It became known about Abramovich's new passion. Roman Abramovich was credited with a fascination with Nadezhda Obolentseva Biography and personal life of Nadezhda Obolentseva

The oligarch was repeatedly seen in the company of Obolentseva. But just recently the girl divorced businessman Airat Iskhakov. They lived together for three years; this was Nadezhda’s second marriage. She was previously married to businessman Denis Mikhailov, but the relationship did not last long. Nadezhda Obolentseva is a friend of Svetlana Bondarchuk, known as the founder of the closed intellectual club "418", reports "TV Program".


Star lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky said that no high-profile trial is expected: ex-spouses We signed all the documents a long time ago. “The crowd will not receive a discussion, because there will be no process. People disperse peacefully. Look at Abramovich’s condition before meeting Daria Zhukova. His condition was more or less similar to today,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the lawyer.

He knows who initiated the divorce, but doesn’t want to divulge the secret: “This is someone else’s life. Why tarnish their names? They are decent people. They do a lot of good for other people. Let them live their good, kind lives, and do more.” and bring joy to people. Look what Dasha and Roman Arkadyevich have done for art, for sports. Let these people live!”

Let us recall that Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova met in 2005 at a football match in Barcelona. According to rumors, businessman Alexander Zhukov introduced his daughter to her future husband. According to the official version, Roman and Daria liked each other at a party dedicated to the victory of the English club Chelsea, owned by Abramovich, over the Spanish Barcelona.

05 June 2018

The capital's it-girl and the daughter of wealthy parents twice connected her life with businessmen. But life in the Hollywood Hills with her first husband and a luxurious Italian wedding with her second soon ended in divorce. New chosen one socialite - Rezo Gigineishvili..

Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadezhda Obolentseva. Photo:

"Uncompromising luxury"

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in the summer of 1983 into a family of diplomatic workers. “On my father’s side, I am a fourth-generation Muscovite, and on my women’s side, we have roots in Tashkent,” the it-girl herself says about her origins. And she adds that thanks to her parents she never felt the need. As a child, Obolentseva lived with her father and mother in Moscow: the girl was brought clothes from Europe, and boxes of fruit from Tashkent. After Nadya’s fifth birthday, the family moved to America, where the heiress was introduced to the culture, nature and sights of the country. Nadezhda experienced transitional age already in hometown, in Moscow: as a teenager, she listened to rock, hung out with friends on Arbat and proved to her parents with scandals that she did not need a personal driver.

The girl was brought to her senses by her passion for theater, instilled by her mother, and her studies at Moscow State University - Nadezhda graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Art History. Became an author in glossy magazine, blogger and founder of the closed intellectual club “418”. And also a friend of Svetlana Bondarchuk and socialite, whose name is often adjacent to the names of world brands, expensive resorts and other attributes of luxury.

The creator of the elite closed club “418”, a famous it-girl, found happiness in her personal life on her second try, and considers her first marriage huge mistake. Ex-husband At the beginning of their dizzying romance, Nadezhda Obolentseva’s businessman Denis Mikhailov literally blew away specks of dust from her; for his sake, Nadezhda broke off her engagement to figure skater Anton Sikharulidze the day before the wedding. Denis showered her with millions of roses and gave her expensive gifts, and after the wedding he surrounded her with stunning luxury. Mikhailov is a very wealthy man - the owner of a huge villa in Upper Hollywood next to the houses of Madonna and Lagutenko, a whole fleet of sports cars with a personal license plate “Denis Moscow”, but this was not enough for Nadezhda - you won’t surprise her with wealth, she herself comes from a very wealthy family .

In the photo - Nadezhda Obolentseva with her first husband

She lacked the attention of her husband, who very rarely went out with her and put his plans above her interests. Obolentseva lived with Denis for three years, and then fled to her parents in Moscow. Nadezhda Obolentseva met her second husband by chance in a cafe, and from that very moment Airat Iskhakov, top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group, tried to win her favor. What happened before his eyes important events in Obolentseva’s biography - he waited for her to break up with Sikharulidze, but at that time did not have time to start an affair with her - Nadezhda quickly married Mikhailov. But when his beloved’s marriage fell apart, he made every effort to win her heart.

In the photo - Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov

Airat, who is sixteen years older than his chosen one, was happy to throw everything at her feet. Their grand wedding took place in 2014 on the Italian Lake Como in the presence of numerous guests - all the richest and famous personalities. For the bride, Iskhakov ordered three dresses at once - two exclusive self made from Dolce&Gabbana, one from Valentin Yudashkin, and wedding rings with a Graff diamond worth more than a million euros, were made to order. The guests were entertained by Sergey Shnurov, Ivan Urgant, Eros Ramazzotti, Robbie Williams, Mumiy Troll.

Villa del Balbinello, where the wedding took place, was decorated with a huge number of roses, and a million of the same ones, only cream ones, decorated the luxurious wedding cake.

I would like to hope that the second attempt to arrange her personal life will be more successful for Nadezhda. Iskhakov is an experienced financier, he graduated from the state Ufa Aviation Technical University And Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President Russian Federation. For ten years he held leadership positions at Uralsib Bank, later joined the SMP Bank team and was appointed manager of its branch in Ufa. Nadezhda Obolentseva’s husband is a very wealthy man who can provide his young wife with the standard of living to which she is accustomed.

Nadezhda also does not sit idle and leads active image life. After school, she graduated from two faculties of Moscow State University - journalism and art history, worked as the first editor of the gossip column of the Russian Tatler, and in Lately deals with the affairs of her brainchild - a closed intellectual society"Club 418". Together with another co-founder of the club and her close friend Irina Kudryavtseva, she opened a branch of “418” in St. Petersburg, and is already receiving offers from other Russian cities.

Famous artists, jewelers and other creative personalities give lectures at their club. Nadezhda Obolentseva is from a family of diplomats, for a long time who lived with them in Central America. Talking about her family, she always emphasizes that she is very friendly with her parents, and wants her children to be also close to her in the future.

Nadezhda Obolentseva (on Instagram - nadineobolentseva) is a socialite, the founder of the “418” club. This club was founded together with Irina Kudrina, it is closed and is only allowed in on the recommendation of one of its members. The purpose of this club is intellectual pastime: famous directors, artists, writers and professors give lectures, film screenings and exhibitions are organized. Nadya Obolentseva posts announcements of these events on her Instagram. The club also has its own Instagram, where you can see visitors and lecturers.

Nadezhda Obolentseva is the only child in the family. She was born in Moscow, where she lived until she was 5 years old, but soon her parents, who held positions as diplomats, had to leave for Central America and took the girl with them. Already as a teenager, she returned to Moscow again, where she was imbued with the spirit of Russian rock, which manifested itself in her relationship with her parents: teenage rebellion did not escape this family, but it was expressed in a unique way - the girl objected to having her own driver and other similar things.

In addition to Russian rock, Nadezhda Obolentseva loves theater. She was taught this by her mother, who began introducing her daughter to the classics when she began to study the works classical literature At school. Even the cat Even Nadezhda's cat's name is Faust, and there is nothing demonic about him at all. His charming little gray face can be seen in the photo on Nadezhda Obolentseva’s Instagram. After school, the girl entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. While studying, she began working at Alexey Bokov's agency in Bokovfactory. After some time, Obolentseva left there, but they continue to communicate and cooperate.

Personal life

Nadezhda was married twice. The first time was for billionaire Denis Mikhailov. He gave her provocatively luxurious gifts, but this did not help maintain the marriage, which fell apart a year later. In 2014, she remarried another businessman, Airat Iskhakov. In fact, they first met back in the early 2000s, but did not communicate for a long time, but then fate brought them together again. Unfortunately, this marriage also broke up in 2017.


On the socialite’s Instagram, there are constantly flashes of club members, books that Nadezhda is reading at the time the photo is taken, theater brochures, and stills from photo shoots. Everyone celebrates bright beauty Obolentseva, which she inherited from her mother, and the girl willingly demonstrates it. It is also clear on Instagram that Nadezhda Obolentseva loves to have fun and celebrates birthdays on a grand scale.

As a rule, this happens in some place like the Tuscan resort of Forte dei Marmi, many guests come, they dance to a live performance of some Russian group until the morning and eat a huge cake. Last year at her birthday there were such guests as the owner of the Li-Lu showroom Oksana Bondarenko, banker Boris Davletyarov and others.

The reason for Roman Abramovich’s break with Daria Zhukova was the oligarch’s infatuation with socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva.

It became known why the billionaire. It turns out that the oligarch has a new passion - ex-editor of Tatler magazine Nadezhda Obolentseva.

Nadezhda Obolentseva is the founder of the closed intellectual club “418”. According to journalists from, she is in a relationship with Roman Abramovich. It wasn’t long before the billionaire broke up with Daria Zhukova - by a strange coincidence, Obolentseva also broke up with her husband.

Biography and personal life of Nadezhda Obolentseva

On her father's side, she is a fourth-generation Muscovite; on her female side, she has roots in Tashkent.

From a family of diplomats, she lived with her parents in Central America for a long time.

After school, she graduated from two faculties of Moscow State University - journalism and art history, worked as the first editor of the gossip column of the Russian Tatler, then founded the closed intellectual “Club 418”. Together with another co-founder of the club and her close friend Irina Kudryavtseva, she opened a branch of “418” in St. Petersburg.

Nadezhda Obolentseva’s height is 176 centimeters.

She was married twice.

First husband - businessman Denis Mikhailov, for his sake, Nadezhda broke off her engagement to figure skater Anton Sikharulidze the day before the wedding. Mikhailov is a very wealthy man - the owner of a huge villa in Upper Hollywood next to the houses of Madonna and Lagutenko, a whole fleet of sports cars with a personal license plate “Denis Moscow”.

Obolentseva lived with Denis for three years, and then fled to her parents in Moscow.

Second husband - Airat Iskhakov, top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group. They met by chance in a cafe. Airat is sixteen years older than Nadezhda. Their grand wedding took place in 2014 on the Italian Lake Como in the presence of numerous guests - all the richest and most famous personalities. For the bride, Iskhakov ordered three dresses at once - two exclusive handmade ones from Dolce&Gabbana, one from Valentin Yudashkin, and engagement rings with a Graff diamond worth more than a million euros were made to order. The guests were entertained by Sergey Shnurov, Ivan Urgant, Eros Ramazzotti, Robbie Williams, Mumiy Troll.

Villa del Balbinello, where the wedding took place, was decorated with a huge number of roses, and a million of the same ones, only cream ones, decorated the luxurious wedding cake.

Obolentseva and Iskhakov broke up in 2017.
