Brad Pitt is in love again. His chosen one was the young copy of Angelina Jolie! Ella Purnell and Brad Pitt: the actor's new girlfriend, latest news Who is Brad Pitt's new girlfriend

0 April 11, 2018, 6:25 pm

Personal life in Lately is being discussed very actively in the media: a couple of months ago, the actor began dating, after she and her husband Justin Theroux announced, then news appeared that Pitt and his still wife were finally discussing the terms of their divorce, and now Pitt is having an affair with an architect and Massachusetts Institute Professor Neri Oxman. And although he himself has not yet confirmed these rumors, Brad Pitt’s new probable passion has aroused genuine interest among the public. And this is not surprising - Neri Oxman is smart, talented and beautiful..

Origin and family

Neri Oksman was born on October 6, 1976 in Israel, in the city of Haifa, in the family of architects Robert and Rivka Oksman (her mother is a professor and deputy dean at the Israel Institute of Technology). She spent a lot of time in her parents' architectural studio, but at the same time showed an interest in nature, every now and then helping her grandmother in the garden. However, Neri did not immediately follow in the footsteps of her parents and chose a completely different specialty.

Education and career

At the age of 20, Neri Oxman became a medical student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. And before that she served for three years in air force Israel.

I was the rebel in our family. Medicine seemed to me perfect combination science and human charity,

- she admitted.

After studying at the university for two years, Neri realized that she did not want to connect her life with medicine, and entered the Faculty of Architecture at the Israel Institute of Technology. She then continued her studies at the London School of Architecture, from which she successfully graduated in 2004.

It took me many years before I finally found my home

- says Oksman about his calling.

In 2005, Neri Oxman moved to Boston, where she continued her studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received a doctorate in philosophy, and five years later she became a professor and began teaching. Now she lectures at the institute (and recently Oksman was a speaker at the TED Talk conference, where she spoke about the interaction digital technologies with the biological world) and is engaged in 3D design - Neri Oxman creates wardrobe items that in the future could support human life on other planets.

Neri Oxman's works are exhibited in such famous museums as the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco, the Georges Pompidou Center in Paris, and the Boston Museum. fine arts. During her career, she has already worked with many famous fashion designers and musicians, including Iris van Herpen and Björk. And with her erudition and comprehensive knowledge, she resembles a man of the Renaissance.

I always tell my students that they must go through long haul. Like any woman, I have good and bad days. In their good days I am determined that the qualities that every woman has will help me in my work and make my life brighter. And on bad days I just tell myself, “Keep going!” Mostly I just try to focus on my work. After all, only through hard work and knowledge can we become real individuals,

- she admits.


Neri Oxman has received dozens of awards and prizes, including the Graham Foundation Award, Earth Award, Wilczek Award and BSA Award. She was awarded Carnegie's 2014 Pride of America Award and was named one of ROADS' 100 of the world's leading interdisciplinary thinkers in 2015.

Personal life

In 2011, Neri Oxman married American composer Osvaldo Golijov, who wrote the music for the films The Man Who Cried, Youth Without Youth and Tetro, as well as In 2007, he won the Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Classical Composition and Best Opera Recording. Nevertheless, the marriage of this couple broke up - for what reason, however, is unknown. Neri Oxman and Osvaldo Golikhov have no children together.

Meet Brad Pitt

Neri Oxman and Brad Pitt met back in , when they were working together on an architectural project. Their acquaintance became known thanks to the students of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who, after a lecture by their teacher, did not miss the opportunity to take a photo with the famous actor.

Despite the fact that some media have already rushed to attribute an affair to the couple, sources close to Oxman and Pitt claim that they have only friendly and professional relations.

Their relationship can be characterized as friendship based on professional interests,

- at least that's what insiders say.

What kind of relationship really develops between 54-year-old Brad Pitt and 42-year-old Neri Oxman, of course, one can only guess. However, sources say that the actor is very interested in spending as much time as possible with Oxman, whom Shalom Life magazine included in the list of the 50 hottest Jewish women in 2014, ranking her sixth, and seems to be head over heels in love with her. . Together they have already gone on more than one trip (so far, however, exclusively for work), and in February they attended the Design Indaba conference in South Africa, at which Oksman gave a speech.

They're quite a couple

- some insiders are sure.

Neri herself, by the way, mentioned the name of a popular actor in one of her old interviews, and now this statement of hers can be interpreted quite ambiguously.

Idolizing stereotypes is part of human nature and our culture. That's the reason we have Brad Pitt and George Clooney,” she said.

By the way, the couple’s probable romance, as sources say, did not go unnoticed and ex-wife Brad Pitt, 49 years old. According to insiders, she is very worried about these rumors, as she really wanted to renew her relationship with the actor.

She was crushed when she heard that Brad had fallen in love with Oxman, who, on top of that, looks like Angelina Jolie. She had hoped so much for reconciliation with him when they both became single again. She never stopped loving him

- said the insider.

Source Elle

Photo, Instagram, Noah Kalina

L Brad Pitt's personal life has been discussed for a very long time, ever since he divorced Angelina Jolie in September 2016. Behind last year he was credited with relationships with Sienna Miller, Sandra Bullock, and also talked about renewing his romance with his first wife, Jennifer Aniston. But everything turned out to be much more interesting.

53-year-old Pitt's new girlfriend is 21-year-old British actress Ella Purnell. The age difference is 32 years.

According to Western media reports, their romance began on the set where Stephanie Danler’s book “Sweet Bitterness” is being filmed. Brad Pitt is the series' producer and Pernell stars. main role. They spend a lot of time together in preparation for filming, and supposedly there is more than just a business relationship between them.

It is also reported that Pitt was so fascinated by the young actress that he offered her the lead role in the series without hesitation.

The funniest thing is that Pernell and Jolie starred together in Maleficent, where Ella played a sorceress in her youth.

By the way, the girl began her career on the big screen with the film “Never Let Me Go.” First major work Pernell took part in Tim Burton's film Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, and her last role today is in the biopic about Churchill.

As the girl herself admitted when she was offered the film “Tarzan. Legend” to play the heroine of Margot Robbie as a child, her relatives began to make fun of her.

“Ella is incredibly flattered by the attention that Brad Pitt gives her. She told friends that he was always her number one celebrity,” an insider told reporters.

According to one information, Angelina Jolie was skeptical about new passion ex-husband, since she is only 5 years older than their adopted son Maddox. And other sources claim that the actress is furious that Pitt chose a young copy of herself, as many note the resemblance between the actresses.

Actually, all ages are submissive to love, but we don’t understand those who think young Pernell is similar to Jolie. It will be interesting to see what comes of such a union. Most likely nothing, but nevertheless we wish them happiness.

(Angelina Jolie) divorce proceedings have begun, the media are closely following the Hollywood handsome man, who, even at 54 years old, is simply irresistible. Recently they tried to set him up with his ex-wife, actress Jennifer Aniston, who also announced a divorce from her husband, but the rumors were not confirmed. Now he is credited with an affair with a smart and beautiful architect and Massachusetts Institute professor Neri Oxman.

Sources say that it was their love for architecture that brought them together. They also claim that Pitt is looking for meetings with Oxman and wants to spend more time with her. True, Brad's entourage is sure that they are connected only "professional friendship" and no more. But the process has started and it cannot be stopped - the whole world is discussing the “new hobby” of the Hollywood star.

Journalists have already managed to find out some details about Neri, because the planet should know who everyone’s favorite Brad Pitt chose.

It is known that she was born on October 6, 1976 in Israel, in the city of Haifa. Both her father and mother were engaged in architecture, a love for which began in her childhood. However, she did not follow the path of her parents, deciding to go to the medical faculty of the Hebrew University and having previously served three years in the Israeli army.

However, her love for architecture won out, and she studied medicine for only two years. As a result, Neri entered the Faculty of Architecture of the Israel Institute of Technology, and then she continued her studies at the London School of Architecture.

Now Oksman gives lectures and is engaged in 3D design - she creates wardrobe items that a person could use to support life on other planets. By the way, her works are exhibited in many famous museums around the world.

She has received numerous awards, including the Graham Foundation Award, Earth Award, Wilczek Award, BSA Award, and Carnegie Pride of America Awards. In 2015, Neri was named one of the world's top 100 interdisciplinary thinkers by ROADS.

Oksman was married to American composer Osvaldo Golijov, but the couple divorced and have no children together.

Brad Pitt and Ella Purnell literally stunned reporters by appearing in public as new couple. The epic divorce process has not yet ended with Angelina Jolie, how the already middle-aged actor found himself a new companion. Ex-wife I was able to comment on this event with only one phrase: “Demon in the ribs!”

William Bradley Pitt was named so by the parents of the future actor. The baby was born in America on December 18, 1963. At that time, the Pitt family lived in the city of Shawnee. But general public he became known as Brad Pitt. Little William grew up in an ordinary American family, in which religion was given special importance.

Immediately after the birth of their son, the decision was made to move to the city of Springfield. Therefore, he spent his entire childhood in this city. When Brad turned 3, the family celebrated a new addition to the family, namely the birth of another boy, Doug. And after another 3 years, the future actor had a sister, Julia.

Young Brad's favorite hobbies were sports and music. And after graduating from high school, he entered Columbia University. The young man was looking forward to a career as an outstanding journalist or advertising figure. But, by the time he receives his diploma, the young man, confident in his appearance and charm, comes to the conclusion that he will never work in his specialty. He is going to conquer Hollywood, changing his name to a simpler and more concise pseudonym.

Hunting for glory

Confident in his talent, Brad Pitt goes to the set, where they audition for a role in the serial series “Dallas” and successfully passes the qualifying round, receiving the role he was counting on. After filming was completed, the still little-known actor appeared in the episodes “Tales from the Crypt,” “Class President,” and “21 Jump Street.”

In the last series, he met another cult figure. This man turned out to be Johnny Depp, who was just beginning to rise to his own heights.

Brad Pitt received his first money for filming a movie by starring in the comedy Cutting Out Class, where he played Dwight Ingalls. He so naturally got used to the role of the most popular student of the school and basketball player that he received high praise from the audience.

Still from the movie “Interview with the Vampire”

Subsequent years brought new roles to the actor. He starred in the drama Dying Young as a student suffering drug addiction. Subsequently, Brad Pitt agreed to try on the image of a carefree musician, not being afraid to star in an explicit scene with Geena Davis, in the biographical film “Johnny Suede.”

In 1992, Brad Pitt was cast as Detective Frank Harris in the experimental film A parallel world" together with famous Kim Basinger. And in order to show himself realistically in the drama “A River Flows Through It,” the actor had to take up fishing and learn how to use a fishing rod.

Still from the film "Seven"

The debut film that conquered women's hearts, for Brad Pitt was the film adaptation of Anne Rice's 1995 novel Interview with the Vampire, where he played the role of the aristocrat Louis, suffering from excessive sensitivity and sympathy for mortals. Filming in the company such famous actors as Antonio Banderas and Tom Cruise became for young actor a way to learn from professionals. In the same year, the actor was nominated for an Oscar and took pride of place in the world list of the “25 Most Attractive Actors”.

Subsequently, Brad Pitt gets a role in the film “Seven Years in Tibet,” which elevates him to the rank of an idol for young people. Girls all over the world began to compare their lovers with the popular actor, and young people strive to be like the most charming actor of the 20th century. But in addition to worldwide fame, Brad Pitt and David Thewlis were notified that they were prohibited from entering China in connection with their participation in the film.

Brad Pitt as Achilles in the movie Troy

The last role at this stage of life for the actor was filming in the mystical drama “Meet Joe Black,” where he played Death in human form. After completing work on the film, Brad takes a short break and stops appearing in films.

New career milestone

Brad Pitt returns very loudly and on an unprecedented scale, having received the role of Tyler Durden in the 1999 world-famous drama “Fight Club”. Initially, the project did not receive the expected ratings and box office receipts did not recoup the funds invested in filming.

But 10 years later, “Fight Club” has turned into a cult film, taking a stable position in the top ten best films according to IMDB.

On the set of the movie "Casino Robbery"

In the new millennium, Brad Pitt received the role of the gypsy Mickey O'Neal - a man with incredible strength and authority among the "gangster groups" in the action film Snatch. The actor asked director Guy Ritchie for this role, being a fan of his previous film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

Since 2000, Brad Pitt's fees have been growing at an incredible rate. He starred in films that are watched all over the world just for the sake of the actor. Brad Pitt gets the role of Achilles in the film "Troy", allowed the actor to rise to new level. For acting in the film " Misterious story Benjamin Button“The American received a huge fee, which ensured him a comfortable old age.

Brad Pitt on the set of the movie "Fury"

The actor was repeatedly awarded the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Film. And in 2012 he was nominated for an Oscar. Brad Pitt's filmography includes a huge number of films, the latest of which are “12 Years a Slave”, “ Cote d'Azur", "Short Game", "Time Travelers".

Personal life

Ella Purnell was far from the first actress to fall into the tenacious trap of Brad Pitt's charm. But in his youth the actor was not so successful. As a schoolboy, he fell in love with the most beautiful girl in his class. He tried to be romantic and unpredictable, trying to attract the attention of his muse. But the girl considered him stupid and too intrusive and did not want to reciprocate his feelings.

And when he became a popular actor, his personal life became the most discussed topic in the journalistic community. The handsome young man experienced his first and longest romance, which lasted 3 years, with Juliet Lewis, his co-star in the film “Dying Young.” But subsequently, new photos constantly appeared in the media with another passion of Brad Pitt.

In 1995, the actor began dating Gwyneth Paltrow, with whom he starred in the thriller Seven. A year later, the lovers announced their engagement. But in June 1997, a break in relations was announced. The reason was that Gwyneth did not like the style of clothing and manners of her lover, but she hoped that she could re-educate the man she was going to marry. Unfortunately for the actress, Brad turned out to be not the kind of person who would change his habits. Therefore, realizing how little they had in common, the young people came to their senses in time and parted.

Brad Pitt and his new girlfriend Jennifer Aniston They met on the set of the TV series “Friends” in 2000. The actor, who had already gained popularity, was captivated by the cheerful and lively character of the charming woman. And in the summer of the same year, the lovers, whose personal lives were followed by the whole world, got married.

In interviews that Brad regularly gave, he repeatedly said that Jennifer was the woman of his dreams, with whom he had ideal relationship. Thanks to his wife's patience and unobtrusiveness, the actor turned into ideal man, exuding stylish confidence. Wanting to give his beloved the best, he received the most expensive roles and turned into a youth idol.

Jen and Brad dreamed that the ringing laughter of children would sound in their luxurious house in Beverly Hills, and they would finally become happy parents. But their dream did not come true, despite all the numerous attempts.

Frustrated by their failures, the failed parents came to the conclusion that they could no longer be together. Jen and Brad divorced after 5 years happy marriage in 2005, stunning their fans with a sudden breakup.

Angelina Jolie

Rumors have repeatedly appeared in the media that Brad Pitt, portraying happy family man, secretly meets with the beautiful Jolie, who became his partner in the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” But the actor denied all possible rumors, both to journalists and to his wife Jennifer, who sensed something was wrong.

The romance was revealed thanks to a clever paparazzi who filmed the lovers in Africa, where they played with Jolie's adopted son Maddox. Realizing that he had nothing to lose or hide, Brad Pitt began dating the beautiful actress openly, without fear of being caught on camera with his new passion.

A year after the divorce, Angelina Jolie gave birth to Brad's daughter, who was named Shiloh Nouvel. And in July 2008, the happy young actors became the parents of twins, a girl Vivienne Marcheline and a boy Knox Leon. The official marriage between Jolie and Brad was registered on August 23, 2014.

The happy daddy, who has three siblings, did not give up the role of adoptive father for Jolie's other children whom she adopted. And in 2016, they adopted a seventh child, the boy Moussa, who was left without parents due to military operations in Syria.

In September 2016, information was leaked to the press that Brad and Angelina had ceased to exist, as married couple, and are busy with lengthy divorce proceedings.

The spouses did not voice the reasons for the sudden decision, but are actively dividing all jointly acquired property. The actress demands that the court give her custody of all children, both adopted and relatives. But at the same time, Jolie agrees that Brad will not pay child support.

Despite the mother's wishes, the two children declared their desire to live with their father. How the division of property and the decision on child custody will end remains unknown. But Brad Pitt began searching for a new lover.

Ella Purnell

The buzz around has not yet subsided famous actor acquired new gossip. The media reported that Ella Purnell and Brad Pitt appeared in public as a loving couple.

Ella Purnell: photo of her boyfriend is already 53. Angelina Jolie just smiles, looking at this union, because her first adopted son Maddox Sivan is already 16.

Interestingly, the actresses already know each other quite well. Before dating Brad Pitt, Ella Purnell long time communicated with Jolie during the filming of Maleficent in 2014. In this film the young actress played main character in childhood. And 3 years later she took her place in real life.

Despite all the circumstances, Ella Purnell and Brad Pitt constantly communicate and spend a lot of time together. Time will tell how this novel will end. In the meantime, all fans are eagerly awaiting news about the development of this story.
