How to draw up a project conclusion. How to write a conclusion in a term paper, correctly

Remember: The conclusion is the “answer” to the purpose of the work!

Table 7.1 – Requirements for writing output

What should be in the output

How to write this

What has been done at work

Write what exactly was done in the work.

In that work……

(What has been done? Read the purpose of the work again)

How it's done

Brief description of the experiment:

    what specific quantities are determined using what instruments,

    what values ​​(including errors) are calculated using the formulas

(no need to rewrite formulas!)

What's received

Write down the result (obtained values, their errors - with units of measurement )

Analysis of the result

Analyze the result.

    To do this, compare the experimental value of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion for a given substance a exp

with table value a table

And give your assessment the results obtained.

For example:

...the values ​​agree well,

(either satisfactory or inconsistent).

    Write what is the reason for the discrepancy between the experimental value (obtained in this work) and the tabulated one.

8 Security questions

Answer security questions.


    Rewrite the questions and conditions of the tasks of your own option.

    The tables in Appendix A provide the necessary reference materials.

    Tasks of increased complexity are marked * (rated “4”) and ** (rated “5”)

Option 1

1.1 A railway rail at a temperature of 0 0 C has a length of 50 m. Determine how much the length of the rail will change when heated to 30 0 C.

1.2 Why between the rails railway They leave gaps in the joints, but they don’t do this for tram joints?

1.3* Why do we use a red scale when counting using an indicator? What should you do if there was no red scale?

1.4** Will the result of laboratory work change if the solid metal rod in the device is replaced with a tube made of the same material? Explain.

Option 2

2.1 The length of a steel railway bridge is 1000 m at 0 0 C. Determine the length of the bridge in winter at a temperature of -30 0 C.

2.2 How does the density of a substance change when heated? Explain.

2.3* Why does a steel bolt easily screw into a copper nut if they are both heated?

2.4** Why when sudden change temperature of enamel cookware, do cracks appear in its enamel?

Option 3

3.1 An electric current was passed through a copper wire 6 m long. How many degrees does the wire heat up if it lengthens by 4 mm?

3.2 Explain the thermal expansion of bodies from the point of view of molecular kinetic theory.

3.3*Why are glass vessels heated to high temperatures made of thin glass?

3.4** Why, when heating and cooling reinforced concrete, does the concrete not separate from the iron?

Option 4

4.1 The length of a glass tube at 0 0 C is 120 cm. Find its length at 100 0 C.

4.2 Will the balance of the sensitive scales be disrupted if one arm of the rocker arm is heated?

4.3* What requirements must the material of the electrodes soldered into the glass cylinder of an incandescent lamp satisfy?

4.4** How will the internal diameter of a metal ring change when it is heated? Explain.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article, we will look at examples of how to write conclusions to chapters, sections and paragraphs of the WRC economist.

Each chapter in the final qualifying work must end with a conclusion

Every paragraph in every chapter should end with a conclusion.

Consequently, at the end of the last paragraph of each chapter there will be 2 conclusions - about this paragraph itself and about the chapter as a whole.

The volume of output per paragraph is usually 1-2 paragraphs or a third of a page.

The volume of output for the chapter is also 1-2 paragraphs or a third of a page.

If each output starts on a new line, less text will be required. In addition, you can number them - it will look better.

What to write in the paragraph output:

This paragraph of the work required studying [paragraph title]. During the study, the following conclusions were made [a few of your thoughts].

On the one hand, the following picture is observed [several of your thoughts], and on the other hand, we can note that [several of your thoughts].

What to write in the chapter summary:

This chapter covered [chapter title]. This study allowed us to draw a number of conclusions.

[We take a couple of main thoughts from the conclusion of the first paragraph of the chapter and, changing it a little, write it here]

[We take a couple of main thoughts from the conclusion of the second paragraph of the chapter and, changing it a little, write it here]

[We take a couple of main thoughts from the conclusion of the third paragraph of the chapter and, changing it a little, write it here]

Thus, we can conclude that [chapter title] is a complex multifaceted concept, which is characterized on the one hand by [the main idea from the previous paragraph], and on the other hand by [the second main idea from the previous paragraph].

Chapters thesis differ in nature. Therefore, the conclusions about them are also different.

1. Conclusions on the theoretical chapter () are theoretical in nature. You can point out a couple of points of view of scientists and write that there are contradictions.

They usually say that you need to write “your opinion.” But during the defense it may turn out that one of the commission members really doesn’t like your “own opinion”. Therefore you can write like this:

“There is inconsistency between different points of view, which requires a cautious approach to further research and taking into account the characteristics of the [object] and [subject of research] in this work.”

Object and subject - take from the introduction ()

2. Conclusions on the analytical chapter () - contain conclusions from the analysis.

You can scroll through the second chapter and write one short sentence for each table or calculation. And conclude the conclusion to the second chapter with a general conclusion about how everything is changing.

You might write that the organization (or the thing you're researching) has a number of challenges that need to be addressed or reduced in the next chapter.

3. Conclusions on the project chapter () - contain information about how you propose to solve the organization’s problems or reduce their negative impact ().

Here you write that during the research certain problems were identified, you propose measures, describe how to implement them, evaluate economic parameters, implementation algorithm, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of implementing measures.

Actually, that's all.

Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Alexander Krylov,

Please ask questions in the comments below.

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Materials for final qualification (diploma, bachelor's, master's), coursework and practice reports in economics, financial management and analysis:

  • Good day to you. In this article we will look at what to write in the conclusion economic work- diploma, dissertation or regular course work. The total volume of the conclusion is about...
  • The second chapter of the thesis on economics is usually called as part of the title of the thesis, but with the addition of the words “analysis, assessment, diagnosis,” etc. to the beginning of the title. For example,…

How to show the coursework supervisor that its author has coped with the task? Write the correct conclusion to the project. It is this that will allow you to earn a high score during the audit and will help familiarize the commission members with the amount of work done if the project needs to be defended. But even if the defense does not take place in front of an outside audience, the work supervisor may ask you to make a report on the course work in front of your fellow students. In both cases, the conclusion will help you cope with the task. How to write it in order to interest listeners and convince them of the seriousness of the work done?

Plan for drawing up a conclusion to course work.

The final part of the project should not surprise listeners and commission members. Its task is to show (convey) the developments, ideas, results and usefulness of the work performed to colleagues, using accessible scientific language. This means that the author of the project will need to highlight the basic and secondary points of the coursework. Then, based on the first ones, compose the final text.

The structure will be as follows:

  • The relevance of the problem under consideration. It is necessary to recall what scientific problem was studied, why it was chosen, and what consequences the solutions found had. Justifying the relevance, the author talks about the usefulness and value of his work.
  • Consideration of the goals and objectives of the study. They were discussed in detail in the introduction, and therefore the final part should say that the author achieved his goals and solved the problems. Don’t be afraid to use the following phrases: “I’m in the process of research work came to the conclusion...", "I analyzed and solved the following problems..." and so on. The conclusion reflects what has already been done, and therefore the emphasis must be on the results.
  • Description of the subject, object, research situation. There is no need to go into details; it is necessary to briefly mention the object of the study so that it is easier for colleagues or committee members to switch to the results.
  • A story about the mechanisms and research methods used. Here it is worth clearly indicating the usefulness of the methods used for research. You can mention why they were used and not others. This approach will show the manager that the author of the project has worked a large number of options.
  • Detailed demonstration of results. The most capacious point of the final part. It is necessary to show in accessible scientific language what results the author achieved during the research work.

At the end of the conclusion, you need to show the potential of the completed scientific research. This block should not be missed if the student’s plans include the desire to continue working on the topic as part of the diploma.

Basics of formatting the output of coursework

The structure does not have to be the same as above. The project manager may require that only the results of the work and the methods used in finding solutions be presented. It is worth finding out in advance what the teacher wants to see as a conclusion. But whatever he recommends, the volume of the final text should not be more than 2-4 pages. The volume is calculated as follows: the output according to GOST is about 10% of the total number of pages of the work itself.
It is not worth exceeding the established number of sheets if the author wants as many people as possible to read about the work he has done. more people. Only the supervisor will read the full text of the course project; the rest of the defense participants will only read the conclusion or introduction. They will read the part that is written succinctly and briefly.

  1. Connectivity of blocks. The final part is compiled according to a scheme, each block of which must be logically connected with the next.
  2. Brevity and clarity of presentation. It is worth removing complex sentences, difficult-to-understand phrases, etc.
  3. Saturation with facts. It is not the work done that matters, but the results obtained. In the conclusion the emphasis is placed on them.

In the final word, duplication of text from the main project and the introduction should not be allowed. This independent part project demonstrating success.

Written conclusions for coursework on:

1. Written conclusion to course work on economic analysis of an enterprise


When writing the course work, an analysis of the enterprise showed that it has a clear and proven tendency to develop along an intensive path. With a constant area, the enterprise achieved high economic indicators.

But at the same time, many shortcomings were identified that led to a decrease in yield, and as a trail, a decrease in profits and profitability.

To get out of the difficult economic situation, scientists have proposed various ways to increase the use of land through the introduction of scientific and technological progress.

Specifically for of this enterprise a program was developed to overcome the situation. Implementation the latest system irrigation. Which allows you to use water rather than electricity during frosts, which significantly reduces costs, increases productivity and saves it from frost next year.

The introduction of other technologies is not advisable and requires additional costs. But these technologies also solve this problem but have many more disadvantages than the proposed system.

In general, the enterprise is thinking about an intensive development system and introducing new technologies, growing frost-resistant and high-yielding seedlings that do not lose the harvest during frosts. All proposed methods must be used in combination, which will lead to further development. But you cannot stop there; you must conduct your activities in the same direction.

2. Conclusion to course work on enterprise economics


The conclusion is written on two sheets

Download full text conclusions for the course work -

3. Conclusion to the course work on vegetable growing


This area has good soil and climatic conditions for growing vegetables, and high yields can be obtained. There is also a public demand for fresh and early vegetables. For the vegetable growing industry to be profitable it is necessary:

1. increase the level of agricultural technology, compliance with crop rotation;

2. introduction of the latest techniques for growing vegetable crops;

3. introduce the latest high-yielding varieties and hybrids;

4. sowing is carried out with elite and super-elite seeds;

5. to obtain early products - the introduction of the seedling method;

6. water vegetables in a timely manner, at optimal rates;

7. improve the system of plant protection from pests and diseases;

8. contribute required amount organic and mineral fertilizers;

9. Vegetable harvesting should be done as mechanized as possible.

4. Conclusion to course work on agricultural economics

Conclusions and proposals of course work

OJSC "Pridneprovskoye" of the Novovorontsovsky district is a fairly large enterprise that specializes in the production of crop products. This is facilitated by the presence of vast arable areas and the provision of this industry with mechanized means of production.

The second most important sector is the livestock industry, which is represented by cattle breeding and pig breeding. In structure commercial products specific gravity livestock production is only 32.8%. The main products obtained from this industry are milk, cattle meat, and pork.

In general, livestock products in last years tends to be unprofitable and have low profitability of products. With increase production costs and direct labor costs in this industry there is an increase in production costs. As a result, these costs are not covered by revenue from the sale of products and the farm not only reduces profits, but also suffers losses.

But with the help of measures being developed on the farm with the aim of further intensifying livestock production and increasing its efficiency, the first positive changes will appear in the near future.

Currently, many farms in the region are characterized by the decline of livestock industries. However, gradually overcoming difficulties, they again move towards recovery.

persuasive essay, literary analysis or scientific article should contain a carefully thought out introduction and conclusions. A well-written conclusion provides the reader with a brief summary and gist of the reasons why. this topic important for research. If you are preparing a report or presentation, you also need to include good ending. In general, many similar principles can be applied to achieve a given goal, but in any case, the conclusions must be developed very carefully.


How to write a conclusion to an essay or report

    Start with a connecting sentence. If you are writing a conclusion for an essay or report for school or college, it is important to understand what functions it serves. Your conclusion should not be a simple repetition of the main points of your report, divorced from the rest of the text. There should be a smooth transition to this part so that readers are ready to listen to your conclusions by the time you get to them.

    Avoid the phrase “in conclusion.” If you are summarizing an essay or scientific article, you should try to avoid using phrases such as “in conclusion” or “to summarize” when you want to start presenting conclusions. These phrases are too hackneyed and prosaic to move on to a discussion of the results. You must demonstrate that you are starting the concluding part without abruptly breaking the presentation of the material.

    Consider the option of re-mentioning the original problem. One way to get to the conclusion is to address the essay's issue or something you emphasized in the introduction. If you have a phrase or quote that is particularly relevant, bring it up again in your conclusion. This will help show that your essay is logically complete. Repeating a key question or idea from the introduction will serve you well for this purpose.

    • For example, the essay asks the question: “To what extent did the Battle of Monte Cassino change the course of World War II?”
    • Here you can start with the following sentence: “The Battle of Monte Cassino turned out to be a turning point, which reflected a change in the dynamics of the 2nd World War, but in itself did not change the course of the war.”
  1. Go beyond just summarizing. Although the conclusion is the right place to summarize the key points of your report, you should try to say a little more than that. It is important to show that your essay is coherent and to tie all your arguments together. The conclusion is the section where you can demonstrate this. Instead of just going through all important points, try to summarize your report in a way that shows how various directions your research are related to each other.

    Talk about some broader meaning. In an essay or article, conclusions can serve a number of functions. A well-written conclusion can help highlight important your research, its exceptional relevance, and the uniqueness of the data you collected or the results you obtained. But the final section can also go beyond the essay and suggest that your research may have broader implications and applications than the work you present to the public.

The final part of the presentation or report

    Let us make it clear that we are moving to conclusions. Although there are many similarities in essay writing and presentation techniques, there are also some important differences. Because the presentation is given orally rather than read, it may not always be clear that you have reached a conclusion. For this reason, it is wise to emphasize that you are starting the final part.

    Go back to the original question. Once you have the audience's attention to your conclusion, you must show that your presentation has come full circle and returned to the original question or problem you presented in the introduction. This will make your report coherent and comprehensive. A simple technique you can use to do this is: in the final part of the essay, try to return to a specific question you asked yourself, or to a key phrase or quote that you formulated earlier in the presentation.

An essay is a test of knowledge, so when creating it you have to try to do everything as correctly as possible. One of the required elements is write a conclusion in an essay. This is essentially a report, so Special attention Please pay attention to compliance with standards and regulations. The conclusion in the abstract is the final stage of work on the main section. If it is strong, then even a mediocre presentation of the topic can be saved. Competent conclusions will allow you to avoid questions from the teacher.

The conclusion in the abstract is a section that makes up 5-10% of the total volume. The purpose of writing a conclusion is to systematize knowledge, summarize, highlight statements, and outline what has been achieved. The reviewer must understand what issues have been addressed and whether they can be addressed practical use.

Conclusion of the abstract:

  • analyzes and structures content;
  • defines the main thing;
  • answers the main question;
  • summarizes the theoretical and practical part;
  • creates a positive impression of the material.

The purpose of the conclusion of the abstract is to emphasize the significance of the work and draw attention to the most important things. This section briefly describes all the work, methods for achieving the goal, results, characteristics of the problem, and the author’s recommendations. The most important thing is to write harmonious conclusions to each paragraph of the essay in the conclusion.

How to draw conclusions in an essay

Although according to GOST conclusions at the end of chapters are not required, they improve the quality of the material as they systematize the content. This is the author’s attitude, opinion about the information presented, a new look at it. Conclusions are related to the tasks and goals set in the introduction of the abstract.

Writing conclusions in an abstract does not mean rewriting in other words the information presented in the work. This is a systematization of the studied material in order to create your own point of view on the research problem. Novelty is not needed, but the author's opinion is required. From the point of view of syntax, these are logical judgments, consisting of previously expressed and proven theses, justified by each other. This does not mean that the rationale is created by the author. It is the conclusion of the authors whose works are used in the material.

The results are subject to the laws of logic. They are based on a specific job. Methodologically, this is a generalization, definition general characteristics subject, indicating the ability to identify commonality from various approaches and concepts.

It is not for nothing that most teachers consider the conclusions in the abstract to be the most difficult part. These are the author’s thoughts, an indicator of the degree of elaboration of information. Conclusions are closely related to objectives, purpose and content. The main characteristic is specificity, clarity of formulation, based on statistical and analytical data.

Conclusions are statements based on an analysis of sources and research results. The author insists on the statement because he has verified its authenticity and can prove it. This is his point of view, which he is ready to defend.

There are 3 methods used to write conclusions:

  1. deductive – from general to generalization;
  2. inductive – from individual facts to generalization;
  3. based on other people's conclusions.

Using the first method, conclusions should be written for each paragraph. It requires freehold information related to the topic. If a student encounters new information, he or she may not have enough knowledge to present the data in a logical sequence. In such situations, instead of systematization and generalization, duplication of information results.

When using the second method, external sources are taken as a basis. The third method can be used if you can find data that is completely relevant to the topic. If this condition is not met, the conclusions will be absurd and stand out against the background of the main text.

How to write a conclusion to an essay

After writing the main part, you need to collect conclusions to the paragraphs, systematize them, paraphrase them, and get rid of contradictions. If the volume is not enough, additional data should be added, focusing on the subject and purpose of the study. The conclusions in the conclusion of the abstract should have the same focus as the material as a whole. These are briefly stated thoughts that do not contradict the topic, the essence of the problem under consideration.

If the teacher does not require the formation of conclusions at the end of each chapter, the conclusion should be written as the logical conclusion of the work. Read the main part again and try to retell it in abstract. Write down the theses - they will become the basis of the conclusion. It is not necessary to review every chapter. The main condition is to stick to the topic indicated on and. All points should create a coherent structure, smoothly flowing into each other.

The conclusion in the abstract should be written separately from the general part. “Conclusion” is written on a separate page, aligned in the middle. 2 indents are made. The font, size and line spacing are the same as in the main part. It is unacceptable to draw up a conclusion in the form of a transfer.

Try to write the conclusion in such a way that the conclusions do not contain meaningless words. Try to avoid identical or cognate words too close to each other. You can copy phrases from the material. The style is journalistic, partly scientific.

The conclusion to the abstract can be written using the following phrases:

  • To sum up, we can say;
  • From the research results it can be concluded;
  • summing up the research and analysis, we can note;
  • we came to the conclusion;
  • To summarize, we can say;
  • Based on the above, we can conclude.
Should not be included in the conclusion new information. This is a summary of the abstract, a listing of the results.

Sample conclusion in an abstract

Sample conclusion in an essay on the topic “Fundamentals healthy image life":

So, in conclusion of the abstract, it can be noted that the careless attitude of some people in our society towards their health causes socio-economic, moral and psychological damage to the family, production team and society as a whole; largely depends on the shortcomings in the functioning of the system of physical education of children and youth in the recent past.

Psychosomatics has a significant influence on the state of the human body, so sometimes they distinguish following conditions Healthy lifestyle: emotional, intellectual and spiritual well-being. The benefits of a daily routine cannot be questioned. Therefore it is necessary systems approach to time distribution. A correctly selected regime consists of alternating periods of physical and mental work with periods of relaxation of the body. Thus, sleep should consist of 7-8 hours a day for an adult.
The importance of rationally selected nutrition has also been clarified. A healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with proper nutrition.

Physical education is one of the fundamental elements healthy lifestyle. The current level of development of technological progress has greatly simplified human life, but at the same time positive impact Human motor activity has decreased significantly. Nowadays, people walk significantly less. Movement is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The choice of physical activity depends only on the age, physical capabilities and individual desires of the person.

An example of a correct conclusion in an abstract

An example of the conclusion of an essay on the topic “Modern industrial city and sports practices”

At the end of the abstract, we will draw brief conclusions based on the results of studying the problem:

— It has been revealed that in the conditions of modern industrial cities there are certain conditions in which this activity could manifest itself as a sport and support it with an appropriate social attitude, state, regional and municipal development policies are called upon physical culture and sports. One of the main tasks is to ensure the territorial and price accessibility of sports and leisure institutions, mainly sports schools. This also requires the development and implementation municipal policy in the field of development of sports practices in large industrial cities.

— The development of the subject of research is hampered by three large blocks of problems: economic, social and political. At the same time, studying the practice of implementing municipal programs aimed at developing sports practices in major cities shows that city administrations determine the goals, directions and timing of system modernization additional education sports orientation. A number of authors believe that when sufficient level financing these mechanisms for implementing programs on the topic studied in the abstract will help to bring to new level development of sports in large cities, subject to further commercialization of the process of development of sports practices at the municipal level.

How to finish an essay

Anyone can write a high-quality conclusion. In order to conclude, give some tips to solve the problem. You can also indicate the value of the research. It would not be amiss to evaluate whether the assigned tasks were completed and what the research managed to achieve.

A prerequisite for writing an essay is a high level of literacy. Even for a student studying the basics of economics, it is unacceptable to submit a paper with punctuation and stylistic errors.
