How to summon spirits on a person. Challenge of the Queen of Spades

Summoning Winnie the Pooh and Piglet. You need to lock yourself in the bathroom, soap the mirror, turn off the light and say: “Winnie the Pooh, come to us! Winnie the Pooh, come to us! Winnie the Pooh, come to us!” If you want Piglet to come, you must say after this: “And please take Piglet with you!” - and wait. After a while, turn on the light, and on the mirror there will be large marks - Winnie the Pooh and small ones - Piglet.
You can summon a Dwarf who grants wishes. You put two chairs and stretch a thread between them and hang as many chocolates how many people are on it? Candies should be at the same distance. When you tie candies, you have to make a wish for each one. You must remove all white from the room in which you are calling, and you cannot wear white yourself. You turn off the lights, stand with your back to the chairs and wait. No one should enter the room at this time, otherwise the gnome may be disturbed. The gnome will come and eat candy. While he is eating, you cannot turn around. When the candy wrappers no longer rustle, it means the gnome has already eaten the candy, and you can turn around. And if he didn’t eat some candy, it means his wish won’t come true.
You can call a gnome who makes wishes come true . You hang a chocolate candy on a string from the tap in the bathroom, put a glass of water and put a handkerchief or any other rag next to it. You turn off the light and say: “Magic gnome, come! Magic gnome, come! Magic gnome, come!” He must come in red pants and a blue jacket, eat candy, undress, bathe in a glass of water and dry himself with a handkerchief. While he is bathing, you need to take his clothes. And for each one you ask for wishes to be fulfilled.
- How many people call him?
- You can call one at a time, you can call many.
In a dark corner where no one looks, put something tasty and say: “Gnome, appear! Gnome, appear! Gnome, appear!” Then you need to leave and forget about it for 30 minutes. If you look in this corner, you can see that the treat has been bitten or eaten.
This is how 12 gnomes are called.
You take a comb, break off 12 teeth, and put them under your pillow. When midnight comes, the gnomes appear and begin to torment you. If you don’t utter a word (not a sound), then one of them will remain and fulfill your every desire.
When we were in the camp, then they summoned magical gnomes. We went to the toilet, where they plugged all the cracks so that it was dark. Pulled white thread, moistened with cologne, and waited. We were told that if the gnomes come, the thread will sparkle different colors like a rainbow. And ours sparkled and shimmered. And then you need to make wishes. They also told us that it’s better not to call anyone, otherwise something else will happen to you. So, when they called the gnomes, we were leaving the toilet, and one girl severely pinched her finger. I fell out of the chair, and the other two had a fight out of the blue. So they told us: “It’s because you called.”
A piece of candy is placed (hung) in a dark place (under the bed). It seems the gnome was supposed to eat it the next day.
In a dark place you hold a mirror and say: “Gnome, gnome, come out, Gnome, gnome, come out, Gnome, gnome, come out.” You are waiting for the gnome to appear. You need to trim off his hat and beard with scissors and see them in the morning. But this must be done quickly, otherwise the gnome may run away.
This is how the Peppermint Gnome is summoned.
You draw a circle. In it you draw all the letters of the alphabet, except b, b, y. You take a needle and thread, insert it into the center and say: “Peppermint gnome, appear, Peppermint gnome, appear, Peppermint gnome, appear!” The thread and needle moves and points to the letter. This letter is the beginning of any swear word.
They also called the Chewing Gnome. It was necessary in dark room or put candy in the bathroom, pick up scissors and a string and say 3 times: “Gum gnome, come.” When he arrives, cut off his finger with scissors. Chewing gum will fall out of it. When you have enough chewing gum, you need to tie your finger with a string so that the chewing gum no longer falls off. You need to thank the gnome, because he may be offended and not come again. Say: “Gum gnome, go away!” He will take the candy and leave.
This is how the Gum Gnome is summoned.
It happened during the day in a dark closet; only girls called. For this you needed a mirror, matches and toothpaste. A gnome was supposed to appear and had to have his head blown off. Then chewing gum of all sorts will fall out of the severed head.
To summon the ruminant king When you go to bed, you need to write on the pillow the name of the chewing gum that you would like to receive. Then you put a fork under your pillow and wait. He should arrive at 12 o'clock at night.
- Should we wait for him, or can we go to bed?
- No, you can't sleep. When he comes, you take a fork and rip open his stomach. Chewing gums fly out of it.
-What does a gnome look like?
- Small, with a big belly.
This is how the King of Sweets is summoned.
In a dark place, wipe the mirror with cologne so that it is cloudy. You put a candy wrapper on the mirror, and candy on the candy wrapper. You leave and leave everything for an hour. And then you come - there are marks on the mirror, but there is no candy.
I know, how to summon the Black Queen . You hang a white sheet and attach a black square in the middle.
- What is it made of?
- Made of fabric and paper.
You turn off the light and say: “Black Queen, come and make our wishes come true.” And so 3 times. While she approaches the black square, you need to make wishes. When she approaches him, you must say: “Black Queen, go away!”
- What if you don’t say so?
- Then she will approach the square and strangle you.
You can call the Queen of Spades. You need to sit alone in a dark room and look in the mirror. When you see her, you need to make a wish and quickly turn on the light. Otherwise, they say, she will come out of the mirror and strangle you.
They also call the Queen of Spades, but I don’t know how. I only know that she comes with a pig. She must be called at 12 o'clock at night. Some say she strangles, others say she cuts with a knife.
Alla took a mirror, I took a cobblestone, so that I could hit the mirror with it if the Queen of Spades appeared. They climbed into the darkness (basement) and said: “Queen of Spades, appear.”
This is how they call Cucumber.
You draw a house (unusual, not neat) on the asphalt with chalk so that everything can move out. Cucumber especially loves it when grass is drawn. When you draw, you need to turn away and stand with your back to the house, and say 20 times: “Cucumber, appear!” And another person can watch, if he is interested, how Cucumber erases or draws. When you turn around, some of the lines in the house may be erased. Or something drawn. You can call Cucumber at any time, but you can’t call him often, otherwise he will be offended.
This is how Russula is called.
You need to call in the toilet. You need to put something sweet on the toilet lid or in a dark place and say: “Russula, Russula, appear! Russula, Russula, appear! Russula, Russula, appear!” Then leave. You come back and there is no candy.
You put a mountain of sand without stones. You turn away and say 20 times: "Damn, show up!" Then you turn around, and there will be 4 paws of the devil imprinted there.
A devil is drawn on a piece of paper (if possible, a beautiful one). He will be in the middle of the circle. All the letters of the alphabet, as well as numbers up to nine, are drawn on the sides of the circle. In the circle, to the left of the devil, “yes” is written, and “no” to the left. Fortune telling should be carried out in a dimly lit room and with a limited number of people. For fortune telling, you also need a needle and a long black thread (needle on a thread). Then the needle is placed in the center of the circle (i.e., the devil’s navel). The needle should be slightly tilted and move (make circular movements). After everything is established, we proceed to fortune telling. First of all, you need to ask: “Damn, are you home?” We watch the needle. If she shows “yes”, then you can ask about everything. The needle will show letters from which the fortuneteller will form words.
The little devil must be praised, and told how beautiful he is, and asked very politely.
Before fortune telling, you also need to ask the imp if he will talk to you. If “no,” then it’s better not to try to guess.
You draw a circle on the ground with white chalk. You stand in it and say: “Devil, devil, where are you?” If he appears, then something is flying in the clouds.
For this you also needed a mirror, matches, and toothpaste. They smeared the mirror with the paste and said: “Devil, little devil, appear.”
As children, we often called someone. For example, you take two threads - black and red, of the same length, and tie them. Then you tie them to the legs of the bed or to different beds. Then something has to be said, I don’t remember, and devils have to run along the thread.
Take 4 spoons, place each one in a rectangular piece of paper and place it in a cross. You say: “Brownie, if you can hear us, unwrap your spoons!” The brownie turns one spoon. Then you ask him questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.” And you say: “Brownie, if “Yes,” then unwrap the spoon.” And after all, when you finish and start unwrapping the spoons, some of them will be unwrapped.
You need to take 6 pencils and fold them to form a rectangle. Take it by the corners with someone together (that is, each holds three pencils) and ask the brownie a question, for example: “Are you here?” If the pencils meet and you get an X shape, that means yes. If the pencils all turn in one direction in your hands, this means “I don’t know.” If the pencils move in different directions, then “no”. After that, you can ask him any questions.
In the evening, when it gets dark, put a candle, light it and say 3 times: "Brownie!" If he appears, he moves something 5 times. If the candle flame flickers, it means that the brownie is angry. You have to put it out, otherwise the brownie might strangle you.
To call the evil brownie, you need a glass with a very small amount of water in it. To call a good brownie, you need a glass of water with bread.
You choose a darker place, put a glass there, and leave. You return, and the water has decreased or evaporated.
This is how the spirit is summoned.
The person to whom this is done must have a deceased family member.
The man first stands with eyes closed and relaxes. Then you take it in your hands and cross them three times. Then three times in front of the person’s face you make a kind of spraying movement. After that, you ask him, placing your hand to his lips, palm up. You ask: “Who died in your house?” - "Yes". - “Blow three times.” The man is blowing. (All this time he stands with his eyes closed)
Then you tie your hands like a rope: each hand at the wrist.
And you pretend that you are pulling these ropes. And hands go up. The feeling is inexplicable. It really is as if someone is raising them to you.
After this, you must definitely untie the ropes on your hands.
You can tie a rope around your neck. The man stands with his back to you, with his eyes closed, relaxed. You make a movement, as if you put a rope around your neck and tie it in a knot at the back, and pull. The man slowly begins to fall backward. After this, you must definitely untie the rope, otherwise it may strangle you.
During the session you cannot laugh, you cannot show your teeth. If you laugh, throw your head back.
You need to tie a belt around the ends of the book. You insert the scissors, spread apart, under your belt, with the sharp ends down. You insert your fingers into the holes of the scissors.
Turn off the lights (everything needs to be done in the evening). You light a candle. We must try to keep the book hanging evenly and not swaying.
The person holding the book asks the questions. Says (for example): “I call upon the spirit of my grandmother (name, surname).” You ask: “Spirit, are you here?” If the book sways, then the spirit is present.
If not, then call another spirit. But if this is the spirit you need, then you can try again.
Questions should be asked so that they can be answered “yes” or “no”.
A sign of the answer is “yes” - the book sways, “no” - the book does not move.
It is imperative to ask whether the spirit is tired or not.
At the end, you must say goodbye to the spirit. Otherwise he might be offended and won’t come again.
A mirror is placed in a dark room, a glass is placed in front of the mirror, and a comb is placed on the glass. The room should be completely dark and silent. Everyone joins hands and says: “Mermaid, mermaid, appear, comb your long hair". This is repeated three times. After this, the mirror should mermaid hair will appear or someone's hair.
To summon Cinderella I needed a mirror, beads and a comb. All this had to be put in a dark place. I don’t remember further. It seems that she should have been called and gone, Cinderella should have come and combed her hair. It looked like there was going to be some hair on the comb.
The two of us lit the basement. Both Alla and I had pocket knives with us. They took sugar. They rubbed their hands. They climbed into the darkest corner, stretched out their hands into it and said without pause: “Cinderella beauty, appear, Cinderella beauty, appear...”.
I saw something white. Alla said that she and her friend managed to summon Cinderella.
You stand sideways to the mirror and say: "Magic carriage, appear!" And she must sweep by.
You take a white thread and place it in front of you. You fold your hands in front of your mouth (as they shout “ay”) and say: "White carriage, appear" . (3 times). The thread should move.
You can also call the Black Carriage, you just need to take a black thread.
Several people climbed into the village toilet and, bending over the hole, uttered some phrase or sang. From the hole the snot should have flown out and get into the mouth of the one who speaks the loudest. There was an agreement not to speak quietly on purpose.

Queen of Spades.
This is a “celebrity” among teenagers, everyone knows her.
Probably everyone called it, or at least tried it.
There are many legends about her.
Well, here are a few ways for you.

1. To summon the Queen of Spades, we will need: red lipstick, a mirror, the Queen of Spades card. On the mirror we draw a house with a door, a dot on the door and a ladder. At night, turn off all the lights in the house, you can light a candle. Take the mirror in your hands and say three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” And you start waiting. If you see a figure on the mirror, hear a knock or some other suspicious sound, then you know - she has come! You need to quickly erase the steps and tear the card, otherwise it will come out of the mirror and kill you!

2. Stretch a white sheet on the wall. Attach a black square of paper or fabric to it. Turn off the lights and start calling the Queen of Spades. Say three times: “Queen of Spades, come and fulfill our wishes!” The lady should appear inside the square and walk towards you. While she is walking, you need to tell her your desire. When she gets close to the square, you need to say: “Queen of Spades, go away!” If you don't have time to do this, she will strangle you.

In addition to the Queen of Spades, there is alsoBloody Mary.

But few people know about her.

Bloody Mary can kill, scratch out your eyes, drive you crazy, and drag you into the mirror.

Personally, I didn’t call it, but here’s a way.

Here's what to do

Wait until night.

Go into a room with a mirror.

Close the door, light the candle.

Look straight into the mirror and say three times: “Bloody Mary, come to me!” When you say these words for the third time, you will see Mary over your left shoulder. Remember, when you notice it, it's too late to do anything.

If you did what you were supposed to do, but Bloody Mary didn’t come, don’t rush to make a complaint: perhaps she’ll come see you later. In fact, think how many people are standing at the mirror at this very time and trying to call Mary! There are many of you, but she is alone. But keep in mind, Bloody Mary has you on her list. Wait...

But we all know that besides evil spirits, there are those who fulfill wishes.

Eg, Sweet tooth.

It can be used for sweets.

You need to call him after midnight.

1. Take a few candies and hang them on a string in the bathroom, preferably on the sink tap. Don't forget to take a flashlight with you. Turn off the lights and whisper, “Sweet tooth, come to me” several times. After a while you will hear the rustling of the foil from the candies. Don't move or make noise, as this could scare away your sweet tooth.

If you suddenly feel that a sweet tooth has touched you, immediately turn on the flashlight, because the sweet tooth can smell sweets on you and accidentally bite you. When you turn on the flashlight, the sweet tooth will dissolve and instead leave behind twice as many sweets as there were at the beginning. Don’t forget to say “thank you” to your sweet tooth before eating sweets.

2. Draw a house on the floor (preferably with gouache), and put a piece of candy in the middle of this drawing. Turn off the light. Call your sweet tooth, say these words: “Sweet tooth, come to me.” After a while you will hear the rustling of a candy wrapper. After you hear the rustling, say the following words: “Sweet tooth, go to the house” - and he will leave, leaving sweet treats in his place.

If someone wants to replenish their stock of obscene words, you can callDwarf-Swearer..

Your lexicon will be replenished ten times.

We go into a dark place, take a rope and scissors in our hands, and say: “Mother Gnome, come” - 3 times.

And voila, enjoy.

Mermaid - this is a completely separate topic.

I must warn you, if you summon a mermaid in a pond, she will force you to comb her hair until wounds appear on your hands, and then she will kill you.

Step 6: Continue repeating the words: "Daruma-san fell. Daruma-san fell" until you finish washing your hair. All this time your eyes should be closed. You may hear or feel slight movement in the bathroom behind you. Keep your eyes closed. Don't try to see what's there. You just summoned a ghost. The ghost of a woman will rise behind you. You will feel her presence and how she drills you with her gaze. Her head will be behind your right shoulder. She has long black tangled hair. Her clothes are dirty and torn. She only has one eye. Her left eye is wide open and bleeding. Her right eye is missing, there is only an empty socket, red with blood.

Step 7: When you feel the ghost's presence, say out loud, "Why did you fall in the bathtub?"

Step 8: Keep your eyes closed, stand up and step out of the bath. Be careful not to fall. Leave the bathroom and close the door behind you. Now you can open your eyes. Leave the water in the bathroom overnight, do not flush it. Go to sleep.

The next morning when you wake up, the game will begin. The ghost of a one-eyed woman will haunt you. Every time you turn around to look at it, it will disappear. Throughout the day, when you look over your right shoulder, you will catch a glimpse of her. She will get closer and closer, don't let her catch you.

If you look over your shoulder and see that the ghost is getting too close to you, you must shout: “Tomare!”, which means “Stop!”, and run as fast as you can. This will allow you to temporarily increase the distance between you and the one-eyed woman.

How to call the devil

As they say, the “devil” can give answers to any questions, if of course he is in a good mood.

So, we will need: one needle, a thread about twenty centimeters long, a piece of paper and, oddly enough, the ability to write and count.

We draw a “devil”, but even here there are rules, he must have: a tail, horns, eyes, a body, arms and a navel. Then at the top of the piece of paper we write the alphabet, all the letters! And at the bottom of the sheet we write numbers, this is done so that you receive an answer in numbers, if, of course, you ask such a question (how long do I have to live, how much money can I steal, and so on). After that, take a thread and a needle, thread it and fix the needle at the “devil’s” navel (keep the thread at a height). That's all.

Now comes the fun part.

If he is really with you, the needle will begin to swing and point to the letters D and A.

After which it is necessary to greet the guest: “Hello”, he must respond in kind.

That's all. Ask questions.

Do not make him angry under any circumstances and do not forget to say goodbye to him, otherwise he will take you with him to the other world.

To establish contact with the souls of the dead, people traditionally resort to spiritualistic séances. Spiritualism is the phenomenon of spirits from the astral world. Spiritualistic seances are conducted by a group of people who, holding hands, form a magic circle, thereby concentrating energy in it and transferring it to the disposal of the spirit. The spirit uses it for materialization or for making various knocks and movements. If you decide to try to summon a spirit yourself, then for starters we offer you the most simple ways, less dangerous for the uninitiated.

But first, pay attention to several rules that must be followed during a seance.

It is very important!
You need to call spirits no earlier than 12 o'clock at night and no later than 4 o'clock in the morning - this is the time of greatest activity of spirits.
Before the start of the session, you need to open the window or open the door slightly - through them the spirit will enter the room.
The session should not take place under electric light, so you need to prepare candles in advance. They will illuminate your actions. It's good if the house has a fireplace.
There should be no metal objects on the body.
It is strictly forbidden to engage in spiritualistic seances for more than one hour a day, to summon more than three spirits in one session, to drink alcohol before the session and to eat a lot, especially fatty and spicy foods.

Let's now talk about ways to summon spirits.

Summoning a Spirit with Scissors

This is the simplest of known methods communicate with the spirit. Only two people can take part in it. To conduct this session you will need: a book, red ribbon and scissors. Take any book, preferably spiritual, and place scissors between the pages, leaving the rings outside. Tie the book tightly with ribbon. Now you can begin.

You need to grab the rings of the scissors with your little fingers, concentrate and call: “Spirit, come!” After a while, you will see the book moving left or right. This means that the spirit has come. Ask him questions. If the book turns to the right, then this is a positive answer, if to the left, then it is negative.

Summoning a Spirit with a Saucer

This is a more complex ritual. To conduct a session, you will need to make a circle out of paper with which the spirit can talk to you. To do this, take a sheet of Whatman paper, draw a circle on it and around the perimeter of this circle write all the letters of the alphabet, all the numbers from 0 to 9. Draw a vertical line in the center of the sheet and write “yes” on top and “no” on the bottom.

In addition to the magic circle, you will also need a saucer. The saucer should be small and light, made of porcelain or earthenware. It should not have any roughness or chips, otherwise its movement on the paper will be difficult.

How should the session itself be conducted?

So, you're ready. Place the magic circle on the table, light the candles, heat a saucer over one of them and place it in the center of the circle. All participants in the session should touch the saucer with their fingertips and repeat: “Spirit of so-and-so, come!”

Soon you will feel that the saucer begins to slowly move. It was the spirit that came. Ask him if he intends to talk today, if he will answer all questions, if he is in a good mood. The saucer will begin to move to "yes" or "no". If you receive an affirmative answer, then you can ask further.

To begin with, it is better to ask questions that require a clear answer. This will help you get used to the saucer's movements. At first, for a few minutes you may end up with meaningless combinations of letters, but then the movements will slow down and become smooth.

When communicating with spirits, you should be as delicate and tactful as possible. Spirits do not like to be asked about death and its causes, about where they are now and how they live there. The spirit may be offended by you and leave; it may become so angry that you will not be able to keep up with the saucer. In this case, ask the spirit for forgiveness and assure it that you will not ask such questions again.

During communication, do not forget to ask if the spirit is tired and if he wants to continue the conversation.

The topic of conversation and the manner of answering questions depends on the composition of the participants. If, for example, a young woman has gathered for a session, funny company, then the conversation will be easy and relaxed. Some spirits generally like to joke, laugh at the participants in the session; they give funny answers to all questions. In this case, you have no choice but to accept his rules of the game.

After the conversation is over, thank the spirit for communicating, say goodbye to it, turn the saucer over and hit the table with it three times, so you release the spirit.

What to do if the spirit does not come to your call? The main thing is not to get upset or lose patience - try again. Check to see if you have pressed too hard on the saucer; you should only touch it, not press it.

It may also be that one of the participants in the session frightens the spirit or the spirit feels uneasy in her presence. Try to identify this person, perhaps if he leaves the circle, things will go smoothly. In general, choosing a company for a session is a difficult matter. At least one person must have a strong biofield. People should be compatible in their perception of spirits and treat them equally seriously.

There is no need to resort to a seance for ignoble purposes. Your thoughts must be pure and then a good spirit will respond to your call.

As children, each of us managed to listen to fascinating stories about how to summon spirits. Stories about kind and wish-fulfilling spirits have always seemed especially exciting. And, having matured, we have a desire to realize our childhood idea and “try” our luck in this matter. And in today’s article we will describe in detail the process itself, how to summon a spirit at home, and what is needed for this.

In reality, meetings with the souls of buried people do not always end in pleasant moments, and in order to prevent unfavorable situations, it is important to know how to properly organize a spiritualistic session.

It is worth considering that all spirits are different and each of them, like living people, has its own character and disposition. Therefore, no one can guarantee that you will be able to summon an absolutely good spirit (after all, few people want to “tell fortunes” for an evil one). It is important to understand and realize what specific goal you are pursuing, and which of the dead you would like to “awaken” in a spiritualistic session. Moreover, there are certain precautions.

So, for example, it is undesirable to evoke the spirit of Pushkin, Gogol and other famous personalities. This is explained by the fact that such otherworldly substances often communicate, introducing themselves by a different name in order to receive your energy. As a rule, sessions of this kind end in complete exhaustion. To avoid this, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the basics of spiritualism. This way you will learn how to call a kind guest from another world who will answer your question.

Conducting a session to call the spirit wizard

Most common queries “How to summon a wish-granting spirit?”. And this is completely understandable, because since childhood, many have been worried about the easy implementation of their plans. Read on to learn how to do this at home.

There is a rather “old” way to call a gnome who would help you get something without spending effort and money. First, you need to take candy. The number of sweets should be equal to the number of wishes. To lure the gnome, you need to tie candies between two chairs. Then take all white objects and things out of the room, and when you return, turn off the lights. With your back to the sweets, you need to call the gnome who grants wishes. If he comes, you can hear the rustle of unwrapping wrappers. The light can be turned on after the noise subsides. If the gnome eats candy, his wishes will come true.

If the sweets remain untouched, dreams will not come true.

There is another way to summon a spirit that fulfills wishes. To do this, you will need to create absolute silence in the room, gain courage, and prepare in advance:

  • candle;
  • a needle;
  • a thread;
  • ring.

Before summoning the spirit of fulfilling a wish, you need to close the curtains and light a candle. Then you need to sit down at the table and make a pendulum by threading a needle and hanging a ring on it. Taking the pendulum in your hand, you need to direct all your thoughts and the flow of internal energy with wishes to it. After this, you need to establish a connection with the spiritual image of the deceased. Ask him to swing the pendulum as a sign of agreement to communicate.

If the ring begins to swing back and forth, the spirit is ready to talk. Then you can ask your interlocutor questions that interest you.

The main thing is to formulate them in such a way that the answer sounds like “no” or “yes”.

This is how you can easily summon a spirit at home to fulfill your plans. It is important to understand that the inhabitants of the other world may not contribute to communication. And if you really need to call a guest from another world, first read initial course spiritualism.

How to summon the spirit of love affairs?

Summoning spirits at home is quite a responsible task. However, under the influence of emotions, we are not always aware of what we are doing. For example, many want to know how to summon the spirit of love in order to receive answers to questions of the heart.

Before calling a guest from the other world for such purposes, you need to know where it is best to conduct a session. So, for example, in the old days girls went to the bathhouse. Previously, this room was considered the most suitable for summoning spirits due to the absence daylight, icons and any static “interference”. Currently, sessions are held in the kitchen and living room. It is advisable to even choose a pantry if it is spacious.

This is explained by the fact that such spirits, like the spirit of Pushkin, Gogol, and others strong people, can “suck” your energy, remaining in the room even after the session is over.

Having chosen a suitable room, you should draw the curtains tightly and turn off all household items that make unnecessary noise. At the same time, remember that the procedure must be carried out completely alone and in a good mood. You also first need to purchase a “Talking Board”, with the help of which you will communicate with a guest from the other world. If this is not possible, you can make one like this yourself at home. To do this, take whatman paper and draw a circle on it with a dot in the center. Next, the alphabet and numbers are applied along the contour. Also leave space for the words “Yes”, “No”.

Before summoning the spirit of love, take a needle and thread, a candle and a photo of the loved one you plan to find out about. Also place a bowl of water on the table near the laid out Whatman paper.

When starting a spiritualistic session, you need to free yourself from unnecessary thoughts, take a thread and, placing a needle in the center of the circle, call on the spirit of love. At the same time, it is important to believe that the guest will respond and come. A light blow of wind in the room can indicate the arrival of an otherworldly interlocutor. However, this may not happen, so it is better to ask if the spirit has arrived and is ready to speak. As a sign of confirmation, the needle should tilt towards the word “Yes”. After this, you can continue the session, asking heartfelt questions that interest you, looking at the photo of your loved one.

At the end of the ritual, when you have received all the answers, put out the candle and be sure to ask the spirit to leave. After this, open the curtains and ventilate the room.


It is important to remember, when calling guests from the other world at home, you need to believe in your plans and ask only about what really worries you. Also, before summoning the spirit of love or a wish fulfilling, you need to clarify what the name of the good otherworldly inhabitant is, so that the meeting with him does not turn unpleasant consequences. Also remember that it is dangerous to evoke the spirit of long-dead great personalities (Pushkin, Gogol and others).

Summoning mystical beings into the realm of the physical world is a rather complex and dangerous magical process. However, it is necessary for the quick realization of your deepest desires.

Since childhood, we have been familiar with scary tales and stories about summoning spirits, trolls, the Queen of Spades and other otherworldly entities. And, according to psychics, all these are not children’s imaginations at all, but very real things. In the life of every magician, sooner or later there comes a moment when a being of the astral plane awakens in the realm of the physical world. Almost always, the helping spirit turns into a patron of personal happiness, whom you begin to trust more than yourself. Experts agree that calling a mystical protector to help oneself is within the power of every person. The main thing is to know the basic rules of the ritual.

Magical assistants of the astral world

According to medieval Western beliefs, a helping spirit is usually called a familiar. These are entities of the astral type, mythical creatures, which comes into contact with sorcerers, witches and other people who practice magic. They can begin to serve you either of their own free will or under duress. Experts on the site can identify three main categories of astral helpers that a person can call to himself:

1. Free familiar. These are spirits who want to help you out of their own free will. They often inhabit domestic animals: birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, arachnids, horses, amphibians, and so on. Their energy does not in any way affect the condition of animals and humans. Since the will of such helping spirits is free, they can leave the world after completing their work.

2. Fake familiar. It differs from the free one in that a person forcibly calls him to himself. It is very dangerous. The spirit you have summoned may have greater power than you. There is a risk that he may completely subjugate you to his will.

3. Mirror familiar. Such assistants are created by a person independently. The capabilities of this spirit are directly proportional to the capabilities of the calling person. The astral essence mirrors the powers, abilities and energy of its owner. Typically, such spirits are created to fulfill a specific purpose in a short period of time.

Summoned voluntary spirit helpers help and protect a person. They may even become patrons and protectors, designating you as their master. However, using the services of an astral assistant has its price and must be paid. Therefore, you need to know in advance what the spirit will require of you and whether you can pay it off. Otherwise, you risk angering him, which can lead to terrible events.

How to properly summon a helping spirit

Summoning an astral entity into the world of the living is a complex and energy-consuming process that must be taken seriously. It is forbidden to summon a spirit for the sake of entertainment or curiosity, just as one must not neglect the basic rules of the ritual.

You can voice the price for the work of a helping spirit yourself. To do this, you must immediately determine what exactly you want to ask him and how you will pay for it. Astral helpers feed on the energy of light, love and abundance, so any object with strong energy can act as payment for their help. How strongly a thing is charged, the faster and more effective your desire will come true.

They resort to the help of the astral entity in hopeless situations, when there are no longer available opportunities to fulfill their desire. Short-sighted esotericists make a terrible mistake by turning to familiars for insignificant requests. Such human behavior can anger the spirit. What will cause rejection and attract destructive currents into your life, leading to misfortune.

Preparing for the magical summoning ritual

The first thing to do is to consecrate the room in which you plan to perform the ritual. Holy water will cleanse the house of the accumulation of negativity. Then get started on yourself. Meditation will help you mentally tune in, with the help of which you will be able to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on fulfilling your dreams.

Think about your dream as much as possible, imagining how it has already come true. Many esotericists who performed a similar ritual advise abstaining from junk food, alcohol and tobacco for several days before magical actions.

It is necessary to call upon a helping spirit in splendid isolation. At the time of the ritual, nothing should distract you. You must completely surrender to the process without reacting to external stimuli. You can call an astral assistant at home, in absolutely any room.

Ritual for the fulfillment of innermost desires

White things should be removed from the room in which you will perform the ritual. You should wear gray or black clothes. You will need two chairs with backs, which you will place in the center of the room, with their backs facing each other. Stretch a red rope between them. The most important thing is that the thread does not sag. Place candies (sweets) on a string, each of which will correspond to your dreams. Avoid fanaticism; for starters, it’s best to highlight the 10 most basic desires. Turn off the lights and draw the curtains on the windows. Having plunged the room into darkness, light three candles and say five times:

“Spirit, of the astral world, visit the physical world, hear me. I appeal to your help and your presence."

After reading, stand with your back to the chairs, do not look back until you feel the appearance of a spirit. His presence will be revealed by the rustling of candy wrappers. When the rustling stops, you can turn around. If the candies have moved, then the astral entity agrees to your conditions. If not, then perform a similar ceremony three days later, offering something serious instead of sweets, for example, a personal item that you often use.

Often, astral entities have no place in our world and they should not wander unattended. If you decide to call upon a helping spirit, then be courageous and answer for it. Remember that spirits do not know sensory variations, and working with them is far from a prank. You will pay for mistakes and the price for them is too high. We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

And so on.). But good spirits are unfairly ignored by lovers of magic and spiritualistic seances.

Let's try to correct the current situation and prove that summoning a good spirit is no less interesting, exciting and educational.

In general, good spirits are very friendly and would be happy to respond to any challenge. But no one is calling. Good spirits can contact us both in the waking state, and while in a spiritualistic trance, and during sleep.

A conversation with them can be called a dialogue: a person asks questions of interest, and the spirit answers them. Especially good spirits love when they are asked about the future, giving answers to this in a prophetic form.

Here, by the way, it is important to understand the difference between the concepts of prediction and prophecy. The first is a “fortune teller” like “either it will rain or snow, it will happen or it won’t.” The second is what is really prescribed by karma and will certainly, inevitably happen to you or to the person about whom you asked questions.

What does it take to summon a good spirit?

Before summoning a good spirit, all participants in the ritual need to prepare. First, choose which spirit you will summon, that is, which of the four elements it will relate to. Depending on this, now water, earth magic, air magic or fire magic. As a rule, all good spirits belong to one of the known elements.

After the ritual participants are ready, choose a day to summon the good spirit.

Most lucky days– all days of the week except Friday and Sunday.

Any time for calling is also suitable, but it is advisable to act before midnight, so that together with good spirit no one has penetrated from the subtle world into reality evil spirit(by the way, incubi and succubi really like to do this).

Making a call

Place sticks of incense in the corners of the room chosen for the ritual and set them on fire. In addition, it is good to call good spirits outdoors (in a forest, in a clearing, in a cave, in a garden, on the bank of a river or lake, etc.). In the center of the room we set up a kind of altar - on a certain elevation it is necessary to install an attribute inherent in a particular element (light a candle, place a vessel with water, pour in a handful of earth).

It is advisable that all participants wear white or at least light-colored clothes. Black and bright colors should be avoided. Ideally, outfits made of linen or cotton are suitable, which can be complemented with painted pantacles.

Draw a geometric figure on a piece of paper, the number of angles in which should coincide with the number of participants (for four people it is a square, for three it is a triangle, etc.). If you are going to perform the summoning ritual alone, draw a circle with a dot in the center.

Sit in front of the altar, creating a semicircle and place a sheet of paper with a figure in front of you. Each participant must attach forefinger right hand to each of the corners of the geometric figure, or to the center of the circle. Then everyone closes their eyes and the leader (he is chosen according to the same principle as with) begins to call on the good spirit to come.

As a rule, spirits come almost immediately, and their arrival will be indicated by symbolic sounds that you hear (the sound of the wind, the splashing of water, the crackling of a fire, etc.). Once you realize that the good spirit has arrived, you can open your eyes. You will not see the spirit itself, since seeing entities from the subtle world is rarely given to anyone, especially without special and very lengthy preparation. But you will definitely feel its presence in the room.

Now you can ask the spirit your questions about the future, to which you will receive prophecy answers. You shouldn’t ask questions that are too complex for the first time - you still don’t have enough practice in communicating with spirits, so you may misinterpret the spirit’s answers, or even not understand how they can be interpreted.

Therefore, ask in such a way that the spirit can answer in monosyllables - “yes”, “no”, “soon”, “never”, etc. The spirit will convey the answers to you with the help of a leader, to whom they will be dictated into the subconscious and which he will immediately write out in pencil on a piece of paper. After communicating with a good spirit, be sure to thank him for his visit and finish the ritual.
