Children's games in the camp for junior units. Games for children in summer school camp

Dating games for children's camp

Name memory games

Description of the game: The participants of the game sit in a circle, the driver stands in the center. He approaches one of the participants, says “Zipp” or “Zapp” and quickly counts out loud to ten. When the word “Zipp” is said, the participant must say the name of the neighbor on the left before the driver counts to ten. If the word "Zapp" is pronounced, you must say the name of the neighbor on the right. If the participant did not have time to name the name, he becomes the driver. When the phrase “Zipp-Zapp” is pronounced, all participants must change places, and the driver must have time to take the vacant seat.

Call yourself, call me

Equipment: Ball.

Game description: Players are divided into two teams, which are located opposite each other at a short distance in ranks or lines. One of the teams receives the ball. At the leader’s signal, the first player of the team throws the ball to the player of the second team, calling his name. He catches the ball and returns it to the next player of the first team, calling his name. The player standing last, having received the ball, passes it in the opposite direction, but already says his name and the name of the person to whom he throws the ball. And so on until the ball falls into the hands of the first player of the first team.


Inventory: Bedspread.

Game description: Participants are divided into two teams, located opposite each other. The counselors pull the blanket between them. One person per team comes up from their side of the blanket. The counselors count to three and sharply lower the blanket. Participants need to have time to say the name of the person sitting opposite. The one who later named the name goes to the opposing team. The winners are those who “draw” as many players as possible to themselves.


Game description: Participants sit in a circle. The presenter shows the rhythm: two claps on the knees, two claps on the hands. Everyone picks up the rhythm. During the first two claps, the player says his name twice, during the second claps his name and the name of someone from the circle (for one clap - his name, for the second - another participant), thereby passing the move. The one who “caught” the transmission repeats the same thing. The one who gets lost starts again or leaves the circle (at the discretion of the counselor).

Whisper a name

Game description: All participants move freely around the site for 2-5 minutes, trying to approach more participants and whisper their name in their ears. Then the task changes. Now you need to approach a larger number of participants and whisper their name in each ear.


Inventory: Newspaper or magazine.

Game description: The squad stands in a circle. The counselor invites the participants to imagine that the player whose name the leader calls has a fly sitting on his shoulder. The driver calls the name and runs towards him from the outside of the circle to “kill the fly” on his shoulder with the newspaper. The player whose name is called should not allow this: he “passes” it to another player by saying: “Fly at ... (say name).” The one on whom the fly was killed becomes the driver, and the former driver takes his place and says who has the “fly” now. You cannot say the name of the neighbor on the right or left.

Personality dating games

The wind is blowing towards...

Inventory: A chair for each player.

Game description: Participants sit in a circle. The driver says: “The wind blows in the direction of the one who...” (knows how to swim, considers himself smart, likes to read, writes poetry, knows how to play the guitar, plays sports and other characteristics). Those players to whom the leader’s statement applies must change places, and the driver tries to take the vacated place. Whoever did not have time to take a chair becomes the driver.


Inventory: Chair.

Description of the game: Participants break into pairs (based on who they are less familiar with) and tell each other about themselves for 5 minutes. Then the couples take turns taking up the improvised stage. One of the partners sits on a chair, the second stands behind it. The one who stands behind the chair must tell all the other participants about his partner within a minute. The person sitting cannot comment or suggest. Then the partners change.

Recommendations: The game is more interesting and fun if the participants talk about their partner in the first person (i.e., becoming themselves for a while), while the others ask questions that only the narrator can answer.

Toilet paper

Inventory: Roll toilet paper.

Game description: Without explaining anything, the presenter invites each participant to unwind a tape of any size from a roll. The counselor further explains that everyone takes turns going on stage, wrapping their ribbon in a tube, and at the same time talks about themselves until the ribbon of their toilet paper is completely wrapped in a roll.


Description of the game: The presenter invites the participants to line up along the following lines:

Eye color (from lightest to darkest);

Dates and months of birth;

First letters of names in alphabetical order;

Hair color;

Shoe size;

Team sorcerers

This game differs from ordinary tag in that the one who has been hit stops in place and holds his arms to the sides until he is hit again and rescued by his running comrades. The team that wins the game is the one whose players defeat more players of the other team in less time.

Two pegs

Each team tries to touch someone else's peg. But on the other side of the field you can be bullied. The one who is sore, as in the game “Sorcerers,” is obliged to stand motionless, with his arms outstretched, in place until his own people rescue him. You cannot go into the circle (2 meters in diameter) to your peg.


Inside a large circle, which is marked on the ground, a team (5-10 people) lines up in a column, in which everyone, except the first, holds on to the shoulders of the person in front. Another team (the same number), positioned around the first, throws the ball in order to throw it at the last one from the column at a convenient moment.

Possible game outcomes:

1) the team - column maneuvers inside the circle until all its players leave the game after settling down;

2) after equal periods of time in the circle, compare the number of people in each team;

3) if the players are so experienced that it is difficult to beat them, then the teams change after the first hit on the last one, and in this case comparison better time being in a circle.


A tight circle is formed from 10-15 guys. And one of their comrades stands in the middle, pressing his arms along his body to his sides and pressing his feet tightly together. Without leaving his place, the middle one hands it in some direction, and those around him take it in their arms, passing it to neighbors or those standing opposite. The point of the game is that the central one trusts his comrades, and they carefully rock him.


Counselor: “Stand in a circle, hold hands! I’ll say: “Let’s run!” - run in circles. I’ll say: “Pull!” - Let everyone drag their neighbor to the skittles. The one who knocked down the pin or opened his right hand leaves the game.”

Perhaps the camp will find logs, knee-high or higher, to replace skittles. When the objects of jumping (knocking down) are twigs stuck shallowly into the ground, the game will already be called an Indian dance.


One player, bending over, rests his hands on his knees for stability. The second participant jumps over him with a running start, leaning his hands on the standing person’s back as he jumps. And, stopping two meters from the first one, he also bends down. The third jumps over two in a row. When the last one of all makes his jumps, the one who leans over first begins to jump.

Stick tug

Both opponents sit on the grass. With their feet resting and their hands grasping a smooth thick stick, they, at the judge’s signal, try to pull the opponent in their direction so that he stands up. The palms on the stick should alternate, and the weight of the guys should be approximately the same.

You can also pull simply by holding hands. You can also arrange a team tug-of-war.

Tamer of Wild Beasts

Place chairs in the room, one less than the children. Everyone takes chairs, and one of the players becomes a wild animal tamer. He slowly walks in a circle and names all the animals in a row. The one whose animal is named (the players pre-select them for themselves) gets up and begins to slowly walk after their tamer. As soon as the tamer says the words “Attention, hunters!”, everyone playing, including the tamer, tries to take empty chairs. Anyone who does not have enough space becomes a tamer of wild animals.

Guess who am I!

The game is more fun when many children take part in it at once. The leader is blindfolded, the rest join hands and stand around the “blind” person. The host claps his hands and the guests begin to move in a circle. The leader claps again and the circle freezes. Now the presenter must point to a player and try to guess who it is. If he manages to do this on the first try, then the one who was guessed leads. If the presenter does not guess who is in front of him on the first try, he has the right to touch this player and try to guess again. If the guess is correct, the identified guest drives. If the host does not guess correctly the second time, then he can ask the guest to bark or, for example, meow.


This is a very fun game and fun to play when there are a lot of people.

Each participant chooses a musical instrument that he will subsequently “play.” It's best if they choose different instruments. A leader is selected - a “conductor”. He faces the “orchestra”, and at a signal the “orchestra” begins to play! The conductor makes movements as if he is playing his instrument (for example, miming drumming, puffing out his cheeks as if playing a flute, etc.). The rest of the orchestra members make movements as if each were playing their own instrument, but at the same time do not take their eyes off the “conductor”. Suddenly the “conductor” switches to another instrument and begins to pretend to play musical instrument, chosen by another participant. The player whose instrument the “conductor” begins to play must immediately stop all movements and cover his ears with his hands. All other participants in the game now switch to the instrument chosen by the “conductor”. After some time, the “conductor” returns to his original instrument, and the orchestra members also return to theirs.

So, the “conductor” “plays” either his own or someone else’s musical instrument, and the players try to catch his movements and not make a mistake.


Two from each team come out and stand side by side: hand in hand. In pairs, touching hands are tied, and with free hands, that is, one of the participants is left, and the other right hand, must wrap the package prepared in advance, tie it with ribbon and tie a bow. The pair that finishes it first gets a point.


Need to throw balloon each other, but at the same time you cannot move from your place, lift your feet off the floor. The one who moves or who last touches the ball when no one has caught it gets a penalty point. Anyone who receives three penalty points is eliminated from the game - he sits down and watches the others play. Those who remain last on the playing field win.


A very long rope (about 15 m) is tied into a ring. The driver leaves the room or turns away, and the rest, holding the rope with both hands, become entangled, forming a living tangle that the driver must unravel. His task is to form a circle again.


To yourself - to your neighbor

Inventory: Coin, ring or button.

Progress of the game: Participants stand in a circle and learn the movement: hands shoulder-width apart, the palm of the left hand is folded into a ladle, fingers right palm collected (as if holding something). Simultaneously repeating the words “to oneself - to a neighbor,” players imitate transferring an object from hand to hand (with the right hand from the left palm to left palm neighbor) a small object. When the players have learned the movements, a driver is selected, he leaves the circle and turns away. The presenter places a small object in the left hand of one of the players (a ladle). The driver returns to the circle and the game begins. The driver's task is to guess who has the object in their palm; the task of the other players is to pass the object unnoticed by the driver.

1-1, 1-2

Progress of the game: All players sit in a circle. Players settle in numerical order and remember their numbers. The leader sets the pace: two claps on the knees, two claps on the hands. Everyone repeats. As soon as a single rhythm can be established, words are introduced. Hitting the knees twice, the presenter pronounces his number “one, one” twice. Then, clapping his knees for the first time, he says his number, after the second clap, he says the number of the player to whom he passes the word (for example: “one, three”). Now this player (numbered “3”), without leaving the general tempo, plays the game.

Elephant, toaster, monkey

Progress of the game: Participants stand in a circle. The driver suddenly points at someone and says one of the words (elephant, toaster, monkey, skunk, giraffe, bird). The player pointed at and the neighbor to his right and left must show certain movements. If someone hesitates or makes the wrong piece, he is eliminated from the game or becomes the driver.

Figures and movements:

Elephant - the player makes a trunk out of his hands, and his neighbors make ears for him.

Toaster - the player jumps on the spot, and his neighbors close him in a mini-circle, holding hands.

Monkey - the player pretends to be a monkey, and the neighbors pretend to dig through his hair.

Skunk - the player moves his foot along the ground and feels shy, and the neighbors depict emotions like “fuuuuu...”.

Bird - the player himself makes a beak from his hands, and the neighbors bend one leg farthest from the player and move their hand to the side.

Giraffe - this player raises both hands up, and his two neighbors - on the right and left - must squat down.


Progress of the game: All participants sit in a circle. The presenter sets a certain rhythm (for example, of a song) by clapping his hands. The guys must repeat this rhythm in a circle, provided that everyone claps only once.

I'll go south

Inventory: Toy.

Progress of the game: Participants sit in a semicircle or circle. The presenter says that he will soon go south and take with him the most attentive person. The presenter says: “I’ll go south and take with me... (names an object), please take it,” and hands the toy to the neighbor. The neighbor also begins and continues the phrase. At the end of the circle, the counselor names the one whom he will take with him (those who said: “Take it, please”). The circle is repeated until everyone realizes that at the end of the phrase they need to say: “Take it, please.”


Inventory: Chairs.

Progress of the game: Two players sit on chairs in some unusual positions. The driver is asked to remember the players' poses (for 20-25 seconds), then he leaves the room or turns away. Two of the remaining players are asked to change the positions of those sitting on the chairs. The driver, returning to the room, must restore from memory the original poses of the players. By the way, the players themselves must remember their initial poses.


Progress of the game: The players stand in a circle. The first player (usually a counselor) passes the word “zipp” to someone using a directed clap and sliding of the hand, the one to whom the word was sent must then pass the word “zepp” in the same way, the next one passes the word “zap”. Each time, “zipp-zepp-zapp” is transmitted sequentially. Gradually the pace accelerates, and whoever made a mistake (for example, instead of “zapp”, said “zepp”) or did not see that the move was being passed to him, is eliminated. The game continues until there is one winner.

Who did I wish for?

Progress of the game: Everyone sits in a semicircle. The counselor names any three objects and asks who he wished for. Participants try to understand on what principle the counselor makes a riddle for this or that person and how the objects are connected, but it turns out that the riddle is the one who is the first to say a word. The game continues until everyone has guessed.

What number?

Inventory: Several pens.

Progress of the game: The counselor places several pens on a flat surface in front of the players and asks what number he wished for. Players try to find connections between laid out objects. The solution is simple: having laid out his hands, the counselor quietly shows a certain number of fingers, which is the answer, and this is what the players should notice.


Progress of the game: This is a mystery game. The counselor says that there are four positions: cross-parallel, parallel-cross, cross-cross, parallel-parallel. The players' task is to figure out what it's about. we're talking about. To do this, everyone in a circle, starting with the leader, tells the neighbor on the left one of the provisions, trying to guess their meaning. The presenter determines whether what was said was “true” or “wrong.” The game continues until the solution is found by each player.

Solution: the cross means the crossing of a neighbor's legs or arms, and the parallel means uncrossed legs or arms. Accordingly, you need to name the position that would indicate the legs and arms of your neighbor. For example, a neighbor’s legs are crossed but his arms are missing, I tell him: “Cross-parallel.”

Bang Bang

Progress of the game: The players stand in a circle. The presenter calls the name of any player, folds his hands with a pistol, and “shoots” at one of the participants. The person named must crouch down to avoid the shot. His neighbors to the right and left begin a duel. You need to extend your hand in the form of a pistol towards the enemy and say “Bang-Bang” or make other shooting sounds. The one who does this a little later than his opponent loses. If the player whose name was called does not crouch in time, then he is killed, as he finds himself between two shooters. The killed (loser) leaves the circle. The remaining two become winners. You can arrange a duel between them.


Progress of the game: Participants stand in a circle. A driver is selected, who moves away and turns away. At this time, the others agree on who will show the dance moves. After this, the driver returns and stands in the middle of the circle, and the rest, creating a dance tempo from the words “Santiki-Fantiki-Limpompo”, repeat the movements shown by the selected player, who changes the movements unnoticed by the driver. Players must quickly change from one movement to another so that the driver does not figure out who is showing. The goal of the driver is to guess the person showing.


Progress of the game: The presenter says two random words (“orange” and “suitcase”). One of the participants aloud describes an image connecting the leader’s second word with the first (for example: an orange rolled out of a suitcase). Then the participant who created the image passes his word to the next player, the one sitting on his left hand. For example, the word "coffee". This player connects the third word with the second word of the leader (the orange got into the coffee and left a mark on the clothes), and passes his own word - already the fourth in this chain - as a task to his neighbor on the left.


Progress of the game: Cards with role names.

Description: There is a certain city. The players represent the residents of this city. Everyone plays their role: the commissioner, the doctor, civilians and the mafia. Roles are assigned secretly before the start of the game. The presenter is also selected.

The host leads the game, announces the change of day and night (when it’s “night” - everyone closes their eyes), introduces the mafia to each other, informs the commissioner whether his suspicions about the involvement of city residents in the mafia are correct or not (all acquaintances take place at night, eyes are opened only at the request presenter), leads a daylong discussion of possible candidates for “expulsion from the city.”

Every night the mafia “removes” one of the honest people (in extreme cases, you can remove your own). During the day, the mafia, along with honest residents, participates in the discussion of possible candidates for “expulsion from the city”; They identify and “remove” the commissar, the doctor, as well as all honest people.

After a night “shot” by the mafia, the doctor can prevent the “murder” if he correctly points out the candidate chosen by the mafia.

At night, the commissioner can definitely find out about one thing: whether he belongs to the mafia or not. During the day, guided by information received at night, he can influence the outcome of the discussion; in case of premature death, he can leave a will indicating the names of the mafia.

During daytime discussions, peaceful people propose candidates for “expulsion from the city” of possible mafia members, somehow justifying their decision. Carefully observing each other, drawing conclusions from the actions, judgments and statements of others, they try to identify and neutralize the mafia.

The game ends when either the mafia or civilians die.


Progress of the game: One of the players thinks of a word and says the letter with which it begins. Everyone else must guess the word. For example, the presenter thinks of the word “shovel” and tells the players that the word begins with the letter “l”. In order for the presenter to open the second letter, it is necessary to select a word starting with the letter “l” and give it a short description. For example, one of the players says: “It is in the sky at night.” The one who guessed what it is about says: “Contact” and, together with the player who gave the description, counts to 10 and calls the word at the same time. If the words turn out to be different, players continue to select words starting with the letter “l”. If the words match, then the leader calls the next letter, for example, the letter “o”, and then the syllable “lo” is formed. Now the players begin to select words for this syllable, characterize them, count to 10, etc. If the presenter guesses the words that the participants characterize, he says “no, that’s not... (names the word that the players characterized)” . In this game, it is important for the leader that his word cannot be guessed for as long as possible.

Outdoor games

07.09.2011 17390 929

Outdoor games

Where there is active play, there is no place for boredom. These games help to do emotional exploration and get to know the guys better. Outdoor games always require motor efforts from the players, aimed at achieving a conditional goal specified in the rules. The peculiarity of outdoor games is their competitive, creative, collective nature. They demonstrate the ability to act together with a team in constantly changing conditions. Outdoor games most fully correspond to the nature of childhood.
We have no doubt that you have been participants and organizers of outdoor games more than once. Therefore, let's remember together what is most important in organizing such games. Each game has its own game task: “catch”, “catch”, “find”, etc. Try to captivate the children with it and interest them. Sometimes it’s useful to play on the guys’ pride by expressing “doubt” about their strength and dexterity. Draw a vivid picture of the upcoming action for the children. At the beginning, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one routine phrase: “And now we will play...”. When organizing outdoor games, remember that it is better if you are as much a participant in them as the guys. Each game has its own rules. Explain them clearly. This can be done more effectively if, simultaneously with the story, you show actions, i.e. create a figurative idea of ​​the game. Let one of the guys repeat after you what you require special attention in Game. If the rules are not followed during the game, pause the game, make a cheerful commentary on what is happening and show what the mistake is. During the game, be emotional and spontaneous. Cheer the guys up. A comic report about what is happening is also possible. If you lose interest in the game, try complicating the rules, this usually inspires you. But remember: a game is a game as long as it gives the characters a wide range of behaviors, as long as their actions cannot be predicted in advance. Don't miss the moment when it's best to finish the game. And yet, some games require simple equipment, prepare it in advance. Think carefully about where it is best for you to organize the game. Let it be a comfortable and safe place. Often, to play games you need to break into teams; for this, keep a few original rhymes in stock.

The players are divided into two teams. The first team must disenchant the “castle”, and the second team must prevent them from doing this. The “castle” can be a tree or a wall. Near the “castle” there are the main gates - two guys from the second team are blindfolded. In general, all players on this team must be blindfolded. They are located arbitrarily, the way they want, on the playground. The players who must disenchant the “lock”, at the command of the leader, begin to silently move towards the main gate. Their task is to quietly reach the gate, go through it and touch the “lock”. In this case, the game is considered over. But the task of the second team, blindfolded, is to harass those who are moving towards the “castle”. Those who are insulted are eliminated from the game. At the end of the game, the guys change roles.
Before the start of the game, one condition must be specified: will the guys from the second team stand still or can they move around the court.
Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other. The players stand behind one line. The driver stands between the lines approximately in the middle with his back to the players. The driver names a color. If the players have this color in their clothes, they freely pass by the leader to the other line. If there is no such color in clothes, then the driver can insult the player running across the space between the lines. The salty one becomes the driver.

The driver stands in the center of the circle with eyes closed and arm extended forward. All players run in a circle saying:
Point at me.
At the last words, the circle stops, and the players look at whom the leader’s hand is pointing at. The one whom the driver pointed to enters the circle and stands back to back with the driver. Everyone says in unison: “One, two, three.” On the count of “three,” those standing in the center simultaneously turn their heads. If they turn their heads in one direction, then they are performing some task for the children - singing, dancing, reading, etc. After this, the first driver leaves, and the second takes his place. If they turn their heads in different directions, then no task is given to them, the first driver leaves, and the second one starts the game from the beginning.
When older kids play this game, they sometimes introduce this rule. If there is a boy and a girl in the center, and they turn their heads in the same direction, then they should kiss. If there are two boys or two girls in the center, then they shake hands.

The participants of the game stand in pairs facing each other, raising their clasped hands up. This is the "hare's lair". Two drivers are selected - the “hare” and the “hunter”. The hare must run away from the hunter, while he can hide in the “den”, i.e. stand between the players. The one to whom his back is turned becomes a “hare” and runs away from the “hunter”. If the “hunter” makes fun of the “hare”, then they change roles.

The players stand in a circle. The driver moves away from the circle a short distance for a few seconds... During this time, the players choose who will be the “shower.” This player will have to show different movements(clapping hands, patting the head, stamping one's foot, etc.). All other players must immediately repeat his movements. After the person showing is chosen, the driver is invited to the center of the circle. His task is to determine who is showing everyone the moves. The movements begin with ordinary claps. At the same time, throughout the entire game the words “Santiki-santiki-lim-po-po” are pronounced in chorus. At a moment unnoticed by the driver, the demonstrator demonstrates a new movement, everyone must immediately adopt it, so as not to allow the driver to guess who is leading them. The driver may have several attempts to guess. If one of the attempts is successful, then the person showing becomes the driver.

Everyone stands in a circle, facing shoulder to shoulder. The driver walks along the outside of the circle and touches one of the players. The driver and the player who was hit run in different directions along the outside of the circle. Having met, they shake hands and say: “Hello.” You can also say your name. Then they run further, trying to take an empty place in the circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the driver.

The driver steps aside while the players agree on who will vote. Then the driver stands in a circle and closes his eyes. The players walk in a circle with the words: “We gathered together in a circle, suddenly turned around at once, and when we say “Jump, skok, skok” (these words are pronounced by one person), guess whose voice it is.” The driver opens his eyes and guesses which of the guys said “Skok, skok, skok.” If he succeeds, he changes places with the speaker. You can give the driver three attempts. If he still doesn't guess, the game starts over.

The driver sits in a circle with his eyes closed. The players move in a circle saying:
Grandfather of the water,
Why are you sitting under water?
Look out for a little bit
For one minute.
The circle stops. The “water man” gets up and, without opening his eyes, approaches one of the players. His task is to determine who is in front of him. The “merman” can touch the player standing in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. If the “merman” guessed right, he changes his role and now the one whose name was named becomes the driver.

At a distance of 1-1.5 meters, two parallel lines are drawn. Another 4-5 meters are measured from them, and another line is drawn. The first two lines are the starting lines, the second are the “houses”. Teams line up with their backs to each other near the first lines, i.e. at a distance of 1-1.5 meters. There are two teams, one of them is called “sparrows”, and the second is called “crows”. The presenter stands between the teams and names the words: sparrows or crows. If the leader said: “crows,” then the crows catch up with the sparrows, which are trying to escape behind the second line, i.e. hide in the "house". All caught sparrows become crows. If the leader says “sparrows,” then the sparrows run and catch the crows. The game can continue until there are no players left on one team. Or the game is played a certain number of times, and then the team with the most players wins.

All the guys stand up holding hands, three at a time, forming a “squirrel’s nest.” They agree among themselves who will be the “squirrel”, who will be the “nut”, and who will be the “bump”. The driver is alone, he does not have a nest. There is also a presenter in this game who pronounces the words: “squirrels”, “cones”, “nuts”. If he said “squirrels,” then all the squirrels leave their nests and run to others. At this time, the driver takes an empty space in any nest, becoming a squirrel. The one who does not have enough space in the nests becomes the leader. If the leader says: “nuts,” then the nuts change places and the leader, who took a place in the nest, becomes a nut.
The driver and presenter can be different people, or both functions can be performed by one person.
The presenter can be given the command: “squirrels, cones, nuts,” and then everything changes places at once.

The guys line up in a column, each holding the person in front by the belt. They depict a "dragon". The first in the column is the dragon's head, the last is the tail. At the command of the leader, the “dragon” begins to move. The task of the “head” is to catch the “tail”. And the task of the “tail” is to escape from the “head”. The dragon's body should not be torn apart, i.e. players do not have the right to remove their hands. After catching the “tail”, you can choose a new “head” and a new “tail”.

The game takes place on a limited area, the boundaries of which cannot be crossed by any of the players. Two or three players join hands, forming a “net”. Their task is to catch as many “swimming fish” as possible, i.e. the rest of the players. The task of the “fish” is not to get caught in the “net”. If the “fish” could not evade and you ended up in the “net”, then it joins the drivers and itself becomes part of the “net”. “Fish” do not have the right to tear the “net”, i.e. unclasp the hands of the drivers. The game continues until the player who turns out to be the most “agile fish” is determined.

At a distance of 10 meters, two lines are drawn: behind one is the “cat’s” house, behind the other is the “mice” house. The driver - the “cat” is sleeping in his house, and the “mice” go to him with the words:
One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights...
(At this moment, the “mice” approach the “cat” and can even touch it.)
Suddenly a terrible ringing sound was heard.
The mice ran out.
After the word “out” the cat wakes up and runs to catch up with the mice. The mice must hide in their house. Those who are caught by the cat drop out of the game or change roles with the cat.

Six players stand in pairs, holding both hands and raising them up. These are traps, they are located at a small distance from each other. All other players join hands, forming a chain. They must move through traps. When the leader claps, the traps slam shut, i.e. the guys pretending to be traps give up. Those players who are caught in a trap form pairs and also become traps. In this game, the most dexterous and fastest of the guys is revealed - the one who managed not to fall into any trap until the end of the game.

This game requires children to be attentive. Two lines are drawn on the ground at a distance of about one meter. Between these lines there is a “river”, and along the edges there is a “bank”. All the guys are standing on the “banks”. The presenter gives the command: “RIVER”, and all the guys jump into the “river”. At the command “SHORE” everyone jumps onto the “shore”. The presenter gives commands quickly and randomly to confuse the players. For example: “SHORE, RIVER, RIVER, SHORE, RIVER, RIVER, RIVER...” If on the command “SHORE” someone ends up in the water, then he leaves the game. Those inattentive players who ended up on the “bank” during the command “RIVER” also leave the game. The game continues until the most attentive participant is determined. You can congratulate him and start the game again.

A corridor (“ditch”) up to 1 meter wide is drawn on the site. The ditch can be drawn in a zigzag shape, narrower in places and wider in others. The drivers - “wolves” - are located in the ditch. There are not many of them - only 2 or 3. All the other players - the “hares” - try to jump over the ditch and not get greasy. If the hare is touched, he leaves the game or becomes a “wolf”. “Wolves” can kill “hares” only while in a ditch. “Hares” do not run across the ditch, but jump over it. If the “hare’s” foot touches the territory of the ditch, this means that he “fell into the ditch” and in this case is also eliminated from the game.

All players are “squirrels”; they must stand on a tree (on wooden objects) or hold on to a tree. A “dog” - the driver - is running between the trees. The “squirrels” jump, run from tree to tree, and the “dog” must catch (pick) the running “squirrels”. If she succeeds, the “dog” and “squirrel” change roles. There is a condition in the game: the “dog” should not touch the “squirrels” that are on the tree. This game is best played in a grove where there are many trees, but they do not grow densely.

All players stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder and facing the center. They are calculated in order, and everyone remembers their number. The driver stands in the center of the circle, he does not have his own place, but he has a number - for example, zero. He should quickly call out two or three numbers. The players whose numbers have been called must take one of the empty seats. If he succeeds, he takes the number of the player who stood here before him. The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver, and his serial number is zero.

All players stand in pairs in a circle, one player behind the other. Everyone's hands are down. The driver also stands on the line of the circle. He doesn't have a partner behind him. He must look into the eyes of one of the first line players and wink. The one who was winked runs from his place and stands behind the driver. But he may not succeed, because the second line player closely monitors the driver and if he sees that his partner has been winked, he can hold him back. If he managed to do this, the driver is forced to wink again until his wink ends effectively. If the second line player did not react in time and did not have time to grab the first player, he becomes the driver, i.e. stands in the first line and begins to wink. The game can go on for a long time until it gets boring.

All players move randomly around the playing area, at this moment they are all “atoms”. As you know, atoms can turn into molecules - more complex formations consisting of several atoms. A molecule can have two, three, or five atoms. Players playing at the command of the leader will need to create a “molecule”, i.e. multiple players will need to grapple with each other. If the leader says: “The reaction proceeds in threes!”, then this means that three players - “atoms” - merge into one “molecule”.
The signal for the molecules to break up again into individual atoms is the leader’s command: “The reaction is over.” If the children do not yet know what an “atom”, “molecule”, “reaction” is, an adult should explain it to them in a popular manner. The signal for temporarily withdrawn players to return to the game is the command: “The reaction goes one at a time.”

Russian folk games

Fun, active games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide-and-seek, blind man’s buff, catch-up, and races? When did these games originate? Who invented them? It is probably impossible to find an exact answer to these questions. These games, like songs and fairy tales, were created by the people. They perfectly temper the body and soul. These games require a lot of movement, resourcefulness, ingenuity, dexterity and perseverance. They are usually carried out on fresh air in an open area. Children from all ages can participate in such games. different ages. From preschoolers to high school students. Their rules are simple and clear.

The plot of this game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and make fun of the players running around the site.
But this game has several options that complicate its rules.
The taunted player becomes the driver, and he must run, holding his hand on the part of the body for which he was taunted. The first player whom the driver touches becomes the driver himself.
The upset player stops, stretches his arms to the sides and shouts: “Tea, tea, help out.” He is "bewitched". Other players can “disenchant” it by touching their hand. The leader must “bewitch” everyone. To do this faster, there can be 2-3 people driving.

The driver, chosen by the players using a counting rhyme, stands in a designated place with his eyes closed. This place is called "con". While the driver counts loudly to 20-30, all the players hide in a certain area. After the end of the count, the driver opens his eyes and goes in search of the hidden ones. If he sees one of the players hiding, he loudly calls his name and runs to the stake. As a sign that the player has been found, the stake must be knocked on a wall or tree. If the found player reaches the end and knocks there before the driver, then he is not considered caught. He steps aside and waits for the game to end. The driver must “knock” as many hidden players as possible. The next time the driver becomes the player who was found and “caught” last. (Or, by the decision of the players, first.) Every time the driver moves far from the horse, the hidden players can quietly sneak up to the horse and knock there. In this case, they will not be considered detected.

On the site, at a distance of 10-15 meters, two lines are drawn - two “houses”. In one there are geese, in the other - their owner. Between the “houses under the mountain” lives a “wolf” - a leader. The owner and the geese conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone from early childhood:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ga.
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes.
- So fly!
- We are not allowed. Gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them. The caught player becomes a “wolf”.

The players line up in a column in pairs, holding hands. The driver stands in front of the column a few steps away, with his back to the players. He says:
“Burn, burn clearly,
So that it doesn't go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple run!”
On the word “run”, the last couple standing must quickly run around the column and stand in front. The driver should also strive to take one of the places of the first pair. The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver. Instead of the words “last pair,” the driver can say: “Fourth pair,” or “Second pair.” In this case, everyone playing must be very careful and remember where they stand in the column.

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 6-8 meters from each other. Behind one line is the driver - the “bear”, behind the other - the “house” in which the children live. Children go out of the “house” into the “forest” to pick mushrooms and berries. They approach the bear's den with the words:
"At the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us."
At the last words, the “bear” jumps out of the “den” and tries to grease the children running away to their house. A player hit by a bear becomes a bear.

The driver - “monk” and the leader - “seller” are selected. All other players make a secret secret from the “monk” of the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.
The game begins with the driver coming to the “shop” and saying: “I, a monk, in blue pants, have come to you for some paint.” Seller: “For what?” Monk: (names any color) “For blue.”
If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them, and bring them back!”
"Monk" starts the game from the beginning.
If there is such a paint, then the player who has wished for this color tries to run away from the “monk,” and he catches up with him. If you catch up, then the driver becomes the painter; if not, then the colors are guessed again and the game is repeated.

Blind Man's Bluff
The game takes place on a small limited area with no dangerous obstacles. The driver is blindfolded, or simply closes his eyes. He must make fun of one of the players with his eyes closed. The players run away from the driver, but do not go beyond the boundaries of the site and always raise their voices - call the driver by name or shout: “I’m here.” The spoiled player changes roles with the driver.

The players stand in a circle and join hands. Alyonushka and Ivanushka are chosen and blindfolded. They are inside the circle. Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka. To do this, he can call her: “Alyonushka!” Alyonushka must be distracted: “I’m here, Ivanushka!” As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts from the beginning.

The players are divided into two groups. One depicts Cossacks, the other - robbers. The Cossacks have their own house, where there is a watchman during the game. His responsibilities include guarding captured robbers. The game begins with the Cossacks being in their house and giving the robbers the opportunity to hide (10-15 minutes). While the robbers are hiding, they must leave traces as they move: arrows, conventional signs or records indicating the location of the next mark, the traces may also be false in order to confuse the Cossacks. After 10-15 minutes, the Cossacks begin searching. The game ends when all the robbers are caught, and the one whom the Cossacks saw is considered caught.
It is better to play the game in a large area, but limited by some signs. At the end of the game, the Cossacks and the robbers change roles.

A fishing rod is a jump rope. One end of it is in the hand of the “fisherman” - the driver. All players stand around the “fisherman” no further than the length of the rope. The “fisherman” begins to spin the “fishing rod”, trying to hit the legs of the players with it. The “fish” must protect themselves from the “fishing rod” by jumping over it. To prevent the “fish” from interfering with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them. The “fish” should not leave their places. If the “fisherman” managed to catch the “fish”, i.e. touch the “fishing rod”, then the place of the “fisherman” is taken by the caught “fish”.
Two conditions must be met: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it cannot be lifted from the ground higher than 10-20 centimeters.

Two people are selected for the game: one is the “cat”, the other is the “mouse”. In some cases, the number of “cats” and “mouses” may be greater. This is done to spice up the game.
All other players stand in a circle, holding hands - “gate”. The “cat’s” task is to catch up (touch with his hand) the “mouse”. In this case, the “mouse” and “cat” can run inside and outside the circle. The players standing in a circle sympathize with the “mouse” and help it in any way they can. For example: by letting the “mouse” into the circle through the “gate,” they can close it for the “cat.” Or if the “mouse” runs out of the “house”, the “cat” can be locked there, i.e. lower, close the gate.
This game is not easy, especially for a “cat”. Let the “cat” show its ability to run, its cunning, and its dexterity.
When the “cat” catches the “mouse”, a new pair is selected from among the players.

The driver and the players are on opposite sides of two lines, which are drawn at a distance of 5-6 meters from each other. The task of the players is to reach the driver as quickly as possible and touch him. The one who did this becomes the driver. But getting to the driver is not easy. The players move only to the words of the driver: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further.” Stop!" At the word “stop” all the players freeze. The driver, who had previously stood with his back to the players, turns and looks. If at this moment one of the players moves, and the driver notices this, then this player will have to go back beyond the line. The driver can make the frozen guys laugh. Whoever laughs also goes back beyond the line. Game continues. Who will be able to take the place of the driver?

The players are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of 5-7 meters. One of the teams starts the game with the words: “Ali Baba!” The second team answers in unison: “About what, servant?” The first team says again: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha is here for us!” In this case, the name of one of the players on the opposing team is called. The named player leaves his team and runs to the enemy team in order to break the chain, i.e. will release the players' hands. If he succeeds, he takes the player who unclasped his hands to his team. If the chain is not broken, then he remains on the enemy team. The teams start the game one by one. The team that has the most players after a certain time wins.

For this game you need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a flat stone or small log to create something like a swing. All the players gather around this “swing”. 12 sticks are placed on the lower end, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart. The driver collects the sticks, while the players run away and hide. When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game. Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the “swing” unnoticed by the driver and scatter the sticks again. At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again. The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks. The last player found becomes the driver.

This game involves two teams of boys of 6-8 people. One of the teams must line up in a column. Each player bends down, presses his head to the belt of the person in front and at the same time holds on to him with his hands. This team is the "elephant". The second team must “climb” the elephant. It's done like this. The first player stands on the side of the “elephant’s tail,” runs up and, pushing off against the back of the last player, the “elephant,” makes the largest possible jump onto the elephant’s back.” He must “land” so as not to fall from his “back” and not even touch the ground with his feet. Then all other players from the “riders” team make jumps. If one of them could not resist and fell off the “elephant”, then the game ends and the teams change places. If everyone jumped successfully and no one fell, then the “elephant” must walk 8-10 meters with its riders. If the “elephant” succeeds, then the game also ends and the teams change places.
The game requires not only dexterity, but also courage, because jumping sometimes causes pain to players of both teams.

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Interesting, simple and short games For summer holiday children.

Five-minute games

At first glance, it seems that these games are insignificant and not serious. In fact, this block of games is very interesting and important in the organization children's recreation. Rain on the street. Boring. What to do? And here five-minute games come to the rescue, which can drag on for a longer time.

Ha ha ha

Children stand in a circle. One of them says "ha." The second should say “ha-ha”, the third should say “ha-ha-ha” and so on in a circle. This must be said without smiling or laughing. The one who laughs is out of the game.

Birdie, squeak

Everyone sits in a circle, and one participant stands inside the circle blindfolded. He walks in a circle and sits on someone's lap. The one who sat on his knees must make a sound (squeak), and the one who sat on his knees must guess who it is.

People to people

After the leader’s words: “People to people,” the players are distributed in pairs and then carry out all the leader’s commands, for example: “Ear to shoulder,” “Right leg to left hand,” etc.

As soon as the leader says again: “People to people,” the players must be redistributed into new pairs. The leader's goal is to find a mate. The one who is left without a pair becomes the leader.


The players line up in a column. One of them is designated as a “mirror” and faces the column.

His task is to explain, without sounds or words, to the first person in the column who or what is reflected in the mirror. Next, the one who guessed the “reflection” becomes the mirror, and the one depicting the mirror moves to the end of the column.

We walked through the grove

All players are assigned numbers. Number 1 begins: “There were 4 crocodiles walking down the street.” Number 4: “Why 4?” Number 1: “How much?” Number 4: "A 8". Number 8: “Why 8?” etc. Anyone who hesitates or makes a mistake gives away a forfeit. The game starts again. Then all the forfeits are played out.

Interview in a circle

The counselor (teacher) throws the ball to one of the participants, calling his name. The person who catches the ball must answer the counselor’s question and throw the ball to another player, saying his name and asking his own question. Questions should be short and friendly. If someone doesn't want to answer a question, they say, "No answer," and the group asks them another question. It is important that all participants play the role of responder.

Telepaths (joke game)

The presenters invite 3-4 people to participate. Participants go out the door and call the first leader any word. At this time, the second presenter calls everyone else keyword, the one that the “telepaths” have to guess, after which the first presenter will name the word that the participant wished for. Every time the words need to be changed. At the end of the game, tell us what the catch is.

tell me a story

The guys are sitting in a circle. The presenter pronounces the first phrase, the first sentence, which is the beginning of the fairy tale. The next participant says the next sentence, logically continuing the story started. The result should be a single fairy tale story. Why fabulous? Because events can be unreal, magical.


The players sit close together. Left hand each participant lies on the right knee of the neighbor, and the right one lies on the left knee of the neighbor to the right. If the circle is not closed, then the first and last place one hand on their knee. During the game, you need to quickly clap your palm without disturbing the sequence in your hands. If someone clapped out of turn or simply raised his hand, then he removes the “wrong” hand behind his back. To increase interest, you need to keep a high pace in the game.

Cheerful hippopotamus

Participants line up in a zigzag, with the leader at the head. Everyone repeats the movements and words behind him: “The hippopotamus ran and ran, the hippopotamus walked and walked, the hippopotamus sat down, and then decided to lie down.” WITH last words The leader pushes the seated players and everyone falls.

Traffic light

On red we remain silent, on yellow we clap, on green we stomp. The presenter tries to confuse the participants by calling colors in random order.

Give me water to drink

Two participants in the game are given a glass of water and a tablespoon, blindfolded, seated on chairs and asked to give each other water from a spoon on command. The one who empties the glass in this way wins. It is forbidden to turn away and interfere with your opponent’s watering.

My cap is triangular

Guys, we will sing a song, only we will replace each word in turn with different movements. First, let's learn the words:

My cap is triangular,

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

This is not my cap.

And now when we hear the word “cap,” we point to our head with our hand, but we don’t say the word “cap” itself.

Then, when they hear the word “my,” the guys touch their chest with their hand, but do not say the word itself. When answering the word “triangular”, the guys should show three fingers, extending their hand forward, and then move it to their belt.

Guys, stand up

A game of attention. The presenter offers to carry out his commands only if he pronounces the address “guys”. For example: “Guys, clap your hands,” everyone should clap. “Now stomp” - no one should move, since the address “guys” was not said.


The presenter offers the game for attention. Players must respond in reverse to any of his phrases. For example, the presenter says: “Good”, the players say “Evil”. Here is the possible text of the game. Host: “Hello, guys.” Players: “Goodbye.” Presenter: “Yes, hello.” Players: “No, goodbye.” Host: “Well, okay, goodbye.” Players: “Hello.” Host: “Oh, guys, how good you are.” Players: “Bad.” Host: “Well, they’re bad.” Players: “Good.” Host: “You were just bad.” Players: “Good.” Host: “Okay, okay, good.” Players: “Bad”, etc.

Beauty's heart

The presenter invites everyone to remember the words of the song’s verse: “The heart of a beauty is prone to betrayal and change, like the wind of May.” And he invites the whole audience to sing a song without words. Words are replaced one by one. We replace the word “heart” by touching the left side of the chest with our hands. We perform the song, replacing the first word with a gesture. After introducing each gesture, we sing the entire song until we replace all the words with gestures. Here's what happens: Touching your hands to the left side of your chest - “heart”. We trace the outline of our face with our hands - “beauty”. We bend the body - “inclined”. We depict horns above our heads - “to treason.” Everyone sits cross-legged and changes legs, lowering one, throwing up the other - “and for a change.” They blow - “like the wind.” Extend a palm with five fingers - “may”.

I sing boom

The presenter asks you to repeat words and movements after him. “I sing boom, chicka boom” - clap your hands for the first word, clap your knees for the second, then repeat the movements. Words.
