The benefits of reading books to children. Interesting sayings about the benefits of reading and how to teach a child to read

All parents want their children to be curious and strive for knowledge, and, as a result, achieve success in life. One of the best means of development at all times has been books. Taking into account the leading role of books in a child’s development, parents and teachers are faced with the task of teaching them to love books. From our article you will learn about the benefits of reading books for children and the importance of reading at different ages.

Why read books to children

Children love to be read to

Children love to be read to. It is from the parents that the baby hears the first poems and fairy tales, and if parents do not ignore reading even to the little ones, then with a very high probability the book will soon become best friend child. Why? Because book:

  • expands the child's understanding of the world
  • introduces everything that surrounds the child: nature, objects, etc.
  • influences the formation of the child’s preferences and reading tastes
  • develops thinking - both logical and figurative
  • expands lexicon, memory, imagination and fantasy
  • teaches you how to write sentences correctly.

Children to whom their parents read aloud regularly begin to understand the structure of a literary work (where the beginning is, how the plot unfolds, where the end comes). Thanks to reading, a child learns to listen - and this is important. By getting acquainted with books, the child learns his native language better.

“Those children who were constantly read aloud in childhood and told fairy tales become lifelong readers. And also, those children whose parents love to read love books.”

Children usually look forward to their parents reading to them. Reading aloud has great importance and for those children who can already read the book themselves. Family reading it is a guarantee of well-being, a way of communication between parents and children, a method of education and good leisure time. That is why mom and dad should always have time to read to their children.

Psychologists believe that children to whom their parents read books are emotionally balanced and self-confident.

Here's what happens during shared reading moments:

  1. Children who are often read to feel close, protected, and safe. Such children have a much more comfortable life than those who are deprived of the joy of reading.
  2. While reading together, children develop a moral attitude towards the world. The heroes of the books perform various actions, find themselves in false situations, make decisions - a child can discuss all this with a parent, while forming an understanding of good and evil, friendship and betrayal, sympathy, duty, honor.
  3. With active listening, the child vividly imagines what is being narrated and experiences it. At these moments, he develops emotionally and, often identifying himself with the main character, overcomes his own fears.
  4. When listening to a literary work, a child inherits various behavior patterns through the book: for example, how to become a good friend, how to achieve a goal, or how to resolve a conflict. The role of parents here is to help compare situations from fairy tales with situations that can happen in real life.

“Family reading is an indicator of a good, prosperous family.”

A book is the key to a child’s development

The book shapes the child’s worldview and gives him knowledge

Early childhood and the preschool period are times that must not be missed in order to instill in the child the most valuable qualities, because it is during this time that inner world child. And here a book is a good assistant, it helps to shape the child’s worldview, his morality, values, general level culture.

From the first books, the little ones learn about the rules of politeness and the basics of health, as well as the most simple rules life. Children are often read short folklore works, simple poems, folk wisdom in which it is presented in forms accessible to the little ones.

While listening to reading or reading independently, the child:

  • gets acquainted with the past, present and even possible future of the world
  • learns to think, analyze, and approach everything creatively
  • develops speech, striving to make it correct, beautiful, rich, clear, figurative, understandable to everyone
  • forms spiritual qualities: compassion, mercy, empathy, joy in the success of others, kindness, courage
  • gets acquainted with art, learns to feel and understand beauty
  • creates a positive attitude towards life
  • develops a correct perception of nature, a caring attitude towards all living things
  • learns to appreciate other people's work and be hardworking.

Reading circle for children of different ages

Books must correspond to the age, interests, world views, needs, and emotional impulses of the child

The reader in a child will be formed if the books correspond to his age, interests, view of the world, needs, and spiritual impulses. It’s good if the book contains the answer to a question that is still ripening in the child’s mind. Based on this, children's reading circle of different ages- this is the circle of those literary works, which children read or listen to and adequately perceive them.

What literature is interesting to children of different ages?

From 2 to 5 years. Preschoolers clearly prefer poetry to prose. They are very fond of rhythmic works - poems, songs, ditties, rhyming nursery rhymes, counting rhymes. Many children's works, including folklore, are dynamic and expressive, which is why they are so easily perceived and remembered by children younger than school age. Such works best suit the needs of children, because they are a successful combination of rhythm, intonation, melody and movement. And kids also love colorful books.

From 6 to 8 years. Children's reading circle preschool age is changing rapidly. Children after 5-6 years are no longer interested in nursery rhymes or short poems. At this age, children develop and consolidate reading skills. Children of senior preschool and primary school age prefer more voluminous works with a complex plot and big amount characters to read them (or listen) and wait for the continuation. They may also be interested in all kinds of children's encyclopedias, where information about the world is presented in an accessible way.

From 9 to 13 years old. At this age, readers are interested in the history and life of historical figures (conquerors, scientists, travelers, heroes). They develop an interest in moral and ethical issues, thoughts about friendship, love, and happiness.

From 14 to 18 years old. Readers have their own range of favorite themes and characters: boys have theirs, girls have theirs. It depends on inclinations, interests, talents, character traits, environment, etc.

Reading and educating

By teaching a child to read and offering him interesting, educational books, we educate him.

By teaching a child to read and offering him interesting, educational books, we educate him. Books awaken interest in study, work, and self-knowledge. Explain to your child that the more he reads, the better he learns. From the moment a child arrives at school, he must realize that he needs to acquire a lot of knowledge himself, and a book will help with this.

Whether a child will love to read depends not only on the teacher. The credit for this goes, first of all, to the parents. If there is an atmosphere of respect for books in the house, and parents respond to the child’s requests to read, to help understand something, then the child will value reading as one of the integral components of life.

To foster a love of reading in a child, psychologists recommend:

  1. Parents should set positive examples of people who enjoy reading. Quote writers, memorize them, give examples from literature, discuss what they read - and children will see that without reading they can’t get anywhere.
  2. Enroll your child in the library. Visit there weekly. Let your child choose his own books and magazines.
  3. Visit bookstores. Create an interesting children's library at home.
  4. Keep a “Reader's Diary”, which will reflect how many books, which ones and during what period they were read.
  5. Set up a reading corner at home: a comfortable desk, a bookshelf, toys in the form of fairy-tale characters, etc.
  6. Buy books that are inspiring, colorful and engaging to make children want to read even more.
  7. Read with your children the books on which the films are based, and vice versa.
  8. Come up with leisure activities related to reading: literary evenings, shared reading, or theatrical performances based on works.
  9. Maintain your child's friendships with children who love to read.
  10. Solve crosswords, charades, puzzles, and interesting logic puzzles with your children.
  11. Encourage children to read aloud, train reading technique and expressiveness.
  12. Discuss what you read with your child.

It’s good when there is an atmosphere of respect for the book at home

When choosing a book, think: “What impact will it have on the child? What new thing will he learn?

What books will interest children?

  • Regardless of the child’s age, offer “time-tested” books - those that we ourselves read as children. They will definitely charge the child positive emotions, teach kindness, courage, honesty. Of course, the time in which we live also affects the selection of literature. This means that modern authors also have worthy works that are suitable for reading to your children.
  • When choosing a book, think: “What impact will it have on the child? What new will he learn?
  • For preschoolers, choose illustrated, varied books on thematic topics: about games and toys, nature, the animal world, relationships between people, family, rules of hygiene and behavior.
  • Schoolchildren will be interested in historical and military topics, art, inventions, fantastic adventures, travel, etc.
  • Pay attention to the fact that children’s reading includes works with a humanistic orientation that affirm goodness, justice, equality, labor, world peace, the value of life, health and happiness. After all, the main task of literature is to teach a child to comprehend what he read, analyze and draw conclusions. Reading should develop the mind and soul of a child.

This video will help primary school teachers instill in their students a love of reading.

The role of reading in the development of every child is great. After all, reading has a huge impact on the development of a child: his intelligence, creative and logical thinking, emotional and social development. psychological and psychophysiological development. Reading develops a child’s speech and contributes to the formation of a correct moral and aesthetic attitude towards everything that happens. Literature introduces the child to different manifestations of life, work, nature, developing social experience. Remember that by reading, a child becomes a fully developed personality.

Anyone who devotes a lot of time to study is a competent, erudite, interesting person. Misha Udochkin, as in our fairy tale, decided to abandon his studies for a while. What came of it? Now we find out...

A fairy tale about studying and Mishka Udochkin
Author of the tale: Iris Review

Learning is good, but not learning is bad. Mishka Udochkin knew this, but he was still reluctant to study. Studying is so boring. Assignments, tests, dictations... And then one day Mishka decided that he was not a student, but a wizard who could work miracles.

“Hey, sparrow,” said Mishka, “I’m a wizard.” Should I do something magical?

“Come on,” the sparrow agreed. -Give me more food.

The bear said some mysterious words to himself, and it must happen that the sparrow instantly had food.

- What kind of food is this, Mishka? - said the sparrow. — Sparrows do not feed on tadpoles. Don't you know what sparrows eat? What was your assessment of the world around you?

- A C grade at a stretch! - Mishka admitted honestly.

“What kind of wizard are you who doesn’t even know what sparrows eat?” Some kind of illiterate sorcerer.

But Mishka Udochkin ignored these words.

“Just think, I can do other miracles,” thought Mishka.

- Hey, puppy, do you want me to do something magical for you? - asked Mishka.

“I want to,” answered the puppy. - Find me a friend.

The bear again muttered some mysterious words to himself, and a pompous, prickly hedgehog appeared near the puppy.

“What, Mishka,” asked the puppy, “don’t you know that the hedgehog is a forest animal?” Hedgehogs are active mainly at night. And besides, the forest is far away, we don’t come to visit each other. Find me a friend among pets.

“I thought that hedgehogs live everywhere,” admitted Mishka.

And then for the first time the idea occurred to him that wizards also study, just like schoolchildren.

“Apparently we need to study everywhere,” thought Mishka.

“I’ll go to school again in the morning,” he decided. “And then, someday, maybe I’ll learn to be a real wizard.” Otherwise it’s somehow undignified to do ridiculous magic!!!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

How do you understand the expression: “Study is the main work of a schoolchild”?

How do you imagine Mishka Udochkin? Draw it.

Why were the sparrow and the puppy unhappy with Mishka’s magical deeds?

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?
An unlearned head is like a bird without feathers.
If you leave knowledge, you will fall behind.
Any skill requires learning.

Every adult takes the ability to read for granted. But, unfortunately, now few people read for pleasure: moral or intellectual. Modern people read several times less fiction than even representatives of the previous generation. And this trend is largely explained by the fact that most of us simply do not have information about the benefits of such an activity. Let's talk on the website about the benefits of reading books for children and adults, and answer the question of how to properly read e-books, which have been so popular in recent years.

About why little man reading books is necessary, what is the benefit for children from this?

The first books in a baby’s library may appear even before he is born. You can introduce your child to the fascinating world of the printed word, the sooner the better. There is evidence that reading aloud to babies in the first months of life has a positive effect on brain development and intelligence.

When the baby begins to become interested in the world around him, you can buy him his own books: preferably cardboard ones, with large and bright drawings. At this stage of life, reading does not play any special role; the child learns to perceive the picture, recognizes familiar characters when viewing it again, etc.

An excellent choice for children of early preschool age will be short poems or small texts. These could be Suteev’s fairy tales, Agnia Barto’s poems, etc. You can also read nursery rhymes to kids, etc.

At an older age, books should occupy a more important place in a child's life. The printed word helps develop morality and teaches us to distinguish bad deeds from good ones. Books also teach a child to help and not be indifferent. Stories and stories can be a wonderful help in raising children. Generally good literature forms the main moral guidelines for life.

Systematic reading of books in childhood helps you learn to think and analyze. The printed word teaches literacy, helps to learn to express one’s thoughts and stimulate thinking process. Even if the child does not know the theory and rules, he will still write correctly.

Reading for children can be in a great way filling leisure time. Teens who love to read don't hang around unsupervised and rarely get involved with the wrong crowd. In addition, the habit of reading can greatly bring children and parents closer together.

Adherence to the written word teaches children to perceive information, think, analyze and remember. Therefore reading from early years will make it easier to study at school, and eventually at university.

The benefits of books in the life of an older person

Scientists have proven that books are a wonderful thing. In fact, it has long been no secret that with age, a person’s thinking abilities gradually deteriorate. And systematic reading of high-quality literature will help slow down this process.

Reading classes will be especially relevant for people who have suffered severe injuries and serious illnesses. Such intellectual stress will contribute to the speedy recovery and return of lost functions.

Systematic reading helps to save. Also, such activities promote communication, provide new topics for conversations with friends and acquaintances, and become great time during boring evenings and activities, and also give peace of mind. Scientists, by the way, claim that people who read are more socially active.

It is believed that reading is an excellent cure for insomnia. This kind of time will help you calm down and tune your brain to sleep. After all, radiation from computers, phones and TVs stimulates brain activity and aggravates sleep problems.

High-quality e-books can be a wonderful alternative to paper publications. But in order for such devices not to harm your health, you need to use them correctly. Only books with E-Ink technology, which is also known as electronic ink, are safe for eye health. Reading from such a screen is like reading from paper - from a sheet ordinary book. Of course, you should give preference to high-quality books from well-known brands rather than their low-cost counterparts.

If you use a regular tablet or e-reader with a color screen for reading, your eyes will get very tired. These devices are cheaper than E-Ink books, but they have flickering backlights that can irritate your eyes.

Also, in order for reading e-books to bring only benefits, you need to follow several recommendations. This way you should only read while sitting, with your back straight. The book should be placed at a slight angle, so your eyes will hardly get tired. The distance between the screen and the eyes should be thirty to thirty-five centimeters, which is approximately equal to an arm bent at the elbow.

Do not read in poor lighting; use a table lamp, floor lamp or special lighting.

Avoid reading on public transport, as this habit causes eye strain. As a result, visual acuity may decrease.

High-quality e-books can be an excellent find for schoolchildren and students, because all the data needed for study and work can fit in one device.

Reading books is good for the brain. You just need to read the right books and in compliance with the standards described above.

Conversation with children of senior preschool age (5-7 years old)

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU secondary school No. 1499 SP No. 2 preschool department
Description: The conversation introduces preschool children to the world of book culture and the rules of conduct in a children's library

Target: Introducing preschoolers to the world of book culture, raising a literate reader
1. Develop cognitive interest to the book
2. Foster the need to communicate with a book
3. Form careful attitude to the book
4. Attract new readers to the children's library

Progress of the conversation:

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about books. What is a book? (children's answers)
Educator: The book is ancient invention people, with its help people recorded and saved useful and important information. The book was kept like a treasure and passed on from generation to generation.
Books meet a person from an early age and accompany him throughout his life. Many centuries ago, before the invention of paper, books were made from birch bark (birch tree bark), then from parchment (thin animal skin).

Ancient books were large and heavy. They took up a lot of space. Why did it take a lot of effort and expense to produce one book?
Educator: Guys, what does the book tell us about? (Children's answers)
Books are given to people huge world, tempting, interesting. The book surprises readers with different genres. Fairy tales, stories, stories, epics, poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings. People's wisdom books are carefully preserved.

Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

Educator: Guys, what else do we know about books? Among the people, people who could read were respected and revered. The Russian people have composed many proverbs and sayings about the book.

If you play with a book, you will gain intelligence.

The book is your friend - without it it’s like having no hands.
Without a book it’s like without the sun, and during the day the windows are dark.

Educator: Tell me guys, where are the books kept? (Children's answers)
Educator: Every person has favorite books at home that neatly stand on bookshelves. But imagine that a lot of books have accumulated. And they no longer fit at home.
Where then should we store books? (children's answers)
Educator: It turns out that our faithful friends - books - live in a special house called a library.

What is a library? (Children's answers) Who was in the library?
Educator: A library is a place for carefully storing books. But books in the library are not only stored, but also given out to read at home. A person who comes to the library to get a book is called a reader.
Poem about the library:

One Hundred Miracles for Man
Save the library!
Shelves are located against the walls
Waiting for change.
Interesting books
Famous writers
Exhibitions, museums,
Miracles, ideas.
Kind-hearted team
Readers are welcome, of course.
Little children -
For those who love books!

Educator: A special document is created for each person in the library - a reader's form. The form records: the reader’s last name, first name and address. The form will indicate those books that the reader chooses for home reading, indicating the number of times the book will be returned.

In the library, all books are stored on special shelves. These are so big bookshelves, from floor to ceiling.

Educator: Guys, think and tell me what is the name of the profession of people who work in the library? (children's answers)
Educator: The profession of a person who works in a library and helps children find interesting book called a librarian.

The library has two large halls:
The first hall is called a subscription. A special place where children and their parents choose what they want to read, and then take the book they like home for a while.
The second room is called the reading room. Think and tell me why? (children's answers)
The reading room is a place where children can take an interesting book and read it without taking it outside the library. Rules of silence are observed in this room so as not to disturb readers.
The library is a socially significant place, so you need to be able to follow the rules of behavior. What do you think should not be done in the library? (Children's answers)

Educator: DO NOT talk loudly, run, shout or play;
DO NOT tear, throw or dirty books;
DO NOT draw or write in books;
DO NOT bend or wrinkle the pages of books;
DO NOT tear out sheets;
DO NOT cut pictures from books
Educator: Tell me guys, how should we treat books correctly? (Children's answers)
Educator: Books must be treated with care. Library books are read by different children. These books are passed from child to child, and therefore you need to try to ensure that the book remains clean and tidy after you.

You need to remember the rule: read a book, return it to the library.

Educator: What should we do if we suddenly receive a book with a torn page? (Children's answers)


Friends, let’s not become sad,
We'll get some transparent glue.
Let's work with our hands
And we'll fix the book ourselves!

Educator: Guys, today we learned a lot of new and interesting things about amazing world books. I hope you guys will true friends books! And remember, the doors of the children's library are always open for little readers, that is, for you!

About the benefits of children's reading

“Books are ships of thought,

wandering the waves of time

and carefully carrying their precious

burden from generation to generation."

Bacon FRensis

(English philosopher, historian,political figure)

Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the fact that the importance of children's books has diminished and that rather than reading, it is better to turn on the recording disc and let the child watch. But a child cannot replace reading from his mother or father. After all, the reading process promotes spiritual communication between parents and children, establishing mutual understanding and trust. Reading together will help strengthen love, bring wonderful impressions and incomparable joy into a child’s life. In the future, reading may become reliable support for teaching and raising a child.

Thus, the first and main source of developing interest and nurturing a love for books and children’s reading is the family.

It is the parents who read the child’s first books, look at the pictures with him, and experience with the child the joy of recognition and surprise, his happiness and grief associated with the adventures and destinies of his first favorite literary characters.

It is the parents who choose and buy children's books, forming a home library, and advise the child which book to read and take from the children's library.

It is the parents who provide greatest influence on the formation of the reading range, reading tastes and preferences of children in the early stages of reading development.

The most important stimulus for children's reading is adults with a book.

Ten factsroVVbenefitreading:

1. Reading sharpens your eyes.

“Nothing so greatly expands the entire horizon of our concepts

about nature and human life like a close acquaintance with

the greatest minds of mankind." Pisarev D.

The child will understand and see better the world and people, and most importantly, himself.

It is advisable to read a good book again - you will probably find something new there.

2. Reading savesphysical health.

“Reading for the mind is the same as physical exercise for body".

AddisonD. Putting letters into words, words into images, realizing what the author wanted to express with them, and finding your own explanation for them is gymnastics for the brain.

Without any risk of injury!

3. Reading is good for the environment.

« Reading is useful ! Books enlighten the soul

lifts and strengthens a person,

awaken in him the best aspirations,

sharpen his mind and soften his heart.”

Thackeray W. If you and your child are reading a book, then the tree from which it is made was not cut down in vain.

4. Reading will teach youand your child communicate .

Walter F. Interesting remarks will miraculously transform even boring conversations about yesterday's television programs. And the growing talent of a storyteller will make it easy to take credit for the adventures of fictional characters.

This makes a particularly big impression on people who hardly read.

5. Reading helps you spend your free time.

“The reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.

A person who never reads experiences only one.”

Martin D. You and your child will never get tired of reading books, because there are so many of them that even a few lifetimes will not be enough to read them all. Don't give up until you find "your" book, because it can change your life.

6. Reading gives you peace of mind.

"Those who read books

will always be controlled by those

who watches TV".


Parents, teachers and other adults will be so happy to see the child reading that they will not bother him again.

7. Reading is good for your wallet.

« How rubles are made from kopecks,

so knowledge is formed from grains of what is read»

Dal V.

Firstly, books are cheaper than computer games.

Secondly, your friends will not have to worry about choosing a gift if they find out that you and your child love to read.

Thirdly, for those who did not receive a book as a gift, there are always libraries - books there cost nothing.

8. Reading helps you concentrate.

“A good book is like a conversation with an intelligent person.

The reader receives from her knowledge and a generalization of reality, the ability to understand life."

9. Reading is good for your figure..

“Well-done reading saves us from everything

including from ourselves...

Or more casually, a book is a refuge.” A person who reads does not need high-calorie food to cope with the hardships of a boring life. With a book you can travel as far as you wish and make your most fantastic dreams come true.

10. Reading is good for parents.

"No the best remedy to refresh the mind, like reading the ancient classics; “As soon as you take one of them in your hands, even for half an hour, you immediately feel refreshed, lightened and cleansed, lifted and strengthened, as if you had refreshed yourself by bathing in a clean spring.” Schopenhauer A.

Watching a child enjoy a book helps adults get into reading too, even if they are too busy to read. Adults will be grateful to the child for the newfound happiness.

A book is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of artistic education; it shapes a person’s personality and leaves a deep imprint in the soul, gratitude for the fact that you introduced a child into the world of beauty.

I advise you to definitely find half an hour in your daily routine to read with your child; this time will fully pay off in the future - you will become closer to your child, help him develop mentally and morally, and instill in him a valuable habit for life!

Therefore it is completely obvious benefits of books, which allows you to grow and educate a holistic, harmonious personality.
