Material for preparation for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in the Russian language on the topic: Grammar standards: theory, practice. Verb

1. Verbs ending in -xia, cannot be used in speech if the text does not clearly distinguish two meanings: a) passive, indicating that someone is experiencing someone else’s influence; b) reflexive, indicating that someone directs the action towards himself. The coincidence of these meanings in speech sometimes creates ambiguity of meaning: I did my laundry yesterday- Did you wash yourself? The guys were throwing cones– did you throw them at yourself? In these cases, it is necessary to replace the form with –xia another verb.

Such editing is not needed only in scientific texts in which it is necessary to emphasize the significance of the action or process itself, and not its producer, and also if it is necessary to pay attention to the object of the action, and not to the subject: The book explores..., the facts are... etc.

2. The literary language does not use 1st person singular forms. h. present or future tense from verbs win, convince, find yourself, wonder, hang etc. Instead of these combinations, it is better to use a descriptive phrase ( I will win).

3. In Russian, when forming imperfective verbs ( what to do?) using suffixes -yva- , -willow- from perfective verbs ( what to do?) there is an alternation of root vowels O / A.

For example: touch - touch, master - master, challenge - challenge, assimilate - assimilate, double - double, honor - honor and etc.

Today, in imperfective verbs, the norm recognizes the priority root A.

List of exceptions: disgrace, condition(and additional condition), summarize, legitimize, denigrate, time, empower, preoccupy, disturb, vulgarize, enlarge, scatter, wrinkle, anesthetize, accelerate, delay, concentrate(and additional . concentrate).

4. Forms are recommended rinses, splashes, waves, sways, cackles, purrs, meows, sprinkles, nibbles(but not: rinses, splashes, waves, sways, clicks, clucks, purrs, meows, pours, pinches– colloquial and colloquial forms).

5. The following forms of the imperative mood are considered literary: stick out, put out, straighten, pour out, clean, don't spoil, don't writhe, notify, cork, feast on, uncork, look, come out, don't steal, put down.

6. It is necessary to correctly form the active present participle (suffixes –ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -box-) to prevent words like looking for. To prevent errors, it is necessary to consistently show the formation of the participle: look for - they are looking for - looking for(verb ending –ut replaced by the participle suffix – ushch).

7. The forms of participles in -šiy from perfective verbs with the meaning of the future tense, which they normally do not have, are incorrect (incorrect: to do - doing, to think - thinking etc.). The forms of participles with the particle are also erroneous would, since verbs in the conditional mood do not form participles (incorrect: communication that would depend on the situation).

8. Form verbs with suffixes correctly -Well- the following participles:

    keep the suffix -Well- in participles formed from verbs without prefixes ( wet, blind);

    eliminate the suffix in participles formed from verbs with prefixes ( wet, stuck, blind).

9. Observe the temporal correlation of verbs and participles with other parts of the sentence (Wrong: An experienced psychiatrist provides consultations, conducts treatment at home or comes to the patient on call. Right: An experienced psychiatrist provides consultations, conducts treatment at home or comes to the patient on call.).

1. The following verbs do not have the form of 1 person unit. numbers(insufficient verbs): hang, dare, blow, overshadow, convince, convince, win, weird, fawn, appear, buzz, tease. You can express 1st person descriptively using other words: will win b - I will win, I will overcome, I will cope, I will overcome, I will be able to win, I will try to win, victory will be mine and so on.

Verbs kill, murmur have in the 1st person singular. numbers form I will kill, I will murmur.

Verbs recover, get sick of, get sick of form personal forms in -ЭУ, -ЭЭШ, -ЭУТ (according to the 1st conjugation): I will get well, you will get well, they will get well...; I'll get sick of you, you'll get sick of me, they'll get sick of you and under.

Forms of these verbs I'll get well, I'll get well, I'll get well use is not recommended.

2. Verbs ending in -ch (save, burn, lie down, bake, cut, cut, flow etc.) have alternation of consonants in the root(identify the pattern in the alternation of consonants):

bake(k/h) cut(g/f)

units plural number number of units plural number number

1. I bake 1 we bake 1 I cut 1 we cut

2 you bake 2 you bake 2 you cut 2 you cut

3 he bakes 3 they bake 3 he shears 3 they shear

Verb want has the following forms with alternating consonants:

units plural number number

1 I want 1 we want

2 do you want 2 do you want

3. he wants 3 they want

Verb to pay has alternating consonants h/t and does not have alternating vowels, i.e. it is pronounced and written with the vowel a at the root (conjugate in the present tense).

3. It is necessary to remember the correct forms and combinability of the following verbs:


hang(linen, curtains, criminal) to weight

hang out, hang out(linen, curtains, advertisement) hang out

hang(linen, curtains, advertisement, criminal) hanged

hang up, hang up, hang up(pictures in different places)

4. Forms need to be memorized imperative mood:

run- run, run don't touch - don't touch, don't touch

weigh - weigh, weigh cork - cork, cork

meet - meet, meet uncork - uncork, uncork

get out- come out, come out and enjoy yourself- feast on, feast on

drive- go, go lie down, lie down, lie down

get off- get off, get off, put - put, put

get off- get off, get off, put it down, put it down, put it down

5. Returnable particle -СЯ denotes an action directed at oneself, cf.: wash (wash yourself), comb your hair (comb your hair) and under. Therefore, the use of the particle -СЯ in following cases: wash, clean, play(colloquial forms). Right: wash (linen), clean (in the apartment), play (with dolls).

The particle -СЯ can also express the passive voice, so sometimes ambiguity arises when using verbs with -СЯ: Students are being sent to the factory for internship(it is unclear whether they are being referred or are being referred). Right: Students are sent to the plant for internship.

6. Mixing forms of time and type verbs leads to a grammatical error: After graduating from school Frolov arrives (present, time, non-present) to a vocational lyceum, where a short time I bought (past tense, owl view) turner qualification. Right: After graduating from school, Frolov entered a vocational lyceum, where in a short time he acquired the qualifications of a turner.

EXERCISE 25. Express descriptively the form of the 1st person singular. numbers of the following verbs: hang, hold(in present time); vacuum, convince, find yourself(during weekdays).

EXERCISE 26. Conjugate verbs in the present tense burn, whip, cut, ride, wave, hang; in the future tense - verbs pay, get carried away, hang. For information, please refer to the Dictionary of Russian Language Difficulties.

EXERCISE 27. Correct mistakes (orally).1. Run faster! 2. Lie straight! 3. Where did you go? Let's get crazy! 4. Drive slower! 5. Put it back! 6. Don’t touch what’s not yours! 7. Sunflower seeds are crushed, kneaded and washed cold water from impurities. 8. If this continues, I will find myself in a difficult situation. 9. We must help young people grow and demonstrate their abilities. 10. After chemical treatment, the part is thrown into the bath. 11. Go alone, I’ll come later. 12. When will I convince you? 13. For some reason she didn’t want to formalize their relationship. 14. I’ve been driving around the city for an hour now. 15. My abstract looked cumbersome, and so I was forced to shorten it. 16. What motivates these political forces? 17. The baby involuntarily moves his arms and legs. 18. Hold me tight. 19. Go to the Volga! 20. Look at this beauty! 21. After college, graduates are sent to the Military Academy. M.V. Frunze.

Features of the formation of personal forms

Some verbs (they are called insufficient) do not form the form of the 1st person singular. h. The following reasons for the absence of this personal form can be identified:

1. The formed form is dissonant or difficult to pronounce: to win, to convince, to find oneself, to feel and etc.;

2. The formed form phonetically coincides with forms formed from other verbs: I wake you up(from make a fuss) And I wake you up(from wake up), I'm holding(from dare) And I'm holding(from hold).

If it is necessary to use these verbs in the specified form, descriptive constructions, synonyms and correlative verbs of another type are used: I will win, I can win; I want to convince.


133. * Form the 1st person singular present tense from the verbs below.

To irritate, furrow, pile up, thrust, stare, force, howl, annoy, ride, nonsense, barricade, clutter up, riddled, mottled, speckled, incense, brand, trick, climb, fawn, thresh, insolent, enjoy, spoil, deforest, depopulate, immortalize, condemn, sanctify, beat down, formalize, feel, convince, win, gild, stop, nail, force, mischief, shed a tear, vacuum, go crazy, shine, be a coward, push, weigh down, make sure, provide, manage, kill, to placate, to establish, to force, to strain, to honor, to wonder, to huddle.

Features of conjugation of some verbs

1. Verbs recover, get sick of, get sick of form personal forms with the addition e before the personal ending, they are conjugated as verbs of the 1st conjugation. Personal forms formed according to the type of verbs of the 2nd conjugation are colloquial: I'll get well, you'll get well.

2. Verbs sprinkle, ruffle, pinch form personal forms with the addition of a consonant l Options without l (pour, pour) are colloquial.

3. Some abundant verbs form two forms of the present tense: sway, cluck, gargle etc. Usually the alternating option is considered normative: sways, cackles, rinses... Forms are colloquial sways, clucks, rinses, measures, torments and etc.

Along with the stylistic one, there is also a semantic distinction between parallel forms. Verb splash meaning “to sprinkle” has personal forms splashing, splashing (with water); in the meaning of “scatter drops, sprinkle splashes” has personal forms splashing, splashing (fountain).

134. Write down the variant forms of the present tense next to the verbs below, determine the nature of these forms (bookish, neutral, colloquial, colloquial) or indicate the difference in lexical meaning.

Sample: puff - puff(neutral, meaning “burns hot, glows”: glowing with heat),puffs(colloquial, meaning “puffs, releases streams of air”: puffs on a cigarette).

Hunger, shine, sparkle, splash, gnaw, move, crave, drip, rivet, click, hesitate, sway, cackle, climb, climb, wave, measure, rush, purr, suffer, dangle, meow, splash, scour, crumble, snort, whip, whine, pinch.

Features of the formation of imperative forms from some verbs

Forms of the imperative mood are formed using the suffix -And or without suffix; in the plural the ending is added -those : say(s), read(s).


135.* Write the verbs below in the imperative form. Distinguish between standard literary, colloquial and colloquial options. Mark the verbs that do not have an imperative form.

Sample: spoil - spoil, spoil(colloquial). See - The verb does not have an imperative form.

Run, run, throw away, iron, look out, get out, get out, climb out, lay out, rot, milk, ride, drive, thirst, finish, clog, spoil, put, glue, beg, writhe, cut, lie, climb, fly, fly, lie down, smear, wrinkle, can, nurse, provide, pay, water, put, plant, clear, plant, hear, make up, gawk, touch, notify, whip, want, honor.

Education species pairs

1. When forming imperfective verbs with a suffix -iva(-iva) with root vowel -O- in one group of verbs there is alternation and exchange -O- on -A- (designed O thief - worked out A insist, insist O yat - present A ive), in the other group the alternation does not occur, the root vowel is retained -O- (resp. O read - defer O call, delay O rit - opoz O rip) or fluctuations are observed depending on the conditions of use (conditional O vit - conditioned O pour in, condition A pour; concentrate O chit - concentrate O concentrate, concentrate A read). Some verbs that accept both forms differ stylistically: forms with - O- (focus, empower) are book forms with - A- (focus, empower)- conversational.

It is necessary to pay attention to the formation of the following species pairs:

2. Verb read used to be characterized as bookish compared to verb read. Nowadays, on the contrary, dictionaries mark the form read as a conversational one.

3. Verb torment found in literary language along with the verb torment. In modern Russian the verb torment used mainly in colloquial speech, with a vernacular touch.

4. Parallel forms of the masculine past tense of verbs with a suffix -Well- : lethargic - withered, linden - stuck, blind - went blind, rejected - rejected, perished - perished, resorted - resorted, terminated - terminated, refuted - refuted, fluff - fluffed equal rights. Forms dried out, froze, got wet, went out, chilled have a colloquial stylistic connotation in the presence of normative dry, frozen, wet, extinguished, chilly.

136. Fill in the missing letters into the verb forms. Justify your answer.

1. You have no right to authorize anyone to do such actions! 2. All efforts must be concentrated on performing exactly these tasks. 3. It would be unfair to suspect our employees of negligence. 4. Often it was the boys who were caught in all sorts of pranks. 5. The development of science determines technical progress. 6. Pavel tried to time his arrival in hometown to the traditional alumni meeting. 7. You cannot continue to delay making this decision. 8. Pavel often had to borrow money from his parents. 9. To summarize what has been said, the chairman of the meeting once again drew attention to the need to accelerate the introduction of scientific developments into production. 10. Nobody authorized you to do this.


on this topic " Morphological norms Russian language"*

Topic No. 8 Morphological norms for the use of verbs.

1.What is a verb (definition of the concept)? Meaning and grammatical features.

1. Verb- this is a part of speech that denotes an action or state of an object, answers the questions what to do? what to do?: go, arrive, get sick, cheer up.
2. Each verb has the following forms:

· the initial form, which is called indefinite form(or infinitive). It ends with -th, -ty, -whose(these are formative suffixes): color you, ne whose, kupa t Xia. The indefinite form only names an action or state, without indicating time, number, or person, because This is the uninflected form of the verb. It has only constant features of a verb;

· conjugated forms (not infinitive). They have constant and inconstant characteristics of the verb;

· participle;

· participle.

3. Verbs are divided into transitional And intransitive(This constant sign verbs). Transitive verbs denote an action that passes to another object, the name of which can be expressed

· a noun (or pronoun) in the accusative case without a preposition: read the newspaper, see him;

· a noun in the genitive case without a preposition, denoting part of something: drink tea, cut some bread;

· a noun (or pronoun) in the genitive case without a preposition with a verb with negation: have no right not to see her.

All other verbs are intransitive: walk in the park, believe in goodness.

4. Verbs with the postfix -sya (-s) are called returnable: shave Xia, torture Xia . Other verbs non-refundable: think, know(this is a constant feature of verbs). All reflexive verbs are intransitive.
5. There are verbs perfect or imperfect aspect (this is a constant feature of verbs). The types of the verb show how the action occurs.
Perfect verbs answer the question what to do? and indicate the completion of the action, its result, the end of the action and the beginning: sing. They have two tenses: past (what did they do? - started singing) and the future simple, consisting of one word (what will they do? - start singing). Verbs do not have a perfect form in the present tense.
Imperfect verbs answer the question what to do? and when denoting an action, they do not indicate its completion, result, end or beginning: sing. They have three tenses: past (what did you do? - read), present (what are they doing? - bloom) And the future is complicated, consisting of two words - “will” (“will you”) and the indefinite form of the given verb (what will he do? - will draw, will sing).

In Russian there is a small number two-species verbs, that is, such verbs that, depending on the context, have the meaning of the perfect form (and answer the question what to do?), then the imperfect form (and answer the question what to do?): execute, marry, wed, order, investigate, examine, arrest, attack etc. For example: Rumors spread throughout the country that the king personally executes (what does it do? - imperfect view) their enemies; King executes (what will he do? - perfect look) several rebels.

6. Verbs have three forms inclinations(This inconsistent sign verbs). Mood forms show how the speaker evaluates the action, that is, whether he considers it real, possible or desirable under some condition.

· Indicative shows that the action is real, is actually happening, has happened or will happen: We are enemies we meet Just: beat, we beat And we'll beat .

· Subjunctive (conditional) mood shows that an action is possible only under certain conditions: Without you I I wouldn't have gotten there to the city and I would freeze on road. Subjunctive mood formed from the past tense form by adding a particle would (b). Particle would written separately.

· Imperative mood denotes an action that is ordered, asked, advised to be performed: spray with water. The imperative mood is formed by adding the suffix - And to the base of the present (future simple) tense or without a suffix: carry - carry - carried And . Plural postfix is ​​added -those: carry it those .

7. In the indicative mood, verbs change according to at times

· the present time: I'm walking, thinking;

· future time: I'll bring it(future simple), I'll bring(future complex);

· past time: walked, thought.

8. In the present and future tense forms, verbs have a category faces(this is an inconstant feature of verbs):

· 1st person: I I'm coming We let's go;

· 2nd person: You you're going, You come on;

· 3rd person: He (she, it) is coming, They are coming.

Some verbs name a state, an action that occurs without participation actor, as if by itself. Such verbs are called impersonal: It's getting light. Chills. I'm not feeling well.

9. Number- an inconstant feature of a verb, inherent in all inflected forms of the verb:

· singular: I'm going, I'm going, I'm going;

· plural: let's go, let's go, let's go.

10. Rod- an inconstant feature of the verb, inherent in singular forms in the past tense and in the conditional mood:

· masculine:would like to;

· feminine: I would like to;

· neuter gender: would like to.

11. In a sentence the verb is usually predicate and together with the subject forms the grammatical basis of the sentence: The moon is bright illuminated the whole valley.

But the infinitive can be any part of the sentence:

· Live - homeland serve(live- subject, serve- predicate );

· I want enroll to the conservatory (I want to enter- compound verb predicate) ;

· I have a burning desire look back(wish(which?) look back - definition );

· She sat down relax(crouched down(for what purpose?) relax - circumstance of purpose ).

2. Errors in the use of verbs: insufficient, abundant, reflexive. Abuse of identical forms of verbs.

The vast majority of Russian verbs have 6 personal forms when conjugated. However, there are a relatively small number of verbs that have either more or less than six of these forms. These are, respectively, the so-called abundant and insufficient verbs.
Some verbs have double forms to express the meaning of the same person: waves - waves; drips - drips: moves - moves. Such verbs are called richly conjugated verbs. Variant forms arise under the influence of verbs of productive classes. As a rule, there are differences between the options that arise:

  • stylistic: waving - waving (conversation);
  • semantic: move - in the meaning of “to move something” and move - in the meaning of “promote development”; throws (spear) - throws (spawn).

Sometimes the variant forms are equal in all respects: drips - drips.

The use of colloquial forms of “abundant” verbs in the author’s speech is stylistically unjustified. I noticed that on the lake women were rinsing (should: rinse) their laundry. Errors in the formation of certain conjugations are also subject to correction. verb forms, for example: The tree hung thick branches (hung, from the verb to hang, not to hang).

There are also insufficient verbs in the Russian language. Insufficient verbs are divided into two groups:

· verbs that do not have the 1st person singular form. numbers;

· verbs that are not used in the 1st and 2nd person singular. and many more numbers.

The first group of verbs is quite small - only a few
dozens: to win, to convince, to appear, to trumpet, to freak out, to roar, to outshine, to shout - the absence of forms is explained by the traditional idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcacophony, or as in the words buzz, dare - by coincidence grammatical forms with the most common verbs: Wed. wake up, hold.
The second group of verbs is a fairly numerous class of words - there are more than one and a half thousand of them in the language. The 1st and 2nd person forms have no phonetic or grammatical restrictions for their formation, however, due to the peculiarities of semantics, these forms are not actually used in the language (except in cases of metaphorization). We can distinguish the following semantic groups of verbs used only in the 3rd person form:

· verbs with the meaning of processes characteristic of the animal world: calve, milk, rush (about birds);

verbs with the meaning of processes occurring in flora: grow, spike, bush,

verbs with the meaning of processes occurring in inanimate nature: drip, see through, flicker, soak in;

· verbs with the meaning of processes related to specific objects: bitter, dry out;

verbs with abstract meaning:

conclude, appear.

Special attention requires consumption reflexive verbs. Appeals to them can be unfounded: The graphite rod was then painted and sent to dry... The editor notes cases of unsuccessful use of reflexive verbs and, as a result, the replacement of the passive construction of the active phrase: Where the troops in 1918 were enthusiastically greeted by the population, gangs now roam. .. (From the report of General A.N. Pepelev to the commander of the Siberian Army.) It would be better to write: Where in 1918 the population enthusiastically greeted the troops, now gangs roam... The stylistic correction of such constructions consists in abandoning the passive verb in - xia and replacing it with an active verb or in use nominal predicate with the sacrament.

Errors associated with the use of reflexive verbs can be divided into three groups:

1) non-normative addition of a postfix - xia to irreflexive verbs. Yes, some irreflexive verbs in a literary language they do not have reflexive pairs, for example: play (with sister, on the street, with dolls, etc.), decay, grow old, clean (room), etc. The use of such verbs with - sya is a gross speech error: We played on the street; Today I quickly cleaned up the apartment; The wood in the fireplace is still smoldering;

2) loss of the postfix in the process of verb formation and word formation: teaching instead of studying, feeding instead of eating. The word mammals must be used without – sya, since it is formed from the verb to feed (feeding with milk), and not to feed;

3) inappropriate use of postfixes – sya and – sya: I was getting ready for work, washed my face in the morning. Those who pronounce such phrases forget that, according to the norms of Russian grammar, - sya is used after consonants (I think, I agreed), and - s - after vowels (I thought of it, I agreed).

University: Subject: File:

17. Morphological norms for the use of verbs and verb forms.

Errors in the use of verbs are associated with the existence of a group of so-called insufficient verbs and with the possible confusion of the use of parallel forms.

Insufficient verbs are verbs that are limited in the formation of personal forms: they do not have the first person form of the present and future simple tense. This group includes verbs: to dream, to dare, to win, to convince, to wonder, to find oneself, to feel, to have mercy.

You can't say: I'll run, I'll feel it(I'll feel it) - This blunder. If necessary, use descriptive forms:I can win, I’ll try to convince, I hope to find myself.

Maybe parallel use of two forms verbs with the same meaning: get well - get well; moves – moves; measures - measures. The first form in each pair is bookish (normative), the second is colloquial. IN business speech the former should be given preference. In the case of the verb move Each of the forms has its own meaning: moves - moves something, moves - encourages (it is driven by direct calculation).

Pairs form and species forms verb - perfect and imperfect form. During the formation of nes. type of verb using suffixes – yva-, -iva-in some cases, the root vowel o changes to a. For example, work out - work out, freeze - freeze. In some cases, in verbs there are no meanings. It would not be a mistake to use two options in pairs: condition – condition, sum up – sum up. The second forms (with root A) are colloquial in nature, so in business speech it is more natural to use the book version (with root O).

Verbs want, crave, see, hear, go, be able have no imperative mood. You cannot say “want” or “could”. Here the imperative forms are formed from synonymous verbs: look, listen. For verb drive The literary form of the imperative mood would be: go, go(go, go, go - colloquial forms that are unacceptable in speech). If the action refers to a third person, then the forms of the imperative mood are formed using particles let and let in combination with verb forms 3 l.: let him go, let them see. It must be remembered that these particles give speech a conversational tone.

Speech errors arise during formation constructions with words that are similar in meaning or have the same root, but require different controls. To warn them it is important to ask the question correctly, which predetermines the case form of the noun in similar constructions:

!– pay attention (to what?) to facts – pay attention to (what?) personnel selection;

!– consult (who?) client – ​​consult (with whom?) with a professor, with a professor;

!– demand (what?) an explanation – demand (what?) a pass;

!– be based (on what?) on facts – justify (with what?) factual data;

When using verbs in speech, the greatest difficulties usually arise the relationship of some verbs by aspect and the formation of some forms.

When forming imperfective verbs in a literary language, in a number of cases it is observed alternation of vowels o–a at the base: morning O it - morning A ive, confirm O read - confirm A chit, od O lie – od A lie.

When forming imperfect verbs from verbs determine, concentrate forms are acceptable condition, concentrate, however, the main normative option remains the form without alternation - condition, concentrate.

When forming forms of the 2nd and 3rd person singular and forms of the 1st and 2nd person plural present and simple future tense from verbs of I conjugation with a stem on g, k observed alternation these consonants with sibilants w, h: those h b – those To y – those h yot – those To ut, le h b – la G Ulya and et - la G ut, take h b - take G y – take and yot - take G ut.

Some verbs do not have a number of present and future forms.

1) The 1st person singular form is not used for verbs:

eclipse, appear, defeat, convince, be convinced, moan, be born.

2) The verbs do not have 1st and 2nd person singular and plural forms: boil, boil, boil away (about water), roll down (about a round object, about a celestial body), come (about time), surround, come true, turn out, happen, give out, be born, create, take place, flow, succeed, etc.

3) Forms such as I will win, I will run, etc. are unacceptable in literary language. If it is necessary to express this meaning, descriptive constructions must be used: I am confident that I can win; I will be able to win.

When forming past tense forms, in some cases it is observed loss of the suffix -well-: arose Well th - arose, dried up Well th - dried up, disappeared Well t - disappeared, died Well t - died.

When forming the imperative mood, a number of verbs exhibit alternation of consonants and vowels in the stem:run - run (!), run; take care - take care; take - take; drive - drive; burn – burn (!); call - call; seek - seek; put – put (!), put (!), etc.

A number of verbs are characterized by the absence or infrequency of forms of the imperative mood: weigh, see, move, be able, hate, undergo, happen, hear, mature, cost, flow, see, become obsolete, want, etc.


From verbs go, fade and various verbs with given roots ( enter, exit, wither) active past participles are formed from the past tense stem: enter - log inѐ l - entered, find - ourѐ l - found, fade - withered - faded.

From the verb move(I conjugation) the present passive participle is formed with the suffix -them- --movable: driven by a feeling of compassion.

!!! Some imperfective transitive verbs do not form passive present participles: hold, beat, revenge, write, cut, sew, etc.

!!! Some verbs do not form passive past participles.: drive (but expel - expelled), know (but recognize - recognized), take (but choose - chosen), live (but live - lived).

Some verbs in - sti (-st)form different shapes active past participles: A) from the present tense and b) from the past tense stem, For example: invent - invented (and inventedѐ acquired), acquired - acquired (and acquiredѐ left), sweep - sweepѐ the darkest (and the sweeping one). The forms of such participles with d and t are fundamentally characteristic only of book speech. Forms without d and t are characteristic of colloquial and colloquial speech.

Suffix - Xianecessarily preserved when forming active participles of the present and past tense from reflexive verbs, For example: to form - being formed; rise - rising. If the suffix -sya is omitted in participles formed from reflexive verbs, this is a violation of the norms of the literary language: (for example) peals of thunder bound us and kept us in a state unceasing fear.

!!! Present participles are not formed from perfect verbs, otherwise the norms will be violated literary language, for example: We envy the audience who gets to see the performance.


Depending on the type of verb, the form of which is a gerund, gerunds differ imperfect form(prescribe - prescribing, operate - operating) and perfect form(delete - by deleting, consider - by considering). IN participles, arr. from reflexive verbs,the suffix -sya is retained(-съ) (to rise - having risen; to return - having returned).

Some verbs do not form imperfective participles: A) from verbs whose roots consist of only consonants: pour - pour, sew - sew, beat - beat, tear - tear, burn - burn, wait - wait, lie - lie. Exception: rush - rush - rushing; b) from most verbs with a sibilant stem in the present tense: write - write, whip - whip; V) from verbs with stems g, k, x: protect - cherish, guard - guard; flow - flow; G) from verbs with the suffix -well-: get wet - get wet, go out - go out.

Most participles with a suffix - lice, -yuchiare either outdated in nature, or are stylistically colored to resemble folk or ancient speech. No.: Having given your word, be strong; having taken off the head, they do not cry over the hair; or - live happily ever after.
