The best charlotte with apples recipe. A simple recipe for charlotte with apples in the oven and slow cooker

Do you want to make a delicious and inexpensive pie? Easily. Charlotte is the simplest and most budget-friendly dessert, which has no equal in taste. Sweet and sour taste This pie is loved by many people.

And this is not surprising, because it is very easy to prepare, the financial costs are scanty, and the taste of the finished dish is simply incredible. You can experiment with ingredients and add to this composition culinary masterpiece those fruits and berries that you like the most.

But still, charlotte with apples is considered an unchanged classic recipe. The best apples for charlotte are sweet and sour varieties, and it is desirable that they be very juicy. The sourness of these apples gives a special note to the taste, which will be remembered for a long time by every lover of sweet pastries.

A properly prepared pie looks very fluffy and tastes airy. And how to achieve all this, we will talk to you in this issue, in which we will look at several different, and in their own special, ways of preparing charlotte.

Moreover, in the fall there are a lot of apples and now is the time to cook it at least every day, according to different recipes, a chic look and amazing aroma that will fill your home.

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to several important points which should never be overlooked. By following them, you are guaranteed to prepare a very tasty and airy apple pie that your household will be happy about.

The tips described below apply to all charlotte recipes, and therefore, in order not to repeat myself, I decided to write them before starting the review.

And we will discuss the remaining points related to the specifically chosen cooking method directly in the recipes themselves.

So, what you need to know to get a delicious dish, just the sight of which will make your mouth water:

  • remove everything a couple of hours before cooking necessary products from the refrigerator until they are at room temperature;
  • eggs must be fresh. It’s very easy to check the freshness of eggs - dip them in water. If they drown, it means they are fresh; if they float to the surface, then it is better to discard such eggs;
  • be sure to sift the flour. When you sift the flour, it is saturated with oxygen, which as a result will make the finished baked goods more airy and fluffy, and the taste will be very delicate;
  • It is best to use a wooden or silicone spatula to mix the dough;
  • Instead of sugar, you can use powdered sugar. It mixes easier with eggs and dissolves faster. Just to do this, first weigh out the required amount of sugar, and then grind it to powder in a coffee grinder;
  • take juicy, sweet and sour varieties of apples (especially good if it’s “Antonovka”);
  • If desired, you can add other fruits and berries, but do not overdo it - after all, this is an apple pie and nothing should interrupt the taste of the apples;
  • to obtain a more fluffy pie, a little baking powder is often added to the composition (although the dough rises quite well anyway);
  • adding cinnamon you get a breathtaking aroma that goes very well with the taste of baked apples;
  • also, vanillin and orange zest are often added to obtain a special aroma, but this is up to taste (you don’t have to add it);
  • if you have a burnt crust, it’s easy to hide it - just sprinkle the finished “Charlotte” a little with powdered sugar;
  • bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes, depending on the size of the mold and the amount of dough;
  • Readiness can be checked using a torch or toothpick. Pierce the pie in several places; if the stick remains dry, it’s ready;
  • if desired, “Charlotte” can be decorated with your favorite berries and mint leaves;
  • Cut the finished dessert into portioned pieces and serve with tea both hot and cold.

Classic charlotte with apples in the oven

This method is the most famous and popular. We will cook the old fashioned way, in the oven. Apart from the standard set of products, we will not add anything extra. This is the charlotte that we prepare most often at home and never gets tired of. You want to eat it again and again - it’s so good.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • large apples - 6 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 150 gr.
  • flour - 150 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • zest of one orange


1. Let's first thoroughly wash and core the apples.

2. Now we need to cut them into equal slices, about 5 mm thick. We will not remove the skin. Why? In the end you will understand everything.

3. Now you need to knead the dough. First, beat the eggs with a mixer at low speed for 1 minute.

Then increase the speed to maximum and gradually add granulated sugar.

Add one packet of vanilla sugar there. The whipping time should be 5-6 minutes.

Before you start preparing the dough, you can turn on our oven to heat up. In order for the biscuit to rise well, the dough in the mold should be placed in an oven well preheated to 180 degrees.

4. As a result, you should get a fluffy white mass, the same as in the photo.

5. Pour the sifted flour into the egg-sugar mixture and mix with light movements.

It is advisable to add flour in small portions. Pour in some and mix. They poured in a little more, mixed again, etc.

6. Add the zest of 1 orange to the dough and mix again.

7. Place some of the chopped apples in a mold that has been previously lined with parchment paper, greased with butter and sprinkled with a little sugar.

Instead of sugar, you can sprinkle with flour or semolina - depending on your taste, the essence does not change.

By the way, our mold is detachable, with a diameter of 18 cm. In my opinion, detachable molds are very convenient to work with. It has several advantages, such as it can be easily and conveniently covered with paper, it can be removed very well without damaging baked goods, it is convenient to wash, etc. No matter how you look at it, there are only advantages.

8. For flavor, sprinkle the apples with a little cinnamon. If you don't like cinnamon, you don't have to add it.

9. Pour the dough onto the apples. If you want, you can pour out some of the dough first, add more apples, and then pour in the rest. We didn't do this.

10. We made a very beautiful pattern of apples on the surface of the dough, laying them in a spiral, moving from the side to the center.

To do this, it is best to take fruits with red peel - this way it will look more festive and beautiful on the finished charlotte.

11. Place the form with the dough in the oven for 30-40 minutes. It took exactly half an hour with our form.

Charlotte is ready. The result was a very rich aroma, with a pronounced taste of sour apples and a subtle, barely perceptible note of orange zest and cinnamon.

This is something incredibly tasty. Better yet, serving the finished charlotte with a scoop of vanilla ice cream is an absolute explosion of flavor.

Try it and you will be satisfied. Bon appetit!

Charlotte with apples cooked in a slow cooker

Nowadays, modern technology has become an integral part Everyday life. Technologies are developing every day, making life more convenient and simplified.

How many different kitchen appliances have already been created in order to reduce cooking time and, thereby, make the work of housewives easier.

So, to prepare charlotte without hassle, you can use a multicooker or bread maker. To tell the truth, I have never tried making charlotte in a bread machine, but you can find a lot on this topic on the Internet detailed recipes. And we will cook in a slow cooker.


for test:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • flour - 160 gr.
  • large apples - 4 pcs.

For filling:

  • cottage cheese - 350 gr.
  • butter - 50 gr.
  • sugar - 80 gr.
  • vanillin - 1 sachet


1. Prepare the dough. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and add 1 cup of sugar.

2. Beat with a mixer at high speed for 5 minutes. The mass should turn white and increase in size.

3. Now gradually pour flour into the resulting mixture, after sifting it (you can even do it 2 times). Mix with a silicone spatula.

4. Prepare the filling. Place the butter in a bowl and add granulated sugar. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

Be sure to remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it comes to room temperature.

5. Add a packet of vanilla and beat again for 2 minutes.

6. Add cottage cheese into the butter (low-fat is best) and beat with a mixer until smooth.

7. Peel and core the apples and cut them into small thin slices.

8. Grease the multicooker bowl with butter. You can take a frozen piece and rub it directly over the entire surface of the bowl.

9. Place some apples on the bottom and fill with half the dough.

10. Add the curd filling, level it and fill with the remaining dough.

11. Place the remaining apples on top and, if desired, sprinkle with cinnamon.

12. Close the multicooker lid, set the “baking” mode and bake for about 1 hour.

13. We check readiness like a regular sponge cake - using a toothpick. Sprinkle the finished charlotte with powder and decorate with berries or fruits to taste.

At this point, the cooking process is completed, and the dessert is ready to eat. All that remains is to brew the tea and proceed to the most interesting and delicious stage - eating the charlotte. Enjoy your tea!

Step-by-step recipe for fluffy charlotte

In this recipe we will prepare a large pie for a large company, so that there is enough for everyone. In addition, we will add raisins to the composition, which will give the finished pie a certain peculiarity, unlike other recipes.


  • apples - 8 pcs.
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • lemon
  • raisins to taste


1. Peel the apples and cut them into small cubes.

In principle, the shape of the cut does not matter. You can cut it the way you want. The only thing you need to take into account is that the slices are not very large. Otherwise they simply won’t bake. But I also don’t recommend making them too small, so that the apples don’t turn into puree during baking. You need to catch the “golden mean” so to speak.

Since the cooking process takes some time, the apples may turn black during this time, due to the iron content in it. And to avoid this, you can sprinkle them with a small amount of lemon juice.

2. Before you start preparing the dough, you need to prepare the raisins. Let's soak it in boiling water so that it steams just in time for the dough to be ready. And at the same time you can preheat the oven to 180 0

3. Now is the time to start testing. Using a mixer, beat the eggs until foam appears and gradually add sugar. You need to beat until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.

As you can see, the recipes are different and the methods are different. Some people prefer to combine sugar and eggs right away, while others do it gradually. In my opinion, there is no need to rush and add sugar and flour in portions. As a result, you should end up with a slightly thick mass.

4. Pour flour into it (also gradually), constantly stirring with a wooden spatula from bottom to top.

5. Pour the steamed raisins onto a paper towel and let them dry a little.

6. We have a lot of dough, and we have a lot of apples, so we will use a baking sheet for baking. Cover it with paper and grease it a little with oil. If desired, you can sprinkle with flour or sugar.

Place chopped apples on a baking sheet and sprinkle raisins on top. You can make half the pie with raisins and the other half without, for variety. And not everyone likes dried grapes.

7. Now we fill this whole thing with dough. You can use a spoon, or you can pour the entire surface of the apples directly from the container. Whichever is convenient for you.

8. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake until done.

This is probably the easiest and simplest charlotte recipe. Despite its simplicity, it turns out very fluffy, airy and incredibly tasty. It couldn't be better.

Charlotte with kefir - recipe with photos step by step

Basically apple pie... dietary dish, because in classic version There is nothing to prepare the dough except eggs, sugar and flour. Yes, and flour is added purely symbolically. But if you want to eat a more high-calorie and nutritious dessert, then you can add sour cream, cottage cheese or kefir to the composition. This is exactly what many cooks do. If you are a fan of this type of baking, then this recipe is for you.

In the recipe above, which describes preparing charlotte in a slow cooker, we have already made the curd filling. And it turned out pretty good. Be sure to try it. Now let's look at the method of kneading kefir dough. And let's see what comes of it.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • apples - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 150 gr.
  • kefir - 3 tbsp.
  • flour - 200 gr.
  • cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • baking powder - 10 gr.


1. Beat eggs with sugar until the latter is completely dissolved. You should get a thick, homogeneous white mass.

2. In a separate bowl, beat cottage cheese with kefir with a mixer.

3. Mix both mixtures obtained.

4. Pour baking powder into the flour and mix.

In this method we use baking powder. The fact is that by adding cottage cheese and kefir, we get a heavy dough. And, in order for the baked goods to rise, I advise you to add baking powder.

5. Continuing to beat the curd and egg mixtures, gradually add flour.

6. Grease the mold generously with butter and pour it into it. ready dough.

7. Place chopped apple slices on top at your discretion.

8. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees until fully cooked.

The result is such a festive, beautiful and fragrant pastry.

Remove the finished charlotte from the mold, cut into portions and serve with hot tea or coffee.

The recipe for the most airy charlotte with apples

On YouTube I came across a video recipe in which the author reveals and describes in detail 7 secrets of making balloon charlotte. Whether you use these tips or not is up to you. For myself, I noted a couple of points that I did not know and will continue to use them.

That's all for today. This is all I wanted to show and tell you. I hope that using these recipes you will make wonderful baked goods, and that the recipes will replenish your cookbook. I will be happy to answer all questions in the comments.

All I can do is wish you bon appetit!

See you in the next issues. Bye!

So that the charlotte according to the usual recipe comes out sweet and nutritious, best choice will use specifically sour apples. Please note that only at home you can prepare and eat this sweet, made with high quality and in full compliance with all the rules.

Is it possible to find people here who have never baked this wonderful dessert? Despite the generous variety of variations in its production, the most popular remains simply a sponge cake with the addition of apples.

A simple and tasty recipe for charlotte with apples can be easily mastered, even by schoolchildren. By the way, many people baked their debut charlotte in childhood. And now we provide identical and at the same time completely different dessert recipes.

By using them as a base, you will be able to carry out any experiments by adding other fruits or some other additives to the apples. The charlotte itself is simply a dessert, but one that will make you lick your fingers. You will learn how to cook charlotte with apples in the oven. We also have no doubt that you will definitely like our method of making this apple dessert with kefir, beloved by many.

Most people often wonder why the dessert has such a strange name. This story is as romantic as it is banal. The original recipe for charlotte was created by one madly in love man who worked as a cook. And he decided to give her the name of his beloved girl. As you might guess, her name was Charlotte.

Over time, a countless number of options have appeared, with the addition of various berries and some other additives to this pie... But the established and simplest recipe is considered to be charlotte with the addition of apples.

As we already mentioned, taste qualities charlottes directly depend on what type of apple you will use. The extremely important quality of the fruit in this dessert is its naturalness. They may not be very beautiful, but they will be tasty. Choosing a good apple is not difficult at all:

Apples are always a welcome crop in the country

For starters, they won't be perfect. And without fail with a defect. A crust, a small wormhole - anything that will make you understand that worms could also take a fancy to this apple.

You can really find a lot of different charlotte recipes online. However, most people do not like this recipe, which takes a lot of effort and time to prepare.

There are even recommendations to completely degrease the bowl in order to beat eggs in it. But don't worry - you won't have to do anything like that. We will offer several variations of an extremely simple and delicious recipe charlotte with apples, it is guaranteed to work even for a baby. And the list of ingredients includes something that is always (at least often) found in any kitchen.

Charlotte with apples classic recipe

Required components:

  • Sour apples – about 6 pieces;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Eggs – 3 pieces;
  • Flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Slaked soda – 0.5 tsp

Beat the eggs thoroughly with a mixer until foam begins to appear. Don't have a mixer in the kitchen? No problem. You can whip using absolutely any method that is convenient for you. But keep in mind that this may affect the baking time of the pie - it will take a little more.

Add sugar little by little to the egg mixture, and then add baking soda. Beat well again, and then pour the entire glass of flour into the resulting mixture at once. And beat further for literally another two to three minutes.

If you are baking charlotte for the first time, do not worry that the dough turned out unexpectedly liquid - it really should have turned out that way. Approximately the same consistency as thick sour cream.

Take the container where you will bake the charlotte and place parchment there. If you want, you can grease it with oil. Is not required condition, but some housewives do this. One small nuance: there is no need for parchment if you decide to use a silicone mold.

You, of course, saw that in the list of ingredients the number of apples is indicated only approximately? This is not just because apples vary in size. But also because some people prefer it when the layer of fruit in the pie is thin, while others, on the contrary, prefer it when more fruit is placed. But then the inside of the cake will come out moist.

If you want the inside of the charlotte to be drier, take six small apples. Whether or not to peel the apples is up to you to decide. In the second case, the charlotte will even be useful. Cut the apples into small pieces and arrange evenly in containers.

Pour in the dough and level it with a spoon. The dough should completely cover the apples.

The pie must be baked in an oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius. Then it will take no more than forty minutes to make it. Do not touch the stove during half this time so that our dessert does not blow away.

The level of baking will be checked using the generally accepted method - with a match. After piercing the biscuit, the stick remained dry, and the crust on the pie became golden brown - the charlotte with apples, the classic recipe for which you decided to try, is complete!

Let it stand for about fifteen minutes so that it cools down quite a bit, and you can give it to your family or guests to try. Sprinkle it with vanilla as a decoration.

Curd charlotte

This recipe is quite unusual. The fact that, in addition to apples, cottage cheese is also added to it, which will make the taste of this pie even more delicate. By the way, the flour in the recipe was replaced with semolina. We are sure that you have never tasted a more tender pie.

List of components:

  • Apples – 6 pieces;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Egg – 1 piece;
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp;
  • Soda – 1 tsp;
  • Cottage cheese – 250 g;
  • Butter – 100 g;
  • A little lemon juice.

The apples need to be prepared. Peel and cut. Soak in the juice of the above-mentioned citrus and sprinkle with sugar. Beat the remaining sugar in the egg. Add oil and don't forget about baking soda.

Stir thoroughly with a spoon and beat once with a mixer. It would be better to pass the cottage cheese through a sieve - this way it will be finely chopped. Now add it to the test.

Let's not forget about semolina, because here it is, as you already understood, a flour substitute. Let the dough sit for ten minutes. Place the apples in the greased pan, and only then pour the dough into it.

The stove must be heated to 220 Celsius. And you can send the dessert to bake. After a few minutes, turn the heat level up to 180 and bake for about forty minutes.

An interesting fact is that when such a dessert first appeared, they began to prepare it from baked goods, apples, liqueur and cream.

In theory, it’s possible to bake a charlotte with absolutely any sweet filling. In practice, it turns out to be the most incomparable with sour apples. Let me add a little secret - beat the mixed sugar in the egg better. This will allow the dessert to taste even more amazing.

Traditional variation of charlotte

Components for manufacturing:

  • Apples - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;

It's extremely easy to do. Beat some of the prepared sugar in the egg whites. We do the same with the other half, but beat in the yolks. After this procedure, we reunite the whites and yolks, and beat again, adding flour in parts. Next add salt and soda. Cut the apples into slices and immediately add them directly to the dough. The main thing is to stir well.

Grease the shape you have chosen with oil and pour a little semolina into it. Pour the dough and send it to the oven, which must be heated to 180 degrees. Turn it off after about thirty minutes.

Charlotte with apples in the oven - a simple recipe

Charlotte with apples in the oven is a simple recipe that will appeal to all housewives - from young to experienced. It is prepared with ease, but it turns out fluffy and tastes so good that you can swallow your tongue. Charlotte according to this recipe will remain just as fresh the next day, so you don’t have to worry that the pie will “deflate” or spoil.

What you will need:

  • Sour apples - 4 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Eggs – 4 pieces;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • A little lemon juice.

You will need to separate the white and yolk again. Pour all the sugar into the last one at once and beat until it melts. To make the whites whip better, add just a few drops of lemon juice.

This technique will additionally help remove the egg aroma that may appear during cooking. Beat the egg whites until a fluffy foam forms.

After this, combine the white with the yolk and knead as thoroughly as possible. Of course, you don’t have to bother separating the whites and yolks and beat everything together at once, but then your charlotte will not be so fluffy.

Grease the mold, already covered with special parchment, with oil. Please note that the diameter of the mold is desirable around twenty centimeters. You can take a mold with a larger diameter, but the charlotte will not be as fluffy. Although its taste will not become worse.

We remember that it is advisable to take sour apples for dessert.. We clean the seeds, cut the fruit into slices, which we place on the bottom of the mold. We pour dough over everything.

Place the mold in the oven for half an hour, heated to 180 degrees. Try not to look inside at least half of this time so that our dessert does not “sag.” The degree of readiness will be checked by everyone known method- piercing with a match.

Did the match remain dry? Fabulous! Then our delicious charlotte is ready! Let our dessert cool a little, about ten minutes, and carefully place it on a plate.

Special charlotte

We will need:

  • apples large size- 2 pcs;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Egg – 3 pcs;
  • A special component - white ice cream or the same chocolate - tastes like this;
  • Flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Oil - for lubrication;

Peel the apples completely and cut into small slices.

We take the sweet white ice cream out of the freezer in advance so that it melts in time. If you decide to take this recipe White chocolate, then melt it for steam.

While we slowly beat the eggs, gradually add sugar and beat the resulting mass for a few more minutes until it dissolves.

We also add flour to the sweet liquid in portions, without ceasing to beat it with a mixer. So gradually bring the mixture to the consistency of medium thick sour cream.

Add our special component to the prepared dough and carefully mix everything until smooth.

Gently coat the mold with oil and first place the chopped apples there. Fill with dough and distribute evenly.

As described in previous recipes, we place the dessert in a preheated oven so that the charlotte can bake well. Bake for half an hour.

Let our pie sit for a few minutes to cool, put it on a dish and cut into portions to serve to guests.

Charlotte in a slow cooker with apples recipe

List of components:

  • Apples - 500 grams;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp.

Pour baking soda and sugar into the eggs. Only now start whisking. Slowly at first, but gradually increasing the speed of the mixer. Continue whisking until you see fluffy foam. The better you beat this mass, the tastier the pie will ultimately be.

Slowly add flour, cinnamon and salt. The finished dough should have a consistency similar to fresh homemade sour cream.

Cut three apples into small pieces and mix with the dough. Let's tell you a secret. You may have noticed that in established, generally accepted recipes this is not usually done. But this is a little secret that will help you make charlotte juicier. However, pouring the dough over the apples or adding them directly to the dough is your choice.

Grease a multicooker cup with butter and sprinkle with a little sugar.

Peel one apple from the seeds and cut into thin pieces. Place them in the slow cooker. The sugar at the bottom of the cup will be useful to ensure that our pieces are covered with a layer of caramel while the pie is baking. Pour the dough into the multicooker cup.

Charlotte in a slow cooker with apples recipe takes a little longer to prepare than in other recipes. According to the “Baking” program, its preparation takes a whole hour. But during this time the cake has time to bake thoroughly. But you can check the charlotte periodically.

When the multicooker finishes working, let it sit for about five minutes with the lid open, after which you can take it out and serve it to your family or guests. That's all!

Charlotte on kefir with apples

What you will need:

  • Sweet apples - 5 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Fresh kefir - 1 tbsp;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.

Fruits need to be washed and seeds removed. You can choose for yourself whether to peel them or not. Fruits must be cut into slices. It will be better to sift the flour. This will help the dough become fluffier.

Mix the eggs with sugar and beat until fragrant foam. Then add baking soda. With this recipe, there is no need to add vinegar! There is enough acid in kefir.

Add it to eggs. Pour the flour into the mixture little by little, stirring gently.

You don’t need to measure for a very long time and too actively - then you risk letting out all the air, and as a result the dough will not come out as airy as it could be.

The dough that you knead for charlotte should be thicker than you usually knead for pancakes.

Grease the mold with oil (if you prefer silicone molds, there is no need for oil) and pour half of the entire dough into it. Distribute it as evenly as possible. Carefully arrange the apples, sprinkle with cinnamon, and sprinkle with sugar if necessary. Pour a layer of sweetness on top with the remaining dough.

Charlotte on kefir with apples should be baked for at least thirty-five minutes at temperature conditions at 180 degrees. Decide to use a ring-shaped pan, this will shorten the baking time slightly.

You can decorate the prepared charlotte at your own discretion - with cream, vanilla, confectionery sprinkles or something else.

So you've learned a few interesting recipes How to cook charlotte with apples in the oven. You can choose just one or try them all. But we are sure that you will be completely satisfied with any of them.

The beginning of the 19th century was the omen of a real breakthrough in the field of cooking; charlotte was invented. The creator of this masterpiece was the French chef Karem, who served Alexander I himself. This pastry became famous as a French pastry, but later the name was changed to Russian charlotte.

To create this pastry, you need to prepare a sponge cake and add whipped cream. The baked goods are cooled and served, making the dessert most enjoyable. So, charlotte is a simple sponge cake, which contains only apples.

Many housewives like to prepare this simple dessert, since the recipe is simple and it will not be difficult to make.

  1. Delicious charlotte with apples: Classic recipe with photo.
  2. Recipe for lush charlotte with apples in the oven
  3. Charlotte with sour cream and apples step by step.
  4. Charlotte with apples on kefir with photos step by step.
  5. Charlotte with apples and milk.

In Russia, charlotte is also known as sponge cake with apples. To create this sponge cake, you need to pour a little fruit vinegar on the soda, that is, quench it. Then chopped fruits are added to the biscuit and cooked in the oven.

If you want to achieve a good dough, you can use semolina instead of flour. The secret of a delicious charlotte is that the dough must be thoroughly mixed during the cooking process. With this approach, the pie turns out very crumbly, and the crust is deliciously crispy.

To prepare this pie traditional recipe, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • flour – 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • baking powder or soda - half a teaspoon;
  • apples – 4 pcs (Antonovka);
  • vanilla - to taste.

Dessert preparation steps:

Take a container to beat eggs, add granulated sugar and eggs and beat thoroughly until a thick foam forms. In order for the eggs to foam well, they should not be warm; if this rule is followed, the foam will be thick and fluffy.

Add sifted flour, baking powder, or slaked soda to the container.

At this stage, beat the flour with this mixture and the eggs, you don’t need to try too hard, you just need to mix the mass.

Add the chopped fruit, discarding the seeds and stems. Apples need to be cut correctly, since too small ones will not be felt in the baked goods, and too large pieces will not work either.

The best option would be fruits cut into slices, which will add their unique aroma and taste to the dessert.

This dessert is not too capricious, so it can be made in any container and using various means, be it a round mold or a frying pan. If you have decided on the shape, then it’s time to start cooking. You need to bake the dessert in the oven at 180 degrees for a little less than an hour.

To check the readiness of the baked goods, simply pierce it with a toothpick, right in the center, this way you will more accurately know whether the baked goods are ready or not. If you have a problem with the crust burning and the pie is still not ready, you can cover it with foil and continue baking the pie.

Taking advantage of this simple method, You will avoid a burnt crust. In the process of preparing dessert, you can take a deep or wide container, and as for apples, you can take a few more fruits and decorate the dessert.

You can make petals from apples and collect roses, thereby creating a unique and stylish dessert.

It must be taken into account that with a deep container you need to bake in the oven for about half an hour, but maintain the same temperature.

After the dessert is ready, you can sprinkle the roses with powdered sugar.

Thus, using the same recipe, you can show your imagination and create a unique and delicious dessert from apples.

Recipe for lush Charlotte with apples and photo

This charlotte recipe is very popular because of its appetizing shapes, and such charlotte gives incredible memories, feelings of coziness and comfort. It’s so nice to gather your family and friends, as well as guests, around the table and give them an unforgettable taste and memories over a cup of tea.

Any housewife knows this dessert and many are familiar with the recipes, but few housewives know about this recipe. You will simply be surprised at the pie you get from this simple recipe.

Almost anyone can make this delicious dessert; you just need to whisk chicken eggs, adding flour and sugar, and at the end add apples. If you want to achieve good result and get a lush and tasty charlotte, arm yourself with some tricks and nuances. To prepare a pie for 8 pieces, you need to take the following products:

  • flour – 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs;
  • sweet and sour apples – 5 pcs.

Step-by-step process of preparing dessert:

  1. At the first stage, you need to prepare the oven, turn it on 180 degrees. This must be done so that the oven heats up so that the dessert can turn out delicious.

You need to take chicken eggs and break them thoroughly, then add granulated sugar,

mix and beat with a mixer. There is a certain trick to getting a fluffy charlotte, and it is that you need to beat the eggs for a very long time and thoroughly until complete disappearance granulated sugar. Do not forget that the thick foam should be white.

After thoroughly beating the eggs, you need to add 1 cup of sifted flour. The flour must be sifted to obtain an airy dough and must be added gradually so that lumps do not form in the dough. After carefully adding the flour, mix everything thoroughly. The mass should be thick and at the same time homogeneous.

Take sweet and sour apples, rinse them in running water and leave them for a while to dry. Cut the dried fruit into pieces, or preferably into slices. To achieve the desired effect and get a tasty and fluffy charlotte, choose apples that are not ripe, since juicy fruits may interfere with the formation of a fluffy dough.

Take the pan you will be making the cake in and add butter to the bottom of the pan. Another secret to fluffiness is that butter should be added in moderation, because too much oil can cause the cake to not become fluffy.

After these manipulations, add a little flour to the surface of the mold, and sprinkle the sides of the mold with flour.

Add the specified amount of cut apples to the prepared mold. Of course, a lot of apples will only bring benefits and your pie will be very tasty, but on the other hand, you need to think about leaving room for the dough.

After all these manipulations, it's time to pour out the finished dough, try to make sure that the dough fills the entire space and is uniform.

So, you can place the mold in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about half an hour. You can check the readiness of the dessert with a toothpick or match. If the dough does not stick to the toothpick, then the cake is ready.

Charlotte is everyone’s favorite dessert, because it is prepared simply and does not have a clear recipe; you can add anything you like to this pie. If you don't like apples, you can replace them with other fruits, or add vegetables.

Some housewives, in the process of preparing charlotte with vegetables, add spices and seasonings and then they get a very satisfying pie that can be served during dinner.

Charlotte on sour cream with apples in the oven

Charlotte is prepared with sour cream very often, because the dessert turns out simply excellent and tasty, and also healthy. The benefit lies not only in the fact that sour cream is used in this recipe, but also in the charlotte there are a lot of apples, and this can only mean an abundance of vitamins in your dessert. The pie can be eaten for breakfast, as it is very nutritious and tasty, and you can also have it for dinner.

There are many versions regarding the appearance of the name charlotte; some believe that charlotte is translated from in English means a dish containing dough, sugar and apples.

There is another opinion - charlotte is named after one beautiful girl with whom the cook was in love and named this dessert in honor of his beloved. All these assumptions and judgments are as beautiful as Charlotte herself.

To prepare this wonderful dessert, take the following ingredients:

  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • flour – 1 glass;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • baking powder - sachet;
  • apples – 1000 g (large);
  • powdered sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • cinnamon - a pinch.

Methods for preparing charlotte with sour cream:

  1. Take the specified amount of flour and pass through a sieve.
  2. For the dough, you need to take a deep container, add an egg, then sugar and also add sour cream. Mix the ingredients until smooth and thick.

  1. Gradually add flour and baking powder into this mixture, and you can add a little cinnamon, but this is at will. The mass should be thick, but at the same time tender. This approach will help make your dessert unusually porous and airy.

Prepare the apples for the pie by removing all unnecessary parts from the apple, peeling it and cutting it into large pieces or slices.

Take a baking dish, add butter and spread the bottom, then pour in the cut apples, pour in the finished dough and mix.

Place the form with the dessert directly into the oven at 180 degrees, then wait about half an hour, but if you doubt the readiness of the dessert, you can check with a match or a toothpick.

Remove the finished charlotte from the mold and leave for a while until it cools completely.

Prepare simple but healthy pies that will delight not only you, but also your loved ones.

Charlotte with apples on kefir in the oven

This dessert is an excellent combination of apples and kefir, which is no less healthy than charlotte with sour cream. After preparing the pie according to this recipe, you can enjoy tender pastries that have a crispy and golden-brown crust.

Make this delicious pastries easy and simple as there is no special technique involved in this recipe. You can use a variety of spices to create a fragrant and appetizing masterpiece.

So, if you want to create wonderful baked goods, then take the following products:

  • flour – 2 cups;
  • sugar – 6 tbsp;
  • kefir – 1 glass;
  • soda – 1 tsp; egg – 2 pcs;
  • butter – 120 g;
  • cinnamon;
  • apples – 5 pcs.

Methods for preparing charlotte with kefir:

Heat kefir in a small container and pour soda into this container, stir until smooth.

Melt the specified amount of butter and pour into a bowl with heated kefir.

Break the eggs, mix with the resulting mass, add granulated sugar and beat.

Add sifted flour and mix until smooth.

Take a baking mold, sprinkle with flour and pour in half the dough, arrange the chopped apples and pour out the rest of the dough.

Preheat the oven to 170 degrees, place the mold and leave for 50 minutes.

The finished dessert can be consumed with tea, milk and coffee.

Recipe for charlotte with milk and apples in the oven

Charlotte prepared with milk will become an indispensable dessert for our children. For creating delicious dessert no need to spend a lot of time and money. You can add both fresh and frozen fruits to baked goods; you can also add grains and nuts.

The recipe does not require clear instructions and following; you can prepare the dessert solely based on your preferences and capabilities. But for this recipe, take the following products:

  • egg – 2 pcs;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • milk – 100 g;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
  • flour – 140 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp;
  • apples – 2 pcs.

Methods for preparing charlotte:

  1. Take chicken eggs, beat with granulated sugar, then add flour and baking powder. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Pour in the milk and butter and stir again.

Cut the apples into slices and add to the dough.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the charlotte and leave for 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven and set aside. Can be decorated before serving to guests.

These recipes for an extraordinary dessert will be able to conquer and melt the heart of any housewife, not only because of their simplicity, but also because of their excellent taste.

Charlotte will help unite your family at one table and give you an unforgettable evening over a cup of tea or coffee.

It smells delicious of apples.

The cat is dozing on the sofa.

And in grandma's oven

the pie rises.

With a yellow crispy crust.

The dough is like swan's down.

The aroma is so intoxicating

what is breathtaking!

Half a century is already behind -

It's time to sum it up.

But I still remember

wonderful grandma's pie.

It smells delicious of apples.

And the red cat purrs.

I bake for my grandchildren

the same fabulous pie.

There is probably not a single housewife who has not baked charlotte with apples at least once. And in the autumn season, when beautiful fruits are literally lying under your feet, this is the most popular dessert in families.

It doesn’t happen every once in a while, but last fall we had an incredible supply of apples. I dried them (I even bought an electric dryer for this occasion), froze them, prepared filling for pies from them, cooked jam and, of course, baked apple pies in different variations. With shortbread dough, for fast days and charlottes in different designs.

The classic composition includes simple ingredients: eggs, flour, sugar and apples. But we girls are an inventive people, and for variety we add other products - bananas, cottage cheese, nuts, lemon, semolina and much more.

The first time I froze apples, I was afraid that I had spoiled the product. It turned out that I was afraid in vain. They make excellent cottage cheese casseroles and sponge cakes. Moreover, under the influence of temperature, the fruits literally spread out, become soft, tender and simply melt on the tongue. I liked the taste much better with frozen ones than with regular ones. Both fresh and frozen apples are suitable for all recipes.


  • Kefir – 250 g
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Flour – 160 g
  • Baking powder – 0.5 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Vanillin - sachet
  • Apples – 350 g


  • Sift flour with baking powder into a cup
  • Place kefir with eggs, vanillin and sugar in another container
  • Mix the contents of two bowls using a mixer
  • At the end add sunflower oil

  • Pour some of the dough into the bottom of the mold and cover it with apples. I took frozen ones. You can use fresh

  • Pour the remaining dough on top, shake the pan slightly so that it is evenly distributed throughout the pan.

Place in the oven, temperature 180 g, 45-60 minutes. Time depends on features oven, shape size. It took a little longer with frozen apples. About an hour and fifteen. Cool slightly, turn it onto a plate and sprinkle with powdered sugar through a sieve. I didn’t even have time to take a picture of the cross section - we ate it all at once.

Classic recipe for apple charlotte with cinnamon

The classics are the basis on which you can prepare countless variations. And the apple pie will sparkle in a new way. I used to hate cinnamon. Its smell repulsed me, but one day I added a teaspoon of spice to the pie and did not regret it. A hint of cinnamon gave the simple charlotte an exquisite aroma and taste.

You will need:

  • Apples – 3-4 pcs.
  • Flour – 160 g
  • Sugar – 200 g
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Cinnamon -1 tsp.


  • Cut the apples into pieces. I like the option better - slices. They look beautiful after baking. But if you mix them with dough, then the shape is not important. The main thing is not to get too small so that they don’t get lost.
  • Beat eggs with sugar until stiff foam
  • Sift the flour and cinnamon into a bowl and carefully combine
  • We send the chopped apples, mix and place in the prepared form.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for 30-45 minutes. Check with a toothpick. We pierce in several places. If it comes out dry, the cake is ready.
  • Cool in the pan, turn over onto a plate and sprinkle with beauty powder.

Lush charlotte with kefir according to grandma’s recipe

Everyone will agree that grandma's recipes are always the most delicious. My grandma baked amazingly delicious pasties and pancakes. Apple pie is no exception.

You will need:

  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Kefir – 1 tbsp.
  • Flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Soda – 0.5 tsp.
  • Pinch of salt
  • Apples – 4.5 pcs.

Charlotte is the easiest, simplest and quick pie. This is probably why most housewives always have a recipe in stock for welcoming guests. After all, there is always food for her in the refrigerator. No apples? No problem. Stock up on frozen ones, or in the fall, dry or roll the filling for pies in jars.

  • Beat the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and beat until the mixture turns white

  • Add soda to the kefir. Let's wait a couple of minutes until the reaction occurs and the mass increases and bubbles

  • Pour kefir into the egg-sugar mixture and add flour (it’s better to sift) and mix with a mixer until sour cream thickens.

  • Cut the apples into pieces and mix with the dough
  • Place in a mold and bake for 45-55 minutes at 180C.

Lenten pie with apples without eggs

I baked this pie during Lent. My husband’s birthday sometimes falls during this period, and we always invite guests. And there will definitely be friends who observe this custom. So for them I bake this Lenten pie with apples.


  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Margarine – 200 g
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Apples - 5 -7 pcs.

It's very easy to prepare.

  • Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly with a whisk so that the mass is evenly mixed, and divide it into three parts

  • Grate the apples or chop them finely

  • Melt the margarine in the microwave. If you are not fasting, take oil

  • We put a layer of the dry mixture in the mold, cover it with apples on top, then repeat all the layers until the products run out. Apples need to cover this apple pie

  • Pour the melted butter evenly throughout the pan. Shake it a little so that the products are better distributed and put it in an already preheated oven at 200C for an hour. After 15-20 minutes, check to see if it burns. upper layer. If so, cover with foil or baking paper.

If you are afraid that the pie will turn out to be greasy and oily, then you are in vain. It contains a lot of dry ingredients that will absorb fat and swell.

The pie was eaten not only by those on duty, but by all the other guests too. Moreover, I baked it more than once and we ate it both cold and hot. Delicious either way.

Charlotte recipe in a Redmond slow cooker

What I love about apple baking is its simplicity and speed of preparation. And in a slow cooker the process is even more attractive.


  • Apples – 100 g
  • Eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Flour – 180 g
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Butter


  • Cutting apples into slices

  • Beat eggs until smooth

  • Add sugar and punch

  • Sift the flour and mix the dough with a mixer until smooth.
  • Posting apple slices to the bottom of the multicooker

  • Pour the dough on top and level the surface
  • Set the baking mode and temperature to 16°C, time 50 minutes, and go about your business

After the multicooker signals readiness, take it out, put it on a plate, pour tea and enjoy the tender, soft pastries.

How to make a fluffy apple and banana pie

To diversify the taste and make it soft and tender, add a banana to the dough.


  • Flour – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs – 4 pcs.
  • Bananas – 1 pc.
  • Apples – 2 pcs.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla sugar

It is better to use bananas in this dish that are slightly overripe or in the juice.

  • Beat the eggs into a bowl and beat with a whisk until fluffy.
  • Gradually add granulated sugar and vanilla using a fan and continue beating until fluffy.
  • Sift the flour into a bowl along with baking powder
  • Cut the apples into cubes, banana into rings and mix into the dough
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 180-190 degrees for 45 minutes. I indicate the time approximately, since it largely depends on your oven. Try it on a dry skewer
  • Let it cool slightly in the pan and turn it over onto a plate. Sprinkle with powder and cinnamon through a sieve.

Recipe for charlotte with apples and sour cream

Sour cream will add tenderness and fluffiness ready-made dish. The execution is just as easy and simple.


  • Flour – 200 g
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream – 300 g
  • Baking powder – 10 g
  • Pinch of salt
  • Apples – 4 pcs.
  • Raisins – 150 g
  • Vanillin


  • To begin, cut the apples into slices, approximately 2 mm wide, pour into a cup and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • Pour in the raisins hot water and set aside for swelling

  • Mix the mixture with sour cream
  • Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and beat with a mixer at low speed.

  • Wash the raisins and drain the water. Dry and pour into the bowl with the dough.
  • Take a springform pan 22 cm in diameter. Cover the bottom with baking parchment, grease the sides with oil, and pour in the dough.

  • Place the apples in a spiral, starting from the edges. It will be better if you place smaller slices in the middle. It will turn out more beautiful
  • Bake at 190 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Check readiness with a skewer.

Delicious apple charlotte with cottage cheese on semolina

I don’t even know what to call apple manna or semolina charlotte correctly. But it doesn't matter. Delicious, tender and satisfying dessert. If prepared correctly, no one will feel the cottage cheese taste.

You will need:

  • Cottage cheese – 250 g
  • Semolina – 200 g
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Egg – 3 pcs.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Sour cream – 100 g
  • Apples – 4-5 pcs.
  • Vanillin


  • Beat cottage cheese together with sour cream until smooth. If there are any curd lumps left in the dough, you will feel them, and when you knock them out until smooth, you won’t even realize that there is curd in the composition
  • Mix semolina with baking powder
  • Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites until foamy, then fan in half the granulated sugar and continue beating with a mixer until soft peaks form.

  • Beat the yolk mass with the rest of the recipe sand and vanillin until white

  • Mix the curd mass with the yolk mixture, then add the semolina. Knead everything using a silicone spatula
  • Add the protein part of the dough in parts and mix gently with a spatula until the structure is homogeneous. We do not use a mixer so as not to destroy the airiness of the protein.
  • Cut apples into pieces and mix with dough

  • Grease the pan with oil and sprinkle with flour, shaking off excess

  • I took a different path. Some of the fruits were mixed with the dough, some were laid out after the first test layer, and the rest was spread on the surface. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 55 minutes.

I increased the number of apples in the recipe since I only used two when baking. This is not enough. Although it still turned out delicious and was eaten quickly.

The easiest puff pastry pie with apples

This recipe doesn't even require kneading the dough. And if you take apples that have already been prepared, like mine, then the process will take very little time.

Let's prepare:

  • Puff pastry packaging
  • Apples – 3-4 pcs.
  • Yolk for lubricating the surface
  • Sugar and lemon


I'll tell you about two options.

  • For the first one, I rolled out one part of the dough and placed it in a greased pan. The edges are drooping
  • Since the fall, I have prepared several jars of apple filling for pies. It was already filled with sugar, so I immediately laid it out in the mold and covered it with a second sheet of puff pastry on top.
  • I pinched the edges and brushed the surface with yolk diluted with water.
  • Placed it in the oven at 180C for 20-25 minutes.
  • In the second option, we assume that you have fresh apples. They need to be cut into slices and placed in a mold. Sprinkle granulated sugar on top and sprinkle with lemon juice
  • And again cover with a layer of dough and coat with yolk.

Video from Yulia Vysotskaya - how to bake apple charlotte

If you have ever watched the program Eat at Home, then undoubtedly the energy emanating from Yulia did not leave you indifferent. I really like her speed of moving around the kitchen, I like watching her hands, with which she very quickly mixes, breaks, turns over. Moreover, he manages to give out a lot of information. I suggest watching a video with Yulia and apple charlotte.

I tried to tell as much as possible about my family's favorite recipes. If you have your own, share it in the comments.

How to cook Charlotte with apples? First, turn on the oven at 180 degrees and leave to heat up. Measure out the required amount of raisins and pour boiling water over them. We leave it aside.

Since we are making a simple pie with apples, we will deal with them then. We clean them from the skin.

Cut the apples into not too thin slices and put them in a bowl. Pour in lemon juice, sprinkle with cinnamon and mix well. Some people also add cognac at this point. I don't have one, so I skipped this step. But if the apple Charlotte is classic, it’s probably worth adding if you have it in stock. Do not buy separately.

Leave the apples and take the mold. Definitely one with removable sides. Grease the pan with butter and sprinkle with cornstarch. This way the ready-made lush Charlotte will not stick to the shape.

Place apple slices down in one layer and sprinkle with starch.

Dry the raisins with paper towels and arrange them in shape.

It's time to prepare the dough for Charlotte. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat until very fluffy.

Add sugar and sift flour along with baking powder. Add vanilla essence or vanillin. The result will be a sponge cake. This is a Charlotte cake.

Whisk everything thoroughly. The consistency of the Charlotte dough should be similar to liquid yogurt.

Fill the mold with the apples with the prepared dough, covering all the ingredients. We knock the bottom on the table so that all air bubbles come out.

Place the quick apple pie in the oven for 20-30 minutes until golden brown. We take out the finished masterpiece.

Now you know how to bake Charlotte! Separate the sides of the mold and remove.

Transfer the apple pie to a plate. Usually it is placed apples up, it looks like this:

I like the way the apple charlotte looks from the other side, so I moved it back.

My serving is not quite ordinary, but believe me, it is incredibly tasty. And beautiful. Cut a simple apple pie into pieces and place on plates. Quickly prepare banana ice cream according to my recipe. It's super easy to make, made with just a couple of ingredients, and I highly recommend you try it sometime because it's a stomp :)

This time we'll use regular vanilla banana ice cream. Cook and scoop balls with a tablespoon. We put them on pieces of pie. A simple recipe for Charlotte with apples is almost finished. Sprinkle it all with cinnamon through a strainer and serve with tea or coffee.

This is how beautiful it turned out. Honestly, I’m drooling as I write this recipe now because I still remember the smell wafting throughout the apartment. And it really turned out to be the most delicious Charlotte I’ve ever eaten.

I'll quickly summarize.

Brief recipe. Simple Charlotte or quick apple pie

  1. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees.
  2. Pour boiling water over the raisins and leave aside.
  3. Peel the apples, remove the cores and cut into not too thin strips.
  4. Add lemon juice and cinnamon, cognac if desired, mix and leave for 5 minutes.
  5. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with starch.
  6. Place the apples in one layer along the bottom, sprinkle with starch.
  7. Scatter the raisins over the form with the apples.
  8. Making the dough for Charlotte: break the eggs into a bowl and beat until foamy.
  9. Add sugar, sift flour and baking powder, add vanilla essence and beat everything thoroughly.
  10. Pour the dough over the apples, distribute evenly and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes until well browned.
  11. Remove from the oven and let cool slightly, then remove the sides of the pan and transfer the apple pie to a plate.
  12. Cut into pieces, place in plates, and place balls on top.
  13. Sprinkle everything with cinnamon and serve with tea or coffee.
  14. Now you know how to make Charlotte apple pie!

That's it for the recipe delicious Charlotte comes to the end. I really hope you use it this fall and next and next and next... And be sure to write reviews. By the way, what is your favorite autumn dessert that is associated with comfort and blanket warmth? Last year, by the way, I talked about healthy oatmeal cookies, be sure to read their recipe.

Last time I talked about! Further more! In order not to miss new items, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes of 20 dishes that can be prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly, tasty and healthy - it's real!

I was with you ! Tell your friends about what it is fast Charlotte with apples, a simple recipe with photos, recommend it, if you like it, like it, leave comments, rate it, write and show photos of what you got, and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine introduce, and of course enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!
