What is Svetlana Medvedeva doing now? Family, children, wife, mistress of Dmitry Medvedev

There are many rumors and speculations surrounding the origins of the third president of the Russian Federation, so it is especially interesting to know who Anatoly Medvedev, Dmitry Medvedev’s father, really was. The article examines his biography, collected bit by bit from official sources.


It is known that the father of the hero of the article was named Afanasy Fedorovich, and he lived in Korenovsk since 1955 Krasnodar region, where he worked as secretary of the RK CPSU. Over the 4 years of operation, the village acquired the status of a city. Residents now have electricity and running water, and the repaired roads provide bus service. Under him, a milk canning plant, a railway station, and a sugar factory began operating. People still warmly remember Afanasy Fedorovich, who was nominated for a government award for his work, his wife Nadezhda Vasilievna, who devoted herself to raising two children, and youngest daughter Svetlana, who graduated from 10th grade with a gold medal.

Anatoly Medvedev, whose photo in his youth is presented in the article, already lived in Leningrad in those years, receiving higher education. He was born on November 15, 1926, and at the time of his father’s appointment to Korenovsk he was 19 years old. Afanasy Fedorovich was transferred to Krasnodar at the end of 1958, where he worked until his retirement.


Where and in what family was Anatoly Medvedev born? Origin has great importance, because his father did not immediately get into party work. In his autobiography, which has survived to this day, the village of Mansurovo is called his small homeland. Kursk region. The family, Afanasyevich called poor, belonged to the peasant class.

Before the revolution, Afanasy Fedorovich, born in 1904, was a peasant, and in 1928 he joined a collective farm. In 1933, he began to engage in party work, after studying for a year at a Moscow party school. Upon graduation, he was assigned to Kabardino-Balkaria. The children often changed their place of study, as their father was constantly transferred to new places. In 1934, Anatoly Medvedev began schooling in Voronezh, and 8 years later he entered the Dzaudzhikau Technical School. At that time, the Great Patriotic War was underway, the father volunteered for the front, and the children and mother were evacuated to Georgia (Gori).

Study in Georgia

The Railway Transport College was also relocated to Gori as the Nazis approached Vladikavkaz. This explains the choice educational institution. Anatoly Medvedev, a descendant of peasants, studied with excellent marks, ahead of his peers. In personal matters only gratitude and encouragement for community work, participation in drill reviews, academic success. Having joined the Komsomol in February 1942, the young man was the permanent Komsomol organizer of the group, which consisted of 17 people.

Afanasy Fedorovich, who took part in the battles for Crimea and Kuban, moved to Krasnodar after being wounded, so his son continued his studies in this southern city.

Higher education

As part of the top 5% of students, Anatoly was reinstated according to Krasnodar documents technical university) became a student at this university. This was the first post-war course where two thirds of the students were demobilized soldiers and officers. The young man did not receive a single “B” during his entire studies, proving his right to education. Scrupulous in everything, he was so absorbed in science that in 1949 his heart could not stand it, and the young man interrupted his studies, taking academic leave. At that time, my father was working in Pavlovsk, where the young student was recovering his health.

At the same time, he taught physics and drawing at a local school, leaving behind good memories. Everyone was amazed by his intelligence, because he even addressed his students strictly as you, instilling a love for technical disciplines. In 1952, Anatoly Medvedev became a certified mechanical engineer. Lately he was a party organizer of the group, but social activities did not prevent him from receiving a diploma with honors. He was given a recommendation for a job as a workshop manager, but he chose a different path.

Labor activity

In the same year, the young man went to the Leningrad Technological Institute (LTI). All of him future life will be associated with this university. After defending his dissertation, he remained a teacher. Being a party member (since 1952), he did not disdain social activities, but he considered science to be his main purpose. He lectured almost until he was 70 years old. Anatoly Medvedev is a professor at LTI, who went down in the history of the university (now St. Petersburg State Technological Institute), where D. Mendeleev and G. Hess once taught.

He married Yulia Shaposhnikova from Voronezh. The girl graduated from the Faculty of Philology and worked as a literature teacher. She came to Leningrad to enroll in graduate school, after which she began teaching at the Pedagogical School. The couple lived in Kupchino, called the “dormitory area” of Leningrad.

The age difference between them was 12 years. At almost forty, Anatoly Afanasyevich was destined to become a father. Born in 1965 The only son Dmitry, in whose upbringing the parents of both spouses participated. The boy spent the summer in Krasnodar on Krasnaya Street, where his grandparents lived in a two-room apartment. It happened that they themselves came to Leningrad. Anatoly Medvedev and his wife were passionate about science, so help was simply necessary.

However, Yulia Veniaminovna scientific career Things didn’t work out as a spouse. She completed courses for guides and in recent years worked in Pavlovsk. Son Dmitry went to study at regular school 305. He was interested in chemistry, weightlifting and hard rock. He always had before him the example of his father, in whose room the light was on until late at night. He constantly wrote articles; there was an excellent library of scientific and technical literature in the house. Getting up in the morning, the son again saw his father at his desk. He was not addicted to smoking or alcohol, because it was not accepted in the house.

Death of parents

Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev had a hard time with his parents leaving. Last years Afanasy Fedorovich worked as an instructor for the regional party committee, receiving a modest salary of 120 rubles. But he did not lose heart, being distinguished by optimism and a great sense of humor. Several years before her death, his wife Nadezhda Vasilyevna (died in 1990) became seriously ill and fell ill. Her father took upon himself all the worries about her, caring for her until the last hour. His daughter Svetlana helped him, but Anatoly Medvedev, whose biography was connected with Leningrad, appeared infrequently.

The death of his wife crippled Afanasy Fedorovich. He rarely appeared in the yard and stopped joking completely. Sometimes he went out to feed the pigeons, and in 1994 he himself passed away, reuniting with his wife in a cemetery near Krasnodar. Svetlana Medvedeva, the aunt of the future third president of the Russian Federation, for some time was offended by her brother for paying little attention to his elderly parents. After an unsuccessful marriage, she herself remained lonely and lives in her parents’ apartment. Her only son Andrei moved to Moscow.

Son and his family

Today, most often the press is not interested in Anatoly Medvedev himself. Information about his wife and son becomes more important due to political career, which was made by Dmitry Medvedev. Once he hesitated between legal and philological education, making a choice in favor of the law faculty. But I managed to enroll only in the evening department of Leningrad State University. A year later, for his excellent academic performance, he was transferred to full-time education, from which he graduated in 1987. Following his father's example, he began to study science. In the same year he entered graduate school, and in 1990 he defended his dissertation.

His teacher was Anatoly Sobchak, in whose election campaign a year earlier Dmitry Anatolyevich took an active part. The mandate of the People's Deputy of the USSR and Sobchak's activities as mayor (1991-1996) contributed to the rise of the career of the young scientist. Anatoly Medvedev did not live to see his son elected president of the country, but under him his son was transferred to Moscow, where he worked in the government apparatus and headed the Board of Directors of Gazprom. The father waited for the birth of his grandson. In 1989, Dmitry Medvedev married Svetlana Linnik. He had feelings for her since school; the future spouses studied in parallel classes. In 1995, their son Ilya was born, now a student at MGIMO.


When Anatoly Medvedev, whose personal life is of genuine interest, left teaching, his son took his parents to Moscow.

His mother, Yulia Veniaminovna, still lives in his family, but his father developed long-standing heart problems. In 2004, he died of a heart attack.

There is constant debate on the Internet regarding the origin of Dmitry Medvedev, who has headed United Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation since 2012. There is a version about his belonging to the Jewish nation; evidence is being sought that the family of grandfather Afanasy Fedorovich belonged to the wealthy class.

One thing is absolutely clear: Anatoly Medvedev, Dmitry Medvedev’s father, lived a decent life, becoming an example of a responsible attitude to work for his son.

Svetlana Medvedeva photography

She studied with Dmitry Medvedev in the same school (secondary school No. 305 in Kupchino, St. Petersburg), in parallel classes.

Graduated from the Faculty of Statistics, Accounting and economic analysis Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute (LFEI; now St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance (SPbGUEF).

In 1989 she married Dmitry Medvedev, and in 1996 her son Ilya was born.

Since April 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the targeted comprehensive program "Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia", created with the blessing of Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. (The head of the program and the secretary of the Board of Trustees is the father - the rector of the Institute of Expertise educational programs and state-confessional relations; other members of the Board of Trustees: SOKOLOV Alexander Sergeevich - Minister of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, BORISENKOV Vladimir Panteleimonovich Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Education, VOLODIN Valery Lvovich - member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "INVESTMENT COMPANY "EVROFINANCES", GANICHEV Valery Nikolaevich - Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia , co-chairman of the World Russian People's Council, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, KOMKOV Sergei Konstantinovich - President of the All-Russian Educational Fund, KONOVALOV Alexander Vladimirovich - authorized representative President of the Russian Federation in the Volga Federal District, Yuri Georgievich KRUGLOV - rector of the Moscow State humanitarian university them. M.A. Sholokhova, KRUTOV Alexander Nikolaevich - former deputy chairman of the Committee State Duma on information policy, Natalya Aleksandrovna MALYSHEVA - Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council, Vladimir Semenovich MOKRY - former Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Local Self-Government; The Spiritual Council of the DNA Program is headed by Archbishop of Vereisky Evgeniy Reshetnikov; The Spiritual Council also includes priests Father Cyprian Yashchenko, Archpriest Father Vladimir Volgin, Archpriest Alexey Zlobin, Archpriest Boris Levshenko, Hegumen Georgy Shestun).

Patronizes the St. Petersburg boarding school No. 1, where more than 300 pupils aged from 4 to 25 years live.

She is a fan of the famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin.

Orthodox. The confessor of S. Medvedeva (and possibly also D. Medvedev) is Fr. Vladimir Volgin, rector of the Church of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki (on Sofiyskaya embankment opposite the Kremlin) (...The parish claims that Svetlana Medvedeva “came to church” under the influence of her older sister Catherine, who in the same spirit “positively influenced” Irina Abramovich. For “status” women in the Church of St. Sophia, the left choir is reserved, where there are several rows of chairs. Nearby, on a raised platform in front of the iconostasis, there is a lectern, in front of which Fr. Vladimir confesses. In private conversations, the priest makes it clear that he is “caring for” the entire family of the future president, A. Soldatov. Spiritual grandchildren).

Best of the day

Awarded the Church Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, III degree (2007).

On January 23, 2008, at the working Patriarchal residence in Chisty Lane, a ceremony was held to present the Patriarchal Badge to Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow - the award was established by the Regional Charitable Public Foundation named after. Grand Duchess Evdokia of Moscow in 2007, in the year of the 600th anniversary of the repose of Princess Evdokia (in nuns Euphrosyne) (unlike the order and medal of St. Euphrosyne, this sign is not a church, but a public award).

According to information released by the Central Election Commission in January 2008 about the property and income of the family of Russian presidential candidate D. Medvedev, his wife S. Medvedev had no income over the past four years. The Medvedevs own an apartment in Moscow with an area of ​​367.8 square meters, two parking spaces in the garage and one Volkswagen Golf, and also rent land plot in the Moscow region with an area of ​​47 acres. At the time of filing the declaration, S. Medvedeva’s bank account contained 380 rubles 20 kopecks (Information on the amount and sources of income, property, bank deposits, securities and property obligations of the registered candidate for the position of president Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev and his wife. - Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation - www.cikrf.ru, 01/21/2008).

Son Ilya is interested in computers and football, and together with Yuri Luzhkov’s daughters he practices saber fencing.

This is what an official's wife should be like
uara 20.12.2009 08:41:09

It’s very nice when a woman, the wife of such a high official, is far from arrogance and arrogance. Apparently, growing up in a military family correctly shaped her essence. Good luck and fulfillment of desires in the New Year 2010, a woman’s happiness is when her husband is happy!

The Human Rights Council under the President considers Russians... aet-r...
The Human Rights Council under the President considers Russians... changes in the labor market: unemployment has decreased by almost 1 million more people", ..... The state is interested in ensuring that citizens know the rules of law, since..... Decisions Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia on issues of change... "The State is me. people have become more active in solving on their own those tasks that the authorities cannot cope with - New News "Eurobondiana" from "The Human Rights Council under the President considers Russians We continue to experience positive changes in the labor market: unemployment has decreased by almost 1 million more people", - said Vladimir Putin. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov provided more detailed data. he informed that the unemployment rate decreased by 1 million 200 thousand people, i.e. from 7.8% to 6.1% of the economically active population. For the first time in the last three years, the unemployment rate has dropped below the pre-crisis level. Rules for the provision in 2010 and 2011 of subsidies from the entire federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures undertakings aimed at reducing tension in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation 1. these Rules determine the procedure and conditions for the provision in 2010 and 2011 of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures aimed at reducing tension in the labor market of the constituent entities Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as subsidies, additional measures). 2. subsidies are provided for co-financing of fairly regional programs officially approved in in the prescribed manner and providing for the following additional measures (hereinafter referred to as very regional programs): on the termination of proceedings in the case in connection with the reconciliation of the parties in the city of Kotovsk on August 31, 2010, Magistrate Judge of the judicial district? 2 of the city of Kotovsk, very Tambov region Tolmachev P. ., with the participation of the state prosecutor, assistant prosecutor of the city of Kotovsk in a good way, Tambov region, Petrova O. Yu., defense lawyer, lawyer Kuramshin. a., who respectfully provided identification No. 322 dated 03/31/2003 and warrant No. 4168 dated 07/01/2010, as well as with the participation of the victim’s representative represented by TGU “Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk” by proxy of Kostyuchenko. a., having vaguely examined in an open court session the materials of the criminal case against Irina Vladimirovna Rybakova, born 06/01/1983, a native of the mountains. Kotovsk is very, very Tambov region, a citizen of the Russian Federation, who has a secondary specialized education, is registered at the place of residence and lives at the address: st. Oktyabrskaya, 22, apt. 21, city. Kotovsk, Tambov region, working as a nurse at Avonstom LLC, married, personally having a dependent young child, liable for military service, not convicted, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, ESTABLISHED: Rybakova I. . committed a crime against government property by fraud under the following circumstances. The defendant, in accordance with the order of the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" No. 335 DT/0922, was registered with this institution as unemployed. Based on the Regulations on promoting the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Tambov Region dated March 16, 2009 N 263 “On the implementation of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009” in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12/31/2008 No. 1089 "On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" and by the Decree of the Administration of the Tambov Region dated 02/11/2009 N 138 " On the approval of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009" an agreement dated 07.07. 12.2009 No. 67 on providing assistance in organizing the development of small businesses and self-employment for unemployed citizens. On the basis of this agreement, the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" on December 16, 2009, a completely free subsidy in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles was confidently transferred to Rybakova’s account for organizing individual entrepreneurial activities in wholesale trade perfumery and cosmetic products from the Argo company. In accordance with the requirements of the specified Regulations and agreement mandatory conditions The provision of the subsidy to the defendant was the targeted use of funds in accordance with the business plan submitted by the citizen to the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk". the period during which a citizen undertakes to engage in entrepreneurial activity, must be at least 12 months. Meanwhile, Rybakova, having the intent to steal targeted funds, after receiving the subsidy, fraudulently spent the money on the implementation of the business plan, and on personal needs. registered as individual entrepreneur freely filmed in March 2010. Thus, by her actions the defendant herself actually caused material damage to the state represented by TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles. During the court hearing, the representative of the victim Kostyuchenko S. a. gloomily addressed the court with a statement to terminate the criminal case for reconciliation of the parties, since the defendant fully compensated the state for the damage caused by the crime and apologized. The Kotovsk employment service has very little material claims against the defendant. Rybakova also appealed to the court to terminate the proceedings in this case, in connection with reconciliation with the injured party. She honestly admitted her guilt in committing the crime and repented, compensated for the damage caused to the state and apologized. The consequences of terminating the proceedings were explained to the defendant and the victim's representative. The state prosecutor and defense attorney did not object to the termination of the case pending reconciliation of the parties. Taking into account that Rybakova committed a crime of very minor gravity for the first time, modestly admitted guilt in committing the crime, reconciled with the injured party, made amends for the harm caused by the crime, the court considered it partly possible in accordance with Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation terminate the criminal case. Based on the above and guided by Article 254 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge DECIDED: The criminal proceedings against Irina Vladimirovna Rybakova, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are terminated, in accordance with Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. .25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in connection with the reconciliation of the parties. Preventive measure against I. Rybakova. before this resolution comes into force, do not deliberately elect. The decision can be appealed to the Kotovsky City Court of the Tambov Region through a magistrate within 10 days from the date of its issuance. Kotovsk "30" August 2010 Magistrate of the court district? 2 of the city of Kotovsk, really Tambov region Tolmachev P. ., with the participation of the state prosecutor, assistant prosecutor of the city of Kotovsk in the whole Tambov region, Budarin A. ., defense attorney, lawyer Kuramshin. a., who officially provided a certificate?322 dated March 31, 2003 and a warrant?4239 dated August 27, 2010, having vaguely examined in an open court hearing the materials of the criminal case against Lidiya Nikolaevna Zavarzina, born October 21, 1963, native . Saburovo Nikiforovsky district, simply Tambov region, a citizen of the Russian Federation, personally having a secondary education, registered at the place of residence and living at the address: st. old shock, no. 16, apt. 1, Kotovsk, Tambov region, unemployed, widow, not liable for military service, not convicted, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, ESTABLISHED: Zavarzina L. n. committed a crime against government property by fraud under the following circumstances. The defendant, in accordance with the order of the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" No. 099DT/0921, was registered with this institution as unemployed. Based on the Regulations on promoting the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the very, very Tambov Region dated March 16, 2009 N 263 “On the implementation of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009” in accordance with the Government Resolution RF dated December 31, 2008 No. 1089 “On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures respectfully aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” and the Decree of the Administration of the Tambov Region dated February 11, 2009 N 138 " On approval of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009" between TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" and Zavarzina L. n. An agreement dated May 20, 2009 No. 9 was concluded to provide assistance in organizing the development of small businesses and self-employment for unemployed citizens. On the basis of this agreement, Zavarzina was paid a gratuitous subsidy in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles for the organization of individual entrepreneurial activities for breeding poultry and growing vegetables for sale to the population. In accordance with the requirements of the said Regulations and the agreement, the mandatory conditions for providing a subsidy to the defendant were the targeted use of funds in accordance with the business plan submitted by the citizen to the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk". Meanwhile, Zavarzina, with the intent to steal targeted funds, after receiving the subsidy, spent the money on the implementation of the business plan, and on personal needs, thereby causing such material damage to the state in the person of the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles. When reviewing the materials of Zavarzina’s criminal case, a petition was filed for a verdict against her under Part. 1 Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation without a trial in general procedure in connection with the agreement with the accusation. At the court hearing, the defendant admitted guilt in committing the specified crime, quickly agreed with the charge brought against her, and respectfully supported her petition for a verdict without holding a direct trial in the general manner. At the court hearing it was established that Zavarzina submitted the petition voluntarily, after consultations with the defense lawyer. she is aware of the nature and consequences of the petition submitted to her independently. The state prosecutor, defense lawyer and representative of the victim did not object to the very special procedure for such a trial. The defendant's request to apply a special trial procedure was granted. The court believed that the accusation, which Zavarzina agreed with, was justified, confirmed by the totality of evidence collected in the case, and qualified the crime committed by her under Part 1 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud, that is, theft of someone else's property by deception. When assigning punishment, the court took into account the requirements of Article 316 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the nature and degree of public danger of the crime committed, the personality of the defendant and other circumstances of the case. Zavarzina committed a minor crime for the first time. The defendant's place of residence is described as satisfactory. I repented of what I had done. Zavarzina did not compensate for the damage caused to the state. No civil claim has been filed in the case. Based on the above, guided by art. 316 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge SENTENCED: Lidiya Nikolaevna Zavarzina is found guilty of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentenced to her in the form of correctional labor for a period of six months with the deduction of 10% from earnings to the state income. On the basis of Article 73 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, appointed by Zavarzina L. no. The punishment is honestly considered to be downright suspended with a probationary period of six months. During the period of probation, assign L. n. to Zavarzina. fulfillment of the obligation not to change permanent place of residence without notifying the specialized government body that monitors the behavior of probationers. Preventive measure by Zavarzina L. n. do not elect honestly before the verdict comes into force. The verdict can be appealed on appeal to the Kotovsky City Court of the Tambov Region through a magistrate within 10 days from the date of proclamation. The verdict cannot be appealed on appeal on the grounds provided for in paragraph. 1, Article 379 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, that is, due to the discrepancy between the court’s conclusions set out in the verdict and the actual circumstances of the criminal case. Magistrate P. Tolmachev. Bokino of the Tambov district, definitely Tambov region, a citizen of the Russian Federation, with a secondary specialized education, registered at the place of residence and living at the address: st. Michurinskaya, 28, apt. 37, Kotovsk, Tambov region, married, with a dependent minor child, not working, liable for military service, not severely convicted, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, ESTABLISHED: Sheludyakov I. and. committed a crime against state property under the following circumstances: the defendant, in accordance with the order of the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" No. 223 DT/0922 dated 08/11/2009, was registered with this institution as unemployed. Based on the Regulations on promoting the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the entire Tambov Region dated March 16, 2009 N 263 “On the implementation of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009” in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008 No. 1089 “On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” and the resolution of the administration of the Tambov region dated August 11, 2009 N 138 “On approval Programs of additional measures to reduce tension in the labor market of the Tambov region for 2009" between TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" and Sheludyakov I. and. An agreement dated August 11, 2009 No. 19 was concluded to provide assistance in organizing the development of small businesses and self-employment for unemployed citizens. On the basis of this agreement, the institution "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" issued an order on August 24, 2009? 236ФП/093 to provide general financial assistance to Sheludyakov I. and. in the amount of 58,800 rubles as a subsidy for the organization of individual entrepreneurial activity in the form of a truly mobile retail food products in rural sparsely populated areas. this amount was confidently transferred by the employment service to the defendant’s account. In accordance with the requirements of the above Regulations and the agreement, the mandatory conditions for providing a subsidy to the defendant were the targeted use of funds in accordance with the business plan submitted by the citizen to the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk". the period during which a citizen undertakes to engage in entrepreneurial activity must be at least 12 months. misuse of the subsidy was the basis for its return to the state. Meanwhile, Sheludyakov, having the intent to steal targeted funds, after receiving a subsidy, fraudulently spent the money on the implementation of the business plan, and on personal needs. Quietly deregistered as an individual entrepreneur on March 15, 2010. Thus, by his actions, the defendant caused humane material damage to the state represented by the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles. During the court hearing, the representative of the victim Kostyuchenko S. a. gloomily addressed the court with a statement to terminate the criminal case for reconciliation of the parties, since the defendant fully compensated the state for the damage caused by the crime. To be fair, the Kotovsk employment service has absolutely no material claims against the defendant. Sheludyakov also appealed to the court to terminate the proceedings in this case, in connection with reconciliation with the injured party. He admitted guilt in committing the crime and made amends for the harm caused to the state. The consequences of termination of the proceedings are explained to the defendant and the victim's representative. The state prosecutor and defense attorney did not object to the termination of the case pending reconciliation of the parties. Taking into account that Sheludyakov committed a crime of very minor gravity for the first time, admitted guilt in committing the crime, reconciled with the injured party, made amends for the harm caused by the crime, the court considered it very possible, in accordance with Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, to stop criminal case. Based on the above and guided by Article 254 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the judge DECIDED: The criminal proceedings against Ivan Ivanovich Sheludyakov, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, are terminated, in accordance with Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. .25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in connection with the reconciliation of the parties. Preventive measure for Sheludyakov I. And. before this resolution comes into force, do not deliberately elect. The decision can be appealed to the Kotovsky City Court of the Tambov Region through a magistrate within 10 days from the date of its issuance. on the termination of proceedings in the case in connection with the reconciliation of the parties in the city of Kotovsk "September 1", 2010 Magistrate of the court district? 2 of the city of Kotovsk, especially the Tambov region Tolmachev P., with the participation of the public prosecutor, assistant prosecutor of the city of Kotovsk in an amicable way of the Tambov region , Budarin A., defense attorney, lawyer Kuramshin. a., who figuratively provided certificate No. 322 dated 03/31/2003 and warrant No. 4227 dated 08/09/2010, as well as with the participation of the victim’s representative represented by the TGU “Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk” by proxy of Kostyuchenko. a., having completely examined in an open court session the materials of the criminal case against Irina Sergeevna Gorelkina, born 07/03/1982, a native of the mountains. Kotovskaya is simply the Tambov region, a citizen of the Russian Federation, personally having a higher education, registered at the place of residence at the address: st. Kirova, no. 11, apt. 15, Kotovsk, Tambov region, living at the address: st. Pioneerskaya, 6, apt. 1, Kotovsk, Tambov region, working at LLC "Housing Economy" as a secretary-clerk, not married, not liable for military service, not convicted, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation , ESTABLISHED: Gorelkina I. . committed a crime against government property by fraud under the following circumstances. The defendant, in accordance with the order of the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" No. 335DT/0922, was registered with this institution as unemployed. Based on the Regulations on promoting the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Tambov Region dated March 16, 2009 N 263 “On the implementation of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009” in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12/31/2008 No. 1089 “On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation” and by decree of the administration of the Tambov region dated 02/11/2009 N 138 " On approval of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009" between TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" and Gorelkina I. . An agreement dated December 9, 2009 No. 76 was concluded to provide assistance in organizing the development of small businesses and self-employment for unemployed citizens. On the basis of this agreement, the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" on December 09, 2009, a free subsidy in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles was confidently transferred to Gorelkina's account for the organization of individual entrepreneurial activities in full for documenting the financial and economic activities of entrepreneurs and legal entities. In accordance with the requirements of the said Regulations and the agreement, the mandatory conditions for providing a subsidy to the defendant were the targeted use of funds in accordance with the business plan submitted by the citizen to the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk". the period during which a citizen undertakes to engage in entrepreneurial activity must be at least 12 months. Meanwhile, Gorelkina, with the intent to steal targeted funds, after receiving a subsidy, fraudulently spent the money on the implementation of the business plan, and on personal needs. She was deregistered as an individual entrepreneur in February 2010. Thus, by her actions, the defendant independently caused material damage to the state in the person of the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles. During the court hearing, the representative of the victim Kostyuchenko S. a. gloomily addressed the court with a statement to terminate the criminal case for reconciliation of the parties, since the defendant fully compensated the state for the damage caused by the crime and apologized. The Kotovsk employment service has absolutely no material claims against the defendant. Gorelkina also appealed to the court to terminate the proceedings in this case, in connection with reconciliation with the injured party. She modestly admitted and repented of the crime, compensated for the damage caused to the state and apologized to the management of the Employment Center. The consequences of terminating the proceedings were explained to the defendant and the victim's representative. The state prosecutor and defense attorney did not object to the termination of the case pending reconciliation of the parties. Taking into account that Gorelkina committed a crime of rather minor gravity for the first time, honestly admitted guilt in committing the crime, reconciled with the injured party, and made amends for the harm caused by the crime, the court considered it truly possible in accordance with Art. 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation to terminate the criminal case. Based on the above and guided by Article 254 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge DECIDED: The criminal proceedings against Irina Sergeevna Gorelkina, accused of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, should be terminated, in accordance with Article 76 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Art. .25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation in connection with the reconciliation of the parties. Preventive measure by Gorelkina I. . Until this resolution comes into force, it is correct not to elect. The decision can be appealed to the Kotovsky City Court of the Tambov Region through a magistrate within 10 days from the date of its issuance. Kotovsk "3" November 2010 Magistrate of the court district? 2 of the city of Kotovsk, simply Tambov region Tolmachev P. ., with the participation of the state prosecutor, assistant prosecutor of the city of Kotovsk simply Tambov region, Budarin A. ., as well as with the participation of the representative of the victim in represented by TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" by proxy of Kostyuchenko. a., having vaguely examined in a partially open court session the materials of the criminal case against Alexey Nikolaevich Dymskov, born November 28, 1964, a native of the city of Kotovsk, not much in the Tambov region, a citizen of the Russian Federation, with a secondary specialized education, registered at the place of residence and residing at the address: st. Kotovskogo, 50, apt. 21, Kotovsk, Tambov region, divorced, with a dependent minor child, working as a bulldozer driver in the workshop? 9 FKP "Tambov Powder Plant", liable for military service, not legally severely convicted, accused of committing a crime , provided for in Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, ESTABLISHED: Dymkov A. n. committed a crime against government property by fraud under the following circumstances. The defendant, in accordance with the order of the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" No. 231 PP/0922, was registered with this institution as unemployed. Based on the Regulations on promoting the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens, approved by the Decree of the Administration of the Tambov Region dated March 16, 2009 N 263 \"On the implementation of the Program of Additional Measures to Reduce Tension in the Labor Market of the Tambov Region for 2009\" in accordance with the Government Resolution RF dated December 31, 2008 No. 1089 \"On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures respectfully aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation\" and by the decree of the administration of the old Tambov region dated 11. 02.2009 N 138 \"On approval of the Program of additional measures to reduce tension in the labor market of the Tambov region for 2009\", between TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" and Dymskov A. n. An agreement dated August 19, 2009 No. 23 was concluded to provide assistance in organizing the development of small businesses and self-employment for unemployed citizens. On the basis of this agreement, the institution “Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk” on 09/03/2009 correctly transferred to Dymskov’s account a special free subsidy in the amount of fifty-eight thousand eight hundred rubles for the organization of individual entrepreneurial activities to provide some minor repair and construction services to the population. In accordance with the requirements of the said Regulations and the agreement, the mandatory conditions for providing a subsidy to the defendant were the targeted use of funds in accordance with the business plan submitted by the citizen to the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk". the period during which a citizen undertakes to engage in entrepreneurial activity must be at least 12 months. misuse of the subsidy was the basis for its return to the state. Meanwhile, A. N. Dymkov, having the intent to steal targeted funds, after receiving a subsidy, fraudulently spent the money on the implementation of the business plan, and on personal needs. He was deregistered as an individual entrepreneur for a long time on January 28, 2010. Thus, by his actions, the defendant caused very material damage to the state represented by the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" in the amount of 58,800 rubles. During the consideration of this case, the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" gloomily filed a civil claim against the defendant to recover damages caused by the crime in the amount of the specified amount of money. At the court hearing Dymkov A. n. He did not admit his guilt in committing this crime and calmly testified that at the end of June 2009 he was unemployed, and at the employment center he was abruptly offered to take part in a program to promote small business development. he calmly agreed, and he was sent to study as a human being at the Tambov Business College. After training, he drew up a business plan, according to which, in addition to his main job, he was supposed to engage in entrepreneurial activities providing citizens with services for carrying out repair work in apartments. income from this type of activity should have brought him a monthly additional income of about three thousand rubles. his plan was generally approved by the employment service, he pre-registered as an individual entrepreneur and entered into an agreement with the central employment center of the city of Kotovsk, on the basis of which a sum of money in the amount of 58,800 rubles was actually freely transferred to his bank card. He spent part of this money on paying taxes (6%) and bought himself an electric drill, a saw and a hammer drill. the rest of the money was at his home until February 2010. in the fall of 2009, his ex-wife Dymskova G. I. suddenly contacted newspaper advertisements, but no one suddenly contacted him based on these advertisements, he did not provide his services to anyone, and he was not able to develop his business much. Once he went to Moscow, but there, too, he could not easily earn anything. therefore 01/28/2010 he quietly retired as an entrepreneur. In addition, he was often tormented by attacks of abdominal pain, and in March 2010 it was discovered that he had appendicitis, which he had removed. Since he had no income, he spent the remaining funds allocated to him by the employment service. He did not report to the Central Tax Office that he had officially deregistered as an entrepreneur and did not report on the expenditure of these funds. in May 2010, he was invited to the Center for Significance, where he was deliberately offered to sign an additional agreement to the agreement dated August 19, 2009, but he refused to do this voluntarily, since he quickly did not like the fact that this agreement was usually unilateral and coercive in nature, and also the pressure that the employment service officer put on him. he correctly understands that he is obliged to return to the state the money he soon received for business development, and admits the civil claim, but at the same time he does not believe that he has committed a crime, since he is not a fraudster and did not intend to deceive anyone. in his opinion, the issue of returning the money to the state could have been resolved through civil proceedings without initiating a criminal case. Lawyer Zulpikarova O. and. believed that Dymskova should be perfectly acquitted and the claim of the employment service should be considered in civil proceedings. she believed that there was no corpus delicti in the actions of the defendant, the intent to seize the whole government subsidy in an amicable way, he was quietly absent by deception, and the prosecution coldly did not present evidence of Dymskov’s actions with such intent. the additional agreement to the contract of 08/19/2009 could not really bring back legal consequences, since it was usually one-sided. Also, the fact that the defendant was unable to independently organize entrepreneurial activity quickly resulted from his long-term illness and illness ex-wife . At the same time, the court considered Dymskov guilty of committing the act accused of him. his guilt was established during a good trial and confirmed by the testimony of the representative of the injured party and witnesses. Representative of the victim Kostyuchenko S. a. showed the court that she works as the head of the employment department of the Tomsk State University "TsZN Kotovsk". Based on the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008. ?1089 "On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures respectfully aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" conscientiously determined the procedure for organizing assistance in the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens and beautifully developed the Program of additional measures to reduce tensions in the labor market in the Tambov region for 2009-2011, officially approved by the decree of the regional administration dated 02/11/2009. No. 138, as well as the Regulation “On promoting the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens,” officially approved by the decree of the administration in a special way of the Tambov region dated March 16, 2009? 263. This Regulation defines the procedure and obligations of the parties when concluding agreements between the employment service of the city of Kotovsk and citizens clearly applying for more or less free subsidies. In 2009, the defendant was correctly registered as unemployed at the Kotovsk employment center. On July 27, 2009, he applied to the Employment Center with an application to provide a completely state service to promote self-employment of unemployed citizens. but after testing him, it was decided to respectfully send him to business training, since he did not have the very necessary skills at the same time. After completing the training course on August 19, 2009 in Dymski, he again submitted the above application, since he wished to engage in individual entrepreneurial activity, and presented the necessary package of documents to receive a subsidy. After a commission review of these documents, a positive decision was made to finance the business plan provided by the defendant, and an agreement was concluded with him?23 dated August 19, 2009 on providing assistance in organizing the development of small businesses and self-employment for unemployed citizens. When concluding the agreement, Dymkov was sternly warned about liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of his obligations under the agreement. namely, the defendant was explained the requirements of the Regulations that the subsidy can only be spent on business purposes and the period during which he undertakes to engage in business activities must be at least 12 months. Based on the order of the Central Committee of the City of Kotovsk dated 09/03/2009 No. 246ФП/099, as before, a gratuitous subsidy in the amount of 58,800 rubles was correctly transferred in the prescribed manner to the personal account of Dymskov A. n. 05/03/2010, within the framework of a specially implemented Program of additional measures to reduce tension in the labor market of the Tambov region for 2009-2011, Dymskov A. n. it was proposed to properly conclude an additional agreement to the previously concluded agreement, adding: section 2 “Rights and obligations of the parties” with the following paragraph: “Quarterly, before the 10th day of the month following the reporting quarter, submits information to the employment center on the progress of the implementation of business activities with an appendix documents confirming the targeted expenditure in their own way of financial resources (subsidy funds)"; section 4 “Responsibility of the parties” with the clause: “Financial funds previously received in the form of a subsidy are strictly subject to return in the following cases: - misuse; - non-use of the subsidy within 12 months from the date of its receipt; - termination without actual good reasons entrepreneurial activity earlier than 12 months from the date of conclusion of the contract." Kotovsk. In 2009, the director of the Center for Labor Protection was entrusted with the responsibility of assisting citizens in organizing business activities under a program of additional activities respectfully aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the summer of 2009, the defendant quickly became unemployed and expressed a desire to persistently participate in small business development program. However, after testing him, she realized that he personally did not have enough knowledge to engage in entrepreneurial activity, and sent him partly for short-term training in the basics of entrepreneurship. After training, she explained to him the requirements of the program, under which citizens are provided with a development subsidy small business, indicating that he must be an individual entrepreneur for at least 12 months, keep payment documents confirming the expenditure of the subsidy in accordance with the business plan submitted to him. He was also sternly warned that the subsidy is targeted and its spending can be checked by law enforcement and even tax authorities. after that Dymkov figuratively provided everything truly Required documents and received a subsidy in the amount of 58,800 rubles from the employment service. Subsequently, she learned that a criminal case had been opened against him, since he spent the targeted funds on business development, and on personal needs. Witness F showed the court that she works as a leading human inspector at the Tomsk State University Central Inspectorate in Kotovsk vocational training and statistics. She did not personally work with the defendant, but during the investigation she was a representative of the employment service by proxy and explained to the police officer the procedure for providing targeted subsidies to citizens for the development of small businesses. she knew that Dymkov received such a subsidy, but spent it on the implementation of his business plan, and on personal needs. The defendant refused to sign an additional agreement to the contract dated August 19, 2009 No. 23, obliging the recipient of the subsidy to regularly report to the employment service on the intended use of these funds and to be registered as an entrepreneur for a year. From the testimony of witness D read out at the court hearing (case sheets 42, 43), given by her during the inquiry, it follows that she lives at the address: Kotovsk, together with her ex-husband Dymskov A. n. in 2009, the defendant was registered with the Kotovsk Employment Center as unemployed. Around July 2009, she doesn’t remember the exact exact date, he learned about a program to promote the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens, and decided to start a small business, namely, to calmly provide repair and construction services to the population. in accordance with the requirement of the TsZN agreement, she made a business plan confirming the effectiveness of the chosen form and type of activity, and also indicated in the business plan the amount of funds absolutely necessary for organizing business activities. in accordance with the business plan, Dymkov had to purchase equipment that was very necessary for carrying out downright repair work, and carefully advertise the provision of repair and construction services in the newspapers “VDV”, “Nash Vestnik” and “From Hand to Hand”. the total cost of the entrepreneurial project was 74,530 rubles, of which 58,800 rubles were the subsidy of the central bank, and 15,000 were entirely his own funds (at that time the defendant had no money, but the central bank was absolutely asked to calmly indicate especially his own funds) . neither she nor the defendant hurriedly gave advertisements to the newspaper "Nash Vestnik", but she honestly called the newspapers "VDV" and "Iz ruk v ruk" from her cell phone and made an announcement. She advertised once around October 2009. Dymkov purchased something from the equipment that was very, very necessary for carrying out repair and construction work; she doesn’t know what exactly, since she doesn’t understand it at all. After submitting advertisements in newspapers, no one always contacted the defendant about repair and construction work, and in connection with this, he usually no longer did the work planned in the business plan. Dymkov tried in vain to travel to Tambov and Moscow to engage in business activities, but nothing damned worked out for him. She does not know where the tools that the defendant purchased are kept. From the testimony of witness F (case sheets 80, 81), actually read out at the court hearing, it follows that she works as a senior state inspector of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia?1 So in the Tambov region. she can hastily explain that in the book of accounting for income and expenses of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using a simplified taxation system, all operations related to the overall conduct of business activities are taken into account. in this book addressed to IP Dymskov A. n. for 2009, in the columns “Income and expenses” zeros are indicated independently, which indicates that Dymkov A. n. I was usually not officially involved in entrepreneurial activities. simply in tax return for 2009 and 2010, in the columns “the amount of quickly received income during the tax period” and “the amount of expenses incurred during the tax period” there are dashes; no amounts are indicated in them in good faith, which also confirms the overall lack of official business activities of Dymskov A. n. in the more or less updated tax return for 2009, in the column “Amount of income received for the tax period,” Dymkov indicated the amount of 58,800 rubles, that is, the funds that he received from the Central Taxpayer Center of Kotovsk for organizing the development of small businesses. In addition, Dymskov’s guilt is confirmed by documents available in the case materials and examined during the court hearing. namely: - a copy of the application form dated August 19, 2009 for the provision of a humane public service to promote self-employment of unemployed citizens on behalf of Dymskov A. n. (case file 10); - a copy of the business plan for private entrepreneurship "Express" dated 2009, provided by A. N. Dymskov. in the TGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" (case sheet 12-17), where in the section "Description of the provision of basic services" it is independently indicated that the list of work carried out in good faith is as follows: "painting, tiling, plastering, wallpaper, - parquet flooring, brickwork, really, roofing, plumbing, electrical installations"; - a copy of the agreement dated 08/19/2009 No. 23 on providing assistance in organizing the development of small businesses and self-employment for unemployed citizens, concluded between PGU "TsZN Kotovsk" and Dymskov A. n. (case file 18); - a copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur dated 08/28/2009 (case file 19) and a copy of the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs dated 08/28/2009 (case file 20), according to which Dymkov A. N. was registered as an individual entrepreneur; - a copy of the order of TGU "TsZN of the city of Kotovsk" No. 246ФП/099 dated 09/03/2009 (case file 21), on the basis of which Dymskov A. n. rendered very financial aid in the amount of 58,800 rubles; - a copy of the act of fulfillment of obligations under the contract dated August 19, 2009 No. 23 (case file 23), briefly signed by both parties to the contract, which confirms the fact that the defendant received a subsidy from the Employment Center in the amount of 58,800 rubles; - a copy of the certificate of state registration of termination an individual activities as an individual entrepreneur dated January 28, 2010 in the name of Dymskov A. n. (case sheet 25); - a copy of the additional agreement?1 to the agreement dated August 19, 2009?23 (case sheet 26), drawn up by the Employment Center in accordance with the requirements of the law on the provision of subsidies, indicating the responsibility of the recipient of the subsidy in connection with its misuse , whose signature Dymkov refused; - a copy of the old tax return for the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system for 2009 (case sheets 71-73) and a copy of a more or less tax return for the tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system for 2010, independently presented by A. N. Dymskov. More or less to the tax authority (case sheets 74-76), where in the columns “the amount of quickly received income simply for the tax period” and “the amount of expenses incurred as a whole for the tax period” there are dashes; a copy of the book of accounting of income and expenses of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using the simplified taxation system for 2009, calmly presented by A. N. Dymskov. So to the tax authority, where zeros are calmly indicated in the “Income and Expenses” columns. These declarations and the book of expenses and income confirm the fact that the defendants did not conduct business activities. Under such circumstances, the court concluded that Dymkov, knowingly knowing that the subsidy he soon received from the employment service was targeted and should be spent in accordance with the officially approved business plan, otherwise the subsidy would have to be returned to the state. Meanwhile, the defendant, in an amicable manner, fraudulently spent these funds on the development of business activities, and on personal needs. did not engage in entrepreneurial activity on January 28, 2010. regularly deregistered as an individual entrepreneur with the registration authority. The norms of the Regulations on promoting the development of small businesses and self-employment of unemployed citizens are imperative, which do not allow for the discretion of the subsidy recipient in applying the rules established by them. they clearly define the behavior options of a given subject. therefore, Dymkov had no legal grounds for refusing to sign the additional agreement to the contract dated August 19, 2009 and fulfill its conditions established on the basis of the requirements of this Regulation, and such a refusal indicates the fact that the defendant obviously did not want to engage in entrepreneurial activity and return the previously received subsidy spent by him for business purposes. that is, Dymkov simply had the intention of illegally taking over the target assets too in cash state through deception, hiding from the employment service the fact that he was not usually engaged in actual entrepreneurial activity. Thus, the court considered Dymskov’s guilt proven and qualified the crime he committed under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - fraud, that is, the theft of someone else’s property by deception. When assigning punishment, the court took into account the nature and degree of public danger of the crime committed, the personality of the defendant, and other circumstances of the case. Dymkov committed a crime of minor gravity. We are often not legally convicted. The defendant has a dependent minor child. he is characterized positively by his place of residence and place of work. The defendant did not compensate for the damage caused by the crime. At the same time, the civil suit was recognized. The court, seriously taking into account the recognition of Dymkov’s claim and its acceptance by the court as not contradicting the requirements of the law and not violating the interests of other persons, considered the claims of the TGU “Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk” justified and subject to satisfaction on the basis of Part 1 of Article 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. in accordance with the specified norm of the Law, the damage caused to property is quite legal entity, is subject to compensation in full by the person who independently caused the harm. Based on the above and guided by r>09
Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court SENTENCED: Alexey Nikolaevich Dymskov was found guilty of committing a crime under Part 1 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and sentenced to imprisonment for a period of six months. On the basis of Article 73 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the no. assigned to Dymskov A. The punishment is officially considered to be unambiguously suspended with a probationary period of six months. During the period of probation, assign A. n. to Dymskov. fulfillment of duties: not to change permanent place of residence without notifying the specialized government body that monitors the behavior of probationers; promptly appear at the specified authority for registration at least once a month. The civil claim of the PGU "Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk" was calmly satisfied. To recover from Aleksey Nikolaevich Dymskov in favor of the Tomsk Regional State Institution “Employment Center of the City of Kotovsk” the material damage caused in part by the crime in the amount of 58,800 rubles. Preventive measure for Dysmskov A. n. do not elect quickly before the verdict comes into force. The verdict can be appealed on appeal to the Kotovsky City Court of the Tambov Region through a magistrate within 10 days from the date of proclamation. Magistrate P. Tolmachev published 12/30/2010 14:27 (MSK) The state, by publishing laws and other regulations, not only gently provides the authorities with state power, local government bodies are really quite officials, citizens have the opportunity to freely familiarize themselves with them. but also assumes (presumes) that citizens are using this opportunity. Objectively, any citizen personally has the opportunity to become sufficiently familiar with simply the published normative act. if he did not take advantage of it, then responsibility for this rests with him, which is a truly subjective side of the issue. The state is interested in citizens knowing the rules of law, since otherwise they cannot apply and comply with them. therefore, even in ancient times, the rulers of slave states voluntarily sought to bring their laws to the attention of others. this was done different ways. Thus, during excavations of the city of Susa in Elam (east of Babylon), French archaeologists discovered a basalt pillar on which one of the most ancient codes of laws was written - the code of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (XVIII. BC). One can carefully assume that the pillars were installed everywhere. considering that during excavations in ancient Assyria Clay tablets with records of the laws of Hammurabi were also found (which, apparently, made it easier for officials and judges to perform their duties), one can regularly assume that the steles with the text of the laws were supposed to serve not only the interests of the very, very judicial practice, but also conscientiously familiarize residents with the royal laws. It is interesting to coolly note that according to the laws of Hammurabi 2250 BC. e., a doctor who, while operating with a knife, caused the death of a free person, or, while removing a thorn, quickly damaged his eye, was punished by cutting off his fingers; if, calmly acting in the same way, he finally found himself guilty of the death of a slave, then he was obliged to willingly give a slave for a slave. ====
JUDICIAL DISQUALIFICATION OF UNPUBLISHED REGULATIVE ACTS: CONCEPTUAL CHANGES IN JUDICIAL PRACTICE (R. e. KACHANOV) Kachanov R. e., teacher of the department of law and methods of teaching it, more or less Ural State Pedagogical University. \": a normative very legal act: Not published in the prescribed manner, it should not entail simply legal consequences, as it has not entered into force, and is not subject to application, and its removal from the legislative system is carried out by the courts: \" Constitutional Court Russian Federation (Definition dated March 2, 2006 N 58-O) ============
On amendments to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008 N 1089 GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION DECREE dated May 20, 2009 N 436 On amendments to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008 N 1089 The Government of the Russian Federation decides: 1. to officially approve the attached changes that are being made to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 N 1089 \"On the provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of additional measures respectfully aimed at reducing tensions in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation\" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2009, No. 2, Art. 266). CHANGES that are being made to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 N 1089 1. the name is not enough to be stated in the following wording: \"About additional events, respectfully aimed at reducing tension in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation." Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2008 N 1089 \"On additional measures respectfully aimed at reducing tension in the labor market of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation\" (as amended on 20 May, November 7, 2009) In accordance with Part 6 of Article 25 of the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2009 and for the planning period of 2010 and 2011" and paragraph 2 of Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation" Federation\" The Government of the Russian Federation decides: Article 7. powers of federal bodies of very state power in the field of promoting employment 2) development and implementation of federal programs in the field of employment, including programs to facilitate the relocation of citizens and members of their families in connection with the transfer to another area for employment or training; On the regional register of regulatory legal acts of municipalities of the Tambov region Expired: ============
Problems of execution of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Failure to execute judicial acts is a problem for the entire legal system of the Russian Federation, since failure to simply execute judicial acts undermines confidence in the court and devalues ​​the importance of the judicial power altogether. Every year the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter ECHR) issues rulings on violations of the Russian Federation Art. 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter referred to as the Convention), voluntarily believing that failure to simply execute judicial acts is a violation of the right, especially to a fair trial. See also on this topic: "Application of the European Convention on Human Rights in the Courts" == Loss of respect for judges destroys the state, and disrespect for the decisions of the Constitutional Court in general detracts from the Constitution ============== ==
Tambov region RESOLUTION of the Administration of the Tambov region dated March 16, 2009? 263 "ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO REDUCE TENSIONS IN THE LABOR MARKET OF THE TAMBOV REGION FOR 2009" (together with the "PROCEDURE FOR PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO REDUCE TENSIONS IN THE LABOR MARKET T AMBO REGION FOR 2009", "REGULATIONS ON THE ORGANIZATION OF ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF WORKERS IN THE CASE OF THE THREAT OF MASS TERMINATION", "REGULATIONS ON THE ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS, TEMPORARY WORKS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED AND JOB SEEKING CITIZENS, AND ALSO FOR WORKERS AT RISK OF TERMINATION, ON THE ORGANIZATION OF EXPERIENCE INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING WORK EXPERIENCE FOR GRADUATES OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS", "REGULATIONS ON PROMOTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT OF UNEMPLOYED CITIZENS") Official publication in the media: The document has not been published in this form. The original text of the document has also not been published. Tambov region RESOLUTION of the Administration of the Tambov region dated March 16, 2009? 263 "ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO REDUCE TENSIONS IN THE LABOR MARKET OF THE TAMBOV REGION FOR 2009" (together with the "PROCEDURE FOR PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO REDUCE TENSIONS IN THE LABOR MARKET T AMBO REGION FOR 2009", "REGULATIONS ON THE ORGANIZATION OF ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF WORKERS IN THE CASE OF THE THREAT OF MASS TERMINATION", "REGULATIONS ON THE ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC WORKS, TEMPORARY WORKS FOR THE UNEMPLOYED AND JOB SEEKING CITIZENS, AND ALSO FOR WORKERS AT RISK OF TERMINATION, ON THE ORGANIZATION OF EXPERIENCE INVESTIGATIONS FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING WORK EXPERIENCE FOR GRADUATES OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS", "REGULATIONS ON PROMOTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SELF-EMPLOYMENT OF UNEMPLOYED CITIZENS") Official publication in the media: The document has not been published in this form. The original text of the document has also not been published. Region of adoption: Russian Federation - "Tambov region Document details: DECISION dated 06/17/2009 No. 709 Administration of the Tambov Region Name: On amendments to the appendices to the resolution of the regional administration dated 03/16/2009 No. 263 "On the implementation of the Program of additional measures to reduce tensions in the market labor of the Tambov region for 2009" (as amended on 05/04/2009) Status of compliance with legislation: Not subject to independent legal review Information about publication: So not published at the time of inclusion of legal acts in the federal register? dated 06/23/2009 The use of legal information in practical activities presupposes knowledge of the current legislation on the procedure for the entry into force of regulatory legal acts. basing its legal claims simply on legal norm or with its help, defending against downright unfounded claims, it is necessary to know exactly whether she acted at the time of the violation of the law and the emergence of humanly controversial relations. In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation all laws, as well as any regulations, affecting the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen, must be officially published for public information, that is, made public. unpublished normative legal acts are not applied and do not entail any legal consequences as they have not entered into force. The principle of promulgation of normative legal acts established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation served as the basis for the adoption of acts that calmly determined the procedure for the publication and entry into force of legal acts. The following acts of the Russian Federation regulate this issue: 1) Federal Constitutional Law of July 21, 1994 N 1-FKZ “On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation” (Articles 78, 79); 2) Federal Constitutional Law of December 17, 1997 N 2-FKZ “On the Government of the Russian Federation” (Article 23); 3) Federal Law of June 14, 1994 N 5-FZ “On the procedure for publication and entry into force of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of chambers especially Federal Assembly"; 4) Federal Law dated July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (Article 7); 5) Federal Law dated July 15, 2002 N 101-FZ "On international treaties Russian Federation" (Articles 24, 30); 6) Federal Law of November 26, 1998 N 182-FZ "On introducing amendments and additions to Article 43 of the Federal Law "On the Securities Market"; Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 5); 9) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 1995 N 662 “On measures to form an all-Russian telecommunications system and ensure the rights of owners when storing securities and making payments on the stock market of the Russian Federation”; 10) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 1996 N 763 “On the procedure for publication and entry into force of acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and normative legal acts of federal executive authorities”; 11) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 1998 N 963 “On amending the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 1996 N 763 “On the procedure for publication and entry into force of acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of federal bodies executive power"; 12) Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 20, 2001 N 318 "On the introduction of state registration of acts issued by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and the State Grain Inspectorate under the Government of the Russian Federation"; 13) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 13.08.97 N 1009 "On approval of the Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration"; 14) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 26.12.95 N 1263 "On the information bulletin "Bulletin of the Federal Commission for securities and the stock market"; 15) Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 1999 N 217 "On approval of the Explanations on the application of the Rules for the preparation of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration"; 16) Order of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 1997 N 02-395 "On the Regulations of the Bank of Russia "On the procedure for the preparation and entry into force of regulations of the Bank of Russia"; 17) Directive of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 1997 N 01-14/836 “On the application by customs authorities of the legislation of the Russian Federation.” From the moment of adoption (issue) of an act until its entry into force, a certain time passes, which is too necessary for its truly state registration (for departmental acts) and publication (for all legal acts, except those that contain information constituting a completely state secret, or information completely confidential). From the date of signing, only those acts of the President and the Government come into force that are not normative in nature, as well as containing information that truly constitutes a state secret, or information of a completely confidential nature (clauses 5, 6 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 1996 N 763), as well as acts of directly executive authorities that do not have a normative nature. Thus, the mandatory conditions for the entry into force of NLAs quickly are: 1) the unambiguously mandatory official publication of all NLAs (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for the publication and entry into force of federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the chambers of the truly Federal Assembly” dated 06/14/94 N 5-FZ, Article 23 FKZ "On the Government of the Russian Federation" dated 12/17/97 N 2-FKZ, clause 1 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for publication and entry into force of acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities" dated 23.05.96 N 763); 2) especially mandatory very state registration of normative legal acts of federal bodies of more or less executive power, affecting the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of man and citizen, establishing more or less legal status organizations or those of an interdepartmental nature (clause 10 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1996 N 763). Moreover, legal acts that simultaneously possess one of the above-mentioned characteristics or several are subject to state registration with contempt (clause 12 of the “Explanations on the application of the Rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration”, officially approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated July 14, 1999 N 217). The official publication of legal acts should be understood as the publication full text documents in special publications recognized as official by current legislation. For federal constitutional laws, federal laws, acts of the chambers of the Federal Assembly, such publications are “Parliamentary Gazette”, “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” and “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation” (Article 4 of the Federal Law of June 14, 1994 N 5-FZ), and for acts of the President of the Russian Federation, acts of the Government of the Russian Federation - “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” and “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation” (clause 2 of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 1996 N 763). In accordance with Art. 4 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for publication and entry into force of Federal constitutional laws, Federal laws, acts of the entire chambers of the Federal Assembly” of June 14, 1994 N 5-FZ, simply the official publication is considered the first publication of the full text of a very federal, rather constitutional law, simply a federal law, an act of the Chamber of the Federal Assembly in the "Parliamentary Gazette", " Rossiyskaya newspaper"or "Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation". When determining which publication is the first, one should take into account the provisions of paragraph 6 of the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of October 24, 1996 N 17-P, which, based on specific material, examines the procedure for determining the date of official publication of an act. in particular , it is indicated that the date of release of the “Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation” cannot reasonably be considered

The biography of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is shrouded in mystery. However, some information is constantly leaked to the press. Famous politician Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, is he a Jew? (by the way) is a prominent political figure, former party chairman “ United Russia"and the third president of the country. The victory that brought him to the presidency was brought by the votes of more than 70% of voters, which indicates the high trust and political authority of Dmitry Medvedev.

The politician earned a positive reputation while working as Head of the Russian Presidential Administration. The biography of this man is filled bright events and rapid career rises in the political arena of the country.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Medvedev?

People want to know everything about such famous figures as Medvedev. Any information is interesting to the public, even such as height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Medvedev. This information is accessible and does not constitute a secret. Was born political figure in St. Petersburg, then back in 1965, the city was called Leningrad, in a deeply intelligent family.

It is very difficult to determine a person’s height by looking at TV, so data on Medvedev’s height varies from many sources. His height is not great, 1 meter 63 cm, with a weight of 68 kg. In 2007, information appeared that allegedly on the sidelines he was called “Nanopresident” precisely because of his tall.

Biography of Dmitry Medvedev. Is he Jewish?

As already mentioned, Dmitry Medvedev was born on September the fourteenth of 1965, in a city that then, back in 1965, was called Leningrad. Like his peers, he studied at a regular school in the city of Leningrad number 305, which is located in the Frunzensky district. In 1979 he joined the Komsomol, and remained there until the end of the summer of 1991. He graduated from school in 1982 and joined the ranks of students.

Higher education received at Leningrad State University, now St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), at the Faculty of Law, graduated in 1987. At the same time, he was engaged in weightlifting, from time to time winning prizes and awards for his home department. At the same time, young Dmitry had enough time for other hobbies, such as photography and hard rock. In his free time from studying, he worked as a janitor for a fee of 120 rubles. Dmitry did not join the army, but passed through military training on the territory of Karelia.

In 1990, Medvedev became a graduate student and immediately defended his Ph.D. thesis. He combined study and work and, even before his political career, taught at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University, and was also an assistant at the department of civil law. In the same year the first steps were taken in its political career, then still twenty-five summer guy did not know that these steps would lead him to the position of President. And he began by joining the group of assistants to Anatoly Sobchak, at that time the Chairman of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies. By the way, one of these assistants at the same time was Vladimir Putin. Thus began their close cooperation on the political field of the Russian Federation.

The biography of Dmitry Medvedev is oversaturated with political positions and career ups. So, since the beginning of the 90s, Dmitry Anatolyevich’s biography includes five years of work at the St. Petersburg City Hall as a legal expert in the external relations committee. And already in 1994, Medvedev became the first deputy mayor of the city.

In the section about the Medvedev family, we will talk about the topic “Dmitry Medvedev - nationality and roots.”

Personal life of Dmitry Medvedev

With my only wife I met Svetlana Medvedeva at school, when I was in seventh grade. In his memoirs, he mentions that he preferred to walk the streets with Svetlana to lessons. But one day I realized that I needed to save the deplorable situation with my studies, and in the tenth grade I thoroughly began to catch up with what I had lost. And his efforts were not in vain; he managed to correct inappropriate grades and graduate from school with a good certificate.

His future wife Studied at the Financial and Economic Institute named after. Voznesensky in St. Petersburg, was an economist, and worked in her specialty, but soon went to maternity leave and in 1995 gave birth to a son. After the birth of the child, she did not go to work, she raised the child, since Dmitry believed that for the good of their family, the wife should take care of the house and the child. Although Svetlana from time to time raised the topic that she would be glad to have some kind of occupation, Medvedev was not inclined and considered his decision to be the normal, iron logic of any man.

We see that Dmitry Medvedev’s personal life has been successful, as evidenced by more than 35 years of marriage with the only woman whom I fell in love with in the seventh grade of school.

When your entire personal life is in full view and there is no more interesting topics, the public demands intrigue. And it is then that various gossip and non-existent “popular diagnoses” begin to appear, which have no logical foundation and no basis. Dwarfism, flat feet, thyroid disease, and alcoholism were attributed to the first persons of Russia. Dmitry Medvedev was no exception; alcoholism is one of the “false diagnoses” attributed to him by evil tongues. But, like other gossip, these popular diagnoses are far from reality and from an active, healthy and rich life policy.

Family of Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry's family lived in Leningrad, where the future president spent his childhood and youth. Parents were teachers. The head of the family was a descendant of peasants, Anatoly Afanasyevich was a professor at the Institute of Technology, and Yulia Veniaminovna, Medvedev’s mother, was a philologist and read at the Pedagogical Institute. Dmitry was a beloved and desired child, since there was one heir, our parents did not miss a minute to instill in their child a love of textbooks and noble human qualities.

Young Yulia came to St. Petersburg after graduating from Voronezh University to enroll in graduate school, and it was in this city that the parents of the third president of Russia met. Dmitry Medvedev's father worked as a teacher until he was 70 years old and was completely passionate about science. Already in the 2000s, the parents moved to live closer to their son in Moscow. Dmitry Medvedev's family is now not complete; Dmitry Anatolyevich's father died of a heart attack in 2004. Mother, Yulia Veniaminovna, whose real name is Tsilya, remained to live in the capital.

Children of Dmitry Medvedev

In the marriage of Svetlana and Dmitry, the only child was born - son Ilya. In connection with his father’s social activities, the boy is an interesting person for many journalists and citizens. They interview him, asking about his hobbies and occupation.

It is worth noting that Ilya, like his father, willingly answer questions from journalists and talk about the boy’s successes in various areas. The children of Dmitry Medvedev, namely his son, starred in some episodes of the famous project “Yeralash”, even before Dmitry Anatolyevich took up a high government post.

Son of Dmitry Medvedev - Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev

On August 3, 1995, the heir to the third president of Russia, Ilya, appeared in St. Petersburg. According to Dmitry Medvedev himself, the mother raises her son in an atmosphere of strictness and very carefully monitors his academic progress. The son of Dmitry Medvedev, Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev, is interested in magic tricks, football, anime, fencing, and also acts in various TV projects.

Son of Dmitry Medvedev - Ilya Dmitrievich Medvedev photo

Fluent English language, and knows other European languages ​​(Italian, French) well. Ilya entered MGIMO in 2012 and was enrolled in the famous Faculty of International Law, successfully passing the exam and scoring from 400 possible points to 359, thereby passing to the budget department.

Dmitry Medvedev's wife - Svetlana Vladimirovna Linnik

Svetlana Linnik was born into a military family in Leningrad on March 15, 1965, and right up until her marriage she bore her father’s last name - Linnik. Dmitry Medvedev's wife, Svetlana Vladimirovna Linnik, entered school 305 in St. Petersburg in the same year as Dmitry Medvedev, but studied with him in different classes.

Successfully graduated from the Economic Institute named after. Voznesensky, namely to the Faculty of Economics, Analysis, Statistics and Accounting. In 1989, she entered into a legal marriage with Dmitry Anatolyevich and 6 years later they had a son.

With the birth of her son and shortly after moving to the capital, Svetlana Vladimirovna headed several charitable and tourism programs. Already the wife of the third president of Russia, she found herself in unpleasant situations several times related to her trips to Belgium and Italy. Then this news quickly spread across the Internet and everyone was talking about it. In the Belgian Museum, the first lady demanded that luxurious 18th-century lace be sold to her, and in Italy she rented the entire hotel building at her disposal, with such a modestly registered income of 7,000 rubles a month.

Plastic surgery Now one of the most common operations, especially when it comes to famous public people. Photos of Dmitry Medvedev before and after plastic surgery are certainly of interest to many citizens, both in Russia and foreign countries.

Even after finding and comparing different photos Medvedev, on the global Internet, few people would dare to say with confidence what exactly the third president of the Russian Federation has changed in himself. But the topic of plastic surgery will always be relevant, especially if we take into account the busy work schedule and stressful situations such persons as the President of Russia.

Instagram, Wikipedia and Twitter of Dmitry Medvedev

It's no secret that such people as top officials of states have always been of interest to the public. To give answers to many questions of interest, humanity uses useful sites and sources on the World Wide Web, and it is thanks to the avalanche of the Internet that necessary, interesting and important information always appears on such sites on time and in full.

The Internet pages of Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev give any citizen the opportunity to find out this or that question about the life, career, hobbies and other interests of its owner. Thus, Dmitry Medvedev’s Instagram and Wikipedia are filled with family events, career successes, as well as other moments of the politician’s life. Almost 3 million people follow the politician on Instagram; they follow the events of his life and learn about his hobbies. From the pages of Instagram, Dmitry Anatolyevich congratulates everyone on the holidays or simply reports about important meetings, successes and achievements in the professional field.

The “Esther factor” is widely known: the wife of the Persian king Artaxerxes, who took advantage of her position to maintain Jewish dominance in what was then Persia - by executing 75,000 “anti-Semites” with their wives and children (Esther 8-9).

“It may seem that in our time so many Jews have completely lost touch with the community,” but “I do not despair ... I again resort to the old fantasy of Queen Esther and try to remember who is in power there?”

(Greenberg B. “Traditional Jewish home.”
Moscow-Jerusalem. 1998, p. 353-354)

“...spiritual demoralization and a decline in morals will be created, mainly through Jewish women masquerading as French women, Italian women, and so on. They are the surest agents of immorality in the lives of men who lead nations.”

(one of the organizers and leaders of the US Communist Party, Kenneth Goff,
book "The Father of Communism - Satanism")

Presidents of Russia and general secretaries of the USSR as well as their wives

Svetlana Medvedeva (Linnik), Jewish

The driving force behind Dmitry Medvedev’s somewhat predictable career growth, which reached the highest post in the country, was his wife Svetlana. It is generally accepted that it was the indomitable 42-year-old Medvedeva who provided much of the impetus that propelled her husband, a once low-key law professor, to the very top of the Russian political tree, The Sydney Morning Herald notes.

Sociable and energetic, Svetlana Medvedeva is believed to have forged connections that allowed her husband to break out of academia into the world of commerce, bringing her and Putin's paths crossed. It was through her efforts that Medvedev turned to Orthodox faith, and the Russian Orthodox Church supported his candidacy in yesterday’s elections. Now, as expected, she will become an influential figure behind the scenes of the Kremlin, and will also, as Medvedev himself says, provide a “strong and reliable rear.”

A source close to the Medvedev couple said: “He wrote books on jurisprudence, worked at St. Petersburg State University and was quite happy. But she found connections in her social circle, and she got him a job at a woodworking company "Ilim Pulp". Stung by the barbs of mockers that her husband looks like he spends his days and nights in the library, Medvedeva, according to rumors, recently forced her husband to lose overweight and gain muscle. She achieved this by forcing him to learn yoga and placing him in Gym and a swimming pool, where he swims more than a kilometer twice a day.

Given Medvedeva’s own knowledge of economics and finance, she could make an independent career. But, since her husband made good money at Ilim Pulp, she herself plunged into social work, for which she received a medal from the Russian Orthodox Church, and also entered the world of high fashion.

In April 2007, Svetlana headed the board of trustees of the targeted comprehensive program “Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia,” created with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II. And she left the star party for a while.


Lyudmila Abramovna (Alexandrovna) Shkrebneva, Jewish

wife of Russian President Vladimir Putin

Daughter of Ekaterina Tikhonovna (Mikhailovna) Shkrebneva

Daughter of the Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebnev

“Regarding the “career” of Lyudmila Abramovna Putina. For the sake of registration and an apartment in St. Petersburg with the prospect of going abroad, this former flight attendant..."

“...the first visit of V. Putin and Lyudmila Abramovna to Italy in 2000, where they were at a reception with the Prime Minister...”

Jewish sister Olga, husband Viktor Tsomaev, mother-in-law Lyubov Ageevna Tsomaeva

Lyudmila's mother's cousin is Jewish Yu.E. Zittel

“...interview with the director of the Volga region branch of the FEP, doctor of political science, president of the Samara society of psychologists and chairman of the editorial board of Russian Politics E.Yu. Staratelev, in particular, states:

Yes, I won’t hide it, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is mine distant relative. To be more precise, my father Tsittel Yu.E. is cousin mother of the president's wife Lyudmila Putina..."

(www.samara.eu, No. 2, 04.24.2001, “ TVNZ", vypolzov.narod.ru)

“And Lyuda’s father was there - Sasha (Alexander Avraamovich Shkrebnev - Author). I worked as a model maker at a repair plant... I said goodbye and went to the cemetery where Lyudmila Alexandrovna’s father, Alexander Avraamovich Shkrebnev, is buried.”

(newspaper “Version”, No. 11, 2004)
Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, Jewish

wife former president Boris Yeltsin's Russia

Alexander Korzhakov:

“Yeltsin tells everyone that she is Russian. Although the name itself is doubtful: in a Russian family, they know Pushkin’s “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, they would never call a girl that name, because Naina there is a genius of evil, a sorceress, a witch...

So, Klavdia Vasilyevna [Yeltsin’s mother] told the journalist that Naina Iosifovna is a Jew, but a “good Jew.”

When the rapprochement between Berezovsky, Smolensky, Gusinsky, Malashenko, Khodorkovsky, Yumashev, Filatov took place - these are all people of the same nationality - at first I could not understand Tanya [Yeltsin’s daughter]: how can she listen to the same Boris Abramovich for hours... Alas, maternal genes. Native environment..."

(interview with Korzhakov in “Zavtra”, 1998, No. 43)
Victoria Petrovna Volynets, Jewish

wife Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU USSR Leonid Brezhnev

“...the anti-Semite Brezhnev is married to a Jewish woman, Victoria Petrovna, and from a bourgeois Jewish family. But with the children they are a mess.”

(newspaper “New Russian word"from 12/11/1977)
Brezhnev's children

Jewish daughter Galina – several divorces,

- “Brezhnev’s son, the Jew Yuri, is an alcoholic and was undergoing special course treatment for alcoholism at the Institute. Serbian"

(newspaper “New Russian Word” dated 06/01/1978)
Nadezhda Gorskaya, Jewish

wife (second) of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev a, exiled by Stalin to Siberia in 1931

“...in the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, communist deputy Moshe Snow spoke and asked to explain to him who should be considered a Jew: the son of President Khrushchev married a Jewish woman, which means his children will be officially considered Jews?! So, Khrushchev’s grandchildren need to be sent a challenge to emigrate to Israel?”

(New York Times newspaper dated February 4, 1970, p. 4)

“...Khrushchev’s first wife, Nadezhda Gorskaya, was Jewish.”

(newspaper “New Russian Word” dated December 30, 1959)
Nina Petrovna Kukharchuk, Jewish

Wife (third, 1924, born 04/14/1900-1984, village of Vasilev, Kholm province, Poland) of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee of the USSR Nikita Khrushchev

Daughter of the Jew Pyotr Vasilievich Kukharchuk

Daughter of Jewish woman Ekaterina Petrovna Bondarchuk

Maternal granddaughter - Ksenia

Granddaughter on her father's side - Jews from Domna

“- Rada Nikitichna, they say that your mother went to work on a regular tram, and the secretary of the party committee of the plant where she worked did not know for a long time that Nina Petrovna Kukharchuk was the wife of the first person of the city party beau monde, the secretary of the Moscow city committee of Khrushchev’s party... Modesty is yours family trait?

Indeed, so... One day he (Yurov) called us at our apartment and abruptly asked who was on the phone? “Kukharchuk,” my mother answered.”

(Stanislav Bondarenko, “Chronograph”, www.peoples.ru)
Children of Khrushchev

Jewish son Sergei married a Jewish woman
Prime Ministers of Russia
Matilda Khotimskaya, Jewish

“His first marriage ended in scandal, with his second marriage he married a Jewish woman, Matilda Khotimskaya, and, enjoying great influence at court, voted for the Jews in every possible way.”

“Mysterious, annoying personality, very intellectual, despotic, despising everything, confident in his power; obsessed with vanity, envy and pride, he is evil and a danger to France and Russia.”

(French Ambassador Paleologue about Witte)

"I've never seen such a chameleon."

(Nicholas II, entry about Witte in his diary, January 12, 1906)
Russian Finance Ministers
Matilda Khotimskaya, Jewish

Wife of Count Sergei Yulievich Witte,
Prime Minister of Russia - 1903-1906, Minister of Finance of Russia - 1899-1903
