Original competitions at the birthday table. A funny game for greedy people with balloons

Entertainment that can diversify family or friendly gatherings is very diverse and numerous. Some are the product of folk ingenuity, while others are the commercial fruits of the work of engineers. There are games that require additional accessories, and there are those that only require the desire to participate.

I'm famous

This entertainment has a huge number of names: “Who am I?”, “Guess the Hero”, “I’m Famous”, “Sticker”. It is used in different countries, and it experienced a second birth in Russia after the release of the film “Inglourious Basterds”. Yes, it was also known in Soviet time, although it did not enjoy such popular love.

"Who am I?" It’s perfect for get-togethers for adults who are capable of thinking, although schoolchildren also play it - the only difference is in the characters.

  1. The idea is that each player writes the name of a literary character or famous person on a piece of paper and sticks it on his neighbor’s forehead. Second option: all the pieces of paper with the names of the characters are shuffled in a bag, each participant takes out a “role” without looking and sticks it on himself.
  2. The first guesser is determined by a random selection method (any convenient one - matches, rock-scissors, dice), and the rest - in a circle.
  3. The guesser asks each player in turn questions to which only clear answers are possible (“Am I a man?”, “Am I a celebrity?”, “Do I have a mustache?”, etc.) until he receives a negative answer. After this, the turn goes to the next one.

They play as long as there is someone to guess.

Besides the folk version of “Who Am I?” Today there are also commercial versions of the game - for example, the product of the Friday TV channel released for free sale. Its difference from the original is that after receiving a negative answer to a question, the turn does not pass to the next player. The guesser asks questions and receives answers until the sand in the hourglass runs out.

Both options allow the answer “I don’t know.”

In this case, other participants can intervene in the dialogue between the guessing player and the answerer, according to the order, if they know the answer.

Before starting the game, you should arm yourself with pieces of paper and pens to write down the “signs” of their heroes. This game is used by some teachers in seminars on humanities or in trainings to stress-free determine the level of students’ preparation and develop consistency of thinking.


  1. The presenter recites the alphabet to himself. Another player commands “Stop.” This determines the letter on which the word will be guessed for all players.
  2. After the presenter comes up with a word, he writes it on a piece of paper and hides it from other participants.
  3. Each player, in order of priority, asks the host questions that require “Yes” or “No” answers. If a participant guesses which word is hidden, then on his turn he can pronounce it.
  4. The one who guesses becomes the leader. The player who answers incorrectly is either eliminated, or receives a penalty point, or misses a turn - it all depends on the version of the game.

If no one can guess the word and the decision is unanimously made to give up, then the leader does not change, but begins the second round.

The most bar game

"Jenga" means "to build" in Swahili. This game, which many people know as “Tower,” was invented by the British Leslie Scott in the seventies. Despite the apparent simplicity of the task, building a tower of blocks and not dropping it is a task that requires spatial thinking, concentration and dexterity.

  1. The base number of floors of the tower at the very beginning is 18, but can vary according to the manufacturer’s plans.
  2. Using two fingers of one hand, you need to remove the block from the tower by pressing and tapping and place it on the top floor.
  3. It is impossible to pull out the bars from the two upper floors, just as it is not allowed to support the tower with a second hand when pulling out a segment.
  4. The more moves are played and the higher the tower becomes, the less stable it is. This is where the fun begins, because you only have 10 seconds to make a move.
  5. The one who brings down the tower loses. He will build a new one, and the first move belongs to him. The difficulty of the game depends on the first move, so experienced players think it through carefully.
You can play Jenga with children, with adults, in sober and drunk company.

In a number of countries, Jenga is a unique way of betting: whoever loses pays for the drink, so players can most often be found playing in bars.

Children's games for adults

Those who want to think can be occupied with games with matches, when you need to swap one or two matches in a figure so that the fish swims in the opposite side, the glass turned upside down, and the cow turned its head.

You can "decide" mathematical examples, which incorporate the principle of moving one segment or another approach. For example, take 16 matches and make 2 squares one inside the other (12 and 4 matches). How to move 4 matches to make 3 squares? One option is to move two matches from opposite ends of the outer square inward.

Or how can the inequality 11+1=10 (in Roman numerals) be turned into equality without touching the matches or having any effect on them? Correct: go around the table on the other side so that the example looks like 10 = 1+9.

Into words with words

Words in your native language are an inexhaustible source of entertainment for any company.

The most famous game with the participation of words - “Scrabble”, where points are awarded for each letter, and the one who composed the longest, most complex and “valuable” word wins.

"Verbal battle" - board game of 120 cards (white and black). The leader plays with white (adjectives are written on them), and the rest - with black (nouns).

  1. There is a popular expression: “To defeat with words.” It is this task that lies at the heart of this funny bloodless battle.
  2. The presenter gets himself one white card, and gives the rest of the players three black ones.
  3. For the presenter's adjective, each participant must choose the most suitable noun from those given to him and give an explanation for the resulting phrase.
  4. The winner of the round is determined by voting and receives a white card. All other cards are returned to the deck and shuffled.

The player who collects four white cards wins.

There is another competition of the same name, similar to “Erudite” and “ Sea battle"simultaneously, playing on a field of 36 cells. “Verbal Combat” No. 2 is played by 4-6 participants.

  1. Everyone names a letter, and the rest write it in one of the 36 cells on their field.
  2. Letters are called by the players until all the cells of all participants are filled. It is prohibited to make changes to the table. You also cannot show your work records to other players - each participant’s table should be as unique as possible.
  3. In the table you need to find the resulting words (vertically, horizontally, diagonally, etc.).

The winner is the one who made the most a large number of words

One should not think that games at the table are an indicator of a failed celebration. It's not like that at all. Many table and table entertainments help you relax after working day or weeks or to relax when there is a heavy pause at the table. With their help, you can introduce guests who are unfamiliar with each other, discuss latest news and even solve business issues.

Options and descriptions of competitions and games for a small company.

Many people love to have feasts and spend time in noisy companies. But what to do if the participants of the event do not know each other, and you need to reduce the distance between them. In this case, fun games and competitions that can be held directly at the table will come in handy.

First, come up with games that require a clear mind. The fact is that after the third glass it is better to choose active competitions, this will allow guests to stay sober longer.


  • Question answer. This is a popular competition. You need to take two jars and put packages with questions there. Place pieces of paper with the answers in another jar. Have one player pull the package from one can and the other from the other. Come up with funny questions and answers.
  • Find out. The competition allows players to get to know each other. Ask everyone to come up with 2 true and one false statement about themselves. Let the company figure out what is fact and what is fiction.
  • Zoo. Let the participant come up with an animal, and the rest guess what kind of animal it is. You can only answer yes or no questions.

If you know all the guests well, you can choose open games with obscene or sexual themes. Similar games ideal for young people, among whom there are many free people who are not burdened with a family.


  • Sex shop. It is necessary for the participant to wish for any product from the sex shop. The rest should, with the help of leading questions, find out what the guest wished for. You can only answer yes and no.
  • Crocodile. It is necessary to give one of the participants a clothespin so that he can quietly attach it to another guest. After this, a sign is given to the presenter and he asks the guests to find a clothespin on themselves in 10 seconds. Whoever managed it, well done. Those who didn’t have time drink a penalty glass.
  • Star. It is necessary to write some actor or singer on the sheets of paper. Attach this sheet to the participant's forehead for everyone to see. Now the guests must give clues, the participant must guess which hero they have given him.

If you know each other well, come up with funny tasks for each other. This will improve the mood and help guests bond.

Comic tasks:

  • Little things. Divide the guests into two teams. Take the list and read it. Choose familiar items that guests might be wearing or in their pockets. Whichever team has the most items wins.
  • Similarity. Two jars are required. Put funny questions into one. For example, in the morning I look like... In another jar there are answers such as seal, hedgehog, bus.
  • Funny guy. Comic competition, which will amuse the guests. It is necessary to put funny souvenirs in a box and pass them around to the guests, turning on the melody. Whoever the music ends on, without looking, pulls out a souvenir and puts it on.

To improve the mood of the company and make the atmosphere warm and free, come up with fun, cool competitions.


  • Banana. Place two stools and place a banana on them. Tie two participants' hands behind their backs and ask them to peel the banana and eat the pulp. The one who succeeds first is the winner.
  • Ring. A cool competition for young people. Give everyone a toothpick and hang a ring on the tip. The task is to give the ring to your neighbor and hang it on a toothpick. Whoever's ring falls loses.
  • Newspaper. A fun and cool competition for non-family members. A couple is invited and the music is turned on. They must dance and not go beyond the edges of the newspaper. After the music stops, the newspaper is folded in half.

Quizzes for a small, fun group of adults

You can watch interesting quizzes for a small company in the video. You can choose the ones that are most suitable for you.

VIDEO: Quiz for a fun company

Such games are suitable for people who have had a little drink and are still thinking clearly. It is necessary that people can read normally and nothing blurs in their eyes.

Games with notes:

  • Guessing game. You need to write a wish and put it in a jar. All guests will fill the jar with notes; the host must take out the package and read the wish. Guests must guess whose wish it is.
  • Movie. It is necessary to write the names of the films on the packages. Each participant pulls out a package and must describe what is happening in the film. Based on the description, guests must guess the film.
  • Song. In a small container you need to put the packages with the names of the songs. The participant’s task is to hum the song while putting nuts or caramels in his mouth. Whoever guesses the song is the winner.

A fun and active game that will allow guests not to get bored and stay “in shape” for a long time.


  • Cut a circle out of cardboard and glue the petals to it
  • Write a funny task on each petal
  • Each participant tears off a petal and does what is written
  • It could be a fluttering butterfly or a March cat
  • Guests must guess what task is described on the daisy petal

Game Chamomile for adults' birthday

Older people cannot boast of good health. Therefore, it is necessary to select competitions that do not require good physical preparation.

Quizzes for pensioners:

  • Guess the melody. Classic game. It is advisable that the presenter or one of the participants knows how to play musical instrument. The team must guess the melody.
  • Lotto. It is better to offer pensioners not much outdoor games, which will help you remember your youth and feel a little nostalgic. To do this, purchase dice. And what number comes up, we need to talk about this year. For example, the theme “80s”. If a 2 is rolled, then you need to talk about the events that were remembered in 1982.
  • Dancing. You can invite pensioners to dance to the music of their youth. Prepare in advance and find songs from the youth of those invited.

If there are children and adults among the guests, then the competitions should be universal and lift the spirits of both young people and the older generation.

Family competitions:

  • Forks. Blindfold the participant and place a fork in each hand. Place an object in front of the participant and ask them to use a fork to recognize what it is.
  • Dancing. It is necessary to place chairs in the center of the room and ask the participants to sit down. The music turns on and you need to dance to it without getting up from your chair. The leader then controls which part of the body needs to be moved.
  • Secret. You will need some small thing, a souvenir. It is wrapped in several layers of foil. Each layer is attached with tape with a riddle. The closer to the gift, the more difficult the riddles should be.

In a women's company, competitions can be on the topic of family, beauty and boyfriends. It’s worth preparing gifts; these could be nice little things for the kitchen.

Women's competitions:

  • Lottery. Take a sheet of paper and draw it into several squares. In each box, write a number from one to ten and a gift. Each participant must pronounce the number and receive a corresponding gift.
  • Beauty. Blindfold the participants and hand them pencils and lipsticks. Participants must apply lipstick without a mirror. Whoever completes the task most accurately will receive a prize.
  • Fashionista. Place items of different sizes into the bag. Clothing and accessories must be non-standard. Participants must take clothes out of the bag and put them on themselves.

Table competitions and games for women's company

Table competitions and games for a group of colleagues

Such games are designed to improve relationships between colleagues and bring them closer together. These could be contests and games with touches and interesting facts about employees. This will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things about each other. Competitions for colleagues can be viewed in the video.

VIDEO: Competitions for corporate events

Such competitions and games should amuse the company and not allow them to fall asleep. Accordingly, it is best to choose mobile competitions. It could be dancing or something like that.

Competitions for drunk company:

  • Wrappers. One thing is taken from everyone present at the celebration and placed in a specially prepared bag. The presenter can ask any of those not participating in the competition: “What should this forfeit do? “After receiving the answer, the presenter shows which forfeit got this task. Fant does it.
  • Boxing match. To participate in it you need to find two volunteers who are not averse to showing their strength. The presenter gives each person boxing gloves and invites them to do a little exercise, for example, to do squats or push-ups. All other participants must create an atmosphere of tension before the fight. After a few minutes, the presenter announces the start of the competition. Participants take a stand. At this very time, the presenter gives each of the players a chocolate candy. The players' task is to turn them around. The participant who completes this task faster than the other wins. He is awarded a prize.
  • Fun path. Before the game starts, you need to organize two teams: one team of men, the other of women. The point of the game is for each team to make a long rope out of their own things. They should put these things in line. The team that makes the rope longer than the other team wins. It is best to hold a competition among young people. This will help you get closer and find a mate.

Table competitions and games for drunken company

Such competitions and games should be related to the New Year theme. These could be competitions about the Christmas tree, snow and New Year's toys.

New Year competitions:

  • Snowball. Prepare sheets of paper with a painted image of Santa Claus in advance. Participants are blindfolded and given cotton wool and glue. The player must, blindfolded, glue his grandfather's beard using cotton wool.
  • Midnight. To play you will need chairs and a clock. They will imitate the chime. Chairs are placed in a circle and the music is turned on. When the chime strikes, all participants must sit in prepared places. Whoever doesn't get a chair is eliminated.
  • Treat. Ice cream is placed on the plate. Two participants sit opposite each other. One is given plastic spoons. He must feed the second participant ice cream without using his hands. That is, you need to hold the spoon in your teeth.

Wedding table competitions and games

Wedding - fun event for the bride, groom and all guests. Usually competitions are associated with future life newlyweds These could be competitions about children, mother-in-law, mother-in-law and life together. You can watch the competition options in the video.

VIDEO: Wedding competitions

As you can see, competitions are an indispensable part for a good and fun time in the company. Don't be lazy and prepare in advance.

Birthdays don't have to be boring. It is often spent outdoors with barbecue or at the dacha - there is always a lot of entertainment there. But if it's a children's party or various reasons There is no opportunity to go somewhere, for example, autumn and rains? You can diversify the celebration by using competitions that are held right at the table.

For adults

Offering adult company any competition, you must always adhere to several rules so as not to get quarrels instead of cheerful laughter.

  • Firstly, no one should be forced or persuaded to participate.
  • Secondly, all competition rules must be explained very clearly.
  • Thirdly, any competition involves prizes, so it’s worth preparing something small, symbolic in advance.

Magic leaf

Requires virtually no preparation. The presenter (the birthday boy or someone who helped prepare) has several pictures that no one but him can see. Each of them will need to be shown to those gathered, having previously covered it with a large “magic sheet” in which two or three small holes have been made. By swiping across the picture several times in different directions, the presenter gives you the opportunity to see part of the picture and invites you to guess what the magic leaf is hiding. The winner is considered to be the one with the biggest eyes, the one who names the image first.

Spinal intuition

Can only be carried out in a company where they drink alcohol. Props:

  • vodka,
  • pure water,
  • three stacks.

When a competition is announced, it is better to immediately decide on the participants, since not everyone can drink vodka. Everyone takes turns playing. When the player turns away, three piles are placed on the table in front of him. One of them will be with water, and the remaining two will be with vodka. It is advisable to pour the same amount, exactly half. The participant, turning around, must drink one glass and wash it down with another, without choosing. The first shot is supposed to contain alcohol, and the next shot contains water to wash it down. The person with the most developed intuition wins, the one who has never made a mistake.

Sphinx Excerpt

It is better if the table is rectangular. Those sitting at the table are divided into pairs according to the “opposite each other” principle. One of the pair will be the sphinx, and the other will experience his famous equanimity. The sphinxes are given a pencil or a regular thin pencil in turn. ballpoint pen. This item must be placed on upper lip. The troublemaker sitting opposite must make the sphinx drop her pencil. In this case, you are not allowed to make any sudden movements or make very loud sounds. The sphinx is supposed to be embarrassed by quiet conversation.


It is good to spend time at a table that is not too large during a change of dishes. Props:

  • clay bowl;
  • many different coins;
  • saucers and Chinese chopsticks according to the number of participants;
  • stopwatch or watch with a second hand.

The competition is held on time. Choose from 30 seconds, a minute or two. During this time, each participant must drag as much as possible onto his saucer using Chinese chopsticks. larger number coins The winner - the greedy one - is the one who has the largest amount.

Three liter jar

No props needed at all. How more people takes part, the more fun. The competition is held when it is no longer possible to move, everyone is full and nodding off. Choose an arbitrary letter of the alphabet, preferably one with which many words begin. Each person will take turns naming some material object, maybe even something animate, starting with this letter. The main condition is that the item must fit into a hypothetical three-liter jar. You can't repeat yourself. The answer is given no more than 30 seconds. If there is no answer, the participant is eliminated. The laurels of the winner belong to the most savvy - the last one remaining.

bearded man

The competition is held in the company of those who love jokes. Props: cotton wool and thin tape. Presenter: the best expert on jokes. He begins to tell an old “bearded” joke. After the first or second phrase he falls silent, and someone at the table needs to continue the story. After a successful continuation, a small piece of cotton wool is glued to the narrator’s chin. The one with the longest (or widest) beard wins.

Chocolate for the birthday boy

Props: chocolate. You can use a banana, then we change the name of the competition. Only two teams are participating. One half of the table - guests sitting right hand from the birthday boy, the second one to the left. If chocolate is used, then the bar is broken in half lengthwise. If banana, then one peeled fruit per team. The team that congratulates the birthday boy faster than others will win.

It’s better to congratulate in unison! To get to the actual greetings and congratulations, you need to collectively eat the offered treat.

The starter will be the one sitting at the far end of the table. You need to bite off a piece and pass it to the next person without your hands.

Whose congratulations are better?

All those present will have to make a toast in honor of the birthday boy or simply congratulate him. Toasts should not be too long. The unusualness of the situation is that you need to speak completely without the usual words. The speaker will replace all words with something unintelligible, for example: “Ta-pamram-par-pad-pam padum-pa-dam, taram-taram-pam!” or “Shurum-barim, shur-shuram shurta-there!” or something similar. Speech must be supplemented with expressive gestures, facial expressions, and be sure to change intonation so that it immediately becomes clear to everyone that the person is making a toast! The winner is chosen collectively.


Props: pre-prepared cards with tongue twisters written in large letters. Recommended when guests are already a little tipsy. This is a kind of “table” sobriety test. The presenter shows one of the cards. The tongue twister is read slowly at first, then a little faster, while remembering it. After everyone has memorized the written words, they begin to pronounce them one by one. The participant who was unable to quickly pronounce the proposed phrase three times without missing a beat is eliminated. Then the rest learn a new tongue twister. The announcer is the participant who has never made a mistake.

Children's competitions

Children's parties, especially birthdays, cannot be imagined without games and competitions. Moreover, some of them are necessarily carried out right at the table.

The role of the presenter is most often assigned to one of the adults, less often - to the birthday boy himself. Under no circumstances should you children's party forget about prizes for the winners.

The best ABC expert

They spend it with children who are already in school and know the alphabet (2nd-3rd grade is best). This way you can combine a pleasant and fun activity with a repetition of school knowledge. Each child in turn must congratulate the birthday boy. This is not easy to do, because Be sure to start your congratulations with the next letter of the alphabet. The presenter can start with the letter “A”. And then the children themselves must remember the next letter and come up with a congratulation starting with it.

Eat an apple

Couples will take part in this competition and, accordingly, will also win. The leader must divide all the children into twos. Props:

  • ropes or threads;
  • approximately the same size apples with small tails according to the number of participants. They use not only apples, but also other fruits that can be hung on a string.

Each couple is given two fruits. One of the players holds the fruit suspended by a string, and the second must eat it without using your hands. Then the children change places and perform the same operation. The couple that finishes the “treat” the fastest wins.

Cheerful pencil


  • paper,
  • colour pencils.

Each guest is given a piece of paper and a pencil. Without using your hands (you can only hold a pencil with your teeth!) everyone must draw what else he (she) would like to give to the birthday boy. The drawings come out very funny! The “giver” should not admit what he drew, but the birthday boy will guess. In this competition it is usually difficult to determine the winner. You can choose the one whose drawing turned out to be the most understandable.



  • cocktail straws according to the number of people;
  • two glasses for each. One of the glasses should be filled with plain water.

At the leader’s signal, all participants try to pour the liquid from one glass to another. In this case, you cannot use your hands - only a straw: they collect as much water as possible into the tube, blow it into an empty glass, and do this until all the water has been transferred. The winner of the competition will be the child who performs this complex operation first.

Hidden Treasures

The competition requires careful preparation. Quite a lot needs to be done so that there is enough for everyone, colored figure ice . It's better to have some stock left. Each piece of ice is a chest in which a treasure is hidden. A treasure can be any small object frozen in ice: a bead, candy (the ideal option is a caramel in a wrapper), etc. Children are given envelopes made of colored paper, each of them contains a piece of ice-chest. The essence of the competition is to be the fastest to warm up a treasure using only your breath.


Another competition using fruits. Suitable for a small children's group at the table. Props:

  • quite wide and deep containers with clean water, you can use ordinary, not too large pans;
  • approximately the same fruit.

For each container it will be enough to take 2-3 apples and the same number of pears. Fruits must be washed well. At the leader’s signal, children must remove the fruit from the water without using their hands, using only their mouth and teeth. The most dexterous and fastest wins.

In conclusion, another interesting table competition, the rules of which we can familiarize ourselves with in the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQg5EtxulLc

Every person likes to have an interesting time with friends, but sometimes you want to diversify this leisure time with something. Games and quizzes will help you do this. Thanks to them, the time spent together will fly by more fun, and everyone will be in an excellent mood.

How to organize competitions and games for a group of friends - ideas

To come up with fun, you need to take some details into account. It is necessary to take into account where the party or corporate event will be held: at home, in the country, in a restaurant. It is imperative to take into account whether there will be children, drunk people, or strangers in the company. There are excellent game options for absolutely each of the above formats.

Comic tasks for guests at the table

Offer your friends table games for fun company in room:

  1. "Acquaintance". A game for a feast where unfamiliar people have gathered. We need to prepare matches according to the number of guests. Everyone draws one, and the one who gets the short one tells one fact about himself.
  2. "Who am I?". Each member of the company writes a word on a sticker. Then the papers are mixed and sorted at random. Each player sticks a sticker on his forehead without reading what is written. You need to guess the word by asking leading questions: “Am I an animal?”, “Am I big?” etc. The rest answer only “Yes”, “No”. If the answer is yes, the person asks further. If you didn’t guess correctly, it’s a turn.
  3. "Crocodile". The most popular competition for a fun company. It turns out especially funny if the players are slightly drunk. One of the participants asks the leader a word or phrase in a whisper. The latter must use gestures to show what is encrypted. Whoever guesses what is shown gets the role of presenter. The word is given to him by his predecessor.

Interesting competitions in nature for a fun company

Adults and teenagers will enjoy being active outside with these games:

  1. "Quest". In the area where you are relaxing, hide “treasures” with small prizes. IN different places place hint notes or map pieces so that you also have to look for them. By solving these codes using their intelligence, players will gradually get closer to the treasures. Quests – best competitions for a fun company in nature.
  2. "Stompers." Divide the participants into two teams: red and blue. Tie balloons of the corresponding colors to the feet of the players of each company. Participants must burst their opponents' balloons with their feet. The team that completes the task faster will win.
  3. "Original football" Divide into two teams with an even number of players. Mark the field, mark the gates. In each team, divide the players into pairs, stand them shoulder to shoulder. Tie the player's right leg to the partner's left leg. Playing football like this will be very difficult, but fun.

Music competitions

Fun noisy games for music lovers:

  1. "Relay race". The first player sings the verse or chorus of any song. The second chooses one word from the sung and performs his composition with it. It is advisable that there are no pauses; as soon as the previous person has finished singing, the next one begins immediately.
  2. "Musical Hat" Write a lot of leaves with in different words and place them in a hat or bag. In turn, each player takes a piece of paper. He must remember a song that contains the word indicated on the card and sing it.
  3. "Question answer". To play you will need a ball. All players are located in front of the leader. He picks up the ball, throws it to one of the participants and names the performer. He must sing his composition. If the player does not come up with a song, he becomes the leader. If the latter repeatedly names a performer, he is replaced by the participant who first discovered the error.

Forfeits for a fun company

Everyone is familiar with the classic game, so there is no point in dwelling on it. There are many more fun varieties of this competition for men's, women's and mixed companies:

  1. "Forfeits with notes." Each player comes up with a task and writes it down on a piece of paper. They are mixed and added together. Participants take turns taking out cards and doing what is indicated on them. If young people play who know each other well, the tasks can be vulgar. Those who refuse to carry out instructions must come up with some kind of fine, for example, drinking a glass of alcoholic beverage.
  2. "Forfeits with lots." In advance, players draw up a list of tasks and their order. They are announced in order. Who will be the performer is determined by drawing lots. You can simply prepare several long matches and one short one. The owner of the latter will complete the task. It is advisable to impose a fine for refusal to comply.
  3. "Forfeits with a bank." Suitable for people you know well, whose behavior and imagination will not be a surprise to anyone. It is necessary to organize a process for distributing the queue of participants (preferably by lot), but it is advisable to keep the order of players secret. The first one comes up with the task, the second one either completes it or refuses. For refusal, he pays the previously agreed amount of money to the general treasury. The bank is received by the volunteer who is ready to complete this task (except for the person who proposed it). After the first round, it is better to change the serial numbers of the participants.

Entertaining games and competitions for birthdays

This special holiday, in which all attention is paid to the birthday boy. However, a few competitions for a fun company will never be superfluous. There are a lot good options verbal and active games that will not distract attention from the hero of the occasion, but will allow you to have fun. They will be especially appropriate for children's day birthday, because it’s not so easy to keep little guests busy.

Fun games and competitions for adults


  1. "Bottle on new way" On the notes, make tasks that the participant will have to complete in relation to the birthday boy (“Kiss on the lips”, “Dance a slow dance”, etc.). The leaves are placed in a bowl or box. Players take turns spinning the bottle. The one to whom the neck points takes the task at random and completes it.
  2. "For the anniversary." A tear-off roll is passed around the circle to people sitting at the table. toilet paper very fast. Each of them tears off as much as he sees fit. Players take turns calling as many interesting facts about the birthday person, how many pieces of paper they hold in their hands. Instead of interesting features there may be wishes from the life of the hero of the day, funny stories, secrets.
  3. "Alphabet". Those sitting at the table should take turns wishing something to the birthday boy. They say one word at a time alphabetical order(complex letters are excluded). The one who does not come up with a word for the dropped letter is eliminated. The one who remains last wins.

For children

The little birthday boy will enjoy the following competitions for a fun company:

  1. "Fairy tale". The birthday boy sits in the center of the hall. The guys take turns coming up to him and showing him what they like to do. The player whose task the child fails to complete receives candy.
  2. "Colors". The birthday boy stands with his back to the children and names any color. Those who have this color in their clothes hold on to the corresponding item and remain standing. Those who don’t have the right color run away. The person caught by the birthday boy becomes the host.
  3. "Chamomile". Cut out a flower from paper, write funny easy tasks on each petal (“Crow”, “Dance”). Let each child pick a petal at random and complete the assignment.

Due to their diversity and entertainment, games are interesting to people of all ages. Despite the fact that in modern times they are more often associated with computer games, many will not refuse to gather around the table with family or friends to have fun with such an intriguing pastime. We present to you the most interesting table games for a group of adults at the table.

This entertainment is ideal before the start of the feast; it will lift your spirits and create a pleasant atmosphere; all applicants can participate.

Rules: guests take a glass and pass it to each other, everyone who picks it up must pour a little alcohol into it. The loser will be the person who spills even a drop; he will have to drink everything poured and make a toast. It is highly recommended not to stir drinks!

Am I someone?

Purpose of the game: each participant has a piece of paper with a character, hero, actor, politician, etc. attached to their forehead.

During the game, each player must guess what is written there by asking one leading question and receiving an unambiguous answer to it.

The one who recognizes his hero is considered the winner; if his option is incorrect, then fines or elimination may be provided in the process.


The game got its name because it is a timed game, in the allotted few seconds a person must unravel as many words as possible. Entertainment leads the solving participant into a state of panic, which is very funny to watch from the outside.

  1. All players write 20–30 words, except adjectives and verbs, and then throw them into the hat.
  2. Participants are divided into pairs, the goal of one of them is to explain each word in a phrase, the other must guess them in the allotted time.
  3. After they change places, the winner is the couple who named large quantity correct options.

The game, familiar to many since childhood, has not lost its popularity among adults. Its principle is quite simple and easy to remember.

  1. Players are divided into 2 teams, the winner is the one that gets 10 correct options faster.
  2. A captain must be selected from each team to whom the leader will speak. His task will be to explain to the team what he heard using gestures.

Eiffel Tower

The props for building the tower will be domino plates. Each participant builds a floor, the one who destroys the structure leaves the game or is subject to fines.

Alphabet in a plate

The entertainment is suitable for any feast where there are treats on the tables.

Rules: the host guesses a letter for the guests, who must find it at the beginning of the product name. The first person to find the right word takes the place of the leader.

Mysterious item

How to play: in this game, the gift for the winner is determined immediately; it should be wrapped in several layers of foil. A piece of paper with a riddle is glued to each layer; the one who solves it removes one sheet.

If someone fails to complete the task, he passes it on to the next competitor. The most difficult task must be placed on the last layer of foil, the winner removes it and receives a prize.


The goal of the game is to divide the participants into teams, one of which is not allowed to smile; the task of the opposite teams is, on the contrary, to make their opponents laugh.

The participant who laughs moves to the opposing team; the player who is never embarrassed wins.

"Bearded" joke

The essence of the game: each of those present at the table begins to take turns telling a sentence from an anecdote. If one of the participants can continue it, then a “beard” is attached to the story. The winner of the game will be the one who tells the most unique jokes.

Solving the hit


  1. One of the participants must leave the room, he will solve the phrase conceived by the team.
  2. The presenter, together with those present, comes up with a phrase from a song or poem, the main thing is that it is well-known.
  3. Each guest remembers one word from it.
  4. In the game, the presenter asks the participants one question in order, to which they will have to answer with a sentence using a hidden word.


People sitting at the table take a piece of paper and a pen. The presenter calls a letter for which the participants must quickly draw an object. Artists with matching pictures are eliminated. The winner is the one whose creations turn out to be the most unique.

The presenter takes one personal item from each participant and puts them in a common, opaque bag.

During the game, the guests present come up with a task, and the one whose forfeit will be taken out performs it.


The game is based on the well-known “spin the bottle”, but instead of kissing, the participants complete tasks that are invented before the game starts.

Collect a song

Rules: For this game, each word from the selected song is written on a separate piece of paper. All participants sit down at the table and get acquainted with the sheets of paper; the winner will be the one who quickly solves and sings the hidden song.

Finish a masterpiece

  • Option #1

The guests gathered at the table are invited to complete the drawing conceived by the author. The sketches must be identical; to do this, you can print them on a printer; the winner is the one whose creation is as close as possible to the pre-drawn original.

  • Option No. 2

The host gives the guests different parts of one drawing, which they must complete. The players who correctly draw the object win.

How to play: Many identical objects, usually matches or other sticks, are selected as props for the game.

A pile is thrown onto the table for the guests, from which one item at a time must be pulled out.

The person who touches the neighboring sticks loses and leaves the game; I pull out my own.

Mimic dance

Target: to cheerful music, the host names a part of the face, and the guests begin to dance to it. It turns out to be a lot of fun; the most original and funniest dancers are nominated as winners.

Mafia 2

How to play: take a deck of cards and deal one to each guest. The team member who got the ace of spades will have to be the mafia, and the one who got the ace of hearts will play the sheriff.

All others will be civilians. The mafia's task is to kill people with an unnoticeable wink. Eliminated participants place their card after a few seconds. The sheriff's goal is to catch the criminal.

Russian roulette

This game is more suitable for a feast where alcohol will be consumed. In front of the player, 2 glasses with vodka and 1 with water are placed on the table so that he does not know what is poured where, his task will be to drink both glasses in a row, what will be in them is a matter of luck...

This game is ideal for a party in which there are boys and girls who are not couples and are not related.

  1. Participants are divided into women and men, the latter leave the room while the ladies wish for one of them each.
  2. Each guy enters the room one at a time and tries to guess the one who chose him, then kisses her. If she answers him, then the sympathies coincide, otherwise he gets a slap in the face.
  3. The man remains in the room. If he chose his lady correctly, then the next participant who kissed his mate is kicked out the door.
  4. The one who finds his half last or does not guess it at all loses.

Drawing from memory

The players are faced with the task of completing the drawing of an object to the sketch of the drawing. The condition is closed eyes and turn in place. Since this will not be easy to do, the winner will be the one who most accurately depicts the missing element in its place. In the end, it will be interesting for artists to see what comes out of all this.

Empty box

The entertainment is not suitable for relatives, and participants must be of different sexes.

While the music is playing, the box is passed around in a circle; the one on whom the sound has died down must take off some of his clothes. How far the game goes depends only on its participants.

This is what they are, table games for a group of adults at the table. Having watched a huge amount of entertainment, we can conclude that age has no effect on the condition human soul. Most games came to us from early childhood, only they have become even more interesting and fun.

In the next video - another one interesting competition for adults at a home party.
