Formal and informal leadership education. Formal and informal leadership

The concept of “formal leader”

A formal leader or manager is a person who directs the work of others and is personally responsible for its results. A good manager brings order and consistency to the work being done. He builds his interaction with subordinates more on facts and within the framework of established goals. Managers tend to take a passive position in relation to goals. Most often, out of necessity, they focus on goals set by someone else and practically do not use them to carry out changes.

The officially appointed head of the unit has advantages in gaining leadership positions in the group, so he is more likely than anyone else to become a leader. However, it must be remembered that being a leader does not automatically mean being considered a leader, since leadership is largely based on an informal basis.

In addition, the behavior of a formal leader depends on whether he strives to move higher up the career ladder or is satisfied with his current position and does not particularly strive for promotion. In the first case, the manager, identifying himself with larger groups of the organization than with a group of subordinates, may believe that emotional attachment to working group may become a hindrance on his way. A leader's commitment to his group may conflict with his personal ambitions and be in conflict with his commitment to the organization's leadership team. In the second, he completely identifies himself with his subordinates and strives to do everything in his power to protect their interests.

Managers prefer order in their interactions with subordinates. They structure their relationships with them according to the roles that subordinates play in a programmed chain of events or in the formal process of making and implementing decisions. This is largely because managers see themselves as a specific part of the organization or as members of a special social institution.

Managers ensure that their subordinates achieve their goals by monitoring their behavior and responding to every deviation from the plan.

Using their professionalism, various abilities and skills, managers concentrate their efforts in the area of ​​decision making. They try to narrow down the set of ways to solve the problem. Decisions are often made based on past experiences.

A formal leader is supported by delegated formal authority and usually operates in a specific functional area assigned to him. An informal leader is promoted due to his ability to influence others and due to his business and personal qualities.

The concept of “informal leader”

The word "leader" translated from English ("leader") means "leader", "head", "commander", "leader", "leading". Leadership is influence on other people (V. Katz, L. Edinger, etc.), but not just any influence, but one that responds following conditions Virgiles E.V. “Leadership Theories” M.: 2002. p. 5:

1) the influence must be constant. Leaders should not be considered people who have a large, but one-time, short-term impact on group members;

2) the leadership influence of the leader must be exercised on the entire group (organization). It is known that within any large association there are several or even many centers of local influence. Moreover, the leader himself is subject to constant influence from group members. What makes a leader special is the breadth of his influence;

3) the leader must have a clear priority in influence. The relationship between the leader and the followers is characterized by asymmetry, inequality in interaction, and an unambiguous direction of influence from the leader to group members;

4) the influence of a leader, especially an organizational one, should be based not on the direct use of force, but on authority or at least recognition of the legitimacy of leadership. A dictator who forces a group into submission is not a leader.

Leadership is informal influence. It differs from leadership, which “implies a fairly rigid and formalized system of relations of domination and subordination.” A leader is a symbol of community and a model of group behavior. It emerges from below, mostly spontaneously, and is accepted by followers.

“Leadership,” writes, in particular, R.L. Krichevsky, “is a phenomenon that takes place in a system of formal (official) relations, and leadership is a phenomenon generated by a system of informal (unofficial) relations. Moreover, the role of the leader is predetermined “on the board” social organization, the range of functions of the person implementing it is specified. The role of a leader arises spontaneously, in staffing table institutions, enterprises do not have it... Leadership is a social phenomenon in its essence, and leadership is psychological" Krichevsky R.L. "Psychology of Leadership" M.: Statute; 2007..

There is a view that a leader must have special individual qualities that make him capable of leading. He must master the art of persuasion, be noble, honest, balanced, fair, but all these wonderful properties of nature are not only subjective, but also abstract. If we adhere to the opinion that these qualities are absolutely necessary, then it would be simply impossible to find so many worthy people for leadership positions. And if we remember such famous leaders as Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, then it is difficult to consider them models of virtue.

It seems that a leader must have other important individual characteristics: desire for power (most often built not on logic, high official or intellectual status, but on charisma (from the Greek charisma - mercy, divine gift), on the strength of personal qualities and abilities, well-developed interpersonal orientation, understanding of needs and priorities team. A leader must be able to control the attention of the audience and control his emotions, be self-confident, not say too much - after all, the vast majority of mistakes a person makes due to the inability to remain silent in time, “the word is silver, silence is gold.” Research on characteristics a person who has the qualities of a leader are reflected in the table Knorring V.I. “Theory, practice and art of management” M.: NORMA, 2001. Some of the qualities given in the table are defined genetic basis personality, but most are determined by upbringing, acquired and developed in practical activities. It is obvious that the main qualities of a leader are flexible, unconventional thinking, charismatic personality traits and mastery of the art of influencing opponents and the team.

Qualities group

Characteristics of qualities

Physiological qualities

Pleasant appearance (face, height, figure), voice, good health, high performance, energy

Psychological qualities

Authority, ambition, aggressiveness, poise, independence, creative courage, self-affirmation, perseverance, courage

Intellectual qualities

High level of intelligence: intelligence, logic, memory, intuitiveness, encyclopedic knowledge, breadth of outlook, insight, originality and quick thinking, education, sense of humor

Personal qualities

Business qualities: organization, diplomacy, reliability, flexibility, commitment

Darina Kataeva

Informal leadership arises in almost every team, be it work, school or organization. The whole team follows such a person. But what is an informal leader? What qualities does he have? And what are the behavioral patterns of such a person?

Informal leader: what is it?

A leader is a person whose authority is not questioned. Such a person is the leader, the first in all ideas and endeavors. Often, this is the head of an organization, the director of a company or enterprise. His position already indicates his status and position in the team. And although someone may question the leadership of this person, this does not reflect on the leader. These characteristics are inherent, but not a single team can do without the spontaneous appearance of another personality.

An informal leader is a person who does not have any special position. However, his opinion is sometimes even higher than the head of the company. The main advantage of such a person is his qualities, which make him the leader of the organization. Thanks to the special experience and behavior patterns of the people around him. He inspires admiration, everyone is ready to follow him and even change their minds in favor of this person. People strive to strengthen relationships with an informal leader, and this has nothing to do with the official hierarchy or agreements.

Qualities of an informal leader

Regardless of the team where the informal leader is located, he is distinguished by a number of qualities due to which he stands out. These include:

Every informal leader easily comes into contact with other people and starts a conversation with them.
The ability to win an argument and change the views of people around you without them realizing it themselves.
Need for leadership. Such a person seeks to take control of the situation and control other people.
The ability to focus attention on yourself and your position.
Charm. A leader becomes one who is attractive both externally and internally. You want to communicate with such a person and even tell him what is hidden to you.
There is no fear of changed circumstances. An informal leader quickly navigates and gets out of even a situation unfamiliar to him.
Positive. Even under difficult circumstances and unpleasant situations, the informal leader does not lose heart; he has a positive attitude. This is how he charges other people.

To understand who the informal leader is in your team, you should ask yourself the following questions:

— Whose opinion do you, as an employee of the company, value most of all?

— Who would you turn to first for advice on work or a new business?

— Who would you continue to cooperate with if you were offered a more profitable job?

Informal leader: enemy or support of the leader?

Depending on the person and his behavior pattern, it becomes clear who he is to the manager and head of the company.

An informal leader becomes a support for a manager when his ideas do not run counter to the established norms of the head of the company. They are initiators, ideological individuals, thanks to which the company only strengthens and develops. Informal leaders establish a positive atmosphere in the team; they help newcomers quickly get used to and become part of the organization.

A destructive leader is the exact opposite of a constructive leader. The goal of such a person is to undermine the authority of the head so that his decisions seem biased and unreasonable to employees. This approach only reduces the efficiency of the team and disrupts peace and order within it.

Firing a destructive leader is not an option; it is important to understand his goal and intercept it. The main thing is to have a powerful influence on employees and question the words of the leader with their behavior. Only with serious changes and a responsible approach will you be able to achieve the desired result and restore your authority!

February 26, 2014

A formal leader or manager is a person who directs the work of others and is personally responsible for its results. A good manager brings order and consistency to the work being done. He builds his interaction with subordinates more on facts and within the framework of established goals. Managers tend to take a passive position in relation to goals. Most often, out of necessity, they focus on goals set by someone else and practically do not use them to carry out changes.

The officially appointed head of the unit has advantages in gaining leadership positions in the group, so he is more likely than anyone else to become a leader. However, it must be remembered that being a leader does not automatically mean being considered a leader, since leadership is largely based on an informal basis.

In addition, the behavior of a formal leader depends on whether he strives to move higher up the career ladder or is satisfied with his current position and does not particularly strive for promotion. In the first case, the manager, identifying himself with larger groups of the organization rather than with a group of subordinates, may believe that emotional attachment to the work group can become a brake on his path. A leader's commitment to his group may conflict with his personal ambitions and be in conflict with his commitment to the organization's leadership team. In the second, he completely identifies himself with his subordinates and strives to do everything in his power to protect their interests.

Managers prefer order in their interactions with subordinates. They structure their relationships with them according to the roles that subordinates play in a programmed chain of events or in the formal process of making and implementing decisions. This is largely because managers see themselves as a specific part of the organization or as members of a special social institution.

Managers ensure that their subordinates achieve their goals by monitoring their behavior and responding to every deviation from the plan.

Using their professionalism, various abilities and skills, managers concentrate their efforts in the area of ​​decision making. They try to narrow down the set of ways to solve the problem. Decisions are often made based on past experiences.

A formal leader is supported by delegated formal authority and usually operates in a specific functional area assigned to him. An informal leader is promoted due to his ability to influence others and due to his business and personal qualities.

Question 15. The concept of “formal leader”

The word "leader" translated from English ("leader") means "leader", "head", "commander", "leader", "leading". Leadership is influence on other people (V. Katz, L. Edinger, etc.), but not any influence, but one that meets the following conditions:

1) the influence must be constant. Leaders should not be considered people who have a large, but one-time, short-term impact on group members;

2) the leadership influence of the leader must be exercised on the entire group (organization). It is known that within any large association there are several or even many centers of local influence. Moreover, the leader himself is subject to constant influence from group members. What makes a leader special is the breadth of his influence;

3) the leader must have a clear priority in influence. The relationship between the leader and the followers is characterized by asymmetry, inequality in interaction, and an unambiguous direction of influence from the leader to group members;

4) the influence of a leader, especially an organizational one, should be based not on the direct use of force, but on authority or at least recognition of the legitimacy of leadership. A dictator who forces a group into submission is not a leader.

Leadership is informal influence. It differs from leadership, which “implies a fairly rigid and formalized system of relations of domination and subordination.” A leader is a symbol of community and a model of group behavior. It emerges from below, mostly spontaneously, and is accepted by followers.

There is a view that a leader must have special individual qualities that make him capable of leading. He must master the art of persuasion, be noble, honest, balanced, fair, but all these wonderful properties of nature are not only subjective, but also abstract. If we adhere to the opinion that these qualities are absolutely necessary, then it would be simply impossible to find so many worthy people for leadership positions. And if we remember such famous leaders as Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, then it is difficult to consider them models of virtue.

The leader must also have other important individual characteristics: the desire for power (most often built not on logic, high official or intellectual status, but on charisma, the strength of personal qualities and abilities, well-developed interpersonal orientation, understanding of the needs and priorities of the team. The leader must be able to control the attention of the audience and control your emotions, be confident in yourself, not say too much - after all, the vast majority of mistakes a person makes due to the inability to remain silent in time, “the word is silver, silence is gold.” Research on the characteristics of a person who has the qualities of a leader is reflected in the table. Some of the qualities given in the table are determined by the genetic basis of the individual, but most are determined by upbringing, acquired and developed in practical activities. Obviously, the main qualities of a leader are flexible, innovative thinking, charismatic personality traits and mastery of the art of influencing opponents and the team .

Qualities group

Characteristics of qualities

Physiological qualities

Pleasant appearance (face, height, figure), voice, good health, high performance, energy

Psychological qualities

Authority, ambition, aggressiveness, poise, independence, creative courage, self-affirmation, perseverance, courage

Intellectual qualities

High level of intelligence: intelligence, logic, memory, intuitiveness, encyclopedic knowledge, breadth of outlook, insight, originality and quick thinking, education, sense of humor

Personal qualities

Business qualities: organization, diplomacy, reliability, flexibility, commitment

In leadership theory there are different kinds this management category.

Leadership is classified as formal and informal.

- formal leaders are heads of organizations, which can

at the same time to be informal leaders or not to be such;

- informal leaders– these are people who are not associated with the possibility of application

force, coercion, pressure due to position in the organization (position,

status) or official, formal powers.

Informal leaders tend to:

faster than other members of the group to realize the emerging intra-group

norms of behavior, contribute to their consolidation in the life of the group;

effective communication; they easily come into contact with other people, use

the most successful forms of communication to influence the behavior of group members;

desire for leadership, the need to direct the actions of other people;

the feeling of satisfaction that comes from successfully performing a role

informal leader.

Ticket 13.

1. External and internal goals of the organization

An organizational goal is a desired state that an organization strives to achieve.

make it a reality (A. Etzioni). Goals must satisfy at least two requirements: - correspond as closely as possible to the functional nature of the organization,

taking into account the potential conflicts of this organization; - reflect the interests of various entities of the organization as much as possible.

External goals are those whose achievement allows the organization to change

external environment, and internal goals are those whose achievement allows

organizations to develop themselves. Achieving both goals is interconnected,

those. it is impossible to try to achieve any internal goal without achieving

external and vice versa.

Among the many external goals, one can single out main goal, which

remains unchanged throughout the entire existence of the enterprise, and

which is called his mission. As for internal goals, they will be

varies depending on the type of activity of the organization:

For a commercial enterprise focused on the fundamental market

the internal goal is to make a profit by satisfying

customer needs in a competitive environment;

For a non-profit organization - obtaining sufficient funding

to carry out its activities;

For organ government controlled- high quality and timely

fulfillment of the duties assigned to him.

2. 14 Principles of Administration by A. Fayol.

1. Division of labor. Specialization is the natural order of things.

The purpose of the division of labor is doing the work, larger in volume and

better in quality with the same effort. This is achieved by reducing

number of goals to which attention and effort should be directed.

2. Authority and Responsibility. Authority is the right to give orders,

and responsibility is its constituent opposite. Where are they given?

authority - where responsibility arises.

3. Discipline. Discipline involves obedience and respect for

agreements reached between the company and its employees. Establishment

these agreements linking the firm and workers, from which arise

disciplinary formalities should remain a major concern

industry leaders. Discipline also presupposes fair

applied sanctions.

4. Unity of command. An employee must receive orders from only one

immediate superior.

5. Unity of direction. Each group operating within one

goals must be united by a single plan and have one leader.

6. Subordination of personal interests to common interests. Interests of one employee or

employee groups must not override the interests of the company or

larger organizations.

7. Staff remuneration. To ensure fidelity and

support for workers, they should receive a fair wage for their

8. Centralization. Like division of labor, centralization is natural

the order of things. However, the appropriate degree of centralization will be

vary depending on specific conditions. So the question arises

about the correct balance between centralization and decentralization. This is problem

identifying a measure that will provide the best possible results.

9. Scalar chain. A scalar chain is a series of people in leadership positions

positions, starting with the person occupying the highest position in this

chain, down to the lower level manager. It would be a mistake to refuse

from a hierarchical system without a specific need for this, but there was

it would be an even greater mistake to maintain this hierarchy when it causes

damage to business interests.

10. Order. There is a place for everything and everything is in its place.

11. Justice. Justice is a combination of kindness and justice.

12. Job stability for staff. High staff turnover

reduces the effectiveness of the organization. A mediocre leader who

holding on to a place is certainly preferable to an outstanding, talented

a manager who leaves quickly and doesn't hold on to his job.

13. Initiative. Initiative means developing a plan and enforcing it

successful implementation. This gives the organization strength and energy.

14. Corporate spirit. Union is strength. And it is the result of harmony

In each team there is a distribution of roles. Some people occupy a dominant position due to their position, while others have to obey them. Such a person is usually called a formal leader. But there is another type of people who, regardless of their place in the company structure, have a significant influence on the team - these are informal leaders. These are employees who have earned the trust of the team and have natural organizational skills.

An informal leader is a person who does not always occupy a leadership position, but his word in the team is always significant for the company.

Difference of concepts

The concept of a formal leader means a mandatory set of characteristics:

  • by virtue of his position, he is obliged to make decisions and coordinate employees, although he is not always a leader by nature;
  • he is responsible for the activities of his subordinates.

There are situations in which a formal leader may lose authority in the eyes of his employees, and for some reason they may not recognize his leadership in the team.

The advantage he has is official authority, which is a factor determining his dominance in the team. But sometimes assurances on paper are not enough.

Formal leaders do not feel the need to build personal relationships with subordinates; they are limited only to working relationships.

And often this does not work in their favor. Formal leadership arises at the moment of signing the act of hiring an employee and does not have human factor, because in informal group There is always an unofficial leader, and in a formal one there is an official leader.

An informal leader is a person who is not empowered leadership position and does not have sufficient authority to manage personnel, but has power over employees. His main advantage is that he has a closer connection with his colleagues, as a result of which he can be more influential than the formal leader.

Often they choose a person who has qualities that the main leader does not have.

Reasons for appearance

Informal leadership is notable for the fact that sometimes the team, without realizing it, is under the influence of its colleague. In case of some problem they turn to him more often than to a formal one. And he cleverly proposes his ideas, stimulating others to implement them thanks to his charisma.

The emergence of an informal leader in a team is not uncommon and occurs in most organizations.

This is due to the fact that, regardless of the type of activity, personal relationships are always valued in any team. And no matter how good the boss is, employees will always find an idol to whom they will listen with greater joy. Such people are loved by the team, but not always by the current leader.

Often such cases arise in a company with an authoritarian management regime. In the case when the manager does not try to improve relations with his subordinates, everything is compensated by the influence of the informal leader. Such people are distinguished by an active lifestyle, openness and charm. They can easily resolve conflicts and reduce the intensity of passions.

There is another extreme at which they appear. A boss with a soft character provokes the emergence of a tougher employee who is capable of making responsible decisions.


Informal leadership groups share common qualities but have differences. There are 5 varieties in total.

  1. Organizer. Such a leader deals with organizational issues. He establishes time management, draws up plans and schedules, and organizes a clear distribution of responsibilities. He may not be emotional and charismatic enough, due to which his ideas may remain unrecognized, although useful.
  2. The shirt guy is a person endowed with good imagination; he always has a lot of ideas in stock. He is the life of the party. He has strong energy and charm; his ideas almost always impress everyone. What sets him apart is that he can inspire the team to carry them out. The performance of such people directly depends on their mood and approval from colleagues. He communicates with both his colleagues and management on equal terms.
  3. A rebel - such an employee always knows at what moment and what needs to be said, and knows how to correctly express his thoughts. He often argues and proves that he is right to his boss. Such a person is a fighter for justice. He constantly defends someone’s interests and provokes riots, arouses affection among his colleagues, and if he quits due to a conflict with his boss, other employees of the company may leave after him.
  4. The conductor is the first person a manager turns to if he does not want to build relationships with his employees, but wants to convey information to them and get the necessary reaction. Such people are distinguished by their friendliness and won the trust of others, therefore they are good organizers of productive work. They cannot be called absolute leaders, because independent decisions are more difficult for them than carrying out instructions from their boss.
  5. A gray cardinal is an employee who does not claim leadership, but has influence in the team. He is attentive to detail, and this gives him the ability to manipulate people. This is a supporting character, but, being in the shadows, he successfully leads the process.

Relationships between formal and informal leaders

A meeting of two leaders in society - formal and informal - can lead to a clash of interests. Smart leaders know how to pacify the ardor of informal managers, and sometimes make them, if not their friends, then their comrades-in-arms. It’s good when work productivity increases due to the influence of an informal leader, but there are also opposite situations. All informal activists are divided into two types.

  1. Constructive – has a positive effect on the work process. It is in his interests to build trusting relationships with both employees and the boss. He is guided by the interests of the company and implements ideas that contribute to its development; he is the main creator corporate culture companies.
  2. A destructive leader does not always use his influence for the benefit of his superiors. Provokes other employees to resist the manager’s decision, questions his authority and plots against the manager.

Most informal leaders, by their active position, show their desire for a higher position. But it often happens that the official leader does not approve of such undertakings. This happens because not all “informals” are well versed in the company’s business or they lack certain skills, and sometimes influence alone is not enough.

It happens that, having achieved his goal - a promotion - he burns out and stops striving for something, or the team chooses a new favorite, and the decisions of the former informal leader cease to be as significant as before.

Role in work processes

Many managers do not pay attention to the leaders on their staff and do not think it is right to “collaborate” with them, but this decision is fundamentally wrong. Such a person, if you do not control him, can create a lot of problems in the future:

  • people will stop working;
  • put forward demands for changes in working conditions;
  • they will want a dramatic salary increase, etc.

If you notice an informal leader in your team, you need to find him mutual language. His relationship with management can lead to high achievements. If the informal person is not aware of the plans of the enterprise and makes the right decision, as it seems to him, without advice, this can be fatal for the company.

Pay attention to the rebels, if there are any: they need to be loaded with work to the eyeballs so that they do not have time to think about strikes.


When an informal leader appears in a company, this can affect the company both positively and negatively. Much will depend on how the leader behaves with him. The boss must structure the work process so that a friendly atmosphere reigns in the team.
