What awaits the New Year of the Rooster. It is advisable not to include chicken and egg dishes on the menu. Let there be a lot of greens, vegetables, fruits on the table - the feathered symbol of the year will like it. Firebird will have fun

2017 has the most unusual symbol - the bright, perky Rooster, ready to rush into battle. At the same time, it’s also fiery, which means that we obviously won’t be bored. But unlike the cunning Monkey, the Rooster is open and honest, loves order in everything, appreciates comfort, Tasty food and comfort - the bird is domestic after all. Therefore, you should not expect danger or unpleasant surprises in the next 12 months. The bright, bold color of the Rooster indicates that he is a leader who is not afraid to defend his opinion. At the same time, he is very hardworking, practical and homely.

Personal life in 2017

What cannot be taken away from the Rooster is the ability to care for the ladies. Amorous and fickle, he is capable of courting several ladies at once, breaking hearts and giving vain hopes. Therefore, the year is unusually successful for flirting and easy, pleasant relationships. At the same time, out of a thousand acquaintances, one may well turn out to be fateful and develop into something serious.

Work in 2017

2017 is great for people making a career - there will be an opportunity to significantly advance in their career. The military and politicians will have a particularly successful business career. This time is especially suitable for new beginnings - if previously something stopped you from starting a new business, continuing your education, moving to a new place of residence, starting a family, then in the coming year everything will push you to take these steps.

You need to boldly brush aside doubts and move forward - the Rooster especially patronizes self-confident and assertive people.

Create and learn new things!

The Rooster is a fanfare, it does not go unnoticed in any society, it is always bright and brilliant. This applies to both image and intelligence. In 2017, experiments with appearance and improvisation with your own image are encouraged. These trends will be so strong in 2017 that even hardened conservatives will want to add some variety to their appearance.

In terms of intellectual development, there will also be a lot of opportunities. All you need to do is choose the right direction and learn new things. Many may discover unexpected talent in creativity, want to pick up brushes or write their first bestseller - all this is a positive influence of the Year of the Rooster.

Finance in the Year of the Rooster

Illustration: Goncharov

The financial situation will be enviably stable for almost all people who are accustomed to working hard. The bird pecks one grain at a time and finds food for itself anywhere. Therefore, every hard work will be rewarded and duly paid. Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get rich and become a millionaire overnight, but living comfortably for these 12 months and saving something for a vacation or other necessary things is quite possible.

But treat cash It is necessary with all seriousness not to take unnecessary risks, not to get involved in adventures, not to make rash purchases. It is also undesirable to borrow money or lend money - there is a high risk of loss. The first three months of the year are especially dangerous - at this time many can go bankrupt or lose large sums of money through their own carelessness.

How to welcome 2017?

Illustration: Winnie

It’s better to celebrate the New Year 2017 with your family, at a richly and deliciously set table, in the most fashionable and bright clothes (remember the plumage of the Rooster!).

It is advisable not to include chicken and egg dishes on the menu. Let there be a lot of greens, vegetables, fruits on the table - the feathered symbol of the year will like it.

December has already arrived. This means that we are all gradually beginning to prepare for the most important holiday - the New Year.

Surely, many of us are already actively looking through New Year's recipes 2018, choosing New Year's salads 2018 and hot dishes for the New Year 2018. Some are preoccupied and are looking for best gifts for the New Year 2018. And the fair sex is interested in beautiful and fashionable Cocktail Dresses for the New Year's corporate party 2018. But it's worth stopping for a moment and thinking about what the coming year will be like and what awaits us?

As part of these questions, today we are pleased to offer you new horoscopes for 2018.

What awaits us in 2018 according to the horoscope?

According to Chinese calendar, New Year 2018 will be the year Yellow Dog. It starts on January 28, 2018 and ends on February 15, 2019. Horoscope on New Year The Dog tells us that we need to work hard and be patient in order to achieve our goals.

The Year of the Yellow Dog is a time best spent alone and in harmony with family and friends.

The dog has its own lucky colors. If you use them, you can attract good luck, abundance and prosperity.

There are also colors that should not be used. One of these colors is red. Avoid using red in your clothing and accessories. Instead, go for brown or yellow.

According to Chinese astrology, in the year of the Dog, hard work awaits us. This is the only key to achieving success. Financial investments will also be useful.

The Chinese horoscope tells girls that this year will be the best for marriage.

Professional relationships will become fruitful in the coming year. You shouldn’t complicate everything too much, don’t think and analyze a lot. Also, you should not fall into dubious and risky transactions, no matter how tempting and profitable they may seem.

In general, we understand what awaits us in the coming year. Now let’s look specifically at the horoscope for the new year according to the signs of the zodiac.

Horoscope for the New Year 2018 according to zodiac signs


2018 will be a truly exciting time for Aries. New opportunities will open up for you.

As a rule, people born under this zodiac sign are sociable and interesting. They love to try new things and meet new people all the time. Most Aries are strong-willed, and in some cases this can be mistaken for stubbornness. Generally,

Aries have more good qualities than bad ones. And these qualities will greatly help them in the coming 2018.

The New Year's horoscope for Aries says that 2018 is an excellent time for family planning and children. They will make many new friends and make new useful acquaintances.

You should also pay attention to your career. If you are not satisfied with your job, then 2018 is the best year to change it.

Aries should pay special attention to health. In the coming year, you should not overload yourself with work, otherwise it may have a bad effect on your body.

  • In January 2018, Aries will experience incredible success and progress. Making new contacts is the key to prosperity.
  • February will bring some changes on the professional front.
  • The month of March will be the month of impulsive decisions. So you should be extremely careful.
  • A sharp increase in wages is expected in April.
  • In May 2018, Aries should spend more time with their family.
  • June will be a socially active month. Here you can start planning your vacation.
  • But in July, unexpected expenses may appear.
  • August 2018 will be filled with fun and activity. Everything will be fine on the personal and professional fronts.
  • In September, Aries should work hard to balance work and personal life.
  • October will be filled with new impressions and emotions. This month you will be able to resolve all problems and misunderstandings.
  • November 2018 will be a good time for a family vacation.
  • But in December, Aries again expects success in the professional field.

In general, the horoscope for 2018 for Aries is quite positive.


2018 will be the right year for Taurus to impress their boss or friends. In the coming year, they will be able to have a good time, try something new and make far-reaching plans.

Many changes await Taurus. But no matter what, they will be able to cope with it.

If you are looking for love, then 2017 will be a lucky year for you. If you are already in a relationship, then the coming year will only help strengthen it.

But professionally, some difficulties await you. You will have to defend your opinion to your superiors more than once.

In terms of finances, Taurus should not commit rash acts and spend money frivolously.

In terms of health, you should pay attention to your diet. Eat right and then health problems will bypass you.

The New Year's horoscope for Taurus by month is as follows:

  • January 2018 will be a busy month in terms of career.
  • Family problems are possible in February.
  • March 2018 may affect your emotional condition. This is the best time to sit back and make plans.
  • In April you should not overexert yourself. Otherwise, health problems may arise.
  • May will bring prosperity and abundance. This month you may be concerned about weight loss.
  • June 2018 will show an increase in income. And in July there will be a slowdown in career terms.
  • August 2018 is a time of intense emotions. This is the month when you should reconsider your outlook on life.
  • In September, you should improve your relationships with family and friends.
  • In October, carefully consider all financial decisions.
  • November promises a tense situation in relationships. But December will be the month in which new opportunities for business development will appear.


The New Year's horoscope for Gemini says that you can both focus on work and concentrate on your hobbies. The success of 2018 depends on your actions.

On the love front, everything is fine. The coming year is a time for romantic relationships.

IN financially 2018 will be a stable year for Gemini.

In the new year you will have the opportunity to work on things that will help you move forward career ladder.

It should also be noted that the physical health of Gemini in 2018 will be at its peak. It is unlikely that you will suffer from anything more than a common cold. But on mental health should pay close attention.

  • January 2018 will be a favorable month for Gemini. Cleanse your home and mind. And then you can start the New Year with a clean slate.
  • February will be a busy month. Learn to leave work problems at work. This way you can avoid excessive emotional stress.
  • In March, misunderstandings in the family are possible.
  • April will demonstrate your penchant for online dating. You can also try your hand at a new online business.
  • May 2018 will be a time of self-development.
  • And June will bring some problems in relationships. However, the news related to pregnancy will be positive.
  • Forecasts for July show that professional failures will be left behind.
  • In August Mercury will provide Negative influence on your family relationships. So be prepared to deal with problems.
  • September 2018 will be a good month to pay attention to your health and stick to healthy image life.
  • In October you should just enjoy life. But in November, everything may not go as you planned. But don't be upset. Problems only make you stronger.
  • December 2018 will dot all the i's. You will understand what you want from work and from life in general.

In general, the 2018 horoscope for Gemini says that the coming year will be peaceful and carefree.


The horoscope for Cancer for the New Year 2018 says that before doing anything, you should think a hundred times. Otherwise you may have problems. Cancer men can use their romantic feelings to improve their relationships. Overall, it is necessary to use your bursts of energy to make the coming year prosperous.

If you don't have Serious relationships, then in 2018 you are simply doomed to find them.

In the new year, Cancers will make new acquaintances and friends. Most of them will have interests similar to yours.

At the beginning of the year, you will have a lot of new energy. Use it to work on old projects.

2018 for Cancers - good time for investment. You will also be able to work more and earn more. However, don't overdo it too much. Otherwise it can lead to stress.

In terms of health, you should pay attention Special attention on mental state. While your body will be healthy, your mental state may suffer.

  • January 2018 will show that you must become open to changes happening in your life.
  • In February there will be an opportunity to earn extra money.
  • March will give a great boost in your career. However, here you should pay attention to mental health.
  • April 2018 will bring some health problems. Daily walks will be very beneficial.
  • In May, you should think about correcting all your mistakes.
  • June is a month of change. Women, for example, can experiment with their appearance.
  • In July, you should think twice before making any long-term commitments, which could include marriage or business deals.
  • August is the month for love. And September is most suitable for business development and family expansion.
  • October may bring some health problems. Pay attention to the intestines.
  • November should be spent in silence, engaged in introspection. And December is a social month.

In general, Cancers can expect frequent mood swings. However, you will have enough energy to overcome all troubles.

a lion

Use your time wisely. The Leo New Year's horoscope suggests that you should do everything possible to focus on advancing your career. And only after everything has improved professionally, should you work on improving relationships with friends and family members.

On the love front, Leos may feel that things are moving slowly. However, this is only for the better.

In terms of finances, 2017 will be a prosperous year for your wallet. New opportunities at work are likely awaiting you. There is also a high probability big win to the lottery.

  • January 2018 will be the month of spiritual enlightenment. In February, all started work should be completed.
  • March 2018 is favorable for career growth. And in April you should not rush to make decisions.
  • In May, you need to reduce your workload, take a time out, relax and enjoy life.
  • In June you can try some adventurous activities.
  • In July 2018, cash inflow will increase. But in August you should avoid risky transactions.
  • In September, put in some effort. They will help you in the future.
  • October 2018 will be a month in which Leos will be prone to depression due to family problems.
  • November will also be quite busy and hectic.
  • But in December you can achieve highest degree optimism. The month will be successful.


Virgo's New Year's horoscope warns you that you must be extremely polite with your bosses, friends and partners. You should also always try to make time for your hobbies.

In the coming year, Virgos may feel inclined to start a new relationship. They can be both friendly and romantic.

Virgo is a hardworking person. If she has a goal in her work, then she cannot be stopped. However, the coming year will show us the opposite.

In 2018, Virgo may experience stress. You need to take a short break. This will give you energy.

  • January 2018 – good month to channel excess physical energy into sports and fitness activities.
  • February is favorable financially. And in March, you will be most interested in spiritual healing.
  • April is the time to cleanse your life of everything unwanted. And in May you should pay more attention to your career and studies.
  • In June, Virgo may face risky events. And in July your career will take off.
  • In August, try to stay away from drinking alcohol.
  • In September, all your financial transactions will be successful. But in October you should be careful with your finances. You may end up with a hole in your pocket.
  • November 2018 is a social month. And December will open up new financial opportunities for you.

The Virgo horoscope for 2018 foretells a rather busy time for us with the right balance of work and rest.


Libra's New Year's horoscope tells you to keep your inner world, while setting aside some time to connect with friends, partners and family.

The love horoscope for the New Year tells representatives of this sign that 2018 will be a year of new beginnings. If you are single, you will definitely meet your other half. If you are already in a relationship, you should maintain balance.

In terms of career, the coming year will be very productive. Financial issues in the new year should be resolved slowly. Don't spend too much money on things you don't need.

  • January 2018 will be the month psychological development for Libra.
  • Financial growth is expected in February. However, this may not be an easy task.
  • March is a difficult period for your health. Try to strengthen your immunity.
  • In April 2018, it is better for you to relax and rest without taking any action.
  • But May will be productive for work.
  • June is a good time to get married and plan a child.
  • In July, some relationship problems may arise.
  • August 2018 is a month of complete harmony.
  • And September will force you to learn from your mistakes.
  • October will bring with it some problems in the area of ​​finances.
  • In November, it is recommended to reconsider your outlook on life. You can try to radically change your image.
  • December will be somewhat problematic. So don't rush into making important decisions.


The horoscope in the new year 2018 tells Scorpios that you will be able to achieve a lot in your career and public life. But this doesn't mean you need to move fast. Take your time, don't leave your comfort zone.

Scorpios should try something new this coming year. This will help make the year more interesting and exciting.

In terms of career, Scorpios will have to work harder than usual in the coming year. But this will not go unnoticed.

As you work more, you will have more finance. If you are currently facing financial problems, then in the coming year you will be able to find a way out of this situation.

  • January 2018 will be filled with romance and love. Online dating would be a good idea.
  • February will be filled with fun, pleasure and relaxation.
  • March will be a positive month. You can look for something new workplace and make new acquaintances.
  • April 2018 will be quite stable.
  • May is an excellent month for the influx of funds.
  • Changes await you in June, both on the personal and professional front.
  • In July, stress and tension should be minimized.
  • August won't be the best best month. It may lead to problems in the future.
  • In September, good luck awaits you on the love front. Even office romances are possible.
  • October asks you to think twice before making important financial decisions.
  • November is a month of transformation. And in December there is no need to rush anywhere. Enjoy life.


What will the New Year 2018 be like according to the horoscope for Sagittarius? Surely, this question worries all representatives of this sign.

Sagittarians should be tolerant of family and friends in the new year.

The love horoscope says that if you are in a relationship, then do not be afraid to surprise your partner. Don't worry about the past. You should focus on the present.

In terms of work, the coming year will be even more demanding. This will take up a significant portion of your time. Your financial condition will move in better side. Just make sure you spend your money wisely.

  • In January you will be completely absorbed in work. Financial condition will be excellent.
  • February should be spent with family and friends. But in March some difficulties are expected in work.
  • In April, complete mutual understanding in your love relationships awaits you.
  • May is not the best month for traveling and looking for new jobs or starting a new business.
  • June 2018 will be a difficult month. July asks you to be patient and not rush into making any decisions.
  • In August, your career will rapidly take off. And in September you should relax and enjoy life.
  • October 2018 is the month of spiritual enlightenment.
  • There is no need to rush too much in November. Click on the thromosis and wait time.
  • And in December, a career surge is expected again.


You should spend 2018 with family and friends, even if you want to be focused on work. Spend more time doing what you love. And a successful year awaits you.

A lot of work is expected in the new year. You will feel creative potential that will help you in business. Don't be afraid to share your great ideas. Who knows, maybe you will get a promotion or a nice bonus for them.

The horoscope for the New Year 2018 suggests that Capricorns will be more focused than ever on their finances. However, you should carefully weigh all financial decisions. Set aside some funds for a rainy day.

  • In January you will have a lot of money. Your career will develop rapidly.
  • In February, you will be completely absorbed in your family.
  • In March, you should take care of your health. And in April you should show your love for life.
  • May - great month if you decide to change jobs. In June, you will have the opportunity to test the strength of your relationship. July will be associated with issues of partner compatibility. This is the time to turn to spirituality.
  • In August, you will be trying your best to balance your family and career.
  • And in September you can relax a little and make some pleasant expenses.
  • In October, you should pay attention to your health. This is especially true for the liver and kidneys.
  • In November, you should take the initiative and act.
  • December 2018 will be a powerful month when your wishes and dreams will be fulfilled.


The New Year's horoscope for Aquarius says that you should make friends with your colleagues to make work a little more fun.

IN Lately Aquarius has a tendency to decrease their performance. However, you should reconsider your positions so that the year becomes successful in financially. Take your work more seriously. However, don't be afraid to share your creative ideas with your boss.

Keep an eye on your finances in the coming year. Otherwise, this year may become unstable.

  • January 2018 will take place in an atmosphere of complete idyll. Yours family life will improve and become favorable.
  • In February, Aquarians will be inclined to get involved in risky financial transactions.
  • March will be successful in terms of health.
  • In April, you should pay attention to your psychological development.
  • May will bring family conflicts.
  • June is a month of fun and partying with family and friends.
  • In July, you should focus on the little things.
  • In August, you should completely change your wardrobe.
  • And in September you will be very busy and quite active.
  • October encourages you to participate in charitable activities.
  • In November, your career will be at its peak. However, here you should pay attention to health.
  • December is the ideal time to advance your career or change jobs.


Pisces should not forget to spend as much time as possible with family and friends. 2018 only contributes to this.

In the coming year, Pisces have a much greater chance of making friends with work colleagues. This social connection will make your life a little easier.

You should keep a close eye on your finances in the coming year. Don't spend money frivolously.

  • January 2018 will bring some problems in relationships.
  • In February, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate strong personal independence.
  • In March you will see additional financial opportunities.
  • April will resolve everything financial difficulties. However, there are likely health problems here.
  • And in May there will be some changes in family plan. Your emotional health may suffer.
  • In June you should spend more time with your loved ones. And July will provide the opportunity for self-realization.
  • August 2018 will bring minor problems on the money front.
  • Career changes are expected in September.
  • October is a month filled with fun. But November is a time of planning and contemplation.
  • December 2018 will be fruitful professionally. However, this may cause health problems.

Chinese horoscope by year of birth 2018


In the coming 2018, Rats will not suffer from serious financial losses. However, you should make smart financial investments and avoid risky investments.

If you have good executive ability, then your career will take off in the new year.

The service sector will be the most successful for Rats. This is especially true for women.

In terms of health, not everything is so great. Both mental and physical problems await you.

When you are away from home, you should pay more attention to safety. There is a high probability of accidents.


Since the Ox is quite compatible with the symbol of the coming year, the Dog, you are expected love luck and rapid career growth.

The year is prosperous financially. Large expenses await you. You won't be able to save money. You will spend quite a lot of money without even wanting to.

You will also have good luck in your work. Your attitude to work and your abilities will be appreciated by your superiors.

If you want to start your own business in the new year, then this is a rare opportunity that you simply cannot miss.

In 2018, the Bulls will not have any health problems. You will always be full of strength and energetic.


Tiger in Chinese Zodiac incompatible with the Dog in the same way as he is incompatible with the owner of the outgoing year, Rooster.

You will not have much success in the coming year. However, exceptions include work and love relationships.

Career-wise, in 2018 you will gradually get on the right path and solve professional problems. In the second half of the year you will find career takeoff. Here you must be especially careful and responsible.

In terms of health, Tigers are unlikely to deal with serious illnesses. However, old health problems may attack you again. Be careful.

Older adults and athletes will be more likely to suffer from falls and sprains. Excessive physical activity should be avoided.


Rabbits are unlikely to be expected in 2018 great luck. Some financial losses await you. You need to be careful in your investments. Due to changes in working conditions or a change of job, you may receive a decrease in income. In addition, you should not borrow money. this may lead to financial losses.

In 2018, there is a high probability of getting into emergency situations. In addition, due to failures at work, you will be extremely irritable. This can lead to emotional and mental problems. You may experience insomnia, depression, and neurasthenia. In addition, inflammation, diseases of the respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract may occur.

The Dragon

Dragons will have the opportunity to significantly improve their well-being and development in love and career.

If you are a businessman, then success awaits you in all your endeavors. If you are an employee of a company, then recognition from your superiors awaits you.

Your health will be stable in the coming year. However, colds or other minor problems may occur. In addition, Dragons are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You should pay special attention to issues of personal hygiene and healthy eating, maintain good dream and dietary habits.


Snakes will have luck with the opposite sex. But aspects such as career and wealth leave much to be desired.

Wealth will decline. In addition, you will not have the opportunity for career advancement. Unexpected financial losses await you.

There is a high risk of accidents that may result in injury. Therefore, you should pay special attention to safety precautions when engaging in mountain climbing, surfing, jumping, etc. Stay away from dangerous species sports In addition, it is recommended to undergo a medical examination from time to time.


In general, the coming year is not bad for the Horse. You will have good fortune in many areas. However, you may experience some problems with your health and interpersonal relationships.

In 2018, changes in your work await you. You will help others and gain new opportunities for cooperation. Due to a successful career, you will receive more possibilities to earn money. However, you should not make investments and take loans.

From a health point of view, everything is somewhat sad. If you have chronic illnesses, you should visit your doctor regularly. Older Horses may suffer from arthritis, osteochondrosis, etc. It will be difficult for you to avoid colds.


The goat will also not be particularly lucky in the new year. You must be extremely careful.

In terms of your career, many insoluble problems may arise. Financial failures also await you. You must learn to strictly control your expenses.

In the new year 2018, health risks await you. The only thing you can do is to ensure good mental health and avoid the negativity caused by illnesses.

If you want to learn how to maintain good health, you should relieve psychological pressure yourself. This can be done by walking on fresh air while playing sports, etc.


In 2018, people born in the year of the Monkey will finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief. 2017 was quite a difficult year for them. However, now things are starting to look up for the better.

Your financial situation will stabilize. Interpersonal relationships with colleagues will improve, and work will go uphill.

Most important issue Monkeys will be healthy in the coming year. This is especially true for the first half of the year.


Roosters will be much less lucky this coming year. They will simply be haunted by failures in their careers, socially, family relationships, etc.

You should not make serious decisions or change jobs. If you are doing entrepreneurial activity, then you must be prepared for the fact that your company will face serious problems on the way to development.

You should be extremely careful, as there is a high risk of getting into traffic accidents. You should also stay away from dangerous sporting events. More attention should be paid to family and health, especially physical.


Unprecedented financial success awaits dogs. However, you must learn to be generous. A rapid rise up the career ladder is also expected.

In 2018, Dogs become more sensitive. They may suffer from imaginary fears. You need to find a way to express your emotions. For example, you can engage in extreme sports. Remember that accumulating negativity can lead to mental illness.


Overall, the coming year will be good. However, minor problems may arise in terms of love, career and wealth.

You will not have excess income. This is directly related to career problems.

Your investment will not be smooth sailing. This is worth paying attention to.

In the coming year, you should think about getting additional education. In the future, you will be able to put it into practice.

In the first half of the year, there is a high risk of stomach disease. Therefore, you should maintain a healthy diet. In the second half of the year, your health will improve significantly.

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Each of us is waiting New Year's Eve as himself big miracle In my life. And everyone hopes for something extraordinary, magical and joyful. This is why many, even very serious people re-read a lot of different horoscopes, looking for favorable days, months and seasons for yourself.

Firebird will have fun

Next year, 2017, according to eastern calendar, will be the year of the Red Fire Rooster. The element of this year's symbol, sweeping away everything in its path, will bring enough strangeness for all signs of the zodiac, but the owner of the next twelve months will suffer the most.

So, the 28th day of January 2017. The Monkey says goodbye to everyone for 11 years and transfers the rights to the throne to the Rooster. You won’t be able to notice the change of power right away, no matter how carefully you look, because both the elements and the color are exactly the same. In the first months of his reign, the Cockerel will be quite calm and balanced, but with the arrival of spring he will become cheerful and playful, surprising everyone with his unpredictability and presenting surprisingly pleasant surprises.

Dedicated to everyone born in the year of the Rooster...

So the loud bird has waited for its time. According to predictions eastern horoscope, next year will be very promising for this sign. For them the time of great and serious achievements is coming. The owner of the next twelve months will with great pleasure and special diligence provide assistance to everyone who was born under the same sign. These people will finally be able to realize what they have been thinking about for a long time. And these achievements will manifest themselves in all areas of life.

The next year will bring many tasks to all those born under its sign, which, although difficult, will be very exciting. They (people) will feel harmony between their surroundings more than ever huge world, and your internal state. And this will make it clear that they have hidden talents. It will be completely safe to move into a new field of activity, so 2017 will provide the necessary support. Creative representatives of this sign are simply obliged to realize their ideas during this period, because everything will work out for them with ease.

Women and men: goals and dreams

For the Rooster woman, this period will be important, because it will be possible to resolve a huge number of issues and fulfill the main dream. There is no need to refuse the offered help, which can come at any moment.

And for the Rooster man, the year will be a time when pre-set goals are realized, but only thanks to accumulated experience. The main thing is to correctly divide your time intended for physical and intellectual work. It will be useful to change the type of activity.

How to behave in the year of the Fire Rooster?

In general, the year will not be easy for representatives of this sign, because the emotional Rooster, like no other, easily finds many different adventures. Life will be rich in surprises and impressions, but it is activity that will lead to good results. It is important not to let things take their course and not to aggravate relationships with loved ones and colleagues due to conflict and excessive belligerence.

The calmest period of time, when you can relax and enjoy the results already achieved, will be in the spring. Summer will be quite busy. But autumn will come for him, bringing with it gifts and various additional incomes. In winter - in December-January, it will be useful to draw up a strategic action plan and reap the benefits of the successful results of the past year. We must remember that it is the enthusiasm and passion of the Rooster that will help him this year not only achieve a high goal, but also increase everything he has earned previously.

Love, health and finance

In the personal life of the Rooster there will be next year everything: from scandals and showdowns to boundless love and serenades under the balcony. In order not to lose love and not destroy the family, you must be able to conduct a dialogue. Next year you need to monitor your health very carefully: some disturbances in the cardiovascular system are possible. It is best to give up cigarettes during this period and reduce your daily consumption of cups of coffee. Instead of fried foods eat baked in the oven.

Financially, unprecedented opportunities will open up for the Roosters. There may be a salary increase, bonuses, incentive payments. The main thing is not to waste your wealth thoughtlessly.

Traditionally (for the second year in a row!) we study the most competent predictions from leading astrologers in order to give you the most accurate horoscope. 2016 is coming to an end, which means it's time to get ready for the challenges of the new 12 months.

And they will not keep you waiting. Red Fire Rooster– aggressive patron of 2017, who obliges everything zodiac signs remember their past promises, that living is not easy and you cannot waste a minute. But we are confident that together we will overcome all adversity.

Friends, very soon our hearts will be filled with New Year's magic, and our glasses will be filled with sparkling champagne. And some will be upset that 2016 is over, while others, on the contrary, will breathe a sigh of relief. There are still many great things, successes and victories ahead of us. And no matter what the stars prophesy for us, we will overcome everything and climb to our own, even if not rocky, but still peaks! Happy New Year!

It won't be easy to start a year when you shouldn't start anything significant. Winter for Aries is a time of reasoning and focusing on details in order to paint a complete picture for themselves for the year. But the implementation of plans should be postponed until spring. But not in mid-April or late May - two islands of sadness. In general, spring is your period in all areas, if you are persistent.

In the summer, relax and don’t even rely on your brain or anything else in your affairs. Mistakes, forgetfulness and misunderstanding will constantly haunt you. Better stock up on strength for autumn. After all, from September to mid-October, the stars will be on your side, and important changes will become a topic now more than ever. Dating and patronage will help you in your work.

After everything you have experienced, you can also take care of your family, focusing on your loved ones. Remember that elders must be respected and obeyed, even sometimes to the detriment of yourself.

Like many signs, Taurus will have a rather difficult start to 2017. And you will have to fight for yourself until the end of February. And there you will find allies, although they are unlikely to be of use to you.

From March to mid-June is a time of experimentation, protection from social pressure and many successful transactions. This period will help you achieve financial success, if you keep yourself under strict discipline. Gather your remaining strength and put it into action in June - you will have to work hard.

The second half of the year is calmer and more uniform. This can cause you to become depressed. But in November-December, Taurus will discover new talents in themselves, and, perhaps, meeting them halfway, they will change their activities.

To spite everyone, Gemini's year starts on a positive note. Right from January, you already need to get down to business in order to have time to complete them the best way to spring. It will also help in romantic positions that will make relationships strengthen.

And in the spring, your proverb will be “Horses die at work, but I’m an immortal pony.” But despite the fact that there will be little time to rest, you will not become discouraged. The main thing is not to conflict with anyone, especially with loved ones, because... you will still need their support.

Spend the summer deciding financial tasks, because August will be for you a period of striving for personal success that is not determined by material rewards. Selflessly moving mountains will make you stand above others and make those around you admire you.

The winter of Cancer will “delight” with rapidly changing events, which you will have to try to keep up with. Don’t give in to stress, but calmly try to solve all the problems. Everything should be dealt with before the beginning of spring: both work troubles and family disagreements. This will take a lot of energy, so by March you will feel like a wrung-out rag. Relax until mid-April in a comfortable and cozy environment.

You will have to work as a laborer again and again in May and June. Don’t even think about the beach and walks during this period - there is no time for them. But for Good work you will feel proud of yourself.

And then everything will go like clockwork. Just don’t mix things up, but put them on a conveyor belt: conquer new heights in order and don’t fuss. Be careful - they will want to manipulate you.

In the fall, it is worth turning to friendly, work and family cooperation. A team spirit will bring more fruit. Especially when towards the very end of the year you feel despondent. Hold on!

You are lucky - until May, Leos have nothing to worry about at all: neither financially nor socially. Everyone likes him, everything works out. In March and April, enlist the support of old friends and actively expand your horizons. Self-education and instructions will benefit you.

May-June is a time for rest. During this period, you should not take any important steps, because... there will be serious disruptions in problem solving. So it’s better to “not move” at all than to regret later the wrong actions.

And from August until the end of the year, everything will stabilize and flow in a positive direction. Of course, there will be some unpleasant moments, but very minor ones. Communicate more with your loved ones.

Start 2017 evenly and smoothly. By mid-February, Virgos need to decide on their goals, approaching everything from the position of a person in nirvana, so that later it doesn’t turn out to be infuriating chaos. You can afford it, because... You don't have much to worry about until July. Everything will go great. But do not refuse those offers of fate that contain difficulties - overcoming them will have a great impact on your material and spiritual state.

But not everything is Maslenitsa, and the next stage will be the period until October, when business and mental activity subsides. There may even be problems with studying and paperwork. Therefore, attention should be paid to the family.

But by the end of the year, thanks to intuition, luck will return to you again.

The first six months for Libra are a time of obstacles and overcomings. In particular, until the end of March you should not rely on anyone or anything except yourself and your strength. Of course, the support of friends and comrades will soften sad circumstances. But responsibility for them will be entirely yours.

Then it will become a little easier, because... there will be clarity in actions. But still, it’s better not to hope for anything until August. successful resolution any of your affairs. So prepare your escape routes right away. Someone will let you down, others will not work out, the documents will not be completed on time... And you will probably taste loneliness and misunderstanding.

But autumn is your time, if you don’t expect something beautiful and magical during this period. Realism, determination and speed in action will have a fruitful effect on your life.

It is not known what kind of agreement Scorpios have with the Red Rooster, but until May you can not only enjoy life in peace, but also conquer new heights, learn and share information. And with all this, you will be successful!

True, the second half of the year is not so cloudless. Both minor troubles and major problems are likely. Their resolution will depend on you: the sooner you recognize and admit, the sooner everything will return to its previous course.

At the end of the year, you will experience a complete loss of strength. It's time to relax, unwind and enjoy the results of the past months.

Vain vanity awaits Sagittarius at the start of 2017. Until March inclusive, do not expect any achievements, but prepare plans and the basis for a bright future. And everything will work out for you, because... April and May are literally created for the embodiment of ideas. Your talents will be in full swing, and this outburst can have a good effect on the implementation of a major task. At the same time, it is likely to make fateful acquaintances.

First summer months will show themselves from the bad side, taking away your energy and time for unforeseen barriers. You will learn how to cope with all difficulties in August.

After which the period for self-realization and expansion of the circle of friends will begin again. It may well be that you will receive a reward for your work. Or for a relationship - a marriage proposal.

Those with whom the Rooster has a tense relationship are Capricorns. From the very first month a series of obstacles will begin. It will be hard, it will be disappointing. However, you should not be discouraged, because from mid-February to the end of March, circumstances beyond your control will begin to change your life for the better. And you will like it.

It's a pity that all good things come to an end quickly. Therefore, use your logic, don’t take risks and make clear plans so that by July you have an arsenal for “fight”. The last summer months are a test of stability and independence. By going through it, you will attract a lot of the attention you need.

By the end of the year, the controversial quizzes of life will not subside, but along the way you can make many interesting and useful contacts. Charm is your trump card.

A successful start to the year will delight Aquarius with its diversity in different areas. A surge of strength and intelligence helps to quickly resolve important tasks and find common language with colleagues, especially female ones. However, the first six months are good for relationships, which will be filled with romance.

But, alas, a sharp mind and determination can let you down in May-June, forcing you to ruin your communication with important people. This, in turn, will lead to personal problems and even financial losses.

However, do not be discouraged, because... "Through hardship to the stars". Once you understand your mistakes, you will be back in the right frame of mind and positively move towards success. The sooner you do this, the better: in the fall you will need rest. And from October you will discover new talents in yourself that will make you feel like different people by the end of the year.

In general, it must be said that a good year is planned for Pisces. But this depends mainly not on yourself, but on your environment. Already at the end of January there will be his first check. And we can say that it’s better even if you didn’t rely on anyone at all “before”, so as not to be disappointed in people.

Throughout February you will be praised for your help and skill, but don't climb too high on the mountain of vanity. The higher the slide, the more painful it is... True, until May everything will flow like clockwork. But May-June is a fortress that only brave and experienced Pisces will have to take. It is advisable that you have the necessary connections for this. Having dealt with difficulties, you can exhale and relax mentally until October. The course of favorable circumstances will itself lead you to stability. And friends and relatives will help you “swim”.

The end of the year will excite you with inconsistency and over-information. But you will direct them in a beneficial direction that will bring a successful outcome. A great year for strengthening character and preparing for great achievements.
