The magic of numbers in monetary numerology to attract wealth and good luck. Numerology: lucky and dangerous numbers

And what needs to be done for this? Now we'll tell you!

Throughout life, every person goes through 7 life cycles, which are repeated from year to year. Knowing these cycles, we can calculate favorable and maximum lucky days this year, as well as make your life easier and avoid many problems!

Personal cycles are easy to calculate. The beginning of the first period is . The duration of each is 52 days.

For example, you were born on July 6th. Adding 52 days, we get the end of the first cycle - August 27. The second will begin on August 28 and end on October 17, etc. The year of birth does not matter.

The last period will end before the next birthday.
Of course, in leap year one of the cycles will be a day longer. And let yourself!

It is interesting for any person to remember the events that took place in his life during the same period. Of course, if you haven't kept annual records, this won't be so easy. But everyone has significant days that are always remembered, so you can try to navigate them.

Now let's figure out what these cycles mean and how to use the knowledge gained?

First cycle: period of opportunity

This is the best time to implement your plans with the help of influential people. Will be able to find patrons, long ago desired job, get cash loans and start your own business. A good period for searching for reliable partners, as well as for investing capital in a profitable business.

It is in this cycle that you need to declare yourself publicly and create a good reputation.

Second cycle: time of small and big changes

During this period, go on short or long trips: they will certainly be successful - both business trips and leisure. The cycle is favorable for everything related to movement: moving goods, buying and selling cars, organizing transportation, etc. Besides, this good time for public speaking.

There will be promising opportunities for those who produce or sell any liquid, be it water, beer, milk or gasoline.

Remember: in the second cycle you should not start new business, change jobs, sign long-term contracts, borrow or lend, purchase securities and gamble.

Third cycle: energy

You are in good shape. An unprecedented influx of energy will allow you to take important steps. Your health will improve significantly. Great time to compete with competitors.

If you want to sell something: an apartment, a car, or just a boring thing, then do it immediately - success and profit are guaranteed.

However, not everything is so rosy. Men should not start new relationships. Women, on the contrary, need to turn their attention to influential patrons who can help in business or provide support in life. Avoid conflicts if you don't want to make enemies.

Numbers are an integral part of the life of each of us. We encounter them all the time. There is even separate science, whose representatives study numbers and decipher their meaning. It's called numerology. Experts who know a lot about numbers are confident that with their help you can find out any information about a person, determine his fate, attract good luck and protect himself from troubles.

Numbers in numerology are usually divided into lucky and reverse. We - ordinary people we are accustomed to thinking that the following numbers are lucky: 5, 7, 9, and unlucky, in turn, are: 13, 666 and the like. Why do individual numbers have special power? In this article we will understand the principles of numerology, and also try to understand how numbers affect our lives.

Numerology is a simple, at first glance, science

The basic laws of numerology, which are still relied upon today, appeared in the sixth century BC. Designed them ancient Greek mathematician and the philosopher Pythagoras. He developed the main principles of numerology over many years, combining various sciences about numbers. The main principle of numerology today is the transformation of multi-digit numbers (which have several digits) to single-digit numbers (one digit). Simply put, to determine your number, you need to add up the numbers of your date of birth, for example, after which you get a two-digit number. Then the components given number also add up, after which a single number is obtained. For example, after adding the date of birth, the result is 15. Next, we take and add 1+5+6 - this will be your number. If, after adding the above numbers, a two-digit number is obtained again, the action must be repeated until the number from 1 to 9 comes out.

Each number from 1 to 9 contains a special meaning:

  • 1 – internal energy, determination;
  • 2 – reliability, peacefulness;
  • 3 – determination, movement;
  • 4 – organization, patience;
  • 5 – leadership qualities, influence;
  • 6 – responsibility, decency;
  • 7 – creativity, individuality;
  • 8 – instability, changeability;
  • 9 – strength, dedication.

An example of how to calculate your number based on your date of birth: for example, a person was born on January 1, 1980. This means that he needs to count as follows: 0+1+0+1+1+9+8+0=20, and then 2+0=2. It is the two that will be his number, indicating his character. In addition, this number can bring happiness to its owner.

Negative, disastrous numbers

One of the main numerological theories of Pythagoras states that two-digit simple numbers (which can only be divided by themselves or 1) can have negative qualities. Consequently, they have a detrimental effect on humans. Such numbers, for example, are: 11, 13, 17, 19, 23. The number 13 has a special meaning, as it symbolizes disorder. Perhaps this also affected the perception of Friday the 13th. In addition, religion considers the number 13 negative, since thirteen persons were allegedly present at the Last Supper. The last (13th) was Judas - the traitor.

In the Middle Ages, Europeans believed in a sign that when thirteen people gather at a table, the first one to leave the feast would soon die. In many countries, even in our time, they try to omit this number when numbering hotel rooms or residential apartments/houses. Some numerologists claim that it is on the thirteenth day of the month that the risk of getting into an accident or other misfortune increases. Even space agencies believe in the negativity of the number 13. The reason for this is the failure of the Apollo 13 spacecraft, which took off only 1 time. At the same time, the oxygen storage facility on board exploded on April thirteenth, and the rocket launcher itself, which sent the device, launched at 13:13. Coincidence? Most likely, yes, but very unfortunate and instructive. To this day, ships do not depart on the thirteenth, because they believe that they can repeat the fate of the thirteenth Apollo.

Fridays that fall on the thirteenth or 26th have a particularly negative reputation. The fact is that last number is the sum of the previous one, so it supposedly affects twice as harmful. Proof of this can be considered the event that occurred on January 26, 2001. On that day, the TU154 plane, heading from Kemerovo to the capital, was forced to make an emergency landing in Novosibirsk. Only the skill of the pilots, who managed to cope with the falling plane, saved people from a terrible painful death.

At the same time, the Ukrainian-origin ship “Memory of Mercury” sank in the Black Sea, and a private plane crashed in New Zealand. In addition, on the same day in Sevastopol, residents of a high-rise building in which a domestic gas explosion occurred died. But the most terrible catastrophe of this day was associated with India and Pakistan - a powerful earthquake occurred there, killing more than one hundred thousand people.

It should be noted that in some countries the number 13 is considered lucky and brings life. Eg, Chinese character, by which it is designated, is translated as “giving life.” The numerological horoscope states that this number gives a person Creative skills, enhances his intuition.

"Devil's Number"

Oddly enough, this number is not the ominous “three sixes”. This is the number 23, which, by the way, is also simple, like the one described above. A huge number of tragedies are associated with this number, and it has also been negatively “lit up” in history.

It is known that Yu. Caesar received 23 wounds with a knife before his death. Rome fell on August 23rd in 467. 01/23/1556 China felt a super-powerful earthquake that killed a lot of people. On May 23, 1618, the Thirteen Years' War began.

There are also events closer to modern times associated with “ devil's number» 23. In November of this date (1962) on the territory of France there was terrible crash Hungarian plane, during which more than twenty passengers died. On the same day a couple of years later in Rome, a plane collided with an asphalt paver, killing five dozen people. In June (06/23/1985), the largest terrorist act in the air occurred - terrorists detonated a bomb on board a passenger plane, killing more than three hundred people.

Unlucky number 11

09/11/2001 - the most terrible and large-scale terrorist attack in the world took place in New York. Subsequently, numerologists found out that in this event there was more than one number 11. In the name of the city ( New York City) has eleven letters. The name of the terrorist who committed a terrible crime is also made up of eleven letters. In addition, New York is the eleventh state of the United States.

The first plane (of those that crashed into the tower) carried 92 people. Therefore, 9+2=11. In the second, in turn, there were 65 people: 6+5=11. The eleventh day of September is the 254th day of the year. If you add 2+5+4, you get the same number eleven. What kind of coincidences are these? Accident? Mystic? Everyone thinks differently.

Lucky numbers that bring wealth and good luck

Pythagoras considered seven to be the luckiest and “correct” number, which is why today it is lucky number. Those people whose name has 7 letters, according to ancient mathematician, must be incredibly lucky. Sociological studies have determined that the majority of the inhabitants of our planet believe in positive traits numbers 7. Perhaps her lucky meaning is supported by popular belief, but it should be noted that since ancient times it has been known that seven is not a prime number.

By the way, the figure described above also has negative abilities. It goes very poorly with finances. Businessmen believe that it is impossible to store, borrow, or give away amounts associated with the seven: 700, 7000, 70000. These amounts can bring poverty.

Numerologists are sure that each of us has a money number - a number that attracts money to us:

  • For those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th financial luck brings the number 1;
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 – 2;
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 – 3;
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 – 4;
  • 5, 14, 23 – 5;
  • 6, 15, 24 – 6;
  • 7, 16, 25 – 7;
  • 8, 17, 26 – 8;
  • 9, 18, 27 – 9.

Money numerology helps a person attract and maintain financial flows into his life by calculating and using his own numerical code. You can determine it using your date of birth or converting your nominal letters into numbers.


What is money numerology?

Numerology of money involves calculations that result in a number from 1 to 9, which carries a magic code. Having identified it, it is easy to attract good luck and improve your financial situation. The resulting matrix sometimes also has a cautionary nature, warning when you should pay attention to certain aspects or get rid of specific bills.

How to determine the numerological number of a certain amount of money?

To determine the numerological number of a specific monetary amount, the following calculations are made:

  • fold numeric code banknotes, for example, you are supposed to deposit 25,000 rubles - this is 2+5+0+0+0=7;
  • convert the literal value (p-i-t-b-s-o-t-r-u-b-l-e-y) into numbers using a special table;
  • For detailed calculations, it is possible to compile a monetary matrix using the serial number and denomination of the banknote.

What are the numbers that attract money?

The most monetary numbers that multiply existing capital are 4 and 8: they have the energy of material opportunity and stability.

Their characteristics are presented in the table:

Non-monetary numbers

There are also numbers that do not bring wealth and other benefits to their owner:

How to calculate your money number is demonstrated in the video. Taken from the “Esoterics for You” channel.

Double figures

In numerology, two-digit numbers are numbers that attract and repel monetary energy at the same time:

  • 3 000;
  • 30 000.
  • luck;
  • wealth;
  • Additional income.
Invest in the development of new projects. You cannot collect banknotes and put them on deposit.
  • 5 000;
  • 50 000.
  • successful acquisitions;
  • winning at the casino.
It's good to invest. It is not advisable to make bank deposits or store. Situations will arise that require certain financial investments.
  • 6 000;
  • 60 000.
  • work;
  • limitation;
  • attraction of finances for the most necessary goods.
Investments and deposits do not bring profit.
  • 9 000;
  • 90 000.
Energy of helpGive and invest in charity.

Number combinations

Numerologists are sure that when you fall successful combinations attracting finance occurs without serious effort.

To determine the meaning of combinations, the sum of the numbers and their relationship to each other are taken into account. Sometimes the negative effect of a number is neutralized by a positive neighborhood.

Numerology identifies the following meanings of combinations of numbers:

  • 1-6-8 is a great combination in any sequence;
  • 6-8 - attraction of luck;
  • 2-8 or 2-8-8 - easy money;
  • 7-8 - wealth;
  • 4-8 - luxury, abundance of benefits as a result of hard work;
  • 7-8-0 is a positive combination in any form.
  • 2-4 - losses;
  • 5-8 - financial difficulties;
  • 2-7 and 9-5 - fire;
  • 6-4 - collapse;
  • 5-6 - unjustified expectations.


Examples of successful combinations:


Options for an unfavorable combination of numbers:

Money code

Personal codes of wealth and luck are calculated for each person:

  1. The numbers of the day and month of birth are added together, for example, July 7: 7+7=14.
  2. The resulting amount is converted to a single value: 1+4=5.
  3. Then the code is carefully studied, which will be constant throughout the person’s life.

Decoding numbers

Meaning and application of currency code numbers:

NumberDecodingBring good luck
1 Origin and accuracy in calculations. Financial affairs are in order. You can't get carried away gambling and invest energy in adventures. To purchase material well-being you will have to work hard and learn to save. Outside help is possible.A ruble coin that you must always have with you.
2 People know how to earn money, but not how to store it and spend it wisely. It is advisable to carry out important financial transactions and make purchases in the presence of a trusted person. You should not get involved in gambling for money.Horseshoe.
3 All financial matters will be completed successfully.Three-legged toad.
4 Stability and success in business, stable financial situation. The main advice for a person is not to relax.Ring.
5 Success in the financial sector depends on the correct prioritization and mood of a person.Five-ruble coin.
6 The presence of wealth is proportional to the level of spirituality.Blue color.
7 Cash flow will appear in the lives of those who learn to avoid temptations (games, adventures) and plan spending.Close person.
8 Luck and wealth. It is important not to save money for a rainy day, but to invest it in self-development.New hobbies.
9 Spending and earnings should be proportional and reasonable. In this case, there will always be money, but not wealth.Square or triangle.

Lucky bills

Rich cash flow One is attracted to life by lucky banknotes, which must be chosen and used correctly.

How to choose?

To choose lucky bills to attract financial flows using monetary numerology, you need to calculate the number of your name.

The following table is provided for this:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

To do this, do this:

  1. Sum up the numbers from full date birth. For example, June 29, 1986 is 2+9+6+1+9+8+6=41=4+1=5.
  2. Determine the number of the name. For example, Maxim is 5+1+3+1+1+5=16=1+6=7.
  3. Receive a personal code: 5+7=12=1+2=3.

Lucky bills should contain any numbers obtained by addition:

  • dates of birth;
  • name and date of birth;
  • Full name and date of birth.

What to do with a lucky bill?

Having chosen a lucky bill, you need to carry it with you as a talisman and never show it to others. You cannot pay with a banknote, otherwise the owner will suffer bad luck when it leaves. financial plan. The effect of magic that attracts luck and money will intensify over time.

How to handle money to get rich?

The rules for handling banknotes look like this:

  1. Respect. Getting rid of negative attitudes, if present (dirty money).
  2. Check. Knowing the exact amount of cash banknotes and the size of the deposit with interest.
  3. Planning. Rational distribution of income and expenditure of money. It is advisable to write down all expenses in a notebook.
  4. Movement. Spending money on useful acquisitions and investing them in self-development.
  5. Novelty. Finding new ways to earn additional income, or replacing the source of main income.
  6. Concentration. Focus on what you want, not on a specific amount.


Video about lucky banknotes and their influence on the owner. Taken from the channel “Esoterica. Horoscopes. Philosophy. Ethnoscience".

The magic of numbers to attract money will help improve your financial situation and get rid of debts. Learn how to work with numbers correctly in order to attract money.

In the article:

The magic of numbers to attract money in monetary amounts

The numerology of money manifests itself in all situations that are related to expenses, purchases, and finances. So, for example, there is a number of monetary amounts. It is calculated during surgery a certain amount funds - both for purchasing something and for receiving income. Let's look at this method with an example. Let’s assume that we have 17,000 rubles to purchase a smartphone for work. Let's carry out numerological calculations , summing up all the digits of this monetary amount:

Now let's see what the resulting figure means.

1, 2 or 7 are symbols of spiritual wealth and do not contribute to making a profit. Applying to our example, a smartphone purchased for this resulting figure would not be conducive to communication with clients and business partners.

3 is the number of increased income and active business development. The amounts that this number gives in calculations can be safely lent - they will definitely return, and will also bring benefits in the form of interest or friendly gratitude for the help. However, you shouldn’t put that amount of money aside, otherwise it will quickly go away. In our example, the number 3 would be a good choice for purchasing a communication device for communicating with clients - the smartphone would quickly pay for itself with the profit received from them.

4 is the number of hard work and stability, not promising big income. Not the worst option for our example, but there are better ones.

5 and 9 are numbers for charity and useless spending. With a high probability, in our example, games would be launched from a smartphone more often than important calls would be made.

6 - stability and savings. It is good to spend such amounts on regular payments, ranging from replenishing your SIM card account to utilities or mortgage payments. This number is quite suitable for our example.

8 is the number of the most daring and unusual projects, but, in general, one of the most favorable for money. It was this that became the number of the monetary amount in our example. This means that calls that will be received on this smartphone may contain non-standard offers, but they will certainly turn out to be extremely profitable.

What should you do if the amount of money you intend to spend or receive contains an interpretation that does not suit you? Let's assume that the smartphone in the example costs 70,000 - this amount gives the number of money 7, one of the most unfavorable for our example. To turn it into a more suitable eight, you just need to add one unit. Leave 1, 10 or 100 rubles more in the store - and money luck will smile on you.

In the same way, you can calculate money numbers for everything that has to do with your income. This could be the number of your office, the building of your enterprise, as well as the number of your work car and even telephone - all this in one way or another affects the financial situation and direction of monetary energy.

Numerology of money for creating a talisman for wealth

Knowing how magic numbers work to attract money, you can do... Almost everyone knows what it is irredeemable bill or coin- This strong amulet, capable of lifting any person out of poverty. This is the name of a coin or bill that has been enchanted in a special way. It is stored in your wallet and is not spent under any circumstances.

Numerology for attracting money is directly related to the creation of such money talismans. Each banknote has a code. If you add up all its numbers, you can get the number of this bill - a numerological indicator that will tell you whether this bill is suitable for creating a talisman for you. Before speaking to her, check whether she will work in the right direction.

Typically, in such calculations, all numbers are reduced to a single-digit form, and the meanings of numbers from 1 to 9 can be found above. However, in in this case It is permissible to leave the numbers 11, 22 and 10 - they have separate meanings. Ten is a number money luck, but one cannot expect stability from it. 11 is the number of profitable acquaintances, and 22 is stability in financial matters.

Magic numbers for attracting money - the right timing

Another money number in numerology may be associated with the date of an important financial transaction. If you take out a loan, a large sum in debt or investing money in a business, choose the time that is suitable for this. Knowing the meaning of each number, let's try to analyze this technique using an example. So, let’s assume that on November 5, 2016 we plan to lend a large amount. Let's make standard numerological calculations by summing up all the numbers of this date:

Let's reduce the number to a single-digit form:

7 is the number of spirituality. For monetary transactions it positive influence does not provide. In this case, the situation can develop in different ways, and it will always be disadvantageous for both parties. In this case, you can reschedule the meeting, for example, to the next day, which will give the number 8. Eight - a symbol of wealth and increase in income. In our example, the money will be returned quite quickly, and the situation will benefit both parties.

Numerology for attracting money - simple rituals

Eight is the symbol of infinity

Numerological rituals will help you attract money energy and make friends with. They are quite simple - numbers whose influence is necessary in this moment, written on paper, hand, used as screensavers for the monitor. The main thing is that from time to time they catch your eye. In addition to numbers from 1 to 9, as well as 10, 11 and 22, there are several more money numbers that are especially effective in numerological rituals.

15 contributes to the activation of a person’s creative energy, as well as the disclosure of abilities and talents. If your work involves creativity, use this number. It is drawn on the pulse of the left hand before exams and interviews, as well as business meetings. However, before practicing numerology rituals, make sure that the number on your hand does not look like a cheat sheet.

21 is responsible for activity in all its manifestations, and also contributes to the emergence of leadership qualities. It must be used by all people who occupy leadership positions. The number 21 will help someone who has such a desire to take such a position. This is the number of salary increases and promotions career ladder, power and ambition.

Many people love to play the lottery. For some, this is a relatively inexpensive way to have fun, but for others, it is a real hope for better life. In order to increase your chances of winning, you can use numerology. The properties of the numbers 3, 6 and 8 have already been described above - they attract luck and monetary energy.

Numerology of money by date of birth

Date of birth also helps attract money

The magic of numbers for attracting money also relates to your date of birth. It contains a lot of information. Almost everyone knows about the magical Pythagorean square, which is able to tell about a person’s inclinations, his talents and even his abilities for witchcraft, which are present from birth.

Money numerology by date of birth divides people into nine types depending on the number on which they were born. In order to calculate your money number, sum up all the numbers of the day on which you were born - so that the result is unambiguous. For example, the number 1 is true for those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th.

1. U units, no inclinations to financial success. There are people who get all the benefits without special effort from their side. You are not one of them.

2. Deuce indicates that you are not very lucky in money matters. Lucky spells will help you find financial well-being. In addition, you need to stop paying attention to helping those in need - think about yourself first and stop giving to others what will be useful to you.

3. Number 3 indicates that you do not know how to save money. What appears in your wallet, or is spent immediately, sometimes goes into circulation. You are active and open to new ideas, and you tend to strive for more without stopping there. There are chances for monetary success if you learn to create long-term goals.

4. A sign of stability. People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st rarely boast of large savings. Most likely, you will prefer a smaller but constant income. You won’t have to live in poverty, but you won’t even dream of having a personal island. In order to change the situation, you need to think outside the box.

5. People with money figure equal to five, do not like to procrastinate cash. They spend it as soon as they receive it. For such people, money is spent both on pleasure and on useful investments. In order to change the financial situation in better side, you need to spend less time on entertainment and more time on work.

6. Six attracts money, but this does not mean that people born under it receive all the benefits without effort. They are forced to face constant challenges and limitations. You can only get rich if you put your knowledge and abilities into practice. A decent education and considerable experience in your chosen field of activity will become your passport to the life of your dreams.

7. Born under number 7 prefer spiritual wealth to material wealth. If your financial situation causes too many troubles, you will have to distract yourself from the development of spirituality. Your knowledge can be a good source of profit.

8. Eight- another monetary figure. Almost all of your ideas related to receiving money are successfully implemented. You must not stop there. It also doesn’t hurt to learn how to make a profit from several sources - you are quite capable of more than one project.

9. Nine indicates a person who is far from the material world. Are you interested in knowledge and hidden meaning life. Perhaps this is your purpose, but you still won’t be able to realize it without a penny in your pocket. In order to improve your financial situation, you need to pay more attention to ways to make a profit.

What role do numbers play in our lives? How do they influence fate and character? How to set a date important events? How to choose a name for a child? What do the numbers suggest? Is Friday the 13th really worth worrying about? The site's correspondent talked about this with the author of unique techniques in numerology, author of the book "The Digitized World" Sergei Kuznetsov.

What numbers bring good luck? Secrets of a numerologist

— How do numbers influence our lives and our character? How does the mechanism of influence of numbers work?

— Our entire technology is based on mathematics. Without knowing your house, apartment number, we don’t know how to get there. In fact, every apartment number and house number is recorded, emphasis is placed on this, and this gives a certain vibration. The same is your phone number, the same is your car number, the same is your passport number, the same is your credit card number.

Everything speaks about the vibrations in which you live. Numbers are included in space, especially when we start counting. For example, we count money. Even what time we wake up is very important. This is actually the starting point. Therefore, both the start time of the business and the end time of the business are also of great importance.

Most people don't record this, but I started recording it in the 90s. I was told that numbers influence this world, Pythagoras himself spoke about this. He said that numbers rule the world. And many famous philosophers knew this, especially Chinese ones. Chu Shu also said that numbers rule the world.

And for 25 years now I have seen that numbers actually influence people, their environment, their space. That is, every thought, every hand movement - in fact, everything you do can be digitized.

Russian turned out to be the language that allowed me to decipher. Taking the alphabet and translating it into numbers, I saw that many words of the Russian language confirm our thoughts and our aspirations. I calculated the word “man” by numbers, and I got 36. Body temperature is also 36. And when I summed up the words “soul” and “body”, I got that “soul” is 17, and body is 19. Man consists of soul and body, and this number is 36.

I received the evidence. After that, I began to analyze my date of birth, last name, first name, patronymic and realized that my day was actually already planned out by numbers. I highlighted one very interesting point: Birth dates have certain vibrations. The date of birth not only affects it, you also need to add your first name, last name and patronymic. And then we get a complete answer about what awaits the person that day.

Imagine that even the number cell phone, which we have, enters into resonance. Already ten years ago I discovered that a telephone number shows the psychological atmosphere this person, you can predict its condition by the phone number itself. I saw this and started telling: “Guys, you have such and such a phone number, you have such and such problems.” And it turned out to be a complete coincidence, that is, this is one hundred percent information about the person. That is, in fact, a person who has a phone number already has encoding.

We must understand that we have a subtle and hard field. Solid - what we see is our physical body. In addition to the physical body, of course, we have an energy field, it exists, no one has rejected it. And when certain cell phone vibrations get there, the person is under these vibrations. And, accordingly, under such vibrations a person accepts the people who surround him.

From this I conclude that the numbers are a subtle plan. The language of numbers is universal, that is, it can be found in all areas.

— How then to choose a phone number that will attract positive events into our lives?

— Undesirable numbers in a phone number are zeros, fours and eights. Zero is emptiness, zero always devastates you. Four always makes you think a lot, sometimes cheat, sometimes a person can deceive, sometimes he can be dark. And the number eight binds a person and makes him dependent on money. Over the course of ten years, I have counseled so many people, and I have 100% found that this has an impact. Still bad numbers are 19 and 26. 19 is a constant war, it is always aggressiveness, 26 is an element of depression.

— On July 7, 2007, there were a lot of weddings in Russia, because young people believed that this combination of numbers from three sevens would definitely bring good luck and happiness in family life. Do you think three sevens are really capable of making everyone happy?

— Yes, three sevens are a good number, it generally means “family and happiness.” God himself helps and supports these people. The only problem is that seven in its digital version is the most powerful number. That is, if you take from zero to nine, then seven is considered the strongest number. We have seven colors of the rainbow, seven chakras in humans. Therefore, I believe that those people who got married on the 7th of 2007 got married, they received a triple guardian angel. And they must also travel, their task is to realize this, to accept this throughout life.

— Many of us have heard that a name also influences a person’s character and destiny in a certain way. How do these two factors—the date of birth and the person’s name—interact?

“There are individuals who would like their child to be lucky, and I had to choose birth dates for these children. That is, we can choose and show how desirable it is to be born on a given day. And then, after the birth of the child, the question of the name arises. And I sometimes have to deal with this issue, sometimes even for three days the child is not given a name, because it takes so long to calculate it!

For example, the name "Inna" is always a question. Inns do not live a real life, they live only in the past or future. They have two problems. And it’s the same with Ann. Either Anna lives in the past, delving into it, or she lives in the future. Here are two names that do not exist on their own. Or Nina, for example, Nina has a struggle for power, and a certain problem arises related to the fact that she does not have real life, she either digs into the past or into the future.

There are successful names, for example, Vladimir, Sergey. Female names the good ones, I think, are Elena and Irina. Irinas are more advanced emotionally, they move in their own direction. Elena is a traveler, Lena is the most successful, advanced in business, in her personal life, everything is fine with the children, that is, they are more practical, they achieve a lot in their lives. Even the name Elena itself adds up to 21 - “family and happiness.” Sveta gives, for example, the meaning “spirit”. Svetlana gives "love".

— As far as I know, when parents adopt a child, they have the right by law to change the date of birth in the documents. If the documents do not contain the real date of birth, will this affect the fate and character of the child?

- Naturally. Therefore, it is advisable that when you adopt a child, you choose the date yourself. Because the birth plan for this child is no longer known, we don’t know the parents. Imagine what kind of parents they were, what kind of relationship they had. Naturally, if a child is left in an orphanage, he was not wanted, naturally, the child is left with a feeling that no one needs him, he is abandoned. Naturally, he has to live with this all his life. Therefore, in order to somehow smooth out this problem, I try to give the child a different date so that he can connect with his family, with his parents, so that there is no negative plan that was laid in the child at birth. This can be fixed.

- Last question - is this really a dangerous day?

- I would like you to treat the number 13 well, because the number 13 is the number of God, the number of the spirit, the number of the ascetic, the number of the forehead, the number of the flag, the number of horror. Naturally, there is no need to be afraid of anything, but at the same time, if you are unbalanced, if you are restless, if you are freaking out all the time or have negativity, the number 13 is prohibited for this person. I want to say that 13 is the strongest number, this is the most good number. Here you can’t just think about the bad, you have to think positively, think about the good, and everything will be fine.

Interviewed by Marina Arkhipova

Prepared for publication by Maria Snytkova
