That they found Sergei Bodrov. All versions of the death of Sergei Bodrov: from mystical to real

In September 2002, the whole world was alarmed by the news of the disappearance of seven members of the film crew led by Sergei Bodrov Jr. in the Karmadon Gorge, which is located in North Ossetia. The cause of the disappearance was the sudden collapse of the Kolka glacier. As a result, several hundred people were reported missing. The actor’s body has not been found to this day, which has given rise to many speculations and assumptions about how Sergei Bodrov died.

Actor popularity

Sergei Sergeevich Bodrov Jr. is known to almost every Russian viewer. He gained his first fame thanks to his role as Ivan Zhilin in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” She was followed by an equally significant one - the role of Danila Bagrov in the duology “Brother” and “Brother-2”. And it was thanks to his filming in these films that he became a popular favorite.

Before this, the actor periodically starred in several episodic roles, which did not leave a significant mark. In particular, Sergei Bodrov began his career back in 1986 with a small role in the television film “I Hate You,” where he played a simple boy in an equestrian club. This was followed by several roles in the films “SIR” and “White King, Red Queen”. After 1996, the actor gained real fame and began to appear in films more and more often. In 2001, the film “Sisters” was released on cinema screens, where Bodrov Jr. acted as director and screenwriter and, in addition, starred in a cameo role. We can consider that this film became his real debut.

In the same year, 2001, he was the host of the first season of the then popular show “ Last Hero" This talented man planned to repeat his directorial success by filming the film “Svyaznoy”. Unfortunately, tragic events in the fall of 2002 these plans were not allowed to come true. It was on the day when Sergei Bodrov Jr. died that the filming of the film was completely stopped.

Filming of the film “Svyaznoy”: interesting facts

Filming of the film “The Messenger” started in July 2002. The casting was carried out personally by Sergei Bodrov Jr. It was on his recommendations that the performers of the main roles were approved. An interesting fact is that actor Alexander Mezentsev got to the shooting thanks to a spoiled take during auditions for the film, and Khashbi Galazov ate the heart of a viper at the casting, since it was his character, according to the script, who was supposed to do this on the screen.

Filming in the Karmadon Gorge was planned to take place in August for two weeks, but due to the fact that Bodrov’s second child was born at that time, the entire process was postponed to the end of September.

The team that was involved in the production of the film arrived in Vladikavkaz on September 18. It was planned to start mountain shooting at 9 am on the 20th. But because of the bad weather conditions the process had to be postponed to one o'clock in the afternoon, which, unfortunately, led to tragic consequences.

Only a few frames were shot, after which by seven o'clock in the evening the group was forced to stop filming due to poor lighting.

When everyone was ready to go to the hotel, the Kolka ice massif collapsed from the top of Mount Kazbek. It filled the entire Karmadon Gorge in the exact place where Sergei Bodrov Jr. and his film crew died.

Unfortunately, out of the entire team, only two people managed to survive: Anna Dubrovskaya and Alexander Mezentsevev. By a happy coincidence, they did not go to the mountains with the group that time, thanks to which they survived. An interesting fact is that it was their characters who, according to the script, were supposed to survive at the end of the unmade film.

Death of an actor

No less mysterious remains the question of how Sergei Bodrov died, because the celebrity’s body has not yet been found. This does not make it possible to find out at least some reliable information.

According to official data, contact with the film crew was lost immediately after the glacier collapse. Together with them, more than 150 people disappeared - tourists who had placed their tents along the 12-kilometer path along which this terrible element passed.

According to some local residents, an hour and a half after the tragedy, filmmakers radioed that they were still alive. This information has not been officially confirmed and no evidence exists.

There is no exact information about how Sergei Bodrov actually died. The actor is still considered missing, and until his body is found, no one can say anything with certainty.

Search for the body

Active work to search for the missing was carried out for several months. Rescuers, local residents and relatives of those who died took part in the search operations. Of the more than 150 missing, none survived, and only 19 bodies were found. Officially, 127 people are listed as missing. The search operations were finally stopped back in 2004, although attempts to find Bodrov’s body by some enthusiasts continue to this day, all in order to find out at least something about how Sergei Bodrov died.

It was assumed that the film crew could have taken refuge in a tunnel located at the site of the tragedy, but when it was cleared, no traces of human presence were found.

The gorge where Sergei Bodrov died

The Karmadon Gorge is located in North Ossetia and before the events of the autumn of 2002 it was very popular among tourists because of its unusual beauty. After the tragedy, this place became known to almost every resident of our country and is a place of pilgrimage for those who lost relatives or friends there.

Above the gorge is the Kazbek volcano. It is considered inactive for a long time, although the echo of past greatness results in the periodic release of volcanic gases, but nothing more. According to experts, it was precisely this passive activity of this volcano that caused the unexpected collapse of the Kolka glacier.

Memory of the actor

While many are thinking about how Sergei Bodrov died, where his body is and what actually happened on the evening of September 20 in the Karmadon Gorge, the memory of the actor is actively honored in the world of Russian art.

Several books have been written about the life and work of Bodrov Jr., many television programs have been filmed and documentaries. But most of all, the musicians he loved paid tribute to the actor. They dedicated a number of songs to him, which they perform from time to time at their concerts, accompanied by stills from Sergei’s films or simply projecting his photograph. Among these performers, the most famous are music bands"Agatha Christie", "Bi-2", "Semantic hallucinations"; singer V. Butusov and singer I. Saltykova.

The tragedy that occurred in the early 2000s still remains a mystery for many fans of the famous artist. Russian actor, his family and friends. Did Sergei Bodrov Jr. really die? Remains have been found that some experts consider evidence of him.


Filming of the film “Svyaznoy” ended in tragedy for actor and director Sergei Bodrov Jr. On September 20, 2002, not far from the Karmadon Gate in North Ossetia, an avalanche descended from a glacier, which had considerable destructive power. She destroyed every living thing in her path. Thus, the village of Upper Karmadon was destroyed, in which several dozen residents died. The next victim was the film crew.

Those who are concerned want to know whether the body of Sergei Bodrov or any of the filmmakers was found. The wording “missing” means that there is no confirmation that the director and his team died. However, one should not hope in vain. It is likely that the remains will not be found until several decades later.

Facts about the tragedy

  • The debate about why the glacier, which took hundreds of years to form, began to move on September 20, 2002, continues to this day. There is a version that the ice managed to melt in the summer. However, professional geologists reject this version. The summer of 2002 was not hotter than summer months in previous years. The temperature was approximately the same. But neither before nor after the tragedy anything like this happened. Another explanation seems more convincing. The glacier began to move due to the displacement of tectonic plates. Bodrov and his team could have been saved if the day before they had paid attention to a strange hum coming from the bowels of the earth.
  • There is a version that Sergei is still alive. There are cases where people caught in an avalanche survived. However, injuries and stress caused them to lose their memory. Subsequently, the survivors settled in remote villages and started life anew. This version is offered by those who refuse to believe in the death of the actor. However, Bodrov was famous person. His appearance even in a remote village could not go unnoticed.
  • The question of whether Sergei Bodrov’s body was found was asked to specialists in 2008. Climbers from the Cascade mountain club accidentally discovered fragments of the car. View from vehicle was such that even a layman had no doubt that the car was crushed. The remains of the bodies of the people to whom it belonged were found in the car. The assumption immediately arose that the car belonged to someone from the film crew. But witnesses to the avalanche who saw Bodrov’s team claim that the film crew was on the other side of the Karmadon Gate. The remains of the bodies found in the car were sent for genetic testing to establish the date of death, gender and victims. There were no members of Bodrov’s group among these people. It is believed that the body fragments belong to tourists. People often came here with whole families in their own cars.

Nobody knows how Sergei Bodrov Jr. died. Remains have been found that do not belong to either himself or the members of the film crew with whom he worked. Fans, relatives and friends of the actor and director still have hope that Sergei is alive. People who do not believe in his death believe that Bodrov simply decided to start new life, get away from problems. There are those who have seen a man similar to famous actor. However, friends of Bodrov Jr. claim that no problems could force Sergei to force those closest to him to consider him missing.

On September 20, 2002, a tragedy occurred in the mountains of North Ossetia: the Kolka glacier claimed the lives of hundreds of people, among whom was actor Sergei Bodrov Jr. and his film crew. The film star and popular favorite was only 30 years old, many fans for a long time could not believe that he was really dead.

The bodies of the victims have not been found in 15 years, 104 people (26 of them filmmakers) are still listed as missing, and scientists have not come to a common conclusion about the cause of the tragedy.

Bodrov first came to the Caucasus in 1996, during the filming of “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” He admitted more than once that he would like to live in the mountains, but, unfortunately, this is impossible.

The film crew of the film "The Messenger". Photo

In the fall of 2002, Sergei Bodrov returned to the Caucasus to film the film “The Messenger,” in which he acted as an actor, director and screenwriter - as he himself said, “like coffee in a bag - three in one.” On September 18, the film crew arrived in Vladikavkaz. Work was planned for September 20 in the Karmadon Gorge, where only one scene of the film had to be filmed. In the mountains, the filmmakers waited a long time for the transport that was supposed to take them up, and the start of work had to be postponed from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon. It cost the lives of everyone who was present on the set that day.

The work had to be completed around seven in the evening due to poor light. The group collected equipment and prepared to return to the city.

At 20:15 local time, an ice mass of 200 million tons fell from the spur of Mount Kazbek. In 20 minutes, the Karmadon Gorge was covered with a 300-meter layer of stones, mud and ice. The flow, reaching a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, destroyed entire villages, recreation centers and tourist camps. The village of Upper Karmadon was destroyed. More than 150 people were trapped under the rubble.

Karmadon Gorge after the tragedy. Photo

The road was blocked, and rescuers were able to reach the gorge only after several hours. All the residents of the surrounding villages also came to help. A three-month rescue operation resulted in only 19 bodies being recovered. For the next two years, volunteers worked at the disaster site every day. Right on the glacier they set up a camp called “Nadezhda”. According to their version, the film crew could get to the car tunnel and take shelter from the avalanche there.

Relatives of the missing insisted that holes be drilled into the 100-meter thick ice that would lead rescuers into the tunnel. It was possible to calculate the location of the tunnel only on the 20th attempt, and no traces of people were found in the tunnel. In 2004, attempts to find the dead stopped.

In March 2008, not far from the place where the filmmakers disappeared, workers found the body of a white Moskvich with human remains inside: over several years it had been washed out by water from the mudflow. Press Secretary of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of North Ossetia Vladimir Ivanov then said that it could not be a car from Bodrov’s film crew: “The Moskvich was found below the Karmadon Gate, and the film crew of the film “Svyaznoy” did not even have time to leave the gorge.”

Experts examined the bone remains and learned that the deceased was a man 45-60 years old, 175-177 centimeters tall, and had a second blood type. A local resident, 40-year-old Iranbek Tsirikhov, fit these parameters.

Sergei Bodrov on the set of “Svyaznoy”. Photo

There is a lot in this story mystical coincidences. According to the script, by the end of the film “The Messenger” only two of the four main characters remained alive - and the performers of these roles (Anna Dubrovskaya and Alexander Mezentsev) were really lucky not to be present in the gorge that day. According to the script, Bodrov’s hero was supposed to die. Filming in Karmadon was planned for August, but this month Bodrov’s second child was born, and the trip was postponed to September. In Vladikavkaz, Bodrov lived in the same hotel with another film crew: in a nearby gorge, director Yaropolk Lapshin was filming a film about the collapse of a glacier that destroyed local settlements.

Karmadon Gorge after the tragedy. Photo

What happened in the gorge

Kolka is a so-called pulsating glacier that collapses down from time to time, but it was impossible to accurately predict the time of the disaster. Scientists are still arguing about the reasons for the collapse of Kolka and have only agreed that one of the factors was gas-dynamic cracking.

Initially, experts assumed that the collapse of hanging glaciers from Kazbek was to blame, but now it is perceived as only one of the reasons. Glaciologist Lev Desinov (Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences) insists on a coincidence of circumstances: several earthquakes caused the pulsation of ice masses, while below they were heated by an active volcanic mass. The internal melting increased the tension. And volcanic gases under pressure filled all the voids. The scientist was one of the first experts from the Ministry of Emergency Situations who flew over the glacier immediately after its collapse.

Memorial plate at the scene of the tragedy. Photo

Mysterious circumstances The tragedies forced many to put forward mystical versions of what happened. Some mountaineers claimed that an hour and a half after the glacier disappeared, members of the group got in touch, and there were also people who allegedly saw Bodrov alive years after the tragedy.

He went missing in 2002 in the Karmadon Gorge in the Caucasus (North Ossetia). This happened approximately in the morning of September 20th.

"Missing" in in this case means that neither Sergei’s remains nor any other material evidence of his death were found. This gives very slim hope to his family and food for a colossal amount of rumors to outsiders.

Descended glacier

According to the official version, Bodrov Jr. allegedly died due to a collapsed glacier. In the area of ​​the Karmadon Gorge there are 2 glaciers: Maili and Kolka. The latter caused the death of Sergei Bodrov’s film crew (they were filming the film “The Messenger”). An avalanche descending from a glacier is a huge colossus destructive force. The glacier that killed the Moscow filmmakers that day weighed about 200 million tons. The ice mass was moving at a speed of 160-180 km/h. It is simply impossible for anyone to survive along its path.

Due to an avalanche, the village of Verkhniy Karmadon was completely wiped off the face of the earth. About 100 people died (these are only those whose remains were discovered or at least something is known about them). The bodies of people from the cinematographic group, including Bodrov himself, were not found. After such avalanches, remains are often discovered hundreds of years later. In all likelihood, confirmation of Sergei’s death may not come very soon.

Why did this happen

In connection with the fact of the death of the film crew, the press often raises the topic of why the multi-ton ice block began to move then. According to some observers, the Kolka glacier melted at the end of summer and therefore disappeared on September 20. Professional geologists claim that this is impossible. A glacier that has been formed for many thousands, or even millions, of years cannot just melt and suddenly begin to move.

Another version seems more likely. The day before, tectonic plates had moved deep underground in that mountainous region. As a result, a powerful gas chemical release occurred on September 20. Only this could move the glacier. According to the testimony of tourists in the group of Dmitry Solodky and Olga Nepoba, who were in Caucasus mountains on the eve of the tragedy, long before it, a threatening roar was heard coming from underground. This sound could indicate movements occurring in the rock mass.

If these dire omens had been taken into account then, Sergei would probably be alive now. To justify people who did not pay attention to such a serious point, we can say that tectonic shifts occur extremely rarely. This, even in mountainous areas, can happen once every 100, or even 1000 years. Not everyone is “lucky” to observe such “breathing of the Earth.”

The deep memory of him was preserved only in folk traditions. It is not for nothing that since ancient times it was customary in the Caucasus to settle higher in the mountains, and not at their foot. The ancestors preserved the memory of the tragedies that happened in the foothill areas centuries ago.

Possibly alive

More optimistic citizens put forward alternative version: Bodrov Jr. could have escaped. Confirmation of the likelihood of this, among other things, is the testimony of some eyewitnesses who survived the glacier collapse. One witness later told reporters how the glacier bypassed her five-story building.

Mountaineers know many stories about how people miraculously survived an avalanche and settled in high-mountain villages. As a result of the injuries, some lose their memory, others can be seriously crippled. If someone discovers such a crash victim, she can be rescued. Sergei Bodrov had a small chance to survive, but still.
