The most ancient people on earth. How did the first man really appear?

ape people appeared on Earth about a million years ago and disappeared half a million years later. The descendants of the ape people are the ancient people, who are usually called Neanderthals.

When did the first man appear?

Many people are interested in the question when did the first man appear. Below you will find historical finds that to some extent answer this question.

To date, bone remains of Neanderthals have been discovered in approximately thirty locations in the Old World countries - Europe, Asia, and Africa. There are incomparably more open sites where only Neanderthal flint tools were found. No Neanderthal sites have been found in America and Australia. This is explained by the fact that in these countries there have never been apes, from which people descend. Consequently, the descendants of fossil anthropomorphic monkeys - apemen and Neanderthals - also do not have to be found there. America and Australia were settled by people relatively recently, about ten to fifteen thousand years ago. These were the ancestors of modern American Indians and Australians.

Now we have an answer to another question: where did the man appear.

The first Neanderthal find (a partial skull) was discovered in the Gibraltar area more than a hundred years ago, in 1848, long before the bones of Pithecanthropus and even before the publication of Darwin's famous work " Origin of species" It is not surprising that no one attached any importance to the Gibraltar find. The second similar find (a skull cap and some other skeletal bones) was discovered in 1856 in Germany, in the Neander Valley, which is why people of this species themselves, forming a connecting link between ape-men and people modern type, called Neanderthals.

What was the first man?

Although this find received some attention, it still did not receive proper assessment, despite the fact that some scientists thought about it. strange shape Neanderthal skull cap. Only after the remains of Pithecanthropus were found on the island of Java did it become clear that the unusual features of the Neanderthal skull (as well as several other skulls of this type discovered later) were not the result of some kind of deformity, as some opponents of the doctrine of evolution claimed, but that the bones Neanderthals are the remains of a special type of people who are our predecessors.

Figure 1 - One of the Neanderthal skulls found in France.

Judging by the bone remains, it is clear that Neanderthals were less bestial than ape-men. The lower part of the face of Neanderthals did not protrude forward as much as that of Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus, and the braincase was no smaller in volume than that of modern people. But still, the skull vault of Neanderthals was not yet high enough, the forehead was sloping and ended in front with a powerful supraorbital ridge, although smaller than that of ape-men. The lower jaw of Neanderthals did not yet have a protruding chin.

The Neanderthal was somewhat shorter in stature modern man, which is why the large head, sitting on a short and thick neck, seemed even larger. The Neanderthal stood on legs slightly bent at the knees with flat feet. In general, the Neanderthal looked awkward, stocky and strong. Figuratively speaking, he was rough-hewn, but firmly put together.

About one hundred to one hundred twenty thousand years ago, the descendants of the Neanderthals appeared - modern people. The most ancient of them are usually called Cro-Magnons (after the name of the village of Cro-Magnon in France, where fossil bones of this type were discovered).

Thus, link by link, the entire chain connecting fossil anthropomorphic apes with modern humans was restored.

Incompatible figures about human origins

So, from the appearance of the first people on Earth to our time about a million years have passed t. However, this huge period is insignificant in comparison with the hundreds of millions of years during which life on Earth developed.

And how childishly naive the Bible’s statement looks, against the backdrop of this chronicle of life, that the Earth, the “celestial lights,” plants, animals and people were created by God about seven thousand years ago.

The ancient Christian preacher Lactantius believed that science and enlightenment are a mortal sin before God, that people are not supposed to know anything other than what is written in the Bible. However, out of curiosity, he calculated that the act of divine creation occurred six thousand years before him, that is, almost seven thousand six hundred years before our time.

One of the largest obscurantists who lived in the 16th century, the Pope Gregory XIII, calculated that Adam was created by God in 5199 before the birth of the fabulous Christ. But one English preaching scientist

“accuracy” beat “the viceroy of God on Earth.” He argued that God's creation of people occurred in 4004 BC, October 23, exactly at nine o'clock in the morning!

Here is another example of the fabrications that theologians of the past engaged in. The Bible tells about monstrous giants, about how ancient people died many hundreds of years old. Adam, for example, the Bible says, lived nine hundred and thirty years, and one of his descendants, Methuselah, died at the age of nine hundred and sixty-nine. The Bible even mentions such “righteous people” who were taken by God to heaven alive and, therefore, endowed with immortality.

The Catholic preacher of the 4th–5th centuries, Saint Augustine, whom we mentioned, referred to the teeth found in the ground... of mammoths, which he mistook for human teeth, as evidence that giants really lived in ancient times.

In the past, fossil animal bones were displayed in churches different countries Europe. They were supposed to testify that giants really lived in ancient times. Based on such fossil bones, one "scientist" priest calculated that the biblical Aden was 123 feet and 9 inches tall, and Eve was 118 feet, 9 inches and 9 lines! (A foot is an English unit of length equal to 30.47 centimeters; an inch is 2.64 centimeters, or 10 lines).

Let us also mention as a curiosity that in the capital of Austria, Vienna, in the Church of St. Stephen, until recently, believers were shown mammoth bones as the remains of some giant of biblical times.

The science of human origins

We know well that the most ancient people not only were not giants, but that they were shorter in stature than modern people. We also know that the age limit of ancient people was less than ours.

The bone remains of people make it possible to restore not only the appearance ancient people, but also to judge their approximate age. Typically, the age of skeletons is determined primarily by the development of teeth, their preservation or destruction, as well as by the degree of healing of the sutures of the skull.

Because life expectancy anthropoid apes are smaller than those of modern humans, then the cranial sutures in these animals also heal faster. In our most ancient ancestors - the ape-men and Neanderthals, who occupy a middle place in the evolutionary chain between anthropomorphic apes and modern humans, the cranial sutures, quite understandably, should have healed later than in the apes, but earlier than in us. Judging by the degree of overgrowth of the seams on the skulls of our predecessors, we can establish their approximate age.

Our most ancient ancestors, who ate very rough food, undoubtedly wore down their teeth faster than modern people. This sign also makes it possible to judge their age.

And so scientists calculated that only rare Neanderthals lived to be sixty years old. The age limit for the vast majority of Neanderthals ranged between forty and sixty years. The age of the oldest people of the modern type (Cro-Magnons) was also somewhat younger than that of living people. These data, of course, have nothing in common with the fabrications of the Bible and its interpreters.

Scientists, theologians, philosophers - everyone has been trying since ancient times to answer the question of where man came from on Earth. At the same time, theorists were divided into three camps: some believe in God’s providence, others in Darwin, and others in alien intervention. According to Darwin’s theory, man descended from the Neanderthal, that is, he gradually evolved from an ape to a humanoid creature. But how did Cro-Magnons, tall, slender and beautiful, appear instead of the bestial Neanderthals forty thousand years ago? After all, the study of the Neanderthal genetic code showed very big difference with the genetic code of a Cro-Magnon, that is, a modern type of person. Perhaps this mystery can be solved with the help of ancient legends, in which there are always references to certain gods who came from the sky, flying deities who descended to Earth and took as wives the most beautiful girls. “They began to go in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them,” the ancient texts say. Similar facts are described in many sources and even in the Bible. There is a version that these long-standing contacts led to the mixing of blood and the birth of healthy, beautiful people. Mysterious aliens in ancient times intervened in many earthly events; they often reconciled warring tribes and stopped wars. The writings of the prophet Ezekiel, telling about events that took place at the beginning of the sixth century BC, in particular, tell about the incident when he was on the Chebar River among the migrants. At that moment, people were thinking about how to get to the other side of the river. Suddenly a phenomenon unusual for that time appeared: “...a large cloud, fire, and spreading glow appeared. The likeness of four animals flew out of the fire; they had an appearance similar to that of a human. They had wings, and ordinary hands were visible under them. The wings touched each other, keeping them in the air. If the movement of the wings stopped, then they seemed to cover the bodies of these creatures.” One can only envy the accuracy and detail of the description of those events. The Bible mentions the most ancient encounters between man and aliens, and describes in detail the “angels” who visited the city of Sodom. According to biblical texts, these “angels” needed food and shelter, and physiologically they were so similar to people that the local “men” almost “dishonored” them. The "Angels" had to flee the city. After this there was Sodom. Holy Scripture talks about angels as humanoid creatures. However, it may very well be that everything is just the opposite - the Cro-Magnon man, that is, a modern type of man, who miraculously appeared on Earth overnight, is “angel-like.” This fantastic hypothesis is still waiting to be confirmed. It is believed that humanity in a civilized form, that is, when it began to use writing, appeared about five thousand years ago. By the standards of the Universe, this is a very short period of time. Official science prefers to delicately sidestep the question of the existence of previously highly developed civilizations. The emphasis is constantly placed on the fact that the current generation of people is the only one on the planet that has reached the pinnacle of development in technical terms, although many indirect evidence says that this is not so. In addition to Atlantis, described in their dialogues by Plato and Herodotus, and the legendary northern country Hyperboreans, there were also mainland states that at the same time reached unprecedented prosperity. Even with all the disdainful attitude of many historians towards such mythical peoples, some artifacts confirming their existence have been found, and many of them are on the territory of modern China. Unlike island states that ceased to exist due to natural disasters and went under water, the territory of the ancient Chinese empire was preserved much better. Archaeologists have discovered pyramidal structures similar to those in Egypt and South America. By the way, not so long ago Novosibirsk scientists confirmed the existence in ancient times of a single Arctic continent - Arctida-Hyperborea. According to their research published in the international journal Precambrian Research, Franz Josef Land, Spitsbergen archipelago, shelf Kara Sea and the New Siberian Islands used to be one continent. At the same time, researchers were able to prove that the continent of Arctida existed twice, with a difference of 500 million years. Previously, it was believed that after the collapse of the continent, the relief acquired modern look. However, recent studies have shown that 250 million years ago, parts of the continent were reunited again, and only after the second disintegration were the coastline shapes that we can see now formed. This discovery once again confirmed that the Indian and Slavic legends about the distant northern ancestral home are not a myth, but a description, although very ancient, but quite real events the past of humanity, in contrast to the official version of history. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Atlanteans, Hyperboreans, peoples of South America or African continents unites the possession of technologies that are fantastic even for our time. Scientists still have not been able to find the answer to how they managed to lift giant blocks during the construction of the pyramids or install giant statues on Easter Island. And there are many such examples. Take, for example, the mythical Tower of Babel, mentioned in biblical history. The described structure is reminiscent of modern skyscrapers, and accordingly, it is impossible to build it without accurate calculations of loads and analyzes of the rocks under the structure. Made only of stone, without a metal frame, the building would not be able to support even its own weight or would tilt, as happened with Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is possible that the structure in Babylon (like the pyramids) also had a completely different purpose in technical terms. There is no reliable evidence that the tower had round shape foundations, so it is possible that the Babylonians also built the pyramid. Subsequently, as we know, the building was destroyed, and the city itself fell into decay. The legends of all these peoples always mention certain gods who came from the sky... and then follows a description of some kind of apparatus, identified by contemporaries with some fantastic creature. Why no one for sure does not know how and when man appeared on Earth? After all, knowledge about nature and the teachings of great philosophers came to us thousands of years later. But knowledge about how the pyramids were built has disappeared. Knowledge about the first man also disappeared. Maybe they were deliberately “erased” from people’s memory? So where does the human race come from? With each subsequent discovery in genetics, there are fewer and fewer supporters of Darwinism, and there is more and more evidence of the impossibility of the independent origin of species. The version of the intervention of extraterrestrial intelligence is the most relevant today, especially since it is quite organically linked with religious teachings, not only current ones, but also those that have long been artifacts.

Humans are the dominant species on the planet. The smartest among us study space and provide answers to questions that were considered unsolvable just 200–300 years ago. However, we still cannot solve the main mystery - the origin of homo sapiens. We propose to consider the most common theories of how man appeared.

How did man appear on Earth?

The question of the origin of man excited the minds of people in primitive times, ancient times and continues to excite modern scientists. Throughout history, many assumptions have been made - from myths to well-founded theories.

But, no matter what fantastic or completely reasonable hypotheses are proposed, they can all be divided into three categories:

  • religious;
  • philosophical;
  • scientific.

The religious point of view is similar in concept among many peoples of the world. There are many parallels that cannot be ignored. The view of religion on the emergence of man is based on an unshakable belief in God, and therefore does not require proof. The scriptures say that this question is not worthy of attention, since man himself was not present at his creation, and therefore cannot know anything.

Philosophical hypotheses are based on initial axioms, from which, as a result of reflection, an assumption arises. Philosophers distinguish the concept of “consciousness”. According to them, this is what distinguishes us from animals. When exactly did it arise? Philosophers have been trying to solve this riddle for 2.5 thousand years.

Scientific research is based on facts that scientists obtain through research and experimentation. From these data hypothetical assumptions are born. They, in turn, are rejected or confirmed in the course of further observations. If a hypothesis is confirmed, it becomes a theory. Then it is either confirmed or refuted. In the second case, new hypotheses are put forward, and so on, until the answer is found.

The main theory of the emergence of man

WITH late XIX centuries scientists adhere general theory evolution that underlies modern biology. According to this concept, all living organisms on Earth, including humans, appeared as a result of the adaptation of species to changing natural conditions. The weak die - the strong survive.

The author of the theory was Charles Darwin, who began working on the then-hypothesis in 1837. It took him twenty years to complete the project. In front of a scientific meeting, he was supported by the eminent naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace. This is how Darwin's theory emerged, which later became the general theory of evolution.

She explains that life on Earth began about 4 billion years ago. This happened in the ocean in the so-called primordial broth of the simplest proteins, molecules and chemical elements. After millions of years, by random mutations, the first living cells appeared. They subsequently developed into complex life forms.

However, this theory does not explain many aspects, for example, where the genetic code containing information for the development of the organism came from in each cell. It is also not clear how reptiles evolved into birds and mammals. Anthropologists and paleontologists have not found any remains of creatures with a similar body structure, and among modern animals there is no one similar.

Animal mutations influenced environment Not unusual. Thus, laboratory rats raised in cold conditions produced offspring with denser fur. This explains the adaptability, but not the randomness of evolution. But even if we accept that life on the planet arose by chance, then explaining the appearance of man becomes even more difficult.

In biology lessons they say that humans belong to the class of primates, just like monkeys. Therefore, we must look for our ancestors among them. This is also confirmed by DNA, which is more than 98% identical to the genetic code of chimpanzees.

However, despite the discovered remains of Neanderthals, Cro-Magnons and Homo habilis, it has still not been possible to find an intermediate link that would provide concrete confirmation of the origin of Homo sapiens from ape-like people.

It is believed that modern man appeared in the south of the African continent and from there migrated around the world. But not everything is smooth here either. The age of the found remains of the first people in different, even the most remote, corners of the planet is almost identical. This means that the spread of man either happened very quickly, or people evolved simultaneously in all corners of the world. After this discovery, there were even more questions.

Human Origins: Theories

Despite all the inconsistencies, the theory of human origin through evolution has the most evidence. But on this moment there aren't enough of them. In the meantime, there is no absolute confirmation, other theories have a right to exist. Let's look at a few of the most common:

  1. Intervention theory. Many believe that man appeared thanks to extraterrestrial intelligence. Some people think that the first people were brought by aliens, others that the development of homo sapiens is the result of genetic experiments on animals.

There is an alternative opinion that people arrived on Earth from other galaxies, but over time they forgot about it. These theories are based on ancient drawings discovered in different parts of the planet, which depict people worshiping creatures on flying machines.

  1. The origin of man according to the Koran. According to Islamic beliefs, man was created by Allah Almighty from earth and water. He collected the earth from all corners of the Universe, which was different color. This is why the descendants of the first man differ from each other.

The Koran also says that initially Adam was hollow and did not control himself. Seeing this, Allah breathed life into him. Man began to see and hear, speech and reason appeared. According to this theory, God created Adam as a perfect, complete being, so he had no need to evolve.

  1. People are the descendants of gods. According to some legends, the first people were real giants, from 3 to 7 meters tall. Giants appeared from the union of gods and angels. This theory is based on ancient images of bats and controversial finds of huge humanoid skeletons.

Over time, the gods stopped visiting the earth, and giant people have degenerated. Cryptobiologists are confident that most of the remains found are genuine and require careful study.

  1. Aquatic theory. In the 1920s, scientist Alistair Hardy hypothesized that the transitional link in the development of modern humans was Aquapithecus, an ape-like creature that lived in an aquatic environment.

With this, the scientist explained why modern people have practically no hairline on the body. However, this theory has not become widespread and is currently not being seriously considered in the scientific world.

Despite the adherence of most scientists to evolutionary theory, the answer to the origin of man has not yet been found. Discussion of this issue sometimes develops into conflicts. However, no matter how heated the argument may be, ultimately the truth emerges from it. Remember: it is not so important how a person appeared, what matters more is what kind of people we are now.

Before considering the question “When did man appear on Earth?” we need to define what we mean by a biological being characterized by general concept"People". Today, the genus Homo (man, people) includes all living primates belonging to the family Hominidae (hominids) and the species Homo sapiens, as well as the extinct human ancestors that evolved from Australopithecus. However, some modern zoologists and geneticists are inclined to classify the common chimpanzee into the genus Homo, giving it the species name Homo troglodytes, and its younger brother, the bonobo (Homo paniscus). However, extinct primates belonging to the group Homo erectus (upright man), who lived 400 - 700 thousand years ago, whose brain volume exceeded 1000...1100 cubic centimeters, are classified as humans.

History of modern man

It is believed that the first people (Homo sapiens idaltu), with a brain volume quite close to modern humans (1300 cubic centimeters), lived on Earth 100...400 thousand years ago. In parallel with them in different regions Our planet was inhabited by intelligent and “skilled” hominids, in their skills and way of life quite close to modern humans. These are Neanderthals (Homo sapiens neanderthalensis) and Denisovan people. Moreover, the Neanderthal brain was larger in volume than the brain of modern humans, reaching a size of 1400...1740 cubic centimeters. In addition, there is currently debate about the ancient existence of Homo floresiensis, sometimes called the Javan Hobbit. These people are classified as paleoanthropes - ancient people who were replaced by neoanthropes.

The fact that Homo sapiens, Denisovan people and Neanderthals not only lived close and communicated with each other, but also interbred with each other, is evidenced by the presence of genes in the genome of some ethnic groups of modern people.

According to one theory, the ancestors of Homo sapiens came from Africa, from where they settled in Hindustan, Asia Minor and the European continent. In the genome European peoples noted greatest number genes of Neanderthals (1%...3%), who can be considered the indigenous “inhabitants” of Europe. At the same time, in the chromosomes of Asian peoples, in particular Tibetans, the “EPAS1” gene of Denisovan man was discovered, which is responsible for adaptation to high mountains in rarefied air conditions.

According to the latter hypothesis, all three subspecies of Homo had common ancestor. At the same time, Denisovans and Neanderthals separated into independent subspecies about 700...765 thousand years ago, and the evolutionary paths of Neanderthals and the direct ancestors of modern humans diverged about 588 thousand years ago.

Theocratic theories of the emergence of man

Each religion gives its own interpretation of the appearance of Homo sapiens on Earth. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, for which the Book of Genesis is included in the Pentateuch of the Jews, the Koran of the Mohammedans and the Bible of the Christians, the first people created by God were Adam and Eve. In Judaism, there are two versions of the appearance of the first woman:

  • according to the first version, Adam and his woman Lilith were created simultaneously from clay;
  • in the second version, Eve was created from Adam's rib.

According to these religions, the first people were created on the sixth day after the creation of the World or in 3760 BC according to the Jewish calendar or in 5509 BC according to the Julian calendar. However, modern Christianity moves away from the question of the exact date of the appearance of man on Earth, seeking to bring together biblical legends and scientific data. We should treat religious issues with care, and citing the pros and cons of any theocratic theory will be considered inappropriate and unethical.

Esoteric theories of the appearance of man

None of the esoteric (paranormal) theories gives not only an exact, but even an approximate answer about the time of the appearance of man on our planet. However, any of them implies that the formation of Homo sapiens occurred due to the intervention of alien, intelligent beings who have either a highly developed civilization or a supercivilization. To simplify, we can say that the appearance of man on Earth is directly related to the activities of alien intelligence. In this case, there are four options for the appearance of Homo sapiens:

  • direct crossing of primitive hominids with aliens;
  • the use of genetic engineering by representatives of alien civilizations;
  • the influence of the universal (world) supermind on the quality and speed of evolution on Earth, as a result of which the emergence of Homo sapiens occurred;
  • creating the first sentient beings by cloning alien sentient material (similar to Dolly the sheep) or growing homunculi in vitro.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the exact date When man appeared on Earth is impossible, and it is conventionally believed that neoanthropes or Cro-Magnons - people of modern appearance - appeared on our planet about 40 thousand years ago, having defeated Denisovan man and Neanderthals in the evolutionary struggle.

Scientists, theologians, philosophers - everyone has been trying since ancient times to answer the question of where man came from on Earth. At the same time, theorists were divided into three camps: some believe in God's providence, others in Darwin, and others in alien intervention.

According to Darwin's theory, man descended from Neanderthal man, that is, he gradually evolved from a monkey to a humanoid creature. But how did Cro-Magnons, tall, slender and beautiful, appear instead of the bestial Neanderthals forty thousand years ago? After all, the study of the genetic code of a Neanderthal man showed a very big difference with the genetic code of a Cro-Magnon man, that is, a modern type of person.

Perhaps this mystery can be solved with the help of ancient legends, in which there are always references to certain gods who came from the sky, flying deities who descended to Earth and took the most beautiful girls as wives. “They began to go in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them,” the ancient texts say.

Similar facts are described in many sources and even in the Bible. There is a version that these long-standing contacts led to the mixing of blood and the birth of healthy, beautiful people.

Mysterious aliens in ancient times intervened in many earthly events; they often reconciled warring tribes and stopped wars. The writings of the prophet Ezekiel, telling about events that took place at the beginning of the sixth century BC, in particular, tell about the incident when he was on the Chebar River among the migrants.

At that moment, people were thinking about how to get to the other side of the river. Suddenly a phenomenon unusual for that time appeared: “...a large cloud, fire, and spreading glow appeared. The likeness of four animals flew out of the fire; they had an appearance similar to that of a human.

They had wings, and ordinary hands were visible under them. The wings touched each other, keeping them in the air. If the movement of the wings stopped, then they seemed to cover the bodies of these creatures.” One can only envy the accuracy and detail of the description of those events.

The Bible mentions the most ancient encounters between man and aliens, and describes in detail the “angels” who visited the city of Sodom. According to biblical texts, these “angels” needed food and shelter, and physiologically they were so similar to people that the local “men” almost “dishonored” them. The "Angels" had to flee the city. After this, Sodom was destroyed. Holy Scripture talks about angels as humanoid creatures.

However, it may very well be that everything is just the opposite - the Cro-Magnon man, that is, a modern type of man, who miraculously appeared on Earth overnight, is “angel-like.” This fantastic hypothesis is still waiting to be confirmed.

It is believed that humanity in a civilized form, that is, when it began to use writing, appeared about five thousand years ago. By the standards of the Universe, this is a very short period of time. Official science prefers to delicately sidestep the question of the existence of previously highly developed civilizations.

There is constant emphasis on the fact that the current generation of people is the only one on the planet that has reached the pinnacle of development in technical terms, although many indirect evidence suggests that this is not so.

In addition to Atlantis, described in their dialogues by Plato and Herodotus, and the legendary northern country of Hyperborea, there were also mainland states that reached unprecedented prosperity at the same time. Even with all the disdainful attitude of many historians towards such mythical peoples, some artifacts confirming their existence have been found, and many of them are on the territory of modern China. In contrast

from the island states that ceased to exist due to natural disasters and went under water, the territory of the ancient Chinese empire was preserved much better. Archaeologists have discovered pyramidal structures similar to those in Egypt and South America.

By the way, not so long ago, Novosibirsk scientists confirmed the existence in ancient times of a single Arctic continent - Arctida-Hyperborea. According to their research, published in the international journal Precambrian Research, Franz Josef Land, the Spitsbergen archipelago, the Kara Sea shelf and the New Siberian Islands used to be one continent.
At the same time, researchers were able to prove that the continent of Arctida existed twice, with a difference of 500 million years.

Before this, it was believed that after the collapse of the continent, the relief acquired its modern appearance. However, recent studies have shown that 250 million years ago, parts of the continent were reunited again, and only after the second disintegration were the coastline shapes that we can see now formed.

This discovery once again confirmed that the Indian and Slavic legends about the distant northern ancestral home are not a myth, but a description, albeit very ancient, but very real events of the past of humanity, in contrast to the official version of history.

The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Atlanteans, Hyperboreans, peoples of the South American or African continents were united by the possession of technologies that were fantastic even for our time. Scientists still have not been able to find the answer to how they managed to lift giant blocks during the construction of the pyramids or install giant statues on Easter Island.

And there are many such examples. Take, for example, the mythical Tower of Babel, mentioned in biblical history. The described structure is reminiscent of modern skyscrapers, and accordingly, it is impossible to build it without accurate calculations of loads and analyzes of the rocks under the structure.

Made only of stone, without a metal frame, the building would not be able to support even its own weight or would tilt, as happened with the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It is possible that the structure in Babylon (like the pyramids) also had a completely different purpose in technical terms. There is no reliable evidence that the tower had a round base, so it is possible that the Babylonians also built a pyramid. Subsequently, as we know, the building was destroyed, and the city itself fell into decay.

The legends of all these peoples always mention certain gods who came from the sky... and then follows a description of some apparatus, identified by contemporaries with some fantastic creature.

Why does no one know exactly how and when man appeared on Earth? After all, knowledge about nature and the teachings of great philosophers came to us thousands of years later. But knowledge about how the pyramids were built has disappeared. Knowledge about the first man also disappeared. Maybe they were deliberately “erased” from people’s memory?

So where does the human race come from? With each subsequent discovery in genetics, there are fewer and fewer supporters of Darwinism, and there is more and more evidence of the impossibility of the independent origin of species.

The version of the intervention of extraterrestrial intelligence is the most relevant today, especially since it is quite organically linked with religious teachings, not only current ones, but also those that have long been artifacts.
