Financial University kf. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
(FA under the Government of the Russian Federation)
Year of foundation
The president Gryaznova A.G. , Doctor of Economics, Professor
Rector Eskindarov M.A. , Doctor of Economics, Professor
Location Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation(FA) is a Russian state university specializing in training financiers. Located in Moscow. The rector of the Academy is Mikhail Eskindarov, the president of the Academy is Alla Gryaznova.


The history of the Financial Academy dates back to December 1918, when the People's Commissariat of Finance decided to create the first specialized financial university in the history of Russia - the Moscow Financial and Economic Institute. It was opened on March 2, 1919 and its first rector was D. P. Bogolepov, a graduate of Moscow State University, Deputy People's Commissar of Finance of the RSFSR. In September 1946, MFEI was merged with another higher education institution educational institution- Moscow Credit and Economic Institute, which has been teaching students since 1931. As a result of the merger of these universities, the Moscow Financial Institute was formed. In 1991, it was transformed into the State Financial Academy, and in 1992, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, into the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the Financial Academy was awarded the status of a University.

Academy structure


  • Finance and credit
  • Management and Sociology
  • Accounting and audit
  • Taxes and taxation
  • International economic relations
  • International Faculty of Economics
  • International Finance Faculty
  • Law and political science


  • Graduate School of Public Administration
  • Business Administration and Business
  • Short-term programs
  • International Business School
  • Advanced training for teachers
  • Shortened programs
  • Financial and economic research


  • Risk analysis and economic security
  • Audit and control
  • In English
  • Banks and banking management
  • Accounting
  • Military department
  • State, municipal and corporate governance
  • Civil service
  • State legal disciplines
  • Civil law and procedure
  • Monetary relations and monetary policy
  • Investment management
  • Innovative business
  • Innovation management
  • Foreign languages
  • Information technologies
  • Stories
  • Macroeconomics
  • Macroeconomic regulation
  • Mathematicians
  • Mathematical modeling of economic processes
  • International monetary, credit and financial relations
  • Management
  • Microeconomics
  • World economy and international business
  • Taxes and taxation
  • Property valuation and management
  • Political Science
  • Business law, civil and arbitration process
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Applied Psychology
  • Regional Economy
  • Russian language
  • System analysis in economics
  • Sociology
  • Statistics
  • Insurance business
  • Theories and histories of state and law
  • Probability theory and mathematical statistics
  • Physical education
  • Philosophy
  • Finance
  • Financial management
  • Financial control
  • Financial law
  • Securities and financial engineering
  • Economics and crisis management
  • Economic analysis

Military department

The Financial Academy is among the universities that retained military departments after 2008.

Famous graduates

  • A. Borodin - President of the Bank of Moscow, Vice-President of the Association of Russian Banks
  • N. Vrublevsky - Director-Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house "Accounting"
  • V. Chistova - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • V. Gerashchenko is a famous banker and political figure
  • A. Gryaznova - President of the Financial Academy, until 2006 - Rector of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • A. Drozdov - Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
  • A. Zvonova - Director-Editor-in-Chief of the Publishing House "Finance and Statistics"
  • B. Zlatkis - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia
  • A. Kazmin - ex-CEO of FSUE Russian Post
  • A. Kozlov - former first deputy chairman of Bank Ross
  • L. Kudelina - former Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
  • D. Orlov - Chairman of the Board of Bank Vozrozhdenie, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Financial Academy
  • V. Panskov - former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation and Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • M. Prokhorov - President of the ONEXIM group
  • I. Suvorov - Chairman of the Board of Interstate Bank
  • V. S. Pavlov - former Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
  • A. Khloponin - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northern Military District
  • V. Shenaev - economist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • And Zverev is the long-term Minister of Finance of the USSR
  • K. Shor - Head of the Main Directorate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for Moscow
  • V. Dmitriev - Chairman of the Board of Vnesheconombank
  • Sergey Vadimovich Stepashin - Russian statesman and political figure, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from May to August 1999, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (since 2000), Doctor of Law, Professor, Colonel General of the Reserve.

see also

  • Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
  • Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus


  • Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation
  • Association of Alumni of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation” is in other dictionaries:

    - (FA under the Government of the Russian Federation) Year of foundation 1918 President Gryaznova A.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor ... Wikipedia

    FINANCIAL ACADEMY UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION- (FA) government agency higher vocational education. Transformed in 1992 (initially in 1991 as the State Financial Academy) from the Moscow Financial Institute, created in 1946 on the basis of the merger of two Moscow universities -... ... Financial and credit encyclopedic dictionary

Graduate of this university: The reason that prompted me to write a review about my university was pure coincidence - by the will of fate I ended up at the bottom open doors and decided to look at my university from the outside, through the eyes of an applicant. I would like to write real review, aimed more at parents and thoughtful, adult applicants who want to do right choice.

About Open Day (ODD)
To say that I was surprised would not be true, because I was SHOCKED by the lies that poured out from all the cracks and microphones of Leningradka that day. They advertised a completely different university, where I studied for 6 years.
The reason for such lies (okay, deceit) is the lack of money on the one hand (as a consequence of the need to attract paying customers by hook or by crook), and on the other hand, these are student volunteers who are selected for such events from the student council (hard-hearted activists ready to do anything the administration wants, for the sake of various bonuses or a place in the hostel). In fact, these “activists” are far from the general mass of students and from the study as a whole, since adequate people do not perceive such characters at all. Students do not have their own opinions at these events; all words are dictated by the administration in advance.

About the FU brand, and even under the Government...
As for the “Financial University” brand, and even more so “under the Government of the Russian Federation,” today we can say with great regret that it has seriously devalued itself. There was a time when people could not enter the Finance Academy and in shame went to the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Its real level is Sharazhka's offices, of which there are thousands today. Next I will tell you in detail why. The reason for this was the merger of several universities at a lower level, as a result of the mixing of teaching staff, territories, loss of identity and reputation of the once powerful and prestigious Financial Academy.
Regarding “under the Government of the Russian Federation”. This university has nothing to do with the government, just as RANEPA has nothing to do with the President of the Russian Federation. These are just advertising slogans, which are used with great success by the golden youth and their parents; for the most part, Caucasians appreciate this console.

About studying and its quality...
Everything is sad here... There are several reasons for this:
1) Transition to the Bologna system of bachelor's and master's degrees (4+2 years) instead of a specialist's degree (5 years). As a result, everything that was in the 5-year specialty was shoved into the 4-year bachelor’s degree, while throwing out the block of professional disciplines in the specialty, replacing them with general ones (the bachelor’s degree is now the first so-called “initial” level higher education). You probably think, ok, but there is a master's degree - this is a highly specialized add-on to a bachelor's degree! No, nothing like that. A master's degree is the same as a bachelor's degree, only for 2 years. The reason for all this, of course, is a general misunderstanding of the Bologna system, primarily by our Ministry of Education. The programs are crude, not adapted - everything is top-notch, but there is no sense.
2) The accession of several universities at a lower level, as a result of mixing of teaching staff, changes in curricula and programs.
3) Teaching staff. He is good, but there are fewer quality teachers every year. There remain enthusiasts, of whom there are very few today. The main reason is low salary. A candidate, associate professor, and even more so a doctor of science, professor simply should not receive 60-80 thousand for the hellish workload that the university gives. I agree, the labor market is not fair, especially in Russia, but the salary of a university teacher should not be at the level of a cleaner’s salary in large company like Gazprom.
4) Point-rating system. She kills everything. Instead of knowledge and its quality, you are constantly chasing points - that’s how the system works.
5) Lack of dropouts, as a result of which many students have an indifferent attitude to learning. It is not profitable for the university to deduct, because it is a loss of money (either budgetary or private).
6) Exams are all in writing. This was done in order to remove subjectivity in grading. Unfortunately, it remained when the certification was issued (you can get 40 points during the semester - this is the certification, and 60 in the exam itself. Then these points are added together and transferred to the usual 5 point scale. 50-69 points is “3 ", 70-85 is "4", 86-100 is "5"). So, what is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe, as they say. It would seem, what a blessing! In fact, such rigor is compensated by widespread cheating - all exams are passed either with the help of cheat sheets (paper or telephone) or through a micro earpiece. 95% of students pass this way. The reason is the pursuit of points, as I wrote above.
7) Presentations. This word can describe the entire FU. You will do them all the time. What does constantly mean? Personally, I gave 152 presentations during my 4 years of undergraduate study. This is the level of a honors diploma, let's say. The minimum, in my opinion, is 100. On average, 1-2 per week, not counting the rather voluminous work. You have to come to terms with this if you want points.
8) Foreign languages? Let's mi speak from may hart. If during your studies at FU you do not forget what you knew at school, this will already be considered a great success.
9) Faculty rating (my subjective):
1. IEO, FEF, KEF, UIA - approximately one level. Previously, KEF was the leader in all indicators, since it has the most interesting graduate departments (banking management, monetary regulation, financial markets). Dialed in Lately The popularity of the FEF is purely a marketing move (the face of which is Siluanov), before no one went there at all because of dry and unpromising departments (insurance, state and moon finance, corporate finance). Now the nominal dean of FEF is Siluanov, but don’t delude yourself. He doesn’t teach classes, he comes to the university 1-2 times a year with public lectures - that’s all. IEO is a hodgepodge of everything and a little bit + languages. Accounting and accounting accountants are needed always and everywhere.
2. MFF, NiN, GUiFK, Law Faculty - regular specialized faculties. MFF-zakos under MGIMO for the rich - in fact, there are only majors from English special schools.
3. Management, MTSG, ARIEB, FSP-gutter FU. Just to have somewhere to hang out for 4 years for those who need a crust (it’s not clear why they need it?)

About the infrastructure, atmosphere, contingent...
Infrastructure, material and technical base - everything is perfect here. There is plenty of everything everywhere - renovated buildings, bright and large auditoriums, computer classes, projectors, media libraries - everything is available top level, you won’t find fault.
The relationships between students in the group are very tense and contradictory. The reason for this is fierce competition for points. During my entire training, I never met a friendly group. Everyone stays in small groups of 3-4 people, doing homework together and preparing for exams.
The atmosphere in the university itself is quite pleasant. Of course there is pathos, but everything here is determined by the student population itself. MEO and MFF are a parade of majors. KEF and FEF are mostly normal guys, middle class. Taxes - in short, they are 90% Caucasian (this happened historically, since the NIN faculty arose on the basis of the former VGNA, which was considered a hangout for Caucasians. I won’t risk talking about the rest, as there was little overlap.
Many are concerned about the Caucasian issue - they are everywhere, there are quite a lot of them. In taxes they are the majority, in other faculties there are fewer of them (20-30% of the group). Expensive cars, Unified State Exam score 120 points out of 100, pistols and knives are their mandatory attributes. And yes, they are practically not expelled. What is the reason, you ask? Read the rector's biography. We don’t abandon our own, as they say.
Canteens are expensive and not tasty. This is a problem in all buildings, since they are all outsourced. Poisoning occurs.
The dorms are great, if you're lucky enough to get one, of course. There are catastrophically few places, because the university is huge. It's mostly the Olympiads who get it; others don't always get their turn, so for the 1st or 2nd year, get ready to rent an apartment.

About employment and prospects...
Rector of the Department of Education: “The employment rate of our graduates is almost 100%, because these are top-level specialists. Plus we host a lot of career events, and the placement department is always there to help.”
These words touched many graduates. I graduated from my bachelor's degree in 2014 and still can't find a job in my field. All this time I worked part-time outside my specialty and studied for a master’s degree. Experience, specialists with at least 3 years of experience and incredible skills for this age are needed everywhere. Neither a bachelor's degree from a financial university nor a master's degree give me absolutely any advantages today over vocational school graduates (oh yes, now they have the fashionable name college) with 3 years of work experience. I thought that knowledge was power, but it turned out differently. Employment statistics in my group are approximately 30 to 70. More than half of the group is unemployed and does not understand what they did wrong. How did the others get along? Under the protection of parents or relatives. They, in fact, needed education for show.
Well, if you are lucky and you find a job somewhere, then know that everything is yours future life this is a computer with Excel in an 8-hour schedule for 30 thousand, if it is a small office or a government agency, or if you catch luck by the tail and you will have 50-60 thousand in a large company.
Employment department. It exists and, in theory, should help in finding an internship and subsequent employment. In all 4 years of my contacts with this department, they have not offered me anything worthwhile. I had to look for internships in the bachelor’s program, as well as part-time work in the master’s program myself.

And what to do now, where to go?...
What should a 2016 applicant do and where should he apply?
If you have successfully passed the Unified State Exam and you have enough points for the Moscow State University budget, go there to the Higher School of Economics. There is simply nothing better in the Russian Federation today.
If you are going to the budget of FU, Pleshka, Ranhigs, etc., choose FU.
What to do if you don’t qualify for the budget - is it worth paying, and if so, for what?
Dear Parents! I want to convey to you main idea, to which most paid graduates come. Education in the Russian Federation is not worth the money. Let your child go to work (try to find a place where you can, it will be more useful), and use the saved 1-1.5 million rubles to create a business, albeit a primitive one. Personal business is the best entrepreneurial school for your child.
If you are living in the past and believe that education is compulsory, even if it costs ridiculous amounts of money (1-1.5 million), pay for Moscow State University or Higher School of Economics. FU costs +- the same, but is far behind.
If you still choose paid education at FU-100, think twice. It's not worth it. With the same success, go to all sorts of MFYuA, etc. desks - there will be the same quality, but for a relatively reasonable price.
If you have a choice between a budget “somewhere” and paid education at a FU, then it’s better to go on a budget “somewhere”.
Don't neglect distance learning. The correspondence + work formula is more advantageous today than ever, since experience comes first, not a diploma. Absenteeism at FU interesting option in terms of price-quality-prestige ratio.

For myself personally, over 6 years of undergraduate and graduate studies, I have identified three types of pastime for modern students:
1) Study because I want to, because it’s interesting
2) Party - because I’m young and don’t want to study, but this will make my parents calmer
3) Just spill the beans somewhere and somehow, because that’s the custom
Take a careful look at your child, think about what type he is, talk to him about what he wants, what goals he pursues and, based on this, help him make a decision.

I hope my review will help you. Good luck and success in your studies!

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 16:15

Latest reviews of the Financial University in Kaluga

Valeryan Sokolov 15:12 06/15/2013

I have studied at this institute since 2006. in 2011, majoring in Accounting, Analysis and Audit. I entered on the basis of secondary special education, so it took me 4.5 years to study. The institute is very highly regarded in the city and graduates of this institution are willingly hired to work in all enterprises in the city of Kaluga. The training consists of short sessions, which are divided by type: winter, summer and orientation. During the orientation sessions, lecture material is read, and during the winter and summer sessions...

Natasha Yaroshenko 10:37 05/15/2013

In 2003, my friend took the entrance exams to this university. Now it has been renamed, but at that time it was called the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute Kaluga Branch (VZFEI K/F). Many applicants from Kaluga submit their documents for admission there. This is due to the fact that you can combine work during the day and study in the evening. The passing score at that time was 10-12, which became accessible to many non-excellent applicants. Before the entrance exams, my friend...

general information

Kaluga branch of the federal state educational budgetary institution higher education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation"


No. 01495 valid indefinitely from 06/09/2015


No. 01360 is valid from 06/29/2015 to 02/16/2021

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the Financial University in Kaluga

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 7 6 3
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study62.85 62.84 67.13 66.53 67.33
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget76.55 75.55 74.77 72.15 73.72
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis54.92 57.26 57.71 57.75 58.92
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students44.67 45.23 52.23 50.33 45
Number of students1158 1360 1683 2298 2916
Full-time department426 504 539 593 654
Part-time department0 0 33 94 141
Extramural732 856 1111 1611 2121
All data
