Meet with bread and salt idiom. Round table meeting

Collection next phraseological units with the word salt .

Got enough exactly 15 phraseological units.

They are grouped by topic: friendship, hospitality, wit, unpleasantness. The meaning of each phraseological unit is given.

Phraseologisms about friendship

  • (Together) eat a pound of salt (get to know each other well after a long time of acquaintance)
  • (Together) bread and salt to eat (to be close friends)
  • Drive bread and salt (be on friendly terms, be friends) - by the way, phraseological units about friendship

Phraseologisms about hospitality

  • Greet with bread and salt
  • Give honor to bread and salt (do not refuse treats, eat with appetite)
  • To forget bread and salt (to show ingratitude to the person who provided hospitality) - by the way, phraseological units about bread

Phraseologisms about wit

  • Attic salt (subtle wit, elegant joke)
  • With salt and pepper (caustic and witty (pamphlet, speech, etc.))

Phraseologisms about unpleasant

  • Pour salt on the tail (make trouble, annoy a lot) - by the way, phraseological units about the tail
  • rub salt in the wound (to remind someone of a painful, unpleasant event for him)

Other phraseological units about salt

  • Salt of the earth (the best, talented, useful people for society)
  • Not salty slurping (deceived in their expectations, having met with a bad reception)
  • What is the salt (what is the point)
  • Taste for salt (try to see if there is enough salt in the dish being prepared)

As you can see, most phraseological units with salt have contains bread and salt . Probably, this now obsolete custom played a great importance in Russia.

In general, one can note the prevalence of phraseological units with the word salt, which is not so common among Russian phraseological units. positive values .

Phraseologism "negligent attitude" use in the meaning - a careless, inattentive attitude towards someone, something. Dressing gown - derived from the dressing gown "home clothes". A person in home clothes is not disposed to serious thoughts and cannot perform important work with high quality and accuracy. Phraseologism "Negligent attitude" is a catch phrase.

2. Phraseologism Ham tram

Phraseologism "Ham tram" use in the meaning - initially "a person who behaves rudely and impudently on a tram, in public transport." The use of the adjective tram is due to the fact that the tram was one of the first (and busiest) forms of public transport. Ham tram is an ill-mannered “man, in his manners similar to those people who behave impudently and rudely in public transport.

3. Phraseologism Chameleon

Phraseologism "Chameleon"- about a two-faced, hypocritical person who always changes his behavior patterns and his own worldview depending on the environment he gets into.

A chameleon is a species of lizard that can change the color of its skin.

4. Phraseologism Stop picking your nose

Phraseologism "Stop picking your nose use in the meaning - stop doing empty business!

5. Phraseologism Hero cross out

Phraseologism "Cherome to cross out" use in the meaning - to put an end to something, completely do away with something. The image is based on the external similarity of the letter X (“dick”) with a cross, two intersecting lines that cross out what is written as unnecessary (cf. put a cross, cherit “eliminate, destroy”)

6. Phraseologism Bread and circuses

Phraseologism "Bread and Circuses". The author of the expression is the Roman poet-satirist Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenal, c. 60 - c. 127), who, denouncing his contemporaries (the time of Emperor Augustus), writes in his 7th satire that they can be bought quite cheaply: give them bread and spectacles (literally: circus games).

Already in ancient times (the reign of Emperor Nero), these words began to be perceived as a symbolic expression of the interests of the plebeian masses, the crowd. Phraseologism "Bread and circuses" is a catch phrase.

7. Phraseologism Do not feed bread

Phraseologism "Do not feed bread" use in the meaning - enthusiast. Phraseologism "Do not feed with bread" is a catch phrase.

8. Phraseologism Bread and salt

Phraseologism "Bread and salt" use in the meaning - hospitality, cordiality. Phraseologism "Bread and salt" is a catch phrase.

9. Phraseologism Abyss of heaven (opened)

Phraseologism "Abyss of heaven" use in the meaning - about heavy rain, downpour. The phrase goes back to the biblical story of the Flood, which was accompanied by showers for forty days and nights. Abyss (obsolete) - abyss, depth.

10. Phraseologism Knight's move

Phraseologism "Knight's move" use in the meaning - a decisive means that is used as a last resort; a resourceful and cunning act that brings unexpected changes to a difficult situation. Turnover - tracing paper from the French jouer le cavalier. Associated with the speech of chess players. The movement of the knight - along a broken line - differs sharply from the movement of other pieces; this complicates the observation of him, makes his blows less predictable, as if insidious, which creates an unexpected situation on the board. Phraseologism "Knight's move" is a catch phrase.

11. Phraseologism Walk around the bush

Phraseologism "Walking around the bush" use in the meaning - do not touch the essence. Phraseologism "Walking around the bush" is a catch phrase.

12. Phraseologism Gogol

Phraseologism "Walk like a gogol" matters: 1) about a dashing, emphasized cheerfully and self-confidently pacing person; 2) (folk, disapproved) about proudly, akimbo, a pacing loafer. The turnover was formed by comparing a person with a diving duck (dilektnoe gogol), which walks slowly on land, waddling, throwing its head back.

13. Phraseologism Walk on hind legs

Phraseologism "Walk on your hind legs" use in the meaning - servile to please, curry favor, please before someone (usually before the "right" people). The expression is one of the many phraseological units of the Russian language associated with a dog. It goes back to Krylov's fable "Two Dogs". The figurative meaning of the turnover follows from the plot of the fable, in which a dog that pleases the owner receives much more love and benefits from him than a faithful guard dog that performs a difficult service. Phraseologism "Walking on hind legs" is a catch phrase.

14. Phraseologism Walk to the left

Phraseologism "Walk to the left" used in the meaning - to fornicate. Phraseologism "Walk to the left" is a catch phrase.

15. Phraseologism Walk on the edge of a knife

Phraseologism "Walk on the edge of a knife" used in the sense - to risk. Phraseologism "Walking on the edge of a knife" is a catch phrase.

16. Phraseologism Walk on the line

Phraseologism "Walk along the line" use in the meaning - strict discipline. Phraseologism "Walk along the line" is a catch phrase.

17. Phraseologism Walk a fert

Phraseologism "Walk around the fert" used in the meaning - to put on airs.

18. Phraseologism Pretty little by little

Phraseologism "Pretty little by little" use in the meaning - moderation in pleasures. Phraseologism "Pretty little by little" is a catch phrase.

19. Phraseologism A good shepherd shears his sheep, but does not skin them

Phraseologism "A good shepherd shears his sheep, but does not skin them" is used as a reminder to the country's leadership that the tax policy in the country should be moderate and not overstep the bounds of reason.

The emergence of phraseology is the answer of the Roman emperor Tiberius (42 BC - 37 AD) to the governors of Rome in the provinces, who turned to the emperor with a request for another increase in taxes for the population.

Phraseologism in Latin: "Boni pastores est tondere pecus, non deglubere."

20. Phraseologism The one who laughs last laughs well

Phraseologism "The one who laughs last laughs well" used as a warning to a person who ridicules and criticizes other people, but ends up in danger of being wrong himself.

The emergence of phraseology - from the fable of the French writer and fabulist Jean Pierre Florian (1755-1794) "Two peasants and a cloud." In French: "Rira bien qui rira le dernier", which can literally be translated: "The one who laughs last will laugh well."

The expression gained popularity in Russia after the staging of the opera by the French composer Adolphe Charles Adam (1803-1856) The Postman from Longjumeau, in which this phrase occurs.

There are similar sayings in English: “He who laughs last laughs best” (“Who laughs last laughs best”) and “He laughs best who laughs last” (“The one who laughs last laughs best”), as well as the phraseological unit derived from them “Last laugh, have the” (“Laugh last”).

21. Phraseologism We wanted the best, but it turned out as always

Phraseologism "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always" used to denote any action taken that is done from positive intentions, but either does not have any effect, or even leads to even worse consequences.

Similar phrase: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

The emergence of phraseology - the words uttered by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin (1938-2010) in a television interview (August 1993) regarding the 1993 monetary reform. In the original, the phrase was: In the original: "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always."

Despite the fact that Chernomyrdin became famous as a "speaker of aphorisms", the authorship of this particular phrase is being questioned by many, they say, it was known long before that, and Viktor Stepanovich only paraphrased it.

22. Phraseologism Believe it or not

Phraseologism "Believe it or not" use in the meaning - information for reflection. Phraseologism "Believe it or not" is a catch phrase. The emergence of phraseology is the name of a collection of curious cases by the American journalist Robert Leroy Ripley (1893-1949), which is very popular in America.

23. Phraseologism If only henna

Phraseologism "If only henna" use in the meaning - it does not hurt, it is indifferent. Phraseologism "If only henna" is a catch phrase.

24. Phraseologism At least a stake on Tesha's head

Phraseologism "At least a stake on your head" use in the meaning - about a stubborn, unyielding person. Phraseologism is primordially Russian, acts as a figurative and playful characteristic of the strength, hardness of the head of a stubborn person: hew a stake - “sharpen a stick (stake) with an ax”. Phraseologism "At least a stake on the head of Tesha" is a catch phrase.

25. Phraseologism Though a dime a dozen

Phraseologism "Though a dime a dozen" used in the sense - a lot. Phraseologism "Though a dime a dozen" is a catch phrase.

26. Phraseologism At least endure the saints

Phraseologism "Though the saints endure" use in the meaning - there is no strength to endure anything; unbearable, unbearable for others. Saints are icons in ancient Russian everyday life. The essence of the saying, even the saints, endure in the conviction that reverence for the icon should protect it from the contemplation of everything obscene, sinful, or from being present at indecent events. To take out the saints, or at least to pull the icon in the corner with a special curtain, as was customary among the Old Believers, such measures were taken so that the saints would not see the outrages committed by people: drunkenness, fights, domestic squabbles.

27. Phraseologism Although the grass does not grow

Phraseologism "Though the grass does not grow" used in the meaning - indifference to the consequences. Phraseologism "Even though the grass does not grow" is a catch phrase.

28. Phraseologism For the life of me, I don't know

Phraseologism "For the life of me, I don't know" used in the meaning - I do not know exactly. Phraseologism "For the life of me, I don't know" is a catch phrase.

29. Phraseologism Keep as the apple of an eye

Phraseologism "Keep as the apple of an eye" used in the sense - to carefully protect something. Old Slavonic expression, from the Bible: "Keep me as the apple of your eye" (Psalms 16, 8 - Byzantine writer Klimak). Zenitsa - pupil. Phraseologism "Keep as the apple of an eye" is a catch phrase.

30. Phraseologism Worse than bitter radish

Phraseologism "Worse than bitter radish" use in the meaning - very strong, unbearable (to get bored). In Russia, radish, like turnips, was one of the everyday foods. Especially often radish was eaten during long fasts, and then the radish was especially annoying. Phraseologism "Worse than bitter radish" is a catch phrase.

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Obsolete Prost. Greetings to those caught eating. After greeting, Larion says: - Bread and salt of your grace! - Sit down with us to eat, - invites Froska good-naturedly(Novikov-Priboy. Superfluous). In one place they [bursaks] came across a bunch of workers who ... were cooking porridge on the shore. "Bread and salt!" - they say. - "Bread and salt to eat"(Pomyalovsky. Essays on Bursa). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008

Meanings in other dictionaries

Sly as a fox

Sly AS A FOX who. Razg. Express. A very cunning, sly, dexterous person. She only pretends to be like that, but she herself is cunning, like a fox (G. Matveev. Seventeen years old). - Wrap you, Varvara, just to spit ... And this beast is like a fox. Cunning man (Yu. Bragul. New day). Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST A. I. Fedorov 2008 ...

Sly Mitrius

Prost. Unapproved Cunning, rogue. The master was young, and Tyutin looked at him angrily: look at you, cunning Mitrius. Educate him different Somovs, and he will walk his hands in trousers (E. Caterly. Bronze spinning wheel). - Yes, - muttered the Living One, - you are a sly woman to fool women and orphan children. Where is there, the Sly Mitriy was found, wait a little longer to rejoice, wait a minute (B. Mozhaev. Alive). Phraseological dictionary of Russian ...

Daily bread

Express. High 1. The most necessary means for life, for existence. People do not think about their daily bread. They care not only about themselves, but also about the nature of their land (I. Ryabov. Years and people). 2. Something most important, vital. A new reader is born, a mass one, for him literature is not the fun of well-fed people, but their daily bread (Wanderer. Maxim Gorky). - From the prayer in the Gospel...

Phraseology is a very interesting and fascinating section of the language. Getting acquainted with the origin of individual phraseological units, you are surprised at the wisdom of the people, the flexibility of their mind and imagery of thinking. Let's see some examples of such collective creativity of the people.


In pre-revolutionary Russia, the Greek language was taught. Dissatisfied with the answers of the students, the teachers often uttered the word "moros", which meant in Russian "stupidity". This word came into use, transforming into “brick” - “to say stupidity” (namely, “to say”, and not “to do”).

All over Ivanovskaya

On the bell tower of Ivan the Great in Moscow, on church holidays, all thirty of its bells rang, the ringing was heard in half of Moscow. “To the whole of Ivanovskaya” began to mean “to call (shout, make noise) very loudly, with all your might.”

Get into a mess

In a carding machine, a slip is a drum with teeth. Wool combers, gaping, could get their hand into the hole, and it was an extremely unpleasant sensation, one could even lose a hand. “To get into a mess” over time changed not only in spelling (a noun with a preposition was transformed into a derivative adverb “into a mess” and began to be written together with a prefix), but also acquired a somewhat softened, not so hard meaning: “to get into a mess” means now simply “ get into an awkward position, not into trouble.

Where do crayfish hibernate

Of the several versions about the origin of this phraseological unit, the most reliable one seems to be that especially delinquent ones were sent for gourmet crayfish in winter, since there was a high probability of getting pneumonia. “Show where the crayfish hibernate” meant to force them to climb into the winter reservoir. At the same time, the person did not have the opportunity to dissuade, they say, he was looking for, but did not find such places.

Goal like a falcon

This phraseologism causes bewilderment in many: why is the “falcon naked”, plucked, or what? And the answer is simple: the “falcon” here is not a bird at all, but a smoothly cleaned log, a battering ram gun. Knots, notches, bumps were not allowed on it - in the heat of battle, warriors could injure their hands.

The rethinking of the expression is such that it denotes the poverty of someone, the lack of even the necessary.

long box

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, wanting to be known as kind and sympathetic, started a special long-shaped box for petitions (petitions) near the facade of the palace in Kolomenskoye so that petitioners could drop their notes into it. The boyars were responsible for delivering petitions to the tsar. They not only delayed petitions, but often even “lost” some altogether if they contained complaints against themselves.
If the decision of the case is delayed, now they say "the case has been put on the back burner."

case tobacco

Phraseologism has the meaning of the threat of failure of some business. It goes back to the times of burlachstvo in Russia. Barge haulers tied a pouch of tobacco around their necks so that they would not get wet when they pulled the barge. If the water level near the river bank rose and reached the chest, alarming cries were heard: “Taba-a-ak!”

Lasy (balusters) sharpen, baluster

Balusters, balusters, balusters - these are all the names of curly posts for stair railings, which were made on lathes. The work was simple, the master did not need special attention to complete it, so he could afford to work, and joke, joke at the same time.
Therefore, the stable expression “to sharpen, to baluster” has come into use, precisely as “to joke merrily”.

Plug in the belt

In Russia, the belt was an obligatory piece of clothing for both men and women. As for the working people, for him it was not only a tribute to fashion, but also the need to deftly manage the tool, temporarily unnecessary to plug it into the belt, in order to use it again at the right moment, without wasting time searching.
Additionally, this expression had a derogatory meaning when it began to be used in relation to those less dexterous and skillful in any business, equating it with an unnecessary thing: “I will shut you up by the belt!”

shabby look

At first glance, the meaning of this phraseological unit is directly related to the inevitable soiling of clothes at dinner (meal) - even very neat people have encountered this trouble at least once. But there is a completely different version associated with the historical fact of the transfer of the weaving factory founded by Peter I to the merchant Zatrapeznikov. The factory produced cheap fabric for poor people and for household needs.
Later, the expression "He has a shabby appearance" began to characterize untidy people in crumpled and unkempt clothes.

Kazan orphans

After the conquest of Kazan, Tsar Ivan the Terrible needed to win the loyalty of the Tatars, and he spent a lot of money on appeasing them, generously endowed many. After that, some of the disadvantaged began to importunately demand rewards for themselves, pretending to be poor.
This gave rise to derisively calling them "Kazan orphans", which later "clung" to all beggars.

You can't lure with a kalach

in Russia until the 17th century. the main product for baking bread was rye flour. Rye bread was eaten by both the poor and the rich. Wheat flour was used only for baking kalachi and Easter cakes for the holidays, which was available only to the rich, for the poor it was an inaccessible delicacy.
Not to deviate from the decision made, even with generous promises, means to be adamant, not to succumb to persuasion under any conditions, even if they “lure you with a roll”.

Gimp pull

Gimp in the old days was called gold, silver and copper thread for embroidery. They were then made by hand. Threads were slowly and extremely carefully pulled out of the hot metal, which, as they solidified, should have the same thickness and uniform structure. This could be achieved only by jewelry work at a slow pace.
Therefore, “pull the gimp”, “gimp” in an allegorical sense means “slow down”, “delay”. Probably, the idiom “pull the rubber” appeared in a similar way.

The thief's hat is on fire

This phraseological unit has its own background: an old anecdote. It refers to a case in the bazaar, when, wanting to find a thief, people turned to a healer for help. The healer suddenly shouted: “Look, the hat on the thief is on fire!” One of those present involuntarily grabbed his head. This gave him away. He was the thief.
The expression "The cap is on fire on the thief!" now denotes a person who, by a careless action or word, betrayed his unseemly actions or intentions.

Not salty slurping

In ancient Russia, salt was an expensive product, it was taken from afar and it was highly valued, spent carefully, economically. Food was salted directly at the table and often from the owner's hand. And since “his own hand is the lord,” the host generously salted food to those guests who sat closer to him and were, of course, more noble. And those who sat on the far side, sometimes did not get salt at all. And such a guest left, it turns out, "not slurping salty."
Now they say this about an unsuccessful visit, where the guest was not given due attention and he did not achieve the desired result from his visit.

Not at ease

An example of how phraseologism can lead away from its meaning in a completely unexpected direction. This is a tracing paper from French, where n'est pas dans son assiette is translated as "to be in a bad mood, not in a mood." But the word assiette has a second meaning - "plate". However, it doesn't occur to us to think about some kind of dishes when we use this expression. We are well aware that we are talking about some kind of awkwardness or bad mood, as well as other inconveniences.

goof off

Characteristic features of the Russian people in past centuries were modesty and shyness. An uncovered head for both men and women was considered an unacceptable liberty and shame, especially if a hat or scarf was torn off a person “in the world”. Hence the negative meaning of the expression “goof off” - “get into an awkward position”, “disgrace yourself”.

From board to board

Doing something from start to finish is like reading a book cover to cover, i.e. from cover to cover. And in ancient Russia, the first books, still handwritten, had not leather or cardboard, but wooden covers.
Hence the "board to board".

know the inside story

In the old days, severe torture was used for interrogation in prisons. One of the most sophisticated was the one when nails were hammered under the nails. Few people could endure such torment and gave out what was asked of him. In other words, the information, as it were, was obtained “from under the nails”, that is, it was “underground”, and it was extracted from there.

From the red line

The first Russian books were written by hand, and the initial letters of the sections were painted with ornaments in red paint, sometimes including other colors. Each new paragraph began with a red letter. Such a line became known as the "red line". Phraseologism means "start something new", "start over".

Get lost with pantalik

The meaning of this idiom is related to the name of the Greek mountain Pantelik. In numerous caves and grottoes, formed from the work of marble miners, one could sometimes get lost. Therefore, this expression is used in the meaning of "to deviate from the intended course", but not in the literal, but in a figurative sense, for example, "to lose the thread of reasoning" and the like.

Miracles in a sieve

Initially, the expression looked like an amazing phenomenon: “Miracles: there are many holes in the sieve, but there is nowhere to get out.” Then, in an amazing way, it was reduced and acquired an ironic meaning: “Well, what miracles can there be in a sieve? Is it possible to try to carry water?


An advantage in a card game comes to mind. But no! The point is the boyar collar, which they sewed on their festive caftan in order to differ from the common people. Such gates were embroidered with pearls, gold and silver, impressively sticking up, giving importance to the person, making her posture proud, and were called "trump card". Hence, “playing a trump card” means “important”, and “trump card” means showing off something.

Bread and salt have long been combined together in Russian speech, which is reflected in the proverb: "Without salt it is not tasty, but without bread it is not satisfying." And the very expression "bread and salt" at first meant simply food, food, and later - a treat. This ancient custom has been preserved since time immemorial. In the traditional culture from which we originate, which we continue so languidly and uncertainly, bread as a blessing, as an oath, was at the head of everything: if you don’t take bread off the table and sweep away crumbs, your house will be prosperous and full.

Having broken bread and dipped it in salt, the guest, as it were, establishes a special trusting relationship with the hosts, admits the purity of his intentions and thoughts. The duo of bread and salt is not accidental: a fragrant wheat or rye loaf symbolized prosperity and prosperity, and salt, a rare spice in those days, was credited with the ability to protect from evil spirits. When inviting to a feast, in Russia they said: “Come in for bread and salt.”

If guests were received in the house, the meal began and went according to a certain scenario.

The table, as usual, bursting with dishes, was located in the "red corner" next to the benches. There was a belief that those sitting on these benches enjoyed the special patronage of the saints.

According to tradition, at the beginning of the meal, the mistress of the house appeared, dressed in her best outfit. She greeted the guests with a bow to the ground. The guests bowed in response and, at the suggestion of the host, came up to kiss her. According to the ingrained custom, each guest was given a glass of vodka.

After the “kissing ceremony”, the hostess went to a special women's table, which served as a signal for the start of the meal. The host cut each guest a slice of bread and sprinkled it with salt.

Treating a guest with bread and salt established friendly and trusting relations between the guest and the host; refusing them was regarded as an insulting gesture. In the Novgorod province, if a person who came to a hut refused a treat, they would say with resentment: “How can you leave an empty hut like that!”

In the 17th century large monasteries sent black rye bread, part of the bread of the spiritual fathers, to the royal feast, thereby blessing the autocrat. This bread is the first thing that was put on the table at the king's meal.

Also, at the beginning of the treat, the stewards brought the king large oblong loaves, which were distributed to everyone present from senior to junior in rank. Anyone who accepted bread, and subsequently dared to betray the king, was considered abandoned by God, damned.

Actions performed with salt were given close attention. Salt will crumble - to trouble, quarrel, because salt is a symbol of fidelity, friendship, constancy. And if they passed the salt to another across the table, it was necessary to laugh out loud, so that again there would be no quarrel. At the same time, laughter protected from evil spirits: laughter as a sign of a living person, not just alive, but cheerful, full of strength, energy, then there is no place for evil spirits here! Also, to avoid contention, salt was thrown and spat over the left shoulder. With exactly the same actions and words: “This is the “Left”, let them fight, and Christ is with us!” drove off hostile forces.

Salt, like a magical talisman, protected from the "evil eye", averted the otherworldly, "foreign" influence that a person encountered both in everyday life and in ritual situations that were significant for him and the whole society. In the past, the owner of the house, as a rule, salted shared food, while it was possible to pour a little salt on the tablecloth. However, in no case was bread dipped in a salt shaker, because "only Judas dipped bread in a salt shaker."

According to an old Russian custom, parents greet the newlyweds with bread and salt and invite all guests to the festive table.

The newlyweds always bite off the loaf, finding out which of them will be the "first" in the family, and accepting the blessing of their family.

Sayings about bread and salt

  • Bread and salt to drive (to know, be friends with someone)
  • I remember your bread and salt
  • Bread and salt is a mutual affair
  • Don't give up bread and salt
  • Bread and salt, and dinner went!
  • They don’t sit down to dine without bread and salt
  • Eat bread and salt, and listen to good people
  • Young: mother did not eat her father's bread and salt
  • Without bread, without salt, a thin conversation (half of the conversation)
  • Carry bread and salt and a stone in your bosom
  • Not for bread and salt said (bad word)
  • After bread and salt, good people rest for seven hours
  • Bread and salt red payment
  • Bread and salt on the table, and your hands (and)
  • Eat bread and salt, but cut the truth (or: cut the truth-womb)
  • Bread and salt to drive - do not wear a steelyard (do not walk with a steelyard)
  • Bread and salt does not scold (does not scold)
  • Fight with bread and salt
  • Bread and salt borrowed (mutual, repayable) business
  • Throw bread and salt back, find yourself in front
  • Bread to bread brother (about hospitality)
  • Good is the one who waters and feeds; and he is not bad, who remembers bread and salt
  • For bread, for salt, for cabbage soup with kvass, for noodles, for porridge, for your mercy (thank you)!
  • "Bread and salt!" or "bread and salt!" - a wish, greetings to the one who entered the hut during lunch; answer: "please!" or joke. "Eat, yes yours!"
  • Bread and salt to you - to me slumber and sleep
  • You can't imagine better bread and salt
