Drying mushrooms at home in various ways. How to dry mushrooms at home How to dry mushrooms in an electric oven

In principle, the drying of mushrooms depends on the specific place of collection, the region, the features of transportation and the technical capabilities of the mushroom picker. Each experienced mushroom picker has his own methods of drying mushrooms worked out over the years and uses them. However, for general development, you can also get acquainted with this material, perhaps you will be able to learn something new or long-forgotten old, but useful. So, how will we dry the mushrooms?

  • : what, where and how we dry
  • : "bonus" of harvesting method

Drying mushrooms: how to dry mushrooms?

Drying is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to harvest mushrooms. Dried mushrooms keep well long time. In terms of nutritional value and digestibility, they are superior to salted and pickled mushrooms. In terms of protein content, dried mushrooms are superior to canned ones. When dried, all the nutritional advantages of mushrooms are preserved; the aroma of some species is even enhanced with this harvesting method, as, for example, in white fungus.

Drying mushrooms in the sun

On hot days, mushrooms can be dried in the sun or only dried to dry them completely with more high temperature on the stove or in the oven.

For this purpose, mushrooms are placed on drying trays, thick paper or a dry board. In no case should mushrooms be placed on an iron baking sheet, as mushrooms can bake and turn black on it.

Drying is carried out in a place protected from rain and dust and well ventilated. It is very important that the mushrooms, previously cut into slices, be dried or dried completely within a period of no more than 1-2 days. In this case, they retain their natural color.

Properly dried mushrooms bend; overdried crumble - it is better to soak such mushrooms and use in the form.

Drying mushrooms in the oven

When drying in the oven, the mushrooms are laid out in a thin layer on specially made or ready-made grills, installed in place of ordinary baking sheets. The temperature in the oven should be between 60-70 ° C, and in order for the air to circulate in it constantly, the door should be kept ajar. As the mushrooms dry, the grates are reversed from top to bottom.

In urban environments and modern kitchen- this method of drying mushrooms is probably the most common and simple: ovens(and lattices in them) are in every house. If there are few grates (or there are none, it happens), then you can independently make 2-3 grates according to the size of the oven so that they can be installed instead of baking sheets. Lattices can be made from any large-mesh wire mesh.

You can also use baking sheets if you don't have wire racks. Mushrooms are selected by size (large ones are cut into pieces) and laid out on baking sheets. In this case, the mushrooms should not come into contact with each other, and in the oven it is necessary to ensure air circulation (open the door ajar).

First, the mushrooms are dried at a temperature of 45 ° C. At a higher initial temperature, protein substances are released on the surface of the mushrooms and then dry, which worsens the further course of drying and gives the mushrooms a dark color. Mushrooms at the same time become so soft that it is impossible to use them for food. Only after the surface of the mushrooms dries up and they stop sticking, the temperature can be raised to 75-80 ° C.

The duration of pre-drying and drying of mushrooms cannot be determined exactly. If the caps and plates of mushrooms are the same size, they dry out at the same time. Dry mushrooms are removed, and the rest are dried, turning them over from time to time.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

When drying mushrooms in the microwave: peeled and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms are laid out on a plate or wire rack, set minimum power 100-180 W and set for 20 minutes, then the stove opens and ventilates for 5-10 minutes. During this time, excess moisture evaporates intensively. Then the operation is repeated 2-3 more times. As a result, you can get either a ready-made product - dried mushrooms or a semi-finished product for further drying, it depends on the specific mushrooms.

This method of drying mushrooms is quite troublesome. Convenient only if your microwave has a large capacity. On the "subcompact" the process is very tedious and lengthy, although quite real.

Drying mushrooms in a Russian oven

Where else can you find this very “Russian stove” today ... Well, okay, now it’s not about that.

Mushrooms prepared for drying are laid out with caps down on lattices, braids or strung on knitting needles. Loaded devices should be placed in the furnace when the temperature in it after the furnace drops to 60-70 ° C. At a higher temperature, it is not recommended to start drying, as the mushrooms can become steamed or fried, burn and turn very black. At temperatures below 50 ° C, they dry very slowly, turn sour and deteriorate.

Before loading the mushrooms, it is necessary to sweep under the oven so that there is no ash left on it. At the time of drying, there should not be any dishes with food or water in the oven.

If the grates or wickerwork do not have legs, then bricks placed on edge should be placed under them so that the mushrooms do not come into contact with the oven bottom.

During drying, it is very important to ensure that the moisture evaporating from the mushrooms is removed. To do this, the damper should be placed on 2 bricks, leaving a gap between them for air flow from below. Top part dampers should not tightly close the forehead of the furnace so that humid air is constantly removed.

At the beginning of drying, the chimney is opened by 0.75 valves, as the mushrooms dry out, it is gradually pushed in and closed tightly by the end of drying. Mushrooms dry unevenly, small caps dry faster, large ones slower, so dried mushrooms must be removed in a timely manner, otherwise they will lose their flavor and become tasteless. Under-dried mushrooms at the slightest dampness begin to mold.

Drying morel mushrooms

Morel mushrooms, which are classified as conditionally edible, are dried only in the air.. They are strung on threads, placed freely in gauze bags, old nylon stockings and dried in a ventilated dry room for about 5-6 months. During this time, air oxygen cleanses toxins and neutralizes the lines - mushrooms become edible.

Storage of dried mushrooms, preservation of dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are very hygroscopic: they absorb moisture from the surrounding air (especially if they are prepared in the form of mushroom powder), easily become damp and moldy. In addition, they quickly absorb foreign odors. Therefore, dried mushrooms should be stored in dry, well-ventilated areas, and best of all in moisture-proof bags or in tightly closed glass or metal jars. Dried mushrooms can also be stored in gauze or linen bags, but, strictly, in a well-ventilated place and separately from products with a pungent odor.

If for some reason the mushrooms become wet, they should be sorted out and dried.

To preserve mushrooms for long term it is more convenient to place the mushrooms immediately after drying (while they still retain their fragility and heat) in hermetically sealed glass jars. Banks are sterilized at a temperature of 90 ° C: half-liter - for 40 minutes, liter - 50 minutes.

To suck air out of cans, you can use the following method. A little alcohol is poured onto the inner surface of the lid, it is lit and the jar is immediately closed. When burning alcohol, almost all the oxygen in the jar is consumed, as a result of which the mushrooms will not grow moldy, even if they were not dried enough and they were laid in a damp room.

Before cooking food from them, mushrooms are washed with a brush, cleaning dust and dirt, and poured for several hours with water to swell, and then boiled in the same water.

Yet it is better to soak dried mushrooms in milk or milk mixed with water. Mushrooms blackened during drying should be washed well before being put into the soup so that they do not give the soup a black color. A decoction of morel mushrooms is poured out without trying; in other cases, it is left to settle possible sand, filtered and used to make soups, sauces or gravies.

Well dried or overdried mushrooms can be crushed and ground into a fine powder in a coffee grinder. When crushed, poorly digestible films of coarse fibers are destroyed, and mushrooms in this form reveal their taste and aroma better and are more easily absorbed by the body. Powder from dried porcini mushrooms is especially good.

When grinding, add 5-10% by weight of fine salt to the mushroom powder for preservation. Ground spices can also be added to taste: allspice, cumin, dried celery and parsley leaves, etc.

Mushroom powder is very convenient for adding to food or at the very end of cooking - no more than 0.5-1 minute before the end, or for direct addition to hot and cold food- salads, soups, main dishes. It is added to omelettes when beating the egg mass. Store in a glass jar with a tight lid, protected from light. Shelf life with virtually no reduction in quality - up to 1 year.

Drying mushrooms is one of the best harvesting methods. It increases their shelf life and endows them with special properties that are revealed when cooking. Soups, salads and main dishes are more aromatic and tastier from dried mushrooms.

This method of harvesting allows you to save all valuable and nutrients and it is preferable in terms of health. The dried product is easier for the stomach to digest and does not cause botulism. And no less important - dry mushrooms take up little space.

General rules for drying mushrooms

Drying mushrooms at home begins with the analysis of prey brought from silent hunting. Not all types can be dried. tubular and marsupial representatives- boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus, boletus mushrooms, mossiness mushrooms, morels and can be dried. But the lamellar ones - milk mushrooms, waves and greenfinches, are usually soaked before cooking, which means they cannot be dried.

Some edible mushrooms without treatment, they can cause severe poisoning, for example, milk mushrooms. Soaking them removes bitterness, which is dangerous to health.

Drying of mushrooms is carried out immediately after harvest. They are not washed - remember this. But dirt, debris, sand are swept away with a clean cloth. Wiping the leg and cap of the mushroom, it can be slightly wetted with water. Cut large specimens into several pieces, and dry small and medium ones whole.

How to dry porcini mushrooms at home

Mushrooms at home can be laid out on a tray, a piece of cloth or a dry board. The only condition is that they need to be stirred. In 3-4 days, a maximum of a week, they will be ready.

The process will take at least 2 days, during which they must be removed from the cabinet for mixing, airing and cooling. So you keep the beautiful color of the white mushroom pulp without overdrying the product and preventing possible burning.

How to dry mushrooms in an electric dryer

The previous method is not without drawbacks. In the warm season, heating an apartment with an ajar oven for two days is not entirely comfortable for its residents. And not everyone has ovens that can maintain a low temperature.

On sale you can find devices that can make life easier for avid mushroom pickers. They do not heat the air, consume a minimum of electricity and allow you to dry the ingredients without human intervention.

All you need to do is lay out thinly sliced ​​chanterelles, boletus or mushrooms on trays, close the lid and set right time or program. After 6-8 hours the product will be ready.

How to dry mushrooms in the microwave

If you do not have an electric dryer, a microwave will help out, since this device is in every home today. After spreading the mushrooms cut into plates on a glass tray, close the door and turn the toggle switch for 20 minutes, setting the power to 100-180 watts. Drain the released liquid, cool the mushrooms, leaving the appliance door open. Drying mushrooms in the microwave requires repeating the cycle several times. The number of repetitions will depend on the variety of mushrooms, the size and thickness of the pieces.


Diets and healthy eating 11.10.2017

Dear readers, autumn is the most beautiful time for mushroom pickers. I myself love to walk in the forest, I rejoice at every mushroom I find. Of course, year after year is not necessary. This year we have very few mushrooms, but last year was very productive. But it's one thing to pick mushrooms, and another thing to properly prepare them for the winter. One of the most popular and useful ways blanks is drying mushrooms.

All mushroom preparations are run by dad. I am always surprised with what joy, pleasure, knowledge of the matter, he disassembles, cleans, cuts mushrooms and then prepares them for drying. Whole art! Today, dear readers, we will talk about how to properly dry mushrooms at home for the winter.

Mushrooms are considered a perishable product, so if you want to make delicious and useful blanks for the winter, you need to act pretty quickly. The drying process itself is not particularly difficult, the main thing, as I said, is to properly prepare them.

However, before drying the mushrooms, let's first figure out which mushrooms should be preferred.

There are several types of mushrooms that are most often harvested for the winter.

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms, in my opinion, are the most ideal mushrooms for both frying and drying. What a delicate taste they have, what an aroma! From porcini mushrooms you can cook a lot of delicious and healthy meals: soups, decoctions, sauces, gravies, marinades and snacks.

They contain many vitamins and minerals, but in order to preserve them, it is important to know how to dry porcini mushrooms and in what conditions to store them. Always remember - minimal heat treatment will help to preserve the maximum benefit. Below we will discuss the intricacies of drying.


For winter preparations great for all types of oils. Butterflies have a large fleshy hat and a thick leg. Dishes from these mushrooms are juicy and have a rich mushroom aroma.

Butter mushrooms, like porcini mushrooms, also contain many useful substances that can be preserved if you know how to properly dry mushrooms for the winter.

Honey mushrooms

These mushrooms grow in families, so it is quite difficult to pass them by. If you know the basic rules for drying mushrooms at home, you can not only enjoy mushrooms all winter, but also saturate your body with vitamins B, C, as well as potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

From dried mushrooms, you can cook many original dishes: mushroom caviar, soups, onion-mushroom appetizer, mushroom pilaf, sauce, pies with mushrooms.

Dried mushrooms do not require special conditions storage, so you can easily make preparations for the whole winter.

Boletus, boletus, mossiness mushrooms, chanterelles

These mushrooms are also good and great for drying.

So, after we figured out our national preferences and talked about which mushrooms are dried for the winter, it's time to learn how to prepare them for drying.

How to prepare mushrooms for drying

I want to draw your attention to the fact that mushrooms are NEVER WASHED before drying. This is very important, because mushrooms are saturated with moisture from contact with water and subsequently cook for too long.

How to clean mushrooms from dirt and dust? Many experienced mushroom pickers advise doing this very carefully with a slightly moistened sponge. Other mushroom experts say it's best not to hydrate mushrooms at all. We usually use a sharp knife and a brush or sponge to shake off the dirt, sticky needles.

Remember soft, overripe or worm mushrooms are not suitable for drying, so mushrooms should be carefully sorted before drying.

Mushrooms can be dried whole or cut into several pieces. In the first case, the drying process will be longer. If you decide to cut the mushrooms, try to do it in such a way that you get neat pieces of about the same size. Mushrooms cut into pieces must be dried immediately, otherwise they will become weathered and the quality of the product will decrease.

And now is the time to choose the appropriate method of drying mushrooms that you can use at home.

You can dry mushrooms at home in one of the following ways:

  • in the sun;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • in air grill;
  • in an electric dryer.

Drying mushrooms in the sun

This method is the most simple, economical and natural. In order to dry mushrooms in the sun, they are strung on a thread or laid out in a thin layer on a wire rack. Our dad always cuts mushrooms into strips. It's beautiful and it dries faster.

Mushrooms should be turned over several times so that they dry evenly. You can not dry the mushrooms in the wind, otherwise a lot of dust will fly on them. If the weather has changed, it has become rainy, then the mushrooms are removed under a canopy or dried in the oven or in other ways, which will be discussed below.

Drying mushrooms can take up to several days to 2 weeks with this method. It all depends on the size of the mushrooms and weather conditions. Mushrooms dry faster if they are cut into small pieces.

In our family, mushrooms are usually dried on a string. A fishing line, nylon thread is taken, the mushrooms are evenly distributed and hung in a ventilated place. The smallest mushrooms can be dried whole. We always cut the big ones.

Please note that mushrooms for drying under the sun cannot be laid out on metal trays and baking sheets, otherwise they may turn black and lose their taste.

Drying mushrooms in a gas or electric stove oven

Experienced mushroom pickers often argue about how to dry mushrooms in the oven. Some say that this should be done with the oven door ajar at a temperature of 70-80 ˚C, others say that the oven should be completely closed, while the temperature should not rise above 50-60 ˚C.

To dry mushrooms in the oven, they should be cut into thin plates of approximately the same size and laid out on wire racks mounted on baking sheets. The temperature in the oven should be around 65-75 ˚C so that the mushrooms dry well, but do not start to crumble.

While you are drying the mushrooms in the oven, the racks should be swapped. After 5-6 hours, the mushrooms will be completely ready, and you can remove your blanks before the onset of winter. We usually dry the mushrooms in several passes and close the oven. Many mushroom pickers advise after drying in the oven to string them on a thread and dry them in any warm place in your house.

For more information on drying mushrooms in the oven, see the video.

Drying mushrooms in the microwave

Microwaves are in almost every home today. This wonderful oven allows you to heat, stew, bake and even dry food. That is why in our conversation I want to tell you about how to dry mushrooms in the microwave.

Preparing mushrooms for drying microwave oven the same - we traditionally clean the mushrooms and cut them into small slices. For drying mushrooms in the microwave, glass trays or flat plates are used.

The drying process itself consists of the following steps:

  • spread out raw mushrooms thin layer on a glass tray;
  • turn on the oven for 20 minutes (at a power of 100-170 W);
  • after the signal, open the oven, remove the mushrooms and drain the water from their surface;
  • repeat the 20 minute drying cycle a few more times.

Drying mushrooms in an air grill

Before drying mushrooms in an air grill, it is important to prepare not only the product itself, but also the equipment. Pledge quality drying in an air grill - the optimal mode, which is selected based on the number of mushrooms and the size of the mushroom slices. For drying, you will need a grate (for large mushrooms) and a mesh basket (for small ones), which is included as standard with the air grill.

In an air grill, mushrooms dry better than in an oven - they do not bake and do not darken, but acquire a soft golden hue.

In the process of drying in an air grill, mushrooms retain most of the vitamins and nutrients, therefore, by choosing this method, you can be sure that you will get not only a tasty, but also a healthy product.

Drying mushrooms in an electric dryer

If you have an electric vegetable and fruit dryer, you can also use it to dry mushrooms.

The drying technology in this case is similar to that used in the air grill. The pre-prepared slices of mushrooms are laid out in a thin layer on the grates, the drying temperature is set (50-60 ˚С) and the time (optimally 3-6 hours). The drying period will depend on the number of mushrooms and their thickness.

Good day to all!

Autumn has come and, in addition to summer harvests, many rush to the forest for mushrooms. Fresh mushroom roast is a wonderful thing. However, prepare them for the winter, so that later you can enjoy it in the snowy season. delicious delicacy, it's not bad too.

Mushrooms are a perishable product. And if you have collected quite a lot of them, then the question may arise, where to put them? You can't overcook everything...

This is where drying comes in. When the weather is warm, sunny, it's best to dry. I strung it on a string, hung it up and let it dry.

And what to do when the sun is low? Then we use household kitchen appliances. With their help, you can dry the mushrooms quickly enough, regardless of the weather.

For drying, only fresh, strong mushrooms without spots and wormholes are needed.

Unlike fruits, mushrooms are not washed before drying. They absorb moisture very well. They only need to be cleaned, removing all dirt and foliage with a knife or a soft cloth.

Roots are cut off completely. In terms of size, mushrooms no more than 10 cm are best suited for drying. If they bigger size, then they can be frozen by pre-cutting and heating in a pan without oil. This will allow excess moisture to evaporate.

An electric oven is very well suited for drying mushrooms. And if it has a timer and a temperature controller, then the process will go quickly.

Mushrooms cleaned of dirt and leaves are cut into slices. Hats and legs are cut separately. If they are small, then you can cut them lengthwise.

Arrange the mushrooms ready for drying on a baking sheet or wire rack in one row, so they will dry much better.

We start by preheating the oven to 50 degrees, after which we put baking sheets with mushrooms in it. At this temperature, mushrooms stand for 1.5 hours. During this time, they will slightly wilt.

Then we raise the temperature to 80 degrees and hold it for 2 hours.

After that, the temperature is again lowered to 55 degrees and dried for another 4 hours.

In total, the mushrooms are dried in the oven for up to 8 hours. If they are very damp, drying may take up to 24 hours.

During drying, baking sheets in the oven must be interchanged, and the fruits themselves should be mixed.

By the end of drying, mushrooms usually lose up to 90% of their mass. For example, with 10 kg of fresh, you can get about a kilogram of dried.

How to dry porcini mushrooms in the microwave

Drying mushrooms in the microwave is somewhat faster than in the oven. However, since there is less space in it, it will have to be dried in portions.

Mushrooms are prepared similarly, peeled and cut into slices or plates.

They are laid out on a special dish that is designed for microwaves. Further, the microwave is set to a power of 100 watts.

Time to install 20 minutes.

After that, we take out the mushrooms and drain the liquid.

Then the mushrooms stand with the door open for 10 minutes and the drying procedure is repeated. Dry again for 20 minutes. The number of drying steps depends on the thickness of the sliced ​​fruit.

It is better not to set the microwave to high power, otherwise the mushrooms may bake!))

When drying is over, the finished product is best stored in linen bags.

Video how to dry mushrooms in the oven

It takes longer to dry mushrooms in the oven, but it includes a lot of them. Yes, and you can place not only on grates and baking sheets, but even hang on strings.

Watch the video below for how to dry mushrooms in the oven.

Drying porcini mushrooms in a dryer for vegetables and fruits

An electric dryer is most convenient for drying mushrooms. The result is much better than with other methods.

After cleaning the mushrooms, cut them into plates. In principle, you can cut into any slices, the main thing is that they are not thick.

Then, chopped mushrooms are laid out on pallets and inserted into the dryer.

We turn on the dryer and no longer follow it. This is her beauty. If you have to sit at the oven and monitor the temperature, here the dryer works independently.

At the end of drying, we lay out the finished product in fabric or paper bags and store in a dry place.

Some advise storing mushrooms in a glass or ceramic tightly sealed container.

Drying mushrooms, as you can see, does not take much work, even when drying in the oven. Even if you spend a lot of time, you can enjoy them later when they can't be found fresh.

Drying mushrooms is The best way preserving all the best that mushrooms give us. If you want to enjoy this wonderful product all year round, then drying is ideal for this purpose.

Mushrooms are a valuable source of protein, iodine, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamins D, C, PP.

It is important to note that only tubular mushrooms and some lamellar mushrooms can be dried (russula and dung beetles, for example, are not suitable for drying). Mushrooms with milky juice are not dried, as they have a very sharp and bitter taste.

For drying, they usually take champignons, mushrooms, boletus, autumn mushrooms, boletus, mossiness mushrooms, boletus and chanterelles.

Mushrooms for drying are harvested in sunny, dry weather.

Before drying, you need to clean the mushrooms from debris and earth. It is not recommended to wash them: most of the valuable substances and aroma will go away with water, the mushrooms will darken and may become sour. You can wash already dried mushrooms.

Large mushrooms must be cut into quarters or in half. Large legs are cut into strips of 1 cm. For small and medium mushrooms, the cap should be separated from the legs and dried whole. Very small mushrooms do not need to be cut and divided - they are dried whole. You can also cut all the mushrooms into strips (in case there are a lot of mushrooms and you don’t want to mess with them for a long time) - in this case, the drying process will proceed much faster. Mushrooms are best cut lengthwise.

You can also separate the mushrooms by type or size to make it easier to dry.

To dry mushrooms in the oven, you need to prepare a baking sheet. Arrange the already peeled and cut mushrooms on a baking sheet, lightly brushing it with oil. Also put baking paper on a baking sheet, then oil is not needed. You can lay out the mushrooms not on a baking sheet, but on a wire rack. In this case, you will need baking paper to place on the wire rack and arrange the mushrooms.

Mushrooms need to be laid out so that the caps look up, and there is a little space between the mushrooms (1 mm).

Another way to dry mushrooms in the oven is drying on knitting needles. If you decide to dry mushrooms with knitting needles, you will need wooden knitting needles that are as long as the width of the oven. The ends of the knitting needles need to be pointed and mushrooms strung on them. When the needles are completely filled, they must be put in the oven so that the ends lie on the horizontal ribs of the side walls of the oven.

If the oven does not have special ventilation holes, you need to leave the door ajar. If there is a fan, turn it on.

At the beginning of drying, set low temperature– about 50 °C. First stage drying mushrooms should take place at a low temperature, because if the temperature is immediately high, white droplets will appear on the mushrooms - protein substances, the mushrooms will darken. As soon as you notice droplets, the temperature must be lowered, and the mushrooms removed from the oven.

After about 1.5 - 2 hours, the temperature is increased to 70-80 ° C. At this temperature, the mushrooms should be dried for about 2 more hours, after which the temperature in the oven is lowered again to 55 ° C and the mushrooms are dried for another 2 hours.

During the drying process, do not forget to occasionally stir the mushrooms.

Dry mushrooms must be selected, the rest dried.

It is difficult to say how long it takes to dry the mushrooms in the oven, since the drying time for each mushroom is different.

When dried, approximately 76% of water is evaporated from mushrooms.

If the mushrooms have not dried completely in the oven, they can be dried in the air or indoors.

Whether the mushroom has dried up is easy to check - you need to break the hat. If the inside of the mushroom is wet, it has not dried yet and drying must be continued.

Dried mushrooms are convenient and easy to store. They are stored for a long time and do not lose their taste and aroma.

You can store dried mushrooms at any temperature, in a dark place. It is good to store mushrooms in glass jars, clay pots, tin, wooden and plastic boxes intended for food storage. It is not necessary to close the container with dried mushrooms hermetically. You can just wrap it in foil. Dried mushrooms are also stored in bags, but moths can start there.
