ABBYY CardHolder electronic business card holder for your iPhone. Application of the day

Despite the development digital technologies, some people still continue to use business cards to exchange contacts. This does not necessarily mean that a person has fallen behind in progress. In some situations, it is difficult to do without business cards and they are really necessary. But no one forces you to keep them forever, right? WITH using iPhone you can quickly scan them by entering the data into the device’s memory (or into the cloud) and safely forget about them. Of course App Store There are a lot of similar apps out there, but which ones are worth trying? Let's watch.


With this application, you can take a photo of a paper business card, and the contact information will be scanned and saved in your contacts folder. This way, you can quickly save contact information without having to enter it manually. You can also share contacts with others via QR codes or send them to people near you via Evernote Hello Connect. In addition, you will also have the option to receive notifications when your contacts' information changes.

Evernote Hello

A profile application from Evernote that cannot be missed. With its help, you can easily track who you met with and set reminders about upcoming meetings and other events in your life. business relations by connecting contacts from Facebook and LinkedIn. Just take a photo and use the person's information from Facebook or LinkedIn. You will always be able to remember how you got in touch with this or that person, without having to keep it all in memory.

Business Card Reader Pro

The best applications for working with business cards are those that can recognize text and Business Card Reader Pro is just what you need. Just take a photo of your business card and all the information will be automatically filled in the appropriate contact fields in native iOS Contacts. All data, including email, phone number, website address, will be in place (Russian language, unfortunately, is not supported). Also, you can export contacts to XLSX format or send them to Evernote.

WorldCard Mobile

Thanks to the optical recognition (OCR) function, with this application you can instantly transfer information from analog business cards directly to the standard Contacts application (works with the Russian language). Sorting contacts by name, organization, address and other parameters is supported. You can also combine data from several business cards into one contact. Synchronization with Google Contacts has been implemented, which will allow you to have a single source of all contacts. Additionally, you can use the app to search for people via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

FullContact Card Reader

Although OCR is a very useful feature and easy to work with, sometimes some data looks hard to read and then you will have to correct it manually. This application displays recognition on new level. Instead of scanning business cards, FullContact Card Reader sends them real people who will check and fix them for you. It's like having a personal assistant who will verify data from scanned business cards. Additionally, the app supports over 250 third-party import apps, including SalesForce, MailChimp, and many more.


With this app you can scan business cards via OCR, but also supports manual OCR for handwritten and hard-to-read business cards (2 free and then $0.18 each). This way, you'll have the best of both worlds and be able to quickly add information about a new contact just by taking a photo, being able to retrieve the data even if it's hard to read. Also, you can place contacts in groups, customize sorting fields and fully work with the built-in calendar. In addition, sending VCard to other users via sms, email is supported; adding notes and online synchronization, allowing you to view contacts on any computer.

Foxcard Pro

With this app, you can scan business cards securely, saving the data directly to your iOS contacts. In addition to quick scanning, you can also save a photo, message or note to add later. You will not need to log in to any in social networks, because if you want to keep your contacts private, you don't need to add people to Facebook or LinkedIn.


If you are a conservative and don't want to join new technologies, you should like this application. It allows you to scan your paper business cards and stack them, just like they used to be stored in your wallet. You can add information to your contacts, but also save this familiar “card file”, always keeping it at hand. Sorting by category and even exchanging contacts via AirDrop is supported.

Despite the development of digital technology, some people still continue to use business cards to exchange contacts. This does not necessarily mean that a person has fallen behind in progress. In some situations, it is difficult to do without business cards and they are really necessary. But no one forces you to keep them forever, right? Using your iPhone, you can quickly scan them, enter the data into the device’s memory (or into the cloud) and safely forget about them. Of course, the App Store is full of similar apps, but which ones are worth trying? Let's watch.


With this application, you can take a photo of a paper business card, and the contact information will be scanned and saved in your contacts folder. This way, you can quickly save contact information without having to enter it manually. You can also share contacts with others via QR codes or send them to people near you via Evernote Hello Connect. In addition, you will also have the option to receive notifications when your contacts' information changes.

Evernote Hello

A profile application from Evernote that cannot be missed. With it, you can easily track who you've met and set reminders for upcoming meetings and other events in your business relationships by connecting contacts from Facebook and LinkedIn. Just take a photo and use the person's information from Facebook or LinkedIn. You will always be able to remember how you got in touch with this or that person, without having to keep it all in memory.

Business Card Reader Pro

The best applications for working with business cards are those that can recognize text and Business Card Reader Pro is just what you need. Just take a photo of your business card and all the information will be automatically filled in the appropriate contact fields in native iOS Contacts. All data, including email, phone number, website address, will be in place (Russian language, unfortunately, is not supported). Also, you can export contacts to XLSX format or send them to Evernote.

WorldCard Mobile

Thanks to the optical recognition (OCR) function, with this application you can instantly transfer information from analog business cards directly to the standard Contacts application (works with the Russian language). Sorting contacts by name, organization, address and other parameters is supported. You can also combine data from several business cards into one contact. Synchronization with Google Contacts has been implemented, which will allow you to have a single source of all contacts. Additionally, you can use the app to search for people via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

FullContact Card Reader

Although OCR is a very useful feature and easy to work with, sometimes some data looks hard to read and then you will have to correct it manually. This app takes recognition to the next level. Instead of scanning business cards, FullContact Card Reader sends them to real people who will check and correct them for you. It's like having a personal assistant who will verify data from scanned business cards. Additionally, the app supports over 250 third-party import apps, including SalesForce, MailChimp, and many more.


With this app you can scan business cards via OCR, but also supports manual OCR for handwritten and hard-to-read business cards (2 free and then $0.18 each). This way, you'll have the best of both worlds and be able to quickly add information about a new contact just by taking a photo, being able to retrieve the data even if it's hard to read. Also, you can place contacts in groups, customize sorting fields and fully work with the built-in calendar. In addition, sending VCard to other users via sms, email is supported; adding notes and online synchronization, allowing you to view contacts on any computer.

Foxcard Pro

With this app, you can scan business cards securely, saving the data directly to your iOS contacts. In addition to quick scanning, you can also save a photo, message or note to add later. You won't need to log in to any social networks because if you want to keep your contacts private, you won't need to add people to Facebook or LinkedIn.


If you are a conservative and don't want to join new technologies, you should like this application. It allows you to scan your paper business cards and stack them, just like they used to be stored in your wallet. You can add information to your contacts, but also save this familiar “card file”, always keeping it at hand. Sorting by category and even exchanging contacts via AirDrop is supported.

Do you often have to carry documents with you? Forget about it! Save everything you need on your smartphone. To do this you will need to install a scanner.


Even despite the high development of high technologies, simple documents on paper have still not lost their relevance. In addition, a hand signature and stamp during a personal meeting is the best confirmation.

But if legal force If you only have the original document on paper, then to study its contents you can get by with a copy. And a great place to store it is a PC with Internet access. The only downside is that you need to digitize the document first, and you may not have a scanner nearby.

For business people, which work with a variety of paper documents, some developers have created mobile scanners. These small devices can quickly make an A4 copy, and in good quality. But such devices are common among a narrow category of people, since they can only scan individual sheets.

Therefore, for rare home scans, it is better to use a camera on a smartphone. Although any camera can cope with this task, we almost always have our phone at hand.

general information

For smartphones with Android OS, you can find many different mobile scanners in the application store. The main task Each of them involves taking a photo of a document and saving it in PDF or JPEG format. As a rule, the system camera is used for this, although some programs have their own with additional functionality.

After the photo is taken, you will be offered functionality for setting up the scan - rotating, cropping, changing the background, adjusting contrast and color, and so on. After finishing work on the appearance of the document, it can be placed in the cloud, for example, Google Docs, SkyDrive, Evernote, and so on.

Unfortunately, not all applications have such functions. Of course, anyone can create a copy and send it by mail, but if you have some details, using the application becomes really convenient. The only one characteristic feature All applications are paid, that is, to get more functions and features you have to pay. This includes high quality images, shooting without page restrictions, scanning a “package” of documents, the ability to upload to a server, and so on.

Cam Scanner

This application is one of the best in its field. It owes its popularity to its simple and understandable interface, good processing and wide functionality even in the free version.

In the main window you can see images scattered by tags. Their set can be edited through the manager: add, delete or change location. In the presence of large quantity images, thanks to search tags necessary documents become much easier.

If you have access to the Internet, CamScanner will offer you to upload the finished images to one of the cloud storages, but there is one caveat. Evernote and SkyDrive storage is available for use for only seven days.

Of course, there are not many settings for the applications; we will present only the main options: automatic cropping when scanning documents in “batch”, high quality of finished documents, the ability to select an application for using the camera and automatic image enhancement. Although, even if you did batch shooting with auto-processing, you can always look at the original image and adjust it the way you need.

How to use CamScanner for Android?

By default, CamScanner uses its camera app. It differs from the standard one in the ability to turn on the grid, use an electronic “level” and switch the batch mode to normal. Unfortunately, there is no way to turn off the shutter sound. You can also activate in the settings system camera, but then you won’t be able to use batch shooting.

How to scan a document using CamScanner for Android?

The application has an excellent overlay cropping process. As a rule, the boundaries of documents are determined by the application itself, and almost always without errors.

Cropping borders in the CamScanner app for Android

After this it begins no less important stage- treatment. Best property Any mobile scanner has the ability to send the resulting copy for printing. It is recommended to do this without putting much strain on the printer cartridge. To do this, clean the background of the image from excess. Turn on the mode "B/W Document" and CamScanner will do its job perfectly.

Scanning black and white documents CamScanner for Android

Unlike some analogues, Cam Scanner has a batch shooting function. But there is also a drawback. Every PDF file receives a watermark, which is removed only in the paid version.

By the way, CamScanner supports optical text recognition (OCR). But, as practice has shown, only Russian is supported among languages, and in order for the text to be recognized, the image must be of the highest quality. Therefore, for these purposes it is better to use Google Drive or other third-party applications.

How to use Cam Scanner?

The working window has two zones. The main one is intended to launch a new scan. On the side there is a panel with tags that can be used for various documents. The last point is where you can configure tags, where you can remove unnecessary words to make the application as convenient to use as possible.

CamScanner main screen

At the top there is a search icon and additional settings. The latter has many different functions. Here you can configure scanning, automatic processing, and also specify the path where the document will be saved. The settings also have a synchronization function with other gadgets, as well as cloud storage where they will be stored. ready documents. Everything is saved in PDF or JPG format.

CamScanner context menu

How to set up CamScanner?

How to scan a document?

In the main area, click on "Capture" with a camera icon. Next, you can choose to photograph the document with processing or edit a ready-made image from the gallery. If you want to take a photo of a document or part of it, simply point the camera at the desired object and press the capture key. The program will determine boundaries with which you can agree or make your own.

CamScanner auto setup

CamScanner will crop the photo, which can be edited through the settings button. When the document is saved, it will be saved in the main zone.

Setting up CamScanner

Select "Batch mode" for shooting multiple documents that are saved automatically with the possibility of processing. In such a situation, you will have a document of several pages.

Every new document you can rename it, move it to a specific group, set tags, and send the shortcut to the home screen. Documents can be sent by print, fax or cloud storage, where they will remain for as long as you need.

CamScanner Menu

So, this program is indispensable for working with documentation, which will be useful for students, schoolchildren, business people and so on. Now you will always have a small scanner with you.

Video: How to scan documents using your phone? Camscanner review

When business cards were just becoming part of everyday life modern man, and this was a decent amount of time ago, we all admired the convenience of the new way of storing information. Now thick wallets, stuffed in every crevice with these paper cards with phone numbers, are simply swelling with their number. And it seems like nothing can be done about it, but if you enter so much information into your smartphone manually, you can simply go crazy. The ABBYY CardHolder application, which today can be downloaded from the App Store for free, will help you cope with this overwhelming task. It is to him that we decided to give the Application of the Day medal today.

A real electronic business card holder can appear on your iPhone along with ABBYY CardHolder. And now you will be very surprised when you discover new way creating such an electronic directory! No manually entering phone numbers and contacts, no cluttering the phone book on your smartphone! ABBYY CardHolder copes with its responsibilities perfectly, and most importantly professionally.

In order to add another business card to your device’s memory, all you need to do is take a photo of your business card using the ABBYY CardHolder application. And then the most interesting part. The application automatically recognizes phone numbers, person's contact information, company/company name, address, etc.

The level of text recognition is excellent (this is a product from ABBYY), and the application can recognize up to several languages. By saving a business card in the internal storage of your iPhone, it will always be available to you with the ability to edit it, or send a message, email, or make a call with a couple of taps.

You can perform simple operations with your uploaded business cards: sort them, exchange them with colleagues or friends, archive them, etc. A huge advantage was the need for an Internet connection. The application does not depend on a network connection, so you can start creating an electronic business card holder at a time most convenient for you.

If you've ever worked with business cards, you probably know how useless it often is. waste paper, which only takes up free space in your wallet. Although modern technologies do not stand still, and many can now be found on social networks, the majority still prefer to use business cards. But you can also deal with this - using a special application for digitizing business cards and storing them on the iPhone.

The Business Card Reader application was developed by ABBYY, known for its technologies in the field of text recognition. How it works? It’s very simple: take your (or any other) paper business card, take a photo of it in the application, it will be automatically recognized by the required fields. The whole procedure takes about 10 seconds, and that’s it! You can safely throw away the paper business card (the original is also stored in the application).

A scanned business card can be saved not only to a business card holder, but also directly to iPhone contacts or exported to Salesforce CRM. All digitized business cards are saved in the Business Card Reader business card holder: they can be found in seconds using groups, search in the application or from the main iPhone screen through search.

You can also send your own electronic business card to contacts by mail - they can quickly save it by simply clicking on the attached file. And to have access to the list of business cards from other platforms, including from a computer, just enable cloud synchronization in the settings.

Yes, not long ago, users of ABBYY Business Card Reader for iOS and Android were able to access their contact database from any computer. To do this, just log in personal account. All data is encrypted and the connection is secure, so the service guarantees the safety of user data and complete security.

The web version offers similar functionality to the mobile version, so it’s convenient to work with business cards both on a smartphone and on a computer.

Since our last review of Business Card Reader, there have been a ton of new useful features: Apple Watch support, sending business cards via iMessage, automatic backup, editing synchronization with iPhone contacts, and much more.

If you even sometimes deal with paper business cards, be sure to try this application. ABBYY Business Card Reader is available for download for free, but there is a PRO version that can be purchased until June 7 with a discount of more than 70%— We’ll leave both links below. Well, for those who read to the end, we’ll post a few gift licenses on BCR PRO for iOS. Speed ​​up!
