Lunar days are good and bad. Description of lunar days (days)

The lunar calendar has been used since ancient times, it was invented before the solar one. The lunar calendar does not coincide with the solar one, because the moon rises and sets at different times. Each lunar day has its own energy, which affects the human body and psyche. There is auspicious days and unfavorable. Let's consider their meaning in detail.

auspicious days

These lunar days have light energy. Everything works out for a person, relationships with others are good, people are not susceptible to diseases at this time.

6th, 7th, 12th, 16th, 24th and 28th days are considered auspicious days lunar month.

Astrologers advise using the favorable days of the lunar month for a change in life, business planning and other significant events. However, it is best to use the days of the first two lunar phases, that is, from the new moon to the full moon.

To get rid of something, you need to use the second half of the lunar month - from the full moon to the new moon. The closer to the new moon, the better.

bad days

What days are considered unfavorable? First, these are the days before the new moon and full moon. At this time, the human psyche is in a depressed state. On the eve of the new moon, you can part with a loved one or lose your job due to a conflict with your superiors.

AT bad days important meetings cannot be made and fateful decisions cannot be made. You need to concentrate on internal sensations and not allow emotions to get out of control.

The new moon is dangerous with the depletion of energy. A person feels lethargic and irritated, he is nervous about the actions of others and his own impotence. However, the eve of the full moon is considered the most dangerous, because psychic energy rushes out. These days, disasters, crime and mental breakdowns most often occur.

The days at the junction of the phase change also belong to the unfavorable ones. These transitional times

Lunar days 9, 15, 23 and 29 are transitional and are unfavorable.

Consider the characteristics of each lunar day. What can you do on a certain day, and what is better not to do?

Characteristics of lunar days

  1. First day has a lamp symbol. On this day, you can do planning: what do you want to change for the upcoming lunar month? Make up detailed plan actions, and the energy of the day will help you make changes. On this day, you can make wishes. Remember that you do not need to respond to the provocation of quarrels at this time - just do not pay attention to the surge of emotions from other people.
  2. Second day have the symbolism of a cornucopia. On this day, you can plan feasts and entertainment events. However, it is not recommended to quarrel and sort things out - you can lose close friends forever. Also, astrologers advise not to indulge in excessive gluttony, because you can easily gain weight. Oddly enough, but this day is well suited for dry fasting and visiting the steam room - you can quickly lose weight.
  3. third day have a leopard symbol. it auspicious time for action and decisive action. You can safely begin to implement the reorganizations conceived on the first lunar day, go in for sports. It is not recommended to show aggression and intemperance, as well as passivity.
  4. Fourth day symbolize the tree of paradise. On this day, it is better not to make appointments or social events Otherwise, you can easily succumb to temptations. The fourth day is dangerous by wrong deeds, which you will later have to bitterly regret. What can you do on this day? Devote it to rest and inactivity. You can take a walk in the forest or park, enjoy the conversation in the family circle.
  5. Fifth day have the symbolism of a unicorn. This is a time of action, planning and achieving results. The energy of the day contributes to good digestion of food, so you can safely attend banquets and anniversaries - overweight will be hard to get. But fasting and fasting is not recommended - mental breakdowns are possible.
  6. sixth day have the symbolism of a bird. This is a day of insights, an intuitive premonition of future events. It is good to be alone, to think about the meaning of life, to meditate. This is a day of humility and a sober look at life, which must be accepted with gratitude. Complaining about fate and showing discontent is not recommended.
  7. seventh day have the wind rose symbol. This is a mystical day on which any word spoken aloud or an expressed thought can come true. Be careful don't let conflict situations. It is especially dangerous on this day to tell a lie and show insincerity. You can not plan long-term projects - they are not implemented.
  8. eighth day have a fire symbol. This is the day of purification, on which you can get rid of everything old and unnecessary. Forgive your enemies, forgive yourself - let the old burn in a cleansing flame. Also on this day, any unimaginable adventure will succeed, as luck will accompany any undertaking. What can not be done? You have to be very careful with fire.
  9. Ninth day have symbols bat. This is a day of transition lunar calendar, which is considered one of the most unfavorable. At this time, gloomy thoughts may appear, subconscious fears come out. On this day, you can be deceived, robbed or used for their own purposes. It is best to retire and not appear in in public places. Clarifying the relationship and making a fuss is simply unacceptable.
  10. tenths lunar day bear the symbolism of the fountain. Energy beats with a fountain, activity is at the limit. This is a day of decisive actions and deeds. Physical activity is easy to do, you can start general cleaning in the house. If you wish the successful completion of previously started cases, plan it on the tenth lunar day. What is not recommended at this time? Be passive and inactive.
  11. Eleventh day symbolize the crown. On this day, you can not engage in physical labor and strain your body. If you planned to cleanse the body, it is best to do it on the 11th lunar day. The energy of the day is dual - you can’t rush to extremes, you need to observe the measure in everything. Therefore, passivity and excessive activity are not recommended. Events of an adventurous nature at this time will fail.
  12. Twelfth day symbolize the heart. This is a good time to plan. wedding ceremonies and family celebrations. If you have not planned anything, it is better to spend this day alone and comprehend your actions. You can not conflict with loved ones, it is better to forgive everyone. This is a day of prayer, mercy, mutual assistance and sympathy. You can not indulge in self-pity, cry because of resentment and show cruelty to other people.
  13. Thirteenth day symbolize the ring. On this day, old grievances and disappointments may suddenly be remembered: life has described a circle and closed in on itself. It is necessary to forgive insults and cleanse the soul of the negative of the past. Going to the sauna, group rest, massage room are the best for this time. You can not plan changes in fate and make responsible decisions.
  14. fourteenth day have a pipe symbol. it great time for new beginnings and projects. The day is suitable for a lot of physical activity, as the energy is at its maximum level. It is impossible to indulge in sadness and melancholy, just like drinking a large number of drinks.
  15. fifteenth day have the symbolism of a snake. This is a satanic lunar day, a dangerous manifestation of extremes. Nightmares can dream at night, longing can break during the day. Highly dangerous time, as the energy and psyche are looking for their way out. If you can't control your own emotions, it's best not to visit public events. On this day, you can easily go over the excess, get stuck in an unpleasant story with far-reaching consequences. What is possible - to starve, to pacify oneself, to fast. What you can’t do is attend parties and rush into the pool with your head.
  16. sixteenth day have the symbol of a dove. This is a time of spiritual purification and introspection. It is not recommended to be aggressive towards others, you can plan significant events - a wedding, changes in life. You can not listen to loud music, scandal and violently sort things out.
  17. seventeenth day have a symbol vine. On this day, you can completely relax, devote time to entertainment events or “doing nothing”. You can not plan serious business meetings, make deals and sign important documents. It is also not recommended to make oaths and promises - do not keep.
  18. eighteenth day have a mirror symbol. This day is dangerous with illusions and delusions. A person can become a victim of their own fears and far-fetched situations. The energy of the day is conducive to introspection, since it is on this day that you will hear the whole truth about yourself. It may seem unpleasant, but conclusions still need to be drawn.
  19. nineteenth day symbolize the spider. This is a day of spiritual cleansing and repentance. It is impossible to plan responsible projects and engage in the implementation of the plan. Better to be alone and just be quiet. Well help and water procedures.
  20. Twentieth day bear the symbol of an eagle. At this time, you can plan things, but you can’t engage in the implementation of projects - everything will turn out the other way around. Lunar energy is waning, and a person does not have enough strength for decisive steps. You can not show anger, quarrel and conflict - you can get sick.
  21. twenty first day have a horse symbol. On this day, you can take a risk and commit an act that lacked courage. This is the time of the triumph of justice and honesty, openness and courage. It is not recommended to withdraw into oneself and be alone.
  22. twenty second day symbolize the elephant. This is the day of gaining knowledge and assimilation of information. However, the energy of the day does not have to use knowledge to the detriment of the world, otherwise you can get a retaliatory blow. Dedicate this day to self-education, learning new things and transferring knowledge to others.
  23. twenty third lunar day symbolize the crocodile. The energy of the day provokes the manifestation of anger, feelings of revenge and retribution for the wrongs done. This feeling must be overcome, since such a state will not lead to good. This day is at the junction of the changing phases of the moon, therefore it is considered unfavorable. Good practice is repentance, cleansing from offenses and abstinence.
  24. twenty fourth day symbolize the bear. The energy of the day is conducive to sadness and despondency. You need to overcome these states in yourself in order not to go into depression. It is better to devote this time to wellness procedures and moderate physical activity.
  25. twenty fifth day represent the turtle. You can not fuss, engage in vigorous activity and physical activity. At this time, you can take stock of what has been done, spend the day in solitude and reflection. You can not plan and start new business.
  26. twenty sixth day symbolize the frog. This time is also not conducive to activity and fuss, like the previous day. It is better to rest, be in solitude and relax.
  27. twenty seventh day have a trident symbol. At this time, it is good to plan water procedures, travel on water, and understand complicated situations. This is a day of heightened intuition and insights, listen to yourself.
  28. twenty-eighth day symbolizes the lotus. It's a day of feeling inner harmony and unity with nature. You can not conflict and be aggressive, plan new things and be active.
  29. twenty ninth day symbolize the octopus. Insidious satanic day, full of illusions and obsessions. It is better to engage in monotonous work so as not to fall into the network of unkind thoughts. It is good to spend the day in fasting and cleansing the body of toxins, to cleanse the soul - pray, meditate.
  30. thirtieth day symbolize the golden swan. it good time to complete the work begun, pay debts and fulfill promises. You can spend it in relaxation and rest from everything. You can not fuss and be active.

Women's living room Mirror welcomes you! May and June swirled in the parade of planets. Retrograde Mars, retrograde Saturn, conjunction Rahu with Jupiter.

As in slow motion filming - breakdown of computers, disrupted broadcasts, "loss" of sound during meditation, server failure, as it's all familiar. This is on the one hand.

And on the other hand: calmness, acceptance and action with a smile on your face. New ideas, thoughts, projects.

Who is the conductor? Do we have women? Of course, you are right, planet Moon.

The appearance of the moon is the young youth Chandra "sparkling".

…Once the Supreme Ruler punished the Moon for a complaint from the nakshatras, the Ruler was so angry that he ordered the Moon to disappear from the Heavenly Kingdom. And the moon began to wither, decrease in size, hurt.

Rivers began to dry up, plants withered, animals were left without food and water. And then other Gods came to the Supreme Ruler and began to ask for the forgiveness of the Moon.

But the Supreme Ruler could not cancel his punishment, and together the Gods decided that for 11 days the Moon would grow and be filled with strength, and for the second 11 days the Moon would decrease, lose strength and get sick. This is how the lunar day and the phases of the moon arose ...

Do they affect us women? Undoubtedly! This is our mind (manas) and our emotions, on which Mana and 5 elements of female happiness depend.

Let's look at each lunar day separately :

The month, according to tradition, consists of 29 and 30 lunar days. This suggests that from the 1st lunar day to the 16th lunar day, Chandra grows, fills with strength, “white”.

At this moment, new actions are good, new beginnings, everything goes in expansion, although there may be difficulties at the beginning of the path.

From the 16th to the 30th lunar day, Chandra decreases, begins to wither, get sick, get angry. And the smaller the moon, the less power. The exacerbation of schizophrenia, fears, insomnia, "imaginary" loneliness, howling dogs at the moon - this is just a small drop of the lunar carousel, the "black" moon.

Any actions and undertakings give excellent results at the beginning - a “quick start” and problems in the future.

In any case, it is important to understand: there are always difficulties, but how emotionally we cope, it depends on you and your knowledge.

An excellent time for undertakings is from 8 lunar days to 23 lunar days.

So, lunar days. What lunar day can be viewed in the lunar calendar or on the Internet.

And according to the table, determine the actions.

riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days. Day of meditation, awareness and reflection. No beginnings, loans. We don’t lend, we don’t go to a beauty salon and we postpone travel to another day.
Purna- filling. Very auspicious lunar days. Full moon. We dedicate the day to our relatives and household chores. Marriage is good. All undertakings and projects too. The day is good for everything. Money rituals are welcome.

Mirror Report

Nanda- bliss, an averagely favorable type of lunar day. It is useful to visit a holiday, an exhibition, a festival, a beauty salon (haircut). Travel is favorable, a new position or job change is possible, a favorable day for solving real estate issues.
Bhadra- wisdom, medium favorable type of lunar day. A great day for communication with superiors, negotiations. You can safely start building not only a house, but also a career, as well as a family (marriage).
Jaya- victory. Mega auspicious lunar day. A great day for marriage, repair, creativity.
riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days. It is not worth starting anything new on these lunar days. We dedicate ourselves to cooking, get rid of unnecessary things in the house, burn candles and meditate. Nice day to clean the house.
Purna- filling. Very auspicious lunar days. A good day for acquiring jewelry and new beginnings. Marriage, purchases in the house, surgical interventions and the beginning of treatment of the body are favorable.
Nanda- bliss, an averagely favorable type of lunar day. Favorable new position, career advancement, job change. Communication with friends, new acquaintances will enhance the joyful mood and give positive action. Marriage is not very favorable on this day.
Bhadra- wisdom, medium favorable type of lunar day. We are getting married. Let's go on a trip. We buy transport. We go to the fitness center.
Jaya- victory. Mega auspicious lunar day. Auspicious day for construction, design layout of the house, a good day to start learning. Development of creativity. Dancing, holiday.
riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days. Calmness and acceptance. Marriage is not recommended. Arguments and competitors will try to unbalance. Fitness classes will improve the situation, meditation will help.
Purna- filling. Very auspicious lunar days. Moving. Marriage. Shopping. Shopping for the home. Important meetings and communication. The day is favorable for all undertakings.
Nanda- bliss, an averagely favorable type of lunar day. EKADASHI. Strict post. On this day, you can cleanse your karma from sins. Meditations, spiritual practices and fasting (minimum water, better its absence). All food on this day is saturated with negative vibrations, no bread, proteins and legumes. The last option is vegetables and fruits in a minimal amount.
Bhadra- wisdom, medium favorable type of lunar day. Travel, shopping and marriage are undesirable. We serve food to the needy, charity. We make promises and vows.
Jaya- victory. Mega auspicious lunar day. We get pleasure from life, walk, communicate, any actions are favorable, especially entertainment, visiting the pool and relaxing the soul and body.
riktha- “Empty action, poverty, debts. Bad days.
Purna- filling. Very auspicious lunar days. Full moon. Communicate with spiritual teachers. Full moon. We dedicate the day to our relatives and household chores. Marriage is good. All undertakings and projects too. The day is good for everything. Money rituals are welcome.

This table will help you the right decision and be in right time in the right place!



Different lunar phases affect our well-being in their own way. Astrologers compare the lunar phases to the seasons. Daily human biorhythms largely depend on the lunar rhythm. The gravitational field of the Moon, ebb and flow, has a significant impact on the human body, primarily on the distribution of blood in organs and tissues.

Chinese medicine claims that the twelve main organs, connected by their respective channels, once a day experience a two-hour tidal wave of activity, and another time an ebb wave, when the organ is minimally washed with blood. At the same time, the Moon accelerates the flow of biochemical processes in human tissues.

The influence of the moon on a person largely depends on the phases of the lunar cycle, lasting about a week. Each phase of the moon has a certain effect on our well-being. Moon phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, on the contrary, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc. irritability.

The pre-new moon, full moon and post-full moon are extremely extreme periods of time for all people, regardless of their age, gender. Researchers believe that the full moon is more difficult to bear than the new moon.

In addition to the general lunar rhythm, there is also an individual lunar rhythm. In this case, the person's birthday is taken as the original lunar day, which is the beginning of their own lunar month. The rhythm of an individual lunar month is constant from the birth of a person until his death. If you know it, you can avoid many dangers and prevent the appearance of most diseases.

The phases of the moon begin with the new moon, when the moon is completely covered by the shadow of the earth. The pre-new moon, new moon and post-new moon are very difficult times. The nights are black, moonless, and at this time a person is most weakened, exhausted, energetic resources of the body are at a minimum, immunity is the weakest, the likelihood of malfunctions in the work of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. On the new moon and the next few days, cerebral hemorrhages, heart attacks, and epileptic seizures occur more often.

There is also an opinion that the lunar day not only of birth, but also of conception determines health, constitution, life expectancy, indicates possible diseases of certain organs that can be provoked mutual arrangement celestial bodies throughout life.

If you notice your dependence on the phases of the moon in time, you can plan your life more successfully. In difficult periods, do not overstrain, do not expose yourself to risk and stress. Each phase of the moon has a certain effect on our well-being.

The lunar phases provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or, conversely, contribute to a successful recovery, lead to the emergence of new diseases or increase the body's defenses, indicate the most effective procedures for health, etc.

Of all the celestial bodies, naturally after the Sun, the Moon has the strongest impact on all life on Earth.
Scientific research has proven that many human biorhythms correlate well with the cyclic change in the lunar phases.

Recall that the lunar month is usually divided into four quarters, the boundaries of which are the main phases of the moon (New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Third Quarter). During the New Moon, the lunar disk is not visible. On the Full Moon, on the contrary, the entire lunar disk is visible. In the First Quarter phase, exactly half of the Moon's disk is visible ( right part disk). In the phase of the Third Quarter - the other half of the disk (its left side).

Of paramount importance for planning affairs according to the lunar cycle are the periods of growth and waning of the moon.
The period of the growing moon begins with the New Moon and ends with the Full Moon. This is followed by the waning moon period, which begins on the Full Moon and ends on the New Moon. In accordance with this lunar cycle, the energy of a person also changes. Energy is at its lowest during the New Moon. Then, with the growth of the Moon, it increases, reaching a maximum at the Full Moon. Further, with the waning of the Moon, the energy decreases to the minimum of the New Moon.

It is considered auspicious to start everything new on the growing Moon, and to complete the work begun on the waning Moon, before the next New Moon.

During the growing moon (during the period starting on the New Moon and ending with the Full Moon), people feel better, their mood, physical and emotional activity increase. A person becomes more energetic and successful in business.
That is why for this period of emotional and physical recovery, you should plan all your most important and responsible affairs.

During the waning moon (during the period starting on the Full Moon and ending on the New Moon), on the contrary, the viability of the human body decreases. He gets tired faster, his reactions slow down. The person loses energy and becomes less active.
During this period of emotional and physical decline, it is more expedient to engage in well-established affairs that do not require special efforts.

Things in the New Moon. Deeds in the days of Hekate.

The lunar month begins on the New Moon. The two lunar days preceding the New Moon and the two subsequent lunar days are called the "Days of Hekate". These are the "darkest" days of the lunar month, named after the goddess of witchcraft and hidden powers (Hecate). The New Moon period is the time of minimum energy.

During the New Moon physical exercise should be reduced to a minimum. Ideally, it is best to do creativity and mental work. Collect and analyze information, develop plans, but do not yet take active steps to implement them. It is necessary to continue the solution of issues that have not been completed in the past lunar month. During the period of the New Moon, you should not make final decisions and it is better to refrain from answering questions. important issues and suggestions.

The satellite of the Earth is powerful enough not only to control the ebb and flow of the oceans. The moon is the real mistress of a person's emotional life! Each day of the lunar cycle in a certain way affects our state, provokes the disclosure of certain qualities of character, sets the general emotional background. So, on some days we are so tense that we tend to inflate conflicts from scratch, while other lunar days contribute to building understanding in a couple.

The lunar calendar of relationships and love contains many useful tips for every lunar day. You can’t fit all of them in one post, so I wrote separately about and. And now let's talk about everything else 🙂

Lunar calendar of relationships and love - unfavorable days

To begin with, let's highlight two difficult, unpleasant and stressful days in which you should remain calm and avoid empty quarrels with your loved one. It is better to postpone the “debriefing” until tomorrow, when you can soberly assess the situation. Such periods fall on 9 and 29 lunar days. If you have long realized that relationships oppress you and nothing helps, 19 lunar day It's time to end the relationship or file for divorce.

What is the lunar day today? Lunar Calendar 2018 >>

Lunar calendar of relationships and love - auspicious days

Now for the good! If you wish to transfer the relationship to new level- from an acquaintance and an invitation to go somewhere to a decision to live together and marriage proposals - suitable for such bold actions 2, 5, 15, 21, 27 lunar days. To start any joint projects - creative, working, wellness - choose 21, 24 lunar days.

From time to time it is good to have an honest conversation about the shortcomings and analyze your behavior in a relationship. It is best to do this in 4 and 18 lunar days. And for the joint passing of tests, trainings, going to family psychologist choose 25 or 26 lunar days.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on in 2018 in the Lunar Relationship Calendar >>

Best for getting to know your partner's family 10 lunar day, to go to a fun party - 17 , and for nostalgia and shooting your love story - 20 . If you dream of taking a bath together with your loved one, it is best to schedule it on 16 lunar days, while in 22 lunar day will go well hearty romantic dinner. And if you have something to apologize to your loved one, 8 lunar day is the time to do it.

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