Where to advertise on Instagram. How to advertise on Instagram? Official advertising account

If you are on Instagram and periodically scroll through your feed, you have probably come across advertisements in your feed. And most likely they clicked on this advertisement and sometimes even found what you need exactly in this moment(for example, sushi delivery or hydraulic pumps in the Moscow region).

The peculiarity of this advertising is that advertising on Instagram is usually launched through Facebook, which can cause a number of difficulties. Therefore we decided to publish step by step instructions“How to set up advertising on Instagram”, which will help you overcome these barriers and launch your advertising in literally 20 minutes. You will also get acquainted with the basic targeting settings for various audiences. This is a block of knowledge, also related to the topic.

How to properly set up advertising on Instagram in 20 minutes?

The first thing to start with is.

Setting up an advertising account on Facebook

Next, we move on to setting up the advertising account. After setting up a business profile, a “Promote” button appears under posts on Instagram, but when using this method running ads, you will have more limited targeting options.

To do this, go to Facebook and home page, in the left column select “Create advertising”.

In payment methods, click “Add payment method” and link your debit or credit card, to confirm the link, Facebook will write off a symbolic amount of up to 100 rubles from you, and then credit it back to the card.

Creation of an advertising company

Then we return to the “Ads Manager” tab.

Click “Create a company.”

Let's come up with a name. Try to make the names meaningful, so that later it will be easier to navigate and analyze them.

Not everything can be chosen as a promotion goal, and if your advertising is aimed at promoting an Instagram account or attracting an audience, then the only correct option is “Engagement”.

Then “Post Engagement.”

Ad set creation and targeting

At this stage, you need to select the audience to whom the advertisement will be shown, set the advertising display time and budget limits. Depending on who your target audience is and what region you operate in, set the settings as shown in the figure.

In detailed targeting, you can set the interests of the target audience. For example, if you have gynecology, then your interests may be children, child care, motherhood. But please note that in the figure “Marketing” is selected as an interest 4 times, which covers completely different people those who study marketing, those who work in marketing and those who hold the position of marketer.

Types of placement are the most important setting point!

Here you need to click edit placements and disable them by unchecking impressions on Facebook. Even if you want to advertise both there and there, it is better to create a separate company for Facebook.

When determining your budget, be guided by your goals and capabilities, but for starters, you can set 100 rubles a day. Even from this you will get good feedback!

Then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Continue.

Creating an advertisement

1. Use of the current publication. You can use a post from your Facebook business page as an advertising post. You won’t be able to get likes and comments on your post on Insta. Therefore, we recommend the second option, creating a separate advertising post.

2. Create a new ad

Select "Single Image".

Then we upload 6 different images. Why 6? When you upload 6 images, Instagram will show different images one by one and Instagram will show those that users like more often. This way you will do an A/B test and even more.

We add ad text and on the right we see a view of our advertising on Instagram. Click to place an order, after which our advertising campaign will be sent for moderation, after which impressions will begin.

That's all! Now look at the clock, we managed to meet in 20 minutes? Write your answer in the comments!

How to make selling advertising on Instagram?

We've sorted out the technical aspects, now let's move on to creativity and try to make selling advertising on Instagram, which will allow you to get the most out of the money invested in it.

Since Instagram is a social network in which the emphasis is shifted towards visualization, the task of the advertising image is to attract and retain attention. To do this, it must be bright and different from what we usually see in our feed, otherwise a person will simply scroll past without noticing you.

In the first example, it may seem like this is just another photo of your friend or someone else; your gaze doesn’t catch anything. In the second example of an advertisement, a bright background is chosen, and text is used that conveys the offer. By the way, the text in the image should be no more than 20%, otherwise Instagram will limit the audience for the display.

Announcement text

As for the advertising text of the ad, it is better to place the most important of it on the image, since the text under the post is read much less. In the photo that will be shown in the advertisement, it is better to write the main benefit, price or call to action. And under the image itself you can describe the proposal itself in more detail.

In the fall of 2015, Facebook opened up the possibility of creating and launching targeted advertising for users in social network Instagram. In this article you will see step-by-step instructions on how to set up this advertising through the Manager. Facebook advertising.

What does advertising look like on Instagram?

It looks like a regular Instagram post, plus there may be a call-to-action button at the bottom that leads to an external site, and there is always an “Advertising” label in the top right corner.

What can you advertise on Instagram?

  • link to an external site (including using a video instead of a photo)
  • link to an external website with conversion tracking
  • video
  • mobile applications

Facebook is also promising to add the ability to advertise any post from your Facebook Page, but my account doesn't have that option yet.

Step-by-step instructions for setting up advertising for Instagram

Preliminary actions.

Step 1. Connect your Instagram account in advance to the fan page that you will use for advertising.

To do this, go to Fan Page Settings, open the “Instagram Advertising” section on the left and click the blue “Add Account” button.


Important feature!
1 Instagram account can only be linked to 1 fan page. You can remove it from the Page and relink it to another at any time.

Question: Is it possible to do Instagram advertising without connecting an account? Yes. What does this affect, read further in the article.

That is, I select the Goal “Redirect people to the website.”

Note! On the right you are shown the approximate reach of people per day for the budget you specified. Moreover, the reach on Facebook is less than the reach on Instagram. This means that advertising on Instagram is now cheaper.

Step 5. Scroll down and proceed to the final step - Setup appearance ads.

If you select video, you again have the choice of uploading your video from your computer or creating a video based on your slides.

Facebook suggests to the right the parameters that the video and slide show must meet:

Remember: Facebook skips images where the text takes up a maximum of 1/5 of its area (that is, 20%).

The aspect ratio for Instagram can be 1:1 or 1.91:1. IN in this example I use the exact same image that I use for Facebook News Feed ads on computers. Its dimensions are 600 by 315 pixels.

Even lower in the left column you configure only 3 options:

- select the same fan page to which you linked your Instagram account,
- write the advertising text yourself,
— and choose what will be written on the button (I chose “More details”).

Now on the right you can see a preview of what your ad will look like on Instagram. To do this, click on the horizontal “block” where it says “Instagram new”:

To disable unnecessary ones, click Remove to the right. Leave only Instagram.

All you have to do is click the green “Place an order” button.

How to see an ad on Instagram itself?

Go to Ad Manager. Open your campaign, Group, and ad within it. There will be an “eye” icon on the right. Click it. A pop-up window will appear. In it, click the link below “View Instagram Permalink with Comments.”

The disadvantage of this preview: it is impossible to test the operation of the button leading to an external site, since it is displayed only in mobile version Instagram.

All other functions for editing an ad, targeting, budget, stopping and restarting an ad are exactly the same as with any Facebook ad.

Now you know how to create Instagram ads using Facebook Ads Manager. Share your results in the comments, please.

Initially, on the Instagram social network, only guerrilla methods could be used for SMM promotion: commenting on photos, liking, adding to subscribers. At first, all this was done manually, then special programs, facilitating this monotonous and largely ineffective activity.

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With the growing popularity of the network - and its popularity grew exponentially - since 2016, targeted advertising on Instagram has also become available, that is, the launch of advertisements that are targeted to a specific audience in order to inform about goods and services.

Before we tell you how to place ads on Instagram, let's determine which brands, in principle, need this social network for promotion. To understand this, it’s worth answering two questions: “Who is your target audience?” and “Can you provide users with colorful content?” Since the main audience is women 25-30 years old, and the network itself is designed specifically for photo exchange, any company that meets these requirements can promote.

Therefore, first of all, it’s good to promote on Instagram:

  • Online stores;
  • Bars, restaurants;
  • Baby products;
  • Handmade goods;
  • Fashion industry;
  • Psychology, pedagogy, medicine (including target audience);
  • Mobile applications;
  • Leisure: flights, hotels, entertainment;
  • Design from graphic to interior;
  • Household products;
  • Events, concerts;
  • Training programs.

If you haven't found your business in this list, don't be discouraged - there are always exceptions. From our experience, we can say that even a product such as bolts and screws can be perfectly promoted on Instagram if you approach it with imagination and really love your product. Although this will be more of an image promotion than a promotion designed to attract new clients and sales.

The cost of advertising on Instagram depends on a number of factors: the type of advertisement and the characteristics of the audience to which it is targeted. On social networks, ads are shown on an auction basis - the higher the bid, the more often your ad will be broadcast. Since the competitive situation is constantly changing, it is convenient to use the optimization function, when the social network itself will lower the rate whenever possible. The price of an ad is also lowered when users are really interested in it and they click on it often.

In order to activate this function, in the “Optimization and Pricing” section, you need to select “Optimize for” - and select the “Get more clicks on best price" Then the transition price will automatically decrease when possible, and you will be able to spend your advertising budget wisely.

It’s difficult to answer unequivocally how much advertising on Instagram costs; in each case, the rate is determined individually. It can start from $0.01 and go up to several dollars. In our example, it is about 30 cents per transition.

Advertising on Instagram carried out through Facebook Business Manager. This free program, which allows you to create separate accounts for different clients and projects and provide access to them to any users, replenish your advertising account different ways, group campaigns for convenient reporting.

You can log in using your Facebook username and password. Next, in the “Settings” section, you need to select “create an Instagram Account”. After entering your login and password, you can proceed to creating ads.

Advertising on Instagram requires decent budgets. Therefore, an indicator of effective promotion is the organic growth of subscribers, that is, users who join not because of advertising. Possible channels for attracting such users: friends, search system. Let us share with you an interesting mechanic for increasing organic users.

Very interesting wayround-robin competition. Its essence is that a number of bloggers on similar topics agree on cross-promotion. These may be agreements taking into account the subject matter of the product or taking into account the parameters of the target audience. So, in the first case, the pediatrician negotiates with a children's osteopath and a number of children's stores about mutual advertising on Instagram. In the second case, the starting point is the audience, its demographic, social and psychographic characteristics. For example, a psychologist is launching a joint competition with cosmetics and personal care stores, that is, the products are different, but their audience is related - mainly women aged 25+.

The mechanics of such activity are as follows: prizes are announced, which, as a rule, are provided by each of the organizers. To participate in the drawing, users must subscribe to each of the activity organizers. To do this, each of them indicates in the announcement who exactly to subscribe to. The user goes from one account to another and as a result returns to the one from which he started. That is why the competition is called circular.

The advantages of this competition are the rapid increase in the number of subscribers from the target audience. Disadvantages of activity - users are motivated by the prize and often subscribe without delving into it, and then unsubscribe just as quickly.

Therefore, first of all, the result of activity is contact with the user at least at the time of subscription and at the time of unsubscription. Some users will stay with you due to inertia (too lazy to unsubscribe), others - because they are interested in you. During the competition period, it is especially important to pay attention to your content and make it truly useful for the user.

The cost of such advertising on Instagram is determined by the value of the prize; as a rule, it is in the range of 1000 – 5000 rubles. In order to be able to launch such a competition, it is important to have either a wide network of acquaintances with similar topics or goods, or be able to search and negotiate with the right people, or contact an SMM agency for help.

As with other social networks, it is important to be able to combine the growth of organic subscribers and users joining via advertising.

Many commercial figures have long appreciated the potential of Instagram: you have a huge audience, among which there will definitely be potential clients. Targeted advertising was created especially for business and promotion of services on Instagram; you can set it up yourself, calculate the cost of funds and specify the duration. It is this function that will be discussed further.

What you need to create advertising on Instagram

First of all, you need to have a business account on this social network. Regular accounts are not suitable for promotion, as they lack many functions. If you are determined to create advertising on Instagram, it’s time to open business accounts.

For these, you need to have a page on another social network called Facebook. Once you link your Instagram account and Facebook page, you can open a business account or company account, as it is often called.

Create a business account on Instagram

At this stage, you already need to have a Facebook page and log into it through the “Facebook” application for smartphones and tablets. After that, log into your Instagram and log in.

Find the settings section in your profile at the very top. Its icon looks like three vertical dots. Click on it.

You will find yourself in the main parameters of your Instagram account. You may have already noticed the “Switch to company profile” column, but did not pay enough attention to it. Now, it's time to go into this function.

Read the information on the welcome window by swiping the slides to the left. Then click “Continue”.

The first thing you need is your own Facebook page. Please note, this should not be an ordinary profile, but a page. Creating it is a matter of five minutes; you don’t have to fill it or maintain it at all.

If you have the Facebook application on your phone, then the page will be selected by default, but if you need to enter it manually, then Instagram will give you this opportunity.

Now enter your company's contact information. You must specify at least one item, otherwise you will not be able to continue. You can specify email address, telephone or physical address. Be careful when indicating your real phone number, because there are many scammers on the Internet. If you do not want to provide any personal information, then simply select “Address” and enter the city. It would be enough. Click “Done”.

That's all, now you can manage your business profile, fill it out, and create advertising promotions.

How to create an Instagram promotion

Now you can easily create and configure advertising. The setup process is quite lengthy, but you will get good returns and many new visitors.

Your page will look something like the screenshot below. It will have contact information and a button. The button can be configured directly on your Facebook profile. To start your promotion, select the photo you want to promote.

It is this photo that other users will see in the news feed as an advertisement. Click on the “Promote” button.

The promotion has two types:

  • Increasing traffic to your Instagram profile or website;
  • Or coverage of a certain area of ​​users near you.

In the first case, the button that will appear on your photo after creating the promotion works better. Using this button, users will go either to your website or directly to their profile. In the second case, you pay more attention to the audience.

For example, you need to achieve more website traffic. You will see this configuration form.

First, select the second line “Destination”. Here you set the place where the user goes if he clicks on the button. You can either have a personal website or an Instagram profile. You can simply indicate the business account from which you are currently setting up.

Then comes the “Action Button” item. You need to decide on the text on it. Instagram presents a small list of possible options; most often, users select “More details”.

The audience is one of the most important points in setting up. This is where you choose who will look at your ad. It’s better to refuse automatic selection and give preference to manual settings; click “Create your own”.

Here you need to select the city, age, gender and all the main parameters of the audience. Save it and select it from the previous menu.

Now enter your payment information and pay for your advertisement. Payments are accepted from any international bank card.

Now you can monitor the results of your advertising in the “View statistics” tab right under the photo.

If you go to the account activity section by clicking on the heart, you will see the “Promotions” section at the top.

It will indicate all activity and performance of the account. Now you can easily customize and create new ads.

One of the most effective methods of website promotion and business development at the moment is advertising where people actively communicate, are more willing to pay attention to useful posts, join groups, like posts and repost, which is an almost inexhaustible source of traffic. A properly structured advertising campaign will allow you to get new customers, retain the attention of existing ones and once again win over those who were dissatisfied with the service.

Advertising is often set up by SMM (social media promotion) specialists or in-house marketers. But for a small business or a novice entrepreneur, spending on the services of specialists at the start is too burdensome. How to make advertising on Instagram, for example, cheaper? Effective advertising in most social networks, including Instagram, you can set it up yourself in literally 10-15 minutes.

Why run advertising on this platform?

September 30, 2015 for Russian businessmen there is a chance to publish advertisements on Instagram, which means that companies with a wide reach can now promote themselves and their products on this social network. Currently, the audience of Instagram users from Russia has crossed the mark of 9 million people. Mostly users from Russia are young people from 15 to 23 years old.

This a large number of active users creates fertile ground for advertising campaigns on Instagram, so including them in the scheme marketing strategy will be a smart decision for your business. This significantly saves time that was previously spent searching for partners with sometimes terrible terms of cooperation.

Step-by-step setup of an advertising campaign

  • go to the website;
  • watch the video;
  • download the application.

Step 1. Preparing an advertisement

How to advertise on Instagram correctly? To begin with, you should prepare your advertisement according to all parameters. Advertising on this platform can be of three types: photos, videos or photo slideshows. Now let's turn to the requirements that must be taken into account when creating advertising in various formats.

Photo advertising

How to make an advertisement in the Instagram feed in the form of a photo? It is recommended to take photos for social networks in the shape of a square. This form is more familiar to users, therefore it looks more natural and advantageous compared to vertical or horizontal photographic images. Try to depict your product in the photo as naturally as possible, because less photos resembles an advertisement, the more it attracts users.

How to make an advertisement on Instagram in the form of a video ad? With the help of video, you can clearly demonstrate your product and convey the style of your brand to the public. On the Instagram network, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the video should be understandable to the user even without sound, since by default it is turned off and not everyone turns on the sound when watching videos.

Video Specifications:

  1. The length of the video should be between six seconds and one minute.
  2. File type - .mp4.
  3. File size - up to 4 GB.
  4. The preview video also contains minimal information.

A call to action can be placed under the video or photo; it will be displayed across the entire width of the ad. Clicking the call to action will take the user to the specified website. If the call to action is not selected, a “More details” button will appear under the post to go to the site.

Slideshow (carousel gallery)

On Instagram as a slide show? This slide show consists of three to five photos. It allows you to show different products or a single product from different angles. Technical requirements similar to photos. This type of advertising is suitable for large brands or online stores.

Step 2. Launch advertising

How to run advertising on Instagram? Advertising creation and launch advertising campaign carried out via Facebook. To launch advertising, you will need to link the project page on Facebook to your Instagram account. How to implement this?

  1. We go to our business project on the Facebook page. In the top menu select “Settings”.
  2. In the “Settings” section in the menu on the left we see “Advertising on Instagram”, go to this section and click on the “Add account” icon.
  3. Enter the login and password of your Instagram account and confirm the attachment to the Facebook business page. If you wish, you can always unlink your page from your account.

Step 3. Authorization in the advertising account and setup

In your account you can create advertising campaigns for various purposes. Thus, the “Engagement” goal will be useful for those who intend to attract users to their Instagram account for promotions or competitions, or simply seek to increase the activity of subscribers on the channel.

Traffic's goal is based on placing a link and call to action in your ad. This direction is suitable for those who intend to direct people to their website and increase sales due to this.

Have you decided on your goals? Now we give the name of our advertising campaign. Try to adapt the name to your audience; if at this stage it’s difficult to decide, don’t worry, the name can always be changed.

Setting up your audience is the most important part of creating an advertising campaign. The most main part in creating advertising is working with the audience. How you set up your ads has a direct bearing on who discovers them.

First, you should set the location in the settings: select a country, city, or several places where you will sell your products. In the “Places” section of the settings, you can note how users relate to the place you have chosen: they live, sometimes visit or travel to this place.

Targeted advertising on Instagram

A special advantage of advertising on Instagram is that it is targeted. This means that you can independently configure for your advertising who the ad will be shown to, what gender, age, in what country and many other factors. How to advertise through Instagram? Try to choose among the interests those that are typical for your potential audience. Interact with people, find out what is interesting and important to them in order to build a list and fine-tune your advertising.

How to make targeted advertising on Instagram effective? After all, for example, if you select females from 18-30 years old in the audience settings, you can still get a couple of likes from men or teenagers. Additionally, you can use the “Recommendations” section. Here Facebook will tell you what else should be included in the settings so that the advertising matches the audience.

Placement and its types. What's included in the budget?

By default, in the advertising account there is “Automatic types of placement”, i.e. Facebook itself determines where it is more effective to display advertising. In the “Ad Group” section, go to “Types of Placement”, then select “Edit Placements” and check the boxes where your ad will be shown.

How to make advertising on Instagram profitable financially? It is worth paying attention to the “Budget and Schedule” section. In this section, you can specify both a daily budget and for the entire duration of your advertising campaign. On the right will be indicated the approximate coverage of people per day in accordance with the selected budget.

Creating an ad

How to create advertising on Instagram? After successfully setting up your target audience, it's time to move on to creating the ad itself. You need to do this in the Ads Manager “Advertising” section. In this section you can create a new publication or use an existing one. In the new ad creation tab, you will be asked to add offer text and product photos. As soon as the ad is created, click on the “Check order” button, all the ad settings will appear in front of you. If everything is correct, click “Place order”.

After placing an order, Facebook will ask you to choose a payment method. When binding your bank card About 40 rubles will be debited from your account, which will immediately be returned to your account. The specified bank information will be contained in the “Billing and Payment Methods” section; when setting up future advertising campaigns, you will not need to specify your payment information again. In this section you can change payment methods: connect others and delete existing ones.

Next, you need to send your ad for review by moderators. This will be done automatically after payment for the advertisement. On average, the check is completed in an hour. The moderator will check the text and attached images for compliance with the rules advertising activities. Upon completion of the check, you will see the line “Your ad has been approved” in your advertising account, and a green circle will appear opposite the post. And in the activity feed you will find likes and comments on your advertisement.

And remember the main rule when launching an advertising campaign - test your texts and videos, improve your skills every day. No specialist will be able to accurately determine which text will deeply touch and influence people; this can only be seen after publication. As a recommendation, we can advise you to create several different ads for your audience at once, analyze the reactions and choose the best among them. This is the only way you will be able to find an approach to the audience, find the right text style, the right video and the required advertising format, which will make it possible to interest as many clients as possible with a minimum budget for you.
