they are closed, and nothing can stand against him.


First Pentacle of the Moon. He and the one who follows him serve to call and summon the spirits of the Moon, as well as to open doors, no matter how they are locked.

Second Pentacle of the Moon. It helps against all dangers and disasters associated with water; and if it happens that the spirits of the Moon make a great downpour and raise a storm around your circle in order to amaze and terrify you, show them this pentacle, and immediately everything will stop.

Third Pentacle of the Moon. If you constantly carry it with you while traveling, it will serve as protection against all night attacks and against all dangers and disasters associated with water.

Fourth Pentacle of the Moon. He will protect you from all evil misfortunes and from all damage to soul and body. His angel Sophiel bestows knowledge of the properties of all herbs and stones, and to those who call on him, he will reveal all this knowledge.

Fifth Pentacle of the Moon. It serves to obtain answers [to questions] in a dream. His angel Iachadiel serves to cause destruction and damage, and to destroy enemies. You can also call upon him with the names Abdon and Dale against all the ghosts of the night and to summon the souls of the departed from the underworld.

Sixth and final pentacle of the Moon. It is amazingly good and serves admirably for causing torrential rains; if you engrave it on a silver plate and put it under water, it will rain as long as it [the pentacle] remains there. It should be engraved, drawn or inscribed on the day and hour of the Moon.

[Addition 1: Nine of Pentacles from the Hebrew Key of Solomon (Gollanz, 1914)]

[Addition 2: Twenty-four pentacles from the Greek Key of Solomon (Harley 5596)]

© Translation: Anna Blaze

This pentacle and its description are contained only in Mich. 276 and Aub. 24. Obviously this is some version of "Sigillum Dei Aemeth". Mathers's edition gives instead the Great Pentacle of Solomon from Lansdowne 1202 and 1203 (see page &) with the following note: “This is the Secret Figure of Solomon. It appears in only two manuscripts (Lansdowne 1202 and 1203). It is given by Eliphas Levi in ​​his work “The Doctrine and Ritual of High Magic” and by Tycho Brahe in his “Calendarium Naturale Magicum”, but in both cases without Hebrew words and letters (probably because it turned out to be impossible to make out them due to distortions introduced illiterate scribes). After much work and careful study of this figure, I came to the conclusion that the words inside the symbol stand for the ten Sephiroth, arranged in the form of the Tree of Life, to the right and left of which is the name of Solomon; the signs arranged in a circle are the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Thus, I restored all the inscriptions contained in this figure. The secret figure of Solomon is depicted on the frontispiece of both mentioned manuscripts."

- Note J. Peterson.

"Sigillum Dei Aemeth" ("Seal of the God of Truth") is a Kabbalistic seal first depicted in a 14th-century grimoire. "Liber iuratus" and became famous thanks to the works of John Dee, an English occultist of the 16th century.

"Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum" ("Eternal magic calendar") - a selection of calendar engravings with magical correspondences, first published in 1620. The creator of the Calendar was actually Johann Baptist Großschedel (1577 - after 1630), but, according to him, the work used calendars compiled by Tycho Brahe.

The pentacles are not numbered in the manuscripts, and only in the Lansdowne manuscripts 1202 and 1203 are most of them distributed by planets. This pentacle is given in Agrippa's Occult Philosophy (Book III, Chapter XI). In Aub. 24, Add. 10862 and Mich. 276 it is also placed first in the row of pentacles, and in W. 4670 it is seventeenth. The third divine name in the manuscripts is distorted and in most cases is given in the form IRAH; there are variants IZAH, IVAH and IARL. A version of this pentacle is also given in the Grimoire of Pope Honorius (1800). - Note J. Peterson.

The Hebrew letters inside the square are the four great four letter names of God:יהוה – Yod, Heh, Vav, Heh;אדני - Adonai; ייאי - Iiai) (this name has the same numerical value as the name El) andאהיה - Eheye. The Hebrew saying surrounding the square is taken from Ps. 71:9: “The inhabitants of the desert will fall before him, and his enemies will lick the dust” [“Posuerunt in caelum os suum et lingua eorum transivit in terra”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

In Agrippa (op. cit.), this pentacle contains another saying and is described as follows: “...Rabbi Hamai in his “Book of Speculation” [“Sefer Ha-Iyun”, XIII century] gives<…>sacred seal,<…>effective against any human ailments and against all sorrows. On its front side there are four names of God, inscribed in square cells, from top to bottom, and the inscription in the ring around them reveals their meaning [יהוה אלהיכו יהוה אכד , “IHVH our God is IHVH one,” Mark. 12:29]. On the reverse side is the seven-letter name Ararita and in the ring around it is its interpretation, namely, the verse from which this name is extracted [אחד ראש אחותו ראש ייחורו תמורתו אחד , “one is the beginning of His unity, one is the beginning of His personality, one is His transformation”]. This seal must be cut from the purest gold or virgin parchment, pure, untouched and unsullied, and the inscriptions must be made with ink made specifically for this purpose from the smoke of consecrated wax candles or incense [i.e., from the soot formed when candles or incense burn] with holy water; and if the performer of this desires for the seal to certainly acquire its divine power, he must be pure and purified by sacrifice, and his hope must be unshakable, his faith must be firm, and his mind must be elevated to the Most High.”

This pentacle is in second place in Mich. 276 and Aub. 24, on the third - in Sloane 1307, on the thirtieth - in Add. 10862 and on the eighteenth in W. 4670. In Sloane 1307 the SATOR square is filled with Latin letters. - Note J. Peterson.

This is the famous square:

The most perfect arrangement of letters of all known double acrostics. It is mentioned several times in medieval magical texts, but until now only very, very few people knew that it comes from this pentacle. It immediately strikes the eye that this is the square of the number five, consisting of twenty-five letters, which, when added to one, give twenty-six - the numerical value of יהוה. The Hebrew saying surrounding the square is taken from Ps. 71:8: “He will possess from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth” [“Et dominabitur a mari usque ad mare et a flumine usque ad terminos orbis terrarum”]. In the original this verse also consists of twenty-five letters, and its total numerical value (including the final letters), when added to the number of the name Elohim, is exactly equal to the numerical value of the twenty-five letters composing the given square. - Note S.L. Mathers.

For the SATOR square, see also note. & on page &. The exact origin and age of this letter square are unknown, but, one way or another, it began to be used for magical purposes no later than the 1st century BC. - long before the first pentacles of this pattern appeared.

This pentacle is in third place in Add. 10862 and Mich. 276, on the sixth - in Aub. 24 and on the nineteenth - in W. 4670. The names are written everywhere in Latin letters. - Note J. Peterson.

The signs at the ends of the rays of this mystical wheel are the magical signs of Saturn. Around the circle are the names of the angels: Omeliel, Anachiel, Arauchiah and Anazachia, written in Hebrew letters. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in second place in Add. 10862, on the fifth - in Aub. 24 and on the twentieth in W. 4670. In Sloane 1307 the same verse from the psalm is used in the tenth pentacle, but with a different image within the circle. - Note J. Peterson.

The Hebrew words surrounding the triangle are from Deut. 6:4: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” The saying written in a circle is taken from Ps. 108:18: “Let him be clothed with the curse as with a robe, and let it enter like water into his bowels and like oil into his bones.” ossibus eius"]. In the center of the pentacle is the secret letter Yod. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in twenty-eighth place in Add. 10862 and on the thirteenth - in W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

The Hebrew letters in the corners between the arms of the cross spell out the name Yod-He-Vav-He. The letters in the corners of the square are the name Eloa. On the four sides of the square are written the names of the angels: Arehanah, Rahaniel, Roelhaiphar and Noaphiel. The saying inscribed in the outer ring is taken from Deut. 10:17: “God is great, strong and terrible” [“Deus magnus et potens, et terribilis”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in twenty-ninth place in Add. 10862, on the thirty-fourth - in Aub. 24 and on the fourteenth - at W. 4670. At Aub. 24 states that this pentacle should be “all black,” and in Add. 10862 - “red” [i.e. colors of Mars]. - Note J. Peterson.

This pentacle is made up of the secret signs of Saturn. Along the circumference is written in Hebrew: “Set the wicked over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand” [Ps. 108:6, "Constitue super eum impium et Satan astet a dextris eius"]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in thirty-first place in Add. 10862. - Note J. Peterson.

Inside the pentacle are the names of the nine angelic orders. Six of them are written in ordinary Hebrew letters, the rest in letters of the alphabet known as "Passing the River." These nine ranks are: 1. HAYOT HA-KADOSH (חיות הקדוש ), “holy animals”; 2. OFANIM (אופנים ), "wheels"; 3. ARALIM (אראלים ), "thrones"; 4. HASHMALIM (חסמלים ), "shining"; 5. SERAPHIM (שרפים ), "fiery"; 6. MALAKIM (מלכים ), "kings"; 7. ELOHIM (אלהים ), "gods"; 8. BENI ELOHIM (בני אלהים ), "sons of Elohim"; 9. KERUBIM (כרובים ), "cherubim". The saying is taken from Ps. 17:8: “The earth shook and was shaken, the foundations of the mountains trembled and moved, for [God] was angry.” - Note S.L. Mathers.

"Passing the River", also known by the Latin name "Transitus Fluvii", is an occult alphabet consisting of 22 letters and derived from the Hebrew alphabet (see table on page &). Described in Agrippa's Occult Philosophy (Book III, Chapter 30). The name presumably goes back to the Old Testament legend about the return of the Jews from Babylonian captivity - to the episode with the crossing of the Euphrates River, which was followed by the restoration of the Jerusalem temple.

This pentacle is in fifth place in Add. 10862, on the seventh - in Aub. 24 and on the fifteenth - at W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

This pentacle is made up of the secret signs of Jupiter. Around it are written the names of angels in Hebrew: Netoniel, Devachiah, Tzedeqiah and Parasiel. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in fourth place in Add. 10862, on the eighth - in Aub. 24 and on the sixteenth - at W. 4670. At Aub. 24 and Add. 10862 it is said that it should be depicted with the blood of a bat (lat. noctula, it. noctula), and in French manuscripts - owls (fr. chouette). Since in Latin the common name for a bat is vespertilio, this may mean that the French version is a translation from Latin rather than Italian. In Aub. 24 added an indication that this pentacle can be engraved on metal. - Note J. Peterson.

In the center of the hexagram are the letters of the nameאהיה , Eheje, in its upper and lower corners are the letters of the nameאב , Ab (“Father”), in the remaining corners are the letters of the name Yod-He-Vav-He. I believe that the letters placed around the hexagram, at obtuse angles, refer to the first two words of Ps. 111: 3: “Abundance and wealth are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever” [“Gloria et divitiae in domo eius et iustitia eius manet in saeculum saeculi”; the same verse is used in the fourth pentacle of Jupiter]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in twenty-sixth place in Add. 10862, on the twenty-second - in Aub. 24, on the first - at W. 4670 and on the sixth - at Sloane 1307. - Note J. Peterson.

In the upper left corner is the magical seal of Jupiter with the letters of the name Yod-He-Vav-He. In the remaining corners there is the seal of the Mind of Jupiter, as well as the names ADONAI and Yod-He-Vav-He. The inscription in a circle is Ps. 124:1: “He who trusts in the Lord, like Mount Zion, shall not be moved: he abides forever” [“Qui confidunt in Domine sicut mons Sion non commovebitur in aeternum qui habitat”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

The magical seal and seal (or rather, sigil) of the mind of Jupiter, bearing the name Jophiel (יופיאל ), derived from the magic square of Jupiter (4 x 4), as described in Agrippa's Occult Philosophy (Book II, Chapter XXII).

This pentacle is in twenty-seventh place in Add. 10862, on the twenty-fifth - in Aub. 24, on the second - at W. 4670 and on the eighth - at Sloane 1307. - Note J. Peterson.

Above the magic symbol is the nameיה , I. Below it are the names of the angels: Adoniel (אדניאל ) and Bariel ( בריאל ); letters last name[also] surround a square divided into four parts. The inscription in a circle is Ps. 111:3: "Abundance and wealth are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever" ["Gloria et divitiae in domo eius et iustitia eius manet in saeculum saeculi", the same verse used in the second pentacle of Jupiter]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

According to classical astrology, in the sign of Cancer, Jupiter is in exaltation - one of its strongest positions. Since Jupiter's orbital period is just under 12 years, suitable periods for making this pentacle do not occur very often, but last about a year.

This pentacle is in sixth place in Add. 10862, on the twenty-ninth - in Aub. 24 and on the third - at W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

The Hebrew letters inside the pentacle are taken from five last words verse written in a circle, each of which has five letters. These letters are redistributed in a new way and form some secret names. The verse itself is taken from Ezek. 1:1: “While I was among the exiles by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God [Elohim]” [“Cum essem in medio captivorum iuxta fluvium Chobar, aperti sunt caeli, et vidi visiones Dei”]. In my opinion, the inscription should consist only of the last five words of this verse; In this way, it will be possible to avoid the anachronistic juxtaposition between the mention of Jacob using this pentacle and the saying from the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in seventh place in Add. 10862 and on the fourth - in W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

The four names inscribed in the sleeves of the cross are Seraph (שרף ), Kerub ( כרוב ), Ariel ( אריאל ) and Tharsis ( תרסיש ), four rulers of the elements. The saying going around is Ps. 21:16-17: “They pierced my hands and my feet. One could count all my bones” [“Foderunt manus meas et pedes meos: dinumeraventur omnia ossa mea”]. - Note S, L. Mathers.

The names of the four rulers of the elements are given by Agrippa (Occult Philosophy, Book III, Chapter XXIV): “There are also [angels] corresponding to the elements, namely: Air - Cherub, Water - Tharsis, Earth - Ariel (Ariel), Fire - Seraph (Seruph) or, according to Philo, Nathaniel. In later occult classifications, Kerub is often associated with Earth, and Ariel with Air.

This pentacle stands in thirty-third place in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

Secret signs of Jupiter and Ps. 112:7-8: “From the dust he raises up the poor, from clay he lifts up the needy, to make him sit with princes, with the princes of his people.” sui"]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in the twenty-fourth place in Add. 10862, on the ninth - in Aub. 24 and on the sixth - at W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

Inside the pentacle are the secret signs of Mars; the names of four angels are written around the circle in Hebrew: Madimiel (מאדימיאל ), Bartsakhia ( ברצחיה ), Ashiel ( אשיאל ) and Ithuriel [Atavriel?] (אתאוריאל ). - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is given in Harley 3981, but in the manuscripts Mich, 276, Add. 10862, Sloane 3091, Lansdowne 1202, Kings 288, Aub. 24 and W. 4670 it is missing. - Note J. Peterson.

The letter Xe is placed in each corner of the hexagram. Inside the hexagram are the names Yod-He-Vav-He, Yeheshua (יהשוה, secret Jewish name Yeshua, or Jesus, formed from the ordinary Yod-He-Vav-He by introducing into it the letter Shin, symbolizing the Spirit) and Elohim. The inscription in a circle is In. 1:4: “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men” [“In ipso vita erat et vita erat lux hominum”]. Theoretically, this can be taken as evidence that the initial mystical verses of the Gospel of John belong to a deeper antiquity than is commonly believed. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in tenth place and in Add. 10862, and in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

Letters of the names Eloa ( אלה ) and Shaddai ( שדי ). In the center is the large letter Vav, the sign of the Kabbalistic Microprosopus. In a circle - Ps. 76:14: “Who is God so great as God (Elohim) [our]!” - Note S.L. Mathers.

In fact, the passage used here is from 1 Samuel. 2:2: “There is no stronghold like our God” (“Non est fortis sicut Deus noster”).

This pentacle is in eleventh place in Add. 10862, on the twenty-fourth - in Aub. 24 and on the fifth - in Sloane 1307. - Note J. Peterson.

In the center is the great name Agla, to the right and left are the letters of the name Yod-He-Vav-He, above and below are El. Around the circumference - Ps. 109:5: “The Lord is at your right hand. He will smite kings on the day of His wrath" ["Dominus a dextris tuis confregit in die irae suae reges"]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in eighth place in Add. 10862, on the thirty-first - in Aub. 24 and on the thirty-second - at W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

There is a word around the image of a scorpionהול . In a circle - Ps. 90:13: “You will step on the asp and the basilisk. You will trample upon the lion and the dragon" ["Siper aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis et conculcabis leonem et draconem"]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

Word הול means "fear", which is consistent with the purpose of this pentacle.

This pentacle is in ninth place in Add. 10862. - Note J. Peterson.

Around the eight rays inside the pentacle are the words inscribed in the secret alphabet of Malachim, or angelic script.אלהים קבר , Elohim keber, which means “Elohim covered (or protected).” In a circle - Ps. 36:15: “Their sword will enter into their own heart, and their bows will be broken” [“Gladius eorum intret in corda ipsorum et arcus ipsorum confringarur”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

“Alphabet Malachim”: see note. & on page & and table on page &.

This pentacle stands thirty-fourth in W. 4670 and twenty-third (simplified) in Add. 10862. - Note J. Peterson.

In the center of the pentacle are the names of God El and Iai, which, when written in Hebrew, have the same numerical value. The letters of Hebrew and the secret alphabet called the heavenly alphabet make up the names of the spirits. The inscription in a circle is Ps. 104: 32-33: “Instead of rain he sent hail upon them, scorching fire upon their land, and destroyed their vines and fig trees.” "]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

The “Heavenly Alphabet” (see table on page &) was created on the basis of the Hebrew in the 16th century. Henry Cornelius Agrippa. Sometimes it is also called angelic, but it must be distinguished from the “Malachim alphabet.”

This pentacle is in twenty-second place in Add. 10862, on the twenty-sixth - in Aub. 24, on the twenty-second - at W. 4670 and on the eleventh - at Sloane 1307. - Note J. Peterson.

This pentacle bears the head of the great angel Metraton, or Metatron, the viceroy and representative of Shaddai, also called the Prince of Faces; this is the male cherub of the ark standing on right hand from him, opposite the female cherub Sandalphon, standing left hand. On the sides of the image is the name El-Shaddai. Around the circle is an inscription in Latin: “Behold the face and image of Him who created all things and to whom all things obey” [“Ecce faciem et figuram eius per quem omnia faceta et qui omnes obediunt creature”]. - Note S.L. Mathers. This pentacle is in fifteenth place in Add. 10862 and on the twelfth - in Sloane 1307. In Add. 10862 states that it should be painted sky blue. - Note J. Peterson.

In the center are the Hebrew names Yod-He-Vav-He and Adonai. At the ends of the rays are the mystical letters “Crossing the River”. In a circle - Ps. 12:4-5: “Enlighten my eyes, lest I sleep [the sleep of] death; Let not my enemy say: “I have overcome him.” - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in twelfth place in Add. 10862 and on the thirty-sixth - in Aub. 24. The inscriptions around the square, in the letters "Passing the River", are variously distorted in different manuscripts, but in all likelihood should form the phraseאתה גביר לעלם אדני (“Ate Gibor le-Olam Adonai” - “You, O Lord, are strong forever”), from which the divine name Agla is derived. - Note J. Peterson.

The names of the spirits are written in the letters "Crossing the River". In a circle - Ps. 90: 11–12: “For he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways: in their hands they will bear you up” [“Quoniam angelis suis mandabit de te ut custodiant te in omnibus viis tuis in minibus portabunt te”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in sixteenth place in Add. 10862 and on the fifth - in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

In the center is the secret letter Yod, taken from the heavenly alphabet. The three letters inscribed with the alphabet "Crossing the River" at the corners of the triangle make up the great name Shaddai. The words written in letters of the same alphabet on three sides around the triangle, in my opinion, are taken from Gen. 1:1: “In the beginning God (Elohim) created,” etc., but in the manuscript the signs are greatly distorted. Along the circumference are Ps. 68:24: “Let their eyes be darkened, so that they cannot see, and let their loins be relaxed forever” [“Obscurentur oculi eorum ne videant et dorsum eorum semper incurva”] – and Ps. 134: 16: “They have eyes, but they do not see” [“Oculos habent et non videbunt”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in eighteenth place in Add. 10862 and on the thirty-first - in W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

The names written on the sleeves of the cross are: Hassan (angel of Air), Arel (angel of Fire), Forlach (angel of Earth), and Taliahad (angel of Water). Between the four arms of the cross are written the names of the four rulers of the elements: Ariel, Seraph, Tarsis and Kerub. In a circle - Ps. 115:7-8: “You have loosed my bonds. To you I will offer a sacrifice of praise and will invoke the name of the Lord (Yod-He-Vav-He)” [“Disrupisti vincula mea Tibi sacrificabo hostiam laudis et in nomine Domini invocabo”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

For the rulers of the elements, see note. &. The inside of the pentacle with Latin inscriptions looks like this:

This pentacle is in fourteenth place in Add. 10862, on the thirteenth - in Aub. 24 and on the eighth - at W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

Secret signs of Venus and names of angels: Nogahiel, Ahelia, Socodia [or Sokohia] and Nangariel. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in seventeenth place (and does not contain a Bible verse) in Add. 10862, on the fourteenth - in Aub. 24 and on the first - in Sloane 1307 (where the inscriptions inside the pentacle are in Latin letters, not Hebrew). - Note J. Peterson.

The letters around and inside the pentagram spell out the names of the spirits of Venus. The inscription in a circle is Song. 8:6: “Put me as a seal on your heart, like a ring on your hand: for love is strong as death.” "]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in nineteenth place in Add. 10862 and on the thirtieth - in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

The following names are written inside the figure: Yod-He-Vav-He, Adonai, Ruach, Achides (, Egalmiel [Olmiel?], Monachiel and Degaliel. Around - Gen. 1:28: “And God (Elohim) blessed them, and God (Elohim) said to them: be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it" ["Benedixitque illis Deus, et ait: Crescite et multiplicamini, et replete terram, et subiicite eam"]. - Note. S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in thirteenth place in Add. 10862, on the twenty-eighth - in Aub. 24 and on the tenth - at W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

At the four corners of the figure are the four letters of the name Yod-He-Vav-He. Other letters make up the names of the spirits of Venus: Shii, Eli, Aib, etc. Inscription in a circle - Gen. 2:23–24: “This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. And [the two] will be one flesh" ["Hoc nunc, os ex ossibus meis, et caro de carne mea... et erunt duo in carne una"]. - Note. S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in thirty-fifth place in Aub. 24 and on the twelfth - at W. 4670. - Note J. Peterson.

Around the central square are the names Elohim, El Gebil and two other names that I cannot decipher and therefore simply present them as they are given [in the manuscript]. The names are written with letters from "Crossing the River". The inscription in a circle is Ps. 15:21: “My heart became like wax, it melted in the midst of my bowels” [“Mea factum est cor meum tamquam cera liquescens in medio ventris mei”]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in third place in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

The letters make up the names of the spirits: Jekahel and Agiel. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in fourth place in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

The letters form the name Boel and other names of the spirits [Ibb and Kav]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in fifteenth place in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

The secret signs of Mercury and the names of the angels: Kokaviel, Gedoria, Savaniah and Chokmachiel. - Note S.L. Mathers.

Note J. Peterson.

In the center is the divine name El. The Hebrew letters around the dodecagram form the phrase “Yod-He-Vav-He, fix the volatile, and let the void be limited.” Around the circle it is written: “Wisdom and virtue are in his house, and the knowledge of all things will remain with him forever.” - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in sixteenth place in Aub. 24. - Note J. Peterson.

Inside the pentacle are the names El Ab [“God the Father”] and Yod-He-Vav-He. The inscription in a circle is Ps. 23:7: “Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O everlasting doors, and the King of glory will come in!” ["Adtollite portas principes vestras et elevamini portae aeternales et introibit rex gloriae"] - Note. S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is missing from Lansdowne 1202, Mich. 276, Sloane 1307 and Add. 10862. In Aub. 24 it stands in seventeenth place and is accompanied by the following description: “This pentacle and the next four after it are the pentacles of the Moon. They serve to summon spirits, whose names are written inside the pentacles. This one is designed to open any door. It is depicted with silver paint.” - Note J. Peterson.

This pentacle is a symbolic image of a door or gate. The name Yod-He-Vav-Aleph is written in the center. On the right are Yod-He-Vav, Yod-He-Vav-He, El and Yod-He-He. On the left are the angelic names: Shioel, Baol, Jashiel and Behiel. The saying above the names on both sides is Ps. 106:16: “For He has broken in pieces the gates of brass and broken the ropes of iron” [“Quia contrivit portas aereas et vectes ferreos confregit”]. - Note S.L. Mathers

The divine name Eheye Esher Eheye and the angelic names Jahel and Sofiel. The inscription in a circle - “Let my persecutors be ashamed, but I will not be ashamed; let them tremble, but I will be fearless" ["Confundantur qui persequuntur me et non confundar ego paveant illi non pavean ego", Jer. 17:18]. - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in twenty-first place in Aub. 24 and on the second - in Sloane 1307. - Note J. Peterson.

The divine names Yod-He-Vav-He and Elohim, the secret sign of the Moon and the angelic names Jahadiel and Azarel. In a circle - Ps. 67:2: “Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let them that hate Him flee from before His presence.” - Note S.L. Mathers.

This pentacle is in twenty-seventh place in Aub. 24 and on the ninth - at Sloane 1307. - Note J. Peterson.

The pentacle is made up of the secret signs of the Moon. In a circle - Gen. 7:11–12: “All the fountains of the great deep were burst open<...>and the rain poured down on the earth" ["Rupti sunt omnes fontes abyssi magnae, et facta est pluvia super terram"].

This is where the description of the holy pentacles ends. In all of them, as far as I could, I restored the Hebrew letters and secret signs. In addition, I have given almost all the verses in Hebrew with vowels, and not in Latin, thanks to which the student can easily find them in the Hebrew Bible if necessary. The work of restoring the Hebrew letters inside the pentacles turned out to be extremely difficult and took several years. - Note S.L. Mathers.

The Pentacle of Solomon is a witchcraft design that resembles a seal. It is believed that the pentacle can fulfill any desire and protect its owner from evil forces. The pentacle is made by an experienced sorcerer on paper with a pen, drawn on leather or engraved on metal. In ancient times, the power of the pentacle was revealed to King Solomon by an angel. An angel taught him how to form a pentacle, so during his reign he was the wisest and richest.

From Greek - Solomon's pentacle - a pentagon of regular shape. The very first pentacles are five pointed stars, drawn on clay in ancient times. There were two meanings, the pentacle protected people, having the mystical power of the pentagram, and for people with special power the pentacle was the personification of power
over the whole world. Therefore, such signs in ancient times were often found on royal seals. Nowadays, of course, this is more protection from dark forces, from causing damage and the evil eye. The pentacle is also used by magicians to heal people and to cleanse energy passages.

The thing is that in the human body there are seven subtle centers through which energy from the outside passes - these centers are called chakras. When some evil, black force tries to penetrate the body and consciousness of a person, it passes precisely through these subtle centers - chakras. The chakras become clogged, and then we talk about damage, curses and the evil eye. Experienced magicians cleanse chakras using special rituals and often use the Pentacle of Solomon they have compiled in these rituals. Sometimes, in order to protect the cleaned chakras, a pentacle needs to be worn in the place where the blockage was. Indian magicians and healers make pentacles for all chakras and draw symbols denoting them. Below we will look at how one or another pentacle of Solomon is made.

A pentacle is prepared from the metals of the cosmic planets at a certain time for each planet, or from clay. After production, they are fumigated with herbs from cosmic planets.

The first pentacle of Solomon, the pentacle of Saturn, will correspond to chakram number one, which is located in the coccyx area. Lead is the metal of Saturn, so the pentacle will be made of this metal. In the middle is a lotus with four petals, and in the lotus we will draw a square in which the corresponding letter - “ka” - the sign of this letter will be like this. If this pentacle is made from clay, it will be colored brown. You need to fumigate it with the sound “lam”.

The second pentacle of Solomon corresponds to chakram number two, which in men passes between the testicles and penis, and in women a little higher than the vagina, this chakram is responsible for the function of the genital organs and the ability to have children. Jupiter rules this center of energy, so the pentacle is made of tin. They depict a lotus with six petals, draw a circle in the middle and the letter “va” in the circle. Clay pentacle - blue color, fumigate with the sound “you”.

The third chakram is located where the solar plexus is, it is responsible for providing energy for life, as it provides assistance for the digestion of food. They are guided by the power of Mars. The pentacle is cast from iron. Draw ten petals on a lotus with a circle in the middle, inside the circle is a triangle with the crown down. The letter in the triangle is “ta” – . The clay pentacle is painted red. Fumigate with the sound “ram”.

The fourth center is the heart, responsible for its work, the planet Venus is responsible for this chakram. The pentacle is cast from copper. Lotus with twelve petals. Inside is a circle, and inside the circle is a star with six ends, in the middle of the star is the letter “ya” - . A pentacle made of green clay, fumigated with the sound “yam”.

The fifth pentacle of Solomon, corresponds to the center, is located in the middle of the neck, is responsible for hearing and voice, obeys the power of the planet Mercury. Such a pentacle is prepared from clay, using a small jug in which a small amount of mercury is placed. Or solid mercury is taken for production. The drawing is a lotus with sixteen petals and a circle inside, in the middle of the circle is a crescent moon, the letter “ha” is written, fumigate with the sound “ham”.

The sixth pentacle of Solomon is made for the chakra, which is located in the middle of the forehead, responsible for vision and sense of smell. This energy center is repaired to the Moon and cast from silver. They draw a lotus with two petals and put the letter “am”. A clay pentacle is painted with silver paint. Fumigate with the sound “aum”.

The seventh Pentacle of Solomon is made of gold because it is made for the center, which is responsible for thinking and is located in the middle of the skull at the top. This center is ruled by the Sun. The design is a thousand lotus petals, with a circle in the middle. If the pentacle is made of clay, then it is painted gold. They fumigate with the sound “sam-la-a.”

It must be said that each religion has its own rules for depicting pentacles. There is the pentacle of the New Testament, there is the pentacle of Solomon and there are 47 of them, there are Indian ones (we looked at them above), there are Jewish ones, etc. The main thing is that the pentacle, when made by a magician, is endowed with great mystical power, and the belief that the pentacle of Solomon will bring good luck to a person’s life and will not allow evil spirits to attack.

edited news VENDETTA - 12-12-2011, 10:38

The magical amulet of Solomon's wealth is intended to increase wealth, grant material benefits, and protect against unreasonable expenses and financial losses.

What is an amulet anyway, and can it bring wealth to its owner? An amulet or talisman is a magical object on which esoteric symbols, diagrams and other inscriptions are applied that bestow strength and power, protecting against troubles, illnesses and misfortunes.

Most often, the amulet is worn around the neck, hidden in the house near the front door or in some specially designated places.

The “Pentacle of Solomon Wealth” amulet, like any other amulet, consists of two sides, each of which must be made in accordance with all the rules of magical art.

If you are offered to buy a one-sided amulet, then most likely it is just an imitation of an ancient symbol, which is no magical power does not possess. It can only be worn as decoration.

A real amulet, in order for it to work, needs to be activated. Solomon's wealth is activated through the power of mental desire.

Activation is done like this:

Close your eyes, relax as much as possible, and then imagine your goals and desires. Then mentally condense this goal, turn it into a clot of energy and direct it into the shell of your medallion.

The amulet is ready. The first week you can’t part with it even for a minute, and then you can simply put it on from time to time.

Your talisman or amulet may darken during use. This is normal because the change in color indicates that the amulet is working with your dream. Just give your assistant a cleaning.

On the waxing moon, on Thursday, after the sun has set, you need to retire to a place where no one will disturb or distract you.

Place red and red on the table side by side. green candle. From one candle, first light the green candle and then the red one.

Bow to all cardinal directions (starting from the north) and cross yourself three times.

Then rub one hand against the other to create warmth, and then, looking at the candles, say:

“From one day to another, from one week to another, from one year to another, from this minute to the end of time! May joy and goodness come to me from the north, from the west, from the south, and from the east! As the movement of the wind turns into strength, so may my wealth increase and strengthen! Amen!".

With these words, you need to put a magnet on a clean plate, without any drawings. Place the plate to the left of the candles.

The magnet must be properly prepared before the ceremony: first it must lie in the ground for three days, then under a running stream for three hours. cold water. After this, it must be thoroughly rubbed with juniper oil and smoked with jasmine flowers.

On top of the magnet you need to place a dried sprig of rue, cypress, juniper, rosemary, anise and basil in a cross shape.

After this, weave a cord from red and green wool threads, and make thirteen turns around the magnet with twigs. In this case, for each turn you need to read the spell:

"In the names of Hosts, Adonai, Shaddai, El, Yod, Tsebaoth, fuerze fortune mi."

Tie the ends of the rope into six knots. Then you need to sprinkle the entire structure with holy water three times and read the spell for wealth: “From south to east, from west to north, by the power of six names and six herbs, everything is for me, everything along the way, for good and joy! It is multiplying and establishing itself!”

Wait until the candles burn out, and then sew the magnet into a bag and wear it as a talisman to attract wealth.

Pentacle of Solomon, Star of David or Seal of Solomon are different names for the same amulet symbol. It has been used since ancient times for protection from enemies, magical influence, creating a strong energy barrier, acquiring vitality, enlightenment and getting on the right path, getting rid of bad habits and improving health, acquiring valuable knowledge, attracting good luck in various matters, achieving financial well-being , arranging your personal life by successfully finding your other half.

The meaning of the Pentacle of Solomon tattoo

A tattoo in the form of a six-pointed star symbolizes the desire to attract all resources to one’s side, including dark forces, to win in any important matters, business. A person begins to experience success in all endeavors. Businessmen easily deal with the machinations of competitors and strengthen their positions, while acting very wisely.

For students, the Pentacle of Solomon gives self-confidence. This amulet promotes the activation of cognitive activity and helps to quickly prepare for various tests in the form of tests, tests, and exams. Of course, this does not mean that you can be lazy and completely rely on the help of a tattoo.

The image can be made in the form of a star inscribed in a circle, accompanied by various Latin symbols. Another type of sketches are decorative tattoos in the form of jewelry. They are usually made in color and decorated with drawings precious stones, runes, sun rays, ribbons, etc.

The unusual nature of this symbol is that its energetic influence depends on the day of the week and the position of the stars at the time of application. It is believed that the amulet will have maximum power if the tattoo was tattooed during the period when the waxing moon entered the sign of Virgo.

The seal or pentacle of Solomon is strictly prohibited from being imprinted on the body on Saturday. Businessmen and anyone who wants to quickly find success in business, move up the career ladder, achieve a salary increase or praise from management should get a tattoo on Sunday.

A Star of David applied to any part of the body on Monday will bring good luck in communicating with people. The owner of such an image will meet on his way only those who will change his life for the better. Those who previously showed no interest in this person at all will pay attention to him.

A tattoo done on Tuesday will bring success to medical workers. Patients will get better, communication with even the most conflict-ridden clients will improve. You will be able to avoid failures at work. A drawing filled on Wednesday will help spiritual enlightenment, calmness and knowledge. Long-dormant abilities will be revealed.

Businessmen and managers of large financial companies You can apply a permanent design in the form of the Pentacle of Solomon on Thursday, since this particular day of the week is responsible for material wealth. On Friday, tattoos with the Star of David are made by representatives of the creative community to become famous and gain inspiration.

Any magical amulet or talisman has a certain power and carries a number of possibilities. Such characteristics differ from character to character and depend on many factors. One of the most mysterious and mystical amulets of the past and our days is the seal of Solomon. For a long time, such an amulet was endowed with the most unusual abilities, including control of otherworldly forces.

The meaning of Solomon's seal

Externally, this talisman looks like a star with six equal rays, so the seal of Solomon is also known as the Star of David, but this talisman derives its main name from the name of the famous king.

History says that a similar key symbol was carved on Solomon’s magic ring and helped him control several dozen demonic creatures from the other world. These creatures were enslaved by the mighty king and controlled by him precisely with the help of the pentacle on the ring. There is information that Solomon managed to accomplish most of his discoveries and achievements with the help of these demons.

In addition, this magical key ring won Solomon the recognition of the masses and helped him win many battles on the battlefield. It also provided him with wealth.

Summoning and controlling otherworldly creatures is still attributed to the seal of Solomon. Without this symbol, not a single session of spiritualism or black magic among professional witches is complete.

But this amulet also has its power for uninitiated people, although it will carry a slightly different meaning:

  • It will protect its owner from any external evil, both on the physical and energetic levels.
  • With the constant use of the Seal of Solomon, a powerful energy barrier is created in a person, which does not allow magic and witchcraft to pass through.
  • The power of this talisman will be enough to help you get rid of any addictions.
  • Will bring contentment, prosperity and wealth to your home.
  • Thanks to its unusual angular shape, it concentrates cosmic energy, which then successfully replenishes your inner strength.
  • Helps to determine the true path of life and not stray from it.
  • Strengthens and increases your overall health.
  • Ensures that people around you begin to treat you with more respect and listen to your words.
  • Has the ability to strengthen knowledge and better assimilate new material.

Such a broad meaning of the Seal of Solomon makes this talisman a truly very powerful symbol, the use of which should be approached very carefully by ignorant people.

In modern practice, the seal of Solomon as a talisman is often applied to various household items or even used as tattoos. The latter is especially important for people in dangerous professions, since such a tattoo can successfully protect them from any troubles.

If you make such an amulet from gold, it will provide you with wealth.

Features of the Seal of Solomon

As mentioned above, a similar amulet has another name: the Star of David. This amulet's name is due to its appearance in the form of a six-pointed star.

But there is another name for the seal of Solomon, which carries a hidden meaning: the pentacle. This word of Latin origin has the translation “small image,” and indeed, the symbol of Solomon’s seal is depicted on various objects, but everywhere it carries a certain power.

In order for the pentacle to have the greatest power, it should be depicted strictly on certain days, which are determined by planetary subordination. This is necessary, since the pentacle itself also has a planetary connection and is controlled by a strictly defined planet.

But this symbol also received its main name - the seal of Solomon - for a reason. In magical practice, the word “seal” means “signature” or “key” and is used accordingly. With the help of such an amulet, a person strengthens his spells, giving them his own energy. In addition, magical seals have different characters and are attributed to a certain type of otherworldly beings: angels, demons or demons. With the help of such a seal, you can control these creatures, summon them and give some orders, but such manipulations are subject only to very powerful magicians who are capable of endowing such seals with special power.

DIY Solomon's Seal

The Pentacle of Solomon, like any other magical talisman, can be easily made with your own hands, but given the power of the item being created, it is necessary to approach the process itself very carefully, having studied all possible information on this topic.

You will not find specific master classes on creating the Seal of Solomon, since this process is individual for each person. You yourself must feel when and from what you will get the most powerful amulet. Your attitude at this moment is also very important: no extraneous thoughts, especially negative ones, are allowed, they will easily fall on the amulet being made. You should clear your mind and focus completely on the magic being performed. If you feel like you're not doing well today, give it up and reschedule for another day.

However, it is strictly necessary to adhere to the general rules established for this procedure. They will help you avoid unpleasant surprises and make your talisman the most powerful:

  • Choose those days when the month is in its waxing phase and at the same time enters Virgo’s house.
  • Use dried raisins, dates and aloe as incense, including for flavoring the finished amulet.
  • The day of the week on which the ritual will be performed will help you endow the Seal of Solomon with exactly the power that you need to realize a specific goal.
  • If you need an amulet so that people around you begin to appreciate and respect you, then choose Monday.
  • The talisman, created on Tuesday, will help healthcare workers realize their dreams.
  • To strengthen your inner potential and promote intellectual abilities, make a pentacle on Wednesday.
  • The amulet created on Thursday will help solve all issues related to charity and wealth.
  • For artistic people, the amulet is created on Friday.
  • But the Sunday pentacle will open the gates for you career growth and achievements of power.
  • On Saturday, the ritual to create a seal is not performed.
  • Choose gold material if you want to get real wealth.

If you do not have the opportunity to make a pentacle with your own hands, then purchase it on the chosen day in accordance with the established goals and consecrate it with the power of your thought.
