Nuclear states. Nuclear powers of the world

USA, Russia, UK France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea possess approximately 17,000 nuclear warheads, according to the latest estimate from the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation.

And given that nuclear war could still happen, it's good that a record of the world's most destructive weapons is being kept. In addition, countries' nuclear arsenals serve as a powerful deterrent against aggressive military actions.
The following figure shows approximately how many nuclear warheads each of these nine countries have in their possession, as well as the date of the first famous test nuclear weapons for each country.
Note: Because nuclear weapons programs are kept secret, the following final results should be considered estimates. And the graph does not reflect differences in the type of nuclear warheads different countries and the accuracy of their hitting targets.

Hiroshima was the first city to be attacked by nuclear weapons. USA dropped atomic bomb August 6, 1945 to force Japan to surrender in World War II.
Nagasaki became the second and so far the last city to experience nuclear strike. The bomb was dropped on August 9, 1945 and instantly killed more than 40,000 people.
More than 70,000 nuclear warheads was manufactured in the world between 1945 and 1990.
11 nuclear bombs The US was lost and never found.
The USA reduced its nuclear stockpile up 87% since the all-time high (31,225 charges) in 1967.
*Deployed warheads: warheads mounted on launch vehicles and located at bases with rapid response forces.
All estimates are as of April 2014.

Here are some conclusions that can be drawn from the Center for Monitoring's report.
. Israel has never disclosed the details of its nuclear program, and has never even officially admitted that it has nuclear arsenal. However, US intelligence believes that Israel has a stockpile of about 80 nuclear warheads.
. It is widely believed that Iran is conducting clandestine research to create a bomb, under the leadership of Moskhen Fakhrikhadze.
. Five officially recognized nuclear weapons countries - China, France, Russia, Great Britain and the United States are deploying new system delivery of nuclear warheads to the target, or announced plans to create one.
. Although Russia and the United States have reduced their stockpiles under the Treaty on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Arms (START), they still account for more than 93% of all active nuclear warheads.
. According to a study by the Federation of American Scientists, the US military has withdrawn cruise missiles W80-0 Tomahawk and their warheads.
. The United States and Russia still hold a large number of nuclear weapons are in a ready-to-launch state, meaning the warheads can be launched within minutes of approval. China and Pakistan reportedly store all their warheads separately from their launch vehicles.

We, of course, live in a time of peace, but still some things that are not so peaceful take place.

After all, every country, no matter what pacifist worldview its leaders may have, must take care of the safety of its citizens. And this is done, among other things, thanks to worthy confrontation with other countries.

Of course, there are many methods of confrontation, but it is still very important not to use weapons, but at least to let them know that they are available - then there will be no need to “quarrel”.

That's why countries are trying to arm themselves. And arming your people in this context is not very effective - that’s why they resort to nuclear weapons. And now it is already capable of inspiring shock and awe in anyone. That is why its presence is so valued among countries.

But which countries are especially successful in this? There are several of the most protected leaders who have an impressive nuclear reserve. The most powerful nuclear countries in the world included in our top 10 are such that it is better not to argue with them, because in this case it will obviously not be worse for them. This is the power - nuclear weapon. Destructive and very impressive.

10. Canada

Although Canada has not yet made any announcements about nuclear capabilities, this does not mean that it does not have them. It’s just that, as it is believed, the country’s potential, although great, is not enough for it to become a full-scale nuclear power.

But in terms of trade related to nuclear weapons, Canada is at a very high level, occupying significant positions in this area.

9. Israel

Israel also has not officially declared itself a nuclear country, but this also does not mean that it is not one; on the contrary, many believe that its nuclear potential is very considerable.

Of course, it is impossible to estimate everything with sufficient accuracy, but rough estimates give from eighty to two hundred warheads, which, in principle, is a sufficiently significant number so that in the event of a threat, the country could counter something to its potential enemy.

8. North Korea

When we think about nuclear weapons, the first thing we often think about is North Korea. This is evidenced by the various loud statements that have been made by this country over the years.

Initially, the country was part of the NPT, but then declared that it was a nuclear power. All the same, the country is a relative newcomer to in this direction, and it is unknown how many warheads it currently has, but this number is probably measured in tens.

7. Pakistan

If we talk about military power, then few countries in the world can, in principle, compare with Pakistan. When he was exposed to Indian influence, he acquired nuclear energy as a countermeasure.

Tests were carried out that served as a kind of deterrent that could deter other countries from invading the territory. Roughly, a country may have up to one hundred and ten warheads that are active on this moment.

6. India

Another fairly large nuclear power. The local nuclear program began in the year when the country was actively developing its independence. Initially, it was stated that all this would be used only for peaceful purposes, in order to maintain peace.

But then came large-scale nuclear tests, which hinted that in truth the goals were not so peaceful. And the country has, it is believed, about one hundred warheads.

5. China

It would be strange for such a large country as China not to care about its security. Hence the need to acquire nuclear weapons. It was purchased in 1964. The country is an active participant in the treaty on the non-proliferation of such weapons. However, China has quite a few weapons - about two hundred and forty warheads are currently believed to be active and ready for “use.” Of course, this number is approximate.

4. France

Although France is generally considered to be something associated with romance and love, one should not forget that it used to be an imperial country, and therefore everything regarding military affairs is decided quite seriously there. France places concern for its safety at a very high level. high place. As for nuclear weapons, they have been present since 1960. There are believed to be between 290 and 300 warheads, a number greater than that of larger China.

3. UK

The UK is among the countries that have owned a sufficient number of nuclear weapons for a very long time, since 1952. One can also highlight the fact that this country most actively called on other states for nuclear weapons. But Great Britain also distinguished itself personally by acquiring a huge nuclear stockpile. Up to 225 warheads are at its disposal and are ready for active use in the event of any emergency. The quantity is very considerable.

2. Russia

Russia was forced to join the list of nuclear countries by the US attack on Japan. As a result, the first experiments began in 1949. They were successful, because gradually the number of weapons at the country’s disposal grew. Now it has become very large. The exact number of warheads that are active at a given time is unknown, but experts estimate the upper ceiling at approximately eight and a half thousand.

1. United States

This country, no matter how skeptical many may be, is still the most developed in nuclear terms. This is, at the same time, the most best example how not to use such weapons stockpiles. Because the country’s interference in the lives of other countries, including with the use of nuclear weapons, has already become a canonical example. But this does not negate the huge number of warheads, which range from more than two thousand to about 7.7 thousand.

Reading time: 11 min.

There are ten major powers on the 2018 list of nuclear weapons countries. Data on how many nuclear warheads a particular country has are located in Stockholm, in international institute peace research. The “Nuclear Club” includes 9 states that, according to official data, have weapons of mass destruction. Our Big Rating magazine has prepared a rating for you - nuclear countries for 2018.


Nuclear warheads - no information.
Date of first test: no information.
date last test: no information.
Today everyone knows which states have nuclear capabilities. And according to official reports, Iran has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. But this country has never stopped experimenting with the development nuclear potential, and there are persistent rumors that this power has its own nuclear warheads. The Iranian authorities claim that they can easily create nuclear weapons for themselves, but for now they have decided not to do this, since they use uranium only for scientific research. The IAEA monitors Iran's nuclear work; this agreement was concluded in 2015, but the situation may soon change. October 2017 - US President Donald Trump claims that the United States is no longer interested in this treaty. No one can predict how these words will change the overall political situation.


Nuclear warheads – 10-60.
Date of first test: 2006.
Date of last test: 2017.
The DPRK was included in the list of states that have nuclear weapons in 2018, which greatly frightened the entire Western world. North Korea began its first work on the atom in the middle of the last century, when the United States began to threaten Pyongyang with a nuclear attack. And then the frightened government began to seek support from Soviet Union and China. Developments in the nuclear field started back in 1970 and were suspended in the nineties, with an improvement in the political climate. And as soon as the political situation cracked again, the development of nuclear weapons was resumed. Since 2004, North Korea began preparing for its first nuclear test. The military department claimed that the test would pass with only the harmless goal of mastering outer space. Intrigue surrounds the number of warheads that North Korea has in its arsenal. Some sources claim that there are about twenty of them, others claim that the exact figure is sixty.


Nuclear warheads – 80.
Date of first test: 1979.
Date of last test: 1979.
Israel, in its best traditions, has never claimed that it has nuclear weapons, but it has never denied the opposite. Israel “added fuel to the fire” by not signing the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. In addition, Israel, without a twinge of conscience, monitors the development of nuclear potential in all its neighbors. And if he sees the point in this, then he bombs the nuclear centers of other powers. This is how he resolved the conflict with Iraq in 1981. If you believe unconfirmed data, then the “promised land” had the opportunity to create nuclear weapons back in 1979. That same year, flashes of light were observed in the South Atlantic that were very similar to a nuclear explosion. There is a version that either Israel, or South Africa, or these two countries at the same time, are responsible for these explosions.


Nuclear warheads – 120-130.
Date of first test: 1974.

India first tested nuclear weapons back in 1974, but it agreed to the status of a nuclear country only at the end of the last century. After India detonated as many as three shells on one day in May 1998, literally three days later it forever refused to engage in nuclear weapons.


Nuclear warheads – 130-140.
Date of first test: 1998.
Date of last test: 1998.
Pakistan, which is India's neighbor and often at odds with it, is also not lagging behind in developing nuclear capabilities. After India held its first nuclear test, Pakistan began to actively act in developing nuclear capabilities. According to the then government, they decided to work on the atom immediately after India, even if it would be necessary to eat only water. And they did make atomic weapons, albeit with a delay of two decades. After India conducted another nuclear test in 1998, Pakistan, determined not to be outdone, detonated a pair of nuclear warheads at Chagai (a military test site).

Great Britain

Nuclear warheads – 215.
Date of first test: 1952.
Date of last test: 1991.
The UK remains the only nuclear-armed country that has not conducted a nuclear test on its own soil. Britain carried out every nuclear test in Australia or in the waters Pacific Ocean, but in 1991 they suddenly stopped their experiments. David Cameron in 2015 “added fuel to the fire” by saying that the British government could, if necessary, drop several nuclear warheads. But who he threatened still remains a mystery.


Nuclear warheads – 270.
Date of first test: 1964.
Date of last test: 1996.
China remains the only country that has promised not to bomb (or threaten to bomb) non-nuclear powers. In 2011, the Chinese government made public its decision that a minimum level of nuclear weapons would be maintained. But since that time, developers in the military sphere have come up with as many as four types of ballistic missiles that are capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. Therefore, the minimum level of weapons remains an open question.


Nuclear warheads – 300.
Date of first test: 1960.
Date of last test: 1995.
During the entire period of their nuclear testing, the French carried out more than two hundred explosions, starting from tests in Algeria, which was then a colony of France, and ending with two atolls of French Polynesia. This country has never entered into negotiations with other powers on a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue. France did not maintain a moratorium on nuclear testing in the 50s of the last century, and did not become a member of the treaty banning military experiments with nuclear weapons in the 60s. Only in the late nineties did it become a party to the Non-Proliferation Treaty


Nuclear warheads - 6800.
Date of first test: 1945.
Date of last test: 1992.
The state with the most fearsome army on the planet is also a pioneer in nuclear testing. The United States was the first to carry out a nuclear explosion, and was also the first to use nuclear warheads in a war with another state. Since that time, the United States has released more than 66.5 thousand atomic weapons, with more than a hundred different variations. The basis of the nuclear weapons of the United States is ballistic missile, with a variety of modifications. The American government refused to participate in the negotiations on the unconditional renunciation of nuclear weapons that started in May of this year (by the way, like the Russian Federation). The military doctrine of the United States confirms that Americans will reserve the right to a certain amount of weapons that will guarantee their own security, as well as the security of countries friendly to them. In addition, America promised not to carry out bombing on any nuclear countries, provided, of course, that they comply with the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.


Nuclear warheads – 7000.
Date of first test: 1949.
Date of last test: 1990.
Russia received nuclear weapons from the USSR - all available nuclear warheads were collected from all military points of the former Soviet Union. According to official sources, the government Russian Federation, nuclear weapons will only be used in response to such military actions against their country. Or if Russia's very existence is threatened by military action without the use of nuclear warheads, it can still use them against the enemy, but this is the most extreme case.

Is military action possible between North Korea and the United States?

The end of the last century was marked by people's fear of military action between Pakistan and India, and now everyone is afraid of a possible nuclear conflict between the DPRK and the United States. The United States first threatened North Korea in 1953, but once North Korea had its own atomic bomb, the conflict moved to a completely different level. Pyongyang and Washington respond to each other very aggressively and the question becomes urgent: will there be a nuclear battle between the United States and North Korea? This may well be the case if President Trump believes that the Koreans are very dangerous because they can do intercontinental missile, which can sink all of America.
Nuclear warheads have been located near the DPRK border since 1957, by order of the US government. Korean politicians say that almost the entire territory of America is within the reach of North Korea's nuclear warheads.

What position will Russia take in the conflict between North Korea and the United States?

The pact concluded between Russia and North Korea does not imply that Russia will take any side in the war. IN general concept, this means that if hostilities begin, Russia can be neutral, naturally it will only have to condemn the action of the attacking side. In the worst case scenario, Vladivostok could be covered in radioactive fallout from the destroyed North Korean facilities.

CROCUS Nuclear reactor is a device in which a controlled chain nuclear reaction, accompanied by the release of energy. First nuclear reactor built and launched in December 1942 at ... Wikipedia

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- (YARD) variety rocket engine, which uses the energy of fission or fusion of nuclei to create jet thrust. They can be reactive (heating the working fluid in a nuclear reactor and removing gas through a nozzle) and pulsed ( nuclear explosions... ... Wikipedia

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This term has other meanings, see Club (meanings). This article is about communities of people united by common interests; about an entertaining public establishment, see: night club. Club (from the English clob or club via ... ... Wikipedia

NUCLEAR SOVEREIGNTY- immunity that arises in a state due to the creation of nuclear weapons and means of their delivery against open aggression and capture by other states. Not a single state in the world will start a war, fearing the use of nuclear weapons against it... ... Large current political encyclopedia

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  • World Nuclear Club. How to save the world, Rabinovich, Yakov Iosifovich. The name of an outstanding thinker, mathematician, public figure Igor Rostislavovich Shafarevich does not need any special introduction. His famous “Russophobia”, published in the late 70s...

Race nuclear weapons began at the end of World War II, when the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Since then, several countries have prepared their own nuclear devices and others are working on their production.

United States

Nuclear testing began during World War II and ended in the early 1990s after the collapse of communism. The United States still has the largest number of operational warheads (more than 2,000), while thousands more have now been dismantled.

The Americans also have nuclear weapons stationed in other NATO countries. Together with Russia, the United States is a member of the atomic weapons club that has air, sea and ground-based nuclear weapons. For two decades, the United States has worked with Russia to reduce the number of nuclear weapons around the world.


Russia conducted its first nuclear test in 1949, four years after the Americans bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. During cold war The arms race led to the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Today Russia has about 1,700 operational warheads. However, nuclear experts fear that after some 1,990 warheads may have fallen into the hands of third parties and are thus not accounted for.

Great Britain

Great Britain joined nuclear club in 1951 and has about 160 warheads that can only be delivered by submarines.


France is the third largest nuclear power after the United States and Russia. The country can launch its 300 warheads either from the air or from the sea.


Communist China began a nuclear program in the 1950s after the US moved some of its own warheads to Asia during Korean War. Currently, China can deploy land-based and air-launched missiles, and in the near future will be able to deliver them by submarines.


India tested its first nuclear weapon in 1974 because it saw neighboring China and Pakistan as the main threat in the region. India has land and air bases weapons that could be put into operation in a short time.


After conflicts and regional wars with India in the last forty years, Pakistan tested its first combat weapon in 1998 and is said to have 100 warheads.


Although Israel has never confirmed testing an atomic weapon, experts believe the country has had a nuclear weapons program for decades. Israel likely has at least 80 missiles on the ground that can carry nuclear warheads.

North Korea

North Korea has been conducting underground testing in the past few years. Western experts believe the communist state has enough plutonium to build atomic bombs, but they doubt the country can deliver them onto rockets. Sanctions against the country came into force several years ago, after negotiations that failed to stop the program.

Nuclear testing in North Korea


The Western world is also concerned about Iran's plans to build an atomic bomb. International Commission Atomic Energy says it has strong evidence that Iran is producing plutonium for bombs. Iranian leaders have repeatedly stated that they are only enriching uranium for nuclear power. The United Nations has placed sanctions on the countries in an attempt to stop Iran's program.

Several other states at one time also had nuclear weapons programs or had already produced warheads. The states of the former Soviet Union, including Ukraine and Kazakhstan, had nuclear warheads, when the country fell apart, but brought him back to Russia in subsequent years.

South Africa developed nuclear weapons during the apartheid years but stopped them in 1990. Saddam Hussein was thinking about developing his own nuclear weapons in Iraq. In 2003, the United States invaded the country because they thought the dictator had weapons of mass destruction.

Argentina, Brazil and South Korea Nuclear programs were stopped many years ago.
