Adventure games Jim loves Mary. Jim loves mary games

The vicissitudes of fate are so unpredictable and sometimes completely unfair that lovers cannot always be together. But if two hearts truly love, then nothing will stop them from eventually uniting. Romantic themes have become a reason for touching and exciting games, which we invite everyone who is looking for cute and non-belligerent adventures to try.

The passage will touch on the events developing between a nice guy and a girl who are completely overwhelmed by love, sincere and pure. Jim and Mary will appeal to both schoolchildren and preschoolers. All applications are easy to launch on your computer and are carried away in a matter of moments. amazing world colorful storyline, from which you will not want to tear yourself away until the final minute.

All Jim and Mary games online

Let's meet the main characters

Games Jim and Mary will tell you that mutual sympathy things flared up between the couple from the first minute of their meeting. The young lady and the boy were eager to continue communicating, spend leisure time together, play, go to the movies and parks. But the beauty’s mom and dad decided that it was too early for her to think about relationships and that only studies and hobbies should be interesting for boys and girls of that age.

Therefore, they insisted that the boy stay away from their little blood. The games Jim and Mary prove that the gentleman is not going to give up his lady love so easily, and even his father’s aggressive attitude did not bother him. Yes, he had to retreat temporarily to think over the principle of further actions.

How will everything unravel?

Our ardent boy did not sleep the whole night and figured out what to do. If you are curious to watch the fate of a character, then join him. He will have to go through a difficult path with a lot of tests, and if they are divided into two, then it will be much easier to deal with all the problems. So, we have a strategy, it’s time to move on to active steps.

To make it easier to navigate, Jim and Mary decided to break down the plan for their reunion into twenty stages. And we advise gamers to expand the picture to full screen, then you will definitely not miss a single heart-shaped valentine, which is what the brave knight collects for his princess.

You will have to run, jump, climb somewhere and sometimes fall down. All the games in this section are quests, which can now even be downloaded. And where to download is up to you; the flash drive will run in the same mode on PC and Android. Make sure that the Jim and Mary games have a long-awaited happy ending.

There are simply so many adventure games and puzzles online that you simply can’t count them! Therefore, everyone will find something absolutely suitable for themselves. Boys usually like adventure games where they can show off their skills and show their courage, while girls like to help the main characters collect objects and solve puzzles along the way. In the game that will be discussed now, the main characters could use outside help. The characters' names are Mary and Jim, they were born and raised in the same village, at first they were just friends, and then they fell in love with each other. They dreamed of a carefree life together, were already making plans, but it turned out that the parents, especially on Mary’s side, were against their union. Why - you will find out when you get to know the couple better, and you will also be able to help them still be together, despite the prohibitions.

Modern Romeo and Juliet

Jim and Mary are the main characters, many trials await them, and only after overcoming all of them will they be able to finally live in peace. But this solemn moment is still far away, and right now you can already meet a couple in love and receive your first task. There are many adventures and challenges prepared for Jim and Mary, but mostly they will have to wander through the forest, collect hearts, avoid obstacles, solve puzzles and operate levers. How it all ends is up to you.

Perhaps Jim and Mary would not have had to do anything like this at all, but their parents and other relatives - brothers, sisters, grandparents, and so on - were against their relationship. At first, Mary’s parents and brother took up arms against Jim, Mary’s mother was especially dissatisfied, apparently, she had another suitor for her daughter, and then a childhood friend appeared - Jim could not even imagine that one day he and Mary would become a real couple. Then Jim’s parents decided that Mary was not a match for their son. Thus began almost a war between families. And if parents and other relatives even treated this war with joy, hoping in this way to quarrel and separate the lovers forever, then Mary and Jim suffered greatly and dreamed of escaping to a place where no one would judge them.

It’s good that Jim still had one relative who was sincerely happy for him and Mary, wanted to help and was ready at any moment to protect them from disgruntled relatives. This man was Jim's uncle, who had lived as a hermit in the forest for many years and rarely contacted his relatives. He lived in a den, like a bear's, and did not need anything. One day, Mary and Jim, tired of relatives and prohibitions, decided to run away to Jim's uncle. This was their first adventure, and there were many more interesting and exciting things ahead. You must help the couple reach the hermit’s lair safe and sound, he is already waiting for them. But the forest is a dangerous place, especially at night, and the parents won’t get away so easily, they sneak along the couple’s trail and can catch up with them at any moment.

The adventure is just beginning

Each adventure will test Jim and Mary's strength. The couple cannot do without your help, so join them. Receive a task, for example, to arrange a date for lovers. To do this, you need to fulfill several difficult conditions, first get out of the house unnoticed, then walk past your parents, who are watching literally at every step - at the window, behind the gate, in the bushes and in other places. After this, Jim and Mary, one by one, must go into the forest and get to the farthest clearing, where the date will take place. But it will take place only if Mary is not taken home along the way, and Jim is not caught by the girl’s brother.

Fortunately, Mary and Jim have some skills, for example, Mary is very dexterous and fast, she can slip under obstacles, jump over fences and penetrate narrow passages. And Jim is very strong and resilient, it costs him nothing to move a heavy stone from its place or break a box with his fist. Along the way, both the girl and the guy need to be very careful and also collect hearts and other pleasant bonuses.

At each level, and there are about twenty of them, three hearts are hidden. It is best to find all three hearts, so the heroes will become even stronger, faster and braver. But the difficulty is that it is not so easy to find or get the hearts; they can be anywhere - on a tree, under a bush, right under your feet, and so on. The time to complete a level is not limited by anything, but you shouldn’t drag it out endlessly either. Try to cover the path from the heroes' house to the clearing as quickly as possible, this way you will earn more points.

Since there are two heroes and they have different abilities, each game has a two-player mode. In it you can control one of the characters, and entrust the second to a friend who is next to you. In this case, things will go faster. Although, of course, you can alternately control both characters, it will just cost you more time to complete the task.

Beautiful and at the same time sad story about pure and beautiful love - Jim Loves Mary, which, unfortunately, the closest people of both heroes did not understand. But perhaps everything will work out for the lovers, of course not without your help, so don’t treat this story with humor. And it all started like this. In one of the small human settlements lived beautiful girl named Mary, she helped her parents with the housework, studied well in local school and was friends with all the guys. One day Mary went to help her mother in the field to deal with pests and on the way she met a very handsome boy. The girl decided to meet the boy and found out that his name was Jim. A strong feeling immediately arose between the two young people, which is popularly called love at first sight. After a short conversation, the two realized that they were made for each other. They immediately announced their feelings to all their family and friends, but unfortunately they did not understand them. Mary's relatives were especially indignant, who immediately decided to protect the girl from her lover. But if between the two there was real love, then it is unlikely that it is possible for two lovers to build a wall on the way, even if it appears, it will be destroyed in any case, it is only a matter of time. Surely everyone has had a similar story in their life, perhaps not personally, but through rumors we could hear about lovers and their cruel relatives.

How to play?

We can help these two become one, but this will require a lot of thought and work. You are destined for the role of Cupid, who will do everything so that two separated hearts meet again. And to make the game more fun, you can call a friend and go on a trip together, since the game has a mode for two players. The whole game is divided into levels where hearts will be scattered. All bonuses in the form of hearts must be collected and only then approach each other, after which you can move on to the next level.

Stories about love always cause trepidation. It is believed that only girls love romance, but boys are also susceptible to it, although they are embarrassed to admit it. The Jim Loves Mary games will allow them to become real Romeos and reunite with their Juliet in the vastness of the virtual world.

A real drama is unfolding before you. The couple in love did not find understanding among their relatives, and are forced to hide their feelings. But is it possible to hide a dreamy look and constant sigh from an experienced mother’s eye? Naturally, seeing what was happening to her daughter, the formidable woman took a rolling pin and threatened that she should not dare to think about love.

But where have you seen young people obey their parents, especially when we're talking about about high feelings? So our heroes did not adhere to the ban, and meet secretly. And you will become Cupid, and in every possible way you will help hearts unite, playing games for two. Jim loves Mary.

In search of happiness

To be united in a close embrace is the dream of our heroes. But to do this, they will face a difficult test. Every time Mary and Jim have a date, they come up with a secluded place where no one will find them. To get there, you have to overcome various obstacles in the form of walls, boxes and other objects. But this is unlikely to serve as a serious test before a great and bright feeling.

If only soulless objects stood between them. But no, every time the girl’s mother inexplicably finds out about the planned date, and pursues her unlucky daughter, trying to stop her. However, she is determined and will do everything to connect with her lover, even if she has to jump over her mother’s head.

Actually, this is what the heroes have to do throughout all levels.

  • Jump on platforms
  • Move the boxes
  • Avoid collisions with other characters
  • Collect hearts

If mom with a rolling pin makes you wary, then get ready for new meeting- Mary's brother. He shares the family's opinion that it is too early for his sister to think about kissing, and therefore tries to drive away the groom. He armed himself with a pitchfork, and while his mother patrolled the area below, he occupied the middle floor, waiting for Jim to stumble and fall right into his arms.

It’s good that your opponents cannot jump after you, but only wander around in their area, allowing you to jump over their heads. Actually, in the plot of the adventure game, Jim loves Mary, only a young man does this. It is he who has good jumping ability, but Mary remains in a more passive role - moving boxes, climbing on them and jumping on the other side of the obstacle. To connect, lovers must pick up three hearts at each level, and only in this case will victory be theirs.

Soon moving ones will be added to the usual platforms, and sharp spikes will grow down. Apparently, the relatives will not rest until they separate the young people, and they still have many life-threatening ideas in their arsenal. With every level free games Jim loves Mary, new traps are thrown, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the heroes to meet. You'll soon need to perform complex combinations of actions by pressing buttons, launching platforms, removing boxes and jumping over traps. At these levels you don't even see angry relatives anymore. Apparently they are busy building new obstacle structures.

Romantic plot Online Games Jim Loves Mary is a fun platformer. Follow it to the end and find out how it ended love story cute couple. But it seems that everything will be fine, because you have been helping them all this time.

Sometimes fate treats lovers so unfairly that one can only wonder where they get the strength to stay together. This is what happened with the cute characters that the games Jim and Mary will introduce you to. The guys were so imbued with feelings that they were ready for any tricks just to spend at least a little time together. Romantic stories brave couple will appeal to those who are tired of endless virtual battles and brutal shooters. Flash arcade games in this category are very cute and calm. All parts are more reminiscent of a fairy-tale cartoon, where you have to overcome all sorts of difficulties, but in the end the separated teenagers will definitely be reunited if they get a little help.

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Entertaining adventure games tell about the events that happened with a charming girl and her brave gentleman. Jim and Mary are experiencing sincere love, but the beauty’s parents prevent her from developing. The doves will need help in organizing secret dates, and the passage consists of bringing the young sufferers to the agreed place. Any game in this series can be easily installed on your computer or played directly from the browser. And if you don’t want to part with the brave adventurers even for a minute, you can download your favorite fun game to Android and complete clever quests in between lessons or on the way home.

Amorous adventures

The games Jim and Mary will tell about teenagers between whom genuine sympathy and strong affection arose. The charming lady and the smart boy sought to further communicate, they planned to walk around the neighborhood, go to the movies, and arrange surprises. But the young lady’s family decided that such a suitor was not needed for their daughter. Dad and Mom thought that studying and some useful activities at that age were much more important for girls than incomprehensible rendezvous. They didn’t just refuse him, but actually started a hunt for the unfortunate boy.

But Jim and Mary do not intend to put up with parental restrictions. The savvy admirer spent the whole night trying to figure out how to see his beloved. As a result, the trickster managed to pass a note to his girlfriend with detailed diagram, and now they have to meet in the forest in a secret hut. But the games Jim and Mary consist of a lot of obstacles that the poor fellows need to overcome for two, but without a good guide they cannot cope.

You can get several tips on how to complete the next stage at the start of each game. The task of the games is not only to bypass all obstacles, but also to collect special hearts, without which the level will not be considered complete. In order not to miss a single Valentine's card, expand the location to full screen. A little diligence and attentiveness - and no versions with cheats will be needed to reunite lovers.
