Ideas for older girls. How to design a personal diary inside

All! It's decided! Today I start keeping a diary! And not just any diary, but the most beautiful, most unusual one. So that it wouldn’t be boring to read, and you’d want to flip through it again and again! But how? How to do all this? It looks like I can’t handle it... Such doubts are often encountered by those who are just about to start keeping a personal diary.

It would seem, what can we cope with here? It's so simple! Write down your thoughts, feelings and events, color with colored markers or pencils, and paste in beautiful stickers. But for some reason, not everyone manages to make their personal diary truly interesting. In this article, we have collected for you the coolest ideas for LEDs that will help you decorate it exactly the way you want!

Cool ideas for ld: diaries meet by clothes

People are greeted by their clothes - this rule also applies to personal diaries. The first impression, how pleasant it will be to hold your diary in your hands, depends on what your “clothes” will be. Have you guessed it yet? Of course we're talking about its cover! The life of the diary always begins with her, and it is she who needs to pay the greatest attention!

The simplest and at the same time creative way decorate the cover ld- this is to wrap it in beautiful paper for gifts, securing it with inside decorative adhesive tape. You can spend a little more time and cover the entire cover with the same decorative tape different colors. And also - you can sew a beautiful cover from fabric! And then decorate it with satin ribbons, decorative flowers, beads or beads. True, this will require a lot of time and effort, but the result is worth it! A diary cover, carefully sewn and decorated with your own hands, looks very impressive!

Creative page design ideas

The inside pages of the diary can also be designed in a special way. After all, in it you can not only record the events of the past day, but also talk about yourself, your hobbies, friends, desires, plans and goals.

Here are just some ld ideas you can use in your journal:
A page dedicated to your favorite book. Even if you don’t really like to read, you probably have a couple of favorite books. Color the page with drawings and illustrations for the book, write down quotes from the characters, come up with a continuation of your favorite story!

Tea or coffee drinking page. Tell us on the pages of your diary why you like tea more than coffee, and vice versa. Decorate it with coffee beans or a tea bag! Write it down different recipes preparing your favorite drink!

Secret page. Write down your most important cherished desires, biggest secret, dream or goal! Decorate your entry with beautiful stickers, drawings or printable pictures!

A page dedicated to your favorite pet. Do you have a cat or dog? Or maybe a small but nimble hamster? Take a photo or draw your pet, tell us about its habits, what it loves most. And why you love him so much!

The most terrible page. Well, of course, this page is dedicated to your fears! Are you afraid of snakes? On your scary page, draw a cute and cute snake that winks at you cheerfully. Or maybe you are afraid of mice or spiders? Then decorate the page with a funny white mouse or a big-eyed cartoon spider! Over time, this will help you be a lot less afraid!

Friendship page. To make it beautiful, you will need the help of your best friends! Ask them to write something to remember you, or draw it. In addition to inscriptions and drawings, you can decorate this page with postcards from friends or their photographs.

Hobby page. Probably not a single personal diary can do without this page! That’s right - what kind of diary is it if there’s not a word in it about your favorite hobbies? Be sure to write in your journal about all the things you love to do! And you can decorate your hobby pages with anything! Decorative tape, beautiful printouts, your own drawings, paper flowers, glitter, beautiful buttons... Whatever you want!

Of course, these ideas for ice are far from the only ones. In fact, there are many of them! New and new ideas are coming up almost every day! Perhaps you can also come up with something of your own, using our “pages” as a basis?

Do you like to draw and make art? Looking for unique ideas for a personal diary? Then you have found your treasure trove of bold and innovative ideas for ld. Our site is aimed at those who want to find themselves in the arts, diversify their leisure time, improve their drawing skills and develop their imagination. We offer a huge selection of drawings made in various techniques, as well as pictures for IDs and printouts for IDs. Each topic is worthy of becoming part of your personal diary.

Start sketching, the pictures you like are ideas for your personal diary. Try yourself in various artistic techniques and decide which one you like best. Over time, you will move from copying ready-made pictures to independent creativity. Start developing your talent today.

Find quotes for ld in the section of our website. Collected here best examples wise thoughts about all aspects of life, about relationships between people, feelings and emotions. Keeping a personal diary requires time, effort and desire. Many girls write down in it every day...

Just a few steps and your personal diary will become much more colorful and interesting! We looked at the gallery, found the stickers you needed and printed them out. You just need to cut it out and paste it onto the page. Printouts on many topics - with phrases, black and white stickers, pictures, #hashtags,...

Besides black and white pictures To design a personal diary, there are also black and white printouts for LD. If you only take notes with a black pen, then these printouts will fit perfectly into the style of your diary. Printouts for LD black and white What kind of black and white printouts...

There are many different interesting drawings for a personal diary, but black and white pictures for personal journals are also very popular. Many will say that such pictures are not interesting and boring because they have no color... there is no need to rush and draw such conclusions...

Not everyone can draw a complex drawing. But if you want to decorate your personal diary with drawings, you don’t have to draw complex drawings. You can use light pictures for sketching to decorate your diary entries. I assure you, they will look no worse...

Ideas for old pictures for sketching - a continuation of the gallery with wonderful illustrations of a cat. Many people decorate their personal diaries with pictures to draw, and they especially love this cute cat. Ideas for ld pictures for sketching A personal diary is drawn up with printouts or, for example, filled...

We know that many people love this cute cat. Many people use these pictures to design their personal diary. But where can you find many such illustrations? The answer is very simple! Of course here on our website! In the gallery “ideas for ld pictures...

Before you start reading this article, I want to clarify that a personal diary is still your personal space, so how and what will be inside it is a matter of your taste. I'll just try to direct your creative thoughts in the right direction.

Dear friends! Especially for you, we have prepared the largest collection of useful materials for creating a LD (Personal Diary). Pictures and drawings are divided into the most popular topics and can be downloaded absolutely free of charge by all visitors to our site.

Popular collection materials:

Sometimes you hear the following phrase: “I want to keep a personal diary, but I don’t know how.” At least it sounds strange, doesn't it? After all, a personal diary is not a tribute to fashion, it is a need of the soul. If there is a need, then you take a pen (no matter what color!) and trust your thoughts to paper (no matter what notebook!). But now we’re not talking about that, but about how to design it inside.
Even 20 years ago, such a question did not arise often, believe me personal experience. It’s just that in those years there was not a stunning variety of notebooks themselves (the diary was kept in ordinary notebooks of 48 or 96 sheets), pens and decorations. The most we could do was glue on magazine clippings, pretty candy wrappers or chewing gum inserts. Or draw something by hand. But now is a different time, many wonderful goods for handicrafts have appeared, so I want it to be beautiful (even if not for everyone, not for show) and no worse than others.

Probably, the difficulty also arises in the fact that it happens like this: you feel the need to keep a diary, you write with inspiration, you even fall in love with it and... suddenly... stupor. There is no inspiration, no need, and the previously beloved notebook is gathering dust on the shelf. For such a case, sometimes one “kick” is enough, or, if you prefer, advice, support, and inspiration returns!

From personal experience I will say that the best “kick” is looking at other people’s work. They inspire, help to add zest to... So, let's look together at what ways there are to design a personal diary inside...

To get started, be sure to watch a short video where you will see a lot of ideas for designing a personal diary.


1. Many people prefer the usual, traditional style: they write by hand in solid text, the most they allow themselves is multi-colored pastes. After all, a personal diary is a whirlwind of your thoughts, events and feelings, why do you need anything else? But let’s say you’re bored of just writing... In this case, any picture that illustrates what you’re writing about will help add some zest and decorate the pages. It can be a photograph, but it doesn't have to be.

Are you writing about a book you like? Cut out a stack of books from a magazine and glue them next to them. Are you writing about how great it was to meet with your friends in a cafe? Or about how, after visiting a doctor, you had to fork out for medicine? Take “material evidence” with you (a receipt, a business card or an advertisement for a new dish) and stick it in your diary. And in general, any photo or even the most careless hand drawing will make your notebook more alive.

2. Why not try your hand at organizing the events that have happened in the form of small ones? Can't draw? But small drawings (maybe even schematic ones) are much easier. Maybe by training day after day you will get better?

3. The same small drawings can be used for different thematic pages in the diary, for example, “what am I striving for” or “plans for this year.”

4. Sometimes, for variety, you can design pages in this way: on special cards different shapes. There you can write down some individual thoughts and even quotes, aphorisms, excerpts from songs or poems that resonate with your mood and thoughts... If there are no such cards, this is not a reason to be discouraged! You can get creative yourself and draw something similar on multi-colored pieces of paper. Or even on pieces from different packages (tea, toys, etc.) or labels from clothes - bright, colorful. There is absolutely no point in throwing them away!

5. On the pages of your diary you can paint with watercolors, mix them, smear them, blurt them and splash them - any text will look very nice on top! Just keep in mind that if they are thin enough, then before all watercolor experiments you need to glue them together in two! Then everything will work out neatly.

6. Colored pencils, gel pens, scraps of paper or some pictures will also be good helpers in designing a diary. The main thing is don’t be afraid to imagine and experiment!

7. This method looks very nice when you write with letters of different shapes and sizes, as well as in different directions: obliquely, vertically, horizontally. Of course, this is not suitable for recording events or thoughts, but if you want to write facts about yourself or write down “100 things I love,” then it’s just right.

8. Any personal diary definitely needs pockets for things dear to the heart! For tickets, notes or even small photographs.

9. If you decide to take your personal diary seriously, so that you not only write down thoughts and events, but also decorate it by pasting photographs, pictures and others, then cards with ready-made inscriptions will be a good accent: photo fact, appreciate every moment, news of the day , an unforgettable moment, etc.

10. If you are not at all afraid of difficulties, then you can start your diary not in a notebook or notebook, but in an old unnecessary (!) book! This process is even more exciting because the imagination in design is simply limitless!

Advice: if you decide to undertake such a feat, then first of all you need to tear out every third page in the book. Otherwise, as your diary fills up, it will swell to obscene sizes. Then, if you are going to dab on paints in the book (preferably acrylic with a little gouache added - then the pages won’t stick together and the letters won’t shine through as much as when using watercolor paints), then be sure to glue all the pages together, two at a time. And then it’s a matter of your imagination! Cover the letters completely or not (as you like?), with multi-colored paints or a little white to write text.

If you have the opportunity to find old book in English or German- this is generally great, because in such a book it is not necessary to cover up the text at all, just paste in photographs, decorations for the text.

I hasten to note that this option already strongly resembles not a personal diary, but the design of a smashbook, and this process has already captured many creatively minded people, but we will talk about this later.

In the meantime, I wish you not to be afraid of anything and, if inspiration comes, get down to designing your personal diary!

Don't know where to start? Take inspiration from this video. The video is a must watch :)


Greetings to all! This is the second part of a series of articles about ideas for personal diaries. This release contains the following content:

We also remind you what is in other issues on this topic:

  • — design options for the first page, 50 ideas for thematic pages and how to make a diary password yourself!
  • — ready-made versions of notepads with a combination lock
  • Pictures for LD - large selection drawings for your diary

Ideas for a personal diary and HOW to design a personal diary

Pictures for a personal diary

No diary is complete without pictures and drawings! Here are a few interesting options design of LD pages with pictures:

A well-drawn girl on a page about winter:

Several drawings - girl, Eiffel Tower, cake

Still unpainted drawings for a personal diary:

Here is another video about drawing in LD:

Ideas: drawings by cells for a personal diary

Drawings by cells - great way use the clear geometry of checkered notebooks and notebooks! Drawing by cells is very convenient and easy, here are a couple of examples of such drawings:


Ideas for a personal diary - pictures: Little green man on the page

If you are interested in such drawings, here is a whole selection of drawings by cells for example, there you will definitely find something what can you draw in your personal diary?:

How to create a personal diary? Here are some good ideas:

Stickers and decals

Video about what stickers and stickers there are:

Magazine clippings

Another super option how to keep a personal diary beautifully are clippings from glossy magazines. They look very beautiful on the pages of LD! Take a look at these examples:

Ideas for a personal diary: photo scrapbooks (Halloween pumpkins)

How to decorate a personal diary: inscriptions

It is very important to make beautiful headings and inscriptions on pages:

Personal diary - interior design: text decoration

Options for a pleasant and beautiful design There is quite a lot of text, here are some examples:

The background is painted over with a pencil

Highlighting text with colored markers:

Personal diary - design text :

The text is written in separate columns with different colored pens:

Personal diary - how to design a LD using patterns, edgings, ornaments

The following patterns look very nice on the pages:

Wide pattern option:

Video on how to draw patterns:

What you can do in your personal diary - envelopes, secret pockets and tricks:

Each diary should have a small envelope for the “secret”, gifts and other things.

Pocket example:

Here is a diagram of how to make a pocket:

And here is a video on how to make a pocket envelope for a personal diary:

Ideas for a personal diary: DAILY and how to keep a personal diary

Sometimes the question arises - what what can you write in your personal diary?? In addition to various thematic pages, do not forget about the practically main purpose of the diary - a diary!

How to conduct it? Very simple!

For your diary, be sure to allocate a small part of the notebook - but not less than 30 pages (one for each day). It’s best to plan the diary for several months, then you will need to leave about 100 pages. Then write the date and day of the week on each page.

What to write in your diary? Usually the daily schedule is written there - these could be, for example, lessons at school, important events of this day, various reminders, and of course thoughts. At the end of the day, just sit down and take stock of everything that happened, write down what and who you liked most and what you didn’t like. This is very important - you don’t need to keep your emotions to yourself!

  • Personal diary - ideas: write in your diary To do list - a list of things that need to be done in a day.

Here are examples of a diary with a to do list of other authors:

And diary, video:

Ideas for a personal diary: How to make a personal diary and what you need for it

How to make a personal diary?

Option 1: Buy a special diary. But this path has a big drawback - usually such diaries are either very childish, or vice versa - very serious and businesslike

Varian: 2 Using a thick notebook for LD is a very good and inexpensive option!

Ideas for a personal diary - what is needed to keep it?

Here's the full list:

  • Notepad (this can be a thick notebook, a special notepad or a diary)
  • Pens - regular blue and colored - gel, oil
  • Pencils - regular for drawing and colored
  • Felt pens are good colored ones
  • Markers - thick felt-tip pens for highlighting text
  • Scissors - for cutting out scraps, forming homemade envelopes
  • Clippings - for this you also need to have magazines, but I think everyone has them
  • Stickers - for highlighting important information, notes
  • Stickers are a very beautiful decoration
  • Glue (for gluing cut-outs and other elements)
  • Ruler (for drawing straight lines where needed)
  • Sheets of white and colored paper(for making envelopes, pockets and other cool things
  • Bookmarks (very useful thing)

If a person feels the need to understand himself, he sits down to write a personal diary. But not everything always works out right away, and some people are faced with the fact that they don’t know where to start or how to do it. That's what we'll talk about.

Personal diary: why?

Many people, most often pretty young girls, begin to keep personal diaries at a certain period in their lives.

What does this mean:

  1. First, the need to deal with yourself, put all the feelings and emotions on the shelves. This is typical for people who are prone to introspection, creative and very sensitive.
  2. People start keeping diaries out of a need to speak out.. It’s not always possible to say everything even to your mother, but paper, as they say, will endure everything and not blush. At the age of 14 to infinity (around then the vast majority turn to the epistolary genre, and many continue to write until the end of their lives) new and incomprehensible things begin to happen to a person. They are associated with growing up, with first feelings, with puberty. This is deeply intimate, which is why so many people turn to the diary.
  3. Some people just love to write. They are interested in it, they leave evidence of their history, and then they reread it with pleasure and remember half-forgotten details. And if you feel that it’s time to sit down with a diary, take it and start.

How to start

A personal diary is similar to a school diary only in that it must also contain dates. A person writes his story, shares his experiences with himself, talks about recent events.

All this must be dated and beautifully designed. How – more on that a little later. In the meantime, let's talk about how this is done in general.


And sometimes a person sits down to write a personal diary simply because he wants to. Without any specific purpose. And this is also quite normal, because in general we are now talking about deeply personal activities.

Selection of tools

The next step is choosing the tools. Now in stores there is simply a limitless selection of different notebooks, notebooks and other stationery.

You can even choose printed diaries, beautifully lined and with cute clasps. The key will be yours alone, so no one will peep any secrets.

What exactly to choose is a matter of taste for each person. For some, it is more convenient to take a large A4 notebook, while others would prefer to hide their secrets in a miniature notebook that easily fits in the palm of your hand. In any case, you are free to design your personal diary according to your own preferences.

You can write in it with multi-colored pens, emphasize the main thoughts and highlight important events, you can even draw all sorts of pictures and stick funny stickers on it. In general, do whatever your heart desires!

And finally, modern high technologies offer another option for keeping a diary - electronic. Many of us have already forgotten how to write on paper, but we are fluent in using a keyboard.

Write history own life You can do it on your computer, both personally only for yourself, saving it in password-protected folders, and posting it on the World Wide Web. But these will already be blogs. And now we are not talking about them.

When to write

And the third question is when to start writing? In principle, again, there is no specific answer, and there cannot be one. Write when your soul requires it.

Many people prefer to give themselves over to their inner experiences before going to bed, when no one is disturbing them and they can calmly think about the events and listen to themselves. This is probably the most optimal time. But again, not for everyone.

A diary is a state of mind transferred to paper (or HDD computer), and it will only be alive and real when it is written at the request of the soul.

Not under pressure, not because “I started leading and now I have to do it every day,” but simply when I want. At such moments everything will work out by itself.

How to lead correctly

Again, whatever your heart desires. But still, there are some generally accepted rules maintaining and preparing a personal diary. Still, this is one of the varieties of the epistolary genre and the diary is obliged to obey certain requirements. Even if it's personal.

First of all, you can’t abandon your diary for too long. Ideally, it should be written every day, with the obligatory indication of the date.

Sometimes, if a person makes several entries in one day, he makes notes “a little later”, “later in the evening”, “after a while”. This creates a feeling of the fluidity of time, giving a certain effect of presence.

In general, a personal diary is a deep spiritual work. Therefore, there cannot be any strict framework here. The main thing is not to leave it on for a long time without attention.

Where to hide

Because we're talking about about the main repository of personal secrets, making a diary is not all. It is important to hide it well. And here there is limitless scope for imagination.

Put it away in your personal belongings; many people hide it in the same place where they put away their laundry. It is unlikely that anyone will rummage in such a place except you. You can put it deeper in the closet, you can put it under the pillow, and make the bed thoroughly. Someone goes even further and hides it deep under the mattress.

Others prefer to always carry their diary with them. And this is understandable for two reasons: firstly, if he is with you all the time, no one will find him. And secondly, if suddenly inspiration comes outside the home, you can sit down and write. And then again hide the precious notebook (or notepad) inside your spacious bag.

For greater secrecy, you can buy diaries with a lock; no one will look into them, even if they accidentally discover them.

Design ideas

Since we are talking about a deeply personal thing, how to arrange it is a matter of the owner’s preferences. You can somehow decorate it in an original way with your own hands by gluing interesting stickers or painting the fields with different ornaments.

Can also be placed in a diary cool pictures or images that correspond to a state of mind. It’s even easier in an electronic diary - you can download and insert the desired picture.

What to write

What could you tell yourself? Yes, almost anything your heart desires! Various secrets, experiences, stories can easily become the filling of a personal diary.

You can write down some facts, even the prices of new things - then it will be interesting to read about it. The more details, seemingly insignificant and empty, the more rich and lively the recordings will become.

Everything that may seem stupid at the moment will later become a priceless memory. And the more such trifles and nonsense there are in your diary, the more expensive it will be for you.

To briefly summarize, here is everything you need for a classic personal diary:

  1. A great desire to keep records about oneself. Sit down to write only when you really want to.
  2. Accessories that suit your mood. Create your own system of stickers and notes; it will be even more interesting.
  3. Appropriate design. Draw in your diary, draw diagrams, try to organize the information as much as possible.
  4. Focus on the little things. Record as many details and little things as possible, then the diary will become more lively and interesting.
  5. Frankness with yourself. Write about the secret, say everything. This is your personal diary, and there should be no secrets from yourself.

Keep diaries, get to know your own soul through them - and something beautiful and infinitely deep will be revealed to you. Or rather, you yourself.

Video: Design ideas
