Stella Baranovskaya died after a long battle with cancer. Actress Stella Baranovskaya died of cancer: she was accused of spending the money collected for treatment on buying apartments and cars. Who does Stella Baranovskaya’s child live with?

Human rights activist Katya Gordon spoke about Stella’s passing on her Instagram page. For the past year and a half, the girl has been battling cancer, and there has been heated discussion of her illness throughout the country. Who is she: a fraudster or a seriously ill patient?

Baranovskaya was not known until early 2016. But everything changed when she was diagnosed terrible disease- acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Many stars called for help for the young actress, publishing in in social networks records of her serious illness. Thanks to the efforts of Anfisa Chekhova, Anna Semenovich and many others, the whole country learned about Baranovskaya’s misfortune. They started collecting money for her treatment, but soon many began to wonder: did the girl really have cancer?

Photos of Baranovskaya from expensive resorts around the world began to appear online. And she didn’t look like a cancer patient: the girl, who was not even thirty, looked very lively and even seductive.

At the end of 2016, Stella took part in the “Live Broadcast” program. There she explained that chemotherapy did not help, and she turned to alternative treatments. The audience was divided into two camps: some believed the actress, while others just decided that she was a fraud.

Biography of Stella Baranovskaya

Stella Baranovskaya became known after the scandal. which flared up at the beginning of 2016. A 28-year-old girl wrote on social networks that she was able to achieve a transfer of acute lymphoblastic leukemia into remission. However, some Internet users did not believe her, deciding that she allegedly invented the disease by collecting money from gullible citizens.

Stella decided to answer all the accusations publicly, speaking on a number of television shows on federal channels. So, she appeared on the talk show “Live”, where she explained: indeed, she went into remission, but metastases went to the brain. The girl was forced to make excuses in response to the attacks.

Larisa Kryuchonkova, Stella’s mother, supported her daughter’s choice in terms of unconventional methods and examination: “I was in the hospital with her. I was allowed to live in the ward. I saw how she felt after chemotherapy.”

Stella Baranovskaya continued her treatment by going to Mexico to see a certain healer who promised a cure for cancer, but the girl was unable to meet with him.

On September 4, 2017, Stella Baranovskaya passed away at the age of 29, as reported on Instagram by her friends Katya Gordon and Anfisa Chekhova.

IN last days Stella could no longer walk, she was in terrible pain. Next to her were her close friends, TV presenters Lera Kudryavtseva and Anfisa Chekhova, and singer Zara. After Stella's death, they were organizing her funeral.

Shortly before her death, Stella Baranovskaya turned to Katya Gordon's law office in order to determine the paternity of her son Dani and draw up a will, but they did not have time to file a lawsuit. It is known that the child's father's name is Maxim Kotin, and the son of Stella Baranovskaya, according to Gordon, looks exactly like a man.

After the death of Stella Baranovskaya, Katya Gordon recorded a video message, which she published on Instagram: “...Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pain. And there was never any exorbitant money collected allegedly for pseudo-diseases... Stella died some kind of martyrdom... in wild pain and worried that you, Max Kotin, even in this situation turned your back on your little son..."

Stella named the father of the child as Maxim Kotin, the son of Irina Winter, interior designer and art director of the Mosfilm Gallery, and Igor Kotin, head of the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. However, Maxim, who at one time insisted on an abortion and never recognized Danya as his son, does not take any part in his life.

Danya now lives with Stella’s mother, she is his official guardian. She tries to take good care of her grandson: he goes to school and various clubs, and draws very well. But grandma’s small pension is still not enough, and that’s why they get help ex-girlfriends Stellas - Anfisa Chekhova, Zara, Katya Gordon.

All the hysteria around the adoption is over, Dani’s father and his family never got in touch and the boy was not recognized, although everyone knows perfectly well that this is Maxim’s child - the resemblance is striking.

But I can’t understand, well, if you’re not sure that the child is yours, take a paternity test and live with a clear conscience. What's stopping you from proving that everyone is lying and you're not the father? But he completely denies himself and behaves unmanly. However, like his whole family - low and mean...

Stella may rest in peace, and we all have a lesson - don’t give birth to children from men who don’t want it and are not at all worth such sacrifices...

According to Katya Gordon, the actress died in agony. In recent months, Stella Baranovskaya was supported by Anfisa Chekhova, Zara and Lera Kudryavtseva, and some relatives turned away from Stella. The woman left behind a small child.

04.09.2017 10:42

Lawyer Katya Gordon announced on Instagram that actress Stella Baranovskaya had died. long time struggling with serious cancer– acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In December, a woman came to the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program and talked about the procedures she had to go through.

StarHit contacted Katya Gordon to find out how Stella Baranovskaya spent her last days. According to the lawyer, the actress was helped by her star friends - Lera Kudryavtseva, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. However, the disease progressed and the woman’s condition did not improve.

“We have been in touch for the last few days, Stella’s child even stayed at my house... Stella’s grandmother and her friend Olya told me this sad news at five in the morning. Now we are organizing the funeral... In recent days, she could not walk and experienced hellish pain,” the lawyer told StarHit.

Stella Baranovskaya had spiteful critics who treated her extremely unkindly and harassed the actress on social networks. Among them was Madina Tatraeva, who also took part in the filming of a talk show with Boris Korchevnikov. Katya Gordon said that such speculation is not true. Baranovskaya refused traditional treatment methods because they did not help her.

“I want to debunk all the rumors that were circulating behind Stella’s back. They said that she allegedly refused treatment. She did not refuse treatment and underwent more than one course of chemotherapy. There is everything medical documents. It just didn’t help Stella at some point. It’s not for us to condemn a person who was in serious condition and resorted to different treatment methods,” Gordon shared.

According to the lawyer, Stella Baranovskaya did not have the significant amounts of money that spiteful critics attributed to her. “She didn’t even have her own home in Moscow,” says Gordon. The actress and Anfisa Chekhova turned to Katya to determine the paternity of her child and draw up a will. However, Baranovskaya’s plans were not destined to come true.

“We filed a lawsuit and were going to file for paternity, but Stella was in critical condition. We didn't have time to file a claim. I wrote requests for help to Stella, so that she would know that her child, who is exactly like Maxim (the alleged father of the actress’s son - Approx.), would not be abandoned, but they remained unanswered. Stella was never a charlatan and died in the wildest pain. And there was never any exorbitant money collected allegedly for pseudo-diseases. And the car was given to her by her friend Artem, with whom she had been friends since childhood,” Gordon said.

TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva is also having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that Stella Baranovskaya passed away so early. She shared her grief with fans on social networks.

“The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl has passed away. I can't believe it and find it the right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials befell you on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl,” a friend of Baranovskaya wrote on the microblog.

Stella Baranovskaya. The 30-year-old actress has been battling the diagnosis since 2016. She refused chemotherapy, preferring alternative medicine. In this regard, many did not believe Stella and accused her of collecting money for the treatment of a non-existent disease.

She would have turned 31 on July 26th. This date was remembered by a close friend of the deceased artist Anfisa Chekhova. Star told about the fate of Stella Dani's six-year-old son.

“There was never any talk about identifying the boy; his grandmother is the official guardian. And she never gave up custody. In the everyday sense, I'm sure she takes good care of Dana. He goes to school and to various clubs,” shared Chekhova (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note ed.).


Anfisa noted that Baranovskaya’s fiancé abandoned his son: “Dani’s father and his family never got in touch and the boy was not recognized. But it's their choice and new circle karmic debts and detention." According to media reports, Stella's chosen one turned away from her when he learned about her serious illness.

Chekhova also announced that she plans to publish the actress’s manuscripts. “What she needed most in Life was Love! Most often in Life she encountered Betrayal! Her Life was like an action-packed dramatic novel. She was writing an autobiographical book, but all the manuscripts remained in a corrupted computer, which, by right of inheritance, went to her mother. I hope that someday we will be able to publish what she managed to write.”

Baranovskaya was not known until early 2016. But everything changed when she was diagnosed with a terrible disease - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Many stars called for help for the young actress by posting on social networks about her serious illness. Thanks to the efforts of Anfisa Chekhova, Anna Semenovich and many others, the whole country learned about Baranovskaya’s misfortune. They started collecting money for her treatment, but soon many began to wonder: did the girl really have cancer?

Photos of Baranovskaya from expensive resorts around the world began to appear online. And she didn’t look like a cancer patient: the girl, who was not even thirty, looked very lively and even seductive.

At the end of 2016, Stella took part in the “Live Broadcast” program. There she explained that chemotherapy did not help, and she turned to alternative treatments. The audience was divided into two camps: some believed the actress, while others just decided that she was a fraud.

But on the morning of September 4, sad news came. Stella Baranovskaya died. She died “in wild agony” - Katya Gordon spoke about this through tears on her Instagram page:

Perhaps one of the worst blows for Stella was that some of the people closest to her also turned away from her.

She " desperately believed in a miracle. And also in the people... who let her down», — Anfisa Chekhova writes on Instagram.

Stella has a small daughter.
