What to cook for the table this year. Cheap air tickets for the New Year - how and where to buy

Already, many people are faced with the question: where (which country or city) can they fly to celebrate the New Year as cheaply and comfortably as possible. The convenient service aviasales.ru is an ideal assistant for those who are planning to fly to celebrate in another city or country: it will help you decide on the choice of budget plane tickets, and will show you a detailed “map” low prices", route maps around the world.
By examining flight data from past years, the service studied the dynamics of price increases and decreases and reflected the interdependence of air routes, the timing of ticket bookings and their cost. The conclusion is clear: the earlier you book your tickets, the cheaper they will cost. It all depends on the popularity of the routes and the demand for them - prices for some destinations quickly “jump”, while for others they change imperceptibly.

If you really want to celebrate the New Year away from home, but your financial capabilities are quite modest, you should choose inexpensive routes. For example, air travel within Russia is inexpensive. Even in December you can buy cheap air tickets to Moscow, Sochi, St. Petersburg. As statistics show, the price of tickets to these cities before the New Year (average) decreases:

  • to St. Petersburg - by 13%
  • to Moscow – by 11%
  • Minvody – by 6%
  • Sochi – by 4%

To Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Simferopol, Vladivostok, on the contrary, in December air tickets rise in price from 1 to 27% compared to September. If you are planning to fly to New Year to these cities, purchase tickets in September. It will be relatively inexpensive to fly to the capitals of the Near Abroad: Yerevan, Minsk, Baku, Tbilisi (ticket price from Moscow from 10,562 rubles to 14,391 rubles) if you book a ticket in September. As for European countries, relatively cheap air tickets to Hungary, Cyprus, Austria, Germany, Turkey, Greece, the Czech Republic (from Moscow from 13,900 to 20,000 rubles) also subject to early booking.

When to buy cheap air tickets for the New Year 2018

Statistics show that the peak of New Year's flights falls on last days December and the first week of January (from 30.12 to 08.01), when the cost of air tickets increases significantly. To save as much as possible, you need to choose a route in advance (3-4 months before the trip) and purchase air tickets with a savings of 15-20 thousand rubles. The optimal period for booking tickets is summer-September (see price comparison above). Although in September air tickets are already more expensive than in previous months. According to aviasales.ru, the average ticket price from September to December increases by 30-40%, and for some destinations - by 1.5-2 times. The further away the country is, the more popular it is among tourists (Thailand, Vietnam), the sooner you should take care of purchasing tickets. But also in relatively close European countries An air ticket purchased 2 weeks in advance will also cost much more than one purchased 3 months in advance. In a word, early booking air tickets are the key to successful savings.

Finding cheap air tickets for New Year's Eve 2018

Using the wonderful aviasales.ru system, you can always find the best flight option without overpaying extra money. To do this, just go to its website in any search engine and type “Search for cheap air tickets for flights in December-January.” A clearly thought-out request form allows you to very quickly specify any city, any country in the world, round-trip flight dates, and ticket class (business, economy).
In a second, information about the cost of 1 ticket and its validity period will appear in front of you. For example, you need to fly on December 31 from Rostov-on-Don to Moscow. Aviaslays provides the following information:

Rostov-on-Don - Moscow - 8 tickets

Cost Duration of period Freshness of information

4077 rub. 31.12. 17 – 14. 01. 18. 20 hours ago

5305 rub. 31.12.17 – 08.01. 18 7 hours ago

etc. for all 8 tickets. You can easily choose your return flight date based on the price. Select the appropriate option, click “Find”, and you will see detailed information about all flights, the air carrier company, the online service for selling tickets, the exact time of departure, direct flight or with transfer(s), number of tickets, flight duration .

Example information:

13.30 – departure from Rostov-on-Don, 15.25 – arrival in Moscow.

Using aviasales.ru, you will find cheap air tickets to any city in the world where you want to fly, for example, from Rostov-on-Don to new year holidays. The list of arrival cities includes New York, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Barcelona, ​​Naples, Dubai, Nice, Paris, etc. Having found the desired city in the list of destinations, you subscribe and have the opportunity to choose the best option for your trip through any of the specified Internet services you book a flight ticket. You will also find out the type of flight - direct or with transfers, and the price change depending on this will be shown. Most often, you have to pay more for a flight with a transfer (if there is no other choice). Information about the number of available tickets for each flight is also posted.

The service warns about changes in ticket prices. Just enter your email address, click on “Follow price” (if you agree to the processing of personal data) and wait for messages. If you are still thinking about purchasing, after the warning about the price increase, you can book a ticket at the same price.

Interaction with services for selling cheap air tickets

Aviaslays interacts with online services for the sale of air tickets “Pobeda”, One Two Trip, Biletix, S7 Arlines, Visit Tatarstan and others. The largest service, One Two Trip (2011), is in great demand among tourists. For 2 last year this Internet resource ranks among the top thirty of its kind. Every month, 100,000 flights are booked on One Two Trip. The company operates in the markets of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia and plans to expand into European countries in the near future. However, judging by the reviews, not always everything goes smoothly with the booking.

Are discounts possible for the New Year?

There are special offers and promotions in almost all companies selling air tickets online, which aviasales.ru also informs about, but their likelihood for New Year's flights is very low, except for those mentioned above. Companies offer discounts and price reduction promotions during normal periods to stimulate customer demand with the goal of 100 percent occupancy of aircraft. For example, on September 24, with the Pobeda company, a flight from Moscow to Munich costs 2,070 rubles instead of 5,639 rubles (saving 3,569 rubles). On New Year's Eve, airliners, as a rule, fly with a full complement of passengers, so there is no need for additional discounts and promotions. Early purchases for New Year flights remain a priority. If you analyze the reviews of tourists, you can see that those who purchased tickets 5-6 months in advance (and sometimes 10 months in advance) were big winners.

For example, air tickets to Singapore, purchased in February for a trip there for the New Year 2018, cost 36 thousand rubles each, and in September for this destination the price of 1 ticket is already 120 thousand rubles (from reviews).
Changes in the cost of air tickets on the eve of the New Year, the online system for searching for cheap air tickets Aviasleys, analyzing the relationship between changes in ticket prices and flight dates, shows that the cost of most destinations increases before the New Year, with the exception of those mentioned (see above).

Price changes in Russia and neighboring countries

The price of New Year flights from Moscow (compared to September prices) to Siberian cities increases significantly, Far East: Novosibirsk – by 1%, Ekaterinburg – 6%, Vladivostok – 11%. The cost of flights to Simferopol will increase by 20%, and by 26% to Kaliningrad. According to the analysis, flights to neighboring cities will become more expensive 2-3 weeks before the holiday. Flights to Minsk will rise in price by 17%, to Tbilisi – by 27%, and Baku – by 46%.

Changes in prices for air travel to Asia and the USA

If you are planning to celebrate the New Year on the snow-white sands of Cote d'Azur India, Thailand, Israel, the UAE, Turkey, you should take care of purchasing air tickets as early as possible, because the flow of people wishing to travel from the December cold to the summer heat for a holiday is significantly increasing. Accordingly, the cost of coveted “hot” destinations also increases in December. For example, a plane ticket to heavenly places Goa (compared to September) will cost 21% more

  • to exotic Bangkok – by 35%
  • to romantic Bali – by 51%
  • to friendly Ho Chi Minh City – by 61%
  • to blessed Phuket - by 67%
  • to magnificent New York – 65%
  • to majestic Dubai – by 80%

To have a great New Year's Eve and not incur large financial costs, buy tickets to these destinations at least in September-October, otherwise you will pay almost 2 times more in December.

What to do if the decision to fly somewhere for the New Year arose impromptu

In our life, not everything can be planned in advance and sorted out “on the shelves.” It’s the same with planning trips: it seemed like you weren’t going to go anywhere, much less fly, but then suddenly “luck smiled” - financial surplus appeared that you don’t mind spending on vacation. But even here I want to save money somehow. How to be.

October will come very soon, but many people are already starting to think about what should be on the New Year's table in 2018. And this is right, because the sooner you think about everything, the better the holiday itself will be.

NEW YEAR'S MENU 2017 / What to cook for the New Year?

What you need to pay attention to first

Many psychologists and even psychics say that in order for there to be more in the coming year happy days it is necessary to please the symbol of the New Year. This time Yellow will come to us Earth Dog, so first of all you should focus on meat dishes.

If the holiday takes place in a house where meat is not found in principle, then it is not at all necessary to fill the table with your unloved food - focus on unusual table setting and original serving.

For those who have a dog living in the house, it is comparatively easier - just remember what your pet likes besides bones and use these products in cooking. Turn on your imagination, get a little creative, and your holiday treats will be talked about for a very long time.

First things first - snacks

New Year's Eve can be called one of the longest, and until dawn, stomachs are subjected to a severe test. At this time, there are a lot of alcoholic drinks on the table, which have been drunk since the beginning of the Old New Year, so you shouldn’t delay with snacks. They must be filling and quite fatty to reduce negative impact alcohol.

So, what kind of snacks should be on the New Year's table in 2018:

  1. If desired, the usual canapés with red caviar can be replaced with tartlets with processed cheese, which are topped with a sprig of herbs and a slice of lemon.
    2. You definitely can’t do without sliced ​​meat this time - cut the selected smoked meats into thin pieces and place them on a beautiful dish. Cherry tomatoes, olives, slices of pickled cucumbers and the same greens are suitable as decorations. At the end of the feast, competent and thrifty housewives prepare a hearty hodgepodge from the remains of these products, which is so popular in the days following the New Year.
    3. Poultry dishes go well as appetizers - quite popular light salad, which includes boiled chicken, hard cheese, several cloves of crushed garlic, a handful of peeled seeds, seasonings and homemade mayonnaise. It is served in small bowls, sometimes decorated with “petals” of chips.
    4. Next in line are stuffed eggs. It’s quite a popular dish in Russian cuisine, but you can also make it into a curiosity if you use rabbit meat as a filling.
    5. Jellied meat with horseradish can also be served at the very beginning of the celebration along with canapés stuffed with cod liver.

In any case, snacks do not have to be heavy or complicated, because the most important thing is that people who cook enjoy it, and do not rack their brains over how to cook exotic dish. Besides, this is just the beginning.

The highlight of the program is the main New Year's dish

There is hardly a person who wants to cook a few hours before the chimes strike. Therefore, of all the existing hot dishes, it is recommended to choose those that are easy to prepare in advance without unnecessary haste and for a reasonable price.

A rather unexpected, but relevant decision is to serve dumplings with a hearty meat filling to the festive table. Many guests will be pleased with this option, and even more so with the symbol of the year.

The main advice is to serve only dumplings prepared by hand and exclusively from high-quality meat. You can make the preparations in advance, and then all that remains is to cook the “babies” shortly before the guests arrive, or you can organize a real competition, where the guests will show their skills in making dumplings.

Do not forget that if such a dish is available, there must be a lucky dumpling with pepper on the 2018 New Year's table. Whoever gets it will not be bitten by life in the new year.

Important to remember! Hot dishes are always served with a variety of sauces and seasonings - spicy, sweet, and sour. In general, for every taste.

It is best if they are prepared at home, but store-bought options are also suitable if the sauces are poured from ugly jars into saucepans and serve as table decoration.

Nobody forbids New Year's Eve cook classic chicken in the oven or duck in a can. But for those who want to try something new in the coming year, we recommend trying the Georgian cuisine recipe “chinakhi”.
It is served in clay pots and all you need to prepare it is potatoes, onions, any meat, hot spices and tomatoes. All this is packaged in a bowl, filled with chicken (or any other) broth and put in the oven immediately after the New Year.

It takes about two hours to prepare - by this time, tipsy guests will not refuse something hot to refresh their heads and please their stomachs. This dish can become the trump card of the whole evening, since the usual ingredients make an incredibly tasty thing.

Most often, in Russian houses they do not limit themselves to one main dish - this speaks of the generosity of the soul and the desire to please all guests. Therefore, the following can be used as an addition:

  • chicken julienne with porcini mushrooms and cream sauce;
  • baked turkey, fried chicken or quail with vegetable side dish;
  • pork kebab;
  • pie stuffed with meat, kulebyaka;
  • stuffed pike or any other fish dish.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options for what should be on the 2018 New Year's table. But don't overdo it, as the sweet ending to the evening is coming.

What sweets will the Yellow Dog like?

Without dessert, any holiday is not a holiday. And so that they don’t say that they only get their hands on a cake at a bad event, but there is a sweet tooth in any company. And it wouldn’t hurt to appease the symbol of the year with cookies.
In order not to suffer from stomach pain and not greatly harm your figure, desserts are best made from fruit, without excess fat and sugar.

If you're a good housewife when it comes to baking, you can always order a birthday cake with unusual decorations, gingerbread cookies or homemade sweets. Since the profession of a “home” confectioner is now very popular, you can always find an option that is suitable in terms of quality and money.

But even an inexperienced housewife can handle some delicacies. And we are talking about:

  • fruit salad;
  • jelly;
  • apples covered with caramel;
  • pears with cinnamon, baked in the oven;
  • homemade fruit mousse.

Another option for serving fruit is to bake them in the oven, first sprinkled with powdered sugar. They will look very appetizing and smell throughout the entire apartment.

A few days before the holiday, many families prepare candied oranges and lemon slices. They act both as an independent dish and as an excellent addition to a classic ice cream.

In general, the Earth Dog loves sweet and varied foods, so any desserts will be able to please her. So offer your guests everything that, in your opinion, should be on the 2018 New Year’s “sweet” table.

How not to go wrong with the design

Dogs are known to have a friendly and playful nature, but they do not take well to bright colors and colorful decoration of the room. The same can be said about the symbol of the coming year - therefore the festive table should be decorated in soothing colors.

During this period, attention is drawn to the following shades:

  • unobtrusive yellow;
  • beige;
  • orange (but not flashy, but soft);
  • golden;
  • lactic.

In this color scheme Not only the tablecloth must be seasoned, but preferably all the festive tableware. This atmosphere is relaxing and will help everyone present to forget about all the troubles of the past year.

Don't forget to put a few new candles on the table, which will only enhance the romantic and festive atmosphere. Mistletoe, which is very popular in European countries, can also be used as decoration.

And it is very important that on the New Year’s table in 2018 there must be a “hero of the occasion” - a small figurine of a dog or soft toy. If it is inconvenient to place the dog on the table, then use it to decorate other furniture or purchase a “hanging pendant” in advance, which would belong on the Christmas tree.

In this case, if you are planning a celebration in a small group of people, forget about other decorations (at least on the table) so as not to overload the composition and give your loved ones the opportunity to eat without unnecessary hassle.

If you want to prepare a new dish for your guests, try making it in advance to make sure good taste and your culinary skills. After all, sometimes dishes even with the simplest ingredients raise too many questions during cooking.

In the case when there is an artist in a person, do not hold back your imagination. Decorate the food in the form of a Christmas tree, a cracker, a large candy and other New Year's paraphernalia. Use natural dyes and realize your wildest ideas.

But at the same time, do not try to jump over your head if you are not confident in your abilities. The slightest mistake threatens to disrupt the festive mood, and this will not bring joy to anyone. So just do what brings you pleasure and helps you enjoy the winter landscapes and holidays that are approaching with quiet steps closer and closer.

Menu for the New Year + Goose Recipe | New Year's Eve Dinner Menu


How to make a bath bomb at home

Teacher's Day 2017: what date, exact date

The onset of December thirty-first is always associated with summing up results. But you should not limit yourself to looking back in attempts to evaluate what has been achieved - it is much more important to know your future. Fortune telling for the New Year 2018 will show what the next twelve months will be like.

Numerological fortune telling using a book for love

The predictive ritual will tell you what awaits the fortuneteller on the personal front. You need to take a book from the shelf that corresponds to the serial number of the person’s month of birth. For example, someone who was born in August takes the eighth book in a series. Then you need to open it to page eighteen, randomly point your finger at a word and count the number of letters in it. This number contains the answer to fortune telling:

  • 1 – loneliness;
  • 2 – happy love;
  • 3 – third wheel, competition;
  • 4 – marriage;
  • 5 – birth of a child;
  • 6 – quarrels with a loved one;
  • 7 – separation;
  • 8 – romantic adventures, trips, dates, new acquaintances;
  • 9 – the beginning of a passionate relationship that will last more than one year.

If the number is two-digit, it must be reduced to one-digit. For example, a word has thirteen letters. This means the result is four (1+3).

Fortune telling with a teaspoon “Yes or no?”

The ritual allows you to find out whether your plan will come true. You need to retire in a room at a time when other people will be present in other parts of the house/apartment. You should mentally say the question and throw a teaspoon in front of you. If people around you react to the sound and ask what happened, the answer is yes. Ignoring the incident indicates no.

Card fortune telling “Twelve months”

The ritual gives a prediction for all months of the coming year, revealing information about the main theme of each thirty days.

You will need:

  • abbreviated playing deck(for 36 cards);
  • yellow candle;
  • needle.

“The year goes by, the round dance leads for months, and each of them has a bag full of worries and sorrows, joys of all kinds, loves and deceptions, troubles and fogs, sun and rain, crossroads and crossroads, partings and meetings. Everything is coming to me, but what will fall to my lot?”

Lay out the cards around the candle clockwise, imagining that the months are “laying down” - from the first to the twelfth. Take a deep breath. Turn over the cards. The results are interpreted for each month separately, taking into account the “intersection” of the digital value and suit:

Six. Worms - a romantic trip. Tambourines - a business trip, a trip to solve financial problems or for the purpose of treatment. Clubs - traveling with friends. The peaks are a nasty ride.

Seven. Worms - betrayal, divorce, separation. Tambourines - marriage, serious relationship of any nature. Clubs - winning. Peaks – loss, unjustified risk, accident.

Eight. Worms – pregnancy, marriage proposal. Tambourines – business letter or call. Clubs - confusion, litigation. Spades - conflict with a loved one.

Nine. Worms - love. Tambourines – new job. Clubs – interaction with documents, bureaucracy. Peaks are a sudden illness.

Ten. Worms – serious conversation. Diamonds - achieving material stability. Clubs - large collection friendly company, family celebration. Spades are a deception on the part of a loved one.

Jack. Worms - meeting a lover, flirting, romantic acquaintance. Diamonds are a business proposal. Clubs – new friend or “a person from the past.” Peaks - the appearance of an enemy.

Lady. Worms - close communication with beautiful woman. Tambourines - domineering boss, promotion. Clubs - gossip, intrigue, slander. Piki is a rival.

King. Worms - meeting a promising man. Tambourines - moving. Clubs – contact with bailiffs or tax officials. Pikes is an unscrupulous and very influential enemy.

Ace. Worms - good luck in love. Diamonds - luck in money. Clubs are a favorable change of situation. Peaks – degradation, deterioration of the existing situation.

If some card accidentally ends up in an inverted position, then this month you should expect stagnation and lack of development: any important events will not be (or for some reason information about them is hidden). To complete the fortune telling, it is recommended to burn the candle to the end. If you don’t do this, you can get yourself into trouble due to incomplete processing of the energies of the ritual.

Fortune telling for the New Year

The ritual is used to find out how happy one will be coming year. On the thirty-first of December they take some meat prepared especially for festive table. They say about this treat:

“What kind of dog year is it - good or dashing, rich or poor, gentle or evil?”

They go out with the meat and throw it to the first dog they come across. If the animal eats the treat, you should expect a happy and well-fed year. The dog’s reluctance to treat itself indicates serious problems that the fortuneteller will have to face. It happens that an animal does not finish eating the meat and throws it away after just trying it: this is due to the fact that the year will be “average” - not bad, but not good either.

Fortune telling and material well-being in the new year

Anyone who wants to find out how much money will love him in 2018 can perform a simple ritual.

You will need:

  • twelve coins;
  • yellow or green fabric;
  • pouch.

Spread the cloth in front of you and throw coins into the bag. Mix them, repeating:

“Towards money or to ordeals, to feasts or to poverty? The year will come - it will bring a coin: the straight line - to money, the curve - to debts.”
