International Safer Internet Day. International Safer Internet Day is an official holiday in many countries

Digital technologies are increasingly entering our daily life. Therefore, ensuring security on the Internet is one of the most pressing requirements of modernity and progress. A safe and positive Internet is not only about special security programs. This is, first of all, an abundance of positive content, knowledge of ordinary users about the basics of security, and public consensus regarding norms of behavior on the Internet. This is also a public-government partnership aimed at increasing the level of Internet security for ordinary users. And also these are Internet opportunities and services that come to the aid of people in almost any problem situation.

Since 2005, the main coordinator of Safer Internet Day in the world has been the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network), which consists of national centers created with the participation of the European Commission. All countries are members of Insafe European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway and Russia.

Each of the organization's national centers runs local Internet safety education programs, operates a helpline, and works with youth to provide an evidence-based, multifaceted approach to improving the Internet.

Within a few years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework and become a truly international holiday, celebrated on five continents.

In 2015, Safer Internet Day was celebrated in more than 110 countries around the world. In total, more than a thousand events were held in the participating countries under the motto “Let's create a positive Internet together!”

The slogan for Safer Internet Day 2016 is: “Play your part in creating a safer Internet!” (Play your part for a better Internet!).

Countries that do not have their own national centers submit their pre-applications for participation in worldwide events to the Insafe network.

In Russia, Internet Safety Day was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created under the name "National Internet Security Node in Russia", which later became the Security Center in information society"Don't Allow!", which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member International network"hotlines" to combat illegal content INHOPE, as well as the official organizer of events International Day safe Internet on the territory of Russia.

The official Russian part of the worldwide events dedicated to International Safer Internet Day is Safe Runet Week, which is held in the days leading up to it. In 2016, it runs from February 2 to February 9 inclusive. The Week's events take place both in Moscow and in more than 40 regions of Russia.

The Safe Runet Week was first held in 2008 on the initiative of a regional public organization"Center for Internet Technologies" (ROCIT) and the Russian office of Microsoft. Since 2009, the operator of the Week has been the ROCIT project "Safe Internet Center". Since the same year, Safe Runet Week has been included in the official events of the International Safer Internet Day, which are held in various countries peace.

The week is a group of events united by a common theme - the safety of Internet and mobile technology users, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role digital technologies in our daily safety.

Conferences are traditionally held as part of the Week, round tables, “direct lines” with experts, presentations of projects and initiatives in the field of safe Internet for children and adults, competitions are announced or their results are summed up, quizzes, information campaigns, television interviews are held - events of various formats and for different audiences.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the second day of the second week of the second month of the year. In 2018 it falls on February 6th.

Since 2005, the main coordinator of Safer Internet Day in the world has been the non-profit organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network), which consists of national centers created with the participation of the European Commission. Insafe members are all countries of the European Union, as well as Iceland, Norway and Russia. Each of the organization's national centers runs local Internet safety education programs, operates a helpline, and works with youth to provide an evidence-based, multifaceted approach to improving the Internet.

If there is no Insafe Center in the country, then the international organizer of Safer Internet Day events is the authorized Insafe Committee.

Countries that do not have their own national centers can submit their pre-applications for participation in worldwide events through the Insafe network.

Within a few years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework and become a truly international holiday, celebrated on five continents.

In 2018, Safer Internet Day will be celebrated in about 130 countries.

The Day's events are held under various mottos. In 2018, the slogan of Safer Internet Day is: “Create, connect and share respect: A better internet starts with you.”

In Russia, Safer Internet Day was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Security in the Information Society “Don’t Let It!” was created. , which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Network of Hotlines for Combating Illegal Content INHOPE, as well as the official organizer of International Safer Internet Day events in Russia.

The official Russian part of the worldwide events dedicated to International Safer Internet Day is Safe Runet Week, which is held in the days leading up to it. In 2018, it runs from January 30 to February 6 inclusive. The Week's events take place both in Moscow and in more than 60 regions of Russia.

The Safe Runet Week was first held in 2008 on the initiative of the regional public organization Internet Technology Center (ROCIT) and the Russian office of Microsoft. Since 2009, the operator of the Week has been the ROCIT project "Safe Internet Center". Since the same year, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of International Safer Internet Day, which are held in various countries around the world.

The week is a group of events united by a common theme - the safety of Internet and mobile technology users, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role of digital technologies in our everyday security.

Within the framework of the Week, conferences, round tables, “direct lines” with experts, presentations of projects and initiatives in the field of safe Internet for children and adults are traditionally held, competitions are announced or their results are summed up, quizzes are held, information campaigns, television interviews - events of various formats and on different audiences.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Human life is connected with receiving and exchanging information. The speed of these processes affects progress and labor productivity. The Internet has become a disruptive technology that has changed lives and the economy. Along with the benefits came dangers. They are associated with identity theft, malware, etc. An international holiday has been established to draw attention to this problem.


International Safer Internet Day is celebrated annually on the second Tuesday of February. In 2017 it falls on February 7th.

Who celebrates

The event is celebrated by figures from public organizations, foundations, officials, government representatives, employees of companies in the field information security. Employees of institutions that protect personal data and combat malware join the celebrations. The holiday is celebrated in 90 countries around the world.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday originated in January 2004. It was initiated by the European Commission. Her idea was supported non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. They perform tasks to improve the security of handling the World Wide Web.

The participants committed themselves to combating illegal content of global Internet resources and countering the spread malware. The idea has become widespread among users and government agencies.

The theme of the event is assigned annually. She touches current problems in the field of protecting Internet users and introducing new programs. On this day, educational events, conferences and seminars are held. Participants of public organizations talk about ways to protect personal data. Facilities mass media mention the event, post thematic materials. Thematic programs and films are broadcast on television. Proposals are put forward to improve methods of handling the World Wide Web, projects to improve security, reminders and rules of use are presented global network Internet. People who are related to the functioning of the Internet exchange congratulations and gifts.

The Internet emerged as a military technology for the US Army. She soon infiltrated civilian life. 2.5 billion people use the Internet.

Participants of the Insafe organization, which advocates for Internet safety, are all countries of the European Union, Iceland, Russia, Norway.

In the Russian Federation, since 2008, the “National Internet Security Node in Russia” has been operating - an authorized member of Insafe and the International Network of Hotlines to Counter Illegal Data INHOPE.

A web interface has been created as a mechanism for eradicating dangerous content. It allows each user to leave a complaint about violations of the resource.

International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the second day of the second week of the second month of the year. In 2017 it falls on February 7th.

Countries that do not have their own national centers can submit their pre-applications for participation in worldwide events to the Insafe network.

Within a few years, Safer Internet Day has transcended its original European framework and become a truly international holiday, celebrated on five continents.

In 2017, Safer Internet Day will be celebrated in about 130 countries.

The Day's events are held under various mottos. The slogan for Safer Internet Day 2017 is: "Be a force for change! Unite with others for a safer Internet!" (Be the change: Unite for a better internet).

In Russia, Safer Internet Day was first held in 2007.

In 2008, the Center for Safe Internet was created under the name "National Internet Security Node in Russia", later called the Center for Security in the Information Society "Don't Let Me!", which is an authorized Russian member of Insafe and a member of the International Network of Hotlines to Combat Cyber ​​Security. illegal content INHOPE, as well as the official organizer of the International Safer Internet Day events in Russia.

The official Russian part of the worldwide events dedicated to International Safer Internet Day is Safe Runet Week, which is held in the days leading up to it. In 2017, it runs from January 31 to February 7 inclusive. The Week's events take place in Moscow and many regions of Russia.

The Safe Runet Week was first held in 2008 on the initiative of the regional public organization Internet Technology Center (ROCIT) and the Russian office of Microsoft. Since 2009, the operator of the Week has been the ROCIT project "Safe Internet Center". Since the same year, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of International Safer Internet Day, which are held in various countries around the world.

The week is a group of events united by a common theme - the safety of Internet and mobile technology users, the positive and ethical use of digital services and opportunities, the role of digital technologies in our everyday security.

Within the framework of the Week, conferences, round tables, “direct lines” with experts, presentations of projects and initiatives in the field of safe Internet for children and adults are traditionally held, competitions are announced or their results are summed up, quizzes are held, information campaigns, television interviews - events of various formats and on different audiences.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Internet - greatest invention humanity. changed people's ideas about time, distance, methods of communication, assistance, earning opportunities and leisure activities. Thanks to the Internet, he receives ten times more information than his parents, grandparents and more distant ancestors. Unfortunately, not everything you see online is meaningful, reliable, logical, or safe.

Children and teenagers most often become victims of the Internet. The content of some sites will shock even an adult, let alone those whose psyche is still in its infancy. In addition, the Internet is a good field of activity for scammers, who are much easier to fall for in the virtual space than offline.

Experts all over the world are concerned about the safety of the younger generation and adults online, which is why the International Day of safe internet.

About the founder

The holiday was initiated and the project coordinator was the organization Insafe (European Safer Internet Network). Insafe consists of national centers whose employees develop and implement educational programs They communicate with children and youth on various aspects via a helpline.

You can share your experience and coordinate your actions on the website Experts and simply caring people from all over the world leave their ideas and developments on this platform. Anyone can take a special test to determine how careful they are on the Internet.

Current issues addressed by Insafe:

  • posting photos and creating avatars on the Internet: which image of yourself can be presented to the whole world, and which one cannot, and why;
  • following dubious banners and links: it is impossible to predict exactly where such a “journey” will lead;
  • actions of attackers: how to avoid becoming a victim of deception.

Russia is also part of Insafe. Domestic authors have written the book “The ABCs of Internet Security”, the pages of which tell about the influence of the Internet on people’s everyday lives, about possible threats and methods of action in

How to celebrate International Safer Internet Day

The founders and all those who support the initiative believe it is important to promote responsible and safe use of the Internet. To attract public attention to the problem, Safer Internet Day hosts various events.

Thus, a year ago, the Safer Internet Day 2014 conference was held in Washington. The organizers did not focus the audience's attention on negative aspects, but sought to demonstrate constructive ways to use the network. Young people, students and politicians were invited to participate and share their experiences of staying safe on the World Wide Web. The opinions of young users regarding the further development of the Internet were also taken into account.

In other countries, Safer Internet Day is also a day of conferences, forums, and lectures on the rights and responsibilities of users. Discussions, meetings with IT specialists, statesmen, law enforcement officers.

Safe Internet Day in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the holiday has been celebrated since 2005. On the initiative of the Center for Safe Internet in Russia a week before important date Runet Security Week is held. During the holiday itself, one or another problem of using the World Wide Web is considered. Thus, in 2013, issues of the ethics of online communication were brought up for discussion, and a year later the organizers became concerned with finding ways to improve the Internet. Discussion of this problem continued in 2015. According to the organizers, the network should have positive developmental sites with content that promotes the harmonious development of a child’s personality.

At annual forums, problems of creating a safe Internet environment, increasing digital literacy population, including children and adolescents, ensuring information security. The event is organized by the Internet Safety League, on whose initiative it was created Single register sites containing prohibited information. Within the framework of the forums, advertising competitions “My Safety on the Internet” and “Internetshka” are held.

Since 2009, Safe Runet Week has been one of the official events of the holiday. International Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the first Tuesday of February.

What worries Russian users

Based on the results of the work hotline“Children Online” (2013), most often turn to specialists regarding trolling of some users towards others) and cyberstalking. In second place are the activities of fraudsters. More often than not, users call after they have found themselves in an unpleasant situation and want to find a way out.

Kaspersky Lab conducted a study (2014), which found that more than half of Russians are afraid of troubles associated with the use of webcams. Using this gadget, criminals can easily find out logins, account passwords, trade secrets, gain access to personal photos and financial resources. Covering the camera lens does not prevent surveillance. You can protect yourself from uninvited guests using the Kaspersky Internet Security system developed in the laboratory for all devices.

The population is also concerned about the presence of freely accessible “adult” sites with child pornography, pages promoting drugs, violence, racial and other discrimination, and illegal actions.

Prospects for the development of RuNet

The Ministry of Communications takes responsibility for solving the following problems of Internet development. It is planned to provide access to secure Internet resources more users. To achieve this, new fiber-optic communication channels are being intensively expanded. It is also planned to develop Email and online trading. Due attention will be paid to advertising, online transactions, videos, social and other equally important projects. There is reason to believe that World Safer Internet Day in 2016 will begin with a summing up and discussion of fundamentally new problems in network development.

How to keep children safe

Modern parents are concerned about the safety of their children on the Internet. Protect the younger generation from negative impacts The Safe Internet program will help you online. Children and teenagers will learn the rules for using the World Wide Web, gain knowledge about online safety, and how to prevent Internet addiction.

To ensure that the child receives only the necessary and useful information, special computer programs. One of these is the children's browser "Gogul", which is a catalog of sites tested by teachers and child psychologists. The program allows you to keep track of your visits to web pages and limit your child’s presence on the Internet.

It is worth paying attention to the Internet filter “Censor”. If you install it on your computer, you can be sure that your child will only view pages from the “white list.”

International Safer Internet Day has become an official holiday not only in Russia and the USA, but also in many other countries. In 2015, it was celebrated by more than a hundred states.
