Ramzan Kadyrov education. Ramzan Kadyrov and his women: (photo)

Ramzan Kadyrov is a famous Russian statesman and political figure, head of the Chechen Republic, Hero of the Russian Federation, who is a controversial and bright personality. He has an ambiguous attitude towards himself from society and the population, some of whom consider him a dictator, and the other - a peacemaker and restorer of what was destroyed.

Kadyrov Ramzan Akhmatovich was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentaroy, located in the Chechen-Ingush SSR. He was the second son and the most youngest child in the family of the famous political figure Akhmat Kadyrov. Ancestral traditions, loyalty in the family, respect for elders, courage, bravery and courage - little Ramzan absorbed all these concepts with the milk of his mother, who is the head of the regional charity “Mercy”, founded by Kadyrov Sr.

The most important authority in childhood for the future politician was his father Akhmat Kadyrov, whose praise was a great reward for Ramzan, which he tried to win with his hard work and brave deeds. In his youth, Kadyrov studied in an ordinary rural school, like all Soviet children, and at the same time studied the military science of the mountaineers. Therefore, with early childhood he knows how to ride perfectly and is fluent in firearms and knives.

In 1992, Ramzan Kadyrov graduated from school, but did not immediately enter university, since at that time there was a need to take up arms and go with his father to defend the independence of Chechnya. Since then, the biography of Ramzan Kadyrov has been accepted military direction.

Only in 1998, after the end of the First Chechen War, Kadyrov entered the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law, Faculty of Law, from which he successfully graduated in 2004. After receiving a law degree, Ramzan was enrolled as a student at the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2006, Ramzan Kadyrov’s education and his ability to overcome negative phenomena in Chechnya associated with the actions of illegal military formations allowed the future politician to become an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

In the same year, he defended his dissertation at the Institute of Business and Law in Makhachkala and became a candidate of economic sciences. In addition, in 2006, Kadyrov received several more honorary titles, in particular, he became an honorary academician scientific academy Chechnya and honorary professor of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

In addition to high achievements in economic sciences, Ramzan Kadyrov is a master of sports in boxing, and also holds the post of head of the Chechen Boxing Federation and heads the same football club"Ramzan", whose branches are located in all regions of the Chechen Republic.

Civil service

Since 1999, when Akhmat Kadyrov and his son switched sides from the Chechen separatist movement federal troops, Ramzan Kadyrov began to actively engage in government activities. In 2000, he became a member of a special company at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of buildings of government agencies and senior management of the Chechen Republic. In 2002, he was appointed commander of one of the platoons of this special company, and in 2003 he headed the presidential security service.

During this period, Kadyrov's influence on the territory of Chechnya increased significantly, thanks to his active work and successful negotiations with fighters of illegal armed groups in Chechnya, who in most cases renounced their beliefs and transferred to the security service of the top leadership of the Chechen Republic.

In 2004, Kadyrov’s father died, and the son of the ex-head of Chechnya was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. The elder Kadyrov was killed on the orders of the terrorist Shamil Basayev, and Ramzan announced his enmity with Basayev.

According to Russian legislation, Ramzan Kadyrov, who at that time had reached the age of 28, could not become his father’s successor and lead Chechnya, since the candidate for this position must be at least 30 years old. In 2005, the young politician took the post of acting. Chairman of the Government of the Chechen Republic, and already in 2007 became its leader.

Head of Chechnya

From the first days, Kadyrov's presidency produced positive results in terms of stabilizing the tense situation in the republic, as a result of which terrorist attacks decreased and civilians felt the long-awaited peace. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, in addition to resolving the military situation, was actively involved in restoring the country’s infrastructure and constructing a number of architectural objects. The main source of large-scale construction was subsidies from the Russian budget and resources from the public fund named after. Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov.

Also, the first period of Ramzan Akhmatovich’s reign is characterized by the Islamization of the republic, and the Chechen leader himself still demonstrates his deep religiosity. He opened the Russian Islamic University and the Heart of Chechnya mosque in Grozny in support of Sufi Islam, the traditional religion in the country.

In 2011, Ramzan Kadyrov was again re-elected to the next presidential term in the Chechen parliament and continues to successfully lead the country. According to Kadyrov himself, the key role in his political career is the support of the Russian president, to whom he regularly expresses his personal loyalty. The head of Chechnya considers Putin “the savior of the Chechen people.”

Also in 2011, there were popular unrest on the topic of facial hair, since at first Kadyrov promised to keep an eye on suspicious young people, but after a wave of questions, he said that the Chechen was and will have a beard according to religious laws, and Kadyrov is not going to fight this .

In 2015, according to a survey by the research organization Levada Center, it was found that about 55% of Russians trust the Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov. The majority of the Russian population believes that only thanks to the activities of the politician it was possible to achieve stability and peaceful life in the North Caucasus.

Kadyrov often arranges personnel changes. He recently fired the Minister of Culture, and the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs left himself. There are no exact reasons for leaving, so many believe that it is a matter of personal conflicts with the head of Chechnya.

Despite this, human rights activists constantly accuse the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov of brutal murders, kidnappings and torture of people. Some critics of the politician believe that, according to his clear instructions, crimes are committed by “Kadyrovtsy militants” who have official status on the territory of the country. Kadyrov’s guards are often seen involved in crimes and misdeeds. Other human rights activists believe that Kadyrov himself has repeatedly taken part in brutal murders and torture of citizens. In turn, Ramzan Kadyrov completely refutes such accusations, calling such statements groundless and unsubstantiated.

Kadyrov has a long conflict with. Two odious leaders literally found each other. Kadyrov calls Zhirinovsky a “clown” and demands that he be removed from the party, and he, in turn, proposes to “fence off Chechnya from the rest of Russia with barbed wire.”

Conflict with Emelianenko

Kadyrov is accused of cruelty not only towards his subordinates, but also towards his own children. In 2016, a scandal broke out around the Grand Prix Akhmat tournament, which was later dubbed “children’s fights.”

During the event, demonstration performances were to take place, in which the three sons of Ramzan Kadyrov took part. But instead of demonstrative ones, there were the most incredible real fights. This violated numerous competition rules, according to which children under 12 years old should not be allowed to participate in MMA tournaments at all, and none of the three young Kadyrovs reached this age. In addition, the boys were not wearing equipment, which is mandatory for competitions until the age of 21.

All this was pointed out by the President of the Russian MMA Union. He was indignant that the elite of the republic watched the children’s fights and did nothing, and all this was broadcast on Match.TV throughout the country. According to Emelianenko, everything that happened is simply unacceptable and contradicts the very principles of caring for children.

Kadyrov responded to the athlete on Instagram, calling public criticism unworthy of Russian heroes. He did not see anything reprehensible in the fact that his children beat other children, calling it patriotic education, but he was outraged that Emelianenko posted photos of his children to illustrate his statements, and urged him not to interfere with the growth of the country's future defenders.

All this provoked a conflict and a wave of unpleasant statements about the athlete from the Chechen elites on Instagram, Twitter and other social networks. The scandal reached the Kremlin. And although the official audit did not reveal any violations, many believe that Putin personally stood up for Emelianenko, since the tone of the scandal changed very sharply, the offensive posts disappeared, and Kadyrov apologized to the athlete.

Personal life

Ramzan Kadyrov is a zealous Muslim and even went on pilgrimage to Mecca.

He also supports many traditions of Chechnya, and sometimes appears on holidays in various historical clothes, in the costume of a hero or even in armor. In addition, Ramzan often rides a horse, which once caused a stir on the Internet. Someone spread false information that Kadyrov fell from his horse and broke his neck. Ramzan denied the rumors and was outraged by the slander.

Ramzan Kadyrov's personal life was as successful as his career. Even in his youth, Ramzan met his fellow villager, with whom he legalized his relationship in 2004. Ramzan Kadyrov’s wife, Medni Musaevna Kadyrova (nee Aidamirova), due to her husband’s position, is the first lady of Chechnya and is involved in charity work.

Several years ago, the first lady of Chechnya, Medni Kadyrova, became actively involved in fashion and founded her own brand called “Firdaws,” which became the first national brand of Chechen clothing, and opened a fashion house with the same name. Under this brand, many Czech designers release their collections, consisting of both luxurious dresses and casual wear.

Ramzan Kadyrov's wife is calm about the possibility that Ramzan Kadyrov will marry several more times, since according to Sharia law a Caucasian man can have four wives, though only with the permission of his main wife. The head of Chechnya has repeatedly stated that his second wife can only be a girl superior in beauty to Medni, who is older than him. married life never met.

However, there are rumors that Kadyrov still has a second wife. Her name is Fatima and she is only 18 years old. There has not been an official ceremony yet, and the wedding is legally required to be formalized Russian laws does not seem possible.

In addition, many media outlets have repeatedly attributed love affairs with various beauties to the Chechen leader. One of the most sensational scandals surrounding Ramzan Kadyrov and his unofficial personal life was the statement that Ramzan Kadyrov both relax together and have more than friendly relations. In response to such statements, Kadyrov stated that such accusations of infidelity to his wife are baseless and fictitious.

Kadyrov's children

Ramzan Kadyrov’s family has 10 children: six daughters and four sons. Two of the sons are adopted; in fact, they were adopted in 2007 by Kadyrov’s mother Aimani Nesievna, since Ramzan himself was prohibited from adopting teenagers due to the age difference. In fact, he is raising two adopted brothers.

This a large number of children in the family is not surprising for the southern region. Last child He was born into the family in 2015, and apparently, neither Kadyrov nor his wife are planning to stop yet. Many explain this by the traditions that Ramzan adheres to: there should be as many children as possible.

Big family lives in an equally huge house, which makes you think about financial condition Kadyrov clan.

Friendship with Timati

Kadyrov receives special favor not only from members of his family, but also from those whom he recognized as friends. This happened with, whom Ramzan even called brother.

There are always many conflicts around Ramzan Kadyrov, but not all of them are political. The head of the Chechen Republic himself intervened in the music scandal. In 2014, singer Timati was accused of drug use without evidence. A noisy scandal broke out with Timati, Bilan and at its center.

Kadyrov also made his contribution, saying that he fully supports Timati and believes that the singer has grounds to make such accusations, since Timati himself leads more healthy image life. The fact that Timati agreed to undergo a drug test finally convinced Ramzan.

At the height of the scandal, as a sign of support, he awarded the singer the title of Honored Artist of Chechnya.

Galustyan's parodies

Ramzan Kadyrov maintains warm relations with, who parodied the leader of Chechnya in the anniversary issue of KVN. Spectators and fans of the club were worried that after a bold parody, Mikhail might face a scandal or even a showdown. But, as it turned out, Kadyrov liked the video; moreover, Ramzan himself supported the idea of ​​the performance and even rehearsed with Galustyan for two days.

In an interview, Kadyrov said that he himself also wanted to attend the game, but could not, so he considered the parodist’s performance in a great way be in two places at the same time.

Kadyrov is generally very popular in the humorous sphere. A video of him laughing at one point even went viral.


Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov is a bright and serious personality. We can say that this is why his life is being followed by people who do not lead political activity. He is the head of the Chechen Republic, actively supports peace in his state, and also restored the city of Grozny with his own efforts.

Some analysts argue that his reign is not without its dark spots. Critics note that Ramzan has established a dictatorial regime in the state and is a corrupt official. So who is the real Ramzan Kadyrov, a hero or a dictator? Let's take a look at his biography below.

The politician was born in early October 1976 in the family of an active figure in the Chechen Republic - Akhmat Kadyrov. The family belonged to one of the oldest clans in the country called Bena. Literally from birth, he absorbed the traditions of his ancestors and loyalty to loved ones. The boy went to school in the village of Tsentaroy, like all children, but his home gave him the education he needed for life. This is where he was trained:

  • handle bladed weapons correctly;
  • studied Chechen culture;
  • ride horses.

In 1992, he completed his secondary education. Almost immediately after graduating from school, together with Akhmat, he entered into Chechen troops, whose enemy was the army of the federal government. The future head of Chechnya fought for 2 years against Russian army for the independence of the state.

Further events

After graduating from the first military group, he takes the post of manager of his father's security committee. In addition, the future politician actively participated in the discussion political issues, while remaining right hand Akhmat Kadyrov. In 1999, the Chechen independence organization split.

Wahhibism, which preaches Islam to radical measures, was gaining strength in the state. At this stage he switches sides Russian troops, with whom he began to feud with former friends.

Service to the state

  1. On next year Ramzan joined the organization of a special security company, where he must protect the top leadership of Chechnya. After 2 years, he became the head of this organization. At this stage, his influence in Chechnya was growing.
  2. It was he who was responsible for the successful implementation special operations, and was also the leader of negotiations with separatist groups. He wanted them to go over to the side of Russia.
  3. Many of the former militants went over to his side and began to serve Kadyrov as guards. As a result, almost the entire part of the company consisted of former militants. Together with them, he actively fought against the remaining formations.
  4. During this period, they wanted to kill Ramzan Kadyrov at least five times. After his father became president, Ramzan became the chief protection officer for the head of state.

Head of Security

Ramzan held many high positions during these years:

  • compensation manager;
  • Assistant Secretary of the Interior.

In 2004, his father died, and his son was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister. A year later he served as acting chairman of the head of Chechnya. In 2006, a conflict arose between Kadyrov and then-President Alkhanov.

The Chechen leader had a federal unit, and on Kadyrov’s side was his loyal army of his own company. And a year later, Alkhanov resigned as leader of the Chechen Republic, his decision was confirmed by Vladimir Putin. The post of head finally passed to Ramzan, who was soon approved by the Chechen parliament.

The beginning of the presidential path

The first decision made by Kadyrov was the fight against terrorists. As a result of the reforms, the number of terrorist attacks soon decreased several times. The situation in the Republic has stabilized. Peace has finally reigned on the territory of the state. The achievement of the new president is the restoration of the state.

In Grozny and others major cities infrastructure appeared, and new architectural attractions were realized. The Chechen Republic seemed to come to life. Ramzan Kadyrov has received many awards, among the main orders I highlight:

  1. "Hero of the Russian Federation"
  2. "For services to the Motherland."
  3. "Courage".

but on the other hand

However, there is another side to the Kadyrov government. The military men who are in his company are repeatedly accused of murders and kidnappings of civilians. The human rights organization Memorial recorded over 2 years (from 2006 to 2008) more than 300 cases of kidnapping, 20 of which ended in death

According to some information, collective punishment has been established in the republic. If one of the family “goes into the forest,” then the whole family dies. Journalists who worked in Chechnya were also attacked.

Personal life of Kadyrov

  • The question of polygamy has been circulating on the Internet for a long time. In the Caucasus, it was customary to have several wives, and today this tradition has not changed. Young girls willingly become at least a fourth spouse, the main thing is that the husband provides for their needs and devotes a little time;
  • The President of the Chechen Republic successfully married. His legal wife lived in the same village with him. Her name is Medni Kadyrova, she is 7 years older than him. The future spouses met at school and have not been separated since then. The girl is a fashion designer and has herself developed her own clothing line for Muslim women, “Firdaws,” whose fashion house is located in the capital of the state;
  • The Kadyrov family is raising ten of their children - 6 daughters and 4 sons, and at the request of his wife, they adopted two children from an orphanage in 2007. The last child, Abdullah, was born in October 2016.

Rumors of polygamy

Kadyrov is charismatic and Attractive man. He is in great demand among women. In the news you can often see photos of Kadyrov with beautiful girls. As he claims, these are just colleagues. There are also rumors that the president married a second time, and a young girl became his chosen one.

But, as the president said, these are dirty rumors. His wife not only runs the household and takes care of the heirs, but also leads an active life position. Moreover, this is love from youth, so there can be no question of betrayal. The woman who developed stylish clothes for Muslim women, proved to the whole world that even Caucasian girls can look beautiful.

Further activities

In 2015, a social survey was conducted on how many Russians trust Kadyrov, more than 55% have a good attitude towards him. It is he who improves life in the North Caucasus. He is known for his life position; Kadyrov is active and participates in many events. Ramzan Kadyrov succeeds everywhere:

  • Candidate of Economic Sciences;
  • master of sports in martial arts;
  • loves football;
  • uses social network Instagram;
  • starred in the film “He who doesn’t understand will understand.”

What do you think about Ramzan Kadyrov? We are waiting for your comments.

- Akhmat Kadyrov and comes from a large and very respected teip in Chechnya, the Benoy family. At the same time, as a devout Muslim and adherent of all national traditions, he enjoys great respect from his fellow citizens.

Since 2007, the politician has held the post of head of the Chechen Republic. Experts have repeatedly called him a dictator. However, the fact remains that it was under his leadership that peace was established in Chechnya, active struggle with terrorism and the city of Grozny, which was badly damaged during the first and second Chechen wars, was restored. Ramzan Kadyrov is one of the most successful and effective politicians not only in the North Caucasus, but also in Russia.

Take it to yourself:

Childhood, youth and the beginning of a political career

Kadyrov was born in 1976 in the Chechen-Ingush SSR (aul Tsentraroi) into a very influential family. Ramzan's father was a prominent political figure, Akhmat Kadyrov, and his mother headed charitable foundation"Mercy", founded by his father.

As a child, Ramzan went to a regular village school, and his parents, despite being very busy, always found time for their children. The boys (Ramzan and his older brother) with early years explained that they must honor their elders, honor family ties, be faithful to their family, observe all national traditions, and also be brave and courageous.

Ramzan, like his brother, with youth, was also trained in military science: handling firearms and bladed weapons. He also learned to ride well. The main authority for him was always his father.

After graduating from school, the young man did not go to university, but, together with his father, joined the ranks of Dzhokhar Dudayev’s military forces defending the independence of the republic. Ramzan entered the university only after the end of the war, and in 2004, after studying at the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law, he received a diploma in legal education.

In 1999, Ramzan, together with his father, Akhmat Kadyrov, took the side of the federal troops and stopped supporting the separatists. In 2000, Akhmat Kadyrov took the post of head of the temporary administration of the Chechen Republic, and in 2003 he became the president of the republic. His son Ramzan, throughout this time, worked in various services ensuring the security of government agencies and officials.

In 2000, he became part of a special police company guarding government buildings. Two years later, he took the post of commander of one of the platoons of the same company, and a year later he became the head of his father’s security service. At the same time, it was no secret to anyone that the son was his father’s right hand and, in addition to his main duties, performed the functions of his first assistant and often participated in making the most important and strategic decisions.

It is also noteworthy that when terrorist movements preaching radical views broke out again in the Chechen Republic in 1999, Ramzan, like his father, took the side of the federal forces.

Throughout the time Ramzan Kadyrov defected to the federals and joined the police, his political influence in the region continued to grow steadily, which allowed him to win over many former separatists to his side, most of whom were subsequently accepted into the company he led. Considering that at that time one of the priorities of the unit led by the younger Kadyrov was the fight against separatists, it is not surprising that there were repeated attempts on Ramzan Kadyrov’s life. The public is aware of at least five such episodes.

While Akhmat Kadyrov headed the Chechen Republic, his son continued to rise through the ranks. After the post of head of the security service under the President of the Chechen Republic, he took the post of assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs. Then Ramzan Kadyrov headed the committee on compensation payments.

When in 2004 the President of the Republic became a victim of a major terrorist attack in Grozny, his position was taken by Alu Alkhanov. However, the death of his father did not break Ramzan Kadyrov and he continued to pursue a political career and his father’s work. Under the new Chechen leader, he first took the post of deputy prime minister, and then moved to the position of acting chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic.

The relationship between Alkhanov and Kadyrov did not work out and soon (2006) the men began to openly conflict. The head of the republic was supported by federal forces, and Ramzan Kadyrov was supported by soldiers from his company. In 2007, Alkhanov voluntarily resigned. Government Russian Federation led by Vladimir Putin supported this decision.

As a result, Ramzan Kadyrov became the head of the republic, having received the support of the local parliament.

In the presidential chair

Some experts believe that Ramzan Kadyrov, wanting to restore peace in the republic, acted too harshly and call the leader of the Chechen Republic a dictator. Here we must not forget that at the moment when he took the presidency, the situation in the republic was extremely unfavorable. The capital of Chechnya, the city of Grozny, as well as a host of other settlements, were severely destroyed as a result of the fighting.

At the same time, there was an aggravated criminal situation in the region and the republic was periodically shaken by reports of further terrorist attacks. The newly appointed Chechen leader had to make a lot of effort to restore order in the republic: to stop constant terrorist attacks and restore the infrastructure destroyed during the fighting. And of course, under these conditions, Ramzan Kadyrov sometimes had to make very tough decisions.

Having taken the post of head of the republic, the first thing he did was take a number of measures aimed at eradicating the terrorist threat and fighting separatists. These actions bore fruit, and he managed to significantly reduce the number of terrorist attacks in Chechnya. Over the course of several years, the situation in the republic became more stable and peace was restored here, which was simply necessary for the local population, tired of living in an atmosphere of constant threat.

Also, speaking about Kadyrov, one cannot fail to mention that he made a lot of efforts to restore Chechen settlements damaged during the fighting. With him this process went much faster. Much has been done both for the Grozny infrastructure and for other, smaller settlements. Moreover, not only socially significant objects were restored, but also those that had great moral and spiritual significance.

It was on the instructions of Ramzan Kadyrov that the memorial dedicated to the memory of the police officers who died during hostilities and terrorist attacks was brought into proper shape. Also in Grozny, in shortest time Several large construction projects were implemented at once, some of which were financed from the federal treasury.

Now Ramzan Kadyrov is pursuing a “pro-Russian” policy in Chechnya, doing everything to maintain peace in the republic, and he has developed a good relationship with the federal center.

If we talk about the population of Chechnya, then the leader of the republic enjoys the unquestioned respect and favor of the citizens. The loyal attitude of Chechens to the authorities is also proven by the fact that the turnout for elections in the region in 2007 exceeded 99%, and this, of course, speaks of trust in the government and the active social position of the Chechens.

Wife, children, sports and hobbies

Ramzan Kadyrov grew up in a traditional Chechen family, in an atmosphere of reverence and respect for all national traditions. At the same time, the leader of the republic, who professes Islam, is deeply religious person. All these facts contribute to the fact that in the Chechen Republic Kadyrov is respected not only as the leader of the republic, but also as a devout Muslim and a worthy representative of the Chechen people.

Ramzan Kadyrov and his wife met while still schoolchildren and got married quite early. The wife of the Chechen leader is a successful fashion designer, specializing in designing and sewing beautiful outfits for Muslim women. Now there is a Fashion House in Grozny, opened by Medni Kadyrova.

The couple have 10 children: 6 daughters and four sons. It is noteworthy that Ramzan named the eldest boy in honor of his father, Akhmat. There is also great respect for the fact that in addition to their 10 children, the couple is also raising two adopted children, whom the Kadyrovs took from orphanage. The Chechen leader’s mother, at his request, also adopted two schoolchildren who had previously been raised in one of the orphanages.

Despite the presence big family and a high workload, the leader of the republic always finds time for his hobbies. He has a degree in economics and is active in sports. It is known that he really likes horse riding and Kadyrov owns five dozen racehorses. The man is also interested in boxing (master of sports) and football, and once he even starred in a movie.

Take it to yourself:

Ramzan Kadyrov, like any bright personality, is very controversial and there are people who consider his methods to be too harsh and dictatorial. But in any case, one cannot argue with the fact that he managed to restore peace and order in the republic. And this is exactly what his fellow citizens expected from him.

Ramzan Kadyrov was born on October 5, 1976 in the village of Tsentoroy, Chechen Republic. The boy was the second and most youngest son in the family of Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich and Aimani Nesievna. The family also raised an older brother, Zelimkhan, and older sisters, Zargan and Zulay. The Kadyrovs belong to one of the largest Chechen families, the Benoi. In religious terms, they are confessors of the wird of Sheikh Kunta-Haji, who belongs to the Qadiri branch of Sufi Islam, to which all the highest clergy of Chechnya belong.

The future politician’s most important authority during his childhood was his father, Akhmat Kadyrov, whose praise was a great reward for Ramzan. In his youth, Ramzan studied at an ordinary rural school, and at the same time studied the military science of the mountaineers.

During the First Chechen war Together with his father, he was in the ranks of the Chechen separatists and fought against the Russian Armed Forces. Further, since 1996, he worked as an assistant and personal bodyguard of his father, at that time one of the leaders of the separatist and anti-Russian movement in Chechnya, who declared “jihad” on Russia.

In the fall of 1999, Ramzan, together with his father, who opposed the growing influence of Wahhabism, went over to the side of the federal authorities. During this period, the young man entered the Makhachkala Institute of Business and Law, Faculty of Law, from which he successfully graduated. After receiving a law degree, he was enrolled as a student at the Academy National economy And civil service under the President of the Russian Federation.

Further, Ramzan Kadyrov began to actively engage in government activities. In 2000, he became a member of a special company under the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, ensuring the security of buildings of government agencies and senior management of the Chechen Republic. In 2002, he was appointed commander of one of the platoons of this special company, then headed the presidential security service.

During this period, Kadyrov's influence on the territory of Chechnya increased significantly, thanks to his active work and successful negotiations with fighters of illegal armed groups in Chechnya, who in most cases renounced their beliefs and joined the security service of the top leadership of the Chechen Republic. Together with his people, he personally fought the remnants of the separatist military formations. During this period, the young politician survived at least five assassination attempts.

In 2004, Kadyrov's father died during a terrorist attack while celebrating Victory Day. After this, the son of the ex-head of Chechnya was appointed to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic. According to Russian law, Ramzan Kadyrov, who was 28 years old at that time, could not succeed his father and lead Chechnya, since the candidate for this position must be over thirty years old. In 2005, the young politician took the post of acting chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic.

In 2006, Ramzan Kadyrov’s education and his ability to overcome negative phenomena in Chechnya associated with the actions of illegal military formations allowed the future politician to become an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. In the same year, Ramzan Akhmatovich defended his dissertation at the Institute of Business and Law in Makhachkala and became a candidate of economic sciences. In addition, Kadyrov received several more honorary titles, became an honorary academician of the Scientific Academy of the Chechen Republic and an honorary professor of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

On March 1, 2007, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed the candidacy of Ramzan Kadyrov for consideration by the Chechen Parliament. The next day, his candidacy was supported by 56 out of 58 deputies of both chambers of the Chechen parliament. In Gudermes on April 5, 2007, the inauguration ceremony of Ramzan Kadyrov as President of the Chechen Republic took place, where former Chechen Prime Minister Sergei Abramov, heads of several regions of the Southern federal district, President of the Republic of Abkhazia Sergei Bagapsh.

From the first days, the presidency gave positive results in terms of stabilizing the tense situation in the republic, as a result of which terrorist attacks decreased and residents felt the long-awaited peace. In addition to resolving the military situation, the head of the republic was actively involved in restoring infrastructure and constructing a number of architectural objects. The main source of large-scale construction was subsidies from the Russian budget and resources from the public fund named after Hero of Russia Akhmat Kadyrov.

Also, the first period of Ramzan Akhmatovich’s reign is characterized by the Islamization of the republic. Kadyrov opened the Russian Islamic University and the Heart of Chechnya mosque in Grozny in support of Sufi Islam, which is the traditional religion in the republic.

In 2011, Ramzan Kadyrov was re-elected to the next presidential term in the Chechen parliament and continues to successfully lead the republic. According to Kadyrov himself, a key role in his political career is the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin, to whom he regularly expresses his personal loyalty.

Ramzan Akhmatovich December 26, 2015 in Dagestan state university defended his dissertation for the scientific degree Doctor of Economic Sciences on the topic “Organization and management of the investment and construction sector and the restoration of the construction industry in a region with a destroyed economy.”

Five years later, on March 25, 2016, due to the expiration of his term of office, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed Ramzan Kadyrov as acting head of the Chechen Republic. In the next elections on September 18, 2016, Kadyrov won, according to official data, with 97.56% of the votes with a turnout of 94.8%.

In addition to high achievements in economic sciences, Ramzan Kadyrov is a master of sports in boxing, and also holds the post of head of the Chechen Boxing Federation and heads the Ramzan football club of the same name, whose branches are located in all regions of the republic.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko June 21, 2019 awarded Ramzan Kadyrov the Order of Friendship of Peoples for his significant personal contribution to strengthening friendly relations and comprehensive cooperation with Belarus. Kadyrov arrived in Minsk to participate in the opening ceremony of the II European Sports Games.

Family of Ramzan Kadyrov

Father - Kadyrov Akhmat Abdulkhamidovich, President of the Chechen Republic.

Mother - Ramzana Kadyrova Aimani Nesievna Kadyrova holds the post of head of the Akhmat Kadyrov Foundation (Ramzan is one of the co-founders of the fund), which conducts a wide charitable activities and at the same time, through companies in which the fund is a co-founder, it controls many large real estate properties in Chechnya.

Ramzan Kadyrov is married to fellow villager Medni Musaevna Aidamirova (born September 7, 1978), whom he met at school. Medni works as a fashion designer and in October 2009 founded the Firdaws fashion house in Grozny, which produces Muslim clothing. They have twelve children: four sons - Akhmat (born November 8, 2005, named after his grandfather), Zelimkhan (born December 14, 2006), Adam (born November 24, 2007) and Abdullah (born October 10, 2016); six daughters - Aishat (born December 31, 1998), Karina (born January 17, 2000), Hedi (born September 21, 2002), Tabarik (born July 13, 2004), Ashura (born December 12, 2012) and Eishat ( born January 13, 2015). Two adopted son(orphans from an orphanage) adopted by Kadyrov in 2007.

Awards and titles of Ramzan Kadyrov

Awards of the Russian Federation:

Hero of the Russian Federation (December 29, 2004) - for taking measures to suppress the activities of illegal armed groups from 2000 to 2004.
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (August 9, 2006) - for courage, bravery and dedication shown in the performance of official duty. The award was presented by Russian Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev, who arrived in the Chechen Republic. R. Kadyrov noted that “this is a very high award for me and for our republic.”
Order of Courage (2003).
Order of Honor (March 8, 2015) - for achieved labor successes, active social activities and many years of conscientious work.
twice Medal “For Excellence in the Protection of Public Order” (2002 and 2004).
Medal "For Merit in Conducting the All-Russian Population Census."
Certificate of honor from the State Duma Federal Assembly Russian Federation (2009).

Awards of the Chechen Republic:

Order named after Akhmat Kadyrov (June 18, 2005) - for services in restoration state power and personal contribution to the defense of the fatherland. A statement from the press service of the President of the Chechen Republic noted that the reason for awarding the order was Kadyrov’s activities in “maintaining law, order and public safety in the Chechen Republic.”
Order "For the development of parliamentarism in the Chechen Republic" (September 2007)
Medal "Defender of the Chechen Republic" (2006) - for services in the formation of the Chechen Republic

Regional awards:

Order “For Fidelity to Duty” (Republic of Crimea, March 13, 2015) - for courage, patriotism, active social and political activity, personal contribution to strengthening the unity, development and prosperity of the Republic of Crimea and in connection with the Day of Reunification of Crimea with Russia
Medal “For the Defense of Crimea” (Republic of Crimea, June 7, 2014) - for offering a helping hand in difficult times for the residents of Crimea spring days 2014

Foreign awards:

Medal “10 years of Astana” (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Medal “20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, 2011
Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, August 16, 2018)

Public and departmental:

Order of Al-Fakhr, 1st degree (Council of Muftis of Russia, March 18, 2007). IN congratulatory speech Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin noted: “You have preserved the integrity of the people and Russia.” In turn, Kadyrov stated that he “will serve honestly and righteously for the benefit of the Chechen people and Russia.”
Medal “For participation in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic” (February 2006)
Medal "For Service in the Caucasus" (February 2006)
Medal "For Merit in Ensuring Law and Order" (2017)
Medal “For Strengthening the Penitentiary System” (2007)
Medal "Valor and Courage" (2015)
Medal “For contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex” (2011)
Golden Star- “Honor and Dignity” with the title “Honored Defender of Human Rights” (2007)
Diamond Order of the National Fund of the Russian Federation “Public Recognition” (2007)
Honorary Badge "Peace and Creation" (2007)
Honorary Medal “For Merit in the Protection of Children of Russia” No. 001 (September 30, 2014) - for personal contribution to the protection of children
Honorary Badge of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation “For Merit in the Organization of Elections” (2014)
Medal “For the Return of Crimea” (2014)
Medal "For Merit in Providing national security"(Security Council of the Russian Federation, December 25, 2014) - for services to ensuring national security
Memorial sign “For effective and fruitful work in the fight against extremism and terrorism” (2016)


Memorial sign “For cultural achievements” (September 10, 2007). The head of the Department of Culture and mass communications Russian Federation Yuri Shubin on the last day of the Tenth Regional Arts Festival “Peace to the Caucasus” in Grozny
Winner of the “Russian of the Year” award in the nomination “In the name of life on earth” for 2007 (February 28, 2008)
Awarded the title " Honorable Sir of the Chechen Republic", "Honored Worker of Physical Culture", "Person of the Year 2004" in the Chechen Republic, "Honored Builder of the Chechen Republic", Honorary President of the Afghan Veterans Movement of the Southern Federal District, President of the Chechen League of KVN
Honorary Member Russian Academy natural sciences (2006).
On March 5, 2008, the Chechen branch of the Russian Union of Journalists accepted Kadyrov as a member of the Union, but the next day the Union secretariat canceled this decision as contrary to the charter.
Holder maroon beret special forces units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Honorary leader of the branch of the Night Wolves motorcycle club in the Chechen Republic.

Streets and parks named after Ramzan Kadyrov

Ramzan Kadyrov Street
New Engenoy
Amman (Jordan)

Quarter of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov
workers' settlement Markova

Ramzan Kadyrov Lane (Znamenskoye)
Square dedicated to the 100 days of Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov's reign as President of the Chechen Republic (Grozny)

Ramzan Kadyrov, whose biography began in the village of Tsentoroi in the then Chechen-Ingush Union Republic, was born on October 5, 1976.

A story about how the future president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, whose biography will be described in this article, grew up and what he did, is impossible without mentioning who his father was -


Ramzan's father was famous in Chechnya and beyond its religious and politician, for several years he was considered the Supreme Mufti of the Republic of Ichkeria, unrecognized by either Russia or other countries of the world. During the first Chechen campaign he fought on the side of the separatists, in the second he went over to the side of government forces. He then became the president of Chechnya, and on May 9, 2004, he died at the hands of terrorists. Several years will pass, and his son, Ramzan Kadyrov, will become his successor.

His biography continues with his graduation from school in his native village of Tsentoroi in 1992. Next - participation in the first Chechen campaign on the side of the separatists. In the second company, he, following his father, goes over to the side of the Russian troops. In 1996 he became his assistant, who was then the mufti. Ramzan then takes over as head of his security.

Ramzan Kadyrov, whose biography changed radically after switching to the side of the Russian government, from 2000 to 2002 worked as a staff inspector for communications and special equipment in a company of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Its tasks included the protection of officials and special objects belonging to the state authorities of the Chechen Republic.
