An adjustable wrench: how separation from your husband can enrich you. Igor Sechin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo

Another founder of the fund was Khizir Atakuev, Sechina’s partner in several business projects and vice-president of the FCSR “for interaction with authorities.” state power on the territory of the Russian Federation." The son of actor Nikolai Karachentsov, Andrey Karachentsov, was then appointed general director of the organization, data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities shows.

Andrey Karachentsov confirmed that since November he has been combining the leadership of the Nikolai Karachentsov Family Cultural Foundation and the Trinity.

Why does Marina Sechina need “Trinity”

The full name of Sechina’s charitable organization is “Foundation for Spiritual Revival, Development of Culture and Sports “Trinity”. Until the fall of 2017, it was called the “Charity Fund for the Spiritual Revival of the Capital.”

This organization was created in 2012 with the blessing Patriarch Kirill for the construction and restoration of churches in Russia, said a representative of the Russian Equestrian Federation. Sechin was the founder of the fund from the moment of its registration, he claims.

Which temples is Marina Sechina related to?

According to the website of the Foundation for the Spiritual Revival of the Capital, the organization financed the construction of four churches in Moscow. This Orthodox parish Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God in Matveevsky, Temple in honor of the Kazan Icon Mother of God, Temple Life-Giving Trinity in Chertanovo and the Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena

However, this is not noted in the organization’s registration data. Until 2017, only two people were listed as the founders of the fund - Alexey Meshkichev and Andrey Gorokhov. Gorokhov is the former general director and co-owner of TsKR Development LLC, whose main activity is the construction of residential and non-residential buildings. Meshkichev owns shares in Vesta LLC and Meridian LLC, which, according to the register, are involved in real estate transactions. Meshkichev and Gorokhov are still listed among the founders of the fund.

After Marina Sechina became president of the FCRS (this happened in December 2016), the idea arose to expand the fund’s activities by adding two more areas: equestrian sports and culture, and to call the updated organization “Trinity,” explained a representative of the federation.

“This name, according to the leaders of the foundation, best characterizes its activities, combining three principles: temple - spirit, sports - body, culture - soul,” he says. The new name of the fund was registered at the end of last year, adds the FCRS representative.

The reports published on the Ministry of Justice website contain little information about financial activities organizations. From them we can only learn that the Capital Cultural Revival Fund spent on “charitable assistance to local religious organizations Moscow" in 2013 4.1 million rubles, and in 2014 - 1.821 million rubles.

Sechina's representative does not disclose financial indicators fund, citing the fact that the financing programs for 2018 have not yet been approved.

Andrey Karachentsov also could not name the amount of funds that “Trinity” will have at its disposal. First, you need to approve the program, then create a budget for each of the goals and a budget for each task, and after that the fund itself will be formed, he explained.

What do Marina Sechina and the Karachentsov family have in common?

At the Sechina Foundation and the Karachentsov Foundation common projects not yet, these are funds unrelated to each other, says Andrey Karachentsov. “Soon we will approve the program of its activities for this year, and perhaps something will appear,” he says.

"On family council we decided to intensify the activities of the Nikolai Karachentsov Cultural Foundation, to resume the activities of the Karachentsov School of Arts in Krasnoarmeysk, which was interrupted for some time,” Karachentsov Jr. told RIA Novosti in November. Among the areas of work of the foundation, Karachentsov named “theatrical, cinematic, as well as providing assistance to the disabled and lonely people.” The names of the sponsors were not announced at that time.

The idea of ​​involving the founders of the Trinity in sponsoring the Karachentsov Foundation is being discussed, Karachentsov says. “The founders of Trinity help the Karachentsov Foundation, but we don’t want the foundations to have the same founders, each foundation should do its own thing,” he says.

As the agency reported "Ruspres" , Karachentsov’s wife Lyudmila Porgina was deprived of her license for driving while intoxicated.

“Our whole trunk was full bottles of alcohol“- Karachentsov’s wife herself admitted.

Business the Sechin way

Until now, Marina Sechina was better known as a businessman. After divorce from Igor Sechin in 2011, she became a co-owner of several business assets, including consulting, infrastructure, energy companies and even a poultry farm.

And at the beginning of 2014, the Vedomosti newspaper discovered that Sechina became a co-owner of 51% of Exect Partners Group and 49% of OHL Rus Private Limited. The first of these companies trained personnel for Olympic Games in Sochi, the second was a partner of the Spanish construction company OHL, which awarded the construction contract railway in Siberia for €1.95 billion with Gennady Timchenko’s Stroytransgaz. True, by the summer of 2014 Sechina withdrew from the owners of OHL Rus.

Later ex-wife heads of Rosneft received a controlling stake in the importer of metalworking machines from Europe Stankoflot, Kommersant reported with reference to data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In November 2017 " New Newspaper»with reference to documents obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists from the Bermudian law firm Appleby, wrote about the company S Holdings Ltd. registered in the name of Marina Sechin in the Cayman Islands. According to the publication, the company was created for the investment of Austrian businessman Julius Meinl in development projects in Eastern Europe and Russia. Sechina herself called this information “nonsense,” Vedomosti wrote.

Agency "Ruspres" mentioned Marina Sechina in the context of the shootout at the Kashirskie Rodnichki sanatorium, as well as the assassination attempt on her business partner Alim Daduev. Alim Daduev was a co-owner of the EPM-Holding company, a share in which belongs to Marina Sechina's Energopromfinance Consortium LLC. LLC "EPM-Holding" and LLC "Consortium "Energopromfinance" are co-owners of LLC "Sanatorium "Kashirskie Rodnichki", the conflict between the owners of which escalated last year.

Large businessmen, politicians and other important government officials they do not like to share details of their personal life, but, nevertheless, some of it sooner or later becomes public.

Several years ago it became known that Igor Sechin’s first wife had been divorced from him for some time, and he married a young spectacular woman, Gazprombank employee Olga Rozhkova.

The head of Rosneft met his first wife in his youth in his native St. Petersburg. When they moved to Moscow, their family already had two children - daughter Inga and son Ivan. After moving to the capital, Igor Ivanovich first worked in the presidential administration and spent almost whole days at work. There was no time left for personal life and communication with family, relations between the spouses began to deteriorate, and, in the end, the marriage broke up.

Perhaps one of the reasons for the divorce was Sechin’s new passion - the spectacular blonde Olga Rozhkova, who in 2011 became official wife Igor Sechin. His ex-wife remained normal with him business relationship, Marina Vladimirovna heads the energy holding company “ Sustainable development”, and in 2013 she became a co-owner of the companies “RK-Telecom”, “Exect Partners Group”, “O-Hel Rus Private Limited”. In 2016 Ex-wife Igor Sechin acquired shares in a company producing ready-made and canned meat products"Parity Vyatka". For Sechina, this business was the first in the production of finished products, and through this company she is also a co-owner of several companies in the Vologda region, specializing in poultry farming and egg trading.

Moreover, after the divorce ex-wife Sechin received most of their joint property and officially Igor Ivanovich only owned a plot of land of fifteen acres and a Subaru Legacy car.

The children of Igor Sechin are already established adults, his son Ivan after graduation High school business of Moscow State University. Lomonosov got a job at Gazprombank, in March 2014 he became deputy head of one of the departments of the Rosneft offshore projects department, and then received the position of first deputy director of the department of joint projects on the shelf. When Ivan Sechin turned twenty-six years old, he received the high award “For Services to the Fatherland,” II degree, “for huge contribution in the development of the fuel and energy complex and many years of conscientious work.”

In the photo - Sechin's wife Olga Rozhkova

Igor Sechin's second wife Olga spends most of her time traveling abroad. Igor Sechin took the position of President of Rosneft in 2012, and since then he has been managing the company, trying to bring it to a leading position among other Russian competitors. At the end of 2013, Sechin became one of the most expensive top managers in Russia according to Forbes magazine.

The Internet exploded with news about " new friend"the head of Rosneft - designer Ulyana Sergeenko, the ex-wife of Danil Khachaturov, the ex-head of Rosgosstrakh. It would seem, what does the public care about “underwear”? However, everything is not so simple here. Very influential people who are interested in weakening position of the head of Rosneft, who in Lately behaves like the master of Russia. At least in . And the go-ahead for publishing about Sechin’s personal life could have come from the Kremlin. Are they making the omnipotent a “laughing stock”? Who else can be considered a man of his age, who periodically ends up on the pages of yellow publications with his young wives or girlfriends? No one else from the upper echelons of Russian power has received such an honor. doesn't want to draw conclusions. At first, he was apparently forced to agree to an amicable settlement in the scandal with AFK Sistema. Why were you forced? Yes, because he himself certainly would not have given up. The size of Rosneft's claims was reduced by 70 billion rubles. Can you imagine that he voluntarily gave up that kind of money? Then, probably, they advised him to give up the fight for the gas assets of the diamond mining company ALROSSA. When did Sechin refuse anything? On the contrary, he always demonstrates an enviable appetite for acquiring assets. And then I had to step aside.
But this turned out to be not enough. And who often decides the destinies of prominent politicians and states? Women! All world history shows that if you want to exalt or humiliate an influential person, look for a woman. And they found her! Sechin's "new friend"? Sechin’s “new friend” turned out to be designer Ulyana Sergeenko, who divorced her husband Danil Khachaturov in 2015. It would be more accurate to say that the ex-head of Rosgostrakh simply abandoned her for the sake of new passion- director Anna Melikyan. Ulyana Sergeenko came to St. Petersburg from Ust-Kamenogorsk in search of better life, having behind civil marriage And little son. At that time, Danil Khachaturov lived in happy marriage with a beautiful wife and also raised a son.
They gossip that Khachaturov and Sergeenko met in line at the dentist. Does anyone understand anything? How could a single mother and a billionaire, ranked 54th among richest people Russia s. Wasn’t Ulyana Sergeenko a hunter of wealthy businessmen? And have you now fallen into the nets she has set?

Whatever it was, the provincial beauty managed to “pick up” Khachaturov and even take him away from his wife. True, to do this, they first had to give birth to a daughter, Vasilisa, in 2006. Danil Khachaturov left the family a year after that. Ulyana Sergeenko created her fashion empire with the help of her husband, who spared no expense on promotion trademark his wife. And he attracted fashion industry giants for this. Which probably cost a lot of money. The daughter grew up, Ulyana’s business flourished. They say that one does not seek good from good, but Khachaturov was again drawn to the left. His chosen one was director Anna Melikyan, known for the film “Rusalka.” At one point, Ulyana Sergeenko lost both her husband and her sponsor. Khachaturov invested 55 million rubles. V New film Melikyan "About love". And Ulyana was left with nothing. It turns out that she did not carefully read the marriage contract and... – Khachaturov’s condition at the time of the divorce – received only 100 thousand rubles. per month to support my daughter. And before Sechin appeared, she apparently mourned her inattention. Sergeenko will not allow herself any more. So, if you decide to marry for the third time, you need to be very careful. Did the marriage turn out to be a marriage? Last November, with his second wife Olga, who was almost 25 years younger, his daughter was old enough to be his daughter. But love, as they say, is blind. And, apparently, he thought that his money and social position would make Olga happy. This turned out to be not enough. She was only 31, she loved to spend time abroad, where, apparently, she did not waste time. And one day she raced off in a Ferrari with the young Italian racer Francesco Provenzano. Only Sechin saw her. He “slapped” his wife with government concerns.

Money and the husband’s position don’t always play a role decisive role. Apparently Francesco Provenzano offered Olga some other “state”, which for her turned out to be more important than marriage to Olga. Olga and she have a daughter, Varvara, who probably received multimillion-dollar alimony. It is unknown how much Olga is owed, but young wives are rarely shy in their demands. And, usually, they carefully read marriage contracts. Deripaska strikes back? Quite recently, a scandal broke out involving a famous billionaire and a girl with “low social responsibility.” Supposedly someone is with someone, a yacht, the sea. And behind the scandal could be, who, apparently, has long dreamed of taking over Deripaska’s Rusal. However, if Sechin had his way, he would probably have taken everything into his own hands. Less than a week has passed since information about Sechin’s “new girlfriend” appears. The couple was allegedly seen in Paris at Fashion Week. The ex-wife of press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, seemed to share this at the get-together. Who, by the way, was immediately fired from her post as head of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris. Has Sechin demonstrated his tough temper? And the rumor about the “new girlfriend” of the head of Rosneft could turn out to be true? Or are these insidious machinations? Which demonstrated that it was too early to write him off. Of course, if he had not been so loving, no one would have stirred up such scandals. It is possible that somewhere in the crowd legends are being made about his “love exploits”. And the general public has yet to learn about them. But why did the young wife leave Sechin?

Yes, because - gray hair in the beard, demon in the rib. , it probably still seems like he’s “wow!” And this is probably not true at all. Godkov is already approaching 60, it’s time to think about the soul, and not about the flesh. Maybe it’s worth returning to his first wife Marina Sechina? She is now a “business shark”, there will definitely be something to talk about with her.

Someone is stirring up Sechin's love underwear. And it is not without reason that he is doing this right now - before the presidential elections. Perhaps the head of Rosneft is being made to understand that his power has ended. And after the elections, resignation may await.

October 1, 2018. In a cramped hall of the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal of Moscow, the presiding judge in a monotonous voice announces the decision in the case of the scandalous Moscow long-term construction project - the Kutuzovskaya Mile complex. In the hall are real estate investors who have been waiting for apartments for more than 10 years and on this day may forever lose hope of getting them. The FCSR company entered bankruptcy proceedings and argued in court that it did not have the status of a developer in order to get rid of its obligations to shareholders. However, the court did not agree with this, recognizing FCSR as the developer. , says the materials of the arbitration proceedings. × The company is owned by Marina Sechin, the ex-wife of one of Vladimir Putin’s closest associates, head of Rosneft Igor Sechin.

Divorce and not a maiden name

Marina Sechina says that she came into the construction business to help shareholders: they themselves asked her, they literally attacked the office. However, he does not specify the specific names of the petitioners. Our conversation took place in Sechina’s office, in a historic mansion in the center of Moscow more than a year back. Never before or after Sechin gave an interview about her business. She answered additional questions in writing for this publication.

There are impressive-looking guards at the doors of the mansion. There are several luxury cars in the yard. Sechina owns a Rolls-Royce Phantom worth more than 26 million rubles. The license plate bears the letters AMP - a magical abbreviation on Moscow roads: this is how the official cars of high-ranking government officials, the presidential administration and heads of law enforcement agencies are decorated. True, Sechina’s car number differs from the elite series in the region code - 77 instead of 97. Usually such numbers are bought to stand out on the road.

House in Swedish dead end. Source:

From ex-husband Marina Sechina was left with not only the letters in the number, but also an apartment in the Swedish dead end of Moscow. , follows from the USRN extract. × This house, where members of Putin’s team were once given apartments by the presidential administration, is called the “house of the president’s associates.” The point is not only that the state apartments privatized by Putin’s officials are very expensive. (according to an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, the cadastral value of Sechina’s apartment is 117 million rubles). × The main value of this housing is its neighbors. In addition to Sechin, Andrei Kostin, Gennady Timchenko, Alexei Kudrin, Sergei Lavrov, Sergei Prikhodko, Nikolai Tokarev, Ilya Klebanov and Leonid Reiman moved there at the beginning of the 2000s (or, in any case, received living space). . , wrote Bloomberg). ×

Connections and demonstration of power are Sechina’s style.

On the way to her office hangs a large gold-colored coat of arms of Russia. The office is dark, with massive furniture. Graceful short the woman stands in stark contrast to this setting. However, the character is rather in harmony. None of the Project’s interlocutors spoke of her as anything other than strong-willed, energetic person with character. “She is very strong and self-sufficient,” says Lyudmila Narusova, who has known Sechina since the early 90s. “And over the years it has become even stronger.”

Sechina is offended when she is called an ex-wife. Why don’t they say about other people: “ex-wife?” - she exclaims. The couple divorced in 2011, she said. The marriage contract was drawn up in December 2010, as follows from Rosreestr documents for the apartment). × By that time, Igor and Marina, who met as students at Leningrad University (he is a philologist, she is an economist), had lived together for almost 30 years.

Woman and horses

The issue of status, according to friends, is very important for Sechina. Today she appears in the news only as the president of the Russian Equestrian Federation (RFKSR). Sechina became head of the federation in December 2016. Her achievements in show jumping and dressage are unknown. She herself says that she rides as an amateur and has her own horse. Equestrian athlete Nikolai Chebyshev says that the position of president is not monetary, but gives status: equestrian sport is considered prestigious, aristocrats around the world love it, and they love it too. Russian elite. The idea to nominate Sechin for the post of head of the FCSR was born in August 2016, literally a few months before the elections . , says a source close to the FSSR. ×

At the European resort, Sechina rested in the company of Boris Rotenberg, a well-known fan of equestrian sports (his wife Karina heads the Moscow Equestrian Federation), as well as the famous equestrian and friend of Sechina Inessa Merkulova and her husband, one of the functionaries of the FCSR. The friends came to the conclusion that the existing candidate for the presidency did not suit them. He was the titled show jumper Vladimir Beletsky, who soon withdrew his candidacy in favor of Sechina.

Having headed the federation, Sechina created the position of “vice president for interaction with authorities.” It was occupied by Khizir Atakuev, a close friend of Sechina since her divorce from Igor Sechin: he shares almost the entire business and reception area with her.

Khizir Atakuev and Marina Sechina. Source: website

Atakuev has an impeccably upright posture and wears precious rings, a sparkling watch and cufflinks. Whatever the words “interaction with authorities” mean, Atakuev has never been an official; he calls himself a businessman. He was born in the village of Kendelen, Elbrus district of Kabardino-Balkaria, into a poor family, and as a child he was engaged in agriculture, like his fellow villagers. . , he said in an interview with the specialized equestrian website Equnews. ×

In his small homeland, Atakuev is now called “cool and rich,” although they know nothing about his business . , says a fellow countryman from the KBR. × In the mid-90s , according to the service “Contour. Focus", × Atakuev, together with his fellow countrymen, registered a computer repair company and a company for trading agricultural products in the KBR. When asked who is in charge in this couple, one of the Project’s interlocutors replies: “Well, she is the emperor’s wife, and he is cool guy, Yes".

Men with machetes

On September 15, 2017, in the middle of the working day, the village of Bolshoye Runovo, Kashira district, Moscow region, witnessed events in the spirit of militants.

Several dozen strong men armed with bats, machetes and traumatic pistols. The men were dressed “in black, shapeless clothes with hoods pulled down over their faces.” . They broke into the administration building, knocked down the door to the director's office and dragged all the employees out into the street. The police called to the scene, according to an eyewitness, did not intervene . , the press service of the Moscow Region police later stated that there was no shooting. ×

Six hours later, when it was already dark, several sanatorium employees, returning from the local police department, approached the locked gate and demanded to be let in or to return their personal belongings. In response, the men in black opened fire, injuring six people.

Thus, with the help of a machete and “injuries,” the director of “Kashirskie Rodnichki” Tatyana Romanova, who had worked for only two months, was removed from her post. According to the stories of the former director Boris Guzeev, when Romanova replaced him, the transfer of power took place in the same forceful manner - except that no one was shot. The series of takeovers of the boarding house was the result of a corporate conflict between Sechina and her former partners in the energy business - the MRSEN holding. , the structure of the holding and the connection with Sechina are described in the materials of the Central Bank. ×

Boarding house "Kashirskie fontanelles". Source website

In the summer of 2017, Sechina tried to take over the last remaining liquid asset of the holding - a boarding house, and in the fall the previous owners returned the asset to themselves, putting Romanova out on the street. A few days after the shooting at the boarding house, shots rang out in the residential sector on Vernadsky Avenue in Moscow. Alim Daduev, co-owner of Kashirskie Rodnichki and Sechina’s partner in the MRSEN holding, was wounded in the head and chest. In a corporate conflict, he took Sechina’s side . , says a person close to MRSEN. × Daduev survived, but the attackers were subsequently detained; the customer was not found.

Sechina stated in writing that she had nothing to do with this asset or all these events. When asked what the attempt on Daduev’s life might be connected with, she replied in a letter that she does not do business with him.

Sechina and Atakuev’s journey into the energy sector began in 2013 - almost four years before the “hostilities”. According to Marina, she came to MRSEN to restore order in companies that throughout their history had experienced financial difficulties, aggravated that year to a dangerous limit. The holding's main assets are four companies that supply electricity to the population. Moreover, each of the four companies was the main one in its region. , follows from the relevant decisions on Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, Republic of Khakassia and Nizhny Tagil. × In professional jargon, such companies are called “sales”.

The sales debts accumulated over the years: while collecting money from citizens and enterprises, the companies did not pay their counterparties and the state. At the beginning of 2014, it got to the point that the Arkhangelsk governor complained about local “sales” to Vladimir Putin. At the same time, Sberbank and VTB refused to lend, and there was nothing to close the cash gap. At this difficult moment, Sechina appeared among the shareholders of MRSEN, and the problems were resolved for a while. Atakuev introduced her to new partners Yuri Shulgin and Eldar Osmanov . , says an interlocutor close to MRSEN. × Sechina, on behalf of the Arkhenergosbyt workforce, wrote an open letter to the president, in which she promised to solve the problems. The financial situation has also improved: help arrived in the form of a credit line from Novikombank, the main bank of Rostec, a company headed by another member of Putin’s team, Sergei Chemezov.

In 2014, MRSEN shareholders dreamed a lot: they were talking about creating a new, even larger energy holding with the self-explanatory name “Sustainable Development”. However, development did not work out. Already in 2015, due to debts to the state, criminal cases were opened in Arkhangelsk and Vologda, and Shulgin and Osmanov fled abroad. Then the remaining companies of the holding collapsed.

Already on the run, Shulgin explained that he and Sechina had diverged . , the conversation with Shulgin took place in 2017. × She and Atakuev allegedly received unjustifiably high salaries, he said: a million and half a million rubles a month, respectively . , non-market conditions of employment are confirmed by a source close to MRSEN, but does not disclose details. × Shulgin insists that Sechina was de jure not the legal owner of the holding’s share: the transactions were concluded using the REPO mechanism, that is, the purchase and sale of shares with the obligation of the former owners (Shulgin and Osmanov) to buy them back. However, Shulgin emphasizes, Sechina and Atakuev did not pay for their shares, so they no longer own anything.

Sechina responds to this that her partners turned out to be dishonest; she lost contact with them back in March 2016. According to her, she never invests money, she invests her time, knowledge and skills. Sechina called the words about her large salary a lie.

Her specialization is crisis management, says Sechina: she goes into troubled assets to save them and put them back on their feet.

The conflict grew gradually and reached a boiling point by the summer of 2017. The fact is that a modest boarding house played a role in the financial flows of the holding important role: , according to the former general director of the sanatorium Tatyana Romanova. Shulgin and Osmanov deny withdrawing money through the boarding house: × Through him, Shulgin allegedly withdrew profits - money collected from the population in the form of electricity bills. Since 2013, for five years, a modest hotel near Moscow has been issuing loans to affiliated companies in amounts significantly exceeding its annual turnover. , says Romanova. × And in 2010-2012, one of the MRSEN companies - Vologdaenergosbyt - allocated more than 2 billion rubles for the renovation of a small boarding house. , says Romanova. × For example, the restoration of the Reserve House of the Winter Palace, which is part of the Hermitage, cost a similar amount.

At the beginning of 2018, all four sales companies were deprived of the status of the main suppliers of electricity in their regions, three of them are going bankrupt, the fourth is on the way to bankruptcy. “Sales would have collapsed back in 2013 if not for the new shareholder. Then the situation was put on hold, but today everything has come to a logical conclusion,” says a source at Rosseti. According to the companies' reports, Sechina and Atakuev are no longer their co-owners.

Men from the Caucasus

The brick building of the Vologda poultry farm has probably never received such an impressive delegation as at the end of May 2017. He was visited by the co-owner of the enterprise, Marina Sechina.

Sechina said that she began to receive signals that a bird was dying and “other unpleasant news,” hinting that she suspected her partners not only of ineffective management, but also of financial dishonesty.

Sechina arrived not alone, but accompanied by a detachment of strong men - natives of the Caucasus . , says an eyewitness to the events. × One of her partners and co-owners of the business, Vladimir Rutkovsky, was on site. Negotiations between Sechina’s people and Rutkovsky were painful and lasted about a week, during which Rutkovsky allegedly could not leave the office, where he was sitting in the company of guests from the south, and regularly tried to call the police . , says an eyewitness. × As a result of negotiations, he and another partner, Sergei Lobanov, sold their shares to Sechina. , this is confirmed by data from the “Contour. Focus". × It is unknown whether they received money for them.

Sechina entered Vologda agribusiness in mid-2016 and became a co-owner of two factories: for the production of eggs and chicken, as well as a pig farm with a workshop for the production of stewed meat. These are fragments of the bankrupt agricultural holding “OGO”, which at the time of Sechina’s arrival, like the “sales”, were in a deplorable state. It would not have happened without Atakuev again; he became a co-owner along with Marina. According to Sechina, the idea to start farming was given to her by an old acquaintance, Sergei Lobanov. There were no signs of conflicts, because unlike companies in the energy sector, the partner in the agricultural holding is not a random person.

Lobanov is a businessman familiar with former customs chief Andrei Belyaninov, who served in the KGB in Dresden with Vladimir Putin. After, by order of Belyaninov, compulsory insurance for international cargo transportation was introduced, it was Lobanov’s company “Arsenal” that became the official insurer of cargo carriers from the Federal Customs Service. The idea of ​​reviving enterprises through the efforts of Sechina was warmly supported by the local Rosselkhozbank . , says an interlocutor familiar with Sechina. × Lobanov attracted another acquaintance - Rutkovsky, the only agrarian in this company . , says an acquaintance of Sechina. ×

At first, the relationship between the partners went well. After some time, the newly created agricultural holding was allocated state support from the regional budget in the amount of over 60 million rubles. Before Sechina appeared, enterprises were denied state support.

However, a conflict soon arose, the reasons for which both sides now do not name. But its outcome is known: after Sechina’s personal visit to the poultry farm, the management there was completely changed, Lobanov and Rutkovsky left the business, their shares belong to the person whom Sechina appointed as the new director . , Rutkovsky and Lobanov declined to comment. ×

Anti-crisis management in problem companies is a troublesome business. Business on government contracts is a more sustainable model of earning money in Russia. Sechina came to this sector more than five years ago.

The former wife of the head of Rosneft called the company RK-Telecom her first serious experience in business. In 2013, Sechina and Atakuev received a total of a quarter of the company. This is a contractor who provided communications for the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and built infrastructure for cellular companies. How and under what conditions she receives shares in this and her other companies, Sechina answers evasively. The amounts of the transactions, if they were monetary, are unknown.

With its advent, RK-Telecom begins to actively take out loans from Rostec Novikombank - to fulfill contracts of government and government-related structures. The guarantors for some of the loans were the same “leaky” “sales” from the MRSEN holding. The total amount of loans received over two years is 300 million rubles. , the arbitration documents say. × It is unknown where and for what this money went, but today the company is in bankruptcy, and Sechina and Atakuev disappeared from the owners a year later.

After Sechina and Atakuev left the company, their former partners, who remained in the structure of RK-Telecom, began to prove in the courts that the loans issued exceeded reasonable limits and should be declared invalid.

At the same time, representatives of companies from the MRSEN holding (subordinates of Osmanov and Shulgin), who acted as guarantors for loans, fought in the courts, proving that these same guarantees were issued under pressure. , follows from the materials of the arbitration proceedings. × However, the courts upheld all obligations . . Sechina stated in writing that she “never had anything to do with the operational management of RK-Telecom” and could not comment on the history of the loans. ×

Having worked in the communications sector, Marina took up industry: the young and until recently unknown company Stankoflot, associated with her, is today participating in a federal-scale project - the production of a new model of the MS-21 civil aircraft. According to the government's plan, it will be a domestic competitor to Airbus and Boeing products. Stankoflot in its current form was created in the fall of 2016 on the basis of an advertising agency, but immediately began receiving contracts from Rostec enterprises. Today their total amount is 1.9 billion rubles. , “Project” calculated based on data from the government procurement portal and the “Kontur. Procurement". × All contracts concern the supply of machine tools to enterprises for the production of important parts of the future aircraft: the fin and engine. Stankoflot, as an intermediary, purchases, delivers and installs equipment.

New model civil aircraft "MS-21".

The election of the FCSR president will take place on December 10, 2016 at the federation conference, at which the new head of the organization should be elected for a four-year term. IN this moment FCSR was left without current president, because

in October, the head of the Russian Equestrian Federation, the head of the Development Corporation OJSC, was arrested until November 30 on suspicion of embezzling 1 billion rubles.

However, Maslov’s powers were already expiring in this year, and the conference at which the new head of Russian equestrian sport will be elected is planned.

On August 28, Vladimir Beletsky, vice-president of the FCSR, a member of the Russian show jumping team, and an international master of sports, was registered as the first candidate in the elections for the new president.

Until now, Beletsky was the only candidate for the post of head of the FCSR, but on November 2, “at the request of an initiative group close to the leadership of the federation,” Marina was registered as the second candidate for president of the FCSR.

The ex-wife of the former deputy chairman () in 2008-2012, and now the head, is a fairly successful businesswoman, works in the fields of real estate, industry and Agriculture, being one of the richest women in Russia.

It is interesting that if the news about Beletsky’s candidacy on the official website of the FCSR looks dry and exclusively informative, then similar information about his competitor is presented in a different way.

“Today, M. Sechina leads a large industrial holding company, which includes construction, energy and agricultural enterprises located throughout the country, providing thousands of jobs to Russians.

Colleagues and business partners characterize her as a strong and successful woman - a creator, talented and progressive leader.

Led by M.V. Sechin’s team applies management principles based on respect for the individual, fairness and social responsibility, which underlies the dynamic development of the holding and the growth of its financial and production indicators,” the communiqué says.

In the same news article there is a quote from Sechina herself (spelling and punctuation preserved - Gazeta.Ru):

“Kindness and the need to care for people are inherent in the nature of every person. I love people and believe in Man. I am grateful to Fate and my friends - professional horsemen, who helped me discover another love, the love for the Horse - a noble, strong and sensitive creature.

I know for sure that I have everything necessary knowledge, experience and opportunities to ensure the worthy development of equestrian sports in our country and, together with you, be proud of the results obtained.”

At the same time, Sechin and her headquarters have not presented any program publicly.

At the same time, Vladimir Beletsky has an official website (a link to which is provided in the news about his nomination as a candidate), developed and opened specifically for the election campaign.

In particular, on this site you can familiarize yourself with the program of the multiple champion and winner of the Russian Cup, consisting of twelve theses, and also ask a question to Beletsky himself in an online conference.

If we analyze Beletsky’s program, it does not in all aspects provide a clear picture of his position or the specific actions that the current vice president intends to take if elected to office.

At the same time, certain points are described in sufficient detail, and the functionary himself demonstrates a readiness and desire for dialogue, as well as openness to voters. In particular, Beletsky plans to unite equestrian sport into one structure with cross-country and racing federations.

“By promoting the progressive development of Russian racing and horse racing, the FCSR will become a partner in such business processes as the equestrian betting system, and will be able to count on receiving income from this type of activity in the future,” Beletsky’s program also says.

The reporting and election conference will take place on December 10, 2016 in the building of the Russian Olympic Committee.

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